
The Meaning Of Life

So, we think our Life on Earth is the highest reality, and that Spirits are vague and unreal at best, even though -as science progresses-, more evidence begins to point at the possibility of a universe which is holographic in nature.
And if our universe appears to be a projection, a simulation, then how hard would it be to create alternative projections in the form of other universes, a multiverse in other words?
And if we live in a multiverse, then how hard would it be to imagine that our own choices affect the setting of the particular reality we are part of?
Wouldn't that be like making a choice in a computer game which causes the reality of the computer game to unfold in a particular direction as the result of our choice?
And if our choices affect the setting of reality, then to what extent is the reality we perceive personal and to which degree do we share a reality setting with others?

There was a time we considered the atom to be the smallest part of matter, the smallest 'solid brick' in the wall of our physical home, only to discover that as instruments were refined, even smaller particles within the atom were discovered, even to the point where the notion of 'small solid bricks' has been replaced with 'energy particles'.
Well whaddayaknow, our 'solid reality' is built out of 'insolid and intangible energy'?
It seems as if the more we discover, the more we realize we had it all wrong.

We think of the physical dimension as the highest reality because our Spirit and Soul are absorbed into the physical reality when they integrate with the vessel of the human Body.
We think in terms of fixed time-spans, so that compared to one single minute the duration of an average human Life seems like a very long time.

But suppose I were to tell you that the sensation of time and the passing of years as we experience them may be nothing more than the equivalent of a short 'timespan' in the realm of Heaven?
Suppose they are not fixed in a linear one-on-one relationship?
Suppose I were to tell you that this Earth-reality is in fact a simulation, a dream, and that the Spirit is much more real than our Earth-reality?
Suppose I were to tell you that we are dreaming our Life on Earth, and that Hell or Gehenna is a dream within this Earth-dream, like dreaming that you are falling asleep?
And yet, people sell their Souls for a piece of glamour within a fading dream.

You can know all there is to know about reality and the way dimensions manifest as realities, you can know everything there is to know about how to use powers of the Spirit to influence and shape realities, you can transcend dimensions to the highest reality imaginable and you can have the power to do everything your hearts desires to, but in the end, what meaning does this have, what's the point?
What is the point of existence?

I asked this question in my mind not long after my grandfather died.
I guess I must have been five, six or seven years old at most, around the time when I also began to wonder about the concept of Sin and Evil, and how exactly they influence our lives.
Some people applied the label of Good to things others called Evil, some people used the label of Sin where others saw no Sin whatsoever, and I wondered how exactly I was able to know Good from Evil, and what Sin exactly was.
I wondered how Sin could be passed on from generation to generation.
I remember it also was around that time I saw an ugly world full of robots wandering aimlessly in a misty hazy world which did not care, a hostile environment, and I realized that if I wanted to survive in this world of robots I had to be on guard and watch out.
Or else the robots would get me and turn me into a robot as well.

So, what was the point of living eternally?
Asking myself this question I imagined the beginning of one day, and the ending of one day, the beginning of one week, and the ending of one week, the beginning of one month, the ending of one month, the beginning of a year, the ending of a year, and in my mind I began to multiply it a million times in order to approximate the idea of eternity.
Until I experienced a strange sensation of pointlessness which made me wonder: what's the point of living forever?

That question was the outcome of a feeling of being adrift on an endless ocean which never ends and all you see around you are waves.
On Earth at least you knew something would end and you would be done with it, but if you were to live eternally, then everything you know will continue to exist and you are never done with it.
On Earth you would finally be put to rest when your Life was over, but in the afterlife you would simply live forever without being able to put a dot behind it.
Eternity meant you would never be done with it, never would there be a moment when you could breathe out a sigh of relief knowing that it is over and done with.
Trying to understand the meaning of eternal Life I got this strange feeling of pointlessness which is hard to describe, and I did not understand it.

It was not until some 20/21 years later YHWH gave me the answer.
I had forgotten about this question I asked in my mind, but when YHWH stepped in to give me the answer, He brought to mind this one question which I had asked myself.
And He gave me the answer which clarified it all in the simplest way you could possibly imagine.

At the time I was living in a student apartment, and I had to share the kitchen with a number of other students living down the hall.
It was around Christmas time, and everybody was leaving to stay with their family for the holiday season.
I had decided not to go for the first time in my life.

Almost everybody in the building had left, except for one girl in a room opposite of mine.
For some reason she always seemed to have an aversion and a great dislike of me. 
That did not come as a surprise to me any longer, because by that time I had gotten used to the fact that some people simply hated me for no reason whatsoever.
To some people I simply was nothing more than a walking target they could shoot at, and although I felt terrible about it, there was nothing I could do to change it.
It was beyond my control, since I knew there was a deeper spiritual reason for it, because I loved my Creator and I was painfully aware there were forces adversely disposed towards anyone who loved YHWH.
Those forces could pull strings on people's hearts and make them behave like robots to the point where they are nothing more than broadcasts from Hell.

And so at evening I sat in a chair, turning my heart in silence to YHWH.
Some would call it meditation, but in fact it was my way of being silent before my Creator and seeking His presence.
I can't pray for an hour constantly using words to ask for one thing after another, and I don't know where the idea in Christian circles originated that prayer is only prayer when you use words, and it becomes an occult practice when you are silent, because then you are 'meditating', and 'meditation is of the devil'.

When the Bible describes Yahshua going out into the wilderness to pray all night, do you think He was talking all the time?
Remember how He instructed us NOT to pray like gentiles who think they are heard because of the multitude of words they use, but rather to have the attitude of prayer as described in what is called 'the Lord's prayer'?
If then He instructs us NOT to use a multitude of words, do you think He would use a multitude of words Himself when He prayed for hours?
No, He was silent before YHWH, a practice many Christians have forgotten, yet a practice which is so very important.
It is important because it aims to release your attention from the whirlpool of thoughts and distractions so that you are free to be in the 'reality of the here and now' as opposed to the 'virtual reality of your thoughts', capable of focusing your heart and attention in silence on YHWH.

"But that's meditation!"
You CAN make it a hypnotic form of meditation if you do it for any other reason than to seek your Creator, it depends on your intent.
Your goal or intent is the direction of your bow and arrow of prayer, and the strength you can muster to stretch the bow is the force of your faith aiming the arrow at the target.
If you are silent for YHWH, your 'meditation' is silent prayer, if you are silent to empty your thoughts and relax so that you can be one with the universe, your meditation can be a hypnotic form of self-denial.
And mind you, this is also true for verbal prayer, even though you may pray in 'Jesus' name'!

So, that evening I was sitting in a chair praying in silence to YHWH, when suddenly everything began to change.
It was as if YHWH's Spirit entered the premises, and I experienced fear in my heart.
If you have ever read about 'the fear of the Lord', this is what I am describing.
It comes from the realization that you are not really perfect, and your Creator IS.
But I brought to mind that YHWH is merciful and kind, so I decided NOT to end the prayer and run, but instead I persisted in prayer, fully trusting that my loving Creator and Father would be kind to me, understanding how I was only a speck of dust caught in a twilight zone.
I wanted His nearness more than anything in the world, so I continued to sit in silent prayer, waiting for my Redeemer.

At that time I heard the door of the room opposite of mine opening quickly, and the girl who had a grudge towards me rushed out and knocked on the door of the room next to mine, calling the name of the student who normally lived in that room yet who had gone home like all the others.
Her voice clearly was very fearful and I could hear she cried, but I persisted in my prayer.
A minute or so later I could hear her slamming the door of her room, and she literally ran out of the apartment building as quickly as she was able to.

That's one thing you must understand: those who choose for Evil in their lives on Earth and never repent will not be able to tolerate YHWH's presence when they die, and they will run as far away from YHWH as possible, straight into the Darkness of the Pit of Destruction.
THEY are the ones who will run into the Darkness, because that is what they chose.

After she had left I was completely alone.
There was nobody in the entire building left except for me, and it was then that that the initial feeling of fear now faded away and left its place to a very profound feeling of love and joy, unlike anything which I had ever experienced before.
Everything seemed to light up around me, and I experienced the two most blissful weeks of my entire Life thusfar.

When I laid down in bed at night, there seemed to be a light shining behind my eyelids, and I slept less than usual.
And even though I never really eat much, during those two weeks I even ate less than I was accustomed to.

Every day I had the desire to literally jump out of bed because I was exploding with joy and energy, and even though it was December I did not have to turn on the heating because I felt this warmth around me.
Whenever I opened the Bible to read from it, the passage I read would literally jump out at me and fill me with understanding.
Unhappiness and absence of joy seemed like alien concepts, and creativity was the most natural thing in the world.
Where before creative inspiration was not always present, during those two weeks there was nothing but an overflowing abundance of creative inspiration, all day long, and I wondered how it was possible that at times inspiration seemed to be on vacation causing Life to feel like a heavy weight on my Soul.

It was then that I understood: in the presence of our Heavenly Father the question about the meaning of Life becomes irrelevant, because the meaning we seek we find in Him.
The need to find the meaning of Life is born from our cyclic dualistic fallen condition, and from that perspective we begin to wonder about the meaning of eternal Life.
But once YHWH takes us up and saves us out of our Dualism, then in His presence we experience so much joy and happiness that the question seems like an absurdity.
It becomes an absurdity because when you experience the intensity of the joy as I have, then all you want is for that joy, love and creativity to continue forever, and the notion of it ever ending becomes like an alien thought, a strange fantasy designed to torture yourself with.

It was then YHWH reminded me of that one question I asked myself as a kid.
I thought it was just a passing thought nobody could hear but me.
Yet YHWH heard, and He answered me in the most profound way imaginable.
He answered my question just as to this day IS answering all the questions I ask Him, filling my mind with His wisdom and His insight.

But I also realize that when I explain that the meaning of Life is found in YHWH, it sounds like an absurdity many are not able to relate to.
That's because you have to experience it to truly understand it.
Once you experience the intensity of joy, happiness and boundless creative energy, ALL you want is to live in that state of bliss forever.
And that is the meaning of Life you can find in YHWH and YHWH ONLY.
Our Heavenly Father in Yahshua IS the meaning of Life.

Still, even if you have not experienced that which I was allowed to experience, two weeks where my Spirit seemed to be taken into Heaven while I still remained on Earth, then believe the words I write.
Because this answer, which seems like an absurdity in the face of philophical concepts, is really the only answer which truly satisfies and which gives an accurate reply to the age-old question of what the meaning of Life is.
The ONLY reason we ask that question is because we are fallen and we reason from a fallen dualistic cyclic perspective.
The question reveals itself as an absurdidity in the face of experiencing YHWH's nearness and living in His presence.


The Passover 2014

Today it's Pesach, the time when Yahshua's suffering is remembered.
Even to this very day I often find myself sometimes wondering: was it really necessary for Yahshua to suffer in this most horrible and painful way?
The Romans were brilliant in devising ways to make an execution as painful as possible.
Why did YHWH allow the horrible torture and humiliation they subjected His Son to?

Then I remember YHWH's nature, and I know that if there had been any other way, He would have chosen for that other way rather than having to endure the hour of Darkness and watch how Evil Shadows abused and tortured His own Son.
I guess at the time when this happened our Heavenly Father must have been in great pain because of His Son.
And yet, He knew He had to endure it if He wanted to accomplish the goal of liberating our Souls from the stronghold of Death.

Yahshua did not want to go through His ordeal, and He asked His Father if He would let that cup of torment pass Him by, IF possible.
Yet He also added that His Father's will be done, showing how much He loved and trusted His Father.
His Father did not force Yahshua to suffer 'for the sake of humanity'.
No, our Heavenly Father revealed to Yahshua that if He wanted to lead ALL the lost Souls back to Heaven that they might live eternally there was only one way ot make it possible.
Our Father gave Yahshua the choice to endure this suffering and humiliation, or to reject it.
Yahshua accepted it, even though His Soul was burdened greatly, and this is a great testimony of the kind and loving character of our King, and of His Father, our Father.

Sometimes from our perspective we fail to see the deeper reasons for the suffering and pain of the moment.
Yet I also know that issues which I failed to understand in the past began to look very different once YHWH showed me a new perspective of a deeper understanding.
I learned that although something might be difficult to accept and understand, with our Heavenly Father you can be sure that there are deeper reasons we fail to discern, and once we know those reasons and how everything fits together, suddenly that which perplexed us begins to make sense.
And I learned from this process where my Heavenly Father was instructing me that it is really all about trusting and loving Him.

Yahshua knew infinitely more than I do, and He fully trusted His Father, not wavering for so much as a second, although His Soul was vexed.
And I understand, even though Life may seem Dark at times, if we truly love our Father, then we trust Him completely, and like our King Yahshua we follow in His footsteps of love and trust, in spite of the Darkness pressing like a heavy weight upon our Soul.

And so our Heavenly Father had to let the hour of Darkness have its way with His Son, so that He might triumph and YHWH in Him.
I owe so much to that Man, because thanks to His willingness to endure and suffer I have found my freedom in Him, my way back to my Heavenly Father in spite of my Sins.

The Passover meal is always difficult for me, because I remember, and I suffer with Yahshua for what He had to endure.
Yet He willingly endured, for the sake of Israel.
Because of what He has done for me I am His forever, that is the choice I made, and that is the choice I work out in my life to the best of my ability.

Yet, Yahshua did not come to set the world free, He came to set Israel free.
Yahshua did not pray for this world, but He prayed for His own.

As I have written before, Israel is more than just a geographic tribe or collection of tribes sharing a common ancestor and cultural traditions.
Israel is the chamber YHWH created on the stage of Life where He isolates His own from the Shadow world around them.

Israel does not consist of just the circumcised sons of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Did not YHWH destroy both kingdoms of Israel due to their Sins, in spite of their heritage and their circumcision?
Their circumcision became uncircumcision due to their hardened hearts and their indifference and even hatred for YHWH, and their genetic heritage was deemed irrelevant when their hearts were darkened and began to hate the Light.

And in reverse, did not a non-Israelite, a Moabite, become the great-grandmother of king David because she loved and accepted YHWH?

Israel is YHWH's chamber for His own, and it consists of those who are descendents from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the Flesh as well as anyone who chooses for Him, because it is not the outward coat of Flesh which determines whether or not you are part of Israel, but what you are in your Soul and Spirit.
YHWH has connected His Name with Israel, and that is why the Adversary hates Israel and seeks to blot it out from the face of the Earth, both the nation and the people.

At the end of the age Yahshua will gather Israel from the ends of the Earth.
Many of them will be descendents from the tribes of Israel who have come to love Yahshua in their hearts, some of them are gathered because they love Yahshua and thus have become part of Israel.
Whether genetically a descendent or not, it does not make any difference, because the genetic descendents of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob have squandered their heritage and consequently have been banned from the land which YHWH promised to Abraham.
Both those who are genetic descendents from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as those who are not have been grafted in the Branch Yahshua, and it is through Him and Him only that we can belong to Israel.

So now that you are part of Israel, do you ever pray for the restoration of Israel and for YHWH's protection for Israel, both the people of Israel in the land and those in exile?
You realize that you who love Yahshua ARE Israel, and if you live outside of Israel you are an Israelite living outside the land of Israel, an Israelite in exile?
Do you pray for the forgiveness the Sin of rebellion of the people of Israel?
Praying for Israel implies that you actually pray for yourself and your family, praying for the restoration of Israel means you pray for the restoration of ALL things and the end of the oppression of the Shadows, praying for Israel means you pray for the forgiveness of the Sin of rebellion and that YHWH will remember how He has attached His Name to the fate of Israel (which includes you), and if not for our sake that He will act because of His Name.

We ARE Israel if we love our Heavenly Father and His precious Son Yahshua, the suffering Servant Who rules over us because He is our King, the Son of David and David's Master.
Pray that YHWH will act and restore Israel and usher in His Kingdom of Light, the eternal Spring of the Kingdom we eagerly desire to see with our eyes.

I have written on this blog about numbers and what they mean, and the role they play in realizing the concepts they embody.
The numbers which tell of Israel's restoration are also clearly visible in two related stories in the Bible, the stories describing how Yahshua fed the people with only a few loaves of bread and in one case two fish.

The first time (Mark 6.35-44) Yahshua fed 5000 people who were with Him by He breaking five loaves of bread and two fish, and he gave it to the people who were hungry for them.
Afterwards His disciples gathered twelve baskets full of broken pieces and of fish.

The second time (Mark 8.1-10) Yahshua fed 4000 people who were with Him, and He broke seven loaves of bread.
Afterwards His disciples gathered seven baskets full of broken pieces.

5000 = 5 x 10 x 10 x 10.
Five is the number of YHWH's mercy, and the three tens stand for obedience to YHWH and His instructions brought about by YHWH manifesting as our Father, our Savior and our Renewer.
When Yahshua broke the five loaves He distributed YHWH's mercy to those who were hungry for it.
This mercy was given to them by the One whose mission later was symbolized by the sign of the fish.

5000 people and five loaves of bread, plus two fish.
These stand for the two (2) houses of Israel receiving mercy (5) through the Messiah coming to redeem and restore the houses (two fish) of Israel (twelve baskets).

4000 = 4 x 10 x 10 x 10.
Four is the number of destruction, Death, exile, and the three tens in this context stand for the disobedience to YHWH and thus the denial of our Father, our Savior and our Renewer.
There were seven loaves of bread.
The seven stands for the completion of the exile and the broken existence of Israel in a Shadow world, and in the seventh day after the suffering under the rule of Shadows, the pieces (those who are part of Israel) will be gathered in Yahshua's basket.

Seven loaves of bread, later gathered as broken pieces in seven baskets.
Two sevens as a sign of the two houses of Israel, the dualistic division which has come to the end of its cycle.
One thing those pieces in the baskets have in common: before they are gathered, they will be broken.
But once broken they can enter Yahshua's basket and be fed with His kindness, His Goodness and His mercy, which is the kindness, Goodness and mercy of our Father YHWH.

Have a blessed Pesach, and remember what our King has done for us.

One came to steal, kill and destroy, pretending to serve us so that he might rule through deception and reduce us to slaves serving his kingdom, the Other came to give us eternal Life in abundance, becoming a suffering servant willing to endure contempt and humiliation for our sake, even though He really is King over all.
He served even to the point where He sacrificed Himself so that we could shed our shackles and be free.
One came to take, the other came to give, one came to bind, the other came to set free, one came proclaiming the Lie, the other brought us the Truth, one came to bring Darkness, the Other brought us Light.
One came to do Evil and be the embodiment of Evil, the Other came not just to do Good, but to be the ultimate embodiment of Good.

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.
I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. 
I am the Good Shepherd.
The Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep."

"I am the Good Shepherd. 
I know My own and My own know Me, just as the Father knows Me and I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep. 
And I have other sheep that are not of this fold. 
I must bring them also, and they will listen to My voice. 
So there will be one flock, one Shepherd. 

For this reason the Father loves Me, because I lay down My life that I may take it up again. 
No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of my own accord.
I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. 
This charge I have received from My Father.”


The Shadow Game - II

The Darkness feeds on the Light, and the children of Darkness feed on the children of the Light.
Darkness can ONLY come into existence as the result of vampirism.
It is an unholy blood transfusion which causes the flow of Life-force and talents from one to the other.
Children of Darkness live at the expense of the children of the Light, one draining the Life energy from the other, and they are able to, because we all live in fallen Bodies which are integrated into the network of Evil.
We inherit the Sins of our forefathers through our Achilles heel, the Body which carries the legacy of the Sins of the first Man and Woman, and within this physical environment we cannot help but responding to the pressure on our Soul caused by the Body.

Our fallen Ego is the obstacle against YHWH's Light so that it projects a Shadow into a dualistic world.
The Shadow turns our walk through Life into agony when we are made conscious of how the Shadow grows stronger as we grow weaker and begins to overtake and replace us.
It is ONLY through Yahshua's indwelling Light that the Shadow of our Ego begins to weaken as the Light of Yahshua's Spirit grows stronger in our Soul and Spirit and gradually spreads the Light into every nook and cranny of our Soul, thus slowly dissolving the Shadow.
Evil is the Shadow cleaving to our existence in order to make itself come alive at our expense, and the Shadow game is the strategy the Evil One follows in order to convert the polarity of YHWH's Creation into one large manifestation of Evil, Darkness.

Mimicry is the 'game' where the Adversary assumes the form of that which is, the form of the Light.
He turns it into the opposite by means of Sin, the option to rebel against YHWH, the option which YHWH made possible through the creation of the principle of Dualism.
In doing so he takes that which has been created as a part of the Light, and transforms it so that it comes to function in service of Darkness.
Through mimicry the Adversary hopes to absorb YHWH's Creation, yes, even YHWH Himself.

The Adversary has no choice in the matter, because in order for him to make his ambitions come true he is dependent on what YHWH has created.
He is not a Creator like YHWH Who is able to bring forth energy out of Himself and fashion it into a reality.
No, the Adversary can only use the energy which went forth from YHWH, and try to convert and adapt it to suit his own ideals, and he is forced to avail himself of the principles YHWH created.

This practice is exemplified in the Satanic numbers: he takes YHWH's numerical system and converts it into his own system of numbers.
The numbers YHWH used as operators on His energy so that they can manifest a particular concept of reality are absorbed by the Adversary in the form of his own numerical system which is derived from YHWH's numbers.
By incorporating YHWH's numerical system into his own system he uses it to energize and realize the concept behind his own numbers.

As I have explained in my series concerning the numerical system, YHWH's '1' becomes the Satanic '11' and '111', YHWH's '6' becomes the Satanic '66' and '666'. 
YHWH's numbers are the single digits, the fallen Earth reality is represented in the double digit numbers derived from the single digits, and the Satan wants to turn them into his triple digit number range.
Through repentance a return is possible from the double digit range back to the single digit range, but without repentance we venture into the triple digit range, the range which turned Man from YHWH's '6' into '666'.

Remember how Yahshua had '12' disciples?
The number '12' is a '1' and a '2', the dualistic nation of Israel (2) under YHWH(1).
When the hour of Darkness had come, the '12' was established as '11' + '1', '111'.
When the Adversary took Yahshua and destroyed Him, the '1' (Judas) which split off from the '12' (Yahshua's disciples) hanged himself so that '11' (the unity in the Satan manifesting on Earth) remained and '12' no longer was found among the disciples.
For a while it seemed as if the Satan had won, but he knew before anyone else that in fact he had lost.

The Satan takes that which exists, and makes it his own through mimicry and the element which creates the block and makes Darkness come alive in a Dualistic reality: Sin, the dualistic anti-YHWH mechanism which reflects the will of Evil rebellion against YHWH.
Sin creates a flow of Life-force to Evil, and this how Evil comes alive and grows at the expense of the energy of Good.
YHWH created the Cosmos as a manifestation of the principle of Dualism when He designed the mechanism which allows for a transfer of energy from Good to Evil.
The Adversary uses this mechanism whereby our choice to sin becomes the transference switch breathing Life into the Dark side in order to establish his own order derived from this principle.

EVERYTHING the Satan does is focused on this one goal: transfer Life energy to the Dark side of Creation regardless of the pain and suffering required to accomplish this goal.
He is not a rabid Spirit incapable of rational thought, it's just that his rationality is shaped by his desire to rebel against YHWH, and his desire to cut himself loose from YHWH can only be gratified if he succeeds in transferring as much energy as he can to the Dark side.

Mimicry is part of a very Dark game, one where the Adversary assumes the form of YHWH in order to absorb everything He created.
And this is why we see throughout history so many examples where the Adversary becomes a copycat of YHWH and mimics everything which YHWH does.
Through mimicry the Satan creates a Shadow version of that which he mimics, and by seducing us and the Angels to believe in it he hopes to strengthen the Shadow at the expense of the object of his mimicry.
Through mimicry the Satan hopes to become like YHWH and take His place.

Take for example Yahshua's mission.
Once the Evil One faced Yahshua's triumph, he proceeded to take Yahshua's Life and mission and embed it into his Shadow version of Yahshua: a Roman Jesus.
By availing himself of political power the Adversary institutionalized the Roman Jesus so that it became part of Babel's religious entertainment circus.
The Roman Jesus took the life of Yahshua, and embedded it within a politically compromised stained glass window in the building of Babel's religious entertainment branch, a  system of religious worship where people easily mistake a sense of belonging for the sensation of 'being saved'.  
Mind you, not that everyone who visits a church belongs to Babel, because in spite of Babel's image of Jesus the strength of the Man is able to pierce through that image, and reach the hearts of His own who happen to dwell among the desolate landscape of warmed up pews, dogmatic greedy sell-outs and insipid praise bands.

That which feeds the effectiveness of the process of mimicry is the attention and the energy we give it.
We give energy to everything simply by making it part of our consciousness and thinking about it, and we strengthen and increase the energy transfer by our emotional reaction to the object of our attention, and thirdly through investing belief (faith) in it.

Human emotion is like an amplifier, and a very welcome tool in the hands of the Satan.
It boosts the release of energy from our Soul to the object of our attention, and if our emotional reaction comes forth out of our fallen ego, then through our irritation/anger we boost the release of energy from our Soul to the object of our attention.

The consequence?
In the case of someone mimicking us, the one who is using it as a strategy to steal our energy becomes successful in the theft of our Life-force and our talents, and he/she grows stronger as we are weakened, thus aggravating the stress on our Souls caused by this nefarious game.
Our wrong response grows into a conditioning and a stress of traumatic proportions, thus becoming an automated mechanism by means of which we turn into a Shadow of what we were, and the puppet of Evil who used this Shadow game absorbs our strengths and talents.

Mimicry is used in Voodoo ritual when a doll is endowed with something belonging to the person the doll represents in order to create the link to the Voodoo subject, like a Shadow attached to a targeted individual.
Then through the link to the target, which is created by means of the Shadow-doll mimicking the intended victim, a curse can be effected, using energy the forces of Evil appropriated from YHWH's Creation as spiritual gun powder.
Just as our belief (faith) in YHWH's Light makes it manifest in our lives, negative faith in Evil and its ways energizes Evil and causes it to manifest, not only in our lives but in the lives of others as well.

Faith is the gunpowder which propels the bullet, and in case of a Good person the bullet is theLight of the Kingdom of Heaven, but in the hands of an Evil person negative faith becomes the gunpowder which brings destruction to everything which is Good in this world.
It is not Evil which has this power of itself, it is the power it stole from YHWH's Creation which creates the impression as if Evil has power.
But it is only through our choice to sin that we sacrifice our Life energy and our talents to the Dark side of Dualism so that it is animated and looks as if it is alive.
We give Evil a blood transfusion with our own blood whenever we sin.

Although Voodoo ritual can possess the power to affect people in a very negative way, when a curse is directed at one of Yahshua's people it is confronted with Yahshua's power in that person.
So, don't worry about Voodoo spell or other occult magic used against you, because if you pray in Yahshua's name for protection against the Evil One that he cannot harm you or your family, then our Heavenly Father will act on your behalf and cause the occult magic bullet to bounce back at the one who targeted you.
But you WILL experience a sense of oppression because of the force directed at your Soul.

Mimicry is used to drain the healthy parts of Creation so that the cancerous growths increase in power and strength.
Dualism created the possibility of two realms coming into existence which really cannot co-exist.
Those realms are like organisms, where one is the organism of Life, and the other is the avatar of the absence of Life, Death.
The latter organism is like a cancer which can exist ONLY by draining healthy cells for the benefit of cancerous cells.
Either the Body of Life produces the antibodies which destroy the cancerous growth, or the cancer overcomes the healthy Body and transforms it into a manifestation of Death.

That is why YHWH will remove the cancerous growth from the presence of the Body of His Creation.
This 'removal' does not mean it will cease to exist, but it means it will be isolated in the same way as a cancerous tumor is surgically removed from the human Body.
This cancerous growth is the manifestation of Death, the 'I AM NOT'.

Because Angels and human beings have transformed the energy YHWH gave them into the energy which transferred Life energy to Evil, the character of the 'I AM NOT' does not mean that they will cease to exist.
Nothing to which YHWH has given His Life energy can stop existing, because the notion of ceasing to exist is the result of the character of the principle of Dualism, and Dualism is based on an idea which cannot exist in reality, namely that 'non-existence' could ever exist.
Dualism has the capability of creating a living avatar of 'non-existence' or Evil.

When Angels and human beings have invested their Life energy in Evil through Sin, they will be captured in the cancerous growth of Creation, and they will be isolated within that organic avatar when YHWH surgically removes it from the Body of His Creation.
Due to the transfer of energy to Evil this cancerous growth will be like a separate container of Evil energy, and those who were part of Evil will exist in this separated realm of Evil for all eternity.
Simply because of this one basic rule: energy does not dissolve or disappear, but it transforms itself so that YHWH's energy which has been transformed into Evil energy due to our choice will continue to exist as Evil energy within the realm of Evil.

The idea of an eternal Hell is not the result of a hateful Creator Who enjoys Himself when He watches suffering, but it is the result of the principle and character of Dualism combined with the transformation of energy in service of the Dark side of Dualism.
The latter causes the vessels which carry the Life energy to become an integral part of this Dark side and its predetermined character, and that is the reason why YHWH warns so often and so adamantly NOT to persist in Sin, but turn away from it so that we might be released from this container of Evil.

Hell is simply the result of the dualistic principle plus the energy we invest in it, and it causes our nightmares to come alive for us, NOT because YHWH creates it for us that way, but because we CHOOSE for it, and through our choice we INVEST in it and build it into our reality.
We build our own eternal cages of torment, and they truly are eternal because YHWH's energy is eternal.
If we then have invested the energy and Life-force which YHWH gave us in Evil through our misplaced belief in Evil, then we are locked in a container of Evil when the moment comes that YHWH will separate the realm of Evil from the realm of Good.
And because the energy we transferred to this container is eternal, upon that moment of the separation of Good and Evil our chosen destiny will be eternal.

The Dark side only can come alive if it eats up the Life of the Light side.
It is able to do so ONLY if somebody willingly puts up a block against the Light and thus creates the opportunity for the Dark side to come into existence.
Through Sin, Man and Angel put up a block against the Light and become transformers of Light into Darkness.
This is how the Dark side is born and able to grow: because WE act in the capacity of being the transformers turning the '+'into the '-'.

Yet the very existence of the Dark side creates a tension in Creation which increases as the Dark side eats up more of the Light side.
Translated into judicial terms this tension is guilt, and the greater this tension, the greater the cry for it to be resolved.

Compare it to creating a dam.
If you stand by the seaside and you create a little bank of sand to stop the wave as it rolls up the beach, you do not need much sand in order to be able to do this.
But if you were to create a dam in the middle of the ocean you simply would not have enough sand to create the dam which is able to withstand the force of the weight of the water.

The same is true for spiritual Darkness.
It comes into existence because we create blocks against the Light.
The greater the area in Creation occupied by Darkness becomes, the greater the weight of the Light bearing down on the blocks we have created which caused the Darkness to come into existence.
Thus, by putting up more and more blocks against the Light, Darkness ends up attracting its own destruction caused by the sheer weight of the Light pushing against the blockage.

When we sin, we integrate with that Dark side, and ALL the accumulated guilt, which is the force of the Light bearing down on the block of Evil, becomes OUR guilt, from the blood of the first righteous man which was slain right up to the murder of the innocent today.
This is something everyone should keep in mind: the choice against YHWH makes you inherit an unbearable bloodguilt, and you will end up paying the sum in full when YHWH's Light comes crushing in.

The power we give to Darkness reduces us to fading Shadows lost in the Dark as our former Shadows emerge from the Darkness, mimicking our moves, growing in substance to the same degree as we seem to be fading into the Darkness.
We live in this Shadow world where Truth is turned upside down and nothing is what it seems.
The Lie passes for Truth and the Truth for the Lie, Light passes for Darkness and Darkness for Light, Evil passes for Good and Good for Evil, and the children of the Kingdom pass for ignorant abject Evil Shadows while the children of Destruction pass for blessed substance guided by the Good light of the wisdom of this world.
We dwell in the realm of the copy-cats who steal and kill, and bathe in the glory they appropriated from the children of the Light.
They receive the honor while the infamy is shared among the children of the Light.

Yet odds against odds, in this Darkness the children of the Light find the Light, in this disorder the children of the most High find His order, and amidst the many lies the children of the King find His Truth.
This in itself is a miracle of unprecedented proportions, that we grow against ALL odds closer to our Heavenly Father, and that we find our way home in the swamp of this strange Dark world where hollow Shadows rule over substance.

However, the realm of Shadows can only exist in Darkness.
When the moment comes that our King turns on the Light, the Darkness will reveal its hollow core hiding beneath its coat of lies, and it shall be no more.
And in Truth, it never really was.


The Shadow Game - I

It seems harmless enough.
You just copy someone's moves, mannerisms, speech, clothes, and you pretend you are someone else.

Yet aside from this lighthearted form of entertainment mimicry has a very Dark side.
It is this Dark side which turns mimicry into a tool by means of which Evil steals from people and appropriates that which belongs to the Light.
Mimicry can be used as a weapon to destroy people.

There is one thing about Dualism you have to understand, because when you understand this simple principle you understand the actions of the Adversary, why he does what he does and what his plans are.
Dualism creates the possibility where that which IS can have its negative and opposite counterpart.
This negative counterpart in its deepest essence can NEVER be, because everything which exists has its existence in YHWH, so if YHWH is 'I AM', then the manifestation of the dualistic counterpart would be 'I AM NOT'.
Normally 'I AM NOT' could never exists, simply because it 'is not', it has no existence.
BUT, the creation of the principle of Dualism made it possible for everything which is based on the 'I AM NOT' to have an appearance of existence when it eats up the body of Creation, just like cancer cells cannot exist except when they convert healthy cells into cancerous cells.

So, the 'I AM NOT', and everything which is part of this paradigm of 'EVIL', comes into existence because it converts YHWH's energy into dark energy, the energy of Evil.
To be able to achieve this, it depends on 'what is', because its existence is DERIVED from the things which exist.
To create Darkness you have to target the Light and put up a block against the Light.
The Light is the natural status quo.
To call Darkness into existence you have to derive the area of Darkness from the Light by means of creating a block within the area of the Light.

So too the Adversary can ONLY bring about his great ideal of the New Order of Creation by focusing on 'what is', and convert this into his own pseudo-Creation.

This means that when YHWH heals and restores His creation through Yahshua's Salvation, then the Adversary has to find ways not only to stop this work of Salvation, he has to REVERSE it and create an ANTI-SALVATION, so that whereas Yahshua's Salvation spread the Light of Good at the expense of Darkness, the ANTI-SALVATION blocks the Light of Good and thus turns Yahshua's Light into Darkness.

This is the important thing to realize, because Dualism dictates that if the Satan wants to realize his ambition, he needs to abide by the way Dualism makes everything in Creation manifest as a reality.
This means the Satan is forced to mimic YHWH's ways in order to be able to create the block in YHWH's ways so that they come to support and energize the ways of Evil.
He has to mimic YHWH's ways in order to be able to change the polarity of those ways, thus leeching their power an absorb it to make it his own.

The Satan truly comes to 'steal, kill and destroy'.
He steals from the Light to make it his own, and by stealing Life-energy he kills, and by striving for his New Paradisiacal Order he destroys YHWH's Order.
He puts down his foot in YHWH's court, creates a block where his foot stands so that the area which used to be part of the Light automatically is turned into Darkness caused by the block he created.

When YHWH speaks Truth, the Adversary creates a Shadow version of it which lies.
He does not position his lie as the complete opposite of YHWH's words, but he integrates elements of YHWH's words into his lie so that these elements by means of false logic come to stand in service of the Lie.
YHWH's Truth is the Light which the Devil takes and puts under his own dimly colored lampshade so that YHWH's Light, -as it is placed within this context-, comes to serve and energize the color of the Devil's lampshade.

Just bring to mind YHWH's first instruction to Adam and Eve, and how the Adversary took these words of Truth and rewired them so that they ended up energizing the logical path to his Lie.
YHWH warned Adam and Eve NOT to eat from the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil, because in doing so they would surely die.
The Adversary did not position his own Lie as the complete opposite of this warning, no, he took this warning and embedded it in his own 'interpretation'.

'If you eat from that tree you will be like YHWH, a god, and you know that gods cannot die, can they?
YHWH is testing you to see if you have the wisdom to understand the implication of eating from that Tree, that you will die to your old ignorant self in order to come alive as gods having the knowledge of Good and Evil, and the power which comes with the understanding.'

The Adversary took YHWH's instruction, and created his own Shadow version by using YHWH's words and placing them in a false context, the context of the Lie.
This is how the power of YHWH's words ended up being mixed with the leaven of the Satan's Lie and energized the lie through converted belief on the part of Adam and Eve.

Yes, a little leaven leavens the whole lump, and the Adversary knows how to create Shadow versions of everything in order to absorb power and energy from that which is, so that the Shadow comes alive and begins to replace that which is.
As Yahshua said, when the Satan lies, he speaks according to his nature.
He uses mimicry because it is the only way for him to be able to fulfill his heart's desire: take that which YHWH created and steal its energy and function so that it serves his own ambition.
So there's a specific reason for the words and deeds of the Satan, for they embody the method in the madness.

If then Yahshua's Salvation destroys Darkness and thus increases the power and presence of the Light, the Adversary needs to create an anti-Salvation to destroy the Light and turn its power and its Salvation into the power and Salvation of Darkness.
So, if Yahshua became the tool to save Man and magnify the power of the Light at the expense of Darkness, the Adversary needs to have his own false Messiah in order to reverse this process in favor of the power of Darkness.

But the Adversary will not position his own Messiah as the direct opposite of Yahshua, an anti-Yahshua.
As he did with YHWH's instruction to Adam and Eve, the Satan's false Messiah will incorporate Yahshua and His mission so that they serve to enhance the credibility of the false Messiah.
He may hold up Yahshua as an important prophet surrounded by just a few well-intended but misplaced legends, or he may claim to be the returned Yahshua establishing his kingdom on Earth.
The false Messiah will follow his father's strategy when he mimics and twists Truth so that it ends up serving the Lie through being placed in a false context.

If Yahshua will send out His Angels at the close of the age to gather everything and everyone who chose for Evil in order to ban them from His Kingdom, then the Adversary will use his own false Messiah just prior to Yahshua's return, and make him send out his own Evil Angels to gather everything and everyone Good in order to destroy them and thus ban them from his Kingdom.

If Yahshua's coming will resurrect the Spirits of the deceased and give them a new immortal Body of Good, then the false Messiah will come to resurrect the Spirits of the Nephilim (among other things) and give them a new immortalized Body of Evil in the Adversary's  new version of Man, the re-designed and synthesized version of Man.

If Yahshua's resurrected version of Man will be made in the image of YHWH, and this new Man will not be able to become Evil again through Sin, then the false Messiah will create a new Man in his own image, so that this new Man can never be part of Good again, a human being which is engineered as a permanent obstruction against YHWH's Spirit.

The Adversary seeks to destroy Good and rob it of its power, and he uses mimicry to achieve this purpose.
It is a ritual used in occult magic, and most of us tend to have a subconscious knowing of its effect.
The Satan's mimicry consists of becoming a Shadow unto that which exists, and slowly drain 'that which IS' from its power and energy so that the Shadow replaces 'that which IS'.
'That which IS' loses its substance and energy to 'that which IS NOT', a power struggle which the Adversary hopes to win.