
The Conspiracy - II

Contrary to popular belief the world did not end in 2012 after all,  and so we are well on our way in 2013.
Time seems to fly by faster than ever before, and in the Darkness of her palace Babel is plotting out her Shadow scam while her Shadow Agents are crawling on the stage to make the final preparations for the New Order which is to come.

In her mirror Babel sees a god assuring her of the golden dawn of her new age, very soon to come.
Yet before a new house can be built, the old house needs to be torn down.
So, Babel's heart pounds in great anticipation of the great chaos she is about to unleash upon this world.
No more rehearsals, no more going over the details to make sure everything is in place.
This time it will be for real.
Out of the ashes of the old world the new shall arise.

The same principle also applies to the re-birth of an individual.
We are born as split human beings, and Life in this theatre forces us to choose which road we shall travel, the Good road or the Evil road.
Either way, part of us will have to die before the new can come into existence.
If we choose to believe in Yahshua, the part of our identity which is rooted in Evil will be destroyed so that the new identity in Yahshua can take its place.

Evil mimics this process in reverse.
Through an ongoing series of traumas and hurts in our lives, the force of Evil acting through the traumas seeks to destroy the part of our identity rooted in Good so that an identity of Evil can be built on the ashes of the part of us which identifies with Good.
For Fallen Angels the manifestation of trauma and hurt are tools to re-create us in their image, and as such they have no qualms about putting us through immense suffering and misery in order to convert our polarity.

The suffering and misery cause our soul to release energy, and they can use that energy to strengthen their empire.
So, even if their efforts do not yield the desired result in terms of us being made over in the image of Evil because we reach out to YHWH in our hurt, they still have the benefit of living at our expense due to the way we reacted to their traumatic onslaught, releasing our life-force in the process.

Evil in this world seeks to shape us in its image.
The Fallen Ones have turned the stage of Life into a factory producing slaves and conformists to Evil, and they avail themselves of the unholy baptism of trauma to wash our mind and re-program it in the image of their hidden agenda.
The factory drills holes in the souls of individuals so that they open up and release energy as fuel for the engine of the contraption which serves to exploit man.
It brainwashes man to transform him into a puppet living up to the idea of an image they installed in his mind, and the idea provides the Fallen Demons with a gateway into the sub-conscious world of an individual.
The Demons become part of the inner world of the conformed puppets and they live and operate through the puppet's eyes, ears, smell and touch.
In the absence of having a body of their own the puppet becomes the Demon's interface with the physical dimension.

The image of a contraption of wheels within wheels on the stage of Life is the depiction of an eternal slave existence, where the notion of eternity is plagiarized through an ongoing series of repeating cycles which are like a wheel where the end is a perfect match to the beginning so that no one can pinpoint where the cycle ends and where it begins.
Hell's idea of eternity is Groundhog's day where you re-live your pains and misery over and over again without ever progressing to a new day.

The contraption is the visual image of the existence of a conspiracy to exploit man and turn him into a mule pulling the cart of the Shadows.
The Shadows are the slave drivers and the entire manifestation as well as the embodiment of the agenda of Evil is Babel, the great whore living in the palace in the Dark Loft.

Babel is the queen of Darkness intent on ushering in a new age for a new, re-designed Earth where she and her Shadow cronies will take over the entire stage.
She has devised a plan for destruction to implement the chaos ashes out of which her structure for her New Order will arise.
She will usurp the energy of the sacrifices of a third world war to make a giant fist to pound on YHWH's table.

Babel moves her hands as if she is shaping a fist of clay that will come down on the chamber of Israel to destroy it for once and for all, and with her left hand she writes the name of 'Allah' in the imaginary clay, the name above the other names, the name that will unleash the fires of hell over the heads of Jews and Christians alike.

She sweeps her right hand in a broad gesture through the air as if to baptize her imaginary stage of Earth with a baptism of fire, a fire which will make her last great war look like a warming-up event.
She will roast man on her private barbeque during the party she has planned for her Shadow cronies, and out of the ashes she shall come up victorious in her chosen vessel, the great savior for her Shadows.

She will usher in the new age of a new man, a man who no longer carries the mark of YHWH's DNA, but the mark of her own DNA, and she will put her name in the foreheads of the new man, the new vessel for the resurrected Demon spirits and an eternal home for her Shadow Servants.
Babel will present herself as man's savior amidst chaos, destruction and disease, to 'help man overcome his plight and assist him in his quest to improve himself'.
She will instruct the 'ancient gods' to return to Earth in their UFO's, the gods who will reveal themselves to mankind as their creators, the Elohim, the Mighty Ones, and they will even provide mankind with filmed footage of pre-historic times when their Neanderthal man first was created.

The gods will explain that man's DNA has suffered from degeneration and manipulation at the hands of malignant obstructers, undoubtedly creating a reference to YHWH in an attempt to set man up against Him.
The ancient gods will generously offer to help man improve his DNA so that the new man will not suffer from the diseases and degeneration which torment the old man.

They will look like the ultimate benefactors from Heaven when they present their new formula for man's DNA which will give him immortality.
And in the face of diseases to come, some of which have been deliberately engineered, man will be only too eager to accept their solution.
After all, these are the gods 'which created man', and if they were able to create the DNA of the original man, then surely they have the knowledge to 'improve man and restore the damage which has been done to his DNA'.
Many will fall for the deception and fail to realize how they are trusting their fate in the hands of the Fallen Ones masquerading themselves as man's Creators.

Any nation has its share of traitors who will surrender and collaborate with an enemy attacking the nation, and so too the Fallen Ones have their share of allies who commit treason for the sake of receiving benefits from the Shadow Empire.
They are the ones who work fanatically towards the realization of a New Order for this planet, and they do not care if it involves having their DNA modified, as long as they are able to have a good and paradisiacal position in this New Order for Earth.

Throughout the centuries Babel has tried out various strategies to see if she could succeed in damaging YHWH's reputation in such a way that it could never be repaired.
She used the Nazis in an attempt to destroy the visible reminder of YHWH's way, His Torah.
Christians were less of a problem, since the majority had been severed from their roots in YHWH's instructions.
Yet there was a very real risk that Yahshua's Salvation might connect with the roots of YHWH's Torah, and this combination would mean a tremendous risk for Babel's empire.

So, Babel thought she could eliminate this problem by getting rid of all the Jews.
If there was no Israel, and even the last Jew would be eliminated, then ALL that remained as a reminder of YHWH's instructions was the Bible in the context of an 'OLD invalid testament', one that has come and been replaced with a 'NEW testament'.
It would not be too hard to keep Christians separated from their roots, since the overwhelming majority of them were in bondage to Babel's version of salvation anyway.
Once Babel would seduce Christians into getting rid of YHWH's instructions and believing that they have been given the keys to Heaven, implying that the keys to Heaven are a symbolic expression of the authority to 'create new commandments dictated by the Spirit', then it would not be too hard to seduce Christians into acceptance of rebellion against YHWH disguised as 'obeying the Spirit'.

Only, getting rid of the Jews was tougher than Babel had estimated it to be, even worse than that, her efforts created the impetus for the resurrection of the chamber of Israel.

Faced with the rebirth of Israel as well as a return to YHWH's instructions among Christians Babel realizes she needs to solve these two issues for once and for all if she wants to succeed with her New Order.
Her final solution aims to address these issues by the removal of both Christians and Jews, and this is the reason she has sown the seeds of the religious straightjacket of Islam in the garden of this world.
Islam allows Babel to become Allah's fist smashing Jews and Christians standing in the way of progress.

However, Babel knows that she has to make sure that she will not act out her plan prematurely.
To make sure YHWH does not step in and destroys her plans, she has to be careful about maintaining a balance between Good and Evil in this world, a balance where an overwhelming presence of Evil is alternated with a small presence of Good.
Babel has to make sure that at least a small minority of Yah's people are present within her structure in order to prevent it from being destroyed by YHWH.
Besides that, she needs their energy, talents and their blood for her empire.

So, before the final solution can be implemented, Babel has to make sure that everything is in place for her plan.
Timing is everything, Babel has learned that the hard way.

Today's man is like a Jew in a Nazi concentration camp.
The guardians tell man that the cabins are there for cleansing purposes only, knowing all too well that at the time when man no longer is needed in Babel's order he will be directed to enter the cabins where he will be showered by death.

The allied forces of today are YHWH's angels who stand by to rescue and help us.
In the end they will be led by Yahshua Who will completely destroy the insane concentration camp this world will have become.
The world today already is one big prison camp, but it will manifest its ugly character in the days to come in unprecedented ways, which will create the impression as if we are living in a cruel, bloody surreal landscape.
I tell you, some will literally lose their sanity as their securities come crumbling down before them.

Much has been written about the presence of conspiracies, and unfortunately the majority of what you can read on the internet side-tracks into a forest of paranoia where the coherence and truthfulness is lost among the many trees of the forest.
This is just the result of Babel's interference, a ploy to create confusion and relegate the existence of the conspiracy to the realm of imagination, an intangible Shadow construction which feeds  delusional minds.

She loves it when people sense her exploitation and the various instruments she has chosen to serve her game of exploitation, yet remain unable to connect the dots in the right way.
By connecting the dots in the wrong way and focusing on loose ends they end up becoming just another ploy in Babel's blanket of deception, adding to the confusion instead of exposing it.

So, what exactly is the conspiracy all about? 
Profitable Business

An easy way to recognize religious frauds posing as prophets and messengers:

1. They receive dream after dream, vision after vision, visitation after visitation, hearing an audible 'voice of the Lord' speak clearly to them - a red flag should go up in your mind.
Some of them claim to be transported into Heaven where they received a special message for the end times.

Beware of them.
Not that YHWH does not give dreams, visions, or that people are indeed visited by angels, but usually the wolves in the pack try to create a shell of credibility around them by their claims of receiving dreams and visions, hearing audible voices of 'the Lord' in their mind, and being visited by angels who at times even transport them into Heaven.
Not that these things cannot or do not happen, but not on a weekly basis.

When you encounter individuals who fit in this category a red flag should go up.
Not yet a reason to dismiss them as frauds, but a reason to look further into what they have to say and how they present their message, which brings us to point 2.

2. They will tell you ALL about their dreams and visions in their latest book and/or DVD which you can buy for a nice 'donation'.

NO true prophet mixes business with YHWH's word, so a huge red flag should go up when someone who claims to be a prophet turns YHWH into his moneymaker: stay away from them, their prophecies are tricks to empty your wallet and have zero value.

MANY names float on the internet of people who fit in the category above, and some organizations seem to exist by the grace of promoting their scam.

It is just another variation on the same theme which is so well developed by the notorious TV evangelists in the USA who love to get drunk on the financial benefits they derive from selling Yahshua's blood as if it is liquor.
It is satanic and depraved.
Yes, the Satan can and does preach his own Jesus for his own benefit.

I can assure you that off all the sins known to man the exploitation of YHWH's word for financial gain at the expense of people looking for something which is truly inspired by YHWH is one of the worst sins imaginable.
Remember the words Yahshua spoke when He told the people that there would be many who knock on the door of Heaven claiming to have preached in His name and performed miracles in His name, yet who will hear Yahshua tell them that He never knew them?
The religious prostitutes I described here fall in this category.

Prophecy is not the equivalent of gazing into a crystal ball to predict the future; that's what the clairvoyants and other obscure mumblers in the dark do.
Prophecy is presenting and explaining YHWH's word to the people, and sometimes this goes hand in hand with a prophecy about the future in the case people make a wrong decision which will become their ruin.
YHWH warns them in that case what the consequences will be, and the emphasis is on the warning, not the prediction.

Don't let the leeches drain your wallet, because there is NO imaginary blessing attached to your donation given to the wolves.
Their profit is your loss.


The Conspiracy - I

Conspiracies are food for the paranoid mind disconnected from any sense of reality, and indeed you will find no shortage of dissertations and delusional outbursts on the internet concerning the existence of conspiracies lending credibility to this statement.

Except that once you begin to put the data together of the many 'coincidences' and the persistent use of symbolism and numerical patterns over the course of many centuries and different cultures, they indeed point towards an organized implementation of an agenda, with the politicians of the different nations as well as multinationals and financial parties in the role of obedient agents, acting in an almost perfectly synchronized unanimity in the quest to implement a common agenda.
The problem in getting clarity on the nature of the conspiracy lies in the exact definition of the conspiracy and the many speculations which tend to obscure the issue rather than clearing things up.

The conspiracy existed even before man was created.
It began when an angelic being conceived of the idea that he was every bit as capable of ruling over Creation as YHWH was, yes, he even thought he was better than YHWH.
So, if he was better than YHWH, should a master subject himself to the inferior ideas of a pupil, should a master follow orders of a pupil?

He identified with this notion and consciously rejected living in YHWH's order so that he might become an order unto himself, the New Order.
He would use tools for the realization of this New Order which were the diametrical opposite of YHWH's tools.

He saw YHWH's moral paradigm of Good vs. Evil as a handicap, something which was contrary to an efficiently run structure of Creation.
If YHWH distinguished between His own character and the reflection thereof in Creation in the form of Good, and that which He deemed Evil because it is everything not reflecting the essence of His character, then this first rebellious angel would build his New Order on a new system lacking that distinction.

The rebel conceived of a new paradigm better suited for the job, and he rejected YHWH's value system.
He would simply let the methods stand in service of the most efficient way to reach the end goal, and any other classification of the methods in terms of a moral label of Good or Evil would be irrelevant, since they only come forth out of YHWH's concept of His order.
He was determined to demonstrate the weakness of YHWH's system which was built on free will and Truth, by exploiting this free will to support his own order, manipulating the angels and man to doubt YHWH and choose against Him. 
The New Order had a new paradigm, and if YHWH's paradigm existed by the grace of Truth, the new paradigm of the Satanic order would use the Lie to overcome Truth and thus show its superiority.

The moment the angel identified with the notion of himself as a suitable replacement for YHWH was the moment the conspiracy was born into his mind.
He would work towards a New Order and prove how his New Order is superior to the old order which YHWH implemented, an order based on the distinction between Good and Evil.
In his mind the seed of the conspiracy began to grow like an embryo, and it brought forth its first fruits when this first Fallen One seduced no less than one third of the Angels to follow his example to rebel against YHWH and His order.

Then YHWH created man upon the Earth.
The Fallen One knew man was untouchable, so to be able to rule over man he had to seduce man into joining his rebel cause.
And that is how the Lie the Adversary told Adam was born, a manipulative seduction to reject YHWH and become god himself.

Adam fell, and he joined the Adversary in his rebellion, unaware that he had just given away all of Earth and man's place on it to the Adversary.
Every aspect of man's Life now was ruled by the Adversary, and he created a huge pyramid structure incorporating different sub-structures in service of the goal to exploit of man for the sake of the Adversary's glorious Order.

I am sure most of you are familiar with the pyramid symbol featuring the all-seeing illumined eye at the top, the representation of the top-down structure where the Satanic eye makes sure every aspect remains under scrutiny and is kept in place as part of the pyramid.

After man fell, the conspiracy grew and began to manifest on Earth.
It began as an idea in the spiritual realm, and it had grown out of its spiritual dimension into the physical reality of Earth.
The conspiracy was to turn Earth into a Satanic paradise, and man into a vessel for Rebel Spirits.
Man as a vessel carrying the imprint of Good and Evil was scheduled to be replaced by a man having no ties whatsoever to YHWH, no Good and only Evil, an Evil spirit in an Evil body.

The Adversary does not see Evil as Evil.
Instead, he sees the definition of YHWH's will, and a large broad palette of possibilities to deviate from that will.
These 'alternative options' he regards as opportunities which allow him to demonstrate that YHWH is not perfect.
If he can pick an alternative option and make it superior to what YHWH has ordained, then clearly YHWH made the wrong choice, and making wrong choices is characteristic of imperfection, not perfection.

By 're-creating man in the image of the Adversary', a man with no conscience, no knowledge of Good, both Earth and mankind would become an integral part of the Satanic New Order.
The old man would be wiped out of existence, and a new genetically engineered man would take his place, just as the old order of the ecological system on Earth would be replaced with a new order, one made in the image of the intellect of the Adversary.

It was a seed of doubt fuelled by the intellectual strength of the Adversary which made him fall prey to the notion of Evil, turning him into the god of Evil, and now the god of Evil ruled over Earth, turning man into a slave in his slave-system, the pyramid of rebellion against YHWH.

Genetic manipulation is not a recent invention.
It existed already many, many centuries ago when the Fallen Ones tried to implement a New Order on Earth in the days of Noah.
Noah's days were bloody and filled with violence and corruption, and if YHWH had not stepped in by causing the great flood to come upon the Earth the planet would have become a devastation.
The reason why YHWH destroyed not only man, but also many of the animals, is precisely because of the genetic interference of the Fallen Ones.

Throughout the ages the New Order has been working towards its grand finale.
It failed in the days of Noah, but the Fallen Ones put the blame for the failure on YHWH's interference.
Since then they have worked out a plan based on YHWH's clock of seasons for Earth, the clock which indicates that a Messiah would be born and how He would rule 1000 years in the seventh day of Creation.
The Fallen Ones have designed a plan which is to reach its climax right before the Messiah's return.

The Satan has his representatives on Earth, both in the form of the Fallen Ones including the Demonic Spirits which roam the Earth, and human beings who have been drafted (or born) into the Satanic service.
They have their secret organizations and their agendas fine-tuned to this one great ideal, which is the implementation of the New Order, the rebel paradise the Evil One believes he is capable of creating.

Yet the Fallen One has fallen prey to the delusions of his own instinct of Evil which replaced his connection with YHWH when he decided to cut himself loose from YHWH.
His New Order is destined to become his greatest defeat and the biggest disaster ever, showing all the host of Heaven NOT the Satanic greatness of the mind of the Fallen One, but his blind pride which made him believe he was capable of creating a New Order when he only managed to create an imbalance which could have destroyed all of Earth if YHWH had not interfered.

The conspiracy works not just through active rebels operating in elitist and often secret organizations, the agenda of the conspiracy also is enacted by those who are unaware of its occult, Dark origins, yet who assist in its implementation simply for the sake of 'getting ahead', 'going with the flow', 'making money and having a better life'.

Since YHWH speaks through symbolism, rituals and numbers, the Fallen Ones have created their Shadow components based on YHWH's use of the symbols, rituals and numbers.
So too the conspiracy shows its face in symbols, numbers and rituals, all part of a symbolical language hidden from the ones observing the symbols, rituals and numbers because they are unaware of the deeper meaning behind the symbols and the numbers.

The Fallen Ones love to flaunt their plans in plain view while the audience has no clue what it is really viewing.
They know all too well that a very effective way of hiding something is by hiding it in plain sight.
People look at the symbols, the numerical patterns, the movies, and because of their exposed setting and their ubiquitous presence they become part of scenery of everyday life, and people are observing them in a daze, a mist of commonality which prevents them from realizing the Truth behind what they are seeing.
Just like an illiterate person might look at the scribbling in a book without being able to read it.

We live in a planet-wide prison dressed up as a holiday camp, where our lives are fit into the matrix of a society which strips away the soul and replaces it with a smiling empty plastic shell hiding the image of the Darkness running through the veins of society.
We are forced to become plastic shells who simply do not care but for one thing: to keep the wheel going, to perpetuate the rotation of the wheels in endless circles so that we become an integral part of a parody of eternity as we are captured into the garden where the moths are drawn to the flame, thinking it to be the highest bliss attainable.
Because we have been born into this damned system of covert exploitation we have come to regard it as the natural way of life, and we make ourselves unconscious to the exploitation by immersing ourselves in private comfort zones which make us forget and help us cope with the ugliness of Life.

And we call this Life, living in a cage, running on the treadmill to grab the carrot dangling in front of us, leaking our life-force as a sacrifice to something so perverse and Dark that we prefer to make ourselves unconscious of it.
To think of ourselves as being in control of our lives and making our own decisions is far more appealing and easier to deal with than to face the ugly truth of how we are victims of a conspiracy which seeks to turn us into living batteries.
Who wants to face the truth of how we spend our lives on a treadmill, locked in a cage, until the time has come for us to be replaced?

Yet this is what Life in Babel's Shadow zone on Earth has become, a world-wide exploitation network infiltrating all aspects of Life.
Babel has turned the Garden of Eden into a structure of wheels where we end up spending our Life in service of feeding her majesty with our energy.
The conspiracy has become Flesh here on Earth, and it speaks to us not just through numbers and symbols, but also in the tangible result of the conspiracy in the form of bloodshed, violence, omni-present manipulative games, broken lives, hidden despair, shattered dreams, and the promotion of an avalanche of lies.

The conspiracy is veiled, like Babel's rule, but there have been moments in history when the veil grew thin and the true nature of the conspirators shone through.
Just think of Nazi Germany and how the true character of Babel's holiday camp called Earth manifested itself.
Soon the veil will be removed and Babel will reveal her true face, and many who have lived in  blind faith in the image of the veil will be shocked by what lies behind the veil.

My purpose is not to take you by the hand and walk you through the various symbols, numbers and rituals of the conspiracy, because they are just details which often are misconstrued and misinterpreted, all too often ending up as a tool of obfuscation in the hands of Babel with her finger pointing at the 'great Jewish conspiracy', 'Zionism'.
That's just a ploy Babel uses to make herself invisible, because she is at the center of the conspiracy.

The war between Good and Evil is not just an intangible spiritual concept, but it is a very real war which has turned Earth into a chessboard, a battlefield where many victims are made.
This war is about to turn sour and become very explicit in the coming years, and to be able to take up your position effectively it is important to understand who your enemy is, how the enemy thinks and works, and what the plan of the enemy is.

From the first beginnings in a different dimension many centuries have passed, and the final test for the value of the conspiracy has arrived.
We are on the verge of entering a period which will lead up to the return of the Messiah, and it is precisely this period which will provide the Fallen Ones with the window of opportunity to implement this New Order they have planned a long, long time ago.

You can be absolutely sure that the Fallen Ones will pull every stunt they are able to think of, because for them it is a matter of all or nothing.
If they lose, all that remains for them is one last opportunity after being locked up in a different dimension for 1000 years.
So, they know all too well that this time is the best opportunity they will ever have to implement their plans and take over Earth.
They cannot afford to lose.


The Flaw

The costume we wear on the stage of Life has a fatal flaw in its design.
How did it get there, and how can I be so certain that our design is flawed?

Consider this: before we were born into the theater, our spirit and soul did not know any sin, nor any compulsive inclination to rebel against YHWH.
So, if our spirit and soul did not know any compulsion to sin, then this leaves only one other element which can be responsible for the compulsion to sin: the costume of flesh we wear.

How is it that we have an identity of sin which obstructs our spirit and soul during our Life in the theater?
To find the answer you have to bring to mind how sin grows into an alternate identity which our soul merges with.

Let me give you an example which will make it clear to you how sin grows from its smallest beginning  into a full grown identity.

Imagine a woman wearing a red jacket does something very mean to you, and you become angry.
You become so angry that one day later, after mulling the scene over and over again in your mind, this anger has turned into hatred.
You wish something bad would happen to her, that she would drop dead and go to hell.

A few days later as the anger subsides, you feel awkward and bad about yourself and the angry thoughts, and to help you forget this uncomfortable feeling you decide to treat yourself with a royal meal.

A week later you see a woman on the street wearing a red jacket, and suddenly you notice that you begin to feel angry again, and not only that, you suddenly feel the urge to eat something.
So, you treat yourself once again with a royal meal, and you feel better again.
As time passes, you eat more than you should, and you grow into a fat blob, but you can no longer see the connection between your appetite and the traumatic event which triggered the sequence of events which lead you to overeating.
You just feel this incredible urge to eat, and you are unable to restrain yourself.

What happened?
The moment the woman in red caused you to become angry, and by sustaining this anger it grew into hatred.
Your brain recorded this sequence of events in brain cells, or neurons as they are called.
The memory of the original scene where the woman caused you to become angry with her, contains a recording of all the elements in the scenery of the event, so that the color red also is associated via the branches of the neurons to the neurons containing the memory of the trauma.
This connection can act as a trigger to activate the memory of the original trauma.

Furthermore, the activation of the memory of what happened creates an imbalance of chemicals in your body, which turns the picture of a memory into a living reality of emotions, in this case the emotion of anger.
The chemical imbalance which your brain translates as the feeling of anger now is linked to the event and elements pertaining to the event, such as the color red, the voice of the woman, etc.

As the anger wears off, your conscience gets a chance to kick in, and you begin to feel uncomfortable about how you reacted and became an extension of an external pressure source of Evil using the woman as its instrument.
How do you react?
You compensate for the chemical imbalance which your brain translates as feelings of guilt and shame by conjuring up positive feelings to set the balance straight again, and your means to do so is by indulging in food.
Now the memory of the traumatic scene, the various elements of which are linked to anger, and the feelings of guilt and the memory of your means of compensation for the guilt through food are all linked now in your brain.

After a while, when you continue to build on the network of links in your brain, you become unconscious of the links between the various elements which are part of scenes which collectively form the chain from the first anger towards the woman to overeating.
Instead, upon seeing a red object you suddenly experience a craving for food, and you have no idea where it comes from.
Indulging in your escapade through eating thus becomes a sin, because it builds further upon the original trauma which you never came to terms with in the proper way, which is by enduring the discomfort while submitting all your feelings to YHWH in order to let Him resolve the issue.

However, in spite of your lack of awareness of the links between the neurons which cause you to act in certain ways, these links and the registry settings of the emotions attached to the links remain present and active within your brain, and they affect your entire body so that after a while you may suddenly discover that you have high blood pressure.
Not only that, but a few years later down the line your heart begins to display irregularities.

Instead of being able to trace it all the way back to its beginnings, you think it must be the food you eat, and you decide to change the diet.
Although the change of diet might provide your body with some relief, it does not solve the problem.
The drugs the doctor prescribes may address the symptoms, but they do not solve the cause of the high blood pressure or the heart problems.
Even worse, they tend to wreak havoc in your body in other areas, so that after a period of diligently taking the prescribed drugs you suddenly have bouts of dizziness, even to the extent that you faint.

This is what the lives of many look like, and no one seems to have any clue where it all started.
We are lost in a maze of interconnected corridors, unable to find our way out.

Now, imagine an entire life where various stresses and traumas accumulate and interconnect in the physical brain where they are registered in neurons, and all these memories are linked to emotional registry settings for your body which cause the memories to translate into a physical reality which can be felt.
This entire web of neurons which produces stress upon your soul where you end up sinning compulsively, even without being conscious of it, is the physical representation of the identity of sin exerting a very real physical influence upon your body costume to think, speak and act a certain way.
This entire web was built on a single cell growing into a body through your wrong reactions in Life, a full-grown identity of sin producing temptation each time elements of the memories belonging to this identity are triggered.

This identity of sin is an integral part of your costume, and that is why the Bible refers to its power as the 'power or temptations of the Flesh'.
Yet this identity does not exist as a full grown body of Sin within us when we are born, because our memories yet need to be formed since our brain is like a clean slate, standing by in recording mode.

So, if there is no collective of neurons responsible for a 'natural inclination to sin' (it is really UN-natural, but since we live in a theater where everybody sins it has become a natural status quo here on the stage of Life), then what causes the original compulsion to sin within us which causes EVERYONE here to sin?

The answer is that it somehow has to be passed on by the ones who reproduce the costumes, in other words, it has to be a genetic memory.
Somehow our compulsion to sin is a genetic memory passed on from the first man.
His DNA began to change the moment he sinned, and this change is the recording of the first sin which is passed on to us as his progeny.

This is what the Bible means when it refers to us 'being born in sin'.
Firstly we are born in an environment where sin surrounds and tempts us everywhere, and secondly, our spirit and soul are merged with a costume which carries the original memory of the first sin, the original trauma.
This original memory is connected to the first sin of the first man, which was the sin of pride, to regard ourselves as gods, a very deeply rooted malfunction of our identity.

The moment our spirit and soul are downloaded into this costume, the costume acts as a shell separating us from YHWH, and it produces an environment which suggests to our soul that we are gods and we should behave as gods.
Since our soul is merged with both the spirit and the body in the womb, it merges with this suggestion as well.
Our body is not really a clean slate, but a slate containing the first cell of an identity which we fuse ourselves with.
Any temptation in our environment builds on this genetic memory we carry within us, so that in the part of our soul which merged with the body we feel 'naturally inclined' to puff up when the temptation appeals to our soul.

This original genetic memory carrying the imprint of the first sin is like the first single cell of an embryo, a seed planted in our soul the moment we enter our body.
It gets its nutrients from its environment, the temptations to sin on stage, to acquire the energy to grow into a child, maturing into an adult identity of sin.
Each decision we make to sin is a transfer of life-force from us to the presence of the identity of sin within us, and we thereby create guilt for ourselves.
Because, the life-force does not belong to us, but it belongs to YHWH who lent us this life-force.
By giving it away to Evil we give something which does not belong to us, and we become indebted to YHWH without being able to repay the debt.

The presence of this genetic memory of the first sin is the reason why Yahshua HAD to be born of a virgin.
YHWH had to create a special costume for Yahshua in order to take away the compulsion to sin, so that He might have a truly clean slate to begin with.
Yahshua's DNA was not exactly the same as our DNA because it lacked the genetic imprint of the first sin.
If Yahshua had inherited the genetic memory of sin like all of us, He would have been separated from YHWH's Spirit due to the memory of Evil in His costume, and He would not have been able to bring YHWH's Light into this world, let alone into the region of Sheol to lead those in custody in Sheol back to Heaven.
Instead, He would have been trapped in Sheol like all the rest of us, unable to have access back to Heaven.

For Yahshua to carry YHWH's Light into this world and the realm of the dead, Sheol, He HAD to have an unbroken connection to YHWH's Spirit, which means there could not be any element within Him standing in contrast with YHWH, because for the Darkness of Evil to manifest in a man's heart it requires that this man creates an obstacle to the Light first so that Darkness can come into existence.

So, YHWH appointed Mary as the vessel to bring His Yeshua (Salvation) into the world, and although it must have been hard for Mary -since I don't think there were too many people eager to believe her story-, she was given the greatest honor imaginable that she was chosen to be the mother of the Savior Yahshua.

But, if the sin we inherit is genetic and passed on through our DNA, can't we get rid of this original sin by 'repairing the DNA'?
Somehow I think our Creator has made it impossible for us to do this.
Maybe if we end up cutting this genetic memory out of DNA we end up with DNA that cannot produce human beings since we do not the original DNA formula for man as YHWH originally created him, or maybe upon cutting away the elements responsible for the genetic memory of sin our spirit and soul are cut off from the body.

But I DO know that we are put in these imperfect, flawed costumes on purpose.
Our costumes provide us with the option to exercise the choice for or against YHWH.
First we are allowed to experience what it means to sin, and next we are granted the offer to experience restoration from sin.
The legacy of sin is forced upon us, and we have no choice in the matter, but the redemption from sin is an offering we can choose for.
YHWH gives each soul on this stage the choice to be set free from our bondage to sin; all we need to do is ask Him.

So, we are given the opportunity to become acquainted with both perspectives and make our choice.
We are here to make that choice and work out that choice, because in making the choice to believe in YHWH in the face of the adversity of Evil, the choice ends up as an instrument in YHWH's hands to sculpt us into the individuals He created us to be, and we need this process of having our identities shaped and formed according to YHWH's purpose in order that we will be able to take up our place in YHWH's Creation.
Yes, there's a divine purpose to the madness in the system of our costume.

In Babel's eyes the presence of the choice is evidence of YHWH's failure to live up to the image of a perfect Creator, because the choice allows her to manipulate YHWH's creatures and exploit them to the extent where they become a slave race serving in her empire on Earth.
It was the choice which gave her the opportunity to annex Earth and establish her structure of the big wheel of Lies.
The choice is what gave her the opportunity to rule over man and infiltrate his soul with her lies.

And so she regards the choice as the fatal flaw in YHWH's design, and yet also as a window of opportunity to establish a system made in her own image.
Any structure built on a flaw in its design will come to reflect that flaw, and it cannot compete with the structure of perfection, and since Babel regards her own structure closer to perfection than YHWH's structure, she is blinded in her obsession to replace YHWH's order with her own order.

Yet in YHWH's plan the existence of the dualism between Good and Evil and the freedom of choice is part of His purpose to make His Creation ready for the next phase.
Evil is just a tool in YHWH's hand to carve out the structure He has in mind.
He stands above it all, and yet He also is part of it.

YHWH does not lose a single one of His own, so it is not as if by implementing the freedom of choice would imply a risk of losing one of His children.
He already knew the choice we would make before we were born.

The 'flaw' therefore has been created on purpose, so that it might become a tool to bring out the choice.
Working out the choice becomes an instrument in YHWH's hands to refine us and shape us in His image.
And in becoming this image we find our true selves and an everlasting joy.


The Voice of Madness - III

"If YHWH tries to snatch this theater out of MY hands, a theater which rightfully belongs to ME, then I will snatch this entire theater out of YHWH's hands!
No, not just by mindless destruction."

'Babel had worked out a plan which she tried to implement many years ago, a plan which YHWH ruined by flooding the stage.
Her plan was to re-design the Earth stage.
She would implement a completely new order of species and plants, one which would replace YHWH's order.'

She had laid the ground work over the past years through genetic manipulation of plants, vegetables, animals, and pharmaceutics so that man would come to destroy himself.
Her plan was to take YHWH's crowning glory, man, and re-invent him so that the body of man no longer would be able to harbor a human soul and spirit, but it would become a vessel for the Shadows to dwell in.

Many disembodied demon spirits roamed on the stage.
YHWH's flood had robbed the Evil genetic mutants of their physical body and left them stuck in the bandwidth of the physical creation without the interface of a physical body, and Babel wanted to create her own resurrection from the dead by creating bodies for these disembodied spirits to dwell in.
The Shadows would finally have a body which was their own, and Babel wanted to make sure that this new synthetic immortal body was able to sustain itself with synthetic engineered food, food which was resistant to plagues, pests and drought, self-replicating synthetic food.

'Babel's plan even envisions the creation of biological robots in the form of new animals, new insects, each fulfilling a useful function in Babel's new ecological system.
She would improve their design and make them better than what YHWH created.
In this new ecological system Babel did not assign any place for man as YHWH created him.

It was Babel's New Order.
Not just a political system as many believed their Novus Ordo Seclorum to be.
Not just the extermination of man.
No, it was much more than that, it was designed to be a complete new order of life on Earth, a new ecological system with a new 'improved' man at the center, a man locked out of YHWH's order because he belongs to a new order, Babel's New Order.
Babel has ambitious plans to create an order where the current man no longer is needed for energy.'

If Babel succeeds in her purpose it would mean that she has created a potential escape route out of the misery of Gehenna.
Babel and her Shadow Servants will be able to live in the body of the new man, a body with no place in YHWH's order of Creation, but vessels which are suitable homes for Evil Spirits.
The DNA of these synthetic bodies will provide them with a shield which blocks YHWH's presence because it is an artifical synthetic derivative based on re-combined elements which do not exist within YHWH's order of life.
It will give them a place of relative independency from YHWH's order.
It will allow them to create a stronghold for themselves in the dream reality of the physical dimension and thus escape the misery of Gehenna, giving them the opportunity to partake of the good things the physical Creation offers like burglars feasting on YHWH's property.

This is why the Fallen Ones have their hopes set on Babel, the Satan.
They believe Babel to be able to deliver them just as we have our hopes set on Yahshua to deliver us from the consequences of having fallen to Evil.

'And YHWH's Adam will be excluded from Babel's order, since this Adam belongs to YHWH's order and therefore is unfit to take up a place in Babel's order.
Right now Babel still needs the energy she can draw out of the souls of men, and she has to allow the presence of Yah's people within her structures in order to keep a safe balance, but once her new order is set up there will no longer be a need for the old man.
The irony is that not only did Adam give his permission to Babel to use him as her chess piece, but he also voluntarily decided to work in Babel's service, thus enabling her to work towards her ambitious goal which would result in his extinction.'

Babel laughed madly at this plan.
"It shows not only my competence as a creator on equal footing with YHWH, it also illustrates in a crystal clear way that I am superior to YHWH."

'For, whereas YHWH had plans to destroy her structure, she did not just mirror Him by destroying YHWH's creation of Earth, no, she was busy inventing a completely new order with a new human being wherein the disembodied Shadow Spirits dwelled, thus proving to the host of Heaven that Babel the Exalted One was even capable of resurrecting the dead just as YHWH could do.'

"Ha, EVEN in my destruction I shall show myself to be superior, because I destroy by creating something NEW.
My Shadow darlings shall inherit the Earth, and NOT Your mind-numbing herd of meek sheep!"

Babel rose and walked up and down to calm the fury welling up inside her.
To think of how she had been obstructed in her plans for a new creation made her so angry that she wanted to tear down the fabric of Heaven itself.
She would show for once and for all that she was even better than YHWH by creating an entirely new order of life on Earth, an entirely new eco-system where the Shadows shall live, Babel's paradise for her new Adam.
Babel would become their long awaited savior.

YHWH may have prophecied Babel's defeat, and she is all too aware of how Yah's people are out of her reach, but only losers indulge in a fatalistic acceptance of their defeat, and Babel does not consider herself a loser, no, quite the contrary.
In spite of YHWH's power she is determined to make the prophecy of her defeat fail.
She will fight with all her might to the last day, and if in spite of all her efforts YHWH will lock her into the dimension of the Pit, she will try to drag all of mankind with her into the Pit.

In spite of all her intellectual efforts Babel is unable to detect how she simply acts out the basic DNA of Evil, which is to 'embody everything which is against YHWH'.
So, each action from YHWH is followed by an equal and opposite reaction on Babel's part.
Whereas YHWH creates something new, Babel reacts and mimics YHWH, not by creating the way YHWH is able to, but by taking what YHWH has created, and turning it into a Shadow-component, preferably one which will replace what YHWH has created so that YHWH becomes invisible under Babel's Shadow covering.

So, if YHWH had His Christ, Babel will have her 'against-Christ', or the 'anti-Christ', a reactionary move in response to Yahshua's coming to Earth, a Shadow-component of Yahshua designed to implement 'anti-salvation', or the 'salvation from Good to become completely Evil'.

"You ought to thank me and worship me at my feet for coming to rescue you from your slavery to YHWH's will!
In spite of your rejection and your insane attacks I do not come to judge and destroy you like YHWH always does, no, I come to rescue you.
YHWH sent Yahshua under the pretence to 'save mankind from Evil and destruction', but it really meant that He came to forge the chain of slavery to His will.
Whereas He sent His phony salvation, I will come to TRULY save mankind from their bondage to YHWH's will."

Whereas Yahshua came to restore man in the image of YHWH, which is Good only, the Satan will come to re-create man in his image, the image of only Evil.

If YHWH puts His mark of protection on His own, a mark which seals them into the protective custody of Heaven, Babel will give those who worship her the mark of her protection, an 'anti-mark', a reactionary Shadow-component designed to protect the Evil-doers from the force of Good, locking them into an Evil instinct like the Fallen Ones.

It would come as no surprise that just as Yahshua had the prophet John to prepare His way, Babel's reactionary 'anti-Christ' has someone to pave his way, perhaps someone who is his senior, and it would be a perfect mirror image if this forerunner is 6 months the senior of the anti-Christ just as John was 6 months older than Yahshua.
The Satan shall be the Shadow-component of YHWH our Father, entering his anointed anti-christ to become man's savior from Good, and renewing man in the image of Evil through his demonic Shadow Spirit working through Dark Magic in the hearts of man, the '666' perversion of the Father entering the Son to save man from Evil and renew him through His Spirit.

Yes, Babel would enter her reactionary Christ to become the Savior of mankind, saving them from the bondage to YHWH's standard of Good vs. Evil.
Yet whereas Yahshua saved man so that he might live, Babel's 'salvation' kills man and replaces him with a synthetic substitute.
Babel had even prepared a body for herself to dwell in.

'A home for her own Shadow Spirit, just as YHWH had prepared a body for His Salvation to dwell in.
Her body will herald the new salvation for the disembodied Shadow Spirits, and in that body she shall present herself to mankind as their savior, that is, the NEW mankind she has planned.'

Yes, the Satan had assigned himself the role of becoming the new savior for the rebels of creation.

"I will bring a new golden dawn announcing the birth of the New Order in the coming millennium that will last forever.
Thanks to MY superior intellect Earth will be made over completely in MY image, and my own elect will live forever on this new Earth."

"Surely, in the sight of my skill and superiority, who could possibly deny me my rightful place on the throne of Creation?
For not only did I bring forth a new reality with an order in my own image, not only did I overwrite and replace YHWH's Creation and His standard with a creation made in the image of my standard, I will also resurrect the disembodied Evil Spirits and give them an immortal body to live in.
They shall live as the new man in a new, genetically engineered environment which no longer is dependent on YHWH's provision, but which is able to sustain itself independent from Him.
I shall be their savior.
Just as that Yahshua came to save YHWH's pitiful inferior creatures, I shall come to save man from the Savior."

'Yes, she truly believed that she was every bit as capable as YHWH was, even more than that, she was convinced that she was BETTER than Him.
Mankind is just her means to demonstrate her superior skill, pieces on a chessboard which allows her to prove for once and for all that she is capable of beating YHWH at His own game'.

Filled with a rush of excitement over her master plan Babel rushed from the palace unto the stage to make sure all the Shadows and the human pawns dumb to work in her service put all their efforts in making Babel's final solution come true.

The future of mankind lies in altering his DNA.
By 'changing man's DNA, diseases and degeneration through aging would become a thing of the past', so they believed.
It made them work even harder to make sure that this future would become a reality within their own lifetime.

"The idiots.
They did not realize they were working on their own genocide, for there is no place in her creation for man carrying the image of Good AND Evil.
Their bondage to the Good vs. Evil concept is a chain which reduces them to YHWH's slaves.
I am there to set them free from that slavery, free to look at Creation unhindered by YHWH's standard."

HER image would be established, the image of Evil ONLY, yet to Babel the image seemed Good, and Good was deemed Evil in her eyes.
Babel's freedom was her cloaked bondage to an instinct of Evil, yet she considered this bondage as freedom and this instinct as good and liberating.
Babel was captured into the eternal hypnosis of the Lie, and with evangelical zeal she tried to spread her gospel throughout all of Creation that others might partake of the same hypnotic fixation, believing it to be true freedom and autonomy.

"The morons believe they will be part of her brave new world as the new master race.
Ha, little do they know that the new master race for planet Earth will be the Shadow people, the New Man, and YHWH's man shall no longer be found on Earth.
The new man will not be a suitable home for the soul and spirit of the old man, but they are simply too dumb and blind to see this."

The New Order for the New Man is slated to be Babel's crowning achievement, an entirely new Creation made over in the image of her intellect.
When she tinkered with man's DNA in the past it was not just to prevent Yahshua from being born, because she knew YHWH is capable of restoring man's DNA.
No, she was busy figuring out how to implement a new order centered around a new man.
However, YHWH interfered with the flood, destroying all the effort she had put into creating a new order.

But not this time.
This time Babel had carefully planned all her activities, and she had taken great care to make sure the preparations for the implementation of her new order went according to plan.
She succeeded in making man dependent on debilitating drugs disguised as medicine that cures their problems.
She was successful in substituting natural food with artificial packages passing for food.
Her minions succeeded in pushing the agenda of genetic manipulation of not only food, but also of organisms including man, so that now mankind was ready to accept genetic modification of their own species.

"Ha, if only the people knew of the secret DNA experiments which have already been carried out in labs, yes, including government labs, and the mutant breeds which already have seen the light of day ..."

Babel's Shadow Servants also have been very hugely successful in setting up an elaborate electronic grid which allows Babel to have a detailed oversight over everyone's activities, just as YHWH has, and this is the real reason why Babel has worked towards an electronically documented world society which is made dependent on the internet and the electronic regulation of financial transactions.
It allows her to keep tabs on everyone to the smallest detail without the need to enlist the service of her Demon Shadows, and armed with this knowledge she can proceed forward towards the grand finale she has in mind: a completely new order in her own image.

For the purpose of making sure her New Order can be implemented very smoothly she loves to avail herself of the advantages Earth technology offers her.
Not only by means of the electronic grid which allows her to keep track of everyone, but also in the form of using robotic tools such as drones.
The drones can carry cameras, they can be used as guns or even flying bombs, they are ideal instruments in making sure the cattle remains safely locked up in Babel's barns.

'In the end Babel will have resurrected the spirits of the demons in the body of the new man so that in every aspect Babel has shown herself to be capable of accomplishing everything YHWH set out to do.
Then she will rise up to Heaven, show YHWH this new creation in her image and ask Him the question she has longing to ask for thousands of years, ever since the moment she considered herself equally worthy to sit on YHWH's throne:'

"If I can take what You originally created, and overwrite it with a new creation which I designed, have I not proven that I do not only have the skill and intellect to create as you have, but that I am better than You?
Because, if what you had created had been superior, would not Truth have prevailed over the Lie, would not my creation have crumbled while yours would stand?
Look at Earth and behold my power, an Earth with a New Order of life and a new species of man!
That which You call Evil, but which really is nothing but a standard which deviates from Your standard, has triumphed.
I win, and You lose!"

Both Babel and her mirror image spoke simultaneously the words which she had treasured in her heart ever since she conceived the notion of herself as the queen of Heaven.
Babel does not care if her new Earth is built on the blood of the innocent, it does not matter if the foundation of her throne rests on the genocide of the guiltless.

"If you think YHWH has the right to commit genocide by destroying all those who do not agree with Him, then why do you criticize me for getting rid of all the obstacles standing in the way of my new paradise for the new man?"

Babel is unable to see the difference between punishing those who do Evil and punishing those who do Good.
One is justice, the Good and right thing to do, while the other is injustice, Evil and wrong.
Since Babel's mind is cut off from YHWH and given over to Evil instinct, it cannot differentiate because of this lacking relationship with YHWH.
She only sees YHWH's will versus her own will, and because she considers her own will to be superior in terms of being able to live up to the expectations of what a creator ought to be able to do, she feels YHWH is unreasonable for pushing His own will and standards at the expense of her own.

Good and Evil are mutually exclusive, and the angels who became Evil can no longer relate to Good and evaluate the intrinsic worth of Good, since they lack the connection to YHWH who gives man that perspective of Good and Evil.
Instead, they began to act out the nature of Evil instinct.

Babel could not see how she projects her own limited understanding and intellect on YHWH, for she operates from the perspective of an Evil instinct.

YHWH knew, and He laughed.

For Babel talked like a serpent, she walked like a serpent, and she stalked YHWH as a Serpent Shadow, imitating Him in almost every way.
And yet, whenever she stared in hypnotic fixation at her mirror, she saw the image of a beautiful woman looking back at her, the image of a god.

She can never understand how that which she perceived to be a flaw was an integral part of the design for a very specific purpose, one she will never be able to fathom.
For Babel had lost her ability to understand the true Creator when she decided to become a master plagiarist believing herself to be a viable alternative to the true Creator.
Somehow she forgot that that Shadows are mere effects created by a block against the Light.
They have no substance in themselves.