
The Darkness

What has happened to us that it should come to this?
I have never seen and experienced such Darkness as in this present age, yet who notices it, and more importantly, who is left that can see the root cause of all this?
It is as if all prefer to be blind, unable to distinguish Darkness from darkness because it is all the same to them.
Who wants to see the ugly Truth?
Is it not too painful to bear, too much to endure?
So you look the other way, turn to booze to drown out that nagging awareness, distract yourself with all the things money can buy.
But you also know that money cannot buy deep and lasting happiness, money won't buy you the entry ticket into the reality of Heaven.
That price was paid for by only one Man, and He gives it freely to whosoever asks Him.
Only, to KEEP that ticket we CANNOT make ourselves blind to the Truth He shows us, because to do so is to turn ourselves against Him, becoming adversaries, and we lose what we had as we embrace the false dream reality the Adversary wants us to be part of.

Everybody who wants to make it in our 'great society' is required to assist in making this ugliness come alive, the ugliness which will even grow darker and darker, beyond our wildest imagination.
Our magnificent society has embraced and instituted the Lie, and to 'make it big' you have to learn to lie BIG and join the others in the feeding game, the game which targets the ones who love Truth and cannot participate in the ways of Darkness.
The more our society embraces the Lie, the more the children of the Light are liable to get hurt by the ones who make up the fabric of this 'wonderful great society'.

Yet who cares?
You just go along and try to make the best of it, and do as you're told.
I hope that among those who visit my blog and read what I write there are those who DO care and who are willing to question what they have been taught, those who seek for Truth, those who somehow sense the Darkness even though it seems vague and blurry.
There's this Darkness behind everything which aims to turn everything which was created as Good into instruments of Evil bringing destruction and suffering upon this world.

There is a Darkness we cannot comprehend because the concepts of reality we are familiar with fail to give us the proper frame of reference that we might understand it.
A Darkness so cold it makes our concept of ice seem hot in comparison, a Darkness so Evil it makes our concept of Evil seem like  a romantic poetic notion.
There is a Darkness beyond our comprehension coming into this world, and we are hearing the first cries announcing its birth into our world.
And as always, Darkness comes with destruction, for Darkness in its deepest essence is destruction and annihilation of all that is.
Darkness has always been here, but now the time is upon us that we make acquaintance with a shade of Darkness in a way Man has never known it.

Look around you and be honest with yourself, is that 'business as usual', is it 'the way it has always been'?
Even in Christian churches the sincere love for Truth and the Creator have become nothing but a dead fossil, a capsule providing the ones who swallow it with a religious sensation, a fix.
People seem to go through the motions, not with vitality but like zombies in search of food.

You who still love Truth, tell me in all honesty, is what you see the same as twenty or thirty years ago?
Things were not good then, but now they have grown to such monstrous proportions that destruction is the inevitable result.
Because our Heavenly Father will NOT accept the maltreatment of His own while the children of the Adversary feed off them as if they are nothing but a delicious morsel on their hellish food plates, vessels which have talents and abilities they can leech and appropriate as their own.
Our Heavenly Father will NOT accept the crimes committed against His own, and the time is upon us that He is going to act in the capacity of Judge and executioner.
Just as Light by its nature destroys Darkness, so too YHWH is Destruction to Destruction.
He does not change, but the way Evil experiences YHWH is an experience of being destroyed, suffering the same treatment Evil gave to the children of Heaven.

Look at the leaders of our nations.
It is said that a nation gets the leader it deserves.
So if we have leaders which devour the flock, what does this say about us as a society?

Leaders should be shepherds loving the sheep entrusted to their care to such a degree that they even would lay down their lives for their flock if necessary, but is this not the exact opposite of what we see?
The leaders we have devour their flock, even stealing from the poorest to satisfy their own fat belly.
They lie, they cheat, they provide for themselves first and foremost, they destroy their nations as long as their bank account remains in good shape, they kill who stand in their way, they manipulate and cheat and drink blood for breakfast, they sell out the precious freedom and sovereignty our forefathers fought and even died for, and they laugh at us all the way as they play their nefarious sick games.
They live in a fantasy bubble financed with the money leeched from their electorate, a bubble of comfort and prosperity which creates a pseudo-reality and shuts out the reality you and I know, psychotics living in their own egotistical fantasy world
So, if they can live comfortably in this fantasy bubble, why should they care for those who are not part of this bubble?
Don't they exist for the sole purpose of financing this bubble and keep it alive and well?

The world we thought we knew is turned upside down as we not only witness how the ones entrusted with political power turn out to be predators living at our expense, we also see them aiding and abetting in the willful deliberate destruction of our nations.

When a murderer announces he will come into your house to kill your wife and children, surely you will not leave your doors wide open, will you?
Yet when ISIS announced that they would send their troops into our nations among the fugitives, our leaders left the doors wide open, and nobody holds them accountable.
Even now they talk about possibly closing the borders of Greece while in fact they should have closed off our borders immediately.

Don't you think it is odd that they knowingly and willingly are so reluctant to take the proper measures to protect us?
The only time they thrive is when they have a terror threat so big that the presence of this presence justifies the deprivation of our basic freedom in order to provide us with a sense of 'security'.
Isn't it odd that they were so reluctant in taking measures to watch over our national security then?
Isn't it odd that now someone like Hollande rushes head over heels with great determination and glee to set aside basic rights of privacy and freedom of the French for the sake of 'national security'?
NOW he has a legal mandate to do so.
First they refused to act when common sense alone dictated that they should have, then they DO act the moment they have a chance to expand their authority and power on a legal basis because 'the circumstances require it'.

The Lie rules business and economy just as much as it rules politics, religion and education.
I don't know if you can sense it, but the economy has a dead quality, a lack of vitality which ought to be present among entrepreneurs as a sign of hope for the future.
It simply is not there.
Instead it operates like a zombie, it looks alive because it moves, but when you look at it you see that it mimics moves, it has no longer life of its own.

A completely sick culture has taken over companies, a culture which aims to create robots to a much larger extent than before.
Employees are required to jump through more hoops than ever before, a perfect extension of the educational system.
If somehow anyone manages to come through the educational system unchanged at the core, then the machinery of the company culture will take care of that.
All these hoops are nothing but whips designed to create a docile domesticated robot loyal to the sick company culture.
It's an artificial culture of appearances, established by pressure sent through the chain from the top to the bottom, like coffee percolating through the management filter which in turn is shaped by the training and domesticating procedure these managers conformed to.
This pressure 'wants something', and in order to give satisfaction to the pressure sent out from the top the middle management translates this into meaningless trainings and obligations for employees to make sure that they fulfill the obligations and thus create the impression that the mandate from the top has been executed and nobody in the middle management can be blamed if the company does not profit.
It is not born out of common sense, but rather a whim which turned into a whip training the cattle on the ranch to behave in a certain way so that in the end you end up with perfectly trained cattle, if they have not suffered a burn out on the way and ended up in the waste bin of society.

Everything I can see, everywhere I look, I see nothing but deceit, false motives, lies and outright Evil, and yet people smile and look the other way, indulging in their distractions and consumerisms to dull the awareness of the fact that there is something fundamentally wrong with everything.
Evil has grown to such humongous proportions that it is about to burst forth with devastating force, and it will require even more conformity to its rules if you want to get along.
Truly the time is at hand that if you belong to YHWH you will no longer be able to have a place in society, because you will have to face the choice of either giving up YHWH for the sake of getting your wages and having your place in society, OR you follow YHWH.
You choose Babylon or you choose Jerusalem, but you cannot have both.

Something very Evil is in the works, and it is beginning to manifest itself without its mask of pretense.
I pray that YHWH will provide a way out for His own, and I know that He will provide that miracle because it is He Who gives the workers of Evil over to the Evil they worship, it is He Who lets the destruction of Evil in so that it might bring destruction to itself.

We live in a world where two realities meet, and the ones who come from YHWH's reality mingle in this domain with the ones who live in the reality of Evil.
We both see the same scenery, but within us we live in two different dimensions, one in the dimension of the dream reality of Evil, the other in the ultimate reality of YHWH but at the same time restricted and hampered by the Flesh, the interface which makes the two realities coincide into one projection on the screen.
Our interface makes it feel as if we live in the dream world of the Flesh, but even though we operate in the Flesh and thus interact with this dream world, even experiencing the forces operating in the dream reality, the big difference is that the children of Evil ARE the dream and it is their highest reality, while the children of the Light are NOT the dream and live in a different reality.

To put it differently, one dreams while the other is awake and dreams at the same time.
Haven't you ever had that strange experience that you were having a dream yet you were aware of the fact that you were dreaming and that it was just a dream?
That is what Life in this realm is like for YHWH's children.

We share the screen of the physical reality with the children of Evil.
The more they proliferate and indulge in their wickedness, the more Evil rules the land and occupies the screen of our reality, and the more our political leaders will embody what the inhabitants of the land have become.
And so we are given shepherds that eat the flock.

At the time when the war began the shepherds left the doors of the barns wide open.
To call it incompetence is really too nice and euphemistic for what they have done.
They create solutions to problems which in turn create even bigger problems.
The people protest, yet they seek to silence the protests and insist on telling bigger lies.
The masses are dumb and will believe the lies they are told, so they think, and thusfar they have been right.
They use the threats to national security to increase their power and influence and take the attention away from the crisis which continues to grow worse by the day as  result of the decisions they make.
Economic progress turned into a game of transforming one crisis into the next, until the crisis is so big that the case is justified for that so desired one world economy to solve all crises.
Yet that one final system will turn out to be the biggest problem of all, unsolvable and destined for self-destruction.
It will seem to thrive and work for a small time, yet then it will show its true face, the face of an impostor, and it will implode on itself.

No, it is not going to be better this time, it is moving into the final end game, and it will be darker than ever before, a Darkness which will usher in the lord of Darkness as he makes his final move with his own messiah.
There will be and there is now a true son of the Devil, and in him the spirit of the Satan will dwell, a spirit that will seek to usher in the satanic paradise of a make-over of Creation where blood will flow as the Satanic river of Life promising eternal Life to those who drink of it.
And Man will be but a memory as the Satanic design of Man will replace him.
At least, that is how the Satan has planned the resurrection of the undead Demons to establish his Heaven on Earth as it is in Hell.
The Satan mimics YHWH in everything He does, hoping to leech His creative powers and become Him.

But there's one thing where the Satan keeps failing.
He mimics and mimics, yet it never ends with the words 'and he saw that it was good'.
Because 'GOOD' is the one thing which the Satan never can mimic, and his Medusa touch somehow ends up destroying everything he touches.

Seeing the widespread corruption of Evil growing on a daily basis I think it is good that YHWH's intervention is at the door, I long for it.
Let it come, but let it be quick, because the children of the Light cannot abide in Darkness, nor will Darkness allow the children of the Light to outlive the children of Darkness.


The Beginning of War

Everyone with so much as a milligram of intelligence could foresee that ISIS would use the large hordes of overwhelmingly predominant Islamic fugitives as the means to bring more of their troops into Western nations in order to destroy them from within.
After all, ISIS even ANNOUNCED this beforehand.

So, after such an announcement it is only reasonable that we should expect our governments to immediately close our borders and implement strict security checks.
If someone announces beforehand that he will enter your house in order to kill your wife and children then you are not going to leave your doors wide open, are you?
You close your doors and take the necessary measures to make sure that any intruder will not be able to enter your house easily.

Did our political leaders act with the same wisdom?
They laughed and shrugged their shoulders, they implied that politicians who warned for the possible consequences are really just xenophobes, idiots who see phantoms where there are none.

So, Paris came along and showed them wrong.
Did they admit they were wrong?
Paris revealed our political leaders to be incompetent lying scumbags who have put out national security at risk.
And yet, have they been put out of office as they should have been?
No, they deny accountability as they point their fingers at ISIS as the culprit and shout for war.
A war with 'terrorists', 'ISIS', and definitely NOT with Islam they insist, because in their deluded minds those two are not connected in any way.

How convenient for them is it that they now have their excuse to turn our nations into police states!
How convenient is it that they have a black sheep to divert attention away from the part they have played.
How convenient it is that they can use ISIS as a catalyst for the anger of the people so that this anger at being abused and lied to now is channeled to this barbaric black sheep and the political lying scumbags go scot-free.

They imported Islam into our nations, a process which began decades ago.
They gave Islam the status of a politically protected religion and kept their doors wide open to Muslims.
They viciously attacked anyone who dared to utter so much as one word of criticism.
And if any protester did not back down, then someone would make sure that this protester was removed from the scene, even killed in cold blood as happened to Pim Fortuyn some 13 years ago.

And now there are Muslims living in our midst who want to see us dead.
There are parts in large cities where you better not dare to walk on the street dressed as an orthodox Jew.
So we need to be protected.

And so the politicians now finally have a legitimate excuse to turn our nations into police states where militaries will be patrolling the streets in order to enforce the dictates of the state.
Now politicians have a valid reason to take away our freedom and force us into subjection: it is for our own good, for our own protection.
How convenient for them!
Yes, they have a lot to gain from the presence of the threat of terrorism, so it really is not in their best interest to completely destroy the threat of terrorism, for without it not only the catalyst of the black sheep would disappear, but the need for government intervention would also be diminished accordingly.
Without terrorists they lose power and they are exposed to the wrath of the public over their lies.

I do not know about you, but I really have had it with these habitual unscrupulous liars devoid of any form of conscience.
They should stand trial as traitors, because they have acted as such.
They kept their borders open KNOWING that ISIS was on its way, KNOWING that among the  influx of predominantly young male Muslims and fugitives showing a surprising ingratitude towards the ones who give them shelter there are ISIS militants in disguise.
They simply assured us that 'there were no indications of ISIS terrorist among the fugitives', a statement which testifies of such stupidity and incompetence that they ought to have been removed from office the moment they displayed such idiocy.
Even worse, reports of misbehavior of fugitives were kept quiet, they made sure that reports about the strong increase in rapes and other criminal behavior could not be linked to perpetrators of foreign origin.

We are supposed to open our nations to people who adhere the same religion as the ones who have brutally decapitated Christians in the Middle East and put their heads on spikes as a warning.
We are supposed to open our doors for people who adhere the religion which inspires and worse, sanctions terrorism.
We are supposed to open our homes to people who love to see Israel destroyed and the Temple Mount given over to the Muslim aggressors so that they can worship their demonic deity there.
Not only are they given shelter, they are given preference over the native population when it comes to housing and even employment.

Does all this make sense to you?
It does not.
If I were Muslim and I would see to what extent other Muslims killed non-Muslims in the name of the Muslim religion, I would renounce that label and have nothing to do with it.
If I were Catholic and the pope would sanction terrorism, I would renounce Catholicism.

So why do they insist on wearing the label Muslim, why are their protests against atrocities committed by other Muslims so weak and feeble?
Why do they all want to come here instead of the rich Islamic Saudi Arabia, or Africa?
Could it be we have a level of prosperity which they lack, even though we are the unbelievers in their eyes and they should be enjoying the blessings believers have coming to them as their religion teaches?
If they are so good because of their Muslim religion, why are they not blessed more than we are, why should they come here in order to partake in the blessings of unbelievers?
Europe is not an Islamic continent, so why should they want to mix with the unbelievers when they can go to nations which DO profess the Islamic religion?

Let me put if differently.
Suppose it is 1944.
If a member of the Nazi party comes to us as a refugee and clearly makes it known to us that he is a Nazi and that he believes in Nazism but he rejects the violence committed in the name of Nazism, should we continue to receive him with open arms because our lying political leaders tell us that we are at war with German barbarians, not with Nazism?
The problem is that you cannot separate Nazism from the atrocities committed in the name of the Nazi ideology anymore than you can separate Islam from the atrocities committed in the name of the Islamic ideology, because the incentive for the violence as well as the sanctioning of it is embedded within the ideology, within the holy book of the ideology, and within the culture spawned from the ideology.

The carnage in Paris is just the beginning.
This is the beginning of a war which will send a big shockwave throughout the Western world.
I have written before about corpses lying in the street, flames of destruction affecting the lives of everyone, and what happened in Paris is but a faint shadow of what is to come upon us.
Even the pope will not escape it as the sword of Islam will destroy his habitat.

What will it take for political leaders to admit that Islam is intrinsically tied to terrorism, what will it take for liars to admit the Truth they have been in denial of for all those years?
I tell you, they will NEVER admit their wrong and ALWAYS find different excuses.
We are ruled by lying, selfish corrupt psychopaths, and Western nations deserve them.

As I have written before, aside from my own personal feelings and the outrage at what is happening I also know why this is happening, and that YHWH allows this to happen for a very good reason.
The Western nations have turned themselves into enemies of YHWH and all that He stands for, and so He gives us over to the dark entities that the Western nations adore so much.
But even though you may have sympathy for the Devil, the Devil has no sympathy for you because he is a stranger to sympathy.
When he lies, he speaks according to his nature, when he kills and destroys he acts according to his nature.
Such is the Devil, and loving him is a one-way dead end street.