
The Timeline - II

Before I move on to part three I want to provide you with illustrations of what I have discussed.
After all, a picture tells more than a thousand words.

In my previous post I made it clear that our Body is like a portal which enables our Spirit and Soul to become part of a motion through different interconnected cycles, and we experience this motion as 'time'.

Life is like one big cycle with a beginning and an end, comprising MANY other sub-cycles as well are being part of and influenced by the dynamics of other (external) cycles.
And yet our Life is a slice, or a different manifestation, of the phenomenon 'Life' as a cyclic phenomenon within a generational line of 'Lives'.
Before we could enter the cyclic motion of time, the cycle of our Life had to be 'activated' by a preceding cyclic manifestation of the phenomenon 'Life' in the form of the Lives of our parents.
Or, to put it in simple terms, we could only be activated as part of the timeline because the trigger for our birth was given by our parents.

So, why do I express simple things with such an elaborate and difficult way?
Because I want to change your perpective of what you refer to as 'time'.

I used the analogy of a sine wave to depict the dynamics of the dualistic cyclic movement, including the movement of the cycle of Good vs. Evil:
A period or cycle in this case is an upward and downward slope, from A to B.
The different 'periods' of the sine wave  are like different experiences or slices of one and the same cycle of the sine wave. 
The ongoing series of different periods of sine waves therefore are like moving around the edge of the same circle representing the cycle:
 This constant motion around the 'edge of the circle', going through different manifestations of what in essence is one and the same circle, is what we experience as a 'timeline'.
We relate to those experiences just as we processed them: in a sequential order, and our way of doing this is by putting them all on a shelf, a linear timeline featuring a neat order of consecutive manifestations of the circle:
Yet these items we have placed on the shelf of our timeline are nothing other than different experiences of one single circle, or cycle, experiences we processed and went through in a sequential order:

Our journey through time is something we interpret as moving along a long line which stretches ALL the way back into the past, but in reality we simply move in circles manifesting in different incarnations, thus allowing us to see different perspectives of one and the same phenomenon.

ALL of these different perspectives combined form a complete 4-D perspective of the circle, the cycle, yet instead of being able to perceive the 4-D picture in one moment we are put through a 3-D journey through the different perspectives which together complete the 4-D picture. 

Time is nothing other than a perpetual string of cycles repeating themselves, allowing us to experience the different manifestations or 'slices' of a cycle as the cycle manifests in  slightly different yet similar ways.

When we are born, our first and most immediate and all encompassing exposure is to the environment of our parents in all its different aspects.

Due to our wrong responses to the faults of our parents and the composition of our DNA, we inherit the dynamics of their cyclic movement.
In other words: we begin to move to the rhythm  of their beat, the dynamic motion of their cycle of their Life.

The cycle incorporating the dynamics of Evil vs. Good replicates itself in us, and we end up perpetuating the same dynamics of the cycle of our forefathers.

The dynamics of the cycle of our parents may have produced genetic mutations in the form of degenerative diseases which are passed from one generation to the next.
After all, the dynamics of the cycle have a Spiritual, Mental and Physical component, and where the Spiritual component is instantaneous, the Physical component is like a recorder with all the wrong information locked in its memory and therefore slow to change the conditioning to the memory content.

The fear of genetic mutations passing from one generation to another creates so much stress in some people that they will even amputate healthy body parts preventively, as one actress did who recently had her breasts removed in order to avoid ending up like her mother who died of breast cancer.
Unfortunately, taking away a Body part does not take away the Spiritual and Mental cause, and removing the breasts will only cause the wrong dynamics of her parents' cycle to manifest in a different way.
It is sad to see people 'preventively' mutilating themselves like that, just because a doctor added fuel to the flames of fear by telling his patient that there is a 90% chance that the disease of her mother will also strike her.
Blind guiding the blind.

Our exposure to Evil manifesting in the dynamics of the cycle of our parents causes us to become imprinted with the dynamics of their cycles.
In our current fallen state we tend to put up the wrong defense whenever we are confronted with Evil.
Our 'natural' form of resistance is anger, hatred, resentment, emotions which our fallen pride uses as a way of asserting and strengthening itself.

These emotions cause our Soul to release energy which 'amplifies' the emotion, and imprints us with the memory of Evil residing within our brains.
In our brains a memory of the event where Evil tempted us is formed as a recording, and this recording is linked to the emotions involved in our wrong resistance to the Evil temptation.
Not only that, but the Soul opens up a portal for Evil influences and a matching Evil Spirit which can enter us and shape our character and our lives in its image.

The problem is that the emotion of anger/hatred/resentment now is linked to the memory of the event where we responded in the wrong way to Evil.
This means that whenever we get upset and angry or resentful, we end up strengthening all other memories which are connected to the emotion, like pulling on the string of a web which sets the entire web in motion.
So, if you get upset and angry because you missed a train, you end up triggering the emotion linked to many other memories including the wrong way you reacted to being exposed to the Evil of your parents, a memory which may be hidden in the recesses of your sub-consciousness.
The result is that you end up releasing energy from your Soul which activates conditioning patterns linked to the memories, conditioning patterns which came forth out of being imprinted with the dynamic cycle of your parents.

Triggering an emotion which is linked to traumatic events causes your Soul to release energy which strengthens the memories of these events and the Evil associated with them.
We end up sending energy through the many sub-cycles which are part of the dynamics of our parents' cycle we 'inherited', and we AFFECT those cycles to the extent that they now incorporate MORE Evil then before.

EVERYTHING and EVERY cycle is linked, and by responding in the wrong way to temptation rising from the dynamics of one cycle we end up changing the dynamics of other cycles.
The energy our Soul releases as a result of hating someone or being resentful over something travels through ALL those links to other cycles and changes them in a negative way.

In the illustration, which is still an extremely simplified representation of reality, the complex interconnected structure of cycles, sub-cycles and different manifestations of cycles over time is depicted.

It is not hard to imagine how, if you release energy in Cycle 1, this energy becomes like a stream of electricity traveling through the multitude of different links, thereby affecting the dynamics embedded within the cycles.

If that energy is the transformed energy resulting from Sin, then it will affect the dynamics of the other cycles in a negative way. 

The passing of the dynamics from one generation to the next is referred to in the Bible, like in Exodus 20, where YHWH refers to this process as 'visiting the sins of the fathers upon the children'.

Thus we come to perpetuate the cyclic imprisonment of our parents within the setting of our own lives, and depending on the choices we make we either build upon our inheritance of their cyclic motion which has reproduced itself in us, perhaps even adding new Sins to the dynamics, OR we learn to let go, and let YHWH deal with temptation in areas where our parents failed.

When we learn to let go and surrender it to YHWH, He sets out to destroy the force emanating from the dynamics of Evil temptation, and He uses our exposure to temptations as moments to sculpt out our character in His image, creating different manifestations of the cycles in our lives which incorporate more of His Light.
After all, caving in to temptations of pleasure or hate = puffing up (feeding) our pride = transforming energy from YHWH into energy in service of Evil = hating YHWH =  perpetuating the inheritance of the cycle of our forefathers.

But, letting go of temptations into pleasure or hate = deflating our pride by withholding its food =  NOT giving energy to Evil = loving YHWH = breaking the cycle of our parents which holds us captive in bondage to Evil.

We are given the opportunity to become the first generation which passes on a new cycle to the next generations because YHWH has the power to break the yoke of the legacy we inherited from our forefathers in us so that we do not burden our children the way we have been.

I have written about the relationship between the balance of Good vs. Evil in a society, and the destructive end result of a growing imbalance in favor of Evil.

The illustration here what happens when individuals begin to identify with the deception of Evil to a greater extent than before.

The dynamics of their personal cycle shifts in favor of a greater presence of Evil and support of the deception of Evil, and a lessened support for and tolerance of expressions of Good.

Likewise, some individuals come to realize the deception of Life on Earth, and they suffer as their eyes are opened to the presence of Evil within them, and how this Evil affects them, causing thoughts to rise in them, making them say and do things which are contrary to their Spirit.
They do not close their eyes nor go along with Evil, but it vexes them so that they cry out to be saved from this vexation.

When these individuals cry out to YHWH to be saved, YHWH becomes their Yahshua who delivers them and changes them from within.
This change is reflected in an identification with YHWH and His Spirit, and as a result the cycle of their internal reality in terms of Good vs. Evil begins to change in favor of Good.

When you take these two individuals I mentioned, one identifying to a greater degree with Evil and the other growing closer to YHWH, the Source of all Good, and their identities merge with the source of their identification to a greater degree than before, the  stress caused by the imbalance between these individuals will increase to greater proportions, crying out for resolve.

As this imbalance between those who chose for Evil and those who chose for YHWH grows to greater extremes, invariably you will see the phenomenon that the pure aggressive character of Evil will express itself through the individuals who identify with Evil, which is depicted as the red arrow and the red lightning bolt in the illustration.

This means that since these individuals grow increasingly uncomfortable with the presence of those who identify with YHWH (the blue arrow and lightning bolt in the illustration), they will seek to remove the source of that stress, which they identify as the group of people loving YHWH and adhering to His instructions.
After all, the ones who identify with Evil experience YHWH's presence in their hearts as a stress, and therefore they seek to block His Light in their hearts in order to get rid of the stress the Light brings them.

So, when they are confronted with the presence of this Light in the hearts of others, the presence of this Light is a reminder of that which they sought to erase in their own hearts, and they experience this as a stress and a source of annoyance in their minds.

They respond to this stress by a 'natural aversion' of and anger towards the ones they deem to be responsible for the stress, meaning that they will project their anger and strong aversion on their scapegoat.

As the imbalance grows, the stress of the imbalance makes the ones who identify with Evil seek for ways to eliminate the ones who identify with YHWH in order to block out the presence of His Light shining in them.

Together, the ones who identify with Evil and the ones who identify with YHWH bring forth the dynamics of the cycle of Good vs. Evil in a society.

As the number of the group which identifies with Evil grows, and the group of people who identify with Good diminishes, the dynamics of the cycle change.

This affects the total cycle of a society or empire in the sense that society is descending on a sliding scale, which is the  downwards slope of the sine wave which ultimately brings about its correction in the form of its destruction.
NO empire has existed which managed to escape this law of dynamics.

As the group of people identifying with Good becomes smaller, a minority of a society, and the group of people identifying with Evil grows bigger, and society as a result begins to manifest and promote the deception of Evil on a larger and more intense scale, the stress of the imbalance between the two groups causes the group which identifies with Evil to seek for ways to force the other group, -which they deem to be responsible for being a stress on society and a hindrance on the road of progress-, to conform to the prevailing ideology of society.

Faillure to comply with the demands of society results in the demonization of the group of people who still identify with Good, and who seem to be a perpetual strumbling block on the road of 'progress' as society embraces the deception of Evil to an ever increasing degree.

As a result, the group of people identifying with the deception of Evil will seek for ways to turn their ideology into laws which force the other group to conform, or to face persecution as a just penalty for their failure to comply and conform.

This process is in full swing in Western nations, especially the USA where the demonization of Christians is assuming preposterous proportions, simply  because they refuse to accept doctrines which their nation has embraced, yet which have their roots in deception.

This process of intolerance towards those who identify with Good will continue to grow, until it tears up the fabric of society and brings about its own destruction.
After all, the embrace of the lies of Evil means the embrace of the character of Evil, which is destruction and annihilation, non-existence.

There comes a certain point where Evil has reached the limit which YHWH set upon the imbalance created by the presence of Evil.

Before any nation reaches that point, YHWH will issue warnings in the form of stress, such as drought, extreme weather conditions, diseases, disasters, etc.
These warnings are expressions of the stress of the imbalance caused by Evil, like little mirrors YHWH holds up to a nation.

Failure to acknowledge these warnings will inevitably lead up to the point where the imbalance has reached its limit and is not allowed to cross that line.

That is the moment when YHWH becomes a mirror unto the Evil in society and the people living in it, and He reflects the FULL extent of Evil back unto itself.
The preceding warnings were like miniature versions of the reflection of the destructive character of Evil, but when a nation does not heed the warning and continues to feed the tension of the imbalance, the full extent of the destructive character of Evil is unleashed upon the nation.
The nation will be forced to look in YHWH's mirror and experience what it has become: Evil, destructive.
This means that whereas Evil sought to destroy Good and those in support of what is Good, YHWH will destroy Evil and the ones who support and have become instruments of Evil.

As a result of YHWH's judgment the dynamics of the cycle of the concept 'society' is restored.

The nation or empire has suffered destruction, and out of its ashes arises a new slice of the cycle called 'empire', a cycle with a beginning where the empire emerges, followed again by the downward motion on the slope of the dynamics in this cycle which will result in its destruction.

The cyclic motion of empires is a beautiful illustration of how we travel through different slices of cycles.

These different 'slices' are like different empires belonging to the cycle (or concept) 'empire', a cycle with a beginning and end.

A cycle is the dualistic manifestation of a concept, containing smaller cycles which produce the total dynamic of the cycle they are part of and linked with.
This total dynamic is a point in the sine wave which illustrates the rise and fall of an empire.
For instance, the concept or cycle of a day is one cycle consisting of the alternating dualistic pattern of light and darkness, and this cycle is once again subdivided in smaller cycles of morning-afternoon/evening-night, hours, minutes, seconds, ad infinitum.

Yet the cycle of a day is also linked to other cycles, such as the cycles of seasons influencing the manifestation of the cycle of a day, or a the cycle of health - illness where the experience of the day is influenced by being ill or being healthy for instance. 

Many of these cycles on a great multitude of different levels are linked and joined together to form the dynamic of our experience related to moving through the multitude of different 'slices' of different cycles.
We refer to this motion as 'moving through time', a journey of moving through a great multitude of different cycles.
Moving from the rise and fall of one empire to the same dualistic motion of the next empire is like moving through the activation of different slices of the same circle or cycle (in this case the cycle 'empire').

It is like walking around the edge of the same circle called 'empire', yet experiencing different manifestations of that circle, which are the equivalent of different slices.
This is how the cycle 'empire' is like a 'stretched-out circle' so that it becomes a helix.

Seen from the top the helix looks like a circle, yet when you look from the side you can see how this circle seems to be 'stretched-out', so that as we have completed our walk around the edge of the circle (as it appears to us if we look from the top), we begin a second walk around the perimeter yet on a different slice of the same circle on a lower level.

The same principle can be applied for the cycle of one 24-hour day.
An hour is yet another sub-cycle, -a 'child of', connected to the cycle of the day ('the parent'), thereby creating the phenomenon of cycles within cycles within cycles and so forth.
All of these cycles and sub-cycles are interconnected, thus creating a hugely complex tapestry of what we perceive as a dead simple concept of a timeline moving from past to future.
From the top, the day looks like a two-dimensional circular cycle of light and darkness with us moving around the same perimeter over and over again.
Yet seen from the side, these different days are like interconnect slices of the same concept (circle) creating a helix.
These different slices are manifestations of the same concept of the 24-hour day, yet in different settings which allow for a different perspective of the same phenomenon.

So, what we refer to as time is really a helix structure of ongoing cycles with a dualistic rhythm.

Interestingly, our DNA has a double helix structure, as if this concept of cyclic motion through different experiences of one and the same phenomenon in terms of Good and Evil is illustrated in our source-code.

But then again, our DNA is MUCH more than the 'source-code' of our physical make-up.

It regulates our perception of the physical reality, it is capable of translating us into different dimensions, it is an extremely advanced superconductor, it enables 'intuitive communication', and much more.
To think that in spite of the highly advanced design many scientists believe that our DNA consists of 90% junk-DNA, as if the Designer was an amateur, is a level of ignorance and stupidity which boggles my mind, and I guarantee you that in 50 years time scientists will scratch their heads in amazement over this kind of stupidity and ignorance.

But, that is a completely different subject matter which I will not discuss here.
In the next episode I will discuss how the cyclic motion of time relates to prophecy.


The Timeline - I

In this post and the next ones I want to give you a different perspective of what we refer to as 'time', because in the light of understanding prophecy as well as your own life the traditional concept of time is a view which limits understanding.
Perhaps this post may be a bit dry at times and hard to understand, because we all have certain interpretations and concepts attached to words which may not be the same.
But, don't worry, I will provide illustrations of what I write here in this post and even more so in the next one.

That which we refer to as 'time' is nothing other than the moment we are captured (born) into a cycle which we come to experience in different manifestations.
Compare it to putting on a helmet which transfers you into the visual setting of a computer game.
Our Spirit is the element which is located in the real world, our Body is the element which is part of the computer game, and our Soul is our identity, who we are, and it is linked to both the awareness of who we truly are in the Spirit, and who we are in our Body in the computer game.

The Spirit and the Body are at war with each other, since the Spirit contains the memory of what is Good while the Body carries the imprint of Evil.
Furthermore, the setting of the 'game' is the reverse mirror image of the reality of the Spirit.
Because of that, YHWH's children tend to be a bit 'clumsy' in the ways of this world.

During the game we experience the dynamics of the impulses of the Body vs. the Spirit.
We also come to realize that the decisions we make in the virtual reality of the game affect the real world of our Spirit.
So, the virtual reality is capable of reaching out into the real world just as much as the real world is capable of affecting the virtual reality.

This realization forces us to come up with a choice: do we identify with the impulses of the Body and act in agreement with it, not caring about how it affects our Spirit, or do we identify with the Spirit and its Conscience, and let the Spirit move us.

If we listen to the Body and we do as we like, not caring about whether or not it affects the Spirit, our Soul merges with the virtual Body and becomes an integral part of the simulation.
If we listen to the Spirit, our Soul merges with the Spirit and the virtual character in the 'game' will come to reflect who we are in the Spirit.

Thus, the period we are part of the cycle, the game, becomes a testing ground as well as a sculpting tool, since the cycle incorporates the dynamics of Evil vs. Good and presents us with the choice.
Exercising the choice brings out qualities of the Soul by means of the dualistic paradigm of the computer game.
When the game and the corresponding cycle has served its purpose, YHWH calls us back, and our Soul and Spirit are once again put in touch with the real World of the Spirit.

You may win 100,000 points in a computer game, but what is the value of these points in real life?
But the skill you acquired playing the game, like for example an enhanced mental acuity, stays with you, and you can put that skill to use in real life.

Likewise, whatever you gather on Earth stays on Earth, and it is nothing but worthless dust in the reality of the Spirit.
But, the character of the Soul and Spirit which was brought out by the challenges you met during the manifestations of the cycle, stays with you in the real world, and that was the purpose why you were put in the cyclic existence of a Life on Earth.

I am here because YHWH wants to bring out a quality He created in me, and I need this Life as a tool in YHWH's hands to bring out that quality.
The same is true for you.

The traditional view of time is that of a line which stretches out from the past via the present into the future, a linear one way street.
Yet although we experience time as a linear line reaching out from the past into our future, it really is nothing other than an experience of moving through different manifestations of the cycles embedded in our Life, as well as other cycles we are part of and which affect us with their dynamics.
It is like walking on the edge of a circle making the same rounds over and over again, only, the circle changes its color with each round so that it looks like a new circle, a new cycle, but it is only our experience of it which is different due to the changed color.
The dynamics of the cycles may vary in intensity, but the cycles remain the same.

Our Life is like one large cycle with a beginning and an end.
This cycle consists of a string of experiences of smaller cycles which all have in common that they describe one and the same kind of dualistic dynamic.
All cycles occur over and over again, albeit in different manifestations so that our experience of them as well as their settings change, but the cycles remain the same. 

You may be familiar with the prophetic 'week' of YHWH's plan for mankind.
It consists of seven millennia which are part of the millennium week like individual cycles of a day.
The cycle of the millennia, or the day, is repeated six times so that there are seven different manifestations of one day cycle, the millennium, and as such the concept of the week of man's history on Earth is a prophetic depiction of the cyclic nature of our existence on Earth.

I am sure that if you look at your Life you will notice repeating patterns, the same kind of temptations bearing pressure on your Soul.
The setting in which the temptations stress your Soul may be different, but the dynamics involved in the process are exactly the same.
The dynamics may vary in intensity, but their pattern as part of the cycle remain in essence the same.

Cycles of temptation to sin are shaped by the energy we give them through Sin.
When we sin, we create a memory of the Sin in our heads together with our response and the emotions which caused us to fall for the temptation, and the trigger of this memory and associated scenery/settings and emotions are the elements which incorporate themselves as parts of a re-occurring cycle.

The combination of our weak points and the related pressures which cause us to sin, or at least make us sway, is shaped into a repeating pattern as part of a cycle.
They allow us to re-experience the same setting so that we can come up with different answers and succeed where we have failed.

The Forces of Darkness know our weak points and the most effective pressure zones all too well, and they all too often seek to trigger these points in order to set the cycle in motion again, in the hope that we fall prey to the dynamics and fall all the way into Darkness.
Thus they end up becoming a tool in YHWH's hand which allows us to go through the same cycle incorporating the same dynamics of Good vs. Evil we have experienced before, so that we are given the opportunity to turn to the right instead of the old habit of turning to the left.

So, the timeline of our Life is not a linear line from past into future, but a cyclic process which looks like running in a circle, the manifestation of the same cycle manifesting in different incarnations yet incorporating the same kind of dynamic over and over again.

When we refer to the existence of a horizontal timeline, we have taken the outline of the different incarnations of the circle, and stretched it out into one long horizontal line consisting of our cyclic experiences sequentially pasted together into that horizontal line.
The cycles in the string of cycles we refer to as our timeline represent different experiences of the same cycles manifesting in different settings, yet incorporating the same type of dynamic and the same circumstances related to the dynamic.

The duration of your Life on Earth is a process of experiencing cycles incorporating the same kind of dynamics between Good and Evil.
Where once you made choices in that cycle to Sin, after you came to believe in Yahshua the same cycle incorporating the dynamics of Good vs. Evil and the temptations rising through the dynamics of Evil becomes a cycle reflecting your choice to resist temptation and choose for Good.
Thus the cycle previously filled to a large extent with Evil is transformed into a cycle filled with Good, thus gradually losing the intensity of its dynamics as well as its cyclic nature.

So you see, the cyclic structure of what we experience as a long stretched-out timeline of our Life is designed as a tool of education and refinement.
Remember how at school you were required to learn by repetition, and whereas perhaps you may have gotten it wrong the first dozen or so times, eventually you were able to repeat the lesson you were supposed to learn?
YHWH's structure of the cycle serves a similar purpose.
It is an environment featuring the dynamics by means of which you are able to learn, not by rote memory, but by experience, and as such it serves to bring out the tangible evidence of the choice you made to believe in Yahshua.

Life is a cyclic motion allowing you to learn, and that is the reason why we should not fret over 'Sins of the past' we have repented for.
Our repentance expresses itself in our changed attitude towards the temptations produced by the dynamics of the cycle which previously caused us to sin.
Because of that, the manifestation of the cycle has changed to reflect the fruit of repentance, and by meeting temptation correctly, the Sin of the past cannot perpetuate itself and affect the manifestation of the cycle.

In other words: we have learned the lesson and we continue to practice the lesson as we move through the same cycle in different settings.
This is why it is senseless to ponder on past Sins and how great it would be to go back into the past to prevent ourselves from sinning: by meeting the same dynamics, which caused us to sin, in the right way by NOT sinning, we change the manifestation of that same cycle.

Not that we can undo past Sins, but by believing in Yahshua we are cut free from the compulsion to repeat the same Sins over and over again, thus remaining stuck in a perpetual cycle of Evil.
In Yahshua we can overcome compulsive habits produced by a wrong conditioning to the temptation produced by dynamics of the cycle, so it really is YHWH's power in Yahshua which not only saves us from the gravitational pull of Evil, but He also changes the cyclic motion of our lives in the sense that we no longer keep failing in the same cycle.

The cycles of our Life consist of different manifestations the cycles and their embedded dynamics, thus causing in us a different experience of those cycles.
The combination of cycles is the school where we learn our lessons, and this is part of YHWH's development process of our character.

In the illustration the cycle is depicted as one white circle, and 'time' is nothing other than the white circle breaking up in different layers, each layer of the circle manifesting in the 'string of the timeline' so that the timeline becomes a series of different perspectives of one and the same event, or cycle.

Of course the illustration is a very simplistic representation of the complex structure of interwoven, subdivided and interdependent cycles, but it serves the purpose of illustration how the phenomenon we refer to as the timeline is simply the result of moving through different experience of the same cycle.

Because of the dualistic principle, each cycle has a beginning and an end, and the end is a beginning of a new cycle, a different experience and manifestation of the same cycle.
This dualistic motion has led to the belief among for example Buddhists that we reincarnate over and over again, and considering the fact that we live in a dualistic motion manifesting in what we experience as a 'string of cycles of recurring dynamics and events related to the dynamics', 'a cyclic timeline', this is not really a strange notion.

However, our Spirit is not part of this realm, and therefore not part of the cyclic motion caused by the manifestation of the dualistic principle in this realm.
The Spirit does not have a beginning and an end, nor is it subject to a dualistic rhythm of being born, dying, being born again.

Our Body is like a dimensional portal which gives our Spirit and Soul access to experience a cyclic existence for a specific purpose, and once this purpose has been fulfilled, there is no need for endlessly going through the same cyclic experience over and over again.
The physical Body is almost like a spaceship for your Spirit, allowing you to travel to a cyclic world and be part of it for the duration of the cycle of the Life of your Body.

We enter with our Soul and Spirit a cyclic manifestation of experiences by means of being born into a Body which is subject to the tide of cycles. 
To put this in different words: we are born in a time-based and time-regulated (actually, it should read 'cycle-based and cycle-regulated') Body which relates to the different cycles as a timeline moving from a beginning in the past, via the present moment, into the future.

This timeline is nothing other than the same cycle manifesting in slightly different incarnations, thus allowing us to re-experience the cycle over and over again.
This principle allows us to have victory where we used to fail, because where we fell for temptation in one manifestation of a cycle in the past, Yahshua's redemption becomes apparent in experiencing the same old temptation of that cycle by not falling for the dynamics of the temptation.

The dualistic motion of a cycle can be represented by a sine wave.
Again, it's a simplified version of the dynamics of a cycle, but it serves the purpose.

A sine wave in acoustical terms describes one complete cycle of one periodic event.
In the case of the sine wave, its beginning is at point A in the illustration, and its end in point B is once again the beginning of a new cycle or period.

In acoustics the rising slope of this sine wave, when translated in mechanical terms, means that the cone of a loudspeaker moves forward, thereby compressing the air, and the declining slope is like the cone of a loudspeaker moving backward, thereby 'stretching the air apart'.
When this cycle of compressed and stretched-out air reaches our eardrum, we experience it as one cycle of a sine wave, and the more cycles per second we hear, the higher the pitch of the sine wave will be in our experience.

This sine wave also describes the cycle of a day.
Its beginning is like the emerging light, increasing in intensity until it reaches its maximum, then declining again until there no longer is the light of the sun present so that Darkness increases to maximum intensity, and then gradually moving back again to start a new cycle of a new day.
A timeline is nothing other than a complex structure of interwoven cyclic movements of different durations to our sequential experience of those movements.
Everything moves in repeating cycles, manifestations of one single dynamic interplay in different manifestations and different experiences of those manifestations.

Our experience of reality on Earth is the progression through a series of knots (A,B in the illustration) which tie the multitude of different dynamics motions pertaining to a cycle together.
Our journey through these dynamic motions happens in the moment we refer to as the present, the now, the activation point of Earth-reality to our Spiritual consciousness.
The activation of the 'now' is like pressing the play button of an MP3 so that the information points contained within the MP3 are activated in a linear way and we can enjoy it as 'music playing'.

The principle of Dualism causes EVERYTHING in our realm to move in repeating cycles which are manifestations of one theme, one subject, one phenomenon, in different incarnations and different settings.
Each day of our Life is the same alternation between intervals of light and darkness, yet each day is also different because it manifests in different settings and different experiences of that same day.
These different experiences and different settings are like camera positions which allow us to get a different perspective of one and the same phenomenon, so that in the end we truly have a multi-dimensional overview of that phenomenon.

So too the rise and decline of an empire can be described in terms of the dynamics between Good and Evil manifesting in the form of a sine wave.
The rise of an empire is when Evil has little opportunity to corrupt and obstruct the rise of the empire, the upward slope of the sine way in the illustration.

The moment people allow for Evil to manifest itself in a more pronounced way is when the downward slope of the sine way settles in, until it has reached its point of maximum imbalance, after which the manifestation of the cycle of the empire is destroyed, and a new empire-cycle can manifest itself, describing the same sine wave motion and the same dynamics.

The more accurate we are in our assessment of the different factors involved in the rise and decline of an empire, and the more accurate we are in incorporating this analysis in a complex algorithm, the better we will be able to predict the future of an empire by means of that algorithm, although there will always remain uncertain elements which cannot be incorporated into the equation.

If we take the illustration of the sine wave depicting the rise and fall of an empire, and we use it to depict the qualities of Good vs. Evil involved in the dynamics of the rise and fall, the resulting sine wave of Good vs. Evil would be each other's mirror image.

The more Good is able to manifest and contribute to the rise of an empire, the less Evil is able to corrupt good moral values.
Conversely, the more Evil is able to corrupt society in the image of Evil, the less Good is able to manifest.

If you combine the two illustrations of the sine wave depicting the rise and fall of an empire, and the sine wave illustrating the forces of Good vs. Evil as each other's mirror image, you get the reason why empires emerge, rise to great heights only to fall down into destruction.
Every empire thus far has embodied this same dynamic, and every empire has been like a differently colored 'slice' of one and the same cycle so that we are able to experience these different manifestations of those slices in a sequential order and regard it as a timeline featuring the rise and fall of empires placed within the timeline.

Time is nothing other than a perpetual string of repeating cycles manifesting in slightly different yet similar ways, thus creating different experience of a single cycle.
When YHWH will end time, He ends the manifestation of Dualism, which means the end of the cyclic motion we are familiar with.

So, the end of time = the end of Dualism = the end of cyclic motion =  the end of the simulation.

Those who will be resurrected or transformed are the first ones who will experience the end of their internal Dualism, even though Dualism itself will still be present in Creation.
The end of time will come when YHWH will end the manifestation of Dualism in Creation, and its cyclic motion we experience as a linear timeline.


The Principle - V

Life on this stage is like a night out at the opera, a physical dream of existence in a  realm which is but a projection, a holographic setting which enables us to experience Dualism within ourselves.
We see and experience the presence of that which exists, Good, and that which cannot exist, Evil.
And from the dynamics between Good and Evil an intimate knowledge of both is born.
This knowledge enables us to make the choice.

And yet, even though in our physical dimension nothing is real and lasting, and everything is a projection of energy manifesting to us in the bandwidth we refer to as the physical realm, our EXPERIENCE of Life on Earth is extremely real, isn't it?
Try ignoring a tooth ache, try walking through a wall, and it will become clear to you that this illusion of the physical realm has a very real and tangible impact on us in terms of our experience of it.

Often I find myself perplexed at YHWH's incredible intelligence, that He is able to create something as complex as our Creation with its infinite different yet intertwined layers of dimensions and their reality, as well as creating individual experiences for us as we move through His creation.
We, as His creatures, are like miniature creations, and YHWH gives all of His attention to the tiniest detail of our lives as well.

Consider how real our experience of our Life on Earth is.
And yet, the reality of living in a physical human Body itself is but part of a simulation designed to make the experience of internal Dualism possible.

And in spite of the strength of the illusion, even Death itself is an illusion.
Yes, we see Death all around us, but the notion of non-existence (Death) can never exist.
Everything exists in YHWH, and non-existence as an observable concept is part of an artificially engineered structure of a Dualistic physical realm.
Death on this stage is the image (the physical avatar) of a horrible reality no one in his right mind would want to choose for.

When we die we do not cease to exist.
Instead, we become part of a different reality we have chosen as our destiny during our Life in our current realm.

In the play of Life we make choices which determine the reality we shall be part of once we have finished acting out our role here on stage.
We do not cease to exist, but we will exist in a reality which opens up as a result of the choices we make right here and now.
We either enter the portal leading to the reality where we live in the presence of YHWH and His goodness and kindness, or a reality where we live as an integral part of an artificial simulation (a dream) which depicts what it means to be part of a reality without YHWH, or, Evil.

So, the choices we make here are of the highest importance, because based on our choices we end up on the heads or tails side of the coin of Dualism, and the tails-side of this coin is vexation to the extreme, an existence of being stuck in a dream within a dream within a dream where we are frozen in point zero of Creation.
In that state our EXPERIENCE of eternity is the result of being stuck in a pseudo-eternity, a looped existence where the end is merged with the beginning, an existence where we move around the edge of the same wheel over and over again with nothing every changing for the better.

Although our reality is individual in nature, since we are receiving it into our individual minds, and the movement of time likewise is an individual experience, we DO share with others a common playground of the scenery in which we live and operate.
This means that in spite of the individual nature of reality, it also is collective, because our individual realities overlap in the greater picture which YHWH created for our existence here in this theater.
This overlap allows us to influence and shape the reality of others, be it for Good, or for Evil.

Dualism is the reason why empires collapse under their own weight.
Within the foundation upon which empires are built Evil is present, and as such an empire is obstructed from the very beginning.

The growth of the Evil seed within the foundation of an empire and the havoc it produces, all of which is the outcome of Dualism, can also be expressed in terms of economic, social and political laws.
These laws describe prevailing consecutive trends (cycles) throughout history which are part of the rise and fall of empires.
Through analysis of the trends, and observing the historical progression of trends, it becomes possible to assess the current stage of an empire within the context of a cycle or trend, and based on the historical statistical data it is possible to extrapolate the data to make an accurate prediction for the future.

It is possible to capture the details of the dualistic dynamics in a complex algorithm by means of which you can generate a computer model of the future, and the more accurate you are in your algorithmic description of the dynamics, and the more details you are able to incorporate in the algorithm, the greater the accuracy will be of the computer model.
The dynamics caused by Dualism and the cyclic motion evolving from it makes this possible.

After all, everything in this realm manifests the principle of Dualism, and Dualism is responsible for the cyclic manifestation of time.
Because you have experienced many cycles of a day you know it is quantized into 24 equal segments called 'hours', you know that the 'day-part' begins with emerging light, that it gradually increases in intensity, and then after the peak of intensity it slowly decreases its intensity until it gives way to darkness, and you can accurately predict the stage of the day by means of the presence of light in it.

The lifecycle of empires is not different from the cycle of a day, because both are regulated by dualistic principles.
The entire sequence of events we refer to as a timeline is nothing other than a string of the same cycles manifesting in slightly different incarnations.

Dualism is the mother of the cyclic motion.
The cycle which is birthed by Dualism consists of this: a beginning contrasted with an end, and the dynamics from the beginning to end follow predictable patterns which make it possible to accurately predict the stage of a cycle.
When the cycle has reached its end, its end becomes again the beginning of the same cycle, albeit in a different incarnation.

The dynamics of an empire by means of which the cycle moves from its beginning to its end are caused by the dynamics of Good vs. Evil embodied within Dualism.
These dynamics can be expressed in terms of an algorithm describing the cycle and the possible outcomes at a certain point in that cycle.

Does this mean we can predict YHWH and His interference?
Although we can predict the fact that YHWH will interfere, we cannot predict how and when He will interfere, that is His secret and His prerogative.

The Fallen Ones try to turn YHWH into the horse pulling their cart because of the dynamics involved in the principle of Dualism.
"If we want to realize our objective C, we first have to do A so that YHWH has to respond with B, and when YHWH has responded with B we will be able to realize C".

The Forces of Evil seek to manipulate YHWH into taking action in order to realize their own agenda, because they are very aware of the dynamics involved in the Dualistic principle.

But YHWH is unpredictable, He is not cyclic.
You never know when exactly He will interfere, and how He will choose to interfere, and that is what the Forces of Evil fear most: the unpredictable aspect of YHWH's character.
You cannot turn YHWH into an automaton, because even though He created Dualism and the dynamics involved in the Dualistic interplay between Light and Darkness, the way and timing of the manifestation of the Light is controlled by YHWH, and more than that, the manifestation of Darkness is part of His plan and under His control.

Empires carry within themselves the seed of their own destruction, just as we carry within our own Body the seed of our own destruction, Evil.
When we are born we seem so sweet and adorable, but as we grow up we cannot help but fall to Sin, and feed the identity of Evil which builds on the imbalance caused by the presence of the memory of Evil in our Body.
And with each Sin we commit, we increase the tension of the imbalance.

However, we do not die the moment we are born just because we carry the genetic imprint of Evil within our Body.
YHWH allows for us to grow and for Evil to mature, in the end manifesting its nature in the Death of the Body.

Likewise, even if in the beginning the foundation of an empire seems noble and good, it inevitably incorporates the mark of Evil and is bound to bring forth fruit after the seed of Evil.
Just as we strengthen the false identity of Evil within us with each Sin we commit, an empire gives strength and life to its Evil seed with each individual who comes to identify with Evil and act on behalf of the agenda of Evil in society.
As the number of these individuals increases, so does their influence in society.

The very structure of empires today carries the image of the Fallen One, because whereas YHWH builds according to the principle of individuals together forming the Body of a society, the Fallen One builds from the perspective of the collective shaping the individual.
This is why all empires have a great wall of Ranks and Rites, sometimes so extreme that the one with the highest rank is revered as a god,  like the Roman emperors or North-Korea's leader.
Both principles of construction, where YHWH builds something from the ground up while the Fallen Ones impose a structure from the top down, are opposite contrary movements, which is the outcome of Dualism where Evil mimics YHWH in reverse.

This principle of the collective transforming the individual into an integral part of the collective through pressure and seduction is present not just in the macro-structure of all the empires and nations on Earth.
We also find it in the micro-structures of companies and their company-culture.
We find it in the education system and its way to 'educate' by means of raping the mind, where true living understanding is replaced by a dead pseudo-understanding of mere intellectual absorption.
We find the principle in families and the family culture which destroys unique characters and delivers a conformed extension of that culture, be it in the form of the conformist or the rebel who bases the values of his life on his reaction against the family culture.
Both the conformist and the rebel are shaped by what they adopt or react against, because both have in common that they are the result from a reactionary attitude.
Evil is in essence reactionary in nature, so both the conformist and the rebel end up conforming to the Evil acting through the pressure of cultural demands, either through acceptance of through accepting a reactionary lifestyle against it.

Evil creates the imbalance, and the more it absorbs energy to manifest itself, the greater the imbalance becomes.
The very existence of an empire already incorporates the imbalance, and as this imbalance grows it attracts its own destruction.
It takes time for the imbalance to grow to such proportions that the manifestation of Evil expresses its character in the death of an empire, just as it takes time for our Bodies to express the nature of Evil within the Body in the form of the Death of the Body.

Just as we are born to die because we are flawed in our very foundation, empires are born for destruction because they are flawed in their foundation.
They have already an imbalance right from the onset embedded within their structure, and as the individual cells of an empire, the people, feed that imbalance by catering to Evil, the imbalance increases right up to the moment where it is so great that it unleashes the correction brought forth by YHWH.

Remember, the proper balance for Creation is NO Evil whatsoever.
The slightest presence of Evil creates an imbalance, and Dualism exists by the grace of YHWH allowing a measure of imbalance in order that the character of Evil can manifest itself in Creation.
But YHWH will allow only a margin of Evil He has predetermined, and once that margin is full and Evil seeks to go beyond that margin, YHWH steps in and holds up His mirror to Evil, which means that Evil receives in that mirror that which it is and what it seeks to bring to manifestations of Good in an empire: destruction.

Inevitably, the extent to which the cells of the Body of an empire merge their identities with Evil and pass Evil for Good, is the extent to which they add to the imbalance caused by the Dualism.
As the imbalance grows, it attracts the correcting force of the mirror of Good.

This means that the charactertraits of Evil are mirrored by YHWH, which we refer to as a 'judgment upon the nation'.
YHWH does not destroy because He is Evil, but because He holds up a mirror to Evil in which Evil experiences a reflection of that which it is: violence, bloodshed, injustice, immorality, perversity.
If YHWH would hold up His mirror of existence to an individual who seeks to do Good, then this individual would experience YHWH not as a judgment, but as a Reinforcer of that which he loves.
Light amplifies light, but it destroys Darkness.

YHWH corrects the imbalance caused by Evil by mirroring back the nature of Evil to itself, so that cracks of division within the structure of the empire begin to show and tear up the fabric.
And as the cracks increase and split the body of the empire, its destruction is all too often completed in internal power-struggles and bloodshed.

This is how YHWH exposes the character of Evil: YHWH holds up the mirror of existence by means of which the properties of Evil are reflected back to Evil.
Thus Evil becomes a destruction unto itself.
Once an imbalance begins to grow, you can be certain that this tension MUST be resolved, either through repentance of the people who are part of the empire from their identification with Evil, or by destruction.

The final empire on Earth before Yahshua's kingdom will translate into a reality on Earth which will swallow up the entire Earth in the greatest Evil imaginable.
YHWH will allow the Evil One to turn the entire Earth into the 'OFF-state' of Evil, so that it creates the greatest imaginable imbalance where Evil rules from a pyramid top-down structure enforcing conformity on the individual to the collective.
It is like the pendulum being allowed to swing all the way over to the left in favor of Evil, so that YHWH can swing the pendulum back ALL the way to the right.

When YHWH will mirror this extreme Evil it will experience total annihilation, just as it sought to annihilate YHWH's presence on Earth.
The complete make-over of Earth in the image of Evil is the precursor to the complete make-over of Earth in the image of YHWH's Goodness.
Then Yahshua's kingdom will put the entire Earth into the 'ON-state' of YHWH's Goodness just as Evil sought to put all of Earth into the 'OFF-state' of Evil.
Instead of a pyramid power structure transforming individuals into a collective of the pyramid machine by means of enforcing conformity, in Yahshua's kingdom it is the love in the hearts of individuals which unites them as individuals into Yahshua's empire, one which is built from the ground up, the inside out.

Everything in our realm is binary in nature, even our entrance in this realm which knows a moment of being born and a moment of dying, a beginning and an end, an 'ON' and an 'OFF'-state.
In this short time span we are set on the stage we need to make choices, and from these choices the reality for our Soul and Spirit evolves.
That is why we are here: to make the choice and be shaped by it into the person YHWH wants us to be.

Within Dualism Evil manifests as a horrible reality to illustrate what it means for us to miss out on existence we may have in YHWH.
This is why we experience Evil as very unpleasant and a torture to our Soul and Spirit: to impress on our minds what it truly means to choose against YHWH as well as learning to appreciate the quality of YHWH's character from that perspective.

It should be self-evident to any sane man or woman that it is only natural to choose for love, kindness, and goodness.

If those qualities are pillars of YHWH's character, then who in his right mind would choose to abandon Him in favor of hatred, meanness, and Evil?

Dualism exists to allow us to experience and appreciate YHWH's character from the perspective of knowing that which He is not, or, to phrase it differently, we are here to experience YHWH from the binary nature of Dualism and develop love for Him from that perspective, the perspective of choice and free will to exercise the choice.