Christians believe that we should always pray for everyone because Yahshua
taught us that we should pray for our enemies.
Yet then
we read the Psalms of David where he prays for YHWH to turn Himself against his
enemies and destroy them.
that was BEFORE Yahshua came'.
turn our attention then to the time AFTER Yahshua.
Is it
not documented in Revelation that the Souls of those who suffered injustice during their lifetime ask when they will see vengeance for what has
been done to them?
Is that
not the opposite of what Yahshua taught, or are we missing an important element
once wrote there is a time for everything, a time to build up, and a time to
tear down.
A time
to pray FOR those who do us wrong, but also a time to pray AGAINST those who do
us wrong.
blind application of Yahshua's instruction without listening to what the Spirit
urges you to do will never yield positive results, even if you continue to pray
for your enemy, because you pray from the impulse of your intellect, not from
the impulse of the Spirit.
And to
be heard by YHWH, Who IS Spirit, you have to be moved by the Spirit in order to
communicate with the Spirit.
Only in the Ruach (Spirit) can you be heard by the One who is Ruach.
It is
the Spirit, the Ruach HaKodesh, Who can move you to pray FOR someone, it is the
Ruach Who can move you to pray AGAINST someone.
It is
important that you are not moved by angry feelings or simply by rote memory or a religious conditioning of what you are expected to do,
but rather that you learn to step back from your own emotions and learn to
listen to what the Ruach is telling you about a particular situation.
I do not
always pray FOR everyone.
Most of
the time I do, but there are times when I am confronted with such underhanded
Evil persistently acting out its nature through a completely unrepentant puppet of Evil that I am moved to pray against someone.
It is
not that I hate someone or act upon my own frustrations, not at all,
it is because the particular Evil which is coming through that person needs to
be stopped.
I have
the authority in Yahshua to stop it, and from my side I ask YHWH to eliminate
that Evil, bind it up and remove it from me so that it no longer can affect me.
I may
ask YHWH to turn the Evil someone seeks to do unto me against the Evil doer, to
remove that person from the position to do Evil.
It may
be that I ask YHWH to uncover any hidden lies and Evil schemes and bring them
to light so that the Evil deceivers are brought down.
You may not fully understand how powerful this weapon is, but our Adversary knows this power intimately.
That is why he goes to extremes to manipulate us so that we stop praying.
If you pray for certain things and they do not happen, surely you begin to feel that prayer is useless?
Especially when you pray for something and the opposite of what you prayed for happens you may begin to feel that it makes no difference whether you pray or not.
I am here to urge you to NEVER put down your gun of prayer.
The Evil One does his best to manipulate your circumstances and people you meet against you just so that whatever you pray for fails to come true, even worse, the opposite of what you prayed for happens.
He goes through all that trouble to manipulate circumstances and people against you just so that you give up prayer and stop believing that your prayers have any effect.
You effectively end up laying down your weapon of prayer and the gunpowder of Faith.
Our Enemy the Adversary he knows that when you believe in Yahshua you become one of the Untouchables and you have immense power at your disposal, much more than the power of the Adversary.
But we tend to be unaware of the power given to us by our Heavenly Father.
It is to his own best interest that the Adversary seeks to exploit this lack of awareness and turn it against us when he manipulates our circumstances so that we come to feel powerless against the Devil and we lay down our weapon of prayer.
After all, if we pray, and the opposite of what we prayed for happens, if we pray and we do not receive an answer, surely prayer is meaningless and of no effect?
That is how he succeeds in conquering us and rendering us harmless to his empire of lies: by manipulating us into giving up prayer and faith.
And it is exactly that loaded gun which blows the enemy away.
I always
listen to what the Ruach (Spirit) prompts my heart to do.
When I
see someone who inflicts injustice and who continues to act out Evil
deliberately, then when the Spirit moves me I will pray for YHWH to remove that
person from the position where he can do Evil, and to turn Himself against that
person as long as he continues to do Evil.
And I
will persist in that prayer for as long as it takes.
the one missing element in the Christian idea that one should always pray for
the enemy: there is a time when the prayer FOR needs to be turned into a prayer
AGAINST, because YHWH wants to stop a particular person or collective from acting out Evil.
If I
should pray against someone and it is wrong in YHWH's eyes, you can be sure He
will make it clear to me that it is wrong to pray in that way, because He loves
me and He wants me to do what is Good.
For me
it is not different than for anyone else: I too am in a growth process of the
Soul, and that means that during my Life certain ideas needed to be refined,
some discarded, and other ideas which remained hidden need to come to my
growth process means I have to learn what it means to do Good, and to be a
vessel for Good means that I constantly have to look and yearn for the presence
of YHWH's Spirit within me.
And quite frankly, this yearning for YHWH's presence is as natural as being thirsty for water.
I did not put it in me, and just as thirst is the expression of the need for water of my physical Body, the need for YHWH's presence it is the expression of the need of my Spirit, and YHWH put that thirst for His sustenance in my Spirit.
I can't live any other way, and I'm sure that this is the same for every single one of YHWH's children.
important to realize that with the authority you have in Yahshua also comes a
responsibility, so be careful not to begin praying against A and B and C
because you don't like them.
Sometimes when I pray against someone it is preceded by a period where I prayed FOR that
person, that YHWH would interfere and work in their hearts.
there comes a time when the Spirit moves me to pray AGAINST that person because
he/she persists in Evil, and that is when I obediently will pray against
someone or some collective.
I always
pray FOR YHWH's children who are my family in this world, no matter what.
YHWH will NEVER allow me to pray against them, because to pray against them would be to pray against YHWH, which would equal praying against myself.
Think about that for a moment.
We find
ourselves in a difficult situation where even our existence is an affront in
the eyes of the Fallen Ones who rule this world, and the closer we grow to YHWH
and the greater our dedication to serve and love our Father, the more our
Adversary will try to isolate us and make our lives miserable.
Adversary punishes us for being children of the Most High, he beats us for
loving our Father and wanting to do Good, and he has very sneaky means ways of making our lives miserable.
So we go
through a time of adversity as long as we are alive in this system of
exploitation which serves the great Lie, because we cannot conform to the Lie,
we cannot go along and fit in the group of belongers who sold out for the sake
of comfort.
And on
top of that, YHWH's children are not group creatures but individuals having
difficulty with adopting a group culture.
that's not the way we function, we don't operate by and derive our strength
from numbers, we derive our identity and our strength from our Heavenly Father,
and it is the quality of that relationship which shapes us and gives us
strength as well as a sense of belonging.
So we
are the odd ones here who meet a lot of animosity and hardship.
And so
we pray, also for those who harmed us, that YHWH will change their hearts.
there also is a time we need to pray that YHWH will turn Himself against a
person, a collective, a company, a political alliance.
Evil continues to perpetuate its ways through its puppets do not be surprised
you find yourself moved to pray AGAINST.
that happens, simply obey and do what you must do.
We are
the salt of the Earth, and sometimes it means that YHWH uses us to fire bullets
at the enemy.
We are
here only a short while (thank YHWH), and in that short time make it your number
one priority to serve YHWH and do His will.
No, your
career does not matter in the slightest, and the social ladder is built upon
false dreams and expectations, so don't waste your energy on the pursuit of the big Lie.
As long
as we are alive here on Earth we move through the alternating hours of Darkness
and hours of Light.
We move
forward on the offensive and have our strength and joy during the hours of
Light, and we do our best to endure the suffering the hours of Darkness bring
and we need to defend ourselves against the weight of Evil we feel is resting
upon our shoulders.
Over the
years I found that my prayers have changed.
to YHWH I gained more spiritual equilibrium and better discernment, and my prayers have
become more of a weapon against Evil.
constantly and persistently pray against Evil in my Life and the lives of my
family members (and my true family are those who love YHWH with all their hearts), and as such I have changed my prayers from being defensive to being
Knowing the nature of Evil and how it thrives at our expense I love to attack and offend it any way I can.
It is
said that the best defense is the offense, but the real reason why I active
bind up powers of Evil in my prayers and pray against the Evil One is simply
because YHWH moves me.
He has
shown me the nature of Evil and how it works and expresses itself in this
world, and based on what I have seen and YHWH's unction I pray against Evil in
all forms.
sometimes I must turn my prayer against someone, or something, and I obey.
The closer I grow to YHWH, the fiercer and stronger my hatred of Evil becomes.
No, not a self-righteous emotional type of hatred, but a hatred which is born from my love for YHWH and the awareness of what Evil is and what it takes to make it thrive.
Evil lives by taking innocent lives, and to align yourself with Evil means you share in the guilt of murder.
yourself in Truth and be dedicated in your love for YHWH, soldiers on the
battlefield who are here to serve YHWH and to grow in your love for Him.
I can
recommend you read the Psalms David wrote and learn from him and how he
sometimes had to pray AGAINST people and situations.
look down upon David as if he did not know better!
He had
his shortcomings and sins for which he paid a price, just as you and I also
have our own sins and shortcomings.
None of
us can exist before YHWH, and we ALL need Yahshua if we want to be saved.
David is
described in the Bible as a 'man after YHWH's own heart', so if anyone should
feel compelled to condemn David for praying AGAINST people or situations, think
if David was urged by YHWH's Ruach (and I believe he was), then YHWH wanted
David to pray against certain people and situations so that his prayer would take down the Evil they brought into David's life.
your heart to YHWH and pray that He will direct the steps of your heart, just listen and respond when He moves you.
Don't say 'yes, but...'.
Listen, act, and thus show your obedience.
Prayer in Faith is the loaded gun in the hands of YHWH's own which allows them to bring down the enemy.
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