
The Numbers - IV

Despite the full blazing heat of July here in the Netherlands I bring you another part in the Numbers series, the fourth part where I will discuss how the Adversary uses numbers, which numbers are among his favorites and WHY they are cherished by the Fallen Ones.

If you understand the basic principles involved in the creation of the Satanic numerical system, the application of these principles will reveal to you the previously hidden message of certain numbers.
The Adversary's numbers are derived from the numbers with properties and realities attached to them as they are created by YHWH.
You will often encounter the use of these derived numbers in organizations seeking to further the hidden agenda of the Adversary.

Dualism is the principle which makes the manifestation of Evil possible.
In the numerical system it is represented by '2', and it splits the definition of the numbers after '2' in two opposite directions, until it is finalized and completed in the mutually exclusive numbers '8' and '9', the numbers where Dualism is torn in two different isolated realities of Good ('8') and Evil ('9').

The '8' is the number the Fallen Ones seek to avoid, since they have built their existence upon the Dark side which rose out of the principle of Dualism, the '2', and Dualism is no longer part of the reality of the '8'.
This means the Fallen Ones cannot be part of that reality, and instead they find themselves locked in the '9', therefore unable to influence the reality which is built upon the '8'.

YHWH does not speak just in words or intuition, He also speaks in the language of numbers and expresses the energy He used for our Creation by means of numbers.
Changing the numbers equals changing properties of the manifestation of energy, and by changing the properties of reality you change reality.

Yes, even names have numbers pertaining to a reality behind the numbers.
Before you think that I am superstitious, perhaps even 'dabbling with the occult', may I remind you of the vision given to John, which is written down in the Bible book Revelation?
Read for instance chapter 13 where the Bible speaks of the 'number of the name of the Beast'.
Why would YHWH mention this to John if numbers are insignificant and nothing other than interesting at best?

Our entire reality, everything we see, hear, smell or taste is built upon energy manifesting in numbers, a reality which we perceive as a certain chemical compound, or a certain color, or a certain sound.
The numbers bestow distinct properties on the sound, the color, or the chemical compound.
Of course it is not the numbers which bring forth a reality out of themselves, but it is YHWH who wrote the 'software' by means of which we perceive reality, and the instruction code of this software causes us to relate to numbers in terms of the reality we know.

The Adversary seeks to keep the deeper meaning underneath numerical system out of our reach, so that only a select initiated few are given the key to understanding about numbers and how they affect reality.
That is why he has created many diversions in the form of numerological theories which have no bearing in Truth whatsoever.
They are nothing but a diversion, the equivalent of a horoscope.
Here in my series of articles I do my best to sieve out the lies, so that Truth remains, and it is my aim to explain YHWH's use of numbers, and how the Adversary builds upon YHWH's system to create a numerical system of his own as the basis for his own reality.

The Adversary Babel thinks of herself as at least equal to, if not superior to YHWH, and her strategy consists of transforming everything YHWH created into her own Shadow version so that YHWH's Creation and its energy ends up as an integral part of the structure of Evil, the rebellion against YHWH.
Her aim is to turn her rebellion into an alternative reality where she can live apart from YHWH by means of usurping the energy YHWH put into His Creation, and use it to sustain an alternate reality of Evil.

This is why Babel also uses numbers like YHWH does, only she seeks to pervert YHWH's message and communicate her own, and create her own reality through her numbers.
Please understand that Babel has no choice in the matter of plagiarism, and it is not a game for her, but a necessity, because she cannot create like YHWH can.
Evil, Darkness, has no existence of its own, and the only way it is able to manifest is by appropriating that which belongs to the Light, and turn it into a component in service of Darkness.
Dualism makes the impossible possible, which is that 'non-existence' should be able to express itself in the form of Evil as if it exists.
Evil owes its existence to Dualism.

The creation of Darkness comes about by putting up a block against the Light in order that the Shadows of Darkness can exist where before there was Light.
This is the reason for Babel's plagiarism.
By becoming a Shadow unto YHWH she hopes to turn everything He created into a manifestation of Darkness, and the more Darkness there is, the more Babel is able to move about freely as a Shadow in the Dark, since a Shadow cannot exist in the Light.
Every move made by YHWH is countered by a mirror-move of Babel in order to transform YHWH's move into a component standing in service of Darkness.

Ans so, Babel has created her Shadow-version of YHWH's numerical language, and uses it to convey her own message and construct her own reality.
She wrapped her Dark blanket of Lies around YHWH's language, just as she did with YHWH's original message in the constellations when she invented the horoscope religion around it.

Be aware that there are two tactics at work here.
The first is to hide the message conveyed through YHWH's use of numbers and the reality which flows from them by turning YHWH's numbers into a perversion, like when numerology is turned into an alternative horoscope.
The second is to take YHWH's numbers, and use them in support of a numerical system of the Fallen Ones which conveys the message of an alternate reality of rebellion devoid of YHWH's governance, a reality flowing from these numbers by means of appropriating the energetic manifestations of YHWH's numbers.
It's like a double deception game, one to confuse and sidetrack the masses of people into superstition and idolatry, the other to make the initiated believe that the Fallen Ones are capable of creating their own alternative reality based on their own intellect by availing themselves of YHWH's energy, a Satanic paradise.
It won't and it can't happen, because YHWH has given Evil very distinct properties which cannot be circumvented or changed.

The notion exists that the Adversary can create, establish a numerical system independent from YHWH's numerical plan, and thus invent his own numerical plan for his Creation based on the energy the Fallen One brings forth out of himself.
That is NOT possible.
The Adversary can NOT create reality the way YHWH  is able to, he is NOT a source of existence with his own energy enabling him to bring forth a Creation in his own image, he can NOT create a numerical system independent from YHWH's numerical plan for Creation.
In order to manipulate reality (not create, but manipulate), and thus build his own reality out of the manipulated energy of YHWH's Creation, he needs to leech that energy from YHWH's Creation, and as such he is completely dependent on what YHWH has created.

When a composer 'creates' a piece of music, he takes pre-existing elements of Creation, such as frequencies and sound colors, and places them within a specific order he has in mind.
As such he is dependent on the pre-existing properties of frequency and sound color, both of which are numerical manifestations of acoustic energy.
The composer does not bring forth new elements of Creation out of himself, because he is not able to.
Instead he produces an order built from pre-existing elements, a composition.

Likewise, Angels cannot bring forth new elements of Creation out of themselves.
They too have to work with what YHWH has created.
The difference between Angels and Man is that Angels have powers to transform energy which Man in his fallen condition does not have.

The Fallen Angels too have to work like the composer: take what YHWH has created and place that energy in the order they have in mind.
The Adversary has to work with the elements as created by YHWH, and that is why he cannot create a numerical system with properties of its own, but rather he has to derive his own numerical order from the order and its properties as created by YHWH.
As such the Satan seeks to compose his own reality, and by-pass the negative definition of Evil to the best of his abilities.

The problem is that YHWH has given a specific definition to the Shadow side of Dualism, and that definition does NOT allow for the creation of a pseudo-paradise of Evil.
So, regardless of all the effort and bloodshed committed for the sake of establishing an Evil alternative paradise, the definition of Evil will NEVER allow for the existence of a paradise of Evil, and as such the defenders of the Evil faith are chasing after wind, sowing seeds of Perdition which will yield a harvest of Destruction which they shall be forced to partake of.

YHWH is able to create anything by using His own energy, and He defines the manifestation of that energy in terms of realities.
He is the Source of existence, and He gives properties and definitions to the energy coming forth out of Him, so that realities can come into existence.
Whereas the possibilities for YHWH are endless, our possibilities are limited by the properties of energy YHWH has created.
Babel too depends on what YHWH created, and she uses the Shadow-component strategy to establish her new order. 

You can see the Shadow-component strategy in action when for example a perception shell of lies is created around a person.
Such a person is wrapped in lies, and people base their judgments on this false perception shell, which really is a Shadow-component, where the Truth of a person is hidden under a shell of lies around that person.
This person is still the same, only the context in which he is placed causes the public to see a different person, and the reality of the person is assessed in terms of the context in which it is placed, which is the context of lies.
The result is that whenever this person makes a public appearance, the false reality of the perception shell is activated and reinforced in the minds of the people.

As I wrote before, because of her inability to create, Babel has no choice but to use the language of numbers together with the properties YHWH assigned to numbers, and make them work in service of her perversion of YHWH's Creation in order to turn it into a Shadow Creation.
So, if YHWH regularly uses numbers such as '1', '3', '4', '7' as structural parts of a cycle,  then the Adversary's perversion would be centered around these numbers, only he has twisted them and changed them in ways which I will discuss in this article.

The problem is that YHWH's numbers in their original form refer to His particular concept.

For instance, the '1' refers to unity, and specifically 'unity in YHWH' ('YHWH is echad, one').
The Adversary cannot change this concept and the reality pertaining to this number.

But, he CAN take that '1' and the reality embedded in the '1', and add another '1' so that the end result is that the number '1' no longer refers to unity in YHWH, but in the context of the double '1', the '11', it refers to unity in the Adversary.
He put YHWH's '1' through the filter of Dualism ('2'), and turned it into 'two ones', or the number '11' as the number which expresses the imagined reality of unity in rebellion.
The number '1' in YHWH's book stands for unity in Him, yet to Babel YHWH's '1' means the destruction of her identity.
The Devil can exist only thanks to the principle of Dualism, which in numerical value is '2', the number following after the '1'.
Dualism is the Devil's mother.
Just as Babel used to be 'one' with YHWH, yet split off from Him thanks to the presence of the dualistic paradigm, her number of unity in Evil ('11') looks as if a '1' has split off from the other '1', a perfect representation of Babel.

YHWH created the '4' to be the number of Destruction on Earth, yet for Babel this number stands for the complete separation from YHWH to achieve unity in Evil, the birth of the identity which is completely separated from YHWH, the gateway into the new Satanic order in the '9', or rather the '99' in the intermediary phase of Earth which will be finalized in the '999'.
Here too by virtue of the principle of Dualism, Babel's definition is the exact reverse of YHWH's definition of the numbers.

The Adversary prefers double-digit numbers over single digits.
He likes to take the single digit numbers, and place them in the context of a double digit number or more.
The reason for this is rooted in the principle which brought forth the possibility of rebellion against YHWH, Dualism, the '2'.
Then, from the intermediary stage of the double digit number, which stands for Satanic activity here in the dualistic Earth realm, he proceeds to the end stage of the three digit number, the stage of the eternal reality of Evil.

So, if YHWH gave the basic definitions and properties of numbers in the single digit decimal range, where He also introduced Dualism, then the Satan seeks to route that basic decimal range through the range of double digits as a reference to His work in the intermediary stage of Earth as we know it, and finalize it in the triple digit range.
Unity in YHWH is represented by '1', the Satan turns it in unity in him, Evil, '11', and when he has completed his plans for his new creation the '11' becomes '111', the unity in Evil in the final eternal phase.
Again you see the basic principle of Evil at work here: the Adversary steals what YHWH has created, and makes it serve his own ideals.

I know it may sound very strange and superstitious to you when I write about numbers and how their manifestation affects reality.
But nevertheless, numbers are used by YHWH to build His reality and manifest His energy of Creation in His desired way.
And that is the reason why the Adversary is so keen on using numbers and their properties and elements to build a reality of his own.
He seeks to drain the energy out of YHWH's concept of numbers and use it as fuel to build his own reality unfolding from his own numbers.

Isn't this exactly how Sin manifests on a physical level in our brains whenever we cave in to temptation?
When we sin, we fill healthy brain cells with the recording of the Sin together with the emotional registry setting of the temptation which brought forth the Sin.
In other words, we appropriate healthy brain cells which could contain recordings of YHWH's Goodness, and instead we fill them with Evil so that the recording contained within the brain cells becomes a representation of Evil and a conditioning element steering us to Evil.
We took the properties of brain cells as created by YHWH, and created a reality of Evil out of them by the choice to sin, and thereby transformed energy which YHWH gave us so that it ends up as a building block of a reality of Evil.

The same principle applies to cancer, and in a way Evil is the cancer of Creation.
That is why YHWH will cut it out and separate it from His reality for Creation.

The choice was the switch which switched off the Light, and thereby switched on the Darkness of Evil.
It is the choice within the paradigm of Dualism enables a flow of energy from Good to Evil.

I have mentioned the example of Deuteronomy 28 and its code expressed in numbers for Destruction and Restoration.
YHWH's Restoration and Salvation is coded as '4 - 3 - [2] - 1', Babel's code for her salvation is the mirror image, '1 - [2] - 3 - 4'.
Whereas YHWH's definition of the number '4' stands for Destruction, Babel sees it as freedom from YHWH and the gateway into a new creation separate from YHWH.

The number '3' stands for the fullness of manifestation, and in YHWH's order it can stand for the full manifestation of His character to mankind, where YHWH ('1') expresses the fullness of His being to mankind as his Father, his Savior, and his Renewer, or his Judge, Jury and Executioner, depending on how we choose to experience YHWH.
When the Dualism filter is applied, by means of which man is able to choose to move away from his Creator, the '3' stands for the three incremental phases of the curses, culminating in the '4'.
For the Man of Perdition these '3' incremental phases of the curses are seen as the three phases to achieve complete separation from YHWH, so that the fullness of the manifestation of Evil can be experienced as an alternative reality.

Whereas YHWH tends to use the '3' often together with His concepts of the '1' and the '7', Babel puts the '3' in the context of her rebellion against YHWH.
Babel seeks to connect the '3' to her '11', thus extrapolating the '3' to become her '33'.

Why the '11'?
I have mentioned this already: because of the form which refers to Dualism ('2' ones).
Remember that the Adversary loves to use double numbers because of the Dualism principle, which is embodied in the number '2'.
So, instead of '1' the Satan uses '11', instead of '3' the Adversary links it to '11' by means of an operator ('3 x 11') to create '33', instead of '5' the Adversary once again establishes the link to '11' to create '55', and so forth.

Since all numbers come forth out of the '1', the Adversary seeks to duplicate this in his own favor by using the double '1', which refers to the Adversary and the unity in Evil.
By multiplying numbers with '11' they are linked to the reality of the '11'.

However, the double numbers also reveal the Achilles heel of the Adversary caused by the properties of Evil which YHWH created: division, strife, the lack of true unity.
As such the unity of the '11' is a contradiction in itself.

Babel turns the '3' into number '33', a perfect derivative of the '11', '3 x 11'.
'33' is the dualistic representation of the fullness of the Adversary's manifestation to man on Earth, uniting him in his rebellion against YHWH.
Ultimately this will lead to the ideal of the '9' ('3 x 3'), or rather the '99' ('3 x 33' and '11 x 9'),  and even the '999' ('3 x 333').

The message of the number '11' conveys the Lie that 'just as you can have unity in the first '1', you can have unity in the second '1'', as if the two ones are equal yet two distinctly different concepts of reality.
Many Satanists have fallen for this Lie.
Let me repeat: Evil can NOT exist in reality; it can ONLY exist in the dream realm of Dualism, and YHWH will separate this dream realm from His reality so that those who trapped themselves in this dream realm will never be part of reality again.
This dream realm of Evil will NOT be a paradise, but it will manifest all the characteristics of Evil.
YHWH defined Evil to embody everything which is NOT-YHWH, so if YHWH embodies Goodness, kindness, grace, patience, joy, inspiration, happiness, then what do you think the dream reality of Evil will embody?
Trust me, you do NOT want to be part of that nightmare.

By the way, have you ever noticed how many bands there are featuring three female singers, and how so many of them are successful?
Without exception the lyrics of their songs are inane, empty shells having no substance of Truth in them, but they carry the stamp of the Satanic seduction game.
As such the package is designed as promotion of the great big Lie, to manifest the fullness ('3') of the Lie through the seductive package of three women, usually scarcely clothed, conforming to the profile of women using sexual seduction to get their way, thus becoming the avatar of feminine power.
Yes, the 'weaker gender' rules over men through their sensual appetites.
The three-women image is designed to be Babel's image of seduction so that the fullness of the Satanic empire is embodied within this image, '3' women in a '3'-D package of Flesh and Blood, '33', the number of the fullness of the Satan's manifestation to man in the intermediary phase of Earth.

The number '3' is part of the reason why the Adversary loves the pyramid structure so much.
A triangle in a two-dimensional reality is a flat picture with '3' corners.
The pyramid is the three dimensional image built from the shape of a triangle.
Traditional pyramids consist of '4' triangles pointing to the '4' corners of the Earth, one on each side, all built on a square foundation.

So, what you see in the pyramid is the '1 - 3 - 4' movement, which is the same as '1 - [2] - 3 - 4' since Dualism is a filter which is necessary to make the '3 - 4' movement possible.

The '4' triangles ('3') unite in one point at the top, where the Adversary places his all-seeing eye, then it goes down through the four triangles until it reaches the square foundation which makes it complete.
As you know the number '4' stands for Destruction on Earth in YHWH's reality, which is interpreted by the Adversary as the number conveying complete separation from YHWH and the gateway into the alternative Satanic reality.
The '4' triangles built on a square ('4') foundation creates a double '4', '44', the number which embodies Dualism and which stands for the complete separation of Earth from YHWH, and the gateway into the '99'.

The triangles begin in at the top in '1' point, and they move to the square ('4') foundation rooted in 'the grave', the soil which stands for the 'nether region', the 'region of the grave or Sheol'.
In the image of the pyramid the Satanic message is like a commercial to descend into the 'alternative reality' of the 'Satanic paradise' where you can exist separate from YHWH, which in Truth is a Hell created out of the belief in a Lie.

Although YHWH made it clear that in the '3 - 4' movement the number '3' stands for the three phases of curses, the full manifestation of the curses, and the number '4' stands for Destruction, the Adversary believes himself to have the intellectual resources to turn YHWH's concept of the '4' into a paradise for the ones who rebel, a gateway from the Earthly existence into his eternal and multi-dimensional '9', or '99' in the intermediary phase and '999' in the final phase, and as such the '3' movement preceding the '4' is the road to paradise, the phases which separates man from YHWH in order to become a completely independent new creation in the image of the Adversary in his Utopia.

Furthermore, in the pyramids such as found in Egypt and elsewhere there are '4' triangles, each triangle having '3' points.

So, that's '3', '3', '3', '3', or, '33' and '33', in the Satan's agenda a double reference to Dualism and the fullness of the manifestation of the Satan to man.
This double reference to Dualism in turn produces the completion of the separation from YHWH ('2' + '2' = '4').

On top of that '33 + 33 = 66', and '66', as we will see, is the number the Satan assigned to the fallen Man who has chosen to serve Evil.
Additionally, '3 x 3' and '3 x 3' is '9' and '9', or, '99', the ideal of the Satanic paradise in the current intermediary dualistic Earth phase. 

Because of the numerical structure and its meaning, the pyramid is a much favored, strong symbol of the Satanic order, and by placing it everywhere on Earth the Adversary has placed his Satanic mark on the soil YHWH originally gave to mankind.

You can find pyramids on every continent on Earth.
The Aztecs loved to slaughter thousands of people in their pyramid temples for the sake of receiving benefits from their gods, and as such their worship was Satanism in true form.
Because, the Satan exploits this planet like a mining colony, only he does not seek to dig up minerals, but human blood so that he can extract the energy of the Souls and use it for his empire.
That's the sinister face of Satanism: to succeed, the blood of human sacrifice is required.
It is the plagiarism of YHWH's temple where animals were sacrificed which pointed forward to the sacrifice made by Yahshua, YHWH's Son and the One in whom YHWH dwells.
But whereas YHWH's paradise for man is built on the sacrifice of His own blood, the Satanic paradise is built upon the slaughter of the innocent.
The Adversary has to steal blood to make his dream come true.

Because of the properties of the number '3', three World Wars will be necessary to complete the requirements for the New Order to be set up on Earth, so that out of the fullness of the Destruction the new Satanic Order may be born.
It is an order which is designed to create a Satanic paradise on Earth where man as YHWH created him will be replaced at the top of the order by a synthetic derivative, a Shadow-Man emerging from the Darkness as the home of the disembodied demons, crying out for the mighty Satanic savior to resurrect them from the dead zone, and give them new bodies that they may dwell on Earth as the new Shadow-Men in the new Satanic millennium, the New Age of the Enlightened Man.

In the end, the fourth World (and inter-dimensional) War will be the gateway into the Satanic eternity of the '9', or '999', and in the plan of the Adversary the preceding order as created by YHWH will have been completely replaced in that era of the '999' by his own order.
YHWH foretold us that the Adversary's concept of the '9' is a Lie, and that it will be a reality which embodies all the charactistics of Evil in the sense of joylessness, pain, agony, destruction, chaos, because that is how He created Dualism, the reality of polarities where one phenomenon is contrasted by its opposite, which is an avatar-like embodiment of the absence of the phenomenon it stands in constrast with.
One exists in reality, the other is artificially engineered and cannot exist in reality.

Anyone who has difficulties in coming to terms with what I wrote will be completely devastated by what is coming down the pike, because this point in the time-cycle is crucial for the Adversary if he wants to realize his vision of an Evil paradise.
This means he HAS to go ALL the way and use all resources at his disposal, because this point in time is the hinge which opens the door either to YHWH's Kingdom, or to the Satanic Queendom.
The war will be fought on ALL imaginable fronts, shaking up our concept of reality and imagined securities of Life to such an extent that some will not be able to handle the shock, and retreat in a psychotic state of mind or simply blow their brains out.
Brace yourself, because what I write may sound like fiction, yet it is but a small glimpse of what lies ahead of us.


Hitler's Back

Once upon a time it was thought to be a good idea to label the black sheep.
So, they came up with a yellow hexagram and they told the people to beware of those wearing the dreaded hexagram.
By seeing the hexagram pinned upon the chest of someone, people immediately knew that they should be careful and avoid that person, because those wearing the hexagram were demons disguised as human beings, the living Evil of this world.

And so they decided it might be a good idea to get rid of this vermin walking on the streets of the proud Arian nation.
They would do it inconspicuously, so that people did not have to be confronted with the shock of the cleansing process.
They would create camps where the hexagram would be put to work, so that they would be isolated from the Arian nation, and the Arians might have a chance to create a better life in the absence of the hexagram.

And so, special camps were built where the demonic hexagrams were 'put to work'.

As time went by, the proud Arians began to wonder.
These camps must have been awfully big, because, although many entered the camps, no one seemed to come out of them.
But, so they said, it is better not to ask too many questions, just look the other way.
You don't want to be put in one of those camps simply for asking the wrong kind of questions!

Years later, the proud, cleansed nation had become a ruin.
It was not the fault of the walking hexagrams after all, because they had grown scarce and few.
Somehow it was the guy with the funny moustache who managed to bring to ruin all those who had given him their vote, and thereby put him in power.
Everywhere he went he left a trail of devastation and destruction, until the bubble of his megalomania began to show signs of aging, when he suddenly discovered he lacked the means and the power to bring his dream of the Third Reich to completion.
In vain effort he attempted to drag his proud nation with him in his suicide mission into the netherworld, leaving his mark on the nation in the form of scorched earth and destroyed cities, and rivers of blood flowing through the streets.

Then the remaining people of the failed dream were confronted with the horror they had participated in.
Millions of dead corpses of slaughtered people were uncovered, from young children to the old man.
What had they done to deserve this?
Their mistake was that they had been born in Jewish families, and the spirit of the Adversary hates Jews.
When his hour came, he wrapped the world in Darkness.

'Never again!', the people shouted as the full extent of the horror was exposed to the world.
'We did not know'...

But in spite of the rumors, Hitler never died.
His spirit is back with us in 2013.
His Third Reich has crept in through the back door, and he now wants to use this new European government to finalize his dream of cleansing the world of the Jewish vermin.

'Let's put a symbol on ALL products from the occupied territories', this spirit shouts in the hearts of the political heirs of the Nazi legacy.
Willingly they run to embrace the Palestinian LIE in order to have public justification for their new hexagram.
The Jews never occupied any territory, but it is the Arabs who have labeled themselves as Palestinians who seek to undo past agreements for the sake of fulfilling the Nazi dream.
THEY occupy territory which rightfully belongs to Israel.

But the world does not want to hear the Truth as it runs after the false sound of the pied piper.
Today's Nazis wear a different uniform, they worship a different god, one who lends himself better for the purpose of slaughtering innocent souls, one who blesses those with blood on their hands when the blood is shed to glorify the Islamic ideal.

'Submission, not choice'.
That is where the Nazi ideology finds a perfect partner in the Islamic ideology and the ones promoting this Lie, who leave in their wake a trail of blood to appease their religious leaders and their god.

And yes, here in Holland the sons of the dark spirit are quick to support the European cry for the hexagram.
Supermarkets Aldi and Hoogvliet were incredibly quick to support the cry to ban Jewish products from the areas the Islamic liars falsely have labeled as 'occupied territories'.
They ARE occupied, but it is not the Jews are the occupiers.

But then again, who cares to listen to Truth when the spirit of the great seducer speaks, the same sinister spirit who became the ventriloquist of the Hitler puppet in the thirties and forties of the previous century.
Hitler is not dead, quite the contrary, he is more alive than he has ever been in the past 68 years.

As for me, I will not ever buy a product from those who rally to the cry of the sinister spirit roaming across the European nations.
NO Aldi or Hoogvliet for me ever again.
Aldi may have revoked their original statement in the wake of the public's outcry over the modern day hexagram, but the harm has been done.
Aldi let its mask slip, and that's enough for me.
They sought to support the new European hexagram, I choose to boycott those supermarkets and anyone else who seeks to carry on the Nazi legacy.

We, the people, do NOT have to let this happen, and it is time to let our voice be heard.
As far as I am concerned, I hope YHWH put a time bomb under the European parliament to bring it to naught, because all they are capable of is destroying economies, setting nations up against each other, leech money from the people in the nations to fatten their own wallets and funding Islamic fascists like Morsi, an uncaring incapable sad failure bringing forth one crisis after another until we will be left with the legacy of ruined economies and a scorched Earth.

History is repeating itself again.
Unless we stop it.

One thing is for sure: we can never say that we did not know, because now we DO know!


The Numbers - III

Thusfar I have explained the meaning of individual numbers, yet within a combination of numbers, a sequence, the numbers become like words or symbols telling us a story. 
A reversal of this sequence can give us a reversal of the meaning, as I will discuss.

Deuteronomy 28 is a clear example of a message in numbers.
It contains one segment dedicated to the description of the blessings which will become part of Israel if the people obey YHWH's instructions (which are symbolically expressed in the 'ten' commandments).
Practicing the '10' (a '1' and a '0') was designed to lead to unity in YHWH ('1'), resulting in the blessings described in the 'one' section of Deuteronomy 28.

It also contains three segments dedicated to the description of three incremental phases of curses which become part of Israel if the nation succumbs to Evil.

The entire chapter of Deuteronomy 28 is divided in '2' opposite and mutually exclusive parts as an indication of our dualistic existence, which allows us to make the choice 'split off' from YHWH.
If Israel chooses to rebel, the first section describing the blessings is replaced by the three sections of the curses in this chapter, three incremental stages of birthing pangs of the Destruction, which is described as being exiled to the 'four' corners of the Earth.
Together these '3' increments embody the 'fullness of the manifestation' of the curses

So there are two messages encoded in numerical sequences in Deuteronomy 28: '1 - [2] - 3 - 4', and the reversal '4 - 3 - [2] - 1'.
I have put the '2' between brackets because it is a filter, Dualism, which makes it possible to choose, the transition from the unity in YHWH into the dualistic realm where Evil can manifest itself and produce a conflict in Creation.

The three phases of curses as mentioned in Exodus 28 are three incremental stages of separation from YHWH.
With each phase the rebel moves further away from YHWH, which means that under the dualistic system the character of Evil will manifest itself in a more pronounced way in the form of greater curses, more destruction.
The sequence '1 - [2] - 3 - 4' speaks of Sin activating the cycle of the curse culminating in Destruction.
The '2' is implied and stands for division, coming out of the perfect unity in the '1' by means of the choice to separate from the '1'.

The process of restoration is depicted in the reversal of this sequence: '4 - 3 - [2] - 1'.
This sequence stands for this simple message: if we repent, YHWH will restore us and move us out of the curses into the blessings, because we are forgiven so that the stumbling block of Sin which created the division no longer has the power to do so.

In the Bible book Revelation we find the same sequence of '1 - [2] - 3 - 4' which we encountered in Deuteronomy 28.
The Sin of the world ('2') activates the curses upon this world ('3' sections) culminating in the bowls of wrath (the fourth section) bringing about the destruction of Evil on this planet.

We find the mirror image of the blessings ('1') in Deuteronomy 28 in Yahshua in the book of Revelation opening the seals of the scroll.
Then follows the description of the three stages expressed in cycles of '7', the '7' seals, the '7' trumpets (or shofars), the '7' thunders which were to remain hidden their determined time had come.
'3' sevens to indicate the fullness of the complete ('7') cycles of the '3' increments of curses.
After these three sections you will read how the angel announces that the kingdom of this world has become the kingdom of our Adonai and His Messiah.
This means the complete destruction of the kingdom of Evil on our planet, and the fourth section of the '7' bowls of wrath are part of the implementation of this Destruction ('4').

So, in the description of Yahshua ('1') opening the seals in the dualistic realm ['2'] so that the three increments of the curses ('3') are unleashed which result in the Destruction ('4') of the empire of Darkness on this planet, we find the numerical reality of Deuteronomy 28.
The thunders play a key role as the prelude to this destruction, and therefore the content of their words remained hidden.
YHWH knows what He should and should not reveal to the Fallen Ones, since they are very avid readers of the Bible and know how to weigh each single word and numbers behind words!

The Heavenly Jerusalem as described in Revelation has '4' equal sides (the '4 corners of the Earth') which convey the message of the reversal of the curse of Destruction by coming into '1' Jerusalem, the '1' representing unity in and through YHWH.
The gateway into this unity, the Heavenly Jerusalem, is represented by the twelve gates grouped in three, each block of '3'  facing one particular corner ('4') of the Earth.

As you can deduce for yourself, the four ('4') corners of the Earth restored in groups of three tribes ('3') facing one particular 'corner' ('4 x 3'), all of them serving to bring about a reunion into one Jerusalem ('1') is the depiction of the '4 - 3 - [2] - 1' sequence.
Furthermore, '12' is a '1' and a '2', and if you add them up you get '3', the complete description of a cycle with a beginning, middle and end, and the fullness of YHWH's manifestation to man in the form of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
'12' stands for YHWH's representation on Earth in the form of the nation Israel, the nation which He has set apart to become a 'light unto the world', yet as the '2' indicates, this nation has not been a perfect representation of YHWH because it has been divided by the principle of Dualism.

The numbers '7' and '8' are very important themes in the reality of YHWH's story.
The entire structure of the 'moadim', the 'appointed Feasts' as ordained by YHWH, rests upon the '7' and the '8'.
I will assume that you already have a working knowledge of the 'Feast' days as described in Leviticus 23, and their place on YHWH's calendar, but in case you don't here's a quick recap:

The Biblical day starts after sunset, so the third day starts after sunset on the second day.
Passover was to be held on the 14th day of the first month, and it is celebrated in the evening which goes into the 15th day of the month.
Thus, Passover goes straight into the Feast of Unleavened Bread, which begins on the 15th day of the first month, right after Passover, and lasts for 7 days.
During these seven days, the Feast of First Fruits was to be held on the 'morrow after the Shabbat', thus creating a link between the Shabbat cycle and the 'moadim' (appointed times) of the first month.
From the day of this First Fruits offering, seven full weeks were to be counted, 50 full days, until the morrow after the seventh Shabbat when the Feast of Shavuot would take place.

As you know by now, the '7' is YHWH's concept of completion for our cyclic realm, and the '8' is the number of a new beginning in eternity where the current dualistic phase no longer exists.

YHWH ordained '7' moadim: Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Shavuot, Yom Teruah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkoth.
They are referred to as the Spring Feasts and the Fall Feasts, even though Shavuot stands a bit apart from the three integrated Spring Feasts.
Shavuot is linked to the 'Spring Feasts' by means of a cyclic countdown, namely '7' cycles of sevens, two sevens indicating the dualistic filter as well as its expression in the form of two houses of Israel, and these two merge into one Shavuot which occurs on the fiftieth day, the number '50' being the number of years set for the cycle of the Jubilee.
I hope you notice how I use the word 'cycle' over and over again, because it is overlooked in trying to understand prophecy, just read the posts I wrote concerning the subject of cyclic time (the 'timeline' articles).

The Feasts of the first month consist of three Feasts (Passover, Unleavened Bread and First Fruits) into one period of seven days.
Three indicates the fullness of YHWH's manifestation to man as ONE Creator bringing man unity and restoration through the Father, the Son and the Ruach HaKodesh ('3') in a cycle of seven (completion of the dualistic cycle).
These seven days of these Feasts then are linked to the one day of Shavuot (which also is reckoned to the Spring Feasts but which really stands a bit apart as the link between the moadim of the first and the seventh month), so you have a '7' and a '1' which result in the '8' when you add them up, the '8' of a new Creation.
Considering the fact that Shavuot remembers how the ten commandments were given to Israel as well as how the believers in Yahshua were given the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh), the Feast stands for the restoration out of the dualistic phase into the new '1', the unity in YHWH in a new phase of Creation, thanks to YHWH's mercy ('5').

So, after counting 'seven sevens' from the day after the Shabbat in the week of the Spring Feasts, Shavuot begins on the day AFTER the seventh Shabbat.
This way Shavuot becomes like day '50' after counting the seven sevens, AND it becomes like an '8' after counting the 'seven sevens', AND it becomes like a day which follows after the week of the three preceding Spring Feasts like an eighth day.

What we have here is a structure of '7 + 1 = 8', and the '8' is inextricably intertwined with the '50'.
The '7 - 8' sequence is the completion ('7') of the dualistic phase, moving into the new phase of Creation with a new Heaven and a new Earth ('8'), where man is given a new Life, a new chance, the meaning of the number '50' where all debt is acquitted and the cumbersome aspects of the burdens of the dualistic Creation are erased, and man is given a fresh new start.
The One who leads man into this new phase and who shows man His kindness and mercy ('5') is YHWH, the '1'.

Traditional Judaism reckons the description of First Fruits in Leviticus 23 as 'day after the Shabbat' to be the day after the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, because the first (and last) days of this Feast are days of rest, but from a spiritual-numerical point of view this is completely wrong!
That way, the '1' of perfect unity in YHWH goes into the division of Dualism, '2', the second day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and that makes no sense whatsoever.
This is another reason why I am certain that Karaite Jews are correct when they say that the 'day after the Shabbat' during the week of the Feast of Unleavened Bread refers to the day after the weekly Shabbat in the week of the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
This way the '7' of the weekly Shabbat is linked to the '1' of a new week which also is like an 'eighth' day after the completion of the week: the completion of the Earthly cycles as depicted in the seven days of the week is followed by a new beginning in eternity (the '8') which is characterized by the absence of the dualism we know because we will be one in YHWH ('1').

So, the Spring Feasts already point forward to the completion of the current phase of Creation and the new phase, and the key events playing a role in this process.

Before I continue with the moadim of the seventh month I will give you a quick recap (just in case you have forgotten).
The Feasts of the seventh month are: Yom Teruah on the first day of the seventh month, followed by Yom Kippur on the tenth day of the seventh month, followed by Sukkoth beginning on the fifteenth day of the seventh month, during which the Israelites were required to live in booths for seven days.
Sukkoth (and YHWH's entire cycle of moadim) was concluded with an eighth day (which is mentioned separately in Leviticus 23).

The Fall Feasts too are completely centered around the '1 -7 - 8' sequence.

On the first ('1') day of the SEVENTH ('7') month the first Fall Feast begins, Yom Teruah.

This Feast in the seventh month is the 'kick-off' of the completion ('7').
The first of the month finds its mirror image in the TENTH of the month, which is a '1' and a '0,' and thereby refers to the unity in YHWH ('1').
The tenth of the seventh  month (the '1 - 7' connection) is Yom Kippur, the second of the Fall Feasts ('2'),'  where the High Priest Yahshua blots out the block which resulted from the dualistic filter ('2'), so that we can find unity in YHWH ('1').

The third ('3' stands for the fullness of manifestation) and last Feast of the seventh month is Sukkoth (the '3 - 7' connection which, -when added up-, result in '10', a reference to unity in YHWH, '1').
The description in Leviticus 23 makes it clear that in the seventh month the Feast is celebrated for seven days, '2' sevens to indicate the completion of the dualistic phase of Creation ('2'->'1').
It begins on the fifteenth day of the month, '5' being the number of YHWH's mercy extended to man, '5' and '1' referring to YHWH ('1') extending His mercy ('5') to man ('5 + 1') in his fallen condition, '6'.
After the seven days Leviticus 23 mentions the eighth day as a day of rest, thereby linking the '7' as it stands for the completion of the dualistic phase to the '8' of a new beginning in eternity.

So, it should be clear that the moadim are structured around the '1', the '7' and the '8', and that the sequence is made possible through the '5', YHWH's mercy towards man.

Who would be able to build these intricate multi-layered and multi-dimensional structures transcending the boundaries of cyclic time?
No one, except for our Heavenly Father, and that is why the Fallen Ones do not have the tiniest chance of succeeding in their plans.

YHWH built the cyclic structure of our reality upon numbers, and his Feast days tell a story of cycles, numbers, and how the reality unfolding from them relates to His plan.
The Fallen Ones know this, and that is why they try to undo the structure of His plan by re-routing the numbers to their desired outcome, so that their reality based on their numbers can replace the reality YHWH has in mind.
It is the principle of Dualism which makes it possible for the Fallen Ones to re-route YHWH's energy and turn it into the building block of their own reality of Evil.
This no longer will be possible when YHWH completes the '7' and takes us into the '8'.

The '8' stands for a new reality where the current paradigm of Dualism does no longer exists, and therefore Evil will not be present in that new reality.
This is why the filter of Dualism cannot be applied to either the '8' or the '9' in the form of a 'blue' and a 'red' arrow as I have shown in previous illustrations, since both numbers are the ultimate outcome of Dualism where Good is separated from Evil, and Evil will be isolated from YHWH's new reality.

The '9' is the number assigned to the fate of the Fallen Ones, the reality where Good will not manifest itself.
Evil will no longer exist in the reality of the '8', but it will be isolated in its own reality of the '9'.
In the illustration I have shown you in the previous part I have depicted the '9' as having two arrows, one blue and one red arrow, but the blue arrow is there to indicate YHWH's reality of the '9' vs. the red arrow standing for the interpretation of the Fallen Ones, who depict the '9' as the eternal Satanic paradise (which is a Lie).
The two arrows in that illustration do not stand for Dualism, since there is no Dualism in the '9' any longer. 

I have explained the meaning of the number '12' already previously.
A '12' consists of a '1' and a '2', and if you add them up you get '3'.
'3' in this context is the fullness of YHWH's manifestation to man as his Father, his Savior, and his Renewer.

The twelve tribes of Israel were designed to be the physical representatives of YHWH on Earth, and that is the reason why the '12' is like a representation of YHWH's manifestation on the level of Earth.
Yet Israel is not perfect, which is indicated by the '2' in '12'.
'12' incorporates the '1' of YHWH and the '2' of Dualism, yet taken together the number stands in function of the '3' as the fullness of YHWH's manifestation in the '1 + 2', Israel.
This is why YHWH's instructions to man were given to Israel, that is why Salvation for man was given to Israel, that is why the Renewer, the Holy Spirit, was given to Israel.
Through Israel YHWH gave the world His instructions and His Salvation.
YHWH calls everyone into Israel that He might save man and man might know His fullness, and that is why the Heavenly Jerusalem knows '12' gates, that is why Yahshua chose '12' disciples.

'40' is the '4' combined with the '0', or '4 x 10'.
The '0' is nothing and has no place in YHWH's numerical order, and the '4' stands for destruction.
'40' represents the state of Destruction on Earth, and in its most literal meaning it is like a numerical representation of Hell on Earth.
The word 'Hell' usually conjures up the image of flames and fire, but here it is more like the 'hell of the grave': a state where there is no joy, no happiness, no beauty.
'4 x 10' means the experience of this kind of destruction ('4') due to disobedience to YHWH's instructions ('10').

I am sure you are familiar with Israel walking for forty years in the desert, the sandy wasteland of Destruction, or Yahshua fasting for forty days in the wilderness.
Israel was given a chance to enter the promised land after wandering through the desert for twenty years, but due to the fact that they did not believe and were disobedient they had to walk in the desert for another 20 years.
'20' is '2 + 0', '2 x 10', the '2' being the number of Dualism.
Israel was given the chance to come out of their divided dualistic paradigm and enter the '1' of the promised land, yet because they lacked Faith they were unable to comply and compulsively built upon their Sin.
Because they built upon their internally divided state of existence, the Shadow-side of the Dualism coin, they had to wander around in the desert for another twenty years.
This is like two twos, '2 + 2 = 4', and in the desert the disobedient generation which did not have Faith because they were in captivity of their dualistic state of mind was indeed brought to the '4', Destruction, so that the new generation which DID believe ('1') could enter the promised land.

I have mentioned the number '50' already, '5 x 10'.
It represents an extension of the concept of mercy and acquittal of debt, a new beginning which unfortunately we do not know here in the Western part of the world, where people all too often are forced to carry the legacy of their past debts and mistakes into their graves.
'50' is the number of the Jubilee, a marker which allowed slaves to be set free, and property was returned back to the former owners.

YHWH's kind character, as represented by the '5', is extended in the '50' of the concept of a Jubilee, the manifestation of YHWH's mercy on the level of Earth.
Just as the '10' commandments were YHWH's instructions to bring us to unity in YHWH, the '1', and thus manifested the character of the '1' in the number '10', the '50' years of the Jubilee are the manifestation of the '5' on Earth.
The '50' carries the expression of YHWH's kind and merciful character on Earth in the form of the concept of the Jubilee every fifty years.

'70' is '7 x 10'.
It is derived from YHWH's concept of completion, '7'.
'70' is the manifestation of YHWH's concept of completion on Earth in the form of the cycle of the seventy.
Just think of the seventy weeks which were given as a prophecy to Daniel, seventy weeks which were determined to bring Israel to the '7' of completion, the era of restoration as a prelude to the '8'. 
The obedience to the '10' makes us part of YHWH's completion ('7 x 10 = 70').

I could mention every single multiple of the basic range of YHWH's numerical system ('1 - 10'), but I am sure you can figure out for yourselves what the meaning of the syntax is based on the meaning of the individual numbers.
All you have to do is to break them down into separate components.

Take for instance the number '144,000', a number mentioned in the book of Revelation.
'144,000 = 12 x 12 x 10 x 10 x 10'.
'2' twelves: two houses of Israel, the filter of Dualism which splits everything in two, now rejoining back into unity with YHWH through the 'tens'.
In this context it is the reversal of the filter of Dualism, coming out of the division into unity and not the other way round.
('3') tens: '10' as the numerical representation of YHWH's instructions which were given to help us back into unity with YHWH.
Three (tens) point to the fullness of manifestation, in this case following YHWH's instructions in Faith with a complete devotion so through the fullness of YHWH's manifestation to man as his Father, his Savior and his Renewer.

So, the tens are given to lead us back to unity with the Father, the Son and the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit), unity in 'YHWH echad', and in the context of the formula represented in the number '144,000' the number stands for the restoration out of the Dualism of the divided kingdom of Israel to perfect unity in YHWH, and thus unity with each other.

When Yahshua was born on Earth, the Evil One had a perfect chance to reverse YHWH's numerical system and thereby its reality.
All the Adversary had to do is to manipulate Yahshua into choosing to accept his temptations.
If Yahshua had fallen, He no longer had been '1' with YHWH, but instead He would have gone through the '2' of Dualism, now knowing the Shadow-side of Dualism as an internal reality ruling over Him.
If the Shadow-side of Dualism would have internalized itself in Yahshua through the choice to accept the Adversary's temptation, then after the '2' the '3' as the introduction into the '4' would have followed for Yahshua.
It would have meant that the power of the number '3' in terms of the manifestation of YHWH's fullness to man would have been destroyed, and that the '1' could never be added to the '6' of man to lead him into the completion of Creation, '7', let alone that the '1' would be able to lead man into the new Creation of the '8'.

The reason is that the '1' would have been separated from the other numbers in the basic range of YHWH's numerical system, and that for all numbers after '1' the Evil side of Dualism would have manifested as a reality, the 'red' arrow after the numbers in the illustrations of the previous part of this discussion.
Yahshua's failure would have meant that YHWH's numerical system had failed, and that thereby the reality unfolding from the numbers and thereby YHWH's plan for Creation could never become a reality, because YHWH had shown Himself to be inferior to the Adversary in His failure.

It would have meant that the '1 - 7 - 8' sequence could never happen, since the '1' had been cut off from the other numbers, and the '2 - 7 - 9' would have replaced it, the '7' no longer being YHWH's idea of completion, but the Adversary's termination of YHWH's Creation in order to establish his own concept of reality, the '9'.
All the energy of the numbers would have been transferred to the numbers of the Adversary.
Yahshua was appointed to be the living embodiment of the '1 - 7 - 8' sequence, the gateway into the '8' of a new Creation, and if the Adversary would have been successful in setting Yahshua up to fall, Yahshua would have become the living embodiment of the '2 - 7 - 9' sequence.

Yahshua's birth presented the Adversary with the perfect opportunity to reverse YHWH's numerical system and establish a new Satanic reality for man AND angel.
Yet what did the Adversary do when Yahshua was born?
He tried to kill Him.

THAT alone is a sign that the Adversary must have a deep nagging realization that YHWH is superior.
Or else the Satan would have let Yahshua grow up so that during the hour of Darkness he might be able to persuade Yahshua to choose for Evil, and thus pull the switch of Dualism which enables the Dark Side to establish itself as a reality built by means of YHWH's energy.
But when it comes to YHWH, the Adversary suddenly becomes nervous and insecure.

If the Adversary had succeeded in killing Yahshua, he would have taken a Soul which did not belong to him, a Soul which he could not keep to leech its energy, so what could possibly have prompted the Satan to attempt taking Yahshua's Life other than the fact that he knew in his heart he would never be able to manipulate Yahshua into the choice to rebel against YHWH?

Yet, the Adversary failed in killing Yahshua as an infant, he failed seducing Yahshua into accepting Evil, and he failed when he killed Yahshua as an adult, because it brought victory to Yahshua over Sin and Death, and by taking Yahshua's Life the Adversary took what did not belong to Him so that the incoming Light in the realm of Death meant the Death of Darkness (the 'death of Death', the '4 + 4').

So, how great can the genius of the champion of the Fallen Ones be then?
What could have prompted the Adversary in his attempt to kill Yahshua when He was just a baby other than insecurity on his part?
And what prompts the Fallen Ones to follow the Adversary and make him their champion when he apparently has doubts about his ability to succeed, blunders in the face of YHWH, and fails to deliver the promised goods?

Man is weak and predictable, and an easy target in his fallen state.
For Fallen Angels to strive with man is like the seeing striving with the blind.
Bragging about winning from man and building your esteem on your victory is like the bragging of a professional athlete having won a marathon from an old, crippled man, and as such of no value whatsoever.

Yet when it comes to YHWH,  how often has the champion of the Fallen Ones been able to anticipate Him and prevent Him from carrying out His plan?
How often has this great champion been able to bring YHWH's plans to naught, how often has he triumphed?
Even in His lower state as a Man of Flesh and Blood, did not Yahshua defeat the champion, did He not counter every single word of the Adversary with a reply which silenced the opponents?

How is it that the Adversary ends up contributing to Yahshua's victory, as if YHWH was playing with your champion and his superiority complex, just as you toyed with man and exploit him? 
You boast on your ability to create a new order, but look at what happened to your previous experiments.
During the time of Noah you disrupted the order in such a dramatic way, filling the Earth with bloodshed and upsetting natural balances to such a degree that YHWH was forced to wipe the slate clean with a flood.
It was the work of a clueless amateur carrying out experiments without being able to realize the full extent and implications of what he is doing.
If that is any indication of the ability of your champion to create a new order, then if I were you I would take a close look at his track record and begin to ask myself a couple of serious questions about whether or not this belief in this champion is justified.

Perhaps that is a good question you who have fallen ought to consider?
Yes, you can triumph over man and slaughter as many as you like just for fun, so that you can see yourselves as superior by comparison, but when you triumph over man it does not show your strength or intellect, it just shows how weak, frail and limited man is.
It shows you understand his psychology and how you are able to manipulate man through his fallen state and your understanding of what makes man tick.
Your pride in your victory over man does not show anything other than your weakness and insecurity.

You can fight man and be victorious, but did YHWH not use the form of a Man to triumph over you?
Did He not beat you in the form of a Man of Flesh and Blood?
He became weak and showed you that even in the weakened form of Flesh and Blood He still still is able to triumph over you.
And remember, Yahshua was just one Man of Flesh and Blood against all of you 'Mighty Ones'.

Do you then still think your champion can take on YHWH and win?
Think, and wonder, because the time has come for the '7', and your time is running out.
If you can't prevent the '7', you can forget about your concept of the '9'.
If you bet your entire fortune on one horse, you better make sure it is a horse with the track record of a champion.


I could write much more about YHWH's use of numbers, but I have provided you here with the basics.
Once you understand the basic dictionary you will be able to read the meaning behind the numbers as they are used in the Bible, including descriptions of measurements and rituals which often are skipped because they are not too exciting to read.
Nevertheless, they contain hidden messages in the numbers and a reality unfolding from the numbers.