
The Hours Of Darkness

Don't be mistaken, the Fallen Ones would love to see you dead and gone, out of their sight, gone from their planet.
If they had it their way you would no longer be part of the domain they consider to be rightfully theirs.
But, IS it rightfully theirs?
Didn't they obtain dominion over the Earth domain by means of a lie, a misrepresentation of facts?

The Adversary claims our ancestors KNEW the facts already and should have been aware that any statement contradicting these facts could never be true.
THEY decided to discard the facts and believe the Lie, and in doing so they signed away dominion over the Earth to the Satan.

Even though they may be partially right, the fact remains that our ancestors in their original pristine state were not dualistic.
They were innocent and from the perspective of Darkness naive.
So the legal basis by means of which the Fallen Ones claim the right to rule over our Earth domain is very dubious at best.
Perhaps that is part of the reason why YHWH set an expiration date on their claim, and perhaps that also partly accounts for the fact that YHWH has a legal right to protect His own on Earth and interfere with the state of affairs here.
The legal claim of the Satan is not solid because it is based on a lie, a false testimony.

If the Fallen Ones could have their way with us, they would not hesitate to wipe us out the moment they have installed their brave new world.
They need YHWH's own as long as they do not feel strong and confident enough to take on YHWH, but the moment they are ready, or the moment they notice Yahshua is returning, will be the moment they will execute their plans for mass murder and mass extermination.
Furthermore, if THEY cannot have Earth, NO ONE can, and they will seek to destroy the entire Earth so that in the end only a facsimile of Mars remains.

They want to see us dead, but for the time being they also need YHWH's own as an insurance against YHWH's wrath.
For without any of YHWH's own this planet is the equivalent of a cancerous outgrowth devoid of any healthy living cell, and YHWH, acting as the mirror of Creation, will issue the reflection of what Earth has become: Death and Destruction, the nature of Evil.

So they cannot kill all of us yet, but they CAN do the next best thing: make us suffer and bleed because we have the audacity to exist in the domain of Evil.
They seek to isolate us so that we become anonymous harmless sounds in a sea of people, they seek to incapacitate us so that the pain and hardship break our Spirit and cripple our Soul so badly that we sit down in the proverbial sackcloth and ashes because our circumstances have been manipulated to such an extent that they give us nothing but obstruction, adversity and pain for so long that we are unable to do anything anymore.
And that is when you will receive quiet suggestions into your mind, suggestions which seem to pop out of nowhere making you wonder how on Earth that is possible, as if someone is sending you a mental SMS which is downloaded into your mind.

'Say YES and give in, abandon your misplaced pre-occupation with doing the multi-faceted so-called will of your Creator which you think of as love, and you will see that your Life will change instantly and that the wind of Adversity turns to become the wind in your back which propels you forward.'
That's always the message, and there have been quite a few moments in my Life when I was suffering from the attacks of unseen Forces, only to suddenly receive this download in my mind, 'give in, say yes and go with the flow, and Life will smile at you'.
Or, 'don't write anymore, and we'll have a truce, you leave us alone, we leave you alone'.

Always my response has been the same, 'get lost', praying to YHWH to deliver me from Evil.
I could NEVER choose to side with Evil, because firstly my love for YHWH is real and flows through my entire being as the foundation of my existence, and secondly I know what Evil is and what it stands for.
And thirdly, only an idiot makes a deal with the ultimate deal-breaker, the Satan.

So whenever that suggestion would pop up in my mind I would tell it to get lost, because I will not betray my love for YHWH or give up my precious Soul to Dark, vicious Forces which have tortured me so for long and so consistently without remorse or any mercy whatsoever.
Kiss the feet of my tormentor?
Like Heaven I will!

No, the best we can do is to counter Demonic attacks with prayer.
Every single element of Darkness of whatever nature that you encounter in your Life, counter it with prayer, consistently, unceasingly.
Prayer is how you lift up Darkness into the Light, and as you know, Darkness cannot exist in the Light, for Light destroys it.

Always remember there is a reason for Darkness: it is an integral part of the process of growth of your Soul.
The Fallen Ones seek to abuse their presence and power on Earth by creating as many obstacles and as much hardship in the Lives of YHWH's children as they possibly can.
It is not YHWH Who makes you suffer, it is the Satan showing his true callous character.
He serves his serpentine instinct and acts out Evil.
It is his goal to turn this world into an 'anti-'statement, which really is indicative of the reactionary nature of Evil.
Evil is not a constructive force in its own right, another source of Creation, but it takes its identity, its meaning and its existence from acting AGAINST Good.

So, if YHWH, Who IS the constructive and creative Power of all Creation, commands 'A', Evil commands 'anti-A'.
If YHWH forbids bestiality, Evil is in favor of bestiality and seeks to promote it as a normal alternative healthy Lifestyle.
If YHWH makes no statement about a particular subject, Evil has no interest in it and leaves it alone.
If YHWH were to forbid marriage between a man and a woman, you would see the agents of Evil in this world using all means at their disposal to promote marriage and keep it sacred.
Marriage between a man and a woman would enjoy a status of political and legal protection, and anything said or written against it would be demonized as the product of a deranged, sick mind, and the author of the statement would be accused of being bigoted and intolerant.

Of course, in our world it is the other way round.
I merely mention this to explain the reason why sick and depraved Life-styles (Death-styles) are promoted in today's world and why the traditional marriage is targeted for Destruction.
It has nothing to do with the Life-style, but with the fact that it is an anti-YHWH statement.
YHWH commands A, Evil commands 'anti-A' and seeks to obliterate A.
YHWH sends His Son the Messiah, the Devil creates a plethora of anti-Messiahs, YHWH sends his prophets speaking the Truth, the Adversary sends an army of his prophets proclaiming lies.
The fact that the latter is always believed, awarded and accepted, and that the former always receives scorn, abuse and maltreatment even unto Death, is very indicative of who rules this world and the hearts of people.

Never forget that you belong to YHWH, and you are protected by YHWH.
Sometimes your circumstances may cause you to wonder if YHWH is on vacation, but I assure you He is not absent.
He allows certain things to happen simply because they are part of the growth-process of the Soul.
But know this, that YHWH is there to make sure the Fallen Ones will not cross the line and obstruct the growth of your Soul by destroying you.
NONE of us will die before our appointed time as long as we remain true to YHWH, because He watches over us, making sure that the Fallen Ones cannot heap so much weight upon our Soul that we are crushed in our Spirit beyond healing.
Always bear this in mind and do your best to endure in spite of your pain and your suffering.
Don't think that YHWH does not care or that He does not know your pain.

Only, because you live in a physical world where the details of your circumstances are the elements which bring you so much pain, these details take on a very personal character and tend to obscure your sight of the fact they simply are expressions of the hours of Darkness.
The Forces of Darkness fill in the details of these hours of Darkness, and they try to make the circumstances which produce Darkness so intense that it is difficult to stand back and see them from the perspective of a process of growth where the alternating hours of Darkness and Light manifest in different ways, with the hours of Darkness providing the Workers of Darkness with the opportunity to affect your reality.

We tend to take this very personal, understandably so, but YHWH is able to oversee the entire process and He is not drawn into taking it personally.
Because He knows the outcome He will do anything for us to make sure we can grow and develop, and that also involves the growth of virtues like endurance, patience, love, kindness.
Stress builds up muscle, Spiritual stress builds up spiritual muscle, and Darkness makes the Light stand out in the most intense way.
I wish there was another way to achieve the growth of the Soul, but to develop and grow into whom we are created to be we have to go through this process.
And I can assure you, I don't like it one bit.

That is why YHWH explained to Job how complex His creation was, seeking to make Job understand that He is in charge and there is a purpose which works towards what is Good for Job in Job's Life.
In other words: YHWH created the dualistic circumstances as part of the process of growth of the human Soul, so do your best and see it from that perspective, and above all, put your trust in YHWH since all the Evil on your path is nothing but an element which YHWH uses to create in you the Soul He had in mind when He planted your seed in the soil of the Earth.

You have to understand: we are at war.
Good and Evil cannot co-exist, and in our world there is a struggle for supremacy.
If Evil wins, Destruction is its legacy, if Good wins, Paradise will come.
In this war between Good and Evil weapons are used, and these weapons greatly vary.
The bullets fired at YHWH's own are not of a physical nature, but they come in the form of obstruction, cruelty, meanness, betrayal, manipulated circumstances, gang-stalking.
Always bear in mind that you live on a battlefield as a soldier of YHWH, and the Adversary would love to see you dead.
And if he cannot kill you, he wants to see you wounded and suffer so badly that you cannot get up anymore.
Because you are a threat to his power, and he will do ANYTHING to preserve and expand his power and influence.

Don't forget, the Satan does not know YHWH's distinction between Good and Evil, it has no meaning for him other than the paradigm being an invention of YHWH.
For him Good is whatever will benefit him, and Evil is whatever does not benefit him.
Our conscience is based on YHWH's paradigm of Good vs. Evil, and the worst mistake we can make is when we project that unto the Serpent who does NOT have such a conscience.
The Adversary has the instinct of Evil, and he cannot bring forth any Good because there is no intimacy with Good in him present.
All he knows is the intimacy with his Evil instinct, and ALL his values are born from this instinct of Evil and an expression of Evil.
He is not  human in any way, shape or form, nor are any of his fellow workers of Darkness, some of whom reside in the Flesh and appear in their outer form as human beings but who really are Fallen Spirits in a shell of Flesh.
Be aware that you are dealing with serpents, so proceed with caution!

We live in a world the Fallen Ones have claimed as their own by means of tricking our ancestors by means of a lie into signing away the ownership.
In this world Evil rules and awards the agents of Evil.
That's why you see so many nitwits proliferate in entertainment and in Hollywood, because they are sell-outs, whores in service of the Satan, and their award shows are like the whore parade of the Satan's PR-idiots.
The same is true for education, business, religion, and especially politics which by its nature almost exclusively is ruled by Evil.
The manifestation of the Lie is all around us with such intensity that it severely disrupts the balance between Good and Evil.
That is why YHWH is meddling with the affairs of the Evil One, since YHWH knows that the Satan has set his heart on turning Earth into one big concentration camp where the agents of Good will be exterminated and man will be re-designed as part of a Satanic eco-system.
There is no place for YHWH's design of Man in this eco-system.

As I wrote earlier, Evil is no creation in itself, it can only express itself by means of what it is able to absorb (steal) from YHWH's Creation.
The problem is that the new eco-system the Satan has in mind cannot exist and endure, because in spite of the fact that Evil may take and absorb the Good elements of YHWH's Creation, the outcome will always be the same: Destruction and Death.
That's because of what YHWH has programmed Evil to be, it is a law of nature.
So too the Satan's New Order, his new world, will not exist and endure, and it certainly will not replace YHWH's creation.
YHWH does not make mistakes, and whatever He creates is as Good as if ever can be.
All of YHWH's designs have a specific purpose so that even that which seems imperfect becomes perfect from YHWH's perspective, because He is able to oversee the place, position and purpose of designs and how they affect one another.
And what seems like one isolated imperfect design can be just one phase embedded within a multi-phased perfect design.

The Satan will never succeed in his Evil purpose, and by his appearance in the Flesh to re-create Man in his image and resurrect the Demons he will be brought down by none other than the Messiah, Yahshua, the King I love and serve.


The Absurdity Of Life

If I did not believe in the Creator and that we are eternal Spirits in a temporal physical Body, my outlook on Life would be very different.
For if there is no Creator and we are only temporary products of nature, then surely our short existence is an absurdity.
We can create art, build monuments, but in ten thousand years what will be left of what we have done?
Because our work, like ourselves, is just temporary and of no consequence.
A third world war might cause Van Gogh's work go up in flames, and if he suffered for the sake of his art while receiving no recognition or material reward in return, and Life would be nothing more than a temporary by-product of the cycles of nature, his Life would be a complete absurdity and an unnecessary vexation.

If I truly believed we are but a temporary product of nature without any purpose my highest ideal in Life would be to have as much fun as possible, and avoid the pain which is created by contemplating on my own short existence and how it does not have any significance or meaning other than what I think it to be.
Because in that philosophical view Life itself is an absurdity.
You come into existence as the result of the force of nature, you stay for a short while to witness a lot of pain and sadness, and then you go again without ever existing again.
My highest goal would be Hedonism, to heap pleasure upon pleasure and avoid pain as much as possible.
I would steer away from morality, ethics and rules, and devote myself to serving my highest ideal of Hedonism.

But there is something very strange about the sadness you may feel when you contemplate the futility of a meaningless temporary existence.
Why should you feel sad?
According to your view it cannot be because you are able to conceive eternity in your mind and you sense on a deep level that there SHOULD be more than just the absurdity of your existence, for in your belief system that is an absurd and unrealistic thought.

And it is simply because you focus on your short existence and how meaningless everything is which you undertake that this sadness and pain over the absurdity sets in, the pain which grows out of the dissonance between the meaningful eternal where your Life here has meaning and a continuation, and the absurdity of the absence of eternity where you live out a short and meaningless Life without any continuation or purpose for your existence here.
If you truly were temporary you should not have this sadness and pain in your heart, a deep heartfelt pain which really is based on the idea that you SHOULD be eternal, but somehow you are stuck in the absurdity of a short temporary existence.

Ah, so you turn to religion because you cannot bear that pain, fleeing into a mental escape to avoid the reality of the absurd situation?
I understand this thought, and I also understand why some would want to reject the idea that there is a Creator and that we are eternal for that very reason.
It is better to face reality head on than to be a wimp about it and escape in yet another absurdity which has the potential to deprive you of all the pleasure you could have had in your short existence if you remained unhindered by moral concepts having their roots in the fantasy of eschewed theology.

But suppose you are wrong.
Suppose that religion may be an escape, but that the inner realization that you ARE eternal and that there IS a God is true?
Suppose you are just inventing another escape into Hedonism to avoid facing the fact you are eternal and you are here for a reason, and that the moral concepts relating to what is Good, -and which you reject as blocks on the road to pleasure-, have their roots in a Dualism between Good and Evil, two forces you are experiencing in this world.
Then your escape into Hedonism becomes a ploy to keep you locked in the pain of the idea that your Life is an absurdity and that nothing really matters, and by walking in the faith in your Hedonism you miss the point of your existence completely and you in fact offer yourself as a sacrifice to the other side of the Dualistic coin, Evil.
And Evil is destruction, the reason why everything ends in this realm.

It is only because I DO have a Creator Who placed me here on Earth for a reason that I cannot live by and be ruled by the principle Hedonism.
Hedonism is the result of a faulty premise, sand which our Adversary throws into our eyes to make us blind to the Truth.
The Trutn that we are eternal, and we are put here in a temporary existence for a very specific reason.

Because of the pain we encounter in Life we may come to see our Life here as a punishment, an exile away from Heaven into a world where Evil rules and thrives at our expense.
I fully understand this reasoning, but it is flawed and simply not true.
We are not here because we are being punished, but because certain qualities of our Soul need to be brought forth, qualities we need in our eternal existence.
We are not sent here to be punished, we are sent here so that these qualities of our Soul can mature and produce fruit.

The process which allows our Soul to grow is the Dualistic process where we experience Evil.
We see Evil all around us and even worse, we see it within us.
Evil manipulates our feelings and our thoughts, its presence brings us pain and it stresses our Soul, driving us to cry out to our Creator to be saved from the horror.
Somehow the dynamics of this process of being assaulted by Evil, suffering from it, and persevering in our Faith is the mechanism which brings forth the growth of eternal qualities in our Soul.

That is what Life here is all about: to produce these eternal qualities of the Soul.
All other things such as what you do, whether you are the greatest painter or composer or businessman, it does not matter AT ALL.
What DOES matter is how your respond in your Soul to Evil and its diverse ways of assaulting you and making your Life miserable: do you cave in, or do you learn to persist in turning your Heart and Soul to your Creator?
Your Soul is the element which can be eternal, depending on the choice you make.
And an investment in the eternal yields a profit which is eternal and thus makes your Life here meaningful.

If you believe this is just my own take on the meaning of Life, then I want to point out that there is Someone much greater than I am Who also tried to make this clear to His pupils and everyone who heard His words: Yahshua.
Do you remember the story of the good seed which the Landsman sowed, and how an enemy sowed weeds during the night?
Yahshua explained how the workers noticed the weeds growing up among the wheat, and they asked if they ought to root up the weeds.
There were instructed NOT to take out the weeds, but to wait until the harvest time when both the weeds and the wheat would have grown to full maturity, meaning the time when the qualities contained within the seeds had brought forth mature fruit, and THEN the time had come for the harvest.

Although some relate this story exclusively to the 'end of the age' when all things as they have been come to an end, this story also has another meaning.
It tells us about the reason why we are here, it tells us how not only YHWH but also the Adversary have 'sown their own seed' in this realm of reality, and it tells us that we are here in this temporary realm until the moment comes that the qualities of our Soul have matured and we are ready to be 'awakened' our of the Earth-dream.

Life is a process.
During this process you make choices which determine the direction of your Soul.
Choosing for Yahshua means that your Spirit is reconnected to the Creator in Yahshua, and you 'are saved' as it is called in religious parlance.
It simply means you are reconnected to the eternal Source of existence.
But we still exist on Earth as human beings.
Our Soul is part of both our Spirit and our physical Body, and as such it experiences two opposite flows within itself.
One is like a Spiritual day and the other is its counterpart, the night, Light and Darkness.
Our Life here is like going through the seasons with their cyclic alternations of day and night, drought and receiving rain from Heaven, so that this process changes the Soul and allows it to mature and bear fruit.
Some seeds takes a long time to grow, other seeds a short time.
But both the Good seed and the Evil seed go through this process to bring out the qualities of the seed in the face of eternity: Evil grows into weeds, Good grows into wheat.

And that is what Yahshua tried to convey to us: we are not here to make this temporary realm our home or to build a monument to ourselves, we are here to grow, and the moment we have matured is the moment we go home.
It is not a punishment although it often feels that way, but it is a process of spiritual growth, and we need the fruit we produce in our existence in eternity.

And that really is the meaning of Life.
It is not an absurdity because we are considered to be temporary products of nature, human beings existing by the grace of chance and whose existence therefore is but an absurdity with Hedonism as its most lofty and beneficial ideal.
Our Life here matters and it is meaningful.
YHWH's own grow into a full grown crop ready to be harvested and enter the realm of Heaven.
The Adversary's seed may rule the Earth-domain because of the authority the Adversary still has here on Earth, but they grow to embody the character of the seed of the Adversary: mature weeds.
And weeds will be destroyed because they harm the crop, both in the temporary plane of Earth existence and in the eternal realm.

 "Let both grow together until the harvest; and at harvest time I will tell the reapers, Gather the weeds first and bind them in bundles to be burned, but gather the wheat into my barn."
Another parable He put before them, saying, “The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed which a man took and sowed in his field; it is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown it is the greatest of shrubs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches."

The grain of mustard seed is not a shrub, let alone a tree.
It contains the potential to grow into a tree, but it first needs to go through the dynamics of the growth process.
It needs to go through the cycles of Sun light alternating with darkness, it needs to receive water alternating with drought, it needs warmth alternating with coldness, and the dynamics of this dualistic motion produce the right circumstances for the mustard seed to become the tree.

Yahshua made it crystal clear: this Earth realm is the field, we are born (planted) here so that we might experience the season of Dualism which produces the right dynamics for the seed to grow and bring forth fruit after its kind, and being 'harvested' by the reapers in eternity.
Our existence here is not a punishment, it is a process we need to go through.
If you were to die and your Spirit would rush to our Heavenly Father asking Him why you were punished, I guarantee you that He would tell you 'It was never a punishment, but I planted you there so that your Soul might bring forth fruit in eternity, just like My Son told you'.

Life here often feels like a punishment, because that is exactly what is given to the sons and daughters of the Kingdom of Heaven by the Shadows, the Fallen Ones and their seed.
We are punished simply for being what we are.
Punishment should be reserved for wicked criminals because that makes sense, but in the hands of the Evil One this is reversed and becomes a punishment for loving and doing the will of our Heavenly Father.
So the mere act of existing on this planet too often feels like a punishment, as if you have been exiled to an outpost of Evil.

Noticing how I was treated by Shadows beyond the perception of others, but which I could very clearly see, gave rise to this thought and made me wonder. 
However, YHWH pointed in a different direction.
The idea of 'punishment' was the result of Evil Forces at work.
My existence in this Dualistic plane of reality served the purpose of going through the dynamics of a process because of the fruit it would yield.
And by the way, when I write about 'seeing Shadows' I do not refer to a physical form I behold, but I sense their presence because it oppresses my Soul in a specific way only Evil is able to.

Life here is not a punishment, nor is it the result of chance and an absurdity either, for it has a purpose and meaning from the perspective of the eternal realm, and our existence here and the choices we make play a crucial role in the face of eternity.
Your Adversary benefits from your denial and escapism into Hedonism and perhaps even the Machiavellian ideology when you believe his Lie that all you are and ever will be is what you make yourself in your Lifetime.

If you ponder on Yahshua's words with an open mind, then this message which He delivers in His stories shines through very clearly: we are here to go through a process which brings out certain qualities of our Soul that NEED the Dualism of our Earth existence in order to grow.
And Yahshua never lied.

The details of how Evil works in our lives differ, but they all have in common that they represent the manifestation of the Dark side.
We tend to focus on the details because they bring us so much hurt and pain, and we get angry with the details, wondering how on Earth they could be part of a process of growth when they bring us so much oppression, hurt, sadness and pain that they feel like a punishment.

The Fallen Ones manipulating the circumstances of our Life and bringing obstruction and adversity in our Life seek to prolong the hours of Darkness and maintain a relentless pace of hammering on your Soul, hoping you will break and give in.
And it is because of THEIR relentless and merciless bombardment with adversity, animosity, grief and pain that the details of our circumstances loom so large that we come to sit down in grief unable to see them as part of a process of growth.
It is those details which create the pain and the impression we are constantly being punished, especially when we pray and our prayers seem to go unnoticed to the One Who promised that He would listen and provide for us.
And we ARE being punished, only it is the Forces of Evil which expressly want to create that impression, hoping you will project this unto yourHeavenly Father as if HE is the One Who is punishing you.

But regardless of the many attacks of the Fallen Ones and the fact that sometimes you have to learn to endure (yes, that too is an essential lesson and an integral part of the growth process, so it is not as if our Heavenly Father is not listening, but rather He watches over us as we go through a particular phase of the process), the fact remains that the details do not really matter, it is what they represent that matters: the dualistic night contrasting with the Light of day as part of the cycles of a growth process.

And we move through these cycles unable to see ourselves change on a daily basis, even thinking this is not a process because we seem to remain stuck in the exact situation as 10 years ago.
But don't look at the situation, because the situation and the details do not matter, it is what they represent and embody that matters because the Dark Force is part of the process.
Instead, look at YOU, and see how without knowing how you really ARE changing and growing in the course of years.
THAT is the process at work, and you can see only part of what is being established and worked at in your Soul and Spirit.

This is exactly what Yahshua told us, that we are seeds planted in the Soil of a dualistic realm so that the process of growth can happen for us.

If you believe Yahshua lied, then surely it makes no sense to believe in Him.
Because believing a liar is like giving a license to be abused and taken advantage of by the liar.
But I tell you, Yahshua never lied, and He remained completely faithful to our Heavenly Father Who is not able to lie.
Take comfort in His words, because it means that our pain and hardship are not meaningless and the outcome of an absurdity, but they are part of the process of maturing into the Souls we are meant to be.
There is a purpose and a meaning behind it all.


The Polymer People

Growing up was entirely different from I thought it would be.
Somehow I hoped that the things I saw as a child were just the result of my imagination at work, that the idea of being surrounded by robots was just the outcome of my fantasy and not real, and I hoped that the unfortunate brushes with the Shadow world were nothing but bad luck.
Only, those brushes kept popping up very frequently with such regular intervals you could almost calculate a timetable predicting the next time when the Shadows would be looming large in my world.
It felt as if I was living on a clock with hours of happiness when I was left alone, and hours of Darkness when I was targeted by others.

The others could be my parents, they could be teachers, they could be 'friends' who suddenly ganged up on me in order to beat me up and 'teach me a lesson'.
I did not understand because I had not done anything wrong at all, and I had no clue what the lesson was that they expected me to learn.
All I could do was wonder why they suddenly decided to gang up on me, and what the reason behind their collective attack might be.
I could not figure out why they felt compelled to do so when I had not given them any reason whatsoever.
It took me years to understand that my wrong was simply the fact that I existed, and that the lesson  I needed to learn was that I belonged to a different class of people, a slave class which served the purpose to obliging the other class and serving them even if it involved suffering and giving up your Life for their benefit.
The warning I received when I was a small kid was true: watch out for the robots, because if they notice you are not like them, they will come at you and try to force you into becoming like them.

Growing older meant enduring mean attacks from others without reason.
I existed, and when they noticed I was happy something in them drove them to search for a way to disconnect me from my happiness so that I might suffer.
That is one other thing I noticed: when I suffered, they suddenly were happy and friendly.
And I did not understand that at all.
How could anyone try to make another human being miserable, and then be happy because you succeeded in making that person miserable?
That was mean and very cruel, and not at all in my nature.

Slowly but surely my Heavenly Father let all the pieces of the puzzle fall in place, one by one, very gradually so that the resulting image I began to see would not be so overwhelming that I could not bear to know the painful Truth.
So I understand why people want to escape Truth: it is not pretty, it is not nice, it is not beautiful.
Instead the Truth about Life here is that it is an ugly existence where one species preys upon another and stops at nothing to get the elixir they need from the prey.

The meanness and the hardship the robots inflict on the ones who are not robots serves the purpose of conditioning the ones who are different, creating a collective of mental pressures designed to kill the Soul and give rise to a polymer robot acting out the conditioning mold because it has become his new implanted identity.
After all, this world is the domain of the polymer people ruled by Shadows, and if you want to reap the material benefits and fit in you have to become a polymer too.

Yes, there were two species, and because I grew up naively thinking that everybody was like me and wanted nothing but the good for another person, I ended up suffering whenever the ugly Truth showed me different picture of the reality I was part of.
There is a species which loves to do Good and wants the best for everyone, a species which revels in seeing others thrive and find their own place in Life.
Then there is another species which hates Good and wants the best for themselves, a species which revels in seeing the opposite species suffer and being dependent on them.
One is the species of the children of the Light, the other is the species of the children of Darkness.

This was exactly what our Heavenly Father told me when I just a small boy, that there is a species which is like a robot and which wants to turn me into a robot too.
Even within my own family.
It was a depressing moment on a very gloomy day, and later on I discarded it and no longer thought about it.
Until the process of growing up led me to find the Truth of what I was told the hard way, through personal experience, moments when the Shadows had reached into my Life with their instruments of torture and made my Life miserable.
And there were many moments.

Even to this day I am still recovering from the onslaught, and quite frankly I don't think I will ever fully recover in my Lifetime on Earth.
It has crippled me, and there are days that I find it very hard to walk through Life the way I was accustomed to when I was a youngster.
The knowledge of what this world is and watching the proliferation of robots everywhere, redefining their culture and imposing it in such a way that there is hardly any room left for people like myself to breathe, all these things in conjunction with the pain I carry with me often make it hard for me to go through Life.
In these difficult moments I cry out to my Heavenly Father because there is so much Darkness pressing upon my Soul that it seems as if all the Light has been blocked out and I have been imprisoned in Shadowland.

And this is exactly how I end up destroying Evil: by lifting up all the Darkness into my Father's Light through prayer.
Through prayer I end up destroying strongholds of the Prince of Darkness, through prayer my weakness and inadequacy are transformed into His strength and competence.
I have learned to lift up each moment of Darkness I encounter to my Heavenly Father, and He is One who destroys the Darkness.
That is how you become a real warrior in a polymer world: by turning your heart in prayer to YHWH, BELIEVING and not doubting for so much as a split second.
That is the way you become a vessel through which the Light of YHWH's Goodness shines in the Darkness of this Shadowland.

There was something about the presence of Shadows which always made me feel sad whenever they were near.
That is why I loved being alone by myself since the Shadows mostly clung to people, only to discover that whenever I sought to be alone the Shadows would bring another obstruction on my path.
There is an atmosphere attached to Evil which I simply cannot bear.
It makes me feel sad and anxious, I sense there is something wrong.
It is like a fog penetrating my bones with its coldness so deep that my Soul shivers, and it is this icy coldness which I sense so much in daily Life.

The Shadows attached themselves to people, but they also were present in buildings and objects, which I found very strange since people were alive yet objects and buildings were not.
But I was able to detect their presence flawlessly, whether they were in a building or attached to some object, because invariably their presence caused an oppression in my Soul which made me feel sad and vexed.
I used to wonder about it, whether it was just me and I was the problem, or was it something else?
Gradually I began to realize it was something beyond my control, a presence which I simply could not endure, the presence of Evil.

When I ask you why so few people are aware of the wickedness afoot, I do so because my heart is suffering from the presence of Evil in the world and how it abuses everything and everyone.
And when I look at the world my hearts suffers more now than before, as if it is all around me.
So I wonder and I ask: how can you NOT see it, how can you NOT feel it?
Something very wicked and Evil is afoot.

I understand why people would want to turn their back to society and decide to live a simple Life away from the turmoil of our grandiose ship of fake dreams.
They sense it is a Lie, maybe even sensing that it is the Titanic which is bound to run into that clump of ice drifting on the ocean of eternity.
They sense that Life is not about being conditioned to climb up someone else's ladder.
They just want to enjoy the beauty of Life and perhaps contribute to that beauty with the talents they are given, something which is far more noble than rubbing the back of the manager you imitate in the hope that he will recognize himself in you and give you that promotion which gives you more power, more money.
Robots like to live that way, real human beings do not.

But even if you turn away from society, you are still facing the fabric of same world, a world which is dying.
And it is the Good in society that seems to be dying, because society has built on corruption and wickedness and now there is full grown crop waiting to be harvested.
The society we live in is scarred by Evil beyond recognition.

Only the other day Merkel was chosen as person of the year by Time magazine.
With Hitler, Obama and pope Franciscus preceding her it is only logical that she was chosen and honored by Time magazine.
Time magazine may have chosen to criticize Hitler in the past due to his aggression, but it honors Merkel, the woman who willingly and knowingly set the doors of her country wide open for Islamic immigrants, aware of the threats of ISIS that they would send their troops into Europe with the hordes of Islamic immigrants.
Merkel is not alone, the Dutch government and all the others do exactly the same thing.

Have you considered why they would deliberately leave the borders open knowing that ISIS is sending troops their way?
It makes NO sense whatsoever from the perspective of common sense, and to say that all the leaders suddenly have gone mad or that they all lack backbone when it comes to dealing with Brussels simply is not very credible.

Imagine yourself to be a wicked man living in a house with others.
You want to dominate and control every member of the household, yet at the moment they will never accept that and reject your right to control every aspect of their Life.
So you want them to GIVE you that right, ACKNOWLEDGE that you have a right to invade their privacy and take the necessary measures 'for their own Good', and the question is: how can you achieve that goal?
Yes, that's right, you create a common threat, you leave the door of your house wide open for intruders to come in even though they announced they will murder everyone in the house, and when they have entered your house and start killing the members of your household you step in.
The members of your household will even beg for you to step in and grant you every authority you could possibly want because you are a strong man who carries a weapon, and suddenly you are the dictator of your household with everyone's approval because they need your protection.

Now extrapolate this example to an international level, and you can see how our political leaders are doing exactly what I just described.
Brussels wants control, and they are putting the pieces together of the machinery which will give the EU exactly that.
The Financial Times reported recently that the EU wants to institute a border force that will be responsible for guarding the outer European borders, even if a nation protests against it.
This means national sovereignty is eliminated by force in favor of the dictators of Brussels, and how it would work to their advantage if a nation already has stripped personal freedom and privacy because of the 'terror threat' (which they helped to create).
Brussels is making a very bold move and lets the mask slip even further, and it is shocking to see the extent to which our political leaders are aiding and abetting a bureaucratic dictatorship, putting their nations at risk, not caring if innocent people get killed as long as the Brussels dictates are carried out.
They are traitors of the worst kind.

Our leaders are showing a Darkness to their character which shocks the people not previously aware of it.
Yet YHWH tells me it is He who is changing times and seasons so that the world is ready to be judged.
It is He who gives our leaders over to madness and treachery, it is He who uses them to judge Evil in this world, and our nations which have embraced and instituted the Lie will not escape the judgment.
YHWH is acting on behalf of His own.

But we will need His protection more than ever before.
Just the other day Interpol, NATO and the EU had a meeting where it was concluded that immigrants groups had succeeded in smuggling weapons and even 'weapons of mass-destruction' into Europe.
I don't think I need to discuss what it means.
With open borders, who do you think are to be held responsible for the wave of terror which will be unleashed upon us?
KNOWINGLY and WILLINGLY without even the slightest pang of a conscience.

Consider Brussels and how we subsidize huge salaries of people who destroy our nations in return: are we not completely mad that we continue to send our money to those unscrupulous callous traitors?
Truly, this is a world gone mad.
Good is ridiculed and portrayed as Evil, and Evil is in high-esteem and upheld as Good, and those who work for the cause of Evil are lauded and given awards and money while the ones who work for Good are cursed and counted as Evil, ridiculed and deprived of funds.

YHWH's own suffer in this polymer world, and the suffering has grown to such proportions that our Heavenly Father will not put up with it anymore.
His own sometimes wonder if their Heavenly Father has shut them out of His heart, because He seems to be deaf to their pleas when they pray for help.
It is not that He is deaf, it is that Evil has grown to such proportions in our world that it controls everything in our society, and the Shadows use their Evil powers against YHWH's own in every aspect of Life.
YHWH knows, and He will not put up with it anymore.
His interference will turn the vessels of the Satan against themselves, and He will open up avenues for His own where no Shadow can block the advantages He will send to His own.
He is not deaf, but He hears and acts in His own way and according to His own timetable, creating ways of provision for His own in the Darkness of Shadowland without any Shadow being able to stand in His way and block His provision.

YHWH is acting on behalf of His own, setting the Evil in this world up for judgment. 
That is why the scenery is changing rapidly, that is why confusion takes hold of the hearts of political leaders, that is why they are moved against each other.
The course of time is changing, and time itself is speeding up, as if it has come into a freefall just before is smashes into the ground.
Calamities will pick up speed too, as one will follow upon the heels of another, and before long different calamities will occur simultaneously.

Our economy is not recovering, it is dying as well, kept alive by artificial means just enough to give momentum to the ultimate solution of a closed one-world economic system in which only the approved members can participate.
Consider the threat of terror created by our governments, the ongoing economic crisis, the replacement of the native European population by Islamic immigrants, the 'need for international measures to combat the cause of climate changes', the concentration of power in the hands of a few, the creation of the European Monetary Unit.
If you put one and one together you can see how all these elements point in one single direction: the creation of a global power with the authority to regulate the lives of the individual members of this large collective.
No, this is not a conspiracy theory, it is what is happening all around us with the evidence of what I write piling up on a daily basis.

Something very Evil is afoot, and it's going to be a rough ride, a very rough ride.


The Divided Collective

Evil is everything Good is not, it embodies the opposite of what is Good.
So if Good means unity through Love, Evil brings disparity through Hatred.

We can see this principle very clearly at work in a world which sinks deeper and deeper in the clutches of Evil.
Take a good look at the  Middle East and the principle becomes very clear.
We see coalitions collaborating to achieve a certain goal, but when it is in their best interest to opt for a different approach the coalition suddenly turns into mutual enmity due to opposite interests.

There are no friends in this game, and there are no Good guys left.
A former commander of NATO recently made the same comment when asked about the current state of affairs in the Middle East.
Alliances exist as long as they are mutually beneficient, but the moment advantage can be gained or when the actions of one party are not in the best interest of the other, the former friend instantly is faced with an enemy stabbing him in the back.
Any feigned friendship and coalition is a coalition of people holding out one hand in friendship while hiding the other hand holding a dagger behind their backs.

As a result confusion reigns.
The same principle of Evil creating enmity through self-righteous and self-justifying hatred also is visible in Islam, where Sunnis take up arms against Shiites, and if Sunnis were able to kill off every Shiite I can assure they will begin fighting among themselves based on religious differences until only one man is left, the last Sunni standing amidst the rubble of destruction as the self-appointed epitome of righteousness waiting for Paradise to magically appear as his reward.
Yet the only reply he will receive as an answer to his question when Paradise will come will be that 'he is now in the paradise he created, his eternal home', and the Devil will take off in his inter-dimensional galactic cruiser, laughing uncontrollably as he shouts one last farewell: 'HAVE FUN'.
Islam binds together in Evil self-justification as long as there is a common enemy to fight, but the moment advantage can be gained and the enemy is subdued, the unity dissolves and gives way to enmity and division, seeing each as the new enemy, thus expressing the character of Evil.

There used to be friendship between Russia and Turkey, but we now have seen the strength and the value of that 'friendship'.
Russia bombed ISIS and harmed the economic advantage the Erdogan clan gained from buying up stolen oil from the ISIS barbarians, and so Turkey shows its muscles by shooting down a Russian plane.
It should be clear by now that it is not in the best interest of Turkey to make haste with the destruction of ISIS as long as economic advantage can be gained.
ISIS officially is the target, and the outrage over the barbaric actions of ISIS is purported to be the motivation to intervene in the Middle East so that ISIS might be destroyed, but when you take into account the presence of large oil supplies it is clear that economic and political motives are really the driving forces behind the coalitions and friendships, not to mention the desire of Obama and the UN to beat Russia into submission to the world order they have in mind.

The leaders of our nations no longer make an effort in making sure all their tracks are covered up, so that it no longer is as difficult as it used to be so detect their involvement in the current dire state of affairs.
They are so arrogant that they simply do not care.
After all, they can get away with anything, so why should they care?
A human life does not count for them, and they put the lives of people at risk whenever it is to their advantage without losing so much as one split second of sleep over the blood they have spilled.
They are so sick and depraved that words fail me to describe the sort of Evil which has hijacked their hearts.

Today Evil is of such proportions that there no longer is a way back for society.
Not just because of what our leaders do, but because of the rampant spread of Evil throughout our entire society.
It is EVERYWHERE, dumbing people down so that they cannot see that the candy they enjoy is poison in disguise, and it will kill them in the end.

When I look at the Netherlands it is not hard to notice how we too have leaders with a callous, indifferent cold heart which looks after number one first.
Only the other day the Dutch prime minister Rutte warned that with the current influx of migrants the social security system of the Netherlands would become too expensive.
As if the influx of migrants was caused by a force of nature and Rutte is there to warn us for the consequences, such blatant hypocrisy!
Does he really think that the man in the street can't see that Rutte and his treacherous ilk are to be blamed?
Has their arrogance grown to such huge proportions that they think they can feign innocence as if they too are victims of something 'beyond their control'?
Lies, all lies from the mouths of arch-liars who have no other desire than to imitate and please their father, the father of all lies.

They point the accusing finger at the tax advantages corporations receive, and explain that they needed to raise their tax income by taking it from individuals instead, thereby setting people up against corporations as if they are to blame while in fact it is the government who created this situation, it is the government raising taxes!

Besides the destruction of Christian values in Europe and the Netherlands in particular, a process which always has been top priority among the sick and deranged Left wing, the political leadership now also desires to create widespread poverty in The Netherlands.
Because poor people can easily be controlled and dominated.
Poor people are too busy and pre-occupied with survival and making ends meet.

To keep the Dutch social security system from being destroyed taxes have to be raised and social security checks have to be lowered, and this situation gives more power to government officials to demand full compliancy from those who are forced to apply for social security.
And in the current economy it is hard to find a decent job, let alone keep it, because we are STILL in the clutches of an ongoing never-ending economic crisis, a crisis which could have ended years ago but which is kept alive and well by artificial political means.
They can demand that applicants for a social security check are required to work in a job assigned by the government without getting paid.
The social security check applicants receive is the compensation for the work they do so that effectively you no longer are getting paid for the work that you do, but you are a slave receiving compensation for work assigned to you by your master, lord god government.
People sense it but because they cannot prove it they simply keep silent.

Effectively the applicants become slaves which receive just enough to keep themselves from starving to death while the ruling elite lives luxuriously and donates their digested abundance of lobster they ate in the toilets the slaves have to clean.
You get a society of the great divide: the stinking Satanic rich who own everything and their political Satanic buddies which get to share in their luxury, and the poor who hardly are able to make ends meet and lost all personal freedom in the process.
It is the horrible daughter of Communism in disguise, a daughter who surpasses her mother in every conceivable way, wicked to the core.

I wrote about the hypocrisy of our political leaders, how they willingly and knowingly let the enemy in.
They did this on purpose.
Recently the deceiver Erdogan made a deal with the EU which effectively will turn Turkey into a part of Europe in exchange for stopping the flow of migrants, a flow which was engineered by Western involvement (the wicked Pharaoh which rules the US had a strong hand in this together with the weak effeminate Europe following him with great admiration!), a flow which ALSO was engineered by Erdogan who by the way is in support of ISIS like his son who helps and finances the ISIS vermin.

And of course Brussels was only too pleased to welcome this deceptive leader of Turkey with his complete disregard for human rights into their arms, thereby showing once again what an incredibly hypocritical and deceptive bunch of traitors Brussels really is.
They gave him 3.2 billion Euros, the promise that Turkish residents will not need a Visa for Europe from October 2016 onwards, plus the prospect that Turkey will become a new member of the EU as EU accession talks will be restarted.

It was Brussel's chance to do away with the last remnants of the Christian character of Europe, and if they have to embrace a liar who arrests journalists who threaten to expose Turkey's involvement with arms smuggles, thenall the principles are set aside in favor of embracing this deceiver.
No, Brussels favors Islam over Christianity.
Brussels and the collaborative traitors who are in charge of our nations are succeeding in transforming the Europe from a predominantly Christian continent into an Islamic continent, something which will become very clear when this thorn in the European foot takes off its mask and shows the grim face of Islam in the form of violence, murder and rape.

Isn't it amazing how quickly one event follows upon the heels of another?
It is as if the powers behind the scenes know they have to hurry, and so they make haste in erasing Christianity from the Western hemisphere and replace it with the lies of Islam.
And what do our political leaders do?
They comply with Brussels, Brussels complies with the Pharaoh of this world and NATO, and the moment they notice that protests are increasing they act as if everything is caused by some force of nature they have no control over.
Yes they do, and no, it is not a force of nature, it is a force of deception they embrace, and they have no qualms in selling away their nations.

Obama's legacy is that he managed to turn the acronym of the USA into an acronym for Evil in the world, using all the resources available to him as a president to create war in the name of peace, terrorism in the name of fighting terrorism.
It's absurd when you consider the fact that the terror threat of  ISIS on the one hand is fostered and on the other hand it is fought, for the sole purpose of furthering a very dark and nefarious ambition to yield more power in the hands of politicians such as the Pharaoh Obama.
His origin is shrouded in mystery just as his political course is obscured by the many schemes of deceit which seem to backfire endlessly.

The scenario in the Middle East is becoming more complicated by the minute with nations fighting what they helped to create, various parties with conflicting interests meddling into affairs so that the chessboard appears to be in such complete disarray that the only solution which seems to be left is to start taking and sacrificing pieces in order to get a more coherent helicopter view.
Let me tell you, YHWH not only can oversee everything and the ultimate outcome in spite of the fact that the chessboard looks like a chaos, but He also will create even more complexity in the situation.
If the Devil truly thinks he is smart, let him figure out and anticipate what YHWH has prepared!

The thirst for oil has one nation competing with the next, allies turn on each other when advantage can be gained, and friendship between nations is now pretense more than ever.
The nations have been conquered by a spirit of greed and a lust for power, and in the quest to satisfy the craving of the spirit no stone is left unturned, no promise unbroken, and no morality and ethic principle is left intact.

Russia has become the champion of Good and Putin earned the title of the 'defender of Western Christianity', or so it seems.
How Good can you be if you are the defender of Christianity on the one side and on the other side you befriend and support Islamic aggressors, not to mention the lunatic which runs North Korea who recently threatened to nuke Turkey?
Putin make look sane in comparison to Obama, but make no mistake of confusing the word sane with saint, because his hands are stained as well.
There is no love for what is good motivating and driving any single nation anymore.
Instead, self-interest, economic advantage, these are the prime motivators behind everything including friendships and coalitions, and the nations using the Middle East as the chessboard to play out an Evil game of chess which will destroy everyone in the end.
Truly, the love of Mammon makes you an enemy of YHWH.
It always has been this way, but today it is even more dominant than ever before.

Still, Putin looks sane in comparison to Obama, because Obama pro-actively seeks opportunities to plunge this world into a new World War, one which will involve nuclear arms and which will bring untold devastation.
He provoked Russia with the Ukraine into starting a war, and failing to elicit the desired response from Russia he now tries Syria to create that World War he craves.
Never before in the history of the US has there been a president leaving such a trail of destruction in his wake, never before has there been such gross incompetence in many areas including the foreign policy as in the current government administration of the US.
How could you let such a man remain in power?
After Russia clearly showed detailed evidence of ISIS oil being transported into Turkey, do you think Obama who has the same satellite information at his disposal did not know?
This makes him a collaborator of Turkey and thereby a supporter of ISIS, and no one in the US who is in congress stands up to dethrone that sick and deranged Evil Pharaoh?

No, no one can stand up against the destroyer YHWH appointed over you, because you deserve him.
Have you not turned yourselves against YHWH, has not religion become a circus exploited by greedy salesmen lusting after money, don't you kill, destroy and do wickedness in the name of freedom, have you not received many warnings and have you not laughed at the messengers and set the warnings aside in your great arrogance?
You are guilty of great wickedness and bloodshed, and the time is upon you that YHWH has given you over to the god you worship.

All nations of the world are now drawn into the swamp of the Middle East, as foretold by YHWH, because it is HE who collects the criminal bunch which has no regard for human Life in order that He might judge them in His courtyard, Israel. 
The US and Europe pretend to be there for the sake of the people: destroying the fanatic aggressors and dictators in order to enjoy peace and democracy.
I guess we all should close our eyes and forget that democracy in both Europe and the US is nothing but an exercise of going through the motion of a theatre which is not real, a circus controlled and regulated by forces beyond our control?

The USA is in the grip of a Pharaoh who is hell-bent on unleashing the destruction of nuclear weapons, and he will stop at nothing.
Europe is in the grip of a bunch of Evil self-enriching despots hell-bent on destroying Europe and its culture and replacing it with an Islamic substitute.

We are at the point in history where YHWH is pulling all the nations into the Middle East, inluding the Pharaoh of the USA.
He has planted fish hooks in their noses, and they cannot help but being drawn into the morass.
They form coalitions and friendships based on their own self-interest, but it is a feigned collective which turns on itself whenever they see advantage for themselves.

There will come a turning point when their hearts will be set on conquering Jerusalem.
They will desire to have that city as the capital trophy of the new World Order, and so it cannot remain in Jewish hands.
That will be the moment when they will join into a coalition which aims to divide Israel among themselves and make Jerusalem their own, and they will attack Israel and many Jews will be killed.
Once the defense force can no longer protect Israel the Jews will think of the times when their forefathers were taken to concentration camps to be killed, and they will feel as if they are living in one big concentration camp.
And once Israel has been taken so that it truly seems as if the Evil One has succeeded in wiping Israel's name off the map, the coalition forces will rejoice greatly and the cry of victory and extatic gladness will be heard throughout the entire Islamic world.

Yet unity will flee from the coalition the moment they will cut up the land.
It will be the moment when YHWH personally will act out His Judgment, for that was the purpose and reason of why He allowed all the nations to attack and enter Israel: to bring them into His courtyard and judge them.
He then will execute the verdict and seek to destroy all the nations which came against Jerusalem, and He will use EVERY weapon we can think of, including the force of nature.
People will truly faint from fear in that day when YHWH visits the iniquity of the nations, for it will seem as if no place of safety is left where they can hide, and few are the ones which will survive.

But YHWH's judgment will not so much as harm one hair on the head of His own children, for they will 'enter their rooms with the doors shut until the woes have passed'.
The prophet Zechariah speaks of the return of YHWH in Yahshua on the mount of Olives which will split in two and the people will flee into the valley.
The description Zechariah gave is like a picture of the opening of an inter-dimensional portal so that it will be light continuously and the distinction between day and night is no longer present, and people will find safety by entering the portal.
How this will be I do not know, but I do know that we are incredibly close to that moment.

In closing l recommend that you read Zechariah's words for yourself, chapter 14.1-15.
Notice how the process we currently see in motion where coalitions turn on each other and friendships are feigned is something very clearly described in verse 13 which tells us that 'the hand of one will be turned against the hand of the other'.