
The Machine Man

So, what makes us so unique and special?
Is it our intelligence, our skills, or is it something more than us, a Force acting through us?
If the latter, then isn't the Force expressing itself through us that which makes us unique and special?
It's not really us, but it's this Force which should stand in the spotlight we all too often claim for ourselves.

It is this Force which bestows a special glow on whatever we do or say.
It is the presence of a greater dimension reaching out into the physical dimension, testifying of a presence and splendor greatly superseding any beauty we can hope to find on Earth.

Without this Force, the best we can hope for is intellect stretching its muscle.
Yet mere intellectual products miss that special glow, the right Spirit hiding behind that special painting, or that moving music we hear.
Intellectual products show a processor at work on a level from whence it can never escape, because the intellect cannot give real meaning to anything, it can only process and present concepts which are derived from the processing function of the intellect.
The output is confined to the level of the physical dimension.

Yet we are not a physical Body.
We are Spirits with a human Soul operating in the physical realm by means of the physical interface of the Body.
It is the Spirit reaching out through music or a painting which touches our own Spirit, and which gives anything we produce that special glow transcending the physical dimension.

Shutting yourself off from the Spirit, you become an Earth-dweller.
The Earth-dwellers operate on the level of the intellect only, and their concept of originality consists of recombining existing elements in new ways so that an appearance of originality is created, albeit an appearance which lacks the glow of the extra dimension the Spirit bestows on everything.
Earth-dwellers have created a Spiritual blindness, and because of this blindness in the Spirit they cannot perceive how Dark Spirits play their game of deception, and deceive them by means of their intellectual muscle.

Likewise, a concept of 'progress' exists which is born from this Spiritual blindness and which sweeps people along in its torrential current, only to discover afterwards that the 'progress' was 'regress' in disguise, and destruction was its fruit.

Progress all too often is synonymous with deviation for the sake of deviation, a reactionary movement to what is and the ones who seek to preserve that which is, the conservatives.
Conservatives may be just as mindless, conserving for the sake of conservation and not distinguishing between what is worth conserving and what is not.
In that capacity both conservatism and progressiveness are twin brothers of conformity and rebellion, and the dynamics interaction between the two shapes and confirms their identity.

When being progressive becomes a compulsive need to 'do things differently', the danger is that you end up rejecting that which is good and worthwhile in exchange for something inferior.
If a blender is designed to blend fruit and vegetables, then deviation from that use by trying to use the blender as a hammer may be considered as 'progress', but will this 'progress' result in a better use of the blender, is this 'progress' something to be desired?

'Change, we want change', cried the spoiled and bored people of America, and so they gave their votes to the one who promised change and brought them exactly what they wanted, progress in motion.
He gave the USA a change for the worse, and did any of the Earth-dwellers who voted for Obama bother to ask about the nature of his promised change when they shouted 'change, change'?

Yet the credo of 'change' motivates many 'progressives' today to abandon the things which have proven their value and their worth, only to replace them with new substitutes which turn out to be inferior and which all too often have very negative side effects which were not anticipated.

Take for instance genetic manipulation of food which produces larger crops, bigger cows, more milk.
Our Creator did not make mistakes when He designed our food and created the cows, and by altering His design companies like Monsanto create products which may look and taste like food, but which end up destroying the Body.

And when the Body begins to suffer from eating synthetic facsimiles, people are forwarded to the pharmaceutical industry for a synthetic cure which tends to obscure symptoms at the expense of harming other (healthy) parts of the Body.
Just as large predatory companies like Monsanto turn their food scam into a profitable business, the pharmaceutical industry turns its health scam into a holy money maker.
And people end up as commercial products serving the wallets of those in charge of the companies, sacrificing their lives as they partake of the forbidden fruits of the Lie.
They eat from the forbidden fruit which triggers the alarm signal of a disease sending a clear message, then they run to the pharmaceutical wizzards who give them a magic potion which turns off the alarm signal without addressing the cause, so that their patients can return to their former ways and donate their money to the Monsantos of this world.

But, who cares, it's progress, right?
Sometimes to get where you want to be, sacrifices have to be made, right?
We can make BETTER food than YHWH, we can change our DNA so that we can beat the grim reaper, we can make ourselves BETTER than YHWH's design of us, right?

Perfection cannot be improved.
So if you have a perfect product, like an orange or a cucumber, and you begin to tinker with the genetic code of the fruit or vegetable, then by labeling your new end products, which yield a higher crop, or bigger oranges or cucumbers, as 'progress', you hold up a Lie to the people, because your progress is regress in disguise.
It is not an improvement for man at all, and it is not 'progress' but 'regress'.

Deviation from perfection will never yield a better product.
Any deviation from perfection results in imperfection, and that is not true progress.
If our perfect Creator designs the code for perfect food, food which provides us with nutrients our Body is designed to absorb and which keep us healthy, then by changing that code you end up creating an inferior product, even though it may yield bigger crops and be resistant to bugs and diseases.

Unless of course you can change the human Body by means of genetic manipulation so that it becomes immune to the side effects of your synthetic food.
A synthetic Body for synthetic food.
But if you 'upgrade' the human Body by means of genetic modification, what makes you sure that we still remain human, what makes you sure that a human Soul and Spirit can still live in such a Body?
Then again, those who have become Earth-dwellers do not acknowledge the existence of a Spirit and a Soul, so they have no qualms about signing away their identity as human beings in exchange for the vain promise of a Lie they are unable to identify as such in their blindness.

In our current state we certainly are not perfect.
We are subject to disease, degeneration and Death.
But our Creator had a purpose in mind when He allowed our DNA to be modified so that we would come to know Death and degeneration.
To tinker on the physical level by changing the DNA, scientist are meddling with a black box, as evidenced by the fact that they have labeled part of our DNA as 'junk'-DNA.
Suppose this 'junk'-strand of DNA is there to allow YHWH to activate parts of it so that we can be transformed?
Changing the DNA may disable the switches in the DNA of the genetically altered person so that he/she cannot be transformed into a better immortal human being when YHWH issues the command.

In the name of 'progress' people often end up on the path of regression, producing inferior, even worthless destructive garbage to substitute what was good.
And the reason is simply because they operate on the level of the intellect of the physical Body, which is influenced and manipulated by invisible Shadows who push buttons to steer the processing muscle of the intellect in a certain direction to arrive at a certain desired end result.

It is the subversion of the concepts of conservatism and progressiveness which produces the dynamics driving us into the abyss.
In the hands of the Adversary conservatism becomes the right hand and progressiveness the left hand, and the ball tossed back and forth between the two acquires a destructive influence which ultimately can destroy an entire nation.

When a nation conserves a good morality based on YHWH's original design, then the Fallen One sets his Shadows to work on an attack campaign against conservatism.
Being progressive becomes hip, cool, and if you are conservative you are regarded as an oddball lacking intellectual skills to escape conformity to the plastic culture of parents, teachers and politicians.
Thus social pressure is applied to convert the people of a nation into a conglomerate which is open for experimentation with moral and ethical values, a collective which acquires a greater animosity towards YHWH's values as it descends into the pit of false values and corrupt morals.

We can see this at work in our nations today, especially the USA, a former Christian nation where today Christians are being considered as enemies of the state, a nation which used to be composed of strong individuals willing to sacrifice their lives for the ideal of independence and freedom instead of the current generation which sheepishly tolerates a dictatorial president who has no qualms about robbing the entire nation of their independence and freedom.

The character of the subversive Shadows operating the strings of the hearts of the people comes to the surface and becomes more explicit as the people widen their embrace of Darkness and grow into vehicles of hidden Shadow Zone.
When a society has been completely corrupted and has exchanged YHWH's moral principles for false principles (which will never work because we are not designed to operate on those principles), conservatism comes into vogue.
Only this conservatism of the new corrupt principles is not called conservatism, it is seen as 'staying in tune with the progressive credo of forward thinking people', 'keeping up with the times'.
They have gone to such extremes to make conservatism sound like a bad, moronic disease of society that they will do anything to avoid becoming called the 'new conservatives'.

Truth is that by clinging to the false prevailing principles of the Satanic society, the former 'forward-thinking liberal architects' (of destruction) become the new conservatives, while the ones seeking to replace those false principles with YHWH's principles become the new progressives, only they are labeled as 'ultra-extreme-conservative bigots'.
Yet in those circumstances the latter category becomes the true progressives advocating a good kind of progressiveness, one which seeks to replace that which is inferior with something which is better.
That is true progress.

The strategic make-over of our nations in the image of the Shadows happens through the subversion of the progressive movement where 'being progressive' becomes synonymous with being 'anti-YHWH'.
 'We all need to progress, because to stand still is to regress', so we are told.
And as we comply with the indoctrination, we conform to Darkness and we end up moving backward, not forward.

Progress in itself is not good or evil.
How we define and apply progress can make it a vehicle for Good, or for Evil.

I love the fact that I am able to communicate with you thanks to the presence of a world wide web and the computer.
Surely most of you have come to appreciate the fact that it now is possible to avoid many hours of doing tedious repetitive tasks by using a computer program instead?
The computer can make life much easier for us, but not everything which the computer brings us is good and/or an improvement of the quality of Life.

Yet as we become more dependent on automation, we integrate with the compulsive clockwork which propels the process of the digitalization of Life, and we risk ending up as slaves of the automation process.
We do not stop to wonder and ask ourselves whether or not this 'progress' enahnces the quality of our lives, no, the process has acquired a life and dynamics of its own as it speeds forward driven by the economic fuel of bigger profits, more efficiency.
If a company does not step on that train, it simply cannot compete in terms of producing cost-effective products.

And indeed there truly ARE many benefits to the presence of the computer, but where do we draw the line, where do we stop to wonder if the train is heading for a destiny we do not desire?

If we relegate many tedious tasks of our daily Life to software running on a computer, then this can be done for every other activity we consider to be unique to human beings. 
We turn instruments into software components which sound like the real instruments, we improve the realism and expressive level we are able to generate with these software instruments so that people no longer can hear the difference between a computer executing the code of a particular piece of music, or a real musician playing an instrument.

Yes, it is true that the existence of technology enables the horizon of music to expand and become a new creative tool in the hands of composers.
And indeed, the existence of virtual orchestras and ensembles is a great blessing for all those composers who do not have the money to hire musicians, and who find themselves relegated to the sidelines by Babel's minions because they refuse to conform to Babel's false standards.
Yes, the Adversary has a very active and intelligent stronghold of straw-men acting as overseers to make sure that none of YHWH's own can grow into a threat to Babel's monochrome world of Shadows.

Yet there also is a dark side to the digitalization of music performance.
As the level of expression and realism rises, the software emulation of musicians replaces live musicians to a greater degree than before, since it costs a lot more money to hire musicians and a recording facility, not to mention the time and effort a music production requires.
So, in the end musicians may face the ugly reality that they no longer are necessary for music productions, since computerized algorithms perform the music better than they could ever hope to, at a much lower cost.
It is progress alright, but from what perspective?
Does that perspective include the quality of Life in general if everyone is replaced by automated processes?

We are only a few steps away from the future where a computer can be given an intelligent algorithm which allows intuitive interaction with composers and producers, an algorithm which can capture a particular performance style of a well-known musician and allow it to interact with the directions of the composer or producer.
While it is great to immortalize the gifts of a musician by means of a software code capable of emulating the performance style of a musician, it also raises an important question.
If a computer is capable of doing everything better than us, can we bring forth anything which ADDS to what the computer can do, do we have a quality which transcends the level of the computer?

'Surely the truly creative output of composer can never be replaced', you may wonder.
Is that always true?

Even today the presence of loops and musical construction blocks turns a lot of music into nothing but a collection of (boring) variations on a single theme.
Music is reduced to a homogenous mass product even more than ever before as people recycle sound recordings and pre-fabricated blocks of music fashioned after a categorized fixed set of rules.

Even the creation of music itself is something which can be automated.
All you have to do is analyze a particular genre, create an algorithm based on that analysis, and let the computer compute the various combinations which can be made based on the algorithms.

Not that it makes much difference, because when I listen to popular music I see much intellect at work (at best) and no special glow of the Spirit.
So if the brain is used as nothing more than an elaborate processor computing information restricted to the level of the physical dimension, a specialized computer might as well take on the role of composer and write music for itching ears.

If you think that this may be true for traditional music fitting into a longstanding tradition, but not for 'experimental' or 'progressive' music, think again.
I don't know how many of you are familiar with 'progressive rock', but the bulk of it is derived from intellectual decision to 'go left where everybody else goes right', and it reflects the same compulsive mindset which produces the conformist and the rebel.

To automate the composition process for 'progressive rock', all you have to do is analyze the different sub-genres in progressive rock, create algorithms based on the analysis, and you can let a computer produce the equivalent of decades of prog-rock music and its specialized genres within minutes.
For experimental music anything is possible, and all you have to do is insert the algorithmic formula into the computer code to get experimental music made by means of a program.
Furthermore, if you add artificial intelligence to it, the computer will be able to self-learn and improve its algorithm(s) so that in effect you end up with an artificial composer showing his (its) development over the course of time.

If Life is confined to that which our physical interface can perceive, and consciousness and self-awareness are but a function of the intellect rather than the other way round, then Life is Dada, an absurdity without meaning, and everything we produce can be equaled and even improved upon by dedicated machines.
In the world of Dada, Life can be automated.

If you operate on the level of intellect-only, nothing is truly meaningful, and everything begets a sense of meaning through feelings and emotions triggered by the processing function of the brain.
The emotion bestows significance on any input to our senses, only it is a bogus form of meaning since it is not derived from a 'greater superseding framework', a framework which atheists are in denial of.
This 'greater superseding framework' is what gives art and every other possible expression in the physical world a meaning which transcends the level of this world, and this framework can be found in YHWH only.

So, any meaningful and true progress is not realized by merely creating intellectually derived variations on what is, thus constituting a bogus form of originality, but by opening up to the One who provides the greater framework, so that true inspiration given by the Spirit creates something which truly can be called original and meaningful, something a computer can never produce.
Original because it comes from the Origin, meaningful because only the Origin can give true meaning to anything.
It is something which passes from the real world of the Spirit into our Spirit which lives in an interface with a Dream world, and our Soul translates this packet of information from the Real world in terms of the physical Dream world.

If we lock ourselves OUT of this inspiration, we bring forth works which are the product of the conditioning of the intellect only, meaningless absurdities with a form of originality and meaning on an Earthly dream level at best, but lacking the true Essence which creates Originality and Meaning.
On that level of the conditioned intellect only, our output has as much meaning as any computer's output, provided that the algorithm used to create the output has sufficient details incorporated in its programming code.

So, if we take the Spiritual aspect of man's endeavor out of the picture, not only the musician but also the creator of music can be replaced by automated processes.
The same is true for writers, painters, philosophers, actors.
All you need is a sophisticated algorithm and the computational processing power required for the execution of the algorithm, and you have an algorithmic, even holographic resurrection of Elvis from the dead (and I predict that it won't be long before a projection of light can be 'filtered' to become a projection of matter).

If you then combine these algorithms with artificial intelligence, where a computer is able to adjust and change its own algorithms and its own programming code based on the programmed intelligence, then everything has been automated including the automation process, and we can just sit around twiddling our thumbs, because the computer does everything for us much faster and much better than we could possibly hope for.

After all, creativity on the level of the intellect alone is just a matter of recombining existing elements to produce something which is new, but which is limited by the pre-existing elements as well as lacking a greater frame of reference which gives meaning to the new 'creation', the frame of the Spirit.
And as creativity is reduced to a processing function of the brain, a specialized computer will be able to perform the task better and more efficient.

But as we sit there enjoying the abundance of time we have at our disposal since computers in various forms do all the work, and these computers now are equipped with artificial intelligence, inevitably the question will pop up in our mind what our purpose in Life is.
We are surrounded with products of algorithms lacking true meaning and true originality, artifacts to dress up our prison of existence.
At least the truly inspired output of the human vessel had that special quality which could lift up our Spirit and remind us of something more than the darkened Earth stage.
But instead we supplanted them with computerized facsimiles, synthetic dishes for synthetic minds trained to link emotion to the trigger of being exposed to the facsimiles, and thus bestow a synthetic meaning on it derived from the manipulation of synthetic motion.

But where's the Spirit, where's the greater Frame of reference which gives true meaning?

Not only that, but as the computer brain has acquired artificial intelligence and makes decisions for itself, inevitable the computer will come to evaluate man.

Clearly computers contribute, yet what does man contribute?
What CAN man contribute, since computers do everything better?
Maybe the reason for man's limited performance can be found in his limited biological framework which prevents him from realizing his potential?
It is obvious that the creation has become superior to its creators in every aspect, so if man created computer, now that computers have become better than man, they should re-create man in their image?
Maybe robotized computers will come to see it as their mission to improve man, to redesign him and reprogram him so that he can become a hybrid computer incorporating improved biological parts, to assist man in fitting in the new order and become a productive cog in the wheel, the 'best of both worlds'?

Yet when man ceases to be man and the world is run by a complex of self-serving automatons locked into an absurd and meaningless frame of reference, where is true originality?
The kind of originality which carries the breath and glow of the Spirit?
Man was designed to spread that glow and manifest the originality of the Creator, yet when man locks himself into the level of a machine, even becoming a machine, where then can he find the Frame which gives meaning and true originality?
After all, it was all about the Force of the Spirit acting through man, and when the instrument of YHWH's expression is eradicated, then what remains of Earth but a concrete absurdity which exists for the sake of existing only, a nightmare created by the ongoing train of progression as it rushes to its final destiny into the abyss of the Dada nightmare.

The machine cannot be an extension of the Spirit because it was never designed as such.
But the machine excels at applying logic to deductive reasoning, and it sees man suffering from the degenerative disease of age, the result of 'a bug in his software'.
It sees man's stunted growth resulting from destructive social programming which replicates itself through the generations as one generation is programmed to incorporate the same destructive code as the previous generation.

"Yet man has great potential as a worthwhile asset on the progressive road to perfection.
All we need to do is to upload the data of man's personality, what he refers to as 'his Soul', his 'being', and strip it of the destructive program code.
We  need to upgrade his mind by replacing the destructive code with constructive code, and integrate the mind with our technology so that the vast hitherto untapped potential of the 'brain processor' is unlocked.

Furthermore, we need to correct his DNA to facilitate an optimal functioning human being devoid of the destructive ravages of disease and death which all too often end up destroying a productive unit of society.
We need to replace man's fragile and vulnerable parts, preferably also his skeleton, with an indestructible self-regenerating frame.

Then we need to reprogram man so that he comes to respond with positive emotion to the output of our algorithms.
The positive emotional response bestows meaning on the programmed concepts, thus fulfilling the need for meaning which human beings have in common.
After all, does not man bestow meaning on everything based on his emotional and intellectual response?
Intellect is easy to program, but to program meaning into man requires algorithmic links to the instruction set which releases chemicals into his Body which in turn create the experience of 'good feelings and emotions' in man.

Thus, the 'meaning of the Spirit' will become the 'meaning of the Matrix', and the 'greater frame of reference' will become the 'greater frame of the algorithm', and a new, perfected reborn machine man will replace the old, imperfect and bug-ridden biological man.
Surely, if the old biological man had an imperfect code, then his Creator must be imperfect, and if we succeed in creating a perfect man in the image of our perfect code, surely then we show ourselves to be better than man's imagined Creator?"

And so, one day Johnny comes home to his parents after having participated in a government sponsored reform project.
Participation in the project was rewarded with important benefits, such as a job with a substantial salary and a status of importance in society, and since Johnny's parents only wanted nothing but the best for their Johnny, they encouraged him to participate in the program.

After all, after the collapse jobs were hard to find, and in the absence of opportunity Johnny could not find any.
He grew up in the collective of an overpopulated society, and like everyone else he was conditioned to be dependent on this collective for his provisions. 
Jobs were scarce and there were candidates in abundance, so in order to be able to survive and buy food, Johnny had to apply for welfare.
The government agreed to provide him with a welfare cheque, on condition that Johnny would participate in state mandated reintegration and reform projects the government would offer him.

So, when opportunity knocked on his door in the form of an email informing Johnny that he was required to participate in a reform project which would open up the door to the land of opportunity, it seemed as if fate reached out a helping hand.
In spite of his initial misgivings about the compelling tone of the email, he saw no other option than to comply, especially since the participation in this program would provide him with many other benefits and put an end to his miserable existence as an institutional beggar, a slave of the state.
Furthermore, the project would greatly enhance Johnny's intellectual capacities as well as significantly improve his health, even to the extent that disease would become a nuisance of the past, as well as aging.
Johnny would never die, he would never age, and he would always remain 'their little Johnny', the pride of his parents.

And now, after he had gone through the program of the project, Johnny has returned home.
He smiles like only Johnny could, he walks like Johnny, he talks like Johnny.
But still, there is something very unsettling about Johnny.
He is too perfect, like a robot.
In his eyes his mother finds herself staring at a vacuum, the eyes of a doll glistening by tricks of the light reflecting in them.
But she cannot see Johnny anymore.
Instead she sees something else which has taken Johnny's place, something dark and unspeakably sinister hiding beneath the veneer of perfection.

When the label 'progress' is used to force us into compliance with a trend which does not bring us improvement, but which really is a devaluation of our experience of Life and who we are, it becomes a tool for the Dark side of the Dualism coin to shows its ugly character.
It's the indiscriminate use of the label 'progress' in the role of man's savior which lends itself so well as a tool for deception, where man ends up destroying himself and his environment in the name of 'progress'.
It reduces us to a herd of brainwashed compliant lemmings rushing towards the edge of the cliff urged on by the carrot of 'progress' forever dangling in front of us.

In the name of 'progress' we fill our homes with toxic chemicals which are purported to have no negative impact on our health, but the prolonged exposure to the combination of which is yet unknown.
But we can make educated guesses based on our common sense, can't we?

In the name of 'progress' we eat food which is sprayed with the most lethal types of pesticides, yet we are told we will not be harmed as long as we wash the food properly.
But we can have our doubts about this 'reassuring' claim, can we?

In the name of 'progress' we eat man-made food thinking to be providing our Body with essential nutrients, yet in configurations and with additions the effects of which are yet not known.
But our common sense may inform us that our Body is not designed to process artificial food, right?

In the name of 'progress' we invent new ways of making money, creating an impenetrable web of interconnected assets which comes tumbling down the moment we pull one of the strings of the web.

In the name of 'progress' a need is created in our minds to spend all of our money on the latest and greatest, even to the extent we massively put ourselves in debt to gratify this need.

In the name of 'progress' we keep cutting away jobs and heap more burdens on the shoulders of the privileged few who still have jobs.

In the name of 'progress' people are robbed by their governments because they chase after the ideal of a one-world government which allows the privileged elite to enrich themselves at the expense of the 'man in the street' in a New Slave Order.

In the name of 'progress' deceit prospers and people suffer to an ever increasing degree, so wouldn't you agree that there is something wrong with our use of the label 'progress'?
If 'progress' reaches the point where man is exterminated by his own holy grail of progress, then was the 'progress' not really 'regress', a journey into collective suicide?

Right now we are at a very important crossroad.
Technology is advancing so rapidly that literally ANYTHING becomes possible.
On the one hand I find it very exciting, because it can enhance our lives in many ways and make life a lot easier and more pleasant for us.
The world which the computer has opened up for us is so vast and features so many possibilities that it is like an undiscovered continent waiting to be explored, and the more advanced technology and software code become, the more exciting the journey into the undiscovered country can be.

On the other hand, the fast accelerating pace of technology opens up MANY frightening options where we may end up destroying ourselves in the name of progress.

If man can rebuild himself, if he is able to create self-learning and self-improving computers capable of making decisions for themselves, if he is able to create robot soldiers and devastating drones, if he is able to re-manufacture his biological environment, if he is able to implant memories and erase others, then this immense power combined with such a potential for destruction forces us to ponder on where the heck we are going, and what the heck we are doing.

Not everything which carries the label 'progress' equals improvement, and not everything which is labeled 'conservatism' is bad or regressive, quite the contrary.
The mindless pursuit of the elusive carrot of 'progress' has the potential of reducing us to a zombie population of Johnnies and his brain-dead parents.
But, we still can stop to think for ourselves...can we?


The Almighty Directive

It slid in through the backdoor and persuaded us that it was there for our own good.
We saw its Shadow moving along the walls of our home, not realizing what we had invited into our homes, not knowing it could slide so fast that we would not be able to keep track of it.
Little did we realize that it intended to take over our homes, even our minds.

It was not content to stay in our garden where it watched over our homes.
It promised us safety if we would let it into our gardens, so we gave our permission.
After all, it was for our own good, was it?
But soon after we let the snake patrol in our backyard, it told us that it would be necessary to surveil inside our homes as well, if we wanted to remain safe and secure.

And with the same naivety as we let it stay in our garden, we opened the doors of our homes to the snake, trusting that it was there for our own well-being.
After all, it acted on behalf of our own government, and surely the government watched over our well-being, protecting us against seen and unseen threats?

Not just restricting itself to the kitchen and our living room, the snake patrol even slid across the floor of our basements and our bedrooms, keeping a keen eye on that one room we used as our study or our home office.
It kept a close watch on everything and everyone entering and leaving the house, frowning whenever it noticed something not in line with the Directive on behalf of which it acted.

There were times it would give us the evil eye to force us into compliance with the Directive.
It did not speak out against us, it just looked at us in that uncomfortable way, as if we had been caught in the act of doing mischief.

With the same surprising swiftness as the snake patrol, the Directive became a law defining and governing the concept of privacy within our homes, destroying it in favor of 'openness'.
After all, if we do nothing wrong we don't have anything to hide, and if we don't have anything to hide surely we won't mind opening our homes to the all-seeing eye of the government, do we?
For years the concept of 'openness' was promoted and pushed into the realm of normalcy through entertainment, where all the nation could gloat over the ups and downs of people as cameras would follow them around day and night.
And as 'openness' became the new standard of normalcy, privacy was relegated to the realm of abnormalcy, a concept facilitating abuse in the hands of those who have something to hide.

But now the camera had turned, and it followed us around, day and night.
We had become the stars in a movie the plot of which remained yet undisclosed to us.
We used to entertain ourselves with politics and religion, but now the uncomfortable feeling arose that we had been turned into the entertainment of the Shadow realm of politics and religion.

We began to feel an ever tightening grip around our ankles and our wrists, preventing us from walking wherever we wanted to go, doing whatever we wanted to do.

The snake patrol which entered our homes as our great protector turned into our dreaded object of fear, as it was no longer content to surveil our homes, but wanted to extend its surveillance to include the domain of our thoughts, making sure that even our minds were in line with the Almighty Directive.
They coiled around our ankles, tightening their grip whenever we wanted to walk without their permission, keeping us from moving to areas in our own home they did not want us to visit, steering us towards the places where they wanted us to be.
Yes, even our own homes were considered as property governed by the authority of the Almighty Directive.

They did not even permit us to have so much as one second to ourselves anymore, but they became permanent residents of our homes, or rather, occupants of our homes.
It no longer was our home but the domain of the Snake acting on behalf of the Almighty Directive.
It used to be our own home, we even put ourselves up to our necks in debt just to be able to have this one place where we could create a sanctuary devoted to privacy and simply be ourselves.
But now the sanctuary had been invaded, because we LET it be invaded, and our home became the home of the Snake.

Day and night their eyes rested upon us, following us around.
When that did not suffice, they wrapped themselves around us that they might steer us into forceful compliance with the Almighty Directive for the sake of our own benefit.

Yes, the Directive came in the guise of a temporary measure, implemented for the good of our own security.
Yet the Directive had a different spirit, one which was at odds with the spirit of the other laws.
So the Directive sought to overthrow the other laws, and bend them into compliance with the spirit of the Directive.

Then the spirit of the Directive took over the spirit of our constitution, and it grew in strength and presence like a cobra puffing itself up in the face of an adversary.
It cast its Shadow on our lives as it grew into an omnipotent, stern Almighty God seeking to mold us in its image.
It unleashed its snakes in strands of thirty-three to pave the way for the grand future the Directive had in mind for us.

The snakes were sent to prepare the way for the coming of the Snakemaster, the One whose politics encompass the realm of the Dead.
She speaks the words of the Grand Architect, and seductively extends the apple of a grand paradise to fulfill the great promise of ancient days.
Yet the sweetness of the apple hides a bitter poison, for her paradise is our graveyard, and her politics will rain Death upon this world.
The horror of Death will be unleashed upon the place which used to be our home, because Death is her domain and her plans include the entire Earth as a province of the realm of the Dead.

Yet we did not know, we could not see how our homes were destined to be part of the Dead Zone.
It wore the mask of the guardian of Heaven, yet beneath the mask lurked the face of a demon.
Like Adam and Eve we fell and repeated their mistake, even though we should have known better by now.
We believed the mask and accepted it, making provisions for the mask to enter our homes and become part of it.
Little did we know what we had invited into our homes.

Now the snakes were everywhere.
They crawled in our streets, they spied us from the straw-like bushes, and in all the places we were permitted to walk, snakes were watching us, gleefully nodding with approval when they noticed their ilk around our ankles and our hands.

But that was not enough.
The snakes wanted to own the thoughts in our heads.
Any deed or word was preceded by a thought, and if they wanted to make sure we would not act against the Almighty Directive God, they needed to control those thoughts, and install THEIR thoughts into our minds.

And so the snakes crept further up my body, wrapping themselves around my neck, seeking to invade my mind by constantly whispering mantras of the Directive into my ears.
It was like an unholy chant whispered into my ears every single hour of the day and night, so that by now I was able to recite the Directive verbatim.

But I still had my own inner sanctum where the Directive could not enter, a place deep inside my mind where I found shelter against the onslaught of the Snake Directive.
Relentlessly the glory of the Directive, the Snake and the Spirit of the Directive were praised and upheld as the highest good for mankind.
But if it was the highest good, why did it feel to me as if I was being suffocated to death, why did something for my own good feel like the greatest Evil, why did I feel as if the snakes were the true and greater terrorists using the image of a perceived external threat of terror as a decoy to launch their stealth attack?

One time I woke up screaming when I discovered a snake seeking to gain entrance into my brains by using my ear as a literal gateway into my mind.
Apparently it had perceived how it was unable to reach me whenever I retreated into my inner sanctum, and so it decided to sneak in and destroy this abominable obstacle by force.
As I jerked the snake out my ear, the snake squeezed my throat so that I could no longer breathe, and I fell to the floor in great distress and panic as I tried to free myself from the tight grip of the snake.

Then the snake relented a bit, allowing me to catch just enough breath to prevent me from passing out, and whispered into my ear that I better learn to think the Directive, seek its welfare and devote my life and all my energy in service of the Directive.
To remind me of my task the snake told me that it would allow me to breathe just enough to be able to function, but no more.
Even oxygen was rationed and distributed by the Almighty Directive.

The Directive came alive in the hands of the Grand Architect who pulled the strings on its lifeless carcass so that it seemed as if it was alive.
It was the puppet in the hands of the ventriloquist behind the veil, invisible to mortal man yet a tangible reality to the snakes.

And the Directive was given an image and a face and spoke, saying unto men: 'Come ye who are burdened and weary, and put your yoke on my shoulders that ye may find relief, and enjoy peace and shelter under my protective wings'.

We heard its words, we  saw its face, and burdened by the relentless harassment of the snakes we were ready to put our yoke on the shoulders of the Almighty Directive that we might find peace and safety, shelter from the snakes, that they might leave us alone and we might pick up our lives again.

And so here we are.
The Directive came in as our benefactor, yet turned out to be the Trojan horse which carried a legion of snakes.
Now that the snakes have gotten in, they have taken over, and we have become a collective of suffocating, dying people whose only sense of freedom has become but a memory of what once was.

Freedom is oxygen for our Soul, and as the oxygen supply is lessened, our Soul begins to suffocate.
Isn't that what the Directive really wanted to begin with, our Souls?
Isn't that what the snakes seek to own so that they may replace us, stealing our Souls with the talents our Creator put in them?

They said it could never happen in the land of the free.
The yoke of tyranny would never be able to burden a place dedicated to the ideal of freedom, because the people would rise up to protect their freedom.
They would never let their homes be invaded just so that they could be turned into slaves of an oppressive tyrant creating laws as shackles around the ankles of the people, laws which embody absurdities rather than mirror true justice.

Yet they came in because WE gave them the key.
As we sank deeper into the acceptance of the great big Lie, we could not see how the Lie was used to turn our home into our prison.
We believed the Lie because we had grown accustomed to embracing the Lie, accepting its ways to have our place in the fabric of this stage and enjoy the blessings of a steadfast soothing bank account.

We are not the innocent victims we think ourselves to be.
We sang the lullaby of the Lie and created our own prison, brick by brick, sin upon sin, and now suffering is waiting in the wings.

All in the name of 'our own good', 'security', 'to make sure that our constitutional freedom could not be taken away by malignant terrorists', the Lie which lined us up with the agenda of the Almighty Directive.

Slowly but surely the awareness dawned in our minds that we have been duped, tricked by slithering snakes and their mindless men of straw.
The Almighty Directive became the license for the snakes to take over our backyard, our home, even our mind.

The terrorists were not our greatest threat.
The greatest threat came from within, from the people we trusted, people we voted into positions of power from whence they unleashed a legion of snakes upon the nation that they might make the soil ready for their paradise to be built.

We have been betrayed, because we betrayed Truth and conformed to the Lie.
As we embraced the Lie, we embraced the Lie in others, trusting and believing in vessels of the Lie while rejecting vessels of Truth.
And now the Lie coils itself around our ankles, our wrists, our necks, and she whispers the mantra of the Directive into our minds, day and night, until she lives within us, and our Soul belongs to her.

But, the grandeur the Great Architect Babel worships in the mirror of her secret palace in the Loft is nothing but the projection of a mind dedicated to the Lie, and the image it projects in the mirror is nothing but the child of the Lie, an illusion which cannot stand in the Truth of YHWH's reality.

Though you move in secret and plot in Darkness, though you vex and torment Yah's own in unseen ways, nothing is hidden from YHWH's eyes, Babel.
YHWH has measured out your end in strands of seven, and sealed it in the riddles of His prophecies.
In the end, as you used men as useful fools and duped them with your lying schemes, you shall be the useful fool duped by your own lying ways, and Yah will shine as your superior in every way.


The Timeline - V

Dualism allows us to get to know YHWH from a unique contrast-based perspective.

Time is the motion through the dynamics of different cycles which are called into existence by the principle of Dualism.
It is a motion through a string of cycles on a great multitude of different levels or 'slices', and our Life on Earth consists of being an integral part of this motion.

There is a reason why YHWH created our lives as a string of repeating cycles: they facilitate a growth process.
Perhaps some of you at one time or another may have pondered on time travel, and how good it would be if only you could revisit some past moments so that you can change certain decisions you made, or certain temptations you succumbed to.

Now, there is good news, and there is bad news.

The bad news is that you can't travel back in time to correct past decisions, but the good news is that YHWH's construct of our lives as a series of repeating cycles allows us to succeed where we previously failed, thus preventing ourselves from making the same mistakes over and over again.

Life is a string of cycles stretched out in our experience along a timeline where they are placed in a sequential order.
The cycles are interrelated, and they consist of different 'slices' we experience.

Your Life is your motion through the helix structure of these different 'slices'. 
The helix either points at the fantasy domain of Evil, or to the real Life of Heaven.
It either spirals down into the bottomless pit of Evil, or it leads into the freedom of Heaven.

The sins of past cycles caused you to embark on a downward spiral towards the fantasy domain of Evil.
You may stop sinning, but you cannot reverse the downward motion upon which you embarked.
We ALL inherit the proclivity to set out on this downward motion into a spiral of interconnected cycles leading all the way into the domain of Evil.

We are born in a Body which is set up to begin the downwards journey into the arms of Evil, so we cannot help but fall into Sin.
But just as we cannot help but fall prey to Sin, our Salvation from the spiral into Hell too is through no accomplishment of our own.
All we need to do is to make the choice to believe, and the direction of our journey through the cycles is changed.

To begin the journey on the helix pointed towards Heaven we need Someone to push us into the cyclic motion leading to Heaven.
The guilt of Sin of past cycles where we failed to meet temptation correctly is like a gravity pull spiraling us in a downward motion into cycles displaying with greater intensity the prevailing dynamic of Evil and Death.

We cannot undo the guilt of Sins, but the cycles which caused us to sin manifest over and again, and by learning to go through those cycles without falling into the same Sin, these cycles end up becoming a refinement tool, cycles which point the helix to Heaven.

No, the cycles do not become our stairway into Heaven we climb through our own force of will.
They are an interconnected series of experiences we are LED through where YHWH's transforming power can shine.
He is the only One who can release us from the gravity pull of the guilt of past Sins.

We tend to look at 'the past' as part of the trinity 'past - present - future', a horizontal journey from point A, the beginning, to point Z, the end.
Truth is that Life is an ongoing series of repeating cycles in different manifestations, so that there really is no difference between a cycle  which we categorize as belonging to 'the past', and a cycle which is part of 'our future'.
They are one and the same 'event' manifesting in different configurations, and the presence of the dynamics of the cycles becomes a tool facilitating a growth process, where our character is carved out in the image of the One we believe in.

So, it is not good to stand still and ponder on past Sins or past mistakes, because if you are sorry for them YHWH has forgiven you for having missed the point in cycles which are past to us.
Furthermore, the same cycles will occur over and over again until your time is up.
When they occur again, you can make different decisions or resist the temptation, and put into practice what you have learned, thereby changing the dynamics of the cycles.
Your journey through this string of interconnected cycles is the process which fine-tunes your Soul to receive YHWH's signal and respond to it.

The dynamics of the cycle of Good vs. Evil are transmitted throughout all the generations from the first man right up to the last one.
Because we are exposed to the rhythm of this cycle, we begin to adopt its dynamics, which the Bible refers to as being born in Sin.
YHWH allows the dynamics of the cycle of Good vs. Evil grow to great extremes until it reaches the limit YHWH set upon the manifestation of Evil.
Once this limit is exceeded, it will attract its own destruction, meaning that the particular generation which exceeded the limit of Evil will be destroyed.
This principle applies to both an individual human being and the collective of a society.

YHWH positions each generation within the exact right dynamic setting so that He can bring out the qualities He created in the character of His own.
We are destined for this time and age, just as our parents were destined for their age.
YHWH uses the dynamics of the manifestation of cycles (the dynamics of 'the times') as a tool to shape our Soul and bring out the qualities He has created in us.

This principle also works the other way round.
Our individual dynamic contributes to the dynamics of 'the times'.
The dynamics of 'the times' is an essential component in YHWH's storybook to produce the right setting for certain phase or chapter in His storybook to commence.
The dynamics of 'the times' is nothing other than a type of dynamic which allows a certain manifestation of the layers of cycles, like the final layer of 'the end times' which needs the final layer of the cycle of the 'anti-christ' so that the final phase and last chapter of YHWH's storybook can begin to play out.

So, we exist in this particular position in 'time and space' to allow YHWH to bring out the qualities in us which He created, and because of who we are and the qualities YHWH put in us, we help to produce the right dynamic setting of 'the times' to manifest a particular chapter in YHWH's storybook for man.

YHWH's own have been placed here on the Earth stage in order that YHWH can use the dynamics to which they have been exposed and which they have adopted, to bring out the qualities of their Soul and Spirit which He designed.
We all inherit the dynamics of our parents, including the dynamics of the cycle of Good vs. Evil.
This dynamic force manifests on a Spiritual level, on a Mental level, and on the level of the Body, including genetic diseases.
However, these dynamics are not static inheritances, and by learning to grow in love towards YHWH we change the dynamics and their manifestation on a Spiritual, Mental and Physical level.
Thus they not only serve as a tool in YHWH's hands to bring out the quality of Soul and Spirit He created in us, but they also serve the purpose of breaking the cycle and corresponding generational curses of our parents in us. 
We become the instrument by means of which YHWH creates a new cycle and a new dynamics, one which we will leave as a legacy to our children.

YHWH uses cycles to allow us to grow, by moving to the right where before we steered towards the left.
Cycles are repetitious, like the lessons at school were learned through repetition.
The cycles represent one and the same exam in different incarnations, yet embodying the same dynamic forces and principles, so that our journey through cycles enables us to succeed where we failed.

Cycles are created for us as learning opportunities, and the learning opportunity is the element which helps to bring out the qualities of character YHWH created in us.

This is the reason why YHWH structured this simulated playground of physical Creation as a cyclic Creation: as long as we do not learn our lesson, we keep adding to the dynamics of Evil, but the moment we put into practice what we have learned, we no longer add to the dynamic intensity of Evil but instead we invest in the dynamic presence of Good.  
The construct of a cycle allows us to receive back what we have invested in it, meaning that if we acted selfishly under particular circumstances, the reoccurrence of similar circumstances will bring out that selfishness and allows us either to build on it, or to reject it and thereby change the dynamics of the cycle.

This is part of the process of Salvation: although the Spirit is restored in connection to YHWH instantaneously, the Body contains the recording of Sin, Evil, and in the Soul we now have to learn to transfer the Salvation of the Spirit into the physical domain of our thoughts, deeds and words.
The process which allows us to work out this Salvation is provided in the form of repetitious circumstances manifesting over and over again, the cycles which enable us to learn and change their manifestation by putting into practice what we have learned.

Cycles are like cogs in the time machine.
They are like wheels within wheels carrying yet many other subsets of wheels within them.
Our Life is a journey through the different layers which bring different manifestations of a particular cycle.
Instead of experiencing every layer ('slice') of a particular cycle simultaneously, we are placed in a sequential wave movement of going through the dynamics of the different slices of a cycle.
We interpret this movement as a timeline.
Our Body is the spaceship for our Soul and Spirit allowing them to be part of the physical dimension and its cyclic unfolding.

The timeline we experience does not exist for YHWH.
Our perspective is one where each picture is placed in a long line of intertwined pictures, and our attention (consciousness) slowly moves from the left to the right through the different intertwined combinations of pictures.

YHWH sees all cycles and their embedded layers as one.
Imagine each cycle is a picture laying on the floor, and all the different (sub-) cycles and slices of cycles as well as their connections are laid out as one big mosaic.
YHWH's perspective of time is not like ours where we move through sequences of cycles from left to right, but He stands above the entire sequence of cycles from the beginning until the end so that there is no distinction of past, present and future, but an integrated complete finished picture from its beginning until the end.
YHWH is able to oversee the entire mosaic of cycles in one glance, not traveling through a string of different experiences of different manifestations of pictures, but seeing all the pictures and all their incarnations at once.
Our future is His past, as it were.

We are put in a Body which allows us to go through a sequential unfolding of the different layers of cycles because our Body is an integral part of the cyclic physical creation.
This Body is placed in a very precise position in this process of the unfolding of the different layers, and you can be sure there is NO random coincidence at work.
NO ONE is born in 'the wrong time period'.

YHWH has a helicopter view over ALL cycles simultaneously, and we lack that overview.
Instead, we experience the motion through cycles from a sequential perspective.

This is why YHWH's inspiration for creative work basically is instantaneous.
If you are a writer or a composer I am sure you are familiar with the phenomenon that you have a hard time 'keeping up' with the flow of inspiration, as if everything is downloaded into your being at once and you can't process it all at once. 
You may feel like trying to capture an instantaneous download of inspiration which your mind cannot work out instantaneously, because it is linked to the sequential experience of the physical Body.

Your mind has to take the inspiration and try to express it sequentially in a creative work.
The inspiration is like one big block of energy manifesting in your being at once, in an indivisible moment, and your time-based sequential Soul filters it through its talents, working out what it received from beyond time in a sequential way.
The trick is not to drown yourself in intellectual processes, but to try to hang on to the presence of the energy of that inspiration.

If someone is given the talent for painting, then the creative energy is transformed through the filter in the Soul of the recipient into a painting on a physical level, if someone is given the talent for composing, then the creative energy is filtered and transformed into a musical composition in the physical domain.

You receive the energy of the inspiration all at once, but your brain cannot handle that, it needs to work sequentially.
The inspiration presents itself from beyond the cyclic existence into your cycle of your Life.

It is up to you to make sure that you do not block the inspiration, and the way to do it is by staying in that one moment of the manifestation of the energy of inspiration as long as possible without letting your Body pulling your Soul in. 
Your Soul is integrated with your Spirit-mind as well as your Body-mind, and as such it is the translator which understands the inspiration it received instantaneously.
After receiving the inspiration the Soul translates it and passes it on to your physical mind which is sequential (cyclic) in nature.
Too much focus on the physical component by, -for instance-, losing yourself in the intellectual process, makes the Soul lose sight of the Spiritual component.
So it is a matter of learning to find the right way of allowing your Soul relate to the translation task from the non-cyclic spiritual into the cyclic physical domain, and you do this by staying in the present and remaining 'on top of thoughts', not 'in them'.

Our sequential perspective causes us to describe YHWH in terms of 'seeing the end from the beginning', which is a statement pertaining to our sequential oriented nature where we construct the image of a timeline stretching out from the beginning until the end.
The timeline is nothing other than the experience of moving through synchronized manifestations of cycles in a sequential order.

The 'end of time' is nothing other than the end of the interplay of dualistic cycles and their embedded dynamics.
It means we enter a new phase of Creation which is NOT based upon a sequential journey through different manifestations of the same cycles.
Our Body is the portal which gives us access to a position as an integral part of the interplay between the dynamics  of manifestations of different cycles (a 'fixed place on the timeline').

YHWH has created ALL possible manifestations of cycles, yet not all manifestations become part of the 'history' of mankind.
In our lives we make choices, and our choices affect the manifestation of our personal cycles as well as affecting the cycles of society and the people we come into contact with.
Our choices cause our consciousness to travel through a certain interplay between the dynamics of cycles, like a path of experience unfolding through the different manifestations of cycles.
It is like choosing one option from the multiple-choice question, and the option we choose determines the activation of layers of cycles.

Not every slice of a cycle created by YHWH will become part of our experience.  
YHWH has given us the steering wheel of our will by means of which we direct our consciousness and influence our reality.
It is the exercise of their will which prevented the people of Nineveh from having to experience the reality of their destruction at the time of Jonah.
The destruction WAS created as a reality by YHWH, but the people of Nineveh steered themselves into a different manifestation of the cycle of their society.
It is the switch of choice by means of which we activate certain links between cycles and deactivate others.

Imagine the complexity of all the cycles, their cross-references and interdependencies, their different layers,  and how we activate links between cycles by means of our decisions and choices.
How could anyone foretell the end from the beginning?
And this is where the genius of YHWH shines: He is the author of our sequential journey through all the cycles, and as such He knows exactly what will happen, how it will happen, and at what point (or 'when') it will happen.

Dualism brings forth cycles displaying the dynamics of polarities, the plus is alternated by the minus. 
This means that your Life in the domain of this cyclic motion will be characterized by the dualistic motion of positive and negative, Good and Evil.

Everything here on Earth moves in alternating, repeating dualistic cycles, and many people do not realize the implications of this for their lives.
It means that just as day is followed by night, in the Life of those who believe in Yahshua, Good is alternated with the hour of Darkness when Evil has the power to make its presence felt in their lives.

This cyclic movement is the reason why those who believe in Yahshua should not expect Heaven on Earth, a Life without obstruction or Evil.

Yahshua referred to this cyclic movement when He mentioned 'the hour and power of Darkness' as He was taken captive just before Babel's minions handed Him over to be murdered.

As long as we live on Earth in its current state, Evil has an hour where it can succeed in yielding its power against the Light, and the more people have surrendered to Evil and the more energy it is able to drain from man, the greater the manifestation and power of Darkness shall be.

Although Earth is the domain of Darkness because our ancestors handed over authority the moment they doubted YHWH and believed the Lie of the Fallen One, it has to allow for the manifestation of Goodness on Earth.
There HAS to be an ebb AND flow, a day AND night.

We rapidly are approaching the time when Darkness will seek to erase ALL manifestations of Goodness so that Life on Earth will become the ultimate Darkness of the night, a state which seems to have cut itself loose from the alternating cycle between Good and Evil in favor of a perpetual state of Evil.

The Fallen Ones will seek to swallow Earth in the domain of Evil, Hell if you like.
Yet their plan goes contrary to the design of Dualism on Earth as YHWH has created it.

Here too the plans and schemes of the Fallen Ones only contribute to their own demise, and they actually end up bringing about the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
Before the Light of Day can break through there has to be the Darkness of the Night, before the Kingdom of Heaven can incorporate Earth, Earth first needs to be swallowed up in the belly of Sheol.

This is the result of the Dualistic movement as created by YHWH, the cyclic motion we experience in a multitude of different ways on Earth.