
The Temptation Switch

The story of Yahshua's temptation while He was in the desert not only outlines the character of the Satan, but also his gateway into our reality as well as his authority over this planet.

I don't know if you have ever fasted, but it should be obvious that it makes you feel hungry.
After the initial feelings of hunger and physical discomfort, your body seems to have made peace with the situation, and you experience an unparalleled clarity of thought without suffering from protests from the body in the form of nausea or hunger.
However, after a number of days you begin to feel weak, and the hunger will return with a vengeance.

So, it should not come as a surprise that after no less than forty days of fasting, -something which I have never done-, the suggestion of the Satan was very tempting to Yahshua.
"If You are the Son of YHWH, command this stone to become bread".

Yahshua turned down this suggestion by referring to the Torah, the recorded word of YHWH in the physical realm.
"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of YHWH".

Why would the 'great Satan' come up with a temptation which seems a bit simple, even dumb on the surface?
The reason is very simple: he needs to reverse the flow of faith in Yahshua, and the switch which enables the reversal of faith is operated by the choice in the Soul of Yahshua.
If Yahshua would have agreed with the Satan, He would have operated NOT in the flow from within, which comes from YHWH ('every word that proceeds from the mouth of YHWH'), but He would have acted on an external suggestion given to Him by the Satan, 'every word that proceeds from the mouth of Babel'.
And if that would have happened, the flow of faith in YHWH would have been reversed and Yahshua would have found Himself cut off from YHWH's Spirit, like Adam after he operated the switch of choice to act on the Serpent's words rather than obeying YHWH.

This is the Satan's gateway into our reality, the gateway which gives him the authority to shape our reality and rule over us: our choice to believe in the Lie of the Satan.
It is this belief which requires of us first that we doubt YHWH and thereby cut ourselves loose from His protection.
The moment we cut ourselves loose through doubt, we switch over to the Dark Side and the Shadows will have earned the right to exercise authority over us.
Whereas before the fall YHWH ruled over Adam's existence and shaped his reality, after the choice to doubt YHWH because he believed the seduction of the Fallen One, he switched his faith in YHWH into the 'OFF'-position, and thereby activated his faith in Evil.

Under the dualistic principle switching Light off results in Darkness, just as switching our faith in YHWH off results in faith in Evil.
This switch of making the wrong choice is the switch which opens up the gateway for the Forces of Darkness to overtake us and exercise dominion over us.
It is like turning the firewall of your computer off so that hackers can come in and take over.

The purpose behind all temptations is simply to reverse the flow and consolidate it, so that instead of a flow from the inside out you get a flow from the outside in.
The first is the flow of faith, the flow which is compatible with our original design, the latter is the flow of anti-faith, the flow of Evil reaching out through our environment inside our Soul to turn us into an extension of that flow.
The reversal of this original flow within Yahshua's being is accomplished by making Him turn the switch of choice in His Soul, the choice to act on the impulse of Evil arising through the Satan.
The three temptations of the Devil are like hands knocking on the door of Yahshua's Soul asking Him for permission to come in, and three times Yahshua kept the door of His Soul shut to Evil.

After this first temptation the Satan makes another attempt to overcome the power of the Messiah.
The only way for him to overcome Yahshua is by tricking Him into making a choice to cut off His faith in YHWH.
The second temptation in the book of Matthew is the third temptation in the book of Luke, and I will use the gospel of Matthew here because Matthew's order makes more sense.

In the second temptation the Satan begins to show his character as the great imitator.
He mimics Yahshua's way of responding to his temptation by quoting from the Bible in order to support the authority and validity of his temptation.
Yes, the Satan is the great plagiarist.
By quoting the Bible the Satan makes it appear as if he does not tempt Yahshua, because after all, YHWH cannot tempt anyone since He is not Evil, and if the Bible truly is His written word then surely by quoting the Bible the Satan is not tempting Yahshua to go against His faith?

"If You are the Son of YHWH, throw Yourself down; for it is written, 'He will give His angels charge of You', and 'On their hands they will bear You up lest You strike Your foot against a stone'".

Apparently since the Satan missed the first opportunity to tempt Yahshua by not quoting a scripture, he now makes up for it by giving Him two quotes in support of his suggestion.

The Satan mimics Yahshua in order to connect to Him as a Shadow in an attempt to merge with Him overtake Him, so that he can drain Yahshua of His Life and His Being.

Aside from the fact that it should be obvious that the Satan is very knowledgeable about the Bible, he presents an image of himself as someone who respects and upholds the authority of the Bible.
You can find this same image in the form of organized religion where the Bible is used to lead man in bondage to theological dogma instead of a living relationship with YHWH.
Selectively the Bible is quoted to support the dogma in order to seduce people into agreeing with the dogma and the powers which use the dogma to maintain their authority status.
Once this happens, the switch of choice transforms the individual from a living soul under YHWH's authority into a dead zombie living up to a dogmatic ideal, a false and corrupt image, relinquishing authority over his being from YHWH to the Dark Force behind the religious dogma.
The choice is what turns people into religious automatons, living commercials of a particular religious denomination.

Yahshua however sees through the Satan's game of deceit, how he tries to use the Bible to bestow an air of authority and legitimacy on his temptation.
And so Yahshua responds again by referring the Satan to the Torah.
Whereas the Satan abused the Bible to create a trap of Falsehood, Yahshua uses the Bible in support of Truth and thereby truly honors the Ruach (Spirit) behind the words.

"Again it is written, 'You shall not tempt YHWH your Elohim".
Having faith in YHWH means you do not put Him to the test to check if what He said is true, but true faith trusts that what YHWH said is true.

Distrust of YHWH comes out of doubting Him, and we all know what happened to Adam and Eve when they doubted YHWH and switched off their faith in Him.
Yahshua did not yield to the suggestion of the Satan and thereby did not operate the switch in His Soul which could reverse His faith in YHWH.
Where Adam and Eve failed, Yahshua succeeds.

Then the Satan presents Yahshua with a third and final temptation.
He shows Yahshua all the kingdoms of the world, saying to Him:
"To You I will give all this authority and their glory; for it has been delivered to me, and I give it to whom I will. If You, then, will worship me, it shall all be Yours".
Such a 'kind' and generous offer!

These words spoken by the Satan himself illustrate the very thing which I have emphasized on this blog, which is that our current world is ruled and exploited by the Fallen Angels as a colony.
They rule over every aspect of our lives here on Earth, and they are the ones in control of who is given permission to climb up the ladder, who will harvest success and financial prosperity, who will receive public exposure, etc.

Again I want to emphasize that this does not mean that YHWH is powerless on Earth, quite the contrary.
YHWH protects His own and gives them the opportunities they need in their lives, and the Fallen Ones cannot hinder Him in His purpose.
The Shadows are part of YHWH's plan, and He allows them to paint this world in their image.
The extent to which they are able to paint this world in shades of Darkness depends on the extent to which we as individuals grouped in nations embrace Evil.

However, as a result of Adam's choice the Satan has been given permission to rule over this world, and he owns the empires to this very day, yes, including the USA.
Just read the words the Satan spoke, and you have the answer as to why only the artists who sell out to immorality and perversion seem to be the ones to receive so much public exposure, why the most corrupt politicians are able to flourish, why schools seem hell-bent on destroying individuals in order to replace their unique identity and character with an identity which seamlessly fits in the collective, why the supermarkets are full of poison disguised as food, why the Lie rules over every aspect of our lives.

Try listening to the radio for one hour, -if you can endure it-, and take note of the horrendous excuse passing for music and the lyrics which use the aural garbage as a vehicle to invade your mind.
I bet you can't even find one single song in that hour which has a meaningful message and good, worthwhile music.
They all support the Satanic agenda, and the robots are trained to 'love' it.

When Adam chose to doubt YHWH and believe the words of the Serpent, he gave the Fallen One the authority to rule over his life and his environment.
The moment Adam and Eve gave away their authority, they were reduced to the rank of slaves in Babel's palace, and Babel proceeded to build a huge prison where before there was a garden of freedom, a paradise where Adam and Eve could enjoy Life as YHWH intended it to be.

WE, the progeny of Adam and Eve, have inherited this ugly prison as the reality of our home on Earth, and it has the power to make our lives on Earth miserable as it puts us through the grindstones of traumatic reality-shapers.

The way our nations are shaped as power structures where the ones at the top, who OUGHT to be serving the people, in fact end up exploiting the people, is nothing but a reflection of the top-down pyramid power structure of the Satanic empire.
The more people are seduced into the choice to cater to Evil, the greater the extent to which Evil is able to manifest itself and obstruct the lives of the ones who hold on faithfully to YHWH's instructions, and the greater the extent to which the LIE is able to manifest itself.
And the more the LIE is able to manifest itself in a nation, the more it is able to demand compliance to the Lie from those who live in the nation.

And if you happen to be one of Yah's own, you cannot go along with the Lie.
As a result you may find yourself excluded from all the goodies more often than not.

Yahshua did not give in to the temptation of Babel, and He rejected Babel's offer to share the cake with Him.
"It is written, 'You shall worship YHWH your Elohim, and Him only shall you serve'", thereby referring once again the Satan to the Torah, honoring the Ruach (Spirit) behind the words by using them in support of what is Good and True.

Because He did not succumb to the temptations, Yahshua's authority was not transferred to Babel, but He remained safely under the protection of YHWH's authority.
Because Yahshua did not become an extension of the Lie, He ultimately had to pay for standing in contrast with Babel's empire of Lies with His Life.

Ironically the ones who insisted that He should be killed were the ones who pretended to uphold the Torah, and it does not take a genius to see the semblance between them and the Fallen One who quoted scripture in support of Falsehood.
But then again, to take root in Babel's empire requires conformity to her Lie, so it should not come as a surprise to see so many manifestations of organized religion carrying her mark on their collective foreheads.

All nations and all empires fall under the authority of Babel, but they differ in the extent to which they are under her control.
The more the people of a nation are willing to operate the switch of choice in favor of Evil and rebellion against YHWH, the greater the grip Babel has over all facets of a nation and the less chance there is for YHWH's own to prosper.

Life is difficult enough for Yah's own on this planet, but once Evil strengthens itself because the majority of a nation collectively immerses itself in a Luceferian identity rooted in Babel's deceit, chances for Yah's people diminish proportionally to the increase of Evil, even to the extent that in the Revelation given to John we are warned that there will come a time when the world has surrendered itself to Babel's deceit to such an extent that Yah's own will be excluded from economic participation in this system.
In order to participate economically you will have to be prepared to sell out and accept Babel's mark, and this simply is not an option for those who belong to YHWH.
So, Life will be especially hard for YHWH's children during this period due to the stronghold Evil has been given on this planet.

Just as the Fallen Ones use trauma as a tool to shape us into their image, this world will be subjected to trauma to bring about the Luciferian utopia.

Today we are rapidly sinking into the swamp of Darkness.
Shameful exhibitionist behavior is exalted and praised, and the ones who give themselves over to the agenda of the Fallen Ones reap all the rewards, be it in the form of recognition, praise, public exposure or financial prosperity.
If you believe in Yahshua and you dare to speak out against  a politically enabled and protected Sin, you are marked as an intolerant, bigoted individual guilty of the crime of hate-speech.

The Lie rules, as it has done ever since Adam and Eve gave their consent.
The extent to which the Lie manifests itself has increased rapidly over the past decades.
Corruption dominates on every level, but it seems to prosper most in positions of power and wealth.
Consider for instance the EU, which turned out to be one of the biggest scams in history, a facade designed to implement a ruthless class of rulers over the masses which the people did not vote for, incarnations of the spirits which brought forth Communism.
They are without shame, even to such an extent that they appropriate money directly from the bank accounts of EU citizens whenever they see fit, as they seek to do in Cyprus.
This really infuriates me as it should infuriate any human being with an ounce of common sense: how dare they stick their grubby little fingers into the wallets of people and take as they please?
They act like thieves, yet because they have created laws which enable them to behave as such they are able to get away with their criminal behavior without being persecuted as criminals.

As a result of the arrogance of elitist European politicians the individual nations of the EU are ravaged and destroyed, and in the guise of unifying Europe the structure ends up as a tool to divide and disrupt nations, setting up one against another as the harlot sows the seeds of violence and hatred on the European continent.

The USA is rapidly made over in the image of Marxism by a man who prospers through deceit, and yet the people of the nation are entertaining themselves into stupidity as they let the man in the oval office get away with the great transformation of the USA in the Illuminati (Luceferian) image.
Freedom has to relinquish its place to government control, and the man in the street finds himself reduced to the position of live stock on a big ranch more than ever before.

The wealthy get wealthier still by making the common man bleed for their cause, and they have no qualms about taking banks and nations hostage to safeguard their financial interest.
They recoup their losses by waving the magic wand which paints a doomsday scenario of financial collapse and its consequences for the people, and instantly governments allow themselves to be scared into donating money into the lost causes of the financial elite.

Extremists thrive on this exploitation scheme, because they are the pawns in Babel's hands assigned the role of harnessing the collective anger and outrage of the people over the leeching game.
As extremists take over, the setting is ripe for the mass sacrifice to her royal highness queen Babel in the form of World War III, so that out of these ashes her strong savior can build up her utopia, a collective farm where the human cattle is given her mark of protection.

Mass sacrifices already abound on a worldwide scale in the form of abortion.
Abortion clinics are temples where the offering of the Life-energy of the unborn babies is sacrificed to Babel.
How the proponents of this type of sacrifice seek to extend the boundaries of abortion to include even post-natal abortion, or, to put it in explicit yet accurate words, child-murder!

I read that in the city of New York alone the abortion rate was no less than 41% in2010!
How is it that this world we live in is a womb for our Soul, and yet 'medical experts' distinguish between the womb of Life on Earth and the womb of the mother which is an environment for the child to grow and develop?
One is deemed worthy of protection while the other is surrendered to the whims of politicians.

An unborn child is still a child, just as much as a born child.
When Elisabeth heard the voice of Mary in her sixth month of pregnancy, little John the prophet in her womb leaped with joy, so it is not as if the unborn child has no consciousness.
But today the medical industry seems hell-bent on turning the abortion of little John into common practice, conveniently forgetting that abortion brings a blood-guilt on a nation for which it WILL have to pay.

Yes, the USA and The Netherlands WILL be held responsible for the child murders our laws have enabled, and the rivers of blood of the unborn aborted in China WILL be brought down upon the nation in terrible judgments, for YHWH's judgment is the mirror held up to the Forces of Evil in which they receive what they have inflicted. So, if you merged with the Evil of the Fallen Ones by brutally murdering the unborn children, then what do you think YHWH's judgment will bring you?

Right now the abortion industry even is lending itself for cannibalism where the cells of unborn babies are used in the process of making flavor enhancers in manufactured 'food'.
Can you imagine this incredible depraved insanity?
It is not enough that our food is modified so that instead of supplying us with nutrients it ends up poisoning us slowly to death, no, we are gradually being turned into stealth cannibals literally feeding on the innocent.
The legislators simply provide the flavor enhancers which use cells from aborted babies with an abstract classification like E2013, and no one will be any the wiser.
If we end up eating unborn babies either directly or indirectly, a practice which makes me feel sick even thinking about, then what do you think YHWH's judgment will bring us when He holds up the mirror in which we receive in equal measure what we have done?

This world is rapidly degenerating into an unparalleled Darkness, and I cannot stress enough the importance of making sure that you operate the switch of your choice in favor of YHWH.
We have to learn to exercise the switch of choice to turn ON our faith in Yahshua, in Whom YHWH became our Salvation.
Then we need to work out this choice by not succumbing to the many temptations the Fallen Ones send our way, but instead hold fast to this one choice we made.
Because, in YHWH you find Truth and Freedom, and to be able to find your way in the Darkness you need the guidance of His Light and protection on your path.

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