
The Reality Station

I want to challenge your concept of reality a bit more.
So you walk around in a Body of Flesh, a Body prone to disease and pain, yet also capable of giving you pleasure and bliss.
You cannot control when and if you become ill, you cannot even determine that today you are going to experience nothing but good feelings, and tomorrow you are going to feel miserable.
Because everything seems beyond your control and subject to certain laws of physics you think in terms of an external reality, something 'real and tangible', something 'beyond you'.
But is this true?

Everything in this physical reality is made of energy manifesting in a particular way.
The manifestation of this energy may seem to follow fixed laws of physics, but it is our consciousness which tunes in to a particular manifestation of energy, in our case the manifestation of energy in the form of what we call a physical reality.
An experiment such as the famous double slit experiment (just search YouTube) shows that behavior of an electron changes when it is observed.
Before it is observed, it behaves as if it is part of a multitude of different realities and displays the outcome of these different realities in a wave form, yet when it is observed it assumes the properties of physical matter and behaves in a predictable way which is typical for physical phenomena.
In other words, the observation itself draws out a particular reality,as if it tunes the manifestation of the electron to the physical reality.

You understand what this means?
Our physical reality is just the result of being tuned into a particular paradigm of reality, and that which we observe and experience within this reality is just as real as a virtual environment.
And this virtual environment is capable of fixating and drawing in our consciousness so that it appears as real to us.
We think our physical environment is real because our consciousness is locked into a Body of Flesh, a vehicle which is part of the environment and which causes us to experience it as real due to the impact the senses have on our Soul and Spirit.

So, when we take a walk through the forest, are we really walking outside?
When we eat and drink, are we really eating and drinking?
You may say that of course we do, because if we would abstain from eating and drinking we would die.
But physical Death is just something which belongs to the physical reality, and because our consciousness is tuned into this reality as the dominant one by means of being downloaded into a physical Body, we experience it as real.

However, just as you could be asleep and dream that you are falling off a cliff into the arms of Death and yet wake up with a shock to discover that 'it was not real, it was just part of a dream reality', your sensation of eating and drinking or walking outside may be the result of the projection of the physical reality on your Soul and Spirit, and in fact you are not really walking through the forest or eating or drinking.

Life on Earth is a dream, and because your consciousness is plastered into a Body of Flesh, it makes you part of a particular concept of reality.
The physical Body you have in this dream is a dream-Body, and not who you are.
Our consciousness was tuned into the reality of this physical Body when our Creator put our Spirit in it, as if we were downloaded into a virtual environment such as a holodeck, and as a consequence our sense of reality is derived from being exposed to it by means of our physical Body.

Traveling to other realities is not a matter of traveling in your Body through space and time to another region, but it is a matter of being tuned in your Spirit and Soul into a different station of reality.
There could be billions upon billions different concepts of reality like radio stations sending out their signal, and you are capable of being part of every single concept of reality.
Only, as you are reading this post you are tuned into one particular manifestation of reality as the dominant one, namely the Earth-reality, and I share this setting with you.
Although this reality IS individually tuned to our consciousness and our needs, we both are part of the same information stream fed into our Soul and Spirit, and it enables us to communicate with each other in this reality.

We think of the universe as one immensely huge collection of stars and planets in a vast region of space, and the multiverse is the collection of many of these universes combined.
Yet if I were to say that everything within this collection of universes, or the multiverse, is nothing but the result of information being fed into our Soul and Spirit, and our only existence is within YHWH, could you believe this?

When it comes to our Creator we tend to think of Him in terms of our experience in our physical reality.
We may see Him as a particular Being existing at coordinates X,Y in space and time, and when He created us He put us at coordinates V,W in the time/space continuum.
Because we relate to everything within our reality from this 4-D perspective, we tend to apply this concept to our Creator.

Yet YHWH, our Creator, does not exist as a localized Entity in time/space.
Yet He also does not stand apart from His Creation as if Creation is something external which exists apart from Him.
Creation is His script feeding our consciousness with information or programming so that we experience the reality setting of the script YHWH wrote.
Although He does not exist as a physical time/space phenomenon, He is present in all aspects of time and space.

In Yahshua our Creator made His character known in both the Spirit dimension and the physical dimension, and in Yahshua He assumed a particular form in our reality we could relate to.
He is part of the story as the Main Character as well as the Author of the story Who shaped it.
He exists beyond the storybook of Creation which encompasses many different dimensions, and yet He is part of ALL of it.

So when He told Moses His name, 'I AM', He gave the most accurate description imaginable.
He did not say 'I AM EVERYWHERE', because when we hear the word 'everywhere' we tend to look to the left and right for the places where YHWH might be as a presence in time and space, a geographical entity capable of manifesting in different places.
For YHWH 'places' as we relate to them do not exist.
When He mentioned His name, 'I AM', He told Moses the essence of Who and What He is, the highest reality and in fact the only reality from whence all other realities come into existence.
In Him WE ARE, and that is in fact the most accurate description of the highest reality, yet it also is the hardest to understand.

Our Creator assumed the form of a Man named Yahshua so that we, in our perspective of reality, might latch on Him and understand Him, yet He is so much more than that.
He is the Author of ALL the reality-stations, and we are tuned into only one very limited small subset of those realities, the reality-station of the physical dimension.
Our Soul and Spirit are fed the information of that station, and they distil an image of reality out of it which we come to know as the physical dimension.

Yet our existence here is just like listening to a particular music station so that we become both part of the world of music we hear as well as existing as the listener of the music.
Our original Source of existence is beyond the information fed to our Soul and Spirit.
That Source is the Source creating the information, and we are part of Him, YHWH, 'I AM', as well as being part of the reality-station of the physical dimension we are tuned into.

Even if you find it hard to fathom, consider then that we really do NOT exist as being an integral part of one particular reality as the highest reality.
Our highest level of reality is our existence in YHWH Who feeds us information streams, and these information streams come alive through the energy of YHWH's Spirit so that we, as recipients of the information streams, are tuned into an image of the reality described by the information streams.
YHWH's creative information streams result in images of reality coming alive in our Soul and Spirit.

So, if the reality of different dimensions is the result of information which YHWH caused to come alive by means of His energy, like dreams coming alive to our consciousness, then what is real, what is the highest reality?
Our highest existence is not in a Body of Flesh and Blood, not even in a transformed spiritual Body, but we exist in the Source of existence and not separate from that Source.
Or, in 'I AM' 'WE ARE'.
And even our sense of 'we' next to 'I AM' is the result of the distortion produced by our existence in the physical dimension, which is governed by  the dualistic principle which divides.

YHWH is our highest and truly our only reality.
YHWH is Spirit, and even more than that, because in Him all that is Spirit exists.

So, does the Satan also exist in YHWH?
And if that is the case, am I not suggesting that the Satan is an aspect of YHWH expressing Himself?
Please understand that the Adversary, the Satan, exists, but in a special way.
He does not and cannot exist apart from YHWH and His Creation, because YHWH is all there is, or, HE IS.
But the Adversary chose to tune himself into the reality-station of the Cosmic waste bin.

When you delete a file on your computer, the operating system puts it in a special environment, the waste bin, and when you empty the waste bin the file is permanently deleted.
However, the fact that it is permanently deleted does not mean that the information suddenly vanishes from your computer.
It still resides on your computer in the form of bits on a hard disk or SSD, but the operating system no longer has a reference to the deleted file.
So, after you emptied the waste bin the deleted file still exists on your hard disk, yet it does not exist in the world of the operating system.

The Adversary chose to merge with the 'anti-side', the 'no-side', of the dualistic principle, and because that 'no-side' represents the waste bin of Creation, the Adversary turned into a manifestation of the reality of the waste bin.
He used to be an extension of YHWH, yet due to the script YHWH wrote for the specific reality of Evil, the choice of the Adversary to merge with the reality setting of Evil locked him into that script which allows for the idea of an existence separate from YHWH to express itself as a reality.

Such an idea, that non-existence (which is the nature of Evil) can exist is absurd.
But YHWH made it possible by means of His dream script of the Cosmic waste bin, the 'no-side' or 'anti-side' which causes the principle of Dualism to come alive.
The Satan's choice to merge with the 'no-side' turned him into an integral part of that particular dream reality, and within that reality the Satan exists separate from YHWH, even though he really cannot exist separate from YHWH.
In terms of the analogy of a computer, the Adversary isolated himself in the waste bin, and when the waste bin will be emptied the Adversary will exist as bits on the hard disk of the computer within his chosen reality script, but from YHWH's perspective, represented on the computer by the operating system, the Adversary no longer is part of the registry.

So, the Satan exists in YHWH Who 'made the computer', yet by means of his choice the Adversary is no longer part of or an extension of the activity of the operating system of Creation.
He exists as the embodiment of 'non-existence', and while this may seem like a contradiction, it becomes possible if you bring to mind everything I wrote about Dualism on this blog and how YHWH created the principle of Dualism by allowing the idea of 'non-existence' (EVIL, or 'non-reality') to express itself.
Evil expresses itself by means of avatars which we are very familiar with, such as 'Death', which is the end of existence in the physical realm, and it looks as if it comes alive by absorbing YHWH's energy and using it as fuel to boost the character of Evil.

'Non-existence' or 'Evil' is allowed to have existence as an avatar in a dream-reality, and by merging with this reality the Satan locked himself into an avatar in a dream world.
He is part of YHWH, yet because he lives in the Evil dream reality of his coma, he is separate from YHWH.
He does not express YHWH, but he expresses the script of Evil which is the outcome of the principle of Dualism, and the script of Evil is 'anti-YHWH'.

The entire concept of a particular reality, such as the physical reality where we can walk and travel in a physical Body, is the result of our consciousness being tuned into that reality-station.
We can be part of ANY particular reality simultaneously while being conscious of only one reality as the dominant one, just as we can exist in the physical world and yet be part of a dream world also because we are asleep.

YHWH tunes our consciousness in such a way that we can make sense of His information streams and relate to them as different realities, and He does this by selectively imposing barriers on our consciousness so that we do not conceive of every possibility of reality simultaneously but rather in a way which seems sequential and selective to our consciousness.

What I am trying to make clear to you is that reality is nothing but the result of information streams which we digest in a particular form.
Even as you sit in front of your screen reading this article, the very act of sitting on a chair in space and time in a Body of Flesh is nothing but the result of a projection of the information which is fed to your Soul and Spirit, just as a dream is a projection of information concepts derived from the greater reality of being awake in the real Life in the physical world.
The hierarchy in the structure of different dimensions where one dimension represents a greater reality when compared to another reality, is like a multi-layered window where the concepts of one layer are projected into the next layer.
Only the layers of the window are like lenses so that each lens has a unique way of presenting the projected concepts, yet all these layers are derived from the top layer.

Faith is the element which allows us to transcend the reality setting of a script.
And if you bring to mind that our sense of reality is the result of information streams coming alive in our Spirit and Soul, then the ability to change 'fixed concepts of reality' within a script by means of Faith should not be so strange.
Yahshua said that if we had faith we would be able to order a mountain to cast itself into the sea, and it should come to pass.
He Himself walked on water, something which is not possible from the perspective of the reality script of the physical dimension, yet which becomes possible if by Faith you transcend the script.

The Bible describes how at the end of time the Earth and sky will flee away, how the Heavens will be rolled up like a scroll.
This is impossible to imagine when you accept the idea of our physical dimension as an external and highest reality with fixed laws of nature.
But when you consider the idea that our reality is the result of a projection of information streams in our Soul and Spirit, then the description found in the Bible suddenly is no longer awkward and impossible.

Nothing in this world is real, and yet, it IS.
It is real in the sense that it affects our Soul and Spirit, our existence.
Yet the information of this particular reality station of the physical world is a script, a storybook, a holographic dream where we can learn and grow based on the perspective of the holographic dream.
Our concept of this world is just the result of the way we interact with this reality.
We may forget the concept of this reality, but we take the experience of having gone through this physical reality with us.


The Walls Of Reality

Look around you.
The world you can see, hear, smell, taste and feel certainly looks real to you, doesn't it?
But when you are asleep and you are immersed in a dream, the dream world likewise appears as very real to you.
Yet you know that the dream world is of a lower order than the world you sense when you are awake.
The dream world can only exist if you shut yourself off from the greater reality of the world around you, and when you fall asleep you shut your consciousness off from the physical realm in order to be absorbed into the virtual holodeck of your dream world.

But that dream world certainly feels real when you're in it.
It can be so real that it produces strong physical reactions to what you experience in the dream world, even to the extent that traumatic events in the dream world can cause you to have a heart attack in the 'real' physical world.

So it should not be too hard for you to understand that there is yet another layer of reality beyond this physical world, a layer of a greater reality.
But as long as we reside in this physical world, which is like the dream world compared to this greater spiritual layer, we remain absorbed in the reality setting of this dream world.

Once this physical reality has run its course, we return to the greater spiritual reality, and we then see our Life here in the Earth-dream from that greater spiritual perspective.
That view will be the same as when we contemplate a passing dream when we are awake.
And just as dreams are passing, our remembrance of our Life here on Earth will fade away, yet the lessons learned in our Soul and which shaped our Soul will stay with us.

Consider this: suppose you are alive and you exist in several layers of reality.
Just think of how you are alive in both the physical world and the dream world when you are asleep.
Although you are tuned into one particular reality at one time when you are asleep and you are dreaming, you exist in at least two realities simultaneously: the dream world and the physical world.

While dreaming you may have the strange sensation of being aware of the fact that you are dreaming because you remember the physical world and have a sense of existing in the physical world.
That same 'strange sensation' is what makes people realize in this physical world that they also are part of a greater supernatural reality, the reality of the Spirit.
Some prefer to remain asleep and seek to extinguish that awareness by intensifying the interaction with their physical senses ('the lust of this world') in order to bury themselves into the physical dream world.
Others yearn to find out what it is that they are vaguely sensing and begin to search.

The only reason why we are not conscious of existing in several layers of reality simultaneously is because there's a wall in the consciousness of our Soul which separates the layers of reality, just as there is a wall in our consciousness which separates us from the physical world when we are asleep and immersed in the world of our dreams.
Or you may phrase it differently by comparing your consciousness with a radio which is tuned into one particular dominating radio station of reality.

Viewed from that perspective the moment we die becomes really the moment we wake up, the moment we tune into another radio station.
Death as we know it is merely the result of a dualistic concept expressing itself in the physical world where existence (Life) is contrasted by Death (absence of Life).
Death as the end of existence where all our energy disappears cannot exist.
Energy may transform, but it cannot disappear.

Our Life here on Earth seems like a lengthy period spanning across a number of years, but just as you may have the impression that you had a lengthy stay in a dream world while in fact it took only a few seconds from the perspective of the 'real life in the physical world', our Life on Earth may in fact be just a fleeting thought from the perspective of eternity.

So, what is our existence here on Earth but a fleeting dream we experience?
Just as a dream produces real reactions in our physical Body, our existence on Earth produces real reactions in our Spirit Body.
We choose a direction here on Earth, and we end up in a reality which corresponds with the choice we made.
Our choice for Evil causes us to have a 'spiritual heart attack', and we end up in the parasitic reality which has rejected YHWH as the Sovereign.

Based on our choice we end up in a reality which rejects YHWH, or a reality where we live in harmony with YHWH, Hell or Heaven.
Both realities are the outcome of the dualistic principle which YHWH created.
And there are several layers of the reality of both Heaven and Hell.

Think about it.
Living in our Earth reality we actually are given a steering wheel by means of which we plot our course in eternity.
We exist in multiple realities already, and these realities interact with each other.
As such the choice we make here affects where we find ourselves in other realities.

The only reason we do not fully perceive those realities is because of the wall of partition which our Creator installed in our consciousness.
This wall makes it seem as if we are part of only one reality, while in fact we are part of multiple realities.
Only, our consciousness is compartmentalized so that we are tuned into only one particular reality as the dominant one, while we may have a vague knowing in our hearts of the other realities.

The moment we die here on Earth is the moment we wake up in eternity.
We find ourselves being part of the reality we chose here in the Earth dream.

The Illusion

Darkness lives at the expense of Light, Evil lives at the expense of Good.

Consider the words John wrote in the Revelation he received:
"And I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saint and the blood of the martyrs of Yahshua", Revelation 17.6.
"And in her was found the blood of the prophets and of saint, and of all who have been slain on Earth", Revelation 18.24.

If you eat something, you take the nutrients and energy from that which you eat, and make it your own.
Your food no longer is able to live on in its created form because you have absorbed its energy.

The harlot which John describes, miss Babylon, likewise has absorbed the 'nutrients', talents and energy of YHWH's own in order to be able to thrive.
It is a parasitical system where Evil preys on the Good so that it can live and prosper.
For it is only by means of stealing Life-force and energy that Evil can exist and thrive.

This principle is active not only in individuals where one preys on the other, but in all aspects of Life.
There are parasitical people whose only way of coming alive is by turning you into their food.
What makes you sad makes them happy, what depresses you lifts their Spirits up.
They literally eat you up, and interacting with these types of vampires leaves you feeling drained and listless, as if a thick dark blanket has been cast over your Soul and you feel as if you are suffocating.

Many variations on this parasitical principle exist, and when it comes down to people who go through Life as predators because that is the only way for them to exist and thrive, you better learn to avoid them, because their Darkness is overwhelming and it uses the force it drew from others to assert its strength so that it seems as if this Darkness has power and strength.
It is really the power and strength it stole, because Darkness really is nothing.

Evil is nothing.
But we make it something by feeding it and being fed to it.
And thus the illusion is created where Evil appears as an alternate reality with an existence of its own, while in fact it is but a Shadow created by a partition, a block against the Light.


The Spirit Of Islam

Islam is a Spirit. 
How is it possible that individuals can be transformed in their thinking and their personality to the extent that they come out on the other side as Islamic terrorists who herald the coming of the 'golden age of the jihad',  a glorification of global murder and bloodshed in the name of a god referred to as Allah?

It is illogical that one should seek to create robotic followers of a religious doctrine because 'the Creator is supposed to have ordered it'.
The most essential element our Creator gave us when He created us was the element of choice, a free will.
If it was His purpose to create robots living in submission to His will ONLY, then why would He have given us a free will?
That would have been a cardinal mistake, because it makes no sense.
UNLESS our Creator installed the element of free will in us because it plays an essential role in our growth process, a process which can flourish ONLY if we make a choice out of our own free will to live in harmony with our Creator, a choice which comes forth out of a sincere LOVE for our Creator.
And before we can make the choice for our Creator we need to learn what it means to live separate from His presence through Evil.
So, free will, the element which makes it possible for us to sin and experience what it means to live isolated from YHWH's presence, plays a very important role in YHWH's Creation as the element which draws out our character, the element which makes is possible to make a choice based on love.
And as you know, you cannot force someone to love you, because true love is born from the choice to love, and that choice is possible only if you have the option NOT to love.

Love is the seed empowering faith in our Creator, and without love we could NEVER live in harmony with our Creator, because YHWH IS love and Creation.
Love is the blood flowing through the veins of YHWH's Spirit bring Life to all those who love that Spirit and yearn for that Ruach.

Islamic jihadists on the other hand carry their swords to submit the entire world to their dictates.
Or, I should say, they seek to submit the world to the dictates of a false, illogical Spirit which rebels against our Creator and the way He made everything.
What does this tell you about this Spirit?
If it makes us go against our conscience and the order as created by YHWH, then surely this Spirit is contrary to YHWH, His Adversary?
I know of only one Spirit which is adversely disposed towards anything which comes from YHWH, and that is the Spirit carrying the title the Satan.
Yes, it is this Spirit which motivates the Islamic jihadist in their quest to enlist subscribers to their murderous objective.

Because there is a Spirit behind the Islamic cause of the jihad, the possession of individuals accounts for their transformation from ordinary people into psychotic murderous Muslims.
This Spirit feeds on feelings of dismay and a sense of not fitting in with the corrupted Western moral values and the corresponding Western lifestyle, it feeds on anger and resentment towards the hypocrisy we see all around us, and through these emotions invoked by being exposed to a hypocritical, lying culture it seeks to draw individuals under its governing influence by means of their wrong reaction.
There's the push of the negative emotional reaction, and there's the pull of the promise that all will be well if they join the cause of violently enforcing submission to the Creator which in fact is just the left hand of the Satan, a ploy where he dresses up as the Creator in the form of the Spirit of Islam.

It is this psychological prelude instigating a process of psychological transformation through the lure of this Islamic Spirit of deception which changes people into jihadi puppets, robots dangling on the strings of the Spirit which possesses them.
Yes, it becomes a form of Demon possession where Demons take over and act through the individual they have possessed.
The individual was led astray by the acceptance of lies and false promises of paradise, and the Demons took hold of his Soul and will in order to re-create Earth in the false image of Islam.

This is why people are able to undergo a radical transformation from ordinary people into Islamic murderers acting against the conscience their Creator gave them as their protection against Evil: the wrong psychological reaction translating into emotions of anger, resentment and a dislike for the people and elements representing the object of their resentment and anger (the decadent and corrupt Western lifestyle for instance), followed by a take-over by the deceptive Spirit behind the religion of Islam luring them into a trap of false promises.

Beware, because by joining Islam you join yourself to the Spirit which deceives and robs you of your very Soul.
TRUE freedom and happiness are hard to find on Earth because of the simple fact that we live in occupied territory.
The Satan is the god of this world, and he will target everyone who yearns to find and embrace Truth, because he is the father of the Lie.
Truth threatens his power, so he will seek to extinguish vessels and instruments of Truth.

In Yahshua you will find true freedom and the ultimate Truth which will liberate you from the stronghold of deception the Satan has created in this world.
That is why he hates Yahshua, even to the extent that he made Yahshua suffer immensely on Earth, and that is why he will come after you if you truly love and follow Yahshua.

Yahshua taught us NOT to kill and murder in His Name.
Instead He taught us to have the attitude of learning to bless those who revile us and turn the other cheek when we are wronged, and thus leave the judgment of a particular individual in the hands of the Judge, our Heavenly Father Who knows exactly what resides in the heart of Man.

It does not equal pacifism, because there IS a time when it is required to take up the sword, such as in the case of injustice growing into such monstrous proportions that we would be turned into passive extensions of Evil if we did nothing to stop it.
If a murderous Islamic jihadist comes to the door of your house and wants to slaughter your children before your eyes, are you not their father who is supposed to protect them from danger and Evil?
What kind of mother would simply stand by and passively watch how her children are killed by murderers?
Surely I do not need to present an argument for the use of violence on your part in this case.

But to go out with the sword in your hand and kill people who do not share your religious dogma, people who mean you no harm, is EVIL, and carrying a holy book under your arms which sanctifies your murders does NOT make it GOOD.
It goes against our Creator's ways, it goes against His commandments, it goes against the commandments of the Man I believe in and the One I love dearly, Yahshua.
He instructed us to love one another and operate out of love, not out of anger or a misplaced religious zealotry.
The REAL war we wage is with the Spirit of deception which covers this world under a thick blanket which seeks to drown out the voice of Truth.