
The Government - The Enemy

Do they really think we are idiots, do they really think they can get away with it?
I have written so often how the decisions our 'leaders' have taken will result in a bloodbath, and I have referred to them as traitors, liars, the enemy.
And now the shedding of the blood increases on a daily basis, and no doubt it is just a matter of time before governments decide that it is necessary for the safety and well-being of the civilians to take dramatic measures which intrude upon the basic rights and the privacy of the people are necessary, and that it should be possible to arrest people and put them behind bars quicker and easier.
That's what they always wanted, more power so that they are able to rule as despots over the people and push the agenda forward.

The ongoing slaughter in Germany and France shows the degree to which our governments have acted as enemies disguised as democratically elected benefactors.
They have swung the doors WIDE open for Muslim immigrants, KNOWING very well that they would create a very hazardous situation in their nations.
They were willing to let their own people be murdered, raped, pillaged and slaughtered just so that they would get the legal mandate for more power in their hands.
It makes me so sick that I cannot find words to describe it.
And The Netherlands will suffer the same fate as Germany and France because we have the same type of corrupt government, an enemy in disguise ruling over the nation.

They have orchestrated a WAR against their own people and do not call it a war.
How about that for a lie, creating a war where people are gunned down, yet denying that it exists or that Islamist fanatics are doing it, or that they have anything to do with it?
How is it that they are able to get away with it?
As if it is a phenomenon they could not have foreseen!
But no, when the terror strikes they are only too quick to appear to photographers with a sad countenance uttering hypocritical words of sympathy for the victims.
Hypocrites, wolves in sheep's skin, they first created the right circumstances and then pretend to be innocent?
Their guilt is greater than the guilt of the terrorists.

They are laying the foundation of a full-blown civil war as the backlash against this bombardment of lies.
I have never seen any truly good man in government, but the likes of today's traitors surpass all in terms of Evil.
Just now I read the news about the throat of a priest being slit in a church in France, and I ask you, how much more can the people bear without standing up in a violent revolt?
On the same page I could read the news about a shooting in a clinic in Germany.
All too often all certain facts remain undisclosed, and the media makes it seem like incidents committed by mentally disturbed individuals.
Yet when you read more reports about the incident and the identity of the murderer(s) later on, you come to realize it was a terror attack carried out by Islamists.

It is despicable that our governments would go to such extremes that they engineer a situation in their own nations where terrorist slaughter the people they should care for, only to have the legal mandate for more power to implement the globalists agenda.
Our own governments have declared war on us, that is the sad conclusion.

How nice that here in the Netherlands the people do not have the guns to stand up and defend themselves!
Yes, we have been lied to and victimized, but if Truth be told the people simply did not want to know the Truth.
But now the situation is getting out of hand, and the uncomfortable Truth they always denied intrudes upon their consciousness in an undeniable way.
This will not end well.
The Fallen Ones are running out of time, and they need to speed up developments, and you can be sure much  more blood will flow.


The Takeover

The idea is to reduce our awareness and our consciousness to the point where we compulsively act out our programming in exchange for a sense of belonging and contentment, as if we are fulfilling Life's purpose by our slavish behavior and mode of thought.
It is the equivalent of drugging ourselves to Death, but hey, as long as we feel fine and get our kicks which make us feel alive, then it is OK, right?
Don't ask too many questions, don't rock the boat and go with the flow, and all will be fine.

That is exactly where many miss the boat in the biggest way imaginable.
They are literally sacrificing their Life and their Souls, precious goods which have an immense value in the Real World of the Spirit, for a couple of plastic beads and a shiny mirror where you see a projection of an image which is NOT you, but a projection of what your Masters want you to see.
In exchange for the good times and the good feelings you get by acting out the programming, you end up missing your calling and your purpose in Life, things which could have given you true meaning and true fulfillment in spite of the adversity and pain you would encounter.

The sad fact of the matter is that as you live like a programmed zombie there comes a point in your Life where you no longer are able to return.
You become an empty biological robotic shell until you have reached your final heartbeat and your eyes are opened: you believed the Lie, and you gave away your Soul to thieves who do not care for you in the slightest.

The engineers behind the mass media use this medium to install false images into people's minds.
Images which tell you what your aim should be in Life, what will bring you satisfaction, what you should tolerate and allow, what you should identify with, how you should think, how you should learn, how and what you should eat, how you should sleep and dream false dreams.
It is so comprehensive and omnipresent every moment of the day and the night, that even in spite of the resistance many put up the sheer volume of the indoctrination makes them sway eventually and give in.
The noise they hated becomes the music they love.

If you want a lie to succeed and be adopted as Truth, simply repeat it over and over again until people feel familiar with its sound and content, and find themselves adopting it in spite of the fact that it is a lie.
The Lie they hated becomes the truth they love.

Thus people are taken over and reduced to willing collaborators of the Luciferian order on this planet which aims to reduce people to cattle, food on the plate of Demons.
But they fail to realize the ugly Truth of what they are up against because they walk around like zombies chained in slavish obedience to the programming, walking around as if in a daydream  which is the result of the constant bombardment of false information.

The Truth is that they are cooperative prisoners in a colony where people are raised to be Soul food for Demonic entities, smiling because of the euphoria the lying Prozac spoon-fed to them on a daily basis brings about.
They see a pretty Disneyland veneer where Life is full of opportunities knocking on people's doors, and if they are willing to answer the knock and rise to the challenge, put in hard work, then surely they will be rewarded for their effort and reap the harvest of what they have sown.
They fail to see that if you knock on the Devil's door the only way you will be let in if you agree to his terms and conditions.
They don't see the Devil's door, they see the gateway into magic wonderland.

The more they are willing to sacrifice to their Evil overlords, and the more they can be used in service of the Evil One, the more chance they have certain doors will open.
At every point during their climb on the imaginary career ladder which they are indoctrinated to climb in order to reach Nirvana, they are tested in their loyalty to the cause of the Adversary and their willingness to sacrifice all to him.
If the Adversary has very little use for them other than to be a supporting actor in his movie, then that is all they get in Life, nothing but a face in the crowd in exchange for serving up their Soul to the Satan.
If only the Truth would dawn in their minds and they would realize the extent to which they have adopted a Lie as Truth...

But unfortunately the Evil One also has his own seed planted in the soil of this Earth, and his own children love the Lie as much as their father the Devil.
They will never accept Truth because they hate the Light, and because Darkness is their home they love and embrace the Lie as Truth.
For some there never will be an awakening moment, because they ARE Darkness, they LIVE the Lie.
For some the Satan is the only god they will ever serve, even though he is no god.
Nevertheless, they believe the deception, they eat spiritual Prozac as if it is their nutritious dinner, and they will never face Truth because the Truth is a Lie to them and the Lie is truth.
Prayer will never awaken them, but it CAN stop them from carrying out the wicked plans of the Devil.

Prayer is a weapon which goes straight against that hypnotic flow of false indoctrination prevalent in this world, and it assaults the spell it casts upon people's minds.
Prayer destroys veils and makes people see the ugliness of the Lie.
Some cannot handle it and retreat into an Evil cocoon of permanent oblivion, yet others are shocked to the point where they wake up and begin to act against the ongoing flow of lies.
The first group is permanently lost and will end up on the plate of Demons, the latter group is learning to repossess their Soul and become a threat to the status quo of this world.

Prayer is immensely strong, but there are a few guidelines you must follow.
First and foremost is the guideline that YHWH guides you in your heart to pray at certain times, and when that urge is not present and your prayers feel like an intellectual exercise, a drag, then it may not be the right time to pray about something.
But when YHWH brings something to your mind to pray about, don't hesitate and pray, believing and knowing in your heart that what you pray for is heard and answered.
Those are moments you are called upon to act as one of YHWH's warriors.

Like when I read again about Soros and how he wants the EU to import MORE immigrants in the future.
That is when YHWH put it in my mind to pray against that globalist Luciferian collaborator, and I obeyed.
He continuously influences the world in such a way that YHWH's own suffer under the effect he and his ilk cause, and since it affects YHWH's children adversely while the Satanists benefit I came against him in prayer, especially when, -as a result of his meddlesome activities, blood will flow abundantly.
I prayed that YHWH would put an end to Soros' manipulation so that he no longer is able to act in the capacity of a pawn in the hands of the Evil One, and that YHWH would do whatever it takes to stop him.
At that moment my prayer was done in faith and obedience, and I know this has changed Soros' position in the Satanic game, and the effect will become visible in the near future.

It is not because I am so good that YHWH will put into effect what I prayed for, but because YHWH put it in my mind and I obeyed so that through my prayer the Earth reality is affected and changed accordingly.
Not because I am so good, but because Yahshua is so Good, because our Heavenly Father is so good that He uses us for His purpose.

I may be browsing the internet when suddenly my heart is inclined to pray for something, and when that happens I know that I should not hesitate, but pray instantly.
I may be at work when the urge comes, and I pray then in my mind with all  my power for that one thing I should pray for.
Not a multitude of words, but just a sincere prayer in Faith, that's all, and its effect is immensely powerful.

I have written about this many times before and I urge you now to take it to heart and practice it.
Prayer is the most powerful weapon given to us, and it is activated and sealed in and through Faith.
Sometimes you may feel in your heart you should pray about something, and if you do, pray then, believing that what you pray for will come to pass.
Prayer can act as a reality-modifying instrument which can be used directly against the Evil One.
Our authority in Yahshua gives us power to bind up Evil Demons, destroy veils of deception so that people begin to wake up to Truth.
And when people wake up to Truth it means that the power and the spell of the Lie are broken and destroyed.

No, prayer won't work if your heart still is in bondage to the Evil One.
And this includes the various religious systems which people subscribe to for a sense of 'meaning and salvation'
Religion does not save nor does it give true meaning, but it CAN bind people to a particular dogma to the point where they become religious zombies acting out the religious programming, thinking themselves to be well on their way to Heaven not realizing they are getting deeper into the wheel of deception of the Evil One.

Prayer will work ONLY if your heart and Soul are connected to YHWH, and you live accordingly.
You don't act out religious customs because you are programmed and expected to, you live out YHWH's living instructions within you because you love Him and believe Him, and you know that whatever your Heavenly Father tells you to do is for your own Good.
When THAT is your basis, then your prayer can be powerful, because it becomes the link through which YHWH's power manifests in this reality.
It does not mean that automatically every prayer will be fulfilled, because YHWH is not a slot machine where you put in the money and out pops whatever you chose.
But if your prayer aligns with His will, and you believe, it will come to pass.

This is a time of war, and we were sent here to play an important part in the final end times .
We are the generation which will see the destruction of Evil on this planet so that it no longer has the power to reduce us to prisoners lost in a coma.
I also have prayed directly for the destruction of Evil on this planet and for end of the reign of the Evil One in our domain.
And I want to urge you to use this weapon of war, prayer, and stop doubting yourself and whether or not your prayers matter.
Of course they do.
The Evil One wants you to stop praying because it affects his plans adversely, so don't listen to the doubt he whispers into your mind, but tell that Evil seducer to get lost, and pray fervently and with fire, believing.

You HAVE TO learn how to cast fire upon this Earth with your prayer.
Or would you rather stand before your Heavenly Father in an embarrassing silence because somehow you failed to do your job as a warrior?
The end times are here, the world is going down the drain, and we are the generation from Heaven put here on this Earth to play our part and see it through.

So learn to be disciplined like a true soldier ought to be, and use your weapon of prayer not sparingly, but as often as you can.
When the General tells you to shoot, shoot, and do not hesitate.
I have seen powerful effects in my Life as a result of prayer, some were almost instantly, others took years to manifest, but when you pray, believing, it WILL have effect.
The Fallen Ones dread the moment when YHWH's army on Earth rises up massively and uses the weapon of prayer.
Through prayer Darkness is destroyed because the Light takes over.

This is all the more important in this day and age where the Lie is so extreme and so omnipresent that you cannot close your eyes and go about your daily business as if everything is fine and normal as it should be, as if nothing is changing around you.
Our own leaders turn out to be our own worst enemy, devoid of any conscience, the media obediently acts as the PR-extension of politically correct lies, ALL the ones in power and authority (and there are only a handful of people left who have not sold out) bombard us with lies and do not care if their decisions will cause massive bloodshed in the future.
Even worse, their actions are designed to elicit violence for the sake of the global agenda.
The serpent people rule over us and the gap between them and us is widening exponentially with each new day.

This world does NOT need the Ahab and Jezebel couple in the White House, and in case you wondered I am referring to the Clintons.
If Jezebel will ascend her throne and shapes the world as the queen of Babylon we will reap fire and destruction, you can be sure of that.

You think it is just a misguided notion which makes our leaders have open borders and import a massive army of migrants of the Islamic persuasion into European nations and welcome them as kings and queens?
If Israel were attacked and all the Jews were forced to flee, and they would knock on the European door you would be surprised how quickly the leaders would be in favor of closing down the borders and refusing to give shelter to the Jews!
But no, we are not dealing with Jews here, we are dealing with Islamists, a very suitable ideological battering ram to bring down the remaining pillars of Christianity and destroy whatever is left of the national, cultural and ideological identity in European nations, and among them are quite a few terrorists who create havoc and bring destruction so that their act will cry out for intervention and more power in the hands of a wicked and corrupt government which pretends to be good but which is downright Evil.

And how they love to forbid speaking the plain honest Truth about criminal offences and terrorist attacks carried out by Islamists in our nations!
Have you ever considered how weird political correctness is?
It is the expression of a dictatorial mindset which does not allow Truth to be spoken, but demands that certain facts are not mentioned for what they are, and as such it the vehicle used to manufacture a Lie.
Those who are of the Lie will go along with the Lie, but those who cannot stand it are subjected to persecution for speaking the unwanted Truth.
I tell you: always speak the Truth and don't let the Serpents silence you.
Truth exposes the Lie and destroys the Lie, so don't let the Serpents stop you from speaking the Truth, because in doing so you are destroying their lies and their power.

'The Truth shall set you free', words spoken by Yahshua.
Think about these words for a moment in the context of what I wrote.
It means that the hypnotic bondage to anything which is a lie is broken and destroyed by the appearance of Truth.
If you established your power by means of a lie, then it would be a disaster if people saw through your lies because they realize the Truth.
They would offer resistance and no longer accept your power over them.

If you ever wondered how the Adversary, the Satan, will be broken and destroyed, bring to mind the name used for the last book in the Christian Bible: the 'Apocalypse'.
It is right there in front of us, and it tells us how the Enemy will be destroyed.
It means 'the unveiling', or, the disclosure of Truth.
And when Truth is revealed, the power of the Lie ceases to be.

So in His words Yahshua revealed how the power of the Enemy will be destroyed: by the awakening to Truth so that he no longer has the advantage of keeping people imprisoned to his lies.
That is why you should pray constantly that YHWH will lift the veil over the eyes of the people so that they can see the Truth about Life on Earth, the Truth about the exploitation by Evil Serpentines, the Truth about how many of those in power are there because they are extensions of the power of the Evil One.
Once the people realize the Truth, the Lie is exposed and destroyed, and with it the Enemy's power over people is done away with.

Do not fear the governments or the wealthy globalists and the companies they own.
They are only a few men and women against masses of people, so should masses of people be exploited by the few who sold out?
No, stand up, pray against the wicked power-hungry exploiters, pray against the leeches, pray against the powers of Darkness that YHWH will bring them to a full end and that Yahshua will finally make His big entrance.

Those Exploiters were the ones responsible for humiliating Yahshua, torturing and putting Him to Death just as they had done with His servants so often before, while they made the people believe the false prophets, the liars in the holy robes who told the people what they wanted to hear in exchange for esteem and of course a handsome sum of money.
They thought they could have their way with Yahshua, and I pray that finally, FINALLY, our Heavenly Father will bring them to justice and honor His beloved Son with the honor and praise that He is worthy to receive by letting Him appear to this world as the ultimate King of All.

I pray, let Yahshua finally come and permanently destroy the power of the Evil One in our domain!


The Bi-Directional Future

There is today, right now, and if we look behind us we see yesterday, and if we turn our heads and look in front of us we see tomorrow.
Yesterday has been, and the things we have done cannot be undone.
But tomorrow is different because right now we can make choices to do or not do things and thus affect tomorrow.
This seems to rest upon basic common sense, and most people will agree with it.
It is based on a worldview where we experience a timeline stretching from past via the present into the future in a physical, solid reality.

What if I told you that our reality is neither solid nor fixed, that the supposed solid, fixed nature of our reality is the result of a program which can be energized to manifest a reality?
Then the nature of what we have taken for granted changes accordingly.

Often have I referred to our reality as a dream-reality, something which appears very real but which is the result of the execution of a particular interactive program.
We are living avatars in this reality, and the part of us which does not belong to his reality, our Spirit, is downloaded into this avatar and tied to it through the gift of the human Soul.
The human Spirit comes from exists in a greater reality, and the moment it was linked to this avatar was as if it went to sleep in Heaven and dreamed the Earth reality.

In this reality we experience a sequential order of the days of our lives, and a hundred years feels like a long Life on Earth.
The Bible tells us that a thousand years is like one day to YHWH, and what this passage makes clear to us in an understandable way is that our Heavenly Father is above and beyond a linear timeline.
We can fall asleep and dream that we live an entire life, while the dream may last for only a minute of time in the 'real world', the physical world.

Likewise, our Life here on Earth, where we move sequentially from one minute into the next, may not have a corresponding linear relation to the duration in Heaven.
It could very well be that a Life of one hundred years on Earth is but an afternoon in Heaven.
But here on Earth the senses of our physical interface impress on us the idea that we move sequentially from second to second, until the total number of seconds of our Life has been reached and we depart from this reality.

And in this time-based reality we experience something we construe to be a linear line of time with a uni-directional motion we refer to in terms of past, present and future.
This motion along the line, -at least, we tend to think we move along a line-, seems uni-directional and irreversible, and because of this uni-directional movement we ascribe to Time, the things which belong to the past are fixed and cannot be undone.
Because we move from yesterday into tomorrow we tend to think that the choices we made yesterday are over and done with.

'Now', which is the moment you read this text and you are aware that you exist, is all the certainty you have.
From the position of this moment of awareness of existence, the 'now', both directions of past and future are programmable and not fixed in any way.

We tend to think of history as a story book with 7000 pages, and we venture from page 1 to page 7000 through a fixed setting of the story.
But that is where the comparison goes wrong because we relate to it as a four dimensional storybook, but it really is one with multiple dimensions.
This means that each page in the book has multiple versions, like page 100a, 100b, and so forth.

So, if we are on page 6016 and we look back at page 100, we see something of the same nature as when we look forward to page 6700: a page number with many other versions of it describing multiple realities.

When it comes to the past we may remember a particular setting of reality we experienced, but that is just one version of a page among many others.
In fact, some may have gone through a different version of reality.
For instance, bring to mind the story of the three men in the book of Daniel who were to be thrown into an oven.
In one version of reality they went into the oven and they should have been burned to death, but these men, guided by an Angel, went through a different version of reality where no fire was present.
This different version, let's call it page 3000b, was superposed on the other version, page 3000a, so that two versions of reality were brought together in one single image, as if two different projectors projected their image unto one screen.

If we think of the analogy of a book, then from our position on page 6016 both page 6700 and page 100 are the same in character in the sense that both contain multiple scripts of reality, and what is more, both can be changed.
Yes, the past can be changed simply by changing the programming so that suddenly by altering the past the present is affected in ways that appear like magic.

The choices we make determine the course we take and serve to bring out the qualities of our Soul which YHWH has put in us, and they cannot be changed by subversive Evil hackers of reality, but the setting on the pages and the context CAN be changed AND superposed, don't forget that.
In that sense both past and future are the same.

The Fallen Angels have the technology and ability to hack into our reality and alter things, something which used to be referred to as magic.
They do not have unlimited access like YHWH, but they are able to change certain aspects of reality.
It should not come as a surprise then that they also are able to change their appearances in our reality.
It is just a matter of programming the avatar they choose to manifest to us.

Consider a world with a computer technology which surpasses our current technology exponentially.
Imagine how in this world we choose to participate in a simulation program which is designed to bring out certain qualities in something which will be given to us: a human Soul.
Imagine ourselves being connected to the software program of our Earth reality, and being downloaded into a particular avatar.
We lose awareness of what and where we are, and awaken in a dream world as new born babies discovering Life in this dream world and learning to deal with the presence of Evil in this simulation.
We don't know it is a simulation because it feels so real, and we cannot remember anything anymore from the other world.

As we learn to deal with Evil in this reality, certain qualities in our character and our Soul are drawn out, like the cutting process of a diamond.
Pain and grief are part of the process and serve the refinement of our Soul.

Although the setting may be a simulation, the choices we make in the simulation affect us deeply in the metaphysical world, and as such it is not just a minor computer game we play, but an important school where we are trained for the real Life after school is over and we have graduated.
The experience resembles participating in a computer game, only it is far more advanced since we actually BECOME the avatar of Flesh into which we are downloaded.
In this reality setting, this Earth simulation, we experience the sensation of Time passing from past into future, and the way the avatar moves through this Earth reality and experiences Time creates the impression that the past is fixed, and in the now we make choices which affect the future.

Yet the programmable nature of this simulation means that elements of the program can be modified by creating new links to different versions of reality, either by the Administrator, or illegally by hackers.
And so this idea of a fixed past is an illusion since there are many possible versions of the past AND the future, and what has been CAN be altered to a certain extent by malicious hackers.
These Evil hackers can modify reality, but there are certain things they cannot do, such as undoing the link of you with your Savior Yahshua, because it is an intrinsic and essential part of your reality.

So as advanced as the technology of the Fallen Ones may be, they are limited in the extent to which they are able to change the storybook.
Yahshua's victory is intrinsically entwined with the consciousness of YHWH's children and as such cannot be undone or erased.
It is a universal event which has eternal effects beyond the reality of the storybook of Man.

The choices we make affect our Soul and Spirit, and as such their effect is eternal and reach beyond the story in the book we are part of.
They cannot be undone except by our Creator when He forgives us and thus makes part of our past choices undone.

I know that the idea of a changing past is a very controversial subject, but nevertheless, neither the past nor the future are what we always thought they were, nor is the storybook of our history fixed in one particular reality.

Think of it this way: from our position in this reality we can see the future to the right, and the future to the left (which we refer to as 'the past' and which we think of as fixed).
Keep this thought in your mind, because it will fundamentally change the way you relate to time and your position on an imaginary timeline.

And consider the moment we refer to as 'now', is it really a moment?
Can you point your finger at one single division of time and appoint it as the 'now'?
The moment you do this is the moment when it does not exist as 'the now', but it has become the past.
That which we refer to as 'the now' is an awareness of existence beyond time.
Because we are linked to this time-based reality we tend to think of the 'now' as a moment in time, but it really is not a moment which is part of a given timeline, but an awareness of being linked to a time based avatar of the Flesh, the human Body, which experiences time as a passing from yesterday into today into tomorrow.
The 'now' really is a metaphysical experience at its core, the 'awareness of being' from whence we observe and participate in a certain reality scenario.

Through this metaphysical link of 'the now' we see something resembling a flow of time with on the left the past, and on the left the future in our physical reality.
The 'now' is like a portal into a time-based stream of the storybook where you experience a motion from page 6000 to page 6016, for instance.
Because of the multiple versions of reality of each page, which also can be superposed, and the programmable character of our reality, both past and future can be modified, and as such both are the same, one being the future on the left, the other being the future on the right.
As the widely report of the Mandela effect shows, neither the left or the right from your position in time are etched in stone, and both can be changed by re-programming reality.

In this area the future will hold a couple of surprises, because YHWH is about to tear apart the veil of the great big Lie.
And when that is finished, the masked arch Liar exploiting Mankind, who appointed his own ilk in positions of religious authority from whence they use their Torah version and their brand of Jesus as pieces of merchandise serving their esteem, authority and bankaccounts, will be finished as well.

Do you now understand why our Heavenly Father takes so much offense at those who misrepresent Him and turn the glossed-over paganized fairy tale image of Jesus into a slot machine popping out gold coins?
It's because they are expressing the essence of the character of the Satan who brings YHWH's instructions to naught by appointing masked serpents as teachers, prophets and shepherds, hypocrites who confuse the people in order to take advantage of them.
It's because they act as true sons and daughters of the Adversary who tried to destroy Yahshua's victory by creating a false image of Him and using it as the flag of his religious indoctrination circus which traps Souls and keeps them in bondage to his wheel of deception.
Let there be no mistake about it: these Mammon lovers worship the Devil.

Right now we are living on a planet which is (ab-)used for the purpose of exploiting of Man's Soul.
Earth in its current state is a mining colony of Souls.
We are not alone here, there are Fallen Angels, interdimensional beings, having a great technological advantage over us which they use for the sake of keeping us locked into a Disneyland fairytale to cover up the slaughterhouse they have created for us.

The enemy is right in our midst, as well as their collaborators who invariably rise to positions of authority and power, be it in politics, education, the media, arts, music, the movie and entertainment business, religion, in short, they are everywhere.
And it is about time we wake up to this ugly reality and learn how to revolt against the power hungry leeches, the ones who thrive at our expense.
To hell with them, it is about time that their game was curtailed and replaced by something true, noble, and worthwhile.
In other words, it's time for Yahshua to make His big entrance, and I hope He makes it as big, dramatic and intense as possible so that even the gates of Hell will tremble at His appearance.
So let the thunders sound, let the lightning flash, and let it happen.

Do not forget that you are given an immensely powerful weapon, which is prayer.
The Fallen Ones are afraid of those whose eyes have been opened by Yahshua because they believe in Him, since they become aware that they are given powers beyond theirs.
When you pray, believing and in accordance with YHWH's will, you effectively energize what you pray for and thus modify reality, and the Fallen Ones cannot do anything about it.
YHWH's energy directly streams through your Spirit into your Soul and changes reality so that it complies with your prayer.

We have a Soul the Fallen Ones desire because of its qualities and its immense power, and as long as we are kept in the dark and ignorant of its power the Evil manipulators have nothing to fear.
But the moment we begin to be aware of who and what we are, and how prayer seems to energize and activate these qualities of the Soul through Faith, that is the moment the Fallen Ones are very careful with us, because we become like dangerous bombs to them.
You don't toss bombs around, you handle them with great care and try to contain them in isolation, away from where they can do great damage.
And unfortunately that is exactly the fate of many of YHWH's children, simply because we are seen as Light bombs capable of destroying Darkness.
And so the Evil One tries to keep us isolated from this world and its opportunities, safely contained in a particular position in space and time.

The Evil One knows that time has come for YHWH to draw forth His own, and that is why he works so hard at turning the pages of history in his favor.
Yet he forgets that whatever YHWH has decreed is what will happen no matter what.
No tinkering with reality will be able to prevent YHWH from carrying out His plans for Mankind.

The Rule Of Insanity

If there still was any lingering doubt, the recent attacks should make it clear that we are at war.
Incessantly violent outbursts create many innocent victims, a pattern of brainwashed robots embarking on a murderous spree, all too often motivated by an ideology sanctioning the atrocities they are about to commit, such as  the infamous ideology of Islam, a more spiritual oriented sibling of Nazism.
In spite of the politically correct evangelists promoting the 'Islam is peace' message you will find that hatred towards non-Muslims and especially the 'free West' is preached in the Mosques, and either these Islam sympathizers are mentally deranged or deliberate wicked liars, or a combination of both.

This war makes itself felt in the destruction we see around us, and it is part of a larger scheme which intends to set fire to civilization as we know it in order to create a fascist paradise where mind-controlled and micro-chipped slaves work on behalf of the ruling elite, the globalists who intend to usher in a Satanic paradise rising on the collapse of Western civilization.
The public only sees the puppets guilty of bloodshed, yet behind the puppets there are unseen forces, facilitators and social engineers at work.
They are the ones priming the puppets for their intended purpose, but since they remain out of sight who will be able to track them and bring them to justice?
This purpose is one established through social engineering and psychological manipulation, and the violence we encounter stands in service of these two pillars.

But then again, what is left of the 'civilized' aspect of Western 'civilization'?
It has been eroded from within and covers a stinking swamp of lies and deceit, exploitation, greed, selfishness, immorality and legalized murder.
A civilization where leaders have sold out to the highest bidder and sacrifice their own people on the altar of the highest bidder.
A civilization where the internal division is growing exponentially with each new day as the established political club  and their corporate buddies display more signs of clinical insanity and being downright Evil, while on the other side people are awakening to the reality of the insanity and how they have been lied to, and thus find themselves confronted with the ugly reality of being ruled by an enemy who steals from them and uses their money to fund their demise.
More and more people are awakening to the fact that the notion of a conspiracy is not so outlandish anymore, although many remain clue less on how to connect the dots as well as being unable to fathom the depths of Evil their leaders have sunk to.

This is a war, not between nations, but between Good and Evil everywhere.
And Evil uses manipulation through lies and deceit as its primary means to steer the war towards the desired outcome.
All too often the manipulation involves the equivalent of guiding an arsonist to a room where a box of matches and a gallon of gasoline are left on the table.
It should come as no surprise when the arsonist compulsively sets the place on fire, so that ALL the fingers can be pointed at the arsonist, or maybe the presence of the matches and gasoline.
It does not matter if many people have gasoline and matches at home without ever even contemplating setting anything on fire, but in the heat of the emotional backlash when fingers are pointed towards the gasoline and the matches there are those who are manipulated into appointing the tools as the cause, and not the person, let alone the manipulating forces which drove the person to the act of insanity.
The manipulating forces who made the arsonist what he is and who guided him to the room with the gasoline and the matches remain out of sight, yet they engineered the situation in order to be able to use it in favor of their agenda.
It is a spiritual and psychological war where the guilty parties remain out of sight and out of reach.

Such is the wicked, Evil character of the globalists in this world, the ones who have a sworn allegiance to their lord and master beyond the veil.
They have no qualms about ruining people's lives if they can benefit, because they see themselves as superior, so in their view it is only fitting that they should rule over the dumb masses who cannot figure out even the most basic strategy used against them.
Our politicians are their managers, their team leaders who push and drive their agenda forward, and they are so ruthless that they have no qualms about killing off their own population.
He who serves this agenda is blessed and doors swing wide open, but woe unto him who turns against the holy script of the almighty agenda!

Am I exaggerating?
Just the other day headlines stated that the European 9/11 is just a matter of time now that the IS troops have entered Europe.
This means a bloodbath of unprecedented proportions in recent history.

Let me ask you, shortly after ISIS announced that they would infiltrate Europe disguised as fugitives, WHO were the ones setting the doors to our nations WIDE open, WHO were the ones refusing to close borders (which is something that should have been done IMMEDIATELY), WHO were the ones making us pay to welcome the fugitives as kings and queens while the ones born in our nations have to work hard for each cent of income, WHO were the ones imposing censorship on every news item and police report concerning refugees indulging in theft, rape and murder, WHO were the ones LYING about statistics as well as the nature of the crimes committed such as in Bataclan where the victims were tortured and Muslims were cheering in the streets over the bloodbath?
If you cannot see how OUR politicians have let them enter our nations on purpose then I have no hope for you to ever be able to recognize and acknowledge Truth, because right now it is staring you in the face with all the evidence spread out on the table.
They aided and abetted the enemy, and if blood flows through our streets THEY are responsible, THEY are the guilty ones.
This is the equivalent of murder by proxy.

I have written it before, I'll write it again: our political leaders have betrayed the people.
The Dutch prime minister Rutte is like the white version of Obama, and it makes me sick to see his lying face in the newspapers knowing what he has done and what he stands for.
He should not be in office but in court facing a judge, and if there is any justice left, if the Dutch people have ANY decency and intelligence left in them, they will massively vote him and his party out in the next elections.
That is, IF there will be elections, because something very Evil and very big is coming down the pike, something which will make it crystal clear we are at war.
Our political leaders AND THE EU COMMISSION should be under thorough investigation about what their role has been in the invasion by IS troops.

People have their limits, and although revolts in The Netherlands are scarce, a nation like France is different.
You can push and stress and lie to the people only for so long before they will lash out, and if the current traitors continue on their chosen road of destruction THEY will be the ones directly responsible for the counter reaction of a full blown civil war, both in European nations and the USA.
Isn't it sad that today our own leaders wage war against the people who pay their salaries and who trusted them to be honorable and do good?
The shepherds eat the flock and fatten themselves forgetting that the time of the great slaughter has arrived.

Obama is working overtime to create a situation which will legally let him prolong his term in office.
Syria did not yield the desired result, Ukraine did not provoke Putin into starting a huge war with the West (and I have to praise Putin and the Russians for their restrained attitude towards the madman Obama), so now Obama is trying to create a race war in his own country, a war between black and white, as well as using the NATO to step up provocations towards Russia.
When I look at the incredibly unstable situation in the world, where even within nations citizens begin to fight against the political leaders (just look at Turkey), and how Putin warned time and again that if he believes Russia is in danger because the West has plans to attack Russia he will not hesitate to launch a pre-emptive strike, then I hold my heart for what the remainder of this year may have in store for us.
Because this war, which started in the Middle East and which spread into the world, is gaining momentum and increases in intensity on a daily basis.

The recent coup d'état in Turkey should make it evident that the government can turn out to be the people's worst enemy if they dare to turn against it.
When the coup happened immediately the government blocked internet traffic, because they know all too well how important electronic communication is and the role it plays it a war.
So, to believe that all the things you currently take for granted, such as internet, phone, food supplies, water, electricity, will continue to be as they always were during a time of great upheaval, is to set yourself up for a very nasty surprise when push comes to shove.
Or do you really think that the ones holding the door open to murderers will suffer from pangs of conscience when it comes to safeguarding their own interest, that they will take care of you and help you and admit they lied about certain things?
No, they are of a depravity which defies description.

And have you noticed how well revolts such as in Turkey plays into the cards of Erdogan who now has the mandate to infringe upon personal rights for the sake of 'the well-being and security of Turkey'?
How convenient, almost as if Erdogan engineered it himself in order to orchestrate support for expanding his authority and establishing himself even more than before as a dictator, a little Hitler, using his own Reichstag event to push himself forward and make his dreams for the revived Ottoman empire come true.
Most of you probably are familiar with Erdogan's fascination with Hitler's bible Mein Kampf and his admiration for that despicable piece of dog vomit who murdered millions of Jews without losing any sleep over it.
But consider this, nothing will remain hidden as YHWH will bring it out and expose that which was hidden to the entire world!

Have you ever considered the tragedy if the soldiers of IS succeed in blowing up a nuclear plant in Europe?
There are many nuclear power plants here, and you only have to bring to mind what happened in Fukushima and its aftermath to have an idea of the magnitude of such a disaster.
It would mean that large areas become uninhabitable for many years, cancer would explode like never before, and Europe as we have known it for many centuries would become a historical fossil.

Safety and security, we used to think that living in Israel meant you would not enjoy as much safety as living in the US or a European nation.
How things have changed!
No longer this difference exists.
Our political mongrels refused to express sympathy for Israel's plight, so YHWH turned the tables and made the Israeli plight OUR plight, and we find ourselves living in the exact same conditions where you never know when some madman may decide to run a truck with bulletproof glass into an unsuspecting crowd.
Considering the safety measures taken in Israel I think you may actually be safer in Israel than here in Europe or the USA.

One thing should be very clear by now: the stage is set for violence, and blood will fill the streets.
To the ones who thought there might be a chance for a peaceful transition to a better world it should be evident by now that this is not going to happen.
The transitions are pangs of intense pain and violence, and the Adversary is dead set on putting us through his wrench just for the sake of pushing his agenda forward.
This is an agenda for the realization of an efficient people farm where man as he is will be redesigned into a new Life form into which Evil Spirits can dwell.
And if he cannot win, you can be sure he will be dead set on making sure NO ONE will be left to enjoy any victory.
It will take Heavenly intervention and protection to prevent the Adversary from carrying out his plans for our destruction.

But to you who belong to YHWH I tell you, don't worry.
Our Heavenly Father has created provisions for His own, some of which He kept hidden and which remain hidden at the current time until the moment arrives when He will act.
Don't forget, He is the Author of reality who has access to the script of interdimensional realities and how they are intertwined and even can be superposed upon each other.
That is the area which will bring the unexpected surprises and confuse the Enemy.
Thus, the author of confusion will receive the confusion he has sown.
Isn't that perfect justice?

The one thing which should infuriate anyone with an ounce of decency is how our governments have collaborated and engineered the situation we are in.
How the US with support of Europe loved to train the terrorists and use ISIS as a buffer against Assad, how they loved to liberate the people of the Middle East from the oppressive regimes!
And how we could see with our own eyes that the military intervention only served to help Islamic regimes to power so that the people, formerly enjoying at least a modest amount of freedom, now are completely stripped of it and forced to bow before fundamentalist regime of the Islamic persuasion.
Obama and Clinton together with their European lackeys have created the violent turbulence and left a trail of blood in their wake, and they are and will be directly responsible for the bloodbaths we have to endure.

And how convenient the violence turns out to be!
It allows them to manipulate the opinion of the people they consider to be brainless idiots and cattle on their ranch, it allows them to strip away any rights the people have on paper for the sake of national security (although they were not bothered with safety and security when the let the doors wide open for IS!).

What makes it even worse is that they are helped by the established media.
Have you read any reports other than the underground information about the warning Putin gave to journalists concerning the ongoing aggressive attitude of Western leaders and their NATO?
He said he did no longer know how to get through to us concerning the danger of the current situation and how easily it will escalate into a full blown war.
He warned us that we are on the brink of a full blown war.
And I assure you that Putin will most definitely act when he sees Russia being put into grave danger by aggressive Western leaders who show themselves to be nothing but a bunch of habitual liars.
How is it that such a grave warning did not make it into the headlines?
The established media too is bought and paid for.

Let there be no mistake about it, Putin knows very well the nature of what he is dealing with, he is no idiot and he knows the extent to which lies, deceit and manipulation are used as weapons against him and Russia by Evil forces operating through the mask of humanoid forms.
Likewise the US candidate for the presidency Trump also knows a WHOLE lot more about the nature of what he is fighting against, and the best chance we may have on at least postponing and containing the damage is if Trump is chosen over that Evil wicked Clinton.
Don't forget, through her policies she is responsible for the horrible death of many Christians in the Middle East, and their blood rests upon the heads of primarily the US but also the spineless collaborators of Europe.

If I were a psychologist I would diagnose the current Western collective as mentally insane at best, suffering from a such a severe psychosis that a comparison with a coma patient would not be inappropriate.
The West has become utterly insane, and the ones who are the craziest run the asylum while the remaining sane ones are deemed mad and assigned to the role of the black sheep.
I do not cherish one tiny bit of hope for a good outcome of this current situation, because I don't think there is any avenue left which would allow this to happen.
It will take a miracle, but then again, if many of you will pray for YHWH's intervention He may just give us that miracle, a miracle of grace.
But even then blood will flow, the world has gone too far.

I pray that YHWH will continue to expose the lying traitors who are in office and that for the sake of His own He will protect us and make a full end of the game of manipulation and psychological engineering.
You see, the Adversary thinks he is smart and that he can succeed through lies and manipulation, but what he has not foreseen is how YHWH has a few very nasty surprises in store for him and his servants.
And I pray YHWH will open the eyes of the people so that they realize that the problem is not just a random group of terrorists, not just one particular ideology, but that the problem is how certain parties in our nations operating under legal mandate shape and facilitate these groups and these violent individuals for the sake of creating an unstable situation which allows them to steer and maneuver the nations towards the realization of a certain global agenda.

The sad fact is that our enemies are not so much the terrorists, but the ones who create them and provide them with opportunity and means to act out their violent insanity.
And if people could get a glimpse of the true identity of some of these Evil humanoid forms in positions of authority they would begin to question their own sanity, because it would contradict the worldview they were conditioned to accept from childhood.
There are those who live on this planet wearing their humanoid costume like a programmed mask to fool us and beguile us, but beneath the mask the true form of what they are hides.

But YHWH has a couple of surprises planned...
After all, the Apocalypse does not mean 'the end' or 'the destruction', but the UNVEILING.
Veils will be ripped, torn and cast aside, and the Truth of what was behind the veils will be brought to Light for everyone to see.
Veils will be ripped between dimensions so that they melt together in one, just as the veil of Time will be ripped.
The veil of the Lie is about to be ripped apart, and I assure you the Evil One will go to extremes to hold up appearances and maintain the status quo, beware of him and his slippery ways.