
The Two Messiahs

To live on Earth is to exist in a paradigm where we experience the input of both the first Cloud (the infrastructure of the network of Good) and the second Cloud (the infrastructure of the network of Evil).
It is in this field of the tension between the force of Light and Darkness that we are shaped.'
Within this forcefield the character of our Soul is formed through the choices we make and the consequences of our choice we face.

To prevent us from being stuck in limbo between these two Clouds, YHWH became our Salvation.
He became Yahshua so that our choice to believe in Him would seal our Spirit into the network of Good, the first Cloud.
Yahshua's Salvation means that our Spirit is fully integrated into the network of Good and opened up to the Spirit of Truth, the Ruach HaKodesh.
Through the portal of our opened Spirit the seed of the Salvation process grows like a small seed planted in the soil of our Soul, growing and hauling our Soul back into the network of Good.
Because of the wounds in our Soul, the weaknesses we have acquired due to our Sins, the process of Salvation brings a confrontation with old traumas and a healing from the wounds they caused.

The final frontier to be overcome is our physical form, which is an integral part of the network of Evil, and as such produces impulses of Evil signature which originate in the information streams within the network of Evil, the impulses which the Bible refers to as the 'inclinations of the Flesh'.
For most of us it means that we have to be liberated from this physical form so that we may be given a newly created physical form, the resurrected Body.
Only a few have advanced so far that YHWH allowed for their Bodies to be transformed into new Bodies which are able to access other dimensions at will.

Yahshua came to save us from the second Cloud.
But as I made clear in my previous post, there are two forms of Salvation as an expression of the two mutually exclusive realities which are the outcome of the principle of Dualism.
One Salvation saves us from Evil to be Good, the other saves us from Good to be Evil.
Just as there are two Salvations, there are two Saviors.

Yahshua was sent to Earth as our Heavenly Father's Salvation.
Our choice to believe in Him delivers us from our bondage to the second Cloud.
Just as Yahshua was sent to deliver us from the Cloud of Evil, the Satan will send his own Savior to save man from the Cloud of Good, the first Cloud, the network of Good.

Just as Yahshua was the promised Messiah of Good, the Satan will send his own Christ or Messiah, the one we tend to refer to as 'the Antichrist', the Messiah of Evil who will pretend to be the Messiah of Good.
History has given us quite a few examples foreshadowing the nature of the ultimate antichrist, little antichrists or prophets of Evil.
All of them are part of the prophetic concept of the antichrist, like different incarnations or different perspectives incarnating in a particular form of the antichrist in time and space, and we place them on our sequentially ordered timeline so that it seems as if they are not related, while in fact they ARE related as manifestations of one particular prophetic concept.
Just look at the long line of little monsters which include names such as Antiochus IV Epiphanes, Herod, Nero, Caligula, Stalin, Hitler, as well as the names of various Catholic popes in Babel's religious entertainment branch.

Yet there also is the culmination of this concept of the antichrist in the form of one particular individual who will become the incarnation of the Spirit of the Satan, and he will draw the hearts of men towards him so that they can experience his Salvation from YHWH's network of Good.

Yahshua was baptized by John, and immediately after His baptism the Heavens were opened and the Ruach HaKodesh, the Holy Spirit, lighted on Him like a dove descending from the Heavens.
It is then that Yahshua was driven into the desert that He might be tempted and triumph over the temptation as a start of His ministry, the mission which would culminate in His sacrifice and ultimate triumph over Evil and its wannabe god, the Adversary.

Likewise, the Satanic Messiah will receive the Satan's Spirit after going through a Satanic ritual, and the occult obscure workers of Darkness on Earth know this all too well, since they have prepared themselves for this occasion to carry out the ritual which will bring them their Messiah.
It is then, after receiving the Satanic Spirit, that a seemingly ordinary individual becomes the Satan's Messiah, 'saving' Man from YHWH and fully integrating him into the network of Evil.
This means that he will lay the foundation which will bring extreme persecution to YHWH's children, since they refuse to 'be saved' and the Satan simply does not handle rejection very well.
Once rejected he invariably seeks to take his revenge, and that is why all of YHWH's children are protected by their Angels who watch over them, because without that protection nobody of us would be alive today.
Because, we reject the Adversary's offering and love the One he hates.

Yahshua's cleansing ritual, His baptism, was the symbolic expression of our need to be cleansed and set free from our bondage to the network of Evil, just as the Satanic defilement ritual is the expression of the desire to be bonded to Evil, since the Satanic slaves regard this bondage to the Evil paradigm as freedom from YHWH.
As such, the Satanic defilement ritual is the expression of the need to be set free from bondage to YHWH through defilement, Sin.
SIN is the element which changes the polarity of the baptism which was Yahshua's initiation into His mission, from Good into Evil.
Baptism in pure water cleanses, the Evil baptism in a blood sacrifice from the innocent defiles.
One cleanses from guilt towards YHWH, the other brings more guilt towards YHWH.

Yahshua shed His OWN blood so that we might be cleansed and receive the Holy Spirit, but the Satanic Messiah will go through an initiation ritual which requires that the blood of the innocent will be sacrificed for his benefit, and the sacrifice of the innocent blood will be an ongoing theme throughout his mission on Earth.
More than that, where Yahshua gave His blood so that we might have Life everlasting, the false Messiah will not sacrifice his own blood, but the blood of Mankind for his OWN benefit as he seeks to exterminate the remnant of YHWH's image in man.

All this is designed to reverse that which Yahshua began.
Yahshua gave, the antichrist will take, Yahshua saves from Evil, the false Messiah saves from Good, Yahshua takes back lost Souls to Heaven, the false Messiah seeks to absorb all Souls into Hell, Yahshua cleanses from Sin, the antichrist defiles through Sin, Yahshua sacrifices His own blood for our sake, the false Messiah will sacrifice the blood of man for HIS own sake.
The ultimate antichrist or false Messiah will come to reverse Yahshua's work, and that is why everything he does will be the opposite of what Yahshua did.
But he will disguise it and make it seem as if he wants to inspire Good and liberate us from Evil.

By being baptized in the water which contained the Sins of the people it washed off them, Yahshua took the weight of the consequences of these Sins on His shoulders as He immersed Himself in this water , just as by going through the defilement ritual the antichrist places the Satanic weight of damnation upon those who defile themselves with him and through him.

The baptism ritual does not mean Yahshua became a sinful man by taking on the weight of the Sins of the people, because Sin separates from YHWH and no man who is separated from YHWH through Sin can save.
Because, Sin blocks the Light, and how can we attach our Souls to the Light in the Savior if the Savior Himself is blocked from the Light?
Not only that, but if He was to go to Sheol, then the only way to liberate the Souls in Sheol would be for YHWH's Light to enter that realm through a human Soul, and that can never happen if there is Sin blocking that Light.
By going through the baptism ritual Yahshua officially accepted the terms and conditions necessary for the work of becoming Man's Salvation, which included allowing Himself to be killed so that He could venture into the realm of the Dead as a human Soul to liberate the deceased who believed in Him, and lead them back to the realm of Heaven.
This is what is meant by the expression that 'Yahshua took the weight of our Sins upon His shoulders'.

The false Messiah will baptize the world in blood, and by going through his initiation ritual he officially will accept the terms and conditions for being the one who leads the Souls into the realm of the Adversary, Hell, or Gehenna.
One truly cleanses and liberates us, the other truly defiles us and turns us into slaves.
Yet the nature of the Satan makes him present it to us as the exact opposite: 'Yahshua defiles us by turning us into slaves to YHWH's dictates, and the Satanic Messiah cleanses us from this defilement by giving us freedom from YHWH's will'.

In the Satan's eyes, Yahshua is a conformed slave of YHWH, lacking the stamina to stand up and rebel.
The Adversary cannot help himself, because he signed away his sensibility and his insight the moment he succumbed to and merged with the Evil filter of the Dualism principle.
How great is his loss, for what can possess a man to hate Yahshua when He has such a kind and Good heart but a complete lack of any sense of Goodness?
How can anyone become so Evil that he seeks to destroy Yahshua?
How this Mighty One has transformed his beauty into the most hideous display of Evil!

'I am the bread of Life, he who comes to Me shall not hunger and who believes in Me shall never thirst', Yahshua said.
Likewise the false Messiah will offer us the bread of Life, yet it will be the fruit of seduction carrying the poisonous sting of Death in its core.

'I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in Darkness, but will have the Light of Life', Yahshua said.
Likewise the false Messiah will proclaim that he wants to bring his Light into the Darkness of the world, the Light that will show us the way to paradise where Man no longer shall suffer want or need or disease.
Yet this mouth proclaiming the Luciferian gospel holds up a false promise of Light, hiding his true intentions, because he will seek to wrap the world in the eternal Darkness of the 'Luciferian Age of Enlightenment', a carrot at the end of the stick which leads us into the abyss of Gehenna.

'Whoever believes in Me has everlasting Life', Yahshua said.
Likewise the false Messiah will promise eternal life to Man.
Yahshua's eternal life is the Life we find in Him, the Life we live in the reality of the network of Good.
The ultimate antichrist will promise to give us eternal life if we follow his instructions to obtain that life, which is eternal life in the second Cloud, the network of Evil which the Satan portrays as the 'network of freedom'.
Only, it is not a network of freedom, but a network which locks us into a dream existence where we are stuck in an eternal nightmare.

The Adversary throws sand into our eyes which make us fall asleep to reality and believe his lie when he tells us that this nightmare is a paradise for Man.
He does not mention that Man in his current form cannot exist in his paradise, and that he really intends to exterminate Man as YHWH created him in order to replace him with his own design of Man, a vessel into which Evil Spirits can dwell securely.
The Satan does not reveal his secret plans, but instead he once again offers an apple which looks gorgeous on the outside, but which carries a poison within its core.
It's the poison of destruction once we accept the genetic modification which gives us that eternal life and happiness the Adversary promises us.

Yahshua came to bring us eternal Life, just as the Adversary's Messiah will come to bring us eternal Death disguised as eternal Life.
Yet  the false Messiah will lead many astray by his promise of eternal life, asking us to put our trust in him and give him the power to lead Man into his utopia where disease, death and poverty shall be a thing of the past.
The vision of this Utopia is portrayed in movies like Gattaca where genetically modified human beings are dictated their positions in society by a totalitarian government which directs man like cattle.
Only, it will be a lot worse, as Man not only is genetically modified, but merges with the computer so that even his very thoughts and emotions become the domain of political predators.

In the paradise of the false Messiah there is no place for YHWH's own.
The faith Man invests in this false Messiah shall not make him inherit eternal Life in paradise, but instead it will lock him in the arms of eternal Death.
The trust Man has in the false Messiah and the power given to him to make his promised paradise come true will give him the means to bind Man eternally to the network of the second Cloud, and disease suffering and poverty shall be Man's inheritance in this kingdom of Death, the home of the false Messiah.

The Satan may have his own plans for his private paradise for the privileged elite, but they will backfire and turn into a complete failure.
Instead of perpetual health for those who accept the Mark into the eternal Life of the Satanic Wonder World, the Mark will have unwanted side effects and submit people to an agony from whence they cannot escape, because Death will not come to deliver them.
His paradise will ultimately become an ash ridden dump where no one would desire to live.

Yet, as was the case in the days of Noah, YHWH will interfere and make sure the Adversary cannot completely destroy His own or His Creation before they have served their purpose.

Yahshua is the door and the way into eternal Life, just as the Adversary's Messiah is the door and the way into eternal Death.
The Life is in the Blood, and those who drink Yahshua's blood offering shall live eternally.
The Adversary knows the Life is in the Blood, so he will sacrifice Man that his Evil might live eternally.
Our belief in Yahshua seals our Spirit in the network of Good, the first Cloud.
It is our belief in the Devil's Messiah will seal our Spirit in the network of Evil, the second Cloud.

'Behold, the Lamb of Elohim, Who takes away the Sin of the world!' John said when he saw Yahshua.
The Satan will proclaim a similar message when his Messiah will be revealed to the world, only the true and hidden message will be, 'Behold the Wolf of the Evil Elohim, Who baptizes the World in Sin and fills it with the Spirit of Evil'.

Although he is prepared for his role from the day he was born, the antichrist will seem like an ordinary man before he takes up his role.
It is the moment of his initiation and the enactment of the ritual which will fill him with the Adversary's Spirit, and this will transform him from a seemingly ordinary man into the Devil's Messiah.
Because his deceptive appearance it is only afterwards when the Spirit of the Evil One will show its true character that many will suddenly see and be shocked by the fact that they are facing the ultimate antichrist, the one whose coming was foretold in the Bible.

Yahshua was no ordinary Man.
For Yahshua to fulfill His mission it was imperative that YHWH interfered with His DNA and modified it, so that His Body would not be integrated in the network of Evil due to inheriting a legacy of Sins  His forefathers were guilty of.
That is why the idea of the 'immaculate conception' is not fiction.
YHWH's Spirit entered Yahshua so that the Man Yahshua became YHWH's Salvation, and the fulfillment of the words YHWH spoke when He said that there is no Savior apart from Him.

The Devil's Messiah is not an ordinary man either, although he may appear as such before his mission begins.
He is a fallen Spirit living in a human Body with the proper DNA setting, a combination which qualifies him to become the Messiah of the Kingdom of Hell, the bringer of the Satanic gospel, someone who is completely integrated into the second Cloud and has NO ties to the first Cloud whatsoever.
The Adversary will incarnate in his chosen vessel at the appointed time to become the physical manifestation of the Satan's Salvation, an anti-salvation for man.

We live in a time when that man who is to become the anti-Messiah will take up his role and manifest himself as the ultimate tool of destruction.
When he wants to have the temple rebuilt, it is not because he loves the Jews or wants to honor YHWH, but for the simple reason that he wants to commit the ultimate sacrilege and give YHWH the obeliskian middle finger, in order to provoke Him to destroy this third temple and the nation of His promise.
His 'love for the temple' is a ploy designed to manipulate YHWH.
He will grant the Jews to rebuild the temple, not to embrace the Jewish people in love, but to lock them into a stranglehold so that he can choke all of them to death.

His love is a strategy designed to have authority and power to destroy.
When the Adversary wants to destroy you, he will seek to seduce you into Sin, because your Sins give the Satan the authority to harm you.

Perhaps you wonder, how is it possible that we give authority in the hands of Fallen Ones when we sin?
This is made possible because we are endowed with the dualistic power of conversion: we can convert Life energy, which YHWH gave us, into manifestations of the character of Evil whenever we sin.
Furthermore, when we sin we open a portal to our Soul in the second Cloud, the network of Evil, and through this portal Evil Spirits can influence us and affect the circumstances and quality of our Life, even to the extent that they may download themselves into our Body and steer our Soul in their Dark Ways which tie us even further in bondage of the network of Evil.
Add to this the fact that WE converted Life energy into manifestations of Evil, and you have a picture where we supply the tools of our torture as well as the ammunition into the hands of Fallen Spirits which have been given access to our Souls and our lives through our Sins.

This is the story many do not want to hear, because it places much responsibility for our lives in our hands, and it simply is more convenient to point the finger at YHWH for everything which went wrong in our lives.
Yet even though Evil Spirits can make our lives very difficult without us having given them the ammunition to do so, there is the aspect of Sin by means of which WE end up giving authority over our lives to Evil Spirits.
Yes, Sin is a deadly poison without any romantic and adventurous connotations attached to it whatsoever.
Translated in legal terms, our Sins thus give authority and permission to Evil Spirits to mess with our lives.

The Adversary knows this, and that is the reason why he wants to seduce us into Sin, because through Sin he becomes our king ruling over our lives.
And that is why the antichrist and false Messiah will seek to seduce people into believing and accepting the seductive promises of peace, so that through peace and love the Satan's Messiah can destroy and satisfy his hatred.
Because he HATES YHWH, and he HATES all those who are a manifestation of YHWH's work.
That is why he will seek to finish Hitler's work and terminate both Jew AND those who believe in Yahshua, and the desecration of the third temple will be the red button which ignites his work of destruction.
Once that button is pushed, there is no way back, and the plan of destruction is set in motion.


The Two Filters

In my previous post I have explained how our experience of YHWH depends on our choice.
YHWH does not change nor is He contradictory.
But when we choose for the spiritual equivalent of Darkness, Evil, then the Light of YHWH's presence will be experienced by us as our destruction.
This filter we merged with then experiences YHWH as the great Destroyer, the One Who brings Evil.
It is not YHWH Who has become Evil, but it is WE who have become Evil.

YHWH does not change, it is WE who change, and the nature of our change is determined by the principle of Dualism.
Dualism divides Creation into 'what is' vs. 'what is not', '+' vs. '-', Light vs. the absence of Light, i.e. Darkness.
We are placed in an analog field between the two extreme polarities of the digital nature of Dualism, and in this field all the intermediary values are displayed between the 'On'-state vs. the 'Off'-state, '1' vs. '0'.
As you may know, digital computing is based on 'On' or 'Off', '1' or '0', while analog is capable of assuming all the values between '1' and'0'.
So in fact you might say that we are living Digital-Analog converters of the principle of Dualism in the Earth plane of existence.

The choice we make for or against YHWH causes us to become part of a programmed filter which shapes our experience of YHWH.
And this filter has its origin in the principle of Dualism: if we merge with the filter of Good, YHWH's presence of Good will energize and boost the nature of Good within that filter, and we experience this as joy being added to joy.
On the other hand, if we choose against YHWH we merge with the filter of Evil, and because of the nature of this filter which represents the ABSENCE of Good or Light, YHWH's Light will be experienced by our filter of Darkness as Destruction.

These two filters are part of the mirror principle YHWH created.

In YHWH's presence the nature of the filter we chose is activated, and because we merged our identity with this filter we experience that specific nature.
In YHWH we see the reflection of the filter we merged with as if we look into a mirror, and this mirror is rooted in the principle of Dualism.
So if Dualism dictates that the nature of Evil is the nature of Death and Destruction, then if we identify with the filter of Evil we will experience YHWH's presence as the activation of the programming of that filter.
This means we find ourselves looking into YHWH's mirror, and what we are is activated, so that it becomes our experience.
This mirror reflects back at us what we have become as the outcome of our choice we exercised in the domain of Dualism: Evil will receive a reflection of Evil, and if Evil is Destruction this means we find Destruction in YHWH.

This mirror principle is visible in the basic tenet of justice as found in the Torah, which dictates 'an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth'.
It is visible in Yahshua's words when He instructs us to forgive so that we can find forgiveness for our own Sins, or when He said that 'he who lives by the sword shall die by the sword'.
If we do not forgive others who have wronged us, then when we seek YHWH's presence we find that obstacle of unforgiveness facing us in the form of unforgiveness in YHWH's mirror.
It is not YHWH Who does not WANT to forgive, it is our CHOICE to be unforgiving which causes us to experience an unforgiving YHWH. 

It is this principle of the mirror of Life AND the principle of Dualism which account for the way we experience YHWH.
If we are unforgiving and seek to revenge the wrongs done to us, thus merging our Souls with Darkness, then we find unforgiveness and harshness in YHWH, Someone Whose presence feels like our Destruction, simply because we merged with the spiritual equivalent of Darkness and YHWH is Light.

The dualistic filter determines our vision and experience of YHWH.

If we are Evil, then Evil is our share and our inheritance, and the principle of the mirror causes us to experience YHWH as Evil.
The FILTER we chose shapes our experience.
YHWH is Good and always has been and will be Good.
His presence activates the filter of our experience of Him, just as electricity activates a computer or a radio, and once it is activated, our radio receives the station we choose and which determines how we relate to YHWH.

In YHWH's mirror we see the reflection of what we are, meaning, we experience that which we are.
If we are Evil, we experience Evil, if we identify with Good, we experience Good from YHWH, if we are kind, Good and merciful towards others, quick to overlook and forgive, we experience in YHWH kindness, Goodness, mercy, Someone who forgives and overlooks our own trespasses.
If we are filled with a pride which drives us to anger, unforgiveness and vengeance, then we find in YHWH the One Who will not forgive but instead holds us accountable, and we experience the reflection of anger, unforgiveness and vengeance.

It is the principle of the mirror which gives you a great measure of control over your Life.
If you suffer at the hands of someone who is mean to you, and/or someone who is unjust towards you, then you have a choice in how you respond.
By your choice you determine the direction of your Life.
Will you be inspired by the hurt over the meanness and the injustice to fill your Soul with anger and a thirst for vengeance, or you will you suffer without succumbing to any hatred and/or the drive to seek vengeance?
If you refuse to fight Evil with Evil and instead hand over the injustice to YHWH, then even though you may suffer because of the injustice, you will find in YHWH the One Who not only forgives you your transgressions and heals and comforts you, but Who also will become your Avenger.

How does He become our Avenger?
If we fight Evil with Evil, then we become Evil and we will see a reflection of what we are in YHWH's mirror: an Evil reflection.
This means that if we are YHWH's children we suffer twice: first at the hands of the ones doing Evil to us, then, -because we do not hand over the judgment to YHWH but instead seek to avenge ourselves by 'getting back at the Evil-doers'-, we experience in YHWH the reflection of what we have become, Evil, and we feel miserable and depressed because we experience in YHWH's mirror the same Evil which assaulted us.

But if we let go off judgment and refuse to respond in kind because we commit all judgment into the hands of our Heavenly Father, then we find in YHWH's mirror the reflection of our love and commitment to Him.
The result is that we suffer injustice, but it remains confined to this one moment of injustice and the ones who committed the injustice, because in YHWH we find peace and healing of wounds.
Not only that, but we remain an extension of YHWH's mirror so that the ones who were guilty of injustice towards us now see the reflection of what they truly are in YHWH's mirror of Light and Truth.
They may grow to hate us even more than before because they associate us with that mirror which causes them to feel the discomfort of mental anguish and pain, and they will seek to destroy that mirror.
But they cannot destroy that mirror, and the experience they have of being exposed to YHWH's Light of Truth will persecute them and eventually overtake them to implement judgment.

So, your response is CRUCIAL.
The wrong response turns you into an extension of Evil, and not only that, you end up being victimized twice: first by the one who assaulted you, and secondly by your own wrong response which causes you to be at conflict with YHWH and experience Him as the Evil His mirror reflects back at you.
In that case there is no contrast between the Evil of the offender and you, and he sees no contrasting reflection in you.
But there IS a contrast between you and YHWH, and you experience this contrast in the form of a judgment upon yourself which expresses itself in the form of conflict, misery and depression.
Your RIGHT response makes you an extension of Good (YHWH), and the one who sought to victimize you ends up victimizing himself.
You remain at peace with YHWH and you experience Him as Love and as the Healer, always forgiving you and helping you up back on your feet again.
In you your tormentor now faces YHWH's mirror, and he experiences YHWH as his Destroyer and Persecutor through you, and this comes in the form of the conflict, unrest, turmoil and misery.
He who sought to hurt and victimized you now is hurt and victimized by his own deeds.
He may seek to escape and run from the mirror, but he can never outrun it.

"But he did this and that to me, should I just be a doormat and say thank you for doing all those mean underhanded things to me?"
No, of course not.
There is a difference between acting as a doormat who seeks to appease everyone and thus emboldens Evil, and someone who forfeits unforgiveness, suffering because of the injustice but not seeking revenge or to lash out in hurt.
You can speak up against the offender, or you can remain silent, as long as your reason for either response comes NOT out of anger and trying to get even.
If you give over judgment to YHWH and do not respond in kind because you trust, love and respect YHWH, and you know that only HE is Judge, then your actions do not turn you in a doormat, because YHWH will be the great Judge and Avenger of the injustice and hurt done to you.
And who knows, perhaps the one who hurt you was just a victim of injustice who responded in a wrong way, and through your right response the conditioning of Evil which kept this person a prisoner of the wrong response is broken and provides that person with a chance to repent, and become an extension of YHWH's power acting through you.

This principle of the mirror reflection back the identity filter we choose is the underlying reason for YHWH's instructions to destroy the people of Canaan as well as being the Elohim of love.
Many often have asked this question, 'how can a God of Love order Israel to destroy the Canaanites'?
There seems to be a contradiction between that which YHWH purports to be, and His words.

Only, YHWH's words and deeds are not contradictory with His character, and He really IS love and Goodness.
It is just that the inhabitants of Canaan had made the choice to merge with the programming filter of Evil, and this meant that YHWH became Destruction unto them.
YHWH did not change, it is the inhabitants of Canaan who had morphed into manifestations of Darkness.
Since YHWH is Light, His presence manifested in the form of Destruction to the Darkened Canaanites through the hands of the tribes of Israel entered the land.
They experienced in YHWH's mirror what they had become, and YHWH's tool for implementing the reflection of that mirror was Israel.

This Dualism, which causes the presence of Light to destroy the Darkness, manifested in the Earthly plane in the form of YHWH's commandment to destroy the tribes inhabiting Canaan.
It seems a very harsh commandment, but it actually is a commandment reflecting what the people of Canaan had become: destroyers of Good, annihilators of Light.
You have to bring to mind that they worshipped Demons even to the extent that they sacrificed their children to these Demons as a blood offering.

YHWH's commandment is not the evidence of a split personality, no, it is the outcome of a Creator Who is Light as He is experienced by those who embraced Darkness.
Those who chose Darkness chose Death, and since Death is their choice, the activation of the filter of Dualism by YHWH's presence will manifest that choice.
When YHWH held up His mirror, the Canaanites experienced what they had become: Evil and Destruction, and YHWH used the people of Israel to manifest this reflection.

The Israelites did not obey this commandment and showed mercy to the merciless, tolerating their Darkness in their midst.
And as you know, Darkness can ONLY exist by virtue of shutting out the Light.
The consequences?
The Canaanite Darkness lives on to this very day, and instead of sacrificing their own children to Demons Jewish children now are sacrificed to gratify the Demon gods.
Yes, the ones to whom mercy was shown by Israel lived on to vex and torment Israel as vessels of Darkness.

When Israel adopted the customs of the idolatrous inhabitants of Canaan, even to the extent that they began to sacrifice their own children, YHWH became their Destruction as well.
The Northern tribes of Ephraim were destroyed and stripped of their identity, and the Southern tribes of Judah were exiled from the land when they merged with Evil, although YHWH did not strip them of their identity like the Northern tribes of Israel, because of His promise to Abraham.
Israel's tolerance for Darkness eventually turned them against YHWH as they became an adulterous, murderous, callous lot.
And that is why they experienced YHWH's presence in the form of the destruction they chose in their hearts.

You have to bear in mind that the Dualistic principle of Light and Darkness manifests in different dimensions in different ways, depending on the reality in those dimensions.
We live in the physical dimension, the dimension of Earth, and here too the principle of Evil living at the expense of Good and Good being experienced by Evil as its destruction manifests in a physical form.
When YHWH ordered the execution of the people of Canaan, He implemented the mirror principle where YHWH's presence activates the identity filter of the Canaanites.
It is not an Evil instruction emanating from an Evil mind, but instead it is an instruction which is the result of the filter the people of Canaan chose.

That is also the reason why YHWH could not destroy Sodom as long as Lot lived there.
Light does not destroy Light, and because Lot had chosen for YHWH he experienced YHWH as a loving Creator, not a Destroyer.
So, first Lot had to be removed from Sodom in order for Sodom to become one homogeneous manifestation of Darkness, then YHWH's presence could manifest in the form of Sodom's destruction.

The principle of the mirror is the reason why YHWH can never pour out wrath in the end upon those who love Him, it simply is not possible.
Either He removes His own first, or He assigns Angels the task of making sure His own are protected.

Evil however has corrupted YHWH's principle of the mirror by holding up a warped mirror, one which reflects the Lie.
In that mirror, Evil receives Good, and Good receives Evil, and the forces of Darkness seek to hurt YHWH's children through this principle.
You refuse to conform to the standards of the Satan because you love YHWH?
Then the Adversary will hold up his own mirror of the Lie, which means he will seek to bring Evil upon you and misfortune, he will try to warp your Life so that it becomes a virtual prison filled with obstruction and lack of opportunity.
Before YHWH will hold up His mirror of justice to this world the Adversary will have a window of opportunity to implement his own mirror, and this will be a very difficult time for those who love YHWH.
Hold fast in faith, because you are not without protection.
YHWH's Angels watch over you and protect you.

YHWH created for Man a limited margin where he is able to Sin, experience the consequences, and repent, without suffering destruction.
This margin has specific limits, and if we personally or any nation at large cross those boundaries, the result will be that we begin to attract our own destruction.
Before a nation is destroyed, it will receive MANY warnings and ample time to repent, and those warnings come in the form of an incremental implementation of the mirror principle.

But when a nation foolhardily persists in its Evil and pursues the course towards the abyss, then inevitably the point will be reached where the tension of the imbalance caused by the presence of the force of Evil cries out for correction.
YHWH is the One Who brings that correction in the form of the mirror which reflects back at the people the identity filter they have merged with in the dualistic paradigm: destruction.

The Adversary is very aware of the existence of the boundaries.
He aims to turn this knowledge into his own favor when he wants to destroy a nation which act like an obstacle to his agenda.
He then seeks to manipulate YHWH into action by seducing this nation into such persistence in Sin that it attracts its own destruction.
Yet although he thinks he can manipulate YHWH and put the Creator to work for him, he conveniently forgets how YHWH determines the margin and its boundaries, and how He is able to change the outcome in the most unexpected ways.
Likewise, the Adversary's attempts to turn Earth into a bastion of resistance against YHWH will backfire and his plans will be reduced to ashes before they can blossom.

It is the principle of Dualism which YHWH created in the beginning which accounts for all this, the principle which made it possible for a second Cloud of Evil to come into existence next to the first Cloud of Good.

YHWH is not the great Destroyer of all, quite the contrary.
But He created a dualistic reality, knowing very well that the choice to merge with the Dark side of Dualism means He will become Destruction to the Dark side.

Because of His nature as the Creator He is patient, slow to anger, holding back for our sake, allowing us a large margin for Sin that we might realize our folly and turn from our Evil ways.
It is His desire that through our experience we learn and make the choice for YHWH, and so He is willing to wait and endure the existence of that margin of Darkness.

But when we show no repentance whatsoever and we harden ourselves through our love of Darkness, then the time comes that He must step in, because the imbalance caused by our love of Evil has grown to unbearable proportions.
When He steps in, His presence activates the mirror principle, and whatever we chose to become is whatever we will experience.

If we chose Evil, then the horror of Evil will be our reality.
It is wise to bear this in mind, because Man tends to be arrogant, thinking himself to be invincible and invulnerable.
Yet it takes only one meteorite to shatter that illusion, one tsunami at the wrong place and time, one shut-down of the electricity grid, and we all live in the Dark aftermath, seeking to survive.
We are so incredibly vulnerable that it does not take much to end Life on Earth within a split second.
And still, we continue to plot our course with the same arrogance as the Titanic...


The Two Salvations

We live inside an electro-chemical processor which projects an image of the physical reality on the screen of our Soul.
This image is the result of the functions of this electro-chemical container for our Soul and Spirit, and as such the image incorporates the limitations of this processor.
When the moment has come for our Soul and Spirit to return to the One Who sent us here, the release from this physical processor will make it clear to us to what extent we have been limited by this physical experience and how our image of reality was shaped and distorted by the limitations.
In the sight of the greater spiritual reality, our vision of reality on the level of the physical world will seem to us as if we have been looking at an object through a warped lens.

Because we are integrated with our physical Body, we tend to be unconscious of the fact that the Body is in fact the product of an intricate technological design which operates on electricity (yes, the processes of our brain are electro-chemical processes).
We extract energy from our environment as we absorb nutrients from our food as well as the light of the sun, and we use this energize to keep the power of the electricity signals within our analog brain up and running.

When the word 'technology' is mentioned, the image which immediately comes to mind is the computer, etc.
But our Body too is based on a technological design. 
This field of bio-technology is a domain which is integrated in the technology of the Fallen Ones, and they avail themselves of optimized and specialized biotech products to accommodate their wishes.

When I mention the second Cloud, I am not just describing a network consisting of Evil Spirits possessing people, but I am also referring to integrated and computerized bio-technology which is part of the network of Evil and assists in the goals the Fallen Ones seek to accomplish.

The Fallen Ones see us as mere bio-computers which allow our Spirit and Soul to have a human experience, and their ambition drives them to explore the territory of altering and expanding our design, and integrating it into a design for a machine which can act as a shield against YHWH's interference.
Their ideal is to make their new design of the bio-computer named Man V2.0 a fully integral part of a new Cloud of Evil which they hope will isolate them from YHWH, not on YHWH's terms in the form of Gehenna, but on their own terms, their own creation which is meant to thrive at the expense of YHWH's Creation, and eventually even overtake it.

To become a fully integrated part of the network of Evil requires that we first make the choice to reverse the polarity of our Spirit so that we regard YHWH and His Spirit as Evil, and secondly it requires that we are prepared to leave behind our human form, at least, the human form as created by YHWH, since it does not have the properties desired by the Fallen Ones which allow the Body to act as a shield against YHWH.

It is the choice we make during our lives on Earth which determines the journey of our Spirit and Soul in eternity, and it is this choice which transforms our experience of YHWH as joy and happiness into one of misery and agony.
It the choice YHWH's children make to love their Creator which turns them into incompatible elements with the Satanic ideal and the Evil network.

The conflict those who love YHWH and abide in Him have with this world stems from the fact that they enter into an arena of the second Cloud as individuals who are part of the first Cloud.
YHWH's own have open portals to their Soul in the first Cloud, the network of the Ruach HaKodesh, the Holy Spirit.
When those who are part of the second Cloud, the network of Evil, come in contact with those who are part of the first Cloud, any Evil in them needs to put up a shield against the Light emanating from the first Cloud through these individuals.
This resistance against the Light comes in the form of feelings of irritation, anger, and hatred directed towards those who carry the Light.
That is why the Forces of Evil seek to do anything to put out that Light, from manipulation and the stress of cultural conditioning to lashing out at the Light-bringers and persecuting them in order to extinguish their Light, their connection to the first Cloud.

The risk for Evil Spirits is that those who are part of the second Cloud yet who are not yet all the way Evil may come to love and identify with the Light they see in YHWH's children, and thus become a liability in the network of Evil.
Becoming a liability means that they now experience an inner conflict between their connectivity to the network of Evil and the Light they were exposed to and which they loved, and which comes from the first Cloud.

In other words, the exposure to YHWH's Light in His Own can cause a conflict of identities, where the identity which is an integral part of the second Cloud fights against the 'intruding' identity of the first Cloud.
The choice for the identity of the first Cloud turns those who were useful vessels incorporated into the second Cloud into useless and even dangerous liabilities to that second Cloud, since the choice to identify with YHWH's Light transforms them into extensions of that Light.
And that Light comes at the expense of Darkness.

So you understand that in a realm or network which is based on Darkness, any Light is a threat to the status quo of the Darkness.
That is why the mere presence of YHWH's children in this Evil realm upon Earth is an offense to Evil Spirits, and they will do everything in their power to contain, isolate and render this Light harmless.

There are two Salvations on Earth flowing from two opposite and mutually exclusive sources which have their roots in the two opposite sides of the Dualism principle which YHWH created.
Yahshua was sent to us to save us from Evil so that we become living vessels of Good.
The choice to identify with Him and believe in Him opens up our Spirit in the first Cloud and secures our Spirit within that network of Good, and through this saved Spirit the process of Salvation begins to grow in the form of a healing of our Soul from the traumatic wounds of Evil, and lastly our Body begins to reflect our saved Spirit.
Yahshua's Salvation results in our liberation from the second Cloud, the network of Evil.

Although most of us experience Yahshua's Salvation in our Spirit and our Soul, which transform our identity into the image of the Spirit, the image of Good, our physical Bodies tend to remain an obstacle to this process until the very day that YHWH liberates our Soul and Spirit from the obstructive element of our physical Body.
The Spirit and Soul move on into Life, leaving their physical form and container behind on Earth as a lifeless reminder of their presence on this planet.
Only a few individuals such as Elijah and Enoch experienced YHWH's Salvation to the extent that even their physical Bodies ultimately were cut loose from the network of Evil and raptured into the dimension of Heaven, the realm of Good.
YHWH pulled the switches of their DNA, and their Bodies were fully integrated into the Spirit.
The physical Body is the final stage of Yahshua's Salvation, and the very element which causes our Soul to experience the dynamics of the Dualism between Good and Evil, the Spirit vs. the Flesh.
As such it plays a vital part in our growth process, because it provides us with a tailor-made environment which serves to carve out the character of our Soul.

The Satan has his own Salvation: the Salvation from Good so that we might be Evil.
Of course he does not regard this salvation as a descent into slavery to what YHWH defined as Evil, but he sees it as a liberation from the tyrannical yoke of slavery to YHWH's concept of Good and Evil.
The Satan seeks to entice us into making the choice for his salvation, which is sealed by our rejection of the Ruach HaKodesh, YHWH's Holy Spirit.
When we cross over and we deem YHWH's Holy Spirit as Evil and unwanted, we effectively have sealed our Spirit into the second Cloud (the network of Evil), and shut it off from the first Cloud (the network of Good).

Our 'Salvation' from 'Good' to be 'Evil' manifests in the form of the absence of a conscience which distinguishes between Good and Evil on YHWH's terms and the inability to identify with YHWH and His Spirit.
Such a conscience is a gift from our Creator, because it is the evidence of the fact that we are still hooked up into the information stream of the first Cloud, the network of Good.
The moment we are sealed off from the first Cloud through the Satanic Salvation, we our cut off from that information stream which informs us when we have acted as an extension of Evil.
The result is that no conscience is there for us to identify with, and no Salvation from Evil is possible.
If we cut ourselves loose from the Holy Spirit we do not even desire to be saved from Evil anyway, because we have come to identify with Evil and we regard YHWH's instructions as straightjackets and His presence as our agony.

It is the choice we exercise in our Soul which either makes our identity part of the first Cloud, or the second Cloud.
The choice to love Yahshua and identify with His Goodness causes us to experience any input we receive from the second Cloud as an assault on our identity and a vexation, something invading our minds as if it is our own, yet something we experience as alien and unwanted.
The choice to hate Yahshua and identify with the input of our Body causes us to experience the input we receive from the first Cloud to appear as an alien element to our identity and a vexation, something impressing itself on our own mind, yet something we experience as alien and unwanted.

It is this choice we make which determines how we shall experience YHWH: as our Father and Creator, or as a Stranger and our Destroyer.

The Cloud of Gehenna is the outcome of a choice we and Angels exercise in the domain of Dualism.
Gehenna is the result of how we chose to experience YHWH.
Right now we can choose to experience YHWH as joy and the ultimate happiness, but if we choose to merge our identity with Darkness, YHWH's Light will be experienced by us as destruction.

In fact, we choose our experience of YHWH.
YHWH does not change faces so that He is kind and Good to some, and Evil and merciless to others.
He does not have a split personality, or a personality which changes in the course of time.
He does not favor one over the other because their noses are different.
He is what He always has been and will be, and He does not change.
The only thing which can change is our experience of Him.
And Dualism is the filter through which we can experience Him in two opposite ways.

He gives us the authority to operate the switch of the choice to experience Him.
The only reason we experience YHWH as destruction and pain is because we merge with a filter which projects our experience of YHWH in a particular way.
This filter is like a set of parameters, a programming.
When YHWH enters that programming, His presence, -which brings everything to life-, causes the programming to come alive.

It is not YHWH who is the torture, it is the programming we chose.
The programming reflects the principle of the mirror so that the mirror of what we are is activated by YHWH's presence, and if we merge with the programming parameters of Evil, we experience YHWH as Evil, pain and agony.

If we choose to love YHWH's Salvation and identify with His Yahshua, then we see in YHWH's mirror Yahshua's reflection, as if YHWH looks into His mirror and sees His own face.
In that mirror, joy adds to joy, happiness adds to happiness, Light adds to Light, and no Darkness can be found.

Yet if we choose to hate YHWH's Salvation and identify with Darkness, Evil, then we see in YHWH's mirror Darkness, unhappiness, the complete absence of joy.
This means we experience the absence of joy and happiness because we merged with the filter made possible by Dualism, a set of programming parameters which is activated by YHWH's presence.
In YHWH's mirror Life adds to Life, and Destruction meets Destruction.

Out of our choice, our reality comes into existence.
Just as we are part of this dualistic Earth reality because YHWH created a specific setting for our DNA which turns us into an integral part of this Earth reality, our choice against YHWH creates a specific setting for our source code which makes us part of the reality of Hell.
From the perspective of Heaven, Hell or Gehenna looks as if our choice for Evil created a setting of our Earth DNA which made us fall asleep in the Earth-dream, experiencing a nightmare within our Earth-dream.

However, if we choose to love YHWH, then our choice creates a setting for our DNA which looks from the perspective of Heaven as if we wake up out of our Earth-dream in order to be part of the reality of Heaven again.
To us it will feel as if we are waking up lying in a beautiful bed in a tranquil clean room which is part of a big mansion, and when we step out of bed to see if it is real we find ourselves looking through a big window across a garden filled with color and pleasing fragrances.

But if we fall asleep on Earth because we chose against YHWH, we will feel as if we are falling into another dream which contains an ugly reality derived from our reality on Earth, as if we wake up to find ourselves lying naked on cold concrete, staring at grey concrete walls with a tiny opening which lets in a cold harsh wind, and when we lift ourselves to peer through the opening we see an ugly ash-ridden landscape where every sense of beauty has departed.

When we die, our Spirit and Soul leave our Body.
The choice we made in our Soul caused us to merge with the filter through which we will experience YHWH and His reality.
This filter is the set of programming parameters which cause us to experience YHWH and His Light in a certain way.

If we choose to love YHWH during our Life on Earth, the filter will consist of experiencing YHWH as love, and our love for Him will be magnified and reinforced by His presence.

If we choose to identify with Evil and thereby come to hate YHWH, the filter will consist of experiencing YHWH's Light as destruction of our Darkness, and our hatred of Him and the agony of fear, anxiety and depression will come alive and be magnified and reinforced by His presence.
We end up running into the gates of Gehenna to find shelter from the pain of the Light.

So, when our Soul and Spirit leave our Body, the filter we chose on Earth is the filter our Soul and Spirit merged with for all eternity.
As a result of this identity filter we will come to experience YHWH's presence as Goodness and Love or as Destruction and Agony for all eternity. 
Our choice on Earth makes us part of a particular reality after our Earth existence.

I am convinced that before we were born on Earth, we CHOSE in Heaven for our Earth existence, and this choice resulted in YHWH creating a specific setting of our source code (our spiritual 'DNA') so that it was linked to the DNA of a particular Body on Earth.
By means of the first Cloud our Spirit and Soul were downloaded into our mother's womb, which printed us into our biological form on Earth that we might experience Dualism from the Earth perspective, and grow from that experience into the promise YHWH held out to us before we were born.

Like Heaven, Hell is the experience of YHWH we choose.
And yes, Hell exists and comes alive for us as the result of our choice.
It may wear a pretty face of paradise for all those who hate YHWH, but the painted face hides an ugly reality beneath the layers of make-up.
Don't be fooled by the pretty veneer, but choose wisely.