
The Void

We energize and boost the reality of our lives by the mere fact of giving our attention to the elements which fabricate that reality.
Yes, emotions are like energy boosters, with trauma being the greatest energy booster of them all in the sense that they focus our sole attention with the greatest intensity on the elements which cause our emotions to rise.
The energy passes through the magnifying glass of the emotion and concentrates itself on the object of our attention so that it comes alive to a much greater degree than without the emotion.

But even the mere fact of giving our attention to something makes the object of our attention come alive for us.
It's an exchange of energy coming from us to the object of our attention.

If this is not clear to you, think of what happens when you think of a particular situation where someone did you wrong.
If you keep going over the wrong which was done to you, emotions of anger begin to rise, and those emotions energize the thoughts so that the memories come alive in you even stronger than before.
You can even think of a hypothetical situation which never occurred, and imagine someone harming you, even assigning the role of the offender to a particular person you know.
If you keep going over and over it again, you are energizing a reality where you end up hating the one you put in the role of the offender, even though you imagined it.
The very fact of giving your attention was the trigger which energized the object or image of your attention.

If we fill our lives with giving our attention to all the things which cause us to sin, then this is the equivalent of fixating our attention on Darkness.
The fixation of our thoughts on elements which lead us to sin energizes those elements and causes emotions to come alive in us.
These emotions and feelings bestow the object of our attention with a gravity pull, and the gravity pull draws our Soul in until the moment comes when Sin is born.

If our Life consists of a string of fixations with Evil, a collection of energy we donated to Evil, then when the moment comes we have to leave our Life we literally will find ourselves cut off from the Light.
It will seem to us as if the Darkness has the power to cut us off from the Light we see with our Spirit, but it is not the Darkness itself which cuts us off, but it is our own Life-force we donated which gives the Darkness the power which the Light used to have.
When that happens, only YHWH has the power to turn us away from that Darkness, since His Light is limitless and eternal so that any amount of energy we donated to Darkness dissipates in the intensity of His Light.
The problem is that through our fixation with Evil we build an identity of Evil which cannot tolerate the Light, and if we have fully immersed ourselves in that identity and rejected YHWH's Spirit there is nothing in us which is able to regard and experience the Light as Good and something we want.
In other words, such a person will NEVER seek to be near to YHWH since YHWH feels as Destruction to that person.

We determine in our lives the course we take and the investments we make.
If we invest our energy and attention in Evil, we harvest the Darkness waiting to engulf us in its cold embrace, and we will become part of the eternal great Void where existence is a torment.
Remember, we live in a dualistic realm where we think in terms of contradictions, so that next to existence we have the idea of non-existence in the form of a physical Death.
In the real Life of the Spirit this contradiction does not exist, because there is no such thing as non-existence.
Existence is all there is, and all of us continue to exist in a particular reality we are part of.
So if we choose for Darkness, the embrace of Darkness upon the moment of our Death will envelop us in a state of the great Void, the great 'nothingness' where everything has lost its meaning.

None of you probably likes to hear this message, but it needs to be said. especially in this day and age where Darkness is promoted as Light, and many Souls are seduced into embracing the False Light.
Overcome Sin through your devotion to YHWH, even if the ride is tough, Sin couches at your door and its desire is for YOU, but you must master it.
That's what YHWH told Cain, only Cain remained a slave like all those who excuse Sin, either by embracing it as Good or by abusing an image of Jesus as an excuse to continue the descent into the dungeon of Evil.

Don't be like Cain, because the Void is feared by the most fierce Demons.
They invested ALL their Life-force in Evil, and the virtual reality of Evil became their ultimate reality as they fully identified with its Lie.
And that Void is the manifestation of the reality of Evil, completely meaningless, senseless and an absurdity in itself, a coma from whence there is no escape for the ones who made the coma their home.

Yet the Devils invested in it, made it their home, a home to be feared.
Even a place where murder and mayhem are part of daily Life such as Life on Earth is to be preferred over that meaningless Void.
The Void is the embodiment of nothingness, that which Evil really is in the deepest sense: non-existence, nothing.