world is ruled by Satanists.
they are the ones in power, and many of them have more money than they ever can
hope to spend.
What do
they spend it on?
destruction, that's an investment which yields Satanic blessings and the perpetuation
of their welfare on Earth.
Have you
ever considered what an incredible coincidence it was that in 2015 Western political leaders revealed themselves as traitors of their OWN people?
They are
owned, and it was no coincidence, but nevertheless, it did not fail to astonish
me when it happened even though I knew what they were.
But then
for them to go ahead without any shred of remorse is shocking nevertheless.
world favors Satanists.
A small
selection are deliberate, conscious overt Satanists, the majority consists of
covert Satanists unconscious of the fact that they serve the dark lord which
rules this fallen world.
In this
latter group you will also find Christians proclaiming Jesus as their
salvation, you'll find Jews swearing by Moses, atheists denying the existence
of a Creator.
They may
not even believe in the existence of the Satan.
But in
spite of what they claim to believe, in their heart they
abide by the rule of Darkness.
In your words and deeds you proclaim what you are in your heart, and if you side against the
Light, -even though you praise Jesus-, you in fact are giving service to the
In His
days on Earth Yahshua too was confronted with the latter type of Satanists.
claimed they had Abraham as their father, that they believed in YHWH, kept
Torah and regarded Moses as a great prophet, but when the living Torah in Yahshua came along
shining His Light in this world, they invariably showed their secret satanic
allegiance to Evil in their hatred of Yahshua and everything He said and did.
Yahshua, being honest as always, simply told them:
'You are of your father the
Devil and you choose to do your father's desires.
He was a
murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the Truth, because there is
no Truth in him.
When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is
a liar and the father of lies.
But because I tell the Truth, you do not believe Me.
Who of
you proves Me wrong concerning Sin?
And if I
speak the Truth why don't you believe Me?
He who
is of Elohim hears the words of Elohim, therefore you do not hear because you
are not of Elohim.' (John 8.44-47).
to say they did not take kindly to being exposed to Truth in this
confrontational manner.
I wrote
about this in my previous post, and I thought it would be good to highlight the
meaning of the label Satanist, because it tends to be misunderstood.
opposite also exists.
In the
days of Yahshua He was frequently opposed and hated by the religious
establishment whereas He was loved and welcomed by people from all walks of
Life, including tax collectors who were regarded as traitors, Canaanites, women
of 'easy virtue', and others who were lost in Sin.
thing they all had in common: they may have been overcome by Sin, yet in their
hearts they were YHWH's children, and this became very apparent when He
appeared to them in the form of His Son Yahshua and they loved Him for what He
looked like unbelievers who did not care for religion, yet in their hearts they
loved YHWH, just as the religious establishment appeared as if they had devoted their hearts to YHWH and His prophet Moses, yet in their hearts they
did not believe in YHWH, worse, they HATED Him.
there are overt, conscious believers, and covert, sub-conscious believers who
are yet to be awakened to what and whom they really are, just as there are
overt, conscious Satanists, and covert, sub-conscious Satanists who have in
common that they hate YHWH and love the Darkness.
And in
this strange world of make-belief you have unbelievers dressed up as believers,
and believers dressed up as unbelievers, Satanists in holy robes and YHWH's own
dressed in anything but holy robes.
Satanists, whether overt or covert, live in reverse.
They do
the opposite of what the children of the Light would do.
makes the children of the Light happy makes the children of Darkness unhappy
and vice versa.
When the
children of the Satan notice how one of YHWH's children is happy and they are
unhappy, they seek to regain their happiness by making the children of YHWH
feel miserable.
they succeed in this, they experience it as a relief, as if the burden of their
unhappiness has been lifted as they watch with (secret) glee how the weight now rests on the
shoulders of YHWH's children.
YHWH's children feel unhappy they never try to feel better by making others
feel miserable.
just seek for a way to regain their happiness, not at the expense of another
human being by purposely inflicting hurt upon someone, because it is not in
their nature.
another human being feel miserable does not result in them feeling happy, they
know that, it just creates two unhappy individuals.
children seek to build up and create beauty and happiness, they have joy over
seeing others succeed when they try to create beauty and lead constructive
But the
Satan's offspring hates it when YHWH's Spirit inspires and moves one of His
It's the
mere presence of this Spirit which makes them feel angry and mad, it drives
them to get even and put out that obnoxious Light regardless of the methods
they employ.
And once
they have attacked one of YHWH's children and succeeded in creating so much
obstruction that they can no longer express themselves, they are happy and
content over the misery in YHWH's children they produced who now have to deal
with the Darkness which was projected into their lives.
Satan's children see Death as Life and Life as Death, obedience to YHWH's Truth
equals slavery in their minds whereas slavery to the Satan's lies equals
world is filled with so many lies and Satanists who have conformed their hearts
to the Lie, that Evil has risen to a level I have never seen or experienced
let the veneer of society fool you, because there is much Evil lurking beneath it.
really amazed that in spite of so much Evil we are still around, and YHWH has
not submitted us to the horrors of destruction.
to serve Satan is to serve the horror of destruction, and YHWH's first stage of
judgment is to submit us to the true nature of what we embraced.
If we do
not wake up, this will inevitably lead to wars and bloodshed, and when that
does not suffice YHWH implements his second phase of Judgment: in the capacity
of acting as a mirror of what we are, the lovers of Evil experience Him as their Destruction,
like in the days of Noah when He flooded the Earth.
It is
not because YHWH is Evil that He does this, but because Man has become Evil and
in YHWH we EXPERIENCE the reflection of what we have become.
remains the same as He always has been and will be, but our experience of Him
changes with the allegiance of our heart.
Satanists are at their master's beck and call, his wish is their command.
He uses
them as willing instruments without the tool being aware of how it was used and
how it fits into the plan of its user.
just act out the suggestion planted in their hearts, and as such the Fallen
Ones use them to obstruct, hurt and torture YHWH's own in whatever way is at their disposal.
instruments become their eyes and ears, like walking remote-controlled biological
even can be taken over when the Adversary downloads one of his demons into
them, turning them into mindless zombies for the duration of the possession.
else and very Dark and Evil takes over and acts out its intent through the
thing I have noticed: there are many of such puppets today.
throughout my Life I have seen Satanists around me, as if they wanted to
register every moment of my Life to make sure I was kept ignorant and in the
Dark about my true identity.
the Adversary has so many vessels at his disposal and Evil is so ubiquitous
that I cannot help but wonder how YHWH's children will be able to live and
breathe in the future if now they are barely able to have a semblance of a life
here on Earth.
I have
often wondered why certain patterns of obstruction, mean, willful sabotage and
betrayal kept reappearing in the exact same form, yet in different and
unrelated people.
really was one and the same demonic Spirit acting through different people, and
I now understand why they do that in the lives of YHWH's people.
It is
not done in the hope that you will sell out and become one of theirs, because
you can never become one of them.
It is
done for one reason only: to BREAK you, to DESTROY you so that you are
incapacitated and you cannot do anything in Life anymore except vegetate and
hope Life will be over soon.
All the
patterns of cruelty and meanness which kept haunting you happened for this
purpose alone.
Forces of Darkness cannot have you, but they can make sure you will not pose as
a threat to their interest and their empire.
So they
will let you hope and dream and make sure you will not see fulfillment, letting
you hope just a little bit only to smash it to pieces for the umpteenth time.
It is
their way of breaking you mentally and spiritually, because you are too much of
a risk and a danger because of the power you have as one of YHWH's children.
They aim
to fill your Life with agony and misery, because they know that is the most
effective way of incapacitating you and dumping you in a dead end situation
where you can live out the remainder of your Life.
Early in
Life YHWH's children tend to obstruct themselves by the mere fact that they are
ignorant of who they are, and they are overcome by the fallen state of their
biological Bodies.
destroys the power and authority we have in Yahshua, and by indulging in Sin
during our period of ignorance we pose less of a threat to the Darkness.
It is
their job to make sure you remain ignorant and a slave to Sin, and they do so
by temptations designed to keep you locked in the position of servitude to Sin
as well as traumatizing you with pain.
They aim to forge a chain around our ankles made of pleasure and pain, pain and pleasure, pleasure and pain.
they notice that you are waking up and see through their lies which obscure the Truth,
taking a firm stand as you resolve NOT to be a part of the Lie and choosing for YHWH, they will step up the onslaught.
know the temptations lost their effect, and the only option which remains is
trying to break you mentally and spiritually by giving you one hardship after
So the chain around your ankle now becomes pain and pain, pain and pain.
become like the prisoner which is singled out by the guards to receive a
beating at night as they drag you from your bed to an isolated area where they
torture you and throw you in the isolation cell afterwards.
The less
you are entangled in the Lie and the more you can see and accept Truth, the
more of a liability you become to the Evil One, because everything you do, say, think, or even see becomes charged with YHWH's energy, and the purer you are,
the more energy is discharged into the environment.
So they will beat you up with adversity, pain, disappointment and obstruction, until you become a wreck.
did not protect us and watch over us none of us would survive.
And that
is the good news: we are being watched by our Heavenly Father every single
moment of our lives, and although the going gets very tough and we sometimes
feel like giving up, He is with us to make sure the Dark Abusers cannot have
their way with us and kill us.
before you think, 'how fine, we are kept alive in a prison so that we can be
tortured a while longer', consider that the Evil One is restrained and he
cannot do as he pleases.
YHWH has
guardian Angels assigned to us to watch over us, and He will never allow us to
be burdened with so much hardship that we break beyond repair.
process of pain brings out qualities in our Spirit we did not see in our Life
on Earth before.
change in positive ways despite the negativity, or, maybe I should say, BECAUSE
of the negativity, since there is a dynamic involved which brings out
qualities of the Light in us.
It is
not exactly what I want to hear, because I don't like the dynamics of this
I wish
it could be realized without the pain and hardship, but I have to admit that
when I look at myself I do see that the pain has had very negative effects,
yes, but the positive effect is that it changed me in the Spirit.
adversity drove me to search within for strength and healing, it drew out the
consequences of my choice to serve and love YHWH and as such turned it into a
Spiritual and Physical reality.
The Adversity made me realize the power I was given and which I could use by prayer, and I cannot stress enough how important it is for us to USE that weapon, DAILY, NIGHTLY, ALL hours of the day and the night.
Because, prayer DOES affect the abusers and takes away their power and the means to hurt you whenever they please.
remember that I turned away from the reality here on Earth when I was young.
I did
not want to accept the fact that I was hated in this world simply for existing
in it, and this ugliness was too much for me.
I could not accept the fact that there were biological robots all around me which wanted to do me harm.
I chose
to believe in the fairytale that I had just as much chance to make the good things in Life come true for me as anyone else, only to realize afterwards that the Truth I had
rejected and discarded as a figment of my imagination was REAL and not a
fantasy, and that I should accept it and make the best of it.
easier said than done, and even to this day I feel that I did not succeed as well as I hoped for.
I just move from day to day in full dependency
on YHWH's Goodness and Kindness, and beyond that I feel like a complete and
utter stranger and misfit in this dream reality.
it IS like a dream and NOT the real thing, and I suppose that's the only GOOD
thing about Life on this Earth, since it will vanish like a dream the moment
the greater reality of Heaven embraces us, a reality which is Good and which
does not know the pain and hardship YHWH's children have to endure on Earth.
Earth is
like the prison where YHWH's children are abused by the Evil guards.
The more
vessels of Evil there are, the more difficult Life can be for YHWH's children,
because all vessels of Evil can be remote-controlled by the Evil One to inflict
hardship and bring obstruction on the path of YHWH's children for the mere
purpose of disabling them and making sure they do not grow into security
threats in the wicked empire.
So they
aim to break you and turn you into a wreck.
ever let them succeed!
Yes, you
have days when you sit in Darkness and you feel totally knocked out, I know
those feelings all too well, but you simply MUST endure and put them before
your Heavenly Father.
lift you up when you think nothing can, and He WILL fill you with new strength.
Do not
let the Evil Bastards break you, because that is their INTENT all along.
They do
not have the power you have in Yahshua, and so they MUST break your Spirit and
mow you down psychologically, yet as a soldier you must endure the pain and
onslaught, you must persist.
me, this painful process only serves to bring out a purity of strength in you
which YHWH put inside you even before you came to this planet.
It is
not pleasant, but remember that Life here is not real anyway.
It is
like a school, a training ground, a workshop, and the real Life must yet begin.
As long as we are part of this Earth reality we really need the help of our Guardian Angels.
But I
am here to remind you that YHWH can move in very unorthodox, unexpected ways,
and He is the Master of All.
He can
pave a way where there is none.
look at the Hebrews when they faced the Pharaoh's army behind them,
and a sea in front of them.
parted the sea and used it to destroy the Pharaoh just as He will part this
Earth reality, lead His children safely to the other side, and use this cleft
in reality to destroy the army of the Evil One.
Satan may have dominion over our planet, but he cannot do with YHWH's children
as he pleases.
This is
a dualistic domain, meaning that the element of Good also is ordained to have a
place of its own.
the Father of all that is Good, and He makes sure that the Satan cannot exceed
his authority.
It means
that whenever Evil comes our way, we can be sure that YHWH created in us the
means to not only endure it to the best of our abilities, but also to overcome it.
So why
does YHWH allow it to happen then?
knows, it may be just part of the hour of Darkness, it may be because it serves
to draw out certain qualities in us.
Him just as a child trusts his father and does not need any proof of whether or
not this trust is justified.
YHWH has
unforeseen ways of protecting and helping His children, turning wicked schemes
of the Evil One against himself so that YHWH's children actually derive
advantage from that which was intended to do them harm.
YHWH has
His own ways.
unorthodox ways are unforeseen, and that is the one aspect of YHWH which the
Satan hates most.
It means
that there are unpredictable elements which can obstruct his plans.
YHWH can
create provision for His own in the most unexpected unorthodox ways, and He has
the right to do so because ultimately, everything belongs to Him.
Once you wake up and you dedicate your Life to YHWH you are given
authority and power over the Evil One.
It means
that you are given the ammunition to fight back and do some serious harm to the
ones who have abused you.
is the most powerful weapon we are given, and you can use it to bind up powers,
remove powers, destroy bulwarks of Evil, give protection to others who need it.
through Faith is the loaded gun in your hand, and although we all would love to
live in peace on a comfortable tropical island enjoying nothing but the Good
things in Life, the reality is that we are in a colony of Evil occupiers who
aim to exploit us for their sick purposes.
live at our expense, and as such we find ourselves on a battlefield.
that weapon of prayer, and keep loading it with your belief, because whereas the Evil
Colonial Aggressors may not be harmed by physical bullets, they CAN be stopped
by your prayers.
wants to hear the message I gave you, that we are here in occupied territory
where the Evil One rules and abuses everyone who belongs to YHWH for the mere
purpose of breaking and destroying them?
wants to hear about the fate of Yahshua's disciples, eleven of them being
killed and one of them being dismissed to the equivalent of the isolation cell,
It is
not very good PR for YHWH is it?
nowadays when the Satanist is on the rise and has so much power and opportunity to make Life
But then again, if you think of what Yahshua endured and how the Adversary killed almost
all of His disciples, I don't think we should complain too much.
It is
the way of this world, and the good news is that it will end and be
replaced by the way of Heaven.
it is good to know the Truth about our plight and our position on Earth.
I tell you the Truth when I write about a bright and good future for YHWH's
children, just as it is equally true that there is NO future for those who
aligned their hearts with Evil.
There is
NO future for Satanists.
will be trapped in an eternal loop where the true character of Evil will be
part of their reality.
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