
The Guilt Button

Everything moves in repeating cycles which share the same dynamic motions, even though the textures and players may differ.
Each day has in common with the previous and the next day that it is measured in 24 hours, but within that concept of the repeating cycle of the day each day is different in its details than the day before or the day after.
If we apply what we learned about today in exactly the same way for the day of tomorrow, we may make mistakes because of the fact that certain details have changed which require the intelligent foresight to modify what we learned from the previous day.

It is said that history repeats itself, and when we study history we can see the truth of this statement.
History too moves in repeating cycles, yet each cycle differs in the details, the players involved, the circumstances.
The psychological dynamics may remain the same in each cycle, the texture can be different, and as such history seems to be repeating itself endlessly, with each generation proudly proclaiming that whoever does not learn from history is doomed to repeat it right before they themselves repeat it because they did not understand that the texture and the players have changed, and they try to prevent history from repeating itself by applying today what they thought they learned from yesterday.
And that never works, because they focused on the details of the texture and lost sight of the bigger scheme and the psychological dynamics involved.
Sometimes the wolf we identified yesterday is cloaked as a sheep today, but because we focus on the exterior looks of the wolf of yesterday we can't identify him correctly today.

Today our historical cycle is eerily similar to Germany's historical cycle between the first and the second world war.
During that time the German people suffered greatly under an economic depression which never seemed to recover and which their leaders exacerbated, not in the least burdened by the demands of the international community to pay for war damages.
The German people were able to buy less with the national currency because of the inflation and devaluation of the Deutsche Mark.
Unemployment was high and contributed to the public's outrage over the fact that they were hardly able to make a living while their leaders lived comfortably and donated their hard earned money to the creditors so that they were not able to recuperate.

If we fast-forward to today we too are faced with a high unemployment rate while our government keeps complying with the demands of Brussels, constantly taking measures which adversely affect any chance we may have to let the economy recover.
It actually is a disgrace that the EU in Brussels exists, because the creation of a pan-European government was just an excuse to be able to expand the political welfare created for the benefit of the political ilk at the expense of hardworking people who have difficulties in making ends meet.
It's an absolute outrage that even today this monument to greed, self-enrichment and exploitation still exists.

Today we continue to suffer under a failing economy which is said to recover each new year, even though in the end the announced recovery is nothing but a statistical hoax which exists by the grace of accountancy magic, and which does not translate into meaningful real life effects for the better.
We are burdened with a crisis which is kept alive artificially by our politicians acting in the capacity of EU extensions at our expense.

So, when the National Socialist Party with its leader Hitler rose to power (yes, it was a SOCIALIST party!),condemning the German leaders for not caring about the German people (and Hitler was correct in that regard), appointing the Jews in the role of scapegoat and catalyst for the public's anger, the people were only too happy to embrace this 'truth' and turn things around for the greater good.
Their leaders had sparked and fostered a great outrage and anger in their hearts by their uncaring selfish attitude, and Hitler, being blessed and given charisma by Lucy, was able to channel their anger and give them a reason to vote for him.

Hitler was their weapon against the ongoing exploitation of Germans, their weapon against being treated unfairly, their weapon against leaders who did not seem to care the slightest bit.
Their anger is what made the people susceptible to the magic fairy dust Lucy used to rouse their hearts and lock them in a collective psychosis.
And the Jews, well, weren't they the awful bankers who lived at the expense of the German people, an alien non-German tribe living at the expense of native Germans?
So, Hitler catalyzed their anger and aimed it at the 'wicked Jews' and all those other weirdos who did not fit into the ideal of the great German society.

We all know how the story ended with the great tragedy of the discovery of mass graves filled with heaps of Jewish bodies as if they were disposed of as garbage.
Today we still remember this one thing,  how one particular group of people was appointed into the role of black sheep because they did not fit into the notion of a nationalist identity of German people, even though many Jews had been living in Germany for several generations and behaved and acted as real Germans.
There is a collective guilt over this wickedness, a historical blemish on the conscience, especially in Germany.

Today this guilt is used to silence people whenever they object to the massive import of Muslims.
After all, weren't the Jews stigmatized in a likewise manner in the days of Hitler, and we all know how this ended, right?
It implies that if you dare to raise your voice in protest of witnessing how hordes of Muslim immigrants intimidate people, disrupt entire nations, plundering supermarkets, even raping women, you become a contemporary Nazi, because you stigmatized one particular group, the Muslim fugitives, and it makes you seem like Hitler's twin brother.
Would you want to be responsible for following in Hitler's footsteps when it comes to Muslim fugitives, would you really want to be that Evil?
And so the guilt button is pushed to silence you.
If you speak up because you see injustice committed by one particular group of people which is politically protected, you become a Nazi, a son of Hitler, and so you better be silent because surely you do not want to be as Evil as he was.

There is one problem: this line of reasoning applies the lesson we learned yesterday to the same historical cycle today, only, the TEXTURE and the DETAILS have changed.
The wolf has changed clothes.

The political left traditionally has a hard time understanding this simple fact, although it must be said that certain political activists pretend to be blind simply because they can derive benefit from the social engineering game they play.
It simply is not to their benefit to inspire correct understanding.

Today the historical cycle is the same, but the texture and details have changed.
The Nazis of yesterday's Germany have swapped role, because today they are able to greatly benefit from the existence of this historically created guilt button over what happened to the Jews.
This guilt is a very powerful silencer, manipulating people and forcing them to shut up, and that is why the current Muslim invasion succeeds with political support.

This stream of fugitives, do you think it sprang out of thin air?
No, it is the result of Western, and in particular Obama's meddlesome activities in the Middle East.
This huge invasion is set in motion by Obama with full cooperation of European leaders such as Merkel, and as such it did not happen by chance but by DESIGN.
Our political leaders DELIBERATELY planted a bomb in our midst which WILL detonate in due time.

Today we cannot speak of our leaders as 'traitors' and of Muslim migrants as 'invaders', because if we do, we sound like the madman Hitler, and we don't want to repeat the awful things he is responsible for, do we?
We don't want to repeat a blemish on the pages in our history books and become like little Hitlers ourselves, do we?
So when people are confronted with the similarity between their words and what Hitler said, they shut up, because in their hearts they are decent people who do not want to have anything to do with Hitler's Evil, even though they see with their own eyes that today the roles have changed, and many Muslim immigrants behave like Nazi beasts searching for a willing prey.

Today the tactics have changed, and the offenders have assumed an identity of an ethnic group which was targeted by Hitler for persecution: people who are not rooted in German ethnicity, foreigners.
Today the Nazi equivalents have mingled themselves with the few real fugitives, and if anyone dares to express disapproval of the way fugitives behave, then the few real fugitives are put forward into the spotlight to make people feel guilty for their words.

It does not change the fact that a very devious game is being played where guilt and false propaganda are used as weapons against people who dare to protest against the ongoing politically facilitated and approved invasion and the accompanying disruption of society by hordes of criminal Muslims from regions where murder and violence are an integral part of culture and religion.
Not only are guilt and politically motivated and inspired propaganda mobilized to facilitate a very dark agenda, the protestors are depicted as the problem, and when the media willfully cooperates it becomes a very dark form of propaganda based on lies, a false representation of facts designed to vilify the protestors and force them to shut up.

The people are confronted with large number of fugitives, a large percentage of which behave in a very intimidating and ungrateful way for the hospitality extended to them, even indulging in criminal behavior so that people have to protect their children from the ones they are giving shelter and a safe place to stay, and instead of the political leaders protecting their own people and take the necessary measures for their protection they are told to shut up and stop complaining, stop behaving like bigoted islamophobes.

Is it any wonder that they become outraged over this supreme arrogance of their leaders who are giving away the very nations they represent to parties which quite clearly have ignoble intents, and they do this with the money they had to work hard for?
These lying political traitors PUSH the people into a backlash.
The violent backlash is created by our politicians and deliberately engineered, and when it happens those politicians are only too eager to step forward and condemn the ones who are guilty for using violence against migrants whereas they remained silent when migrants were the ones using violence against innocent civilians.
There's a double standard which betrays the hidden agenda of politicians, and the violent reaction of certain groups only serves to further that agenda, because, by means of the ones who use violence an entire group of protestors can be silenced and depicted as villains, and the attention of the media can be shifted away from the many crimes committed by migrants and the way our politicians take part in their crimes by facilitating the import of criminals to the black sheep our politicians created: the protestors.
It is politically engineered and serves to facilitate the ongoing invasion even further.
Yes, this is an invasion coordinated by Brussels, and it shows the dark Evil character of this bureaucratic monstrosity.

Anyone with a conscience knows that rape is Evil and that taking things from a supermarket without paying for them is theft, and it is absurd how some politicians insinuate that rape, plundering, the destruction of property can be blamed on a difference cultures.
'Just give the migrants an obligatory course on how to behave, and all will be well'.
The madness is more than I can express in words.

Of course not, how can they think that we are so stupid that we believe that sort of nonsense?
Furthermore, if I travel to another nation I check beforehand what I can and cannot do in that nation
due to the different laws and customs of the culture, so should not be expected the same from those who want to live among us?
To insinuate that rape, violence, plunder and vandalism are caused by cultural differences is idiotic, because even in Muslim nations you will end up behind bars if you indulge in these activities.

If we call our political leaders traitors for allowing our nations to be turned upside down by Muslim migrants, we are reminded of how Hitler also called the leaders of Germany traitors before he took over, and surely we do not want to become like Hitler?
The thing is that the Muslim delinquents trampling our nations have everything in common with the Nazi scum that trampled and intimidated Germany, and if our leaders accommodate these religious Nazis THEY are like today's equivalent of little Hitlers.

This is the big difference in texture and details between the historical cycle of Germany between the first two world wars, and today's historical cycle.
We are in the same cycle with the same kind of political leaders, only today the Nazis wear a different robe and play a different role.
And our political representatives, both on the left and the right, are facilitating the invading hoodlums.
What a callous sick bunch of degenerates they are, THEY are to be blamed for all this, don't forget that!

They even INSTRUCTED the media such as the German WDR to be 'positive' in their reports about the Muslim migrants, an instruction to lie deliberately so that the destruction of Germany and the other European nations can continue uninterrupted.
The police was told to keep the reports of criminal behavior of migrants to themselves.
These are not rumors, but real-life reports from people working for the police and the WDR.
Honestly, how is it possible that Merkel and also the other leaders of European nations who aided the invasion still remain in office?
I feel as if I am living inside an insane asylum, and I'm sure many people must feel the same.
This cannot continue, because if we are run by criminals who treat us with contempt and steal our money, there comes a moment when people are forced to take very drastic action, and by that I am thinking in terms of a revolution.

By their treason and their relentless indirect assault on native citizens the political bulldozers push the people into a counter reaction.
It is engineered and deliberate.
And inevitably the political latent aggression translates in an equal and opposite reaction in a certain group of people who cannot contain their own anger over the whole situation, and since the primary target is the 'phony fugitive', guess who ends up as their target?
They can't get even with the political traitors, so they vent their anger on the traitors instrument: the fugitive.

And you can be sure that when violent outbursts happen and innocent fugitives are victimized by the violent extensions of the political bulldozers (yes, they become extensions of the very people who abuse them), the guilt button and propaganda machine are recharged and used with more effectiveness than before, and the PR campaign against the protestors will be intensified.
'Look at what the intolerant protestors did, they victimized innocent fugitives thereby showing themselves to be heirs of the Nazis who likewise  persecuted an entire ethnic group'.
You become subject to demonization for not going along with the vile game played by callous psychotic politicians, because you object to the unchecked import of fugitives, just like the 'hoodlums who were guilty of the violence committed against innocent fugitives'.

And so we live in an insane asylum where all hell is about to break loose, with on the one hand mad selfish greedy politicians who are out of touch with reality and do not care about the people in their nations, and on the other hand extremists in the form of the politically supported and imported Islamic villains and their violent opposition, the reactionary extremists who want to eradicate all foreign elements.
And the ones with common sense and good intent are caught in the middle, but not for long.
There comes a moment when they too will be pushed into action.

Always remain discerning and discriminating in your discernment in the right way.
There are a few real fugitives, even Christians who seek safety in our nation only to find that the criminals who also entered our nation as fugitives, threaten them, even with death.
The right way to discriminate is to discriminate against Evil and in favor of Good, after all, this is the basis for our judicial system: the vessels for Evil are punished so that they cannot harm the ones who want to do Good.

The blame lies with the EU and our political leaders.
 THEY are the ones who should have closed our borders and implemented a strict security check, THEY are the ones who could have taken alternative measures to provide shelter for fugitives, but they did NOT, because there is an agenda behind it all.
The foundation underneath Brussels is shaking, and they realize they need to take action to make sure the continued existence of their political welfare isle.

Yahshua once said: 'For nothing is hid that shall not be made manifest, nor anything secret that shall not be known and come to light'.
Just as approaching light destroys the darkness, the closer Yahshua is to His return, the more of His Light is shed upon this Earth, and the hypnotic veil of Darkness the Evil One cast over this Earth is broken up by the approaching Light of Yahshua.
The blanket of lies is breaking up, and the evidence is visible in the awakening of people who are beginning to see the full extent of the lies they are told.
The stuff they discarded as fantasy they now are able to see before their eyes as the layers of the veil are stripped away, one by one.

Yahshua is gradually exposing the lies of Lucy and the extent to which she holds the world in her grip by means of lies and her Evil schemes of deception.
She always succeeded because she was able to put the majority to sleep.
But the Light of a new day, Yahshua's Light, is shining through the window and people are beginning to wake up.
So even though we are in the last phase and there will be quite a few detractors who love the Darkness of their cocoon, there IS hope for this world as long as people learn to embrace and believe in that Light.
The Light divides the world in two.

People are beginning to see the masks slip from the faces of their politicians, revealing the faces of traitors and liars far worse than what they imagined them to be.
They begin to realize that they cannot trust the media or the police to help them and provide justice.
And if the politicians succeed in turning the police against you, do you think that they will refrain from using the army against you if you pose as a threat to their empire of lies?
People notice the extreme arrogance and hunger for power in the eyes of the men and women in office, how they will not shrink away from even murdering their own civilians by proxy.
And as the political ilk continues to lie, cheat and intimidate, the anger and distrust inevitably will lead to revolts and even revolutions when it is clear that the people are ruled by their enemies.

I wanted to write this article to stress how important it is not to let yourself be silenced when you see how our political leaders betray us and how there are many criminal elements among the imported Muslim 'fugitives' with the blessing and help of our leaders, who COULD have considered alternative ways of helping fugitives, who COULD have closed the borders the moment ISIS announced they would infiltrate and attack our nations from within.
But they did not.

Don't let them push your guilt button, because the guilt is THEIRS.
THEY act as Nazi accommodators, THEY are destroying our nations, THEY are the ones who are at the root of the problem.
THEY play their part in the Islamization of the entire world, even if it requires that they look the other way when the women of their nations are raped, when so-called fugitives misbehave and indulge in unacceptable criminal behavior.
Guilt is just their way of trying to get control over you.

I will say it again: they are traitors.
Hitler said the same thing about the leaders of his day, but I am no Hitler, I have nothing in common with him.
Don't let the politically correct posse silence you by insinuating that you are like Hitler because you criticize their actions.
It's an insult and affront to any intelligent human being when the facilitators of Nazis look-a-likes accuse people with common sense, good intent  and who oppose the Evil they see, of the very things that THEY are guilty of.
But I think most of you are on to the guilt game that is played by our unscrupulous leaders and their sycophantic slaves.
When the bomb goes off, remember: they planted it here deliberately!

I would not be surprised to see a staged attack on fugitives if they notice how more and more people speak up and do not buy into their lies and their guilt game any longer.
In the wake of innocent victims they once again can use their recharged guilt button to force the people to shut up and create propaganda against the protestors, because after all, 'we now have SEEN where the hate speech has led to'.

Remain steadfast rooted in Truth and don't let psychological weapons or any other weapons keep you from doing that.
We only can make a difference on this Earth and in our nations if we do NOT remain silent and learn to oppose the Evil which tries to absorb our nations in the right way.

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