
The Rough Ride

Sometimes there are days when you can see nothing but a gloomy dark sky, and light seems to have vanished out of existence.
It's as if a veil has been cast over the world, a depressing sight affecting the mood of everyone.
Today the same thing is happening in a spiritual sense with a thick, dark presence of Evil affecting and depressing people.
It's a lingering intensity of the presence of Evil on this world which depresses people with any sense of goodness.

The worshippers of Evil feel the exact opposite: the presence of Evil comforts and encourages them as much as it oppresses those who love their Creator.
Conversely, the presence of YHWH's Spirit, His Ruach HaKodesh, creates joy, self-confidence and hope in the hearts of YHWH's children as much as He oppresses and creates anxiety in the ones who hate YHWH.
I have seen examples of this when I experienced joy over the presence of YHWH's Spirit, whereas others could not stand it, even to the point where they ran away crying, literally.
That is a precursor of what happens after this life to those who love Evil: they will flee from the presence of YHWH because it is intolerable, and in doing so they will run straight into perdition.
It is not because YHWH sends them there, they simply run straight into the Darkness to hide from the Light.
Just as the way of this world is the opposite of the way of Heaven, that which brings joy and happiness to YHWH's children is the opposite of what motivates and brings good feelings to those who worship the Satan.

The political leaders of our nations are now acting out Evil without any restraint.
They see how their own people are destroyed because of their decisions, but they do not care.
They heap burden upon burden on the shoulders of people, stress upon stress, until they cannot bear the weight of life any longer, and some of them simply drop out and commit suicide.
It is sad to see even young people withdraw and fill their days with computer games because they can't deal with life anymore.
They seek a hiding place in the virtual reality of their computer, because when they look through the window at the world, suicidal thoughts come flooding in because of the hopelessness they see.
And some even act on it, because all they experience is hopelessness, Evil.
It really is murder, but because the murderers are invisible and intangible it appears like suicide on the outside.
But YHWH knows, and the truly guilty ones are the ones who pushed them into the gaping mouth of Death!

As long as their income is assured and they have a safe haven to go to, the slick and sly crowd of political vampires simply continue to play their sick games.
So what if someone commits suicide because the vampires made life unbearable?
They were too weak to contribute to 'our great society' anyway, so who cares?
YHWH cares and He will not forget!

At the same time those political gargoyles seem to be so shortsighted and dumb that one cannot begin to fathom it, because by destroying the population, and by importing migrants who do not have the ambition, will or skill to contribute to the nation but rather aim to plunder, vandalize, rape, assault and make demands, they end up destroying their income factory which provides the politicians with salaries.
Perhaps they think that it does not matter, that the moment society collapses they can take what they want anyway by violence, plunder the corpses and put them to work on the human farm as slaves of the state.
Maybe they have already planned a retreat so that the destruction of society will not affect them on their private isle of bliss.

Today they change their tune a bit because of upcoming elections, and they want to secure the vote of their electorate.
So they tell a few lies, pretend to take measures to reduce the influx of migrants in the hope that people will realize that giving them their vote is a good thing.
But I tell you, the moment they have manipulated you into giving them your vote, their face will change back to their old destruction mode, and you will realize that you have been duped, AGAIN!

The increase in Evil disrupts the balance to such a degree that YHWH will come out to destroy it.
First He gives the people, who are mesmerized into giving support to the workers of Evil, over to the consequences of their support for Evil.
It means Evil Spirits can wreak havoc and shed blood, it means the economy begins to suffer and self-destruct, it means catastrophes happen because YHWH has withdrawn the protection of guardian angels who previously have prevented many disastrous accidents.
Does all that sound familiar?
If, after the calamity, the incremental stages of suffering still do not wake the people up, then YHWH will implement destruction Himself.
He will take His own out of the way so that they are not harmed, and He will proceed to destroy the nations which have hardened their hearts in Evil.

The envisioned society of the so-called New Order is a collective which shall never have a place of existence under the Sun.
The Fallen Angels seek to establish an order of pure Evil on this Earth, one which does no longer allow for the presence of YHWH's own, and they use politicians and influential business men for the purpose of laying the foundation for this New Order, which really is the Old Order minus the presence of Good.
Their ultimate ambition is to create a realm which YHWH cannot affect, like an isolated tumor in the Body of YHWH's Creation.
Since nothing can exist outside YHWH, -for there is no existence or even an 'outside of' YHWH-, their only option is to create a perfect tumor of Evil within YHWH, and all the genetic experiments they carried out in the past were designed to explore the options and use the knowledge they gained to their advantage: the creation of a new interdimensional immortal Man.

What makes them think they can succeed is beyond me.
Maybe they already know in their hearts they can never succeed, but they are unwilling to desist and let themselves be pushed into Gehenna without putting up a fight.
Maybe their love of Evil has affected their sanity so that the nature of Evil, the nature of the Lie, has overcome them and they too fully believe the Lie.

Society today is rapidly being maneuvered towards the establishment of this New Order, and because the Evil One has very little time left he is speeding up developments.
The result is what we see today: suddenly the Western nations are invaded by hordes of migrants, many of which use violence and wreak havoc on the very people who offer them a roof over their heads and food on their plate.
This bunch of criminal ingrates also turn against real, decent fugitives, so that Christians seeking shelter find the persecutors even in the nations where they fled to.

But I have to tell you, this is happening because Western nations have loved Evil and refuse to repent, and so they are given into the power of Evil Angels who influence the hearts and minds of those in authority without the restraint of YHWH's Angels.
The effect is that the ones who may have given their vote to the political establishment now are able to see their true faces as traitors who will protect imported criminals and use FORCE against their own people if they deem it necessary.

By their deeds they inspire outrage and anger in the hearts of people, and the moment will come that the stress will reach its zenith and seek an outlet.
And that is when the other side is mobilized, the violent opposition, and among them you will find many Jew haters who somehow manage to blame everything on the Jew.
Like the Muslim aggressors they hate, they invariably evangelize their anti-Semitic gospel by proclaiming from their pulpits that it is the Jews who are behind all this, everything is the fault of the Jews.

How anyone can become so insane and psychotic is beyond my comprehension, because if any people is suffering under the Islamic aggression, it's the Jewish people.
And because leaders of Western nations have lacked sympathy, love and support for Israel and the Jews living there, we now are placed in a position where we can experience the very things which the Jews in Israel had to endure for many decades.
If we lacked support, love and sympathy for the Israeli Jews in the past, perhaps the pain we experience from being exposed to the same plight will inspire us to show love and support.
If this does not happen, be assured that YHWH will allow the stress to increase until it breaks us, and He will not interfere on behalf of the people who are suffering.

Evil has increased its presence dramatically all over the world, and a war has already begun, small and very limited, but it will spread until the moment comes when the bomb explodes.

Obama had an important hand in these developments.
Only a week ago the Gaga marionette sang the national American anthem for the super bowl events, and it was shocking to see this Luciferian puppet dressed in scarlet, like the blood of the innocents clotted together as a costume for a Satanic ceremony celebrating the death of the good side of America.
And I saw how some held their hands on their hearts with their eyes closed as an expression of their love for what has become an Evil nation destined for destruction, and they did not realize what they were doing.
The pledge of allegiance to Gaga's America is the confession of faith in a substitute religion which has its origin in Gehenna.

That's the problem with pledging allegiance to a flag of a nation: if the nation becomes the domain of the Satan, have you not pledged your allegiance to the Satan then by proxy?
Our allegiance should be to YHWH and Him only.
The USA always had a Shadow side from its very beginning, and it is sad to see how the Shadow now has taken over and parades around as the new America.

I hope and pray that YHWH will remember there are still quite a few of His own living in the USA.
But other than that, the USA may take great pride in her freedom and military force, yet there's so much blood found in her and so much Evil that she has attracted her own destruction, and no prayer can turn this around.
And believe me, I write this not out of hatred for the USA, because compared to the rest of this world the nation has much potential for Good, and I always loved that Good side of the USA with all my heart.

America has become Evil because the American people took their blessings for granted and gave their hearts over to Evil, and they exchanged the true religion of their hearts for the pleasing gospel of pathetic liars who are in love with the god of money, voting leaders into office whose hearts are bound in shackles to the same corruption which has taken hold of their own hearts.
No, you're no longer the land of the free, you've turned yourself into the land of the living dead, slaves moving to the rhythm of corruption, and YHWH cannot bear your stench any longer.
So you are gone.
The moment when the Devil sings your glory there is something very wrong with you.

Unfortunately, the European nations are not one bit better, they are even worse.
Both the USA and Europe have embraced destruction, the wages of your multitude of sins, and you shall come face to face with what you pledged allegiance to, whether in a formal ceremony or in the secrecy of your own hearts.
You have an ongoing illicit love affair with lady Death, and she is coming to visit you.

No, it does not get better, and it will not get better.
To express it in formal religious words: the end has been decreed and it will come to pass.
And what I am given to sense is that it is so ugly that I cannot find words to describe the pain I felt.
Not the pain for the corruption and Evil in this world, because I will be glad to see the corruption and Evil destroyed and wiped off this planet.
But there are many people who seem to be oblivious to what they are letting into their lives and hearts, and that Darkness they invited will bless them with untold suffering and horror.
There is so much Evil in this world today, I can feel it, and it pains me, mentally and physically.
It's as if on a daily base more demons are gathering on the planet than ever before, and their presence presses as a weight on my Soul.

But it is not just the Western nations who shall be judged.
The entire world is in the balance, and the ones who bring destruction to one nation shall be destroyed themselves.
The chaos will be immense and beyond imagination, and the stress upon the psyche will become intolerable.
All securities holding up our image of reality will crumble and be destroyed, and many will retreat into a catatonic state where they abide by the rules of a fantasy they project unto life, because they can no longer cope with the abstract monstrosity of what life has become and need some way to get a grip on it.
So they will walk around as if they are part of the new fake reality, but they really are walking in a day dream which blocks out the true nature of what reality has become.
That is when the Satanic savior will give them a new outlook on Life, a new grip on reality from which they will derive a new identity in the collective of the New Order.
But YHWH will come forth and hold up His mirror, with devastating consequences.

All we can see around us is a sea of lies from politicians and their slavish media whores.
And if someone comes along who does not repeat lies but instead is forthright and truthful, the media wants to hang him on the highest pole.

The establishment operates by the way of this world and will go to extremes to preserve and enact its agenda.
Spiritual, mental and physical violence were, are and will be used for the sake of the hidden agenda, the way of this world in all its ugly glory.
The world as it is will not tolerate Truth any longer, and it takes very strong men and women to be able to go against the Satanic tide, they will need the strength of Yahshua and your prayer constantly.

And I pray for all the men and women who speak Truth into this world, that YHWH will fill them with His strength so that they may remain standing and do not crumble, and that YHWH personally will protect them against the attacks of the Adversary and his many zombie slaves, because in speaking Truth they do Good.
I pray this in Yahshua's name Who had nothing but adversity in His life from the moment He went out and spoke the words of the Kingdom of Heaven in a world ruled by the Queendom of Hell.
Remember this, that you also pray for political candidates who are subjected to persecution by the media because they speak the Truth.

Given the abuse of people at the hands of their own government, both national and local, it is just a matter of time before they will rise up and use violence to stop the Evil corruption.
The problem is that this is exactly what the social engineers are counting on, because that is when the government will have the mandate to use force and violence against its own people and take away all freedom.
That is the moment when a lot of progress can be made to move the Satanic agenda forward.

Given the current situation there is no doubt in my mind the boiling point is not far off, and people WILL revolt, especially given the tremendously Evil nature of some political leaders.
Not only that, but anti-Semitic reactionary wolves love to push themselves forward as an alternative to the corrupt political establishment, because their eye is set on power to indulge in the Evil of their hearts, and the corruption they pretend to fight will simply shift hands.
Wolves are in charge, and wolves of the opposition stand ready to take their place, and many find themselves in the middle without any real representation.
There are only a few real men and women in politics left, and they are targeted for persecution.
Wilders, Trump, everybody knows how much they are under attack for not going along with politically correct lies.
Pray for them I say, that YHWH will protect them, because here in The Netherlands we have seen with Fortuyn that the corrupt establishment will even use murder to stop an opponent.

I have written before and I will write it again: the moment is coming when blood will flow through the streets and entire cities will be ravaged.
War, disease, riots, catastrophes, the entire civilization as we know it will totter and come crumbling down, and people will be abandoned by the ones who are paid to help and protect people and be guardians of justice.
Each year we are told the economy will recover, and this year the same was predicted to happen, but we are hardly in the beginning of this new year and already we are told it 'will happen slower than we imagined'.
It will not happen, especially when large financial institutes will begin to sway as if they are about to fall.

IT projects are instigated to link various databases together, all for the' convenience of the people' of course.
An important link in the quest for total control still is missing, which is the abrogation of cash.
When you make economic transactions electronic, people are shackled to the services of banks which can do with the money as they like, even charge negative interest.
Not only that, but they become extensions of the internal revenue service, which in turn is an extension of the political establishment.
When the tax man has access to all bank accounts, he has a nice quick overview of what you have been up to and fill in all the necessary details on your tax form for you, of course all in the name of providing you with service to make your life easier.
In reality they took hold of your wallet, and anyone who does that is a thief in my book.

I would not be surprised if the government will use the social security safety net as the avant-garde of their plans.
You want to get welfare because the economy is collapsing and you cannot find work anymore?
Then you must agree to the terms of the local government, and let them access and manage your bank account as well as giving you a subsidized slave job for which you will not be paid, but you will continue to receive your social security as a compensation.
Summarized, you will have become cattle on the government ranch in every conceivable way.

The politicians, corporate executives and bank managers all have their own interest safeguarded, but in the day of destruction all their gold and silver will not help them, and their private shelters will become their private graves.
When YHWH comes, their happiness, self-confidence and their brutality vanish and give way to anxiety, depression and anguish, and all the money in the world will not cheer them up.
They may cry out for redemption in the time when the door to YHWH's mercy has closed, but they will get the same answer Judas received when he sought to restore his happiness.
I don't believe Judas had a conscience, it was the presence of YHWH's Spirit which took away his peace and drove him into the arms of Death.
YHWH's Spirit haunted Judas for betraying Yahshua and giving Him over to torture unto Death.
So too those who have worshipped the Satan will be driven into the arms of Death when YHWH's Spirit goes forth and destroys the Darkness with YHWH's Light.

We are in for a very rough ride, and nothing of what is will remain standing.
But know this, those who love YHWH always will find a sure Rock which cannot be moved supporting them and helping them, so do not let the weight of Evil crush your hope, but keep your eyes fixed on our Savior, Yahshua.

And to all the people who feel the depressing weight of Evil on their Souls I want to point to Yahshua.
This is not religion, it has nothing to do with it.
Yahshua is the gateway to a different dimension where you can experience a sense of hope again, a knowing that you are loved and worthwhile and that you have a strong Father Who will walk with you as the world immerses itself in Darkness.
You have nothing to fear with Him on your side, because He watches over you, every second of your Life.
Go with Him, and let the corrupt world be damned.

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