
The Attacks

Speaking up is not without consequences.
Once you speak up against the Fallen Ones, they will target you more than before.
I have experienced this many times, right before and after I was to deliver a message, either in person or through the internet.
Like for instance in my previous post where I wrote that the throne of the Adversary would be established on the cosmic wasteland.
Nothing new, but nevertheless personal and accurate, words which YHWH spoke into my heart and which I wrote down.

But in the weeks following and preceding this message I had to endure one attack after another, like so many times before, either through people or manipulated circumstances.
It resembles the movie 'Fallen' featuring Denzel Washington who is trying to fight the Demon which possessed a serial killer, and this Fallen Spirit jumps from one person to another so that it looks as if everyone gangs up on him.

Likewise, during the previous week there were several days where one person would humiliate me, followed by another insulting me, and yet another following on the heels of that, a continuous string of assaults, and I know that the people involved do not realize why they were saying or doing what they said or did, because there is one and the same Fallen Force acting through them trying to get at me.
It only confirms to me the pitiful, low character of the Satan and his ilk, and how his rumored greatness is the equivalent of a big balloon blown up to humongous proportions.
One of these days Yahshua is going to take a needle and stab it, and what will remain is the true essence of the one who thought he had the capacity to be YHWH's equal.
Little will be left of that greatness in the face of the shriveled reminder of what the Adversary truly is.

The people he uses to attack YHWH's own are like radio stations broadcasting a nefarious stream of Evil Spirits.
It is not just a message consisting of insults, degrading and aggressive words, but these words act like vehicles for Evil Spirits to come against you, and I always can sense their presence very clearly, as if I am seeing them with my own physical eyes.

Yahshua had to endure the same kind of attacks on His person, even when He hung on the stake suffering with immense pain.
'If you really are the Son of the Most High, why don't you come off the stake and show us how powerful You are, hahaha'.
He knew very well that these low despicable men dressed in holy robes were nothing other than radio stations for the Evil One, and it shows once again how low and indescribably Evil, corrupt and devoid of any conscience and compassion the Satan really is.

When I experience the brush of Evil through various people insulting and attacking me, I just know that I am listening to another boring, poor radiobroadcast of dumb Evil Spirits.
They may want to beat me into submission, try to destroy me, but they only make me want to fight their ilk even harder, pray with more fire, double the counter attacks and speak in the Spirit with an intensity that makes the light of the sun seem pale in comparison.
I reject them, I reject their meddling activities in my own reality and the reality of this world, and I pray against them continually.

YHWH put it in my heart to pray for the end of the reign of Evil on Earth and the return of His Son Yahshua, and my heart rejoices greatly because I know that when YHWH is speaking this into my heart, then Evil HAS come to an end, and Yahshua IS returning, no waiting period any more, no, it is about to manifest because it already is happening in the Spirit.
When it comes to Evil, you too be relentless and merciless in your prayers, for the reign of Evil has come to an end, and it is time for the age of the Son of Man, the Son of Adonai, the promised Son of David.

The Adversary loves to project lies in your reality, events which seem to contradict the very things you prayed for.
When that happens to me, I reject all the lies I see in my reality as projections of the Lie, and I call forth YHWH's reality, insisting that His words are true and should manifest to destroy the lie.

Yahshua told us that if we pray in His name, our prayers will be heard and what we pray will be given to us.
Yahshua never lied to us, and our Heavenly Father is not able to lie.
So, if YHWH inclines our heart to pray for or against something or someone, or if we pray for something we really need, and there is an obstacle in our reality which is like a statement proclaiming that our prayer was not heard, it means that the Satan tries to turn your belief upside down so that you doubt yourself, you doubt YHWH's words, simply because of the presence of the manipulated event in your Life which is the result of the Devil projecting a lie into your Life.
First you need to identify the event as a lie, then reject it as such, and then call upon the Name of the Most High, knowing for an unshakeable fact that He cannot lie, His Son Yahshua never lied, and so what you prayed for must come to pass.

Being an effective prayer warrior means you have to learn how to use the sword of prayer effectively, and the key element here is that you MUST use it in complete Faith, a deep knowing that what you prayed for has been heard and will be granted by YHWH.
Asserting this with Fire from Heaven in your heart is equally essential here, because your Belief is challenged by the Evil One in order to render you harmless.
THE way to combat this is by asserting your Belief and being absolutely, completely and utterly shure that what you believe is true, and the event in your Life which contradicts it is a lie.
Reject it, destroy it in prayer, and assert what you prayed for, calling upon the name of Yahshua and calling forth the subject of your prayer.
You need to be sure that it already has happened, even before it happens, but this rule needs to be applied with the context of complete love, obedience and belief in Yahshua.
This is how you reverse the obstruction of the Evil One so that he is obstructed by your prayer.

The Devil is going to hate it when I write these words, because these words instruct you how to be an effective rebel against the Adversary's cause.
Well, GOOD, I want to play my humble part in YHWH's scheme to raise up His own army upon this Earth in this time frame, and a true effective soldier needs to know the tactics of the Enemy and how to fight the Adversary.
Pray against Evil when you see it, and when YHWH presses upon your heart to pray against or for something or someone, DO IT, knowing in your heart it already happened even before you speak the words.

I pray against Evil and Evil-doers wherever I see them and whenever I sense the urge of the Ruach HaKodesh, the Holy Spirit.
If people use witchcraft against YHWH's chosen instrument, if they use unfair means to destroy YHWH's vessel, if the Satan lovers try to destroy a good man, I pray that YHWH will bring the Evil they aim at His instrument upon their own heads.
Each single day I destroy occult means used against me and/or my family with my prayers, and I pray that YHWH will bring the Evil done to us this way upon the heads of those who use them.
And when I pray that, I know this has happened already even before I prayed it.
There is not a shred of doubt in my heart, because Yahshua is true, and our Heavenly Father is true.
You who belong to Yahshua, do the same thing, and learn to use your prayers as swords destroying Evil in this world.

If I see a good man under attack by Evil, I am under attack, and the Evil is against me.
So I pray against those who commit the Evil that YHWH turns it around and makes it a vexation unto those who assault the good man.
When YHWH moves me to pray, I know that the words I speak are sounds of something which already has happened in the Spirit.

World War III began in the year 2000, perfectly on cue.
That was the time when the preceding years of prosperity came to a close as the investment markets saw the collapse of the internet bubble, reaching a climax in 2001, and followed by the financial crisis in 2008, a crisis which still affects our lives today.
September 11th 2001 saw the physical manifestation of war and the shape of things to come, and the war began to pick up steam with the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq.
It was slow in coming, slow in its initial stages, but it has picked up speed and will intensify shortly and on a most dramatic scale.

It is a war which was manipulated by a select group of people who consider themselves to be superior and who are working methodically towards a very specific goal from which they intend to benefit, a goal which they hold up as a new world order but which in fact is designed to be a dictatorial paradise where slave classes will be forced to offer their services to the lords at the top.
The third world war is a war where nations are dragged into violence by straw puppets acting out their marching orders handed out to them.
Yes, there is no real democracy, it is an illusion, a pacifier for the masses to keep them locked into a scam.
Any threat to the status quo is eliminated, either through blackmail and/or lies, or through murder.

The straw puppets are the politicians who use all means at their disposal to make sure the marching orders of the puppet masters are carried out, and we have the choice between puppet A or B or C.
YHWH knows the scam, and in His mercy He puts certain people forward who are not part of the straw puppet club in order to shake up the game, unmask the deceivers, and give us an option to vote AGAINST the exploiters of Mankind, AGAINST the Satanic agenda.
They are the ones who are attacked viciously by the straw puppets using lies and all kinds of other means at their disposal to vilify, degrade and destroy the ones who do not belong to their club.
When you see such a man or woman, PRAY for him or her, that is the very LEAST you can do.
Your prayers are like shields providing protection for the one who is under attack, they are like fuel reinvigorating the spirit of YHWH's instruments, they are like guns firing bullets at the lying straw puppets, they are destroyers of Evil and boosters of Good.
So USE that weapon, especially now today when we are at a crucial crosspoint.

I sincerely hope the people of the USA realize how privileged they are that YHWH has given them a candidate who is not a member of the Satanic club of elitists.
His mere presence served to unveil the scam which victimized you, the scam which lets you believe you have a democratic vote that you can use for change.
No you don't, it was all a lie.

The latest news concerning the support Bush sr and jr gave to Hillary should serve as a wake-up call.
Trump was used to tear the masks off the deceivers, and it shows very clearly that for the past decades your votes were worthless because the game was rigged.
You were offered the choice between the left and right hand of the one and the same Devil, and either way you ended up doing it the way of the Deceiver.
Now Trump appears, and the masks drop, showing you beyond a shadow of a doubt the extent to which the Satanic elite are in charge and how they duped you.
They are the ones I referred to in my previous post who love to use your sons and daughters as cannon fodder for their nefarious sick ambitions which aim to plunge the world into chaos and destruction in order to usher in their horrible New Order.
They sacrifice your children for their own well-being and give you a posthumous medal as a pacifier.

It is the same everywhere, including The Netherlands.
If anyone comes along who dares to upset the Satanic agenda, he is eliminated, either through lies, infiltrates (Judas is still around), or even murder.
Just bring to mind how Fortuyn went straight against the multicultural agenda of the Left and became a big threat as he grew in popularity.
So they shot him in 2002, held a large ceremony, and that was that.
Only the other day the current prime minister had the audacity to declare that the crisis was over and that his government did a very good job, thus hoping to prolong his term when the elections will be held in 2017.
He looks at the camera and tells the biggest lies with a straight face and an arrogance which defies description.
If he is not clinically insane, he must be insanely Evil.

So I urge you to pray that YHWH will unveil the Truth and destroy the stronghold of the Lie, exposing liars for what they are, ripping the masks of the pretenders.
Pray that He will send angelic protection to the men and women who support Truth and who are not part of the Satanic inbred clique.

This year is a hinge year, and nothing will be the same after 2016.
Yom Teruah in October will mark the point beyond which we enter an era Mankind has never experienced before, and there WILL be massive bloodshed and great suffering and injustice.
Yom Teruah is the day of shouting, the kind of shouting which brought down the thick walls of Jericho, symbolic for the stronghold of the Satan in this world.
It is no coincidence that right before Yom Teruah begins YHWH has stressed my heart to put out the word to pray, pray, and pray even more, because our prayers become the noise which will bring down the walls of the Adversary's Jericho.
We already can see cracks in the walls of his Jericho in the form of politicians, celebrities, media channels and internet sites being exposed for the lying garbage spewers that they really are, and we need to intensify our prayers, shouting even more and louder, encircle the falsehood seven times seventy times over.
This is why you and I are here on Earth as part of YHWH's army, to raise our voices and be an instrument in YHWH's hands for the destruction of the power of the Adversary on Earth.

So, if you belong to YHWH you really should put on your armament and live in a strict disciplined way close to YHWH, learning to use the sword of prayer against the Enemy.
The days you could procrastinate are over, and you are called to duty.
Yes, prayer is a sword, and as a soldier you should learn to use the sword before you face the Enemy eye to eye.
The shape of things to come depends on whether or not you and I are willing to fight in the Spirit and pray for support for a good man, or pray for the elimination of the ones who lie and do Evil.
Like the Demonic puppetmaster Soros pulling strings on the slaves he creates.

Pray against falsehood and deception, for they are the vehicles the Evil One and his minions love to use to eliminate opposition.
Pray that YHWH will reveal the Truth about the liars, and destroy their lies.
Pray, believe, and speak the words YHWH puts into your heart.


The Ruthless

There is a class of people in this world which seems to be completely in denial of the principle of the Mirror YHWH created.
This Mirror will reflect back at us the nature of what we have become through our deeds, words, thoughts and feelings, and although we may avoid having to look in this Mirror during our Life on Earth, immediately when our time is up we WILL face the reflection of what we are.
This reflection comes in the form of a reality which captures our Soul and Spirit, and this reality will take on the nature of what is in our Soul and Spirit.
The Spirit is like the light of the projector shining through the reality-creating properties of the Soul, and once reflected in that Mirror the Soul will distill an image of Reality for ourselves.

I know this sounds abstract, but nevertheless, it is true.
'An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth', the rule which makes it clear to us that we all will face YHWH's Mirror of Justice and Truth.
If we believe in Yahshua and live by His rule, then we will see in this Mirror the reflection of Yahshua's character and Goodness.
This means that once our time here on Earth is over, we will enter His Kingdom, His Paradise by token of His Goodness, that will be the reality Yahshua created, and in Him we are made part of it.
But those who reject Yahshua will not receive His reflection, but the reflection of their own Soul and Spirit with all consequences of such.

There is a class of people in this world, Evil Spirits, who live in complete denial of that Mirror, or maybe they subconsciously know what is waiting for them and they don't care.
They simply live at the expense of their fellow man, and commit Evil if it benefits them without ever pondering on the fact that they make themselves vehicles of Evil.
So what, that's the way of this world, and if they want to get ahead in this world they will do whatever it takes to make sure their own well-being is secured.

They enter this world and they are beguiled by the lust of this world.
If they desire to rule, they will make sure to send out signals to the Puppet Masters that they will fully support the Satanic agenda and lie, cheat, and even kill whenever it is required of them.
If they desire to be a big movie star, a sure way to get the attention of the Fallen Ones is to make a pornographic movie of yourself and let it 'leak into the public domain'.
Whether consciously or subconsciously, they know it will get you noticed by the 'powers that be', and the rest is up to 'the gods'.
If you are an ambitious rock musician aiming for the stars, do something shocking which goes directly against YHWH's instructions, do something vile and degrading, speak in favor of the Satanic agenda, which, -although perhaps not consciously known-, makes itself felt in the hearts of men in the form of 'the Flow', and subconsciously you know that when you go with that Flow you send out the right signal to 'the ones in charge of destiny'.
If they approve, doors open wide and the wind will be blowing in your back.

Everything is the same everywhere, and there is no single nation on Earth today where one could go to escape the Satanic rule.
You will encounter it from LA to Tokyo, from Alaska to Johannesburg with the only difference being that in some areas there are a few more people inclined to love what is Good and Right than in others so that the Satanic rule does not have as much power in those areas than in those where people are spoiled and given over to the lust of this world.
And as you know the lust of this world is engineered and manipulated by the unseen powers pulling the strings of Man, using his weaknesses and vulnerabilities to keep him locked into their power and authority.
The only ones who manage to escape are the ones who have given themselves over to Yahshua, they are the misfits and rejects in this fallen, rotten world.

The insensitive callous ego-centric mindset of the Satanic collaborators in this world is baffling.
They seek to engineer situations with complete disregard to human Life in order to derive benefit from the outcome, making themselves blind to the fact that just as they manipulate the world events they are manipulated by a very dark entity referred to as 'the Satan'.

In their ambition to move their plans for Metropolis, aka the Satanic paradise, forward they did not hesitate to roll over the entire Middle East.
They provided arms and training for dangerous extremists, barbaric factions such as ISIS in order to use them as an army by proxy and to overthrow  those who stand in the way of their agenda, like Assad.

They subsequently created a large stream of refugees aimed at Europe and the USA like a demographic weapon, a flood designed and created to drown and destroy the last remainders of the Christian character of Western nations.
They knew very well that the prevailing Islamic mindset of many refugees is not compatible with the concept of Western values, including the concept of individual freedom, they were well aware that among those migrants many criminals would seek to infiltrate in order to create criminal gangs in Western nations and plunder them from within, they were all too aware that among the migrating refugees there would be MANY fortune seekers as well as members of the Islamic barbarian army of ISIS.

They engineered this explosive situation DELIBERATELY so that the West could be destroyed from within.
Divide and conquer, make money by investing wisely without moral objections, and watch how out of the chaos the cry for a strong hand will arise, the cry for a savior who will give the people hope and a future when everything around them is falling apart.
Out of the ashes of the clash of civilizations and different ideologies they intend to provide that savior, and he will create the order they have desired for many centuries, the Satanic Order.

And how our own politicians love to play their part in this stealth invasion!
It completely blows my mind that today the secret security agencies are issuing warnings about impending terror attacks AS IF OUR POLITICAL LEADERS HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IT AND IT JUST COMES FALLING OUT OF THE SKY UPON OUR HEADS, OUT OF NOWHERE!
No, it was orchestrated, engineered by design, and now that all parties are waiting for the match to drop they love to act their part in this phony play of make-belief.

It is outrageous to think of how our nations are destroyed by the very leaders who are voted in positions of power.
They lie on a daily basis to the people who trusted them and whose best interest they should have in mind.
But no, they made their OWN best interest  their top priority, they seek to please the puppet masters from Brussels and the depraved Pharaoh of the US, giving in to their whims even if they are required to betray the people and make them bleed for the manipulation of the wealthy depraved few who seek to create a paradise for themselves where they sit as the ultra rich at the top of the pyramid, while ordinary people are relegated to the rank working slaves creating the paradise for the few parasites to enjoy.
It is horrible and a complete reversal of YHWH's concept of justice.

But it is not enough for the ruling psychopathic elite to hurt and even kill people including children, no, they use the photos of injured and drowned children to further the cause of the stealth invasion.
I cannot imagine anyone being able to sink to a lower level as a human being than that.
They use the suffering of children as push buttons activating the guilt lever so that they can move their ambitions forward, completely reptile and devoid of any human conscience.
They are not human by any standard.

The Satanic breed has no qualms about sacrificing your sons and daughters for their manipulative games when they create terrorists which your offspring is required to fight against, even making you believe they are fighting for a worthy cause.
Are the private assets and financial possessions of the Satanic manipulators a worthy cause to you?
They have no qualms about sending your own children into an early grave, and then manipulate you with the lie that they died for a good cause like true patriots and that they did not die in vain.
They orchestrate the ceremonies, they deal out their meaningless medals in order to let you come to peace with the fact that you no longer have a son or daughter, and inwardly they look at you with contempt because you accept their lie and because you can be manipulated so easily.
You are just a slave, and the only use you have to them is when you sacrifice your son, your daughter, yourself for their wicked cause.

The Satan's own buy and sell and use all means at their disposal to create situations from which they can benefit, even if it means millions will lose their jobs, entire nations will go bankrupt, and even to the extent where massive wars are fought.
They regard wars as reset buttons enabling them to create new streams of revenues, so that they can bestow riches upon riches, power upon power, slowly working towards the realization of their Satanic oligarchy.

And as they look back at their achievements and see how they are the ones who successfully manipulated and orchestrated events to their own advantage they say to themselves, 'Didn't I create all this, weren't my own hands diligent in the creation of my own empire, my own world?
Therefore it is good that the ignorant should serve as slaves in my own empire, and that I should enjoy the fruit of their labor, it is only fitting that I should rule over them.
After all, THEY lacked the skills and wisdom I have, and therefore it is good that they should serve me, even with their lives, for my own life is far more precious than the life of a million slaves.
I am like god and there is none like me, so have I not the right to live as a god?'

They forget that in their attitude, words and deeds they are mere copycats of the one who likes to portray himself as the Bearer of Light, Lucifer.
His pride got the upper hand of him as well when he deemed himself to be as capable as the Creator of All.

They strive towards their self-centered version of paradise where they can sit on comfortable thrones ruling over a world where the slave classes will be forced to adopt the straight jacket of a 'proper work ethic' and slavish obedience to the ruling elite, even to the point where they will relinquish Life and Death decisions into the hands of the ones sitting on the thrones.
A completely Evil empire which is preceded by the current Evil empire in this world.
Just look around you and the extent to which Evil rules over every aspect of our lives, even to the point where mindless robots are roaming the streets who are nothing but brainwashed puppets repeating the streams of mis-information and phony entertainment fed into their brains.

The Bible mentions the end times as the final period which will see the judgment of an utterly Evil and totally corrupt world.
We now live in such a world where on every level of society the Satanists are in control.
And by the label 'Satanist' I am referring to all those who work in service of the Satan, whether consciously or subconsciously.
In their deeds and words they show the world where their heart is and what they believe in.

The Satan rules this world and he is pushing it forward to fulfill his grand ambition, the destruction of Man created in the image of YHWH, the creation of a new genetically modified Man and the resurrection of the Dead.
Only, his resurrection of the Dead will mean the resurrection of Demon Spirits in this world.

Yet in the end your throne, Lucifer, shall be established on the cosmic wasteland.
Then you can show us your might as a god by bringing forth an entirely new Creation out of yourself.
Not by stealing YHWH's Creation, as you do now, but by using your own power and energy.
Amaze us, show us what power resides in you by the magnitude of your own Creation, bring forth a Paradise of beauty and justice which will baffle the Angels in Heaven, and you shall be called a true god.
But I tell you, when you shall come face to face with your heritage of Gehenna the host of Angels who joined in your rebellion will curse the day they believed in your Lie, for then it will be painfully obvious that everything was a Lie, and they fell for it.

Only a short while, and then the dictatorship of the Evil One will come to an end on Earth.
The Flow formerly flowing in the Satanic direction will be reversed and become the Flow in the Messiah's direction.
Earth will change, and for the first time since the Fall we will know what it means to live on Earth the way our Creator wanted us to.
It will be a colorful Paradise abounding in a joy which words cannot describe, and I for one am looking forward to that time.


The Thief

We have been robbed.
We know who did it, but we cannot catch him so that he is able to continue his raid and his scams to this very day.
A thief operates stealthily, coming at an hour when no one is on guard and when no one is able to notice him.
He enters our homes and appropriates the things which belong to us and for which we have labored, leaving us with nothing but a ravaged house stripped from its valuable possessions.

Marxism is like an ideological thief: the state uses it as an instrument to take what does not belong to the state, and re-distribute it among those who have not labored for it.
And the notion of re-distribution should be interpreted as 1% goes to the 'people', IF they are lucky, and the rest goes to the greedy government.
However, since the people are owned by the Marxist government as slaves serving the Marxist rulers, the full 100% actually ends up in the lap of the Marxist thieves.
It is nothing other than a legalized mobocracy.

The ultimate thief is the one who always remains invisible, the puppet master king operating in the Dark where no one can notice him.
Though we cannot see him, we see the effect of him pulling the strings on Earth.
He never comes as the Evil One, but as the 'Enlightened One', the one bringing us the knowledge which will make our lives better, a philanthropist, like the Demon named Soros.

It would be easy for us to identify him as the Evil One if he would comply with a clear-cut image of Evil, but he never enters our world as such.
No, the Masked One operates behind the scenes to create a left and a right hand, using the dynamics arising from the interaction between both as the means to keep Souls locked into his hands and move his plans forward.
He manipulates and engineers situations from which he will benefit.
He pushes the key domino, and watch how the others fall in place and derives a sense of superiority from it.
Like the Demon whose sole ambition in this world it seems to finance and push the Satanic agenda forward, Soros.

The Adversary has inspired his own ilk to take the concepts we are familiar with, and redefine them so that those institutionalized and accepted concepts now are rendered meaningless because they come to stand for something which the Evil One wants to promote.
The idea is to use our conditioning to the concepts as the lubricant for the falsehood inserted in them and thus beguile and manipulate us into accepting the 'familiar' falsehood.

Marriage was intended to be a noble (holy) covenant, a bond between a man and a woman, but over the course of time it has been redefined, even to the point where it now has come to include marriage between multiple persons, even human beings and animals.
And with the current political social engineering schemes it is only a matter of time before the Islamic fanatics will be allowed to indulge in pedophilia, like their 'grand prophet Muhammad', a notoriously violent and treacherous pitiful excuse for a man who enjoyed to toy around with little girls in their infancy.
If you do not agree with the 'changes of a progressive society', you are intolerant, a bigot, old fashioned and not in touch with the times.

Tolerance is another concept which has been redefined in order to use it as a battering ram against what is Good and proper.
It is all part of the strategy which aims to manipulate emotions and the need for society's approval that labels such as 'intolerant' and 'bigot' are used against people who love Good and who are anything but intolerant, while the ones who accuse others of intolerance because they do not support the promotion of Evil in fact ARE completely and utterly intolerant of Good and use devious means to accuse others of what they themselves are guilty of.

The Devil is the father of broken dreams.
He finds out your purpose and talent, holds up the promise of the fulfillment of the dream based on your purpose and talent, and he then scans you for your weaknesses in order to create obstacles which zoom in and hammer on those weaknesses to the extent that the dream forever is kept out of  your reach until they morph into an instrument of torture together with the notion of a 'wasted life'.
Then he adds insult to injury when he whispers into your mind, 'it is all your own fault, your own failure, you did not seize the opportunities when they crossed your path, you did not say the right word when you should have, you did not say 'yes' when it could have been to your benefit, all your fault'.
And he never breathes a whisper about how he engineered your Life, blocked every avenue you tried to take, and set you up to fail by unfair and cruel means.
No, he steals your dreams and breaks them beyond recognition, and then he holds up the carrot of his own morphed version of your Dream, a supernaturally modified version promising you a golden future, if only...

If you are weak and you give in to his demands, joining yourself to his support party and thus sell your Soul, you may come to enjoy all the success you could possibly hope for in this world, and more money that you could ever hope to spend.
But what a failure in the real Life of Heaven you will become if you make that choice!
Not only that, but you will lose that talent and end up like a dry well, an empty shell with nothing to offer.
It is better to suffer here because you do not comply with the Satan's demands than to suffer in eternity for having supported the Lie of the Adversary, the petty intolerant ego-tripping dictator who enjoys drinking Man's blood as if it is liquor.

The Devil is the father of all lies.
"Was not it their CHOICE to believe what I told them, did I force them in any way?"
No, but he forgets that he did not play fair and square when he told Adam a LIE, when the forbidden offering changed their genetic structure.
Yes, it was the Devil who is responsible for Dualism in Man, even though he will negate any guilt on his part.
He conveniently forgets that if he never told them that lie and seduced them in accepting his offer, Adam and Eve would never have come to doubt and thus open themselves up for acceptance of a lie.
The opposite of Truth is the Lie, the dualistic counterpart, so that by seducing Adam and Eve into believing the Lie, that BELIEF created the link to the portal of Evil and thus pulled Adam and Eve into the portal leading to a dualistic reality.

The Adversary is a thief who steals our innocence.
Through trauma, exposing us to violence and cruelty, making us a witness to vile atrocities being committed as if you are standing there and watching the horror.
The wounds of the trauma and being exposed to cruelty, even violence, and the images of vile atrocities your eyes behold together with the associated horror stick in your mind like glue and press like a weight on your Soul, squeezing the energy out of your Soul.
Don't forget that the eyes are the windows of your Soul, and if you are bombarded with images of shocking atrocities they will cleave to your Soul and stress it like a heavy rock.

And so the Demonic ilk keeps feeding your more horror, they put your through more trauma, to the point where you cannot take it anymore and you break down.
That is where they want you, because in that state you can be rebuilt into their image, the image of Evil.
But they also know they will never succeed in doing that to YHWH's own, so they will simply seek to keep YHWH's own locked into that broken debilitated state so that they cannot be any threat to the cause of the Satan.

Yet I tell you, even when you feel you are broken beyond repair and the well of tears has dried up to the point where you feel your grief over the torture of the trauma cannot find a way out, pray and use your prayers as a weapon aimed at the enemy, use the grief to fuel the intensity of your prayers.
If they hurt you, fire back at them through prayer seventy times worse, if they keep pounding on you, pound on them with fire in your prayers seventy times seven times worse.
Give them undefiled Light of Heaven, because that is Hell to them and Evil belongs in the dimension of Evil.

The arch enemy of humanity, the Satan, also stole our Creator.
First he separated us from Him by means of a lie, then he took the concept of 'god', and invented a wide variety of different gods.
Even worse, the Fallen Ones took the label 'God' or 'Most High' as it referred to YHWH, and transformed it into a concept like 'Chemosh', or 'Allah', even different shades of 'Allah' represented by the different sects, and subsequently used the ideological glue to bind the believers together in a hate cult which worships the god of Death and which hates Christians and Jews and all those who do not see it their way.

Not that the elect, YHWH's own, can be fooled, but many are drugged into believing this lie that the godhead referred to as Allah, which is no god but a concept invented by the Adversary, is the same as the Almighty YHWH as mentioned in the Bible.
Allah is the concept designed to combat and destroy primarily the Jews and the Christians, a process which has been set in motion centuries ago and which now is nearing its completion.
There is no escape from it, there WILL be war, there WILL be massive bloodshed, and the intent behind the strategy is to assure mutual destruction of Islam and Judaism/Christianity.

It is only logical that the Adversary uses the Lie as his means to create slaves serving his purpose.
YHWH created the principle of Dualism, and the Satan was the first to energize and activate it.
Dualism means that for each component in Creation there is an opposite of it which represents the complete absence of that component, so that for instance Light knows Darkness as its dualistic opposite.
Dualism expresses this in the form of physical avatars so that both sides of the coin seem to have an existence, while in fact only one truly exists.

If then YHWH speaks Truth into this world and fills and inspires His children with Truth, the Adversary speaks the Un-Truth (the Lie) into this world and feeds his ilk with the Lie.
If YHWH inspires peace and harmony, the Adversary inspires war and disharmony.
The only harmony the Adversary seems to know is the harmony of the combined elements of Darkness, but even if the Light were completely removed, those elements of Darkness would act out their nature by fighting among themselves, because such is the nature of Evil.

When I consider the extent to which our nations have institutionalized and legalized Satanic rebellion, even to the point where the age old game which intends to destroy Man as YHWH created him and replace him with a new hybrid life form is revived under the misnomer of human evolution aided by science, when I consider the utter moral depravity which causes the poor and the needy to be exploited and robbed by the wealthy, where trust is abused to harm the trusting ones, where the defenseless unborn are murdered because they are deemed to be unwanted obstacles, where aborted embryos are used for developing anti-aging drugs, where the marriage is defiled and turned into a playground for all manner of Evil perversity, where the wicked are rewarded and the ones who love Good are persecuted, then there is not a chance this will not suffer complete and utter destruction.

Don't kid yourself into thinking that everything will be hunky dory when Trump or Wilders are elected, far from it!
At best it may postpone the calamities which will come upon the world, but without a true turning around of our nations Destruction is the name of our future.
We have gone WAY too far.
The stench of our Sin has become unbearable, and the bloodguilt resting upon our nations screams out for vengeance.
Or have you forgotten about the murdered unborn (among others)?

But then again, maybe even that tiny frame in time when the calamities will be postponed will not be granted to an unrepenting brainwashed world which celebrates Evil and despises YHWH.
Polls tend to be more of an instrument for manipulation than truthful depictions of a trend, so you always have to be careful when results of a poll are published and held up as the gospel truth.
However, if the latest polls are true, then they show how easily people can be fooled into giving their vote to the liars of the establishment once again, like dogs returning to their vomit hoping that this time it will be tasty and edible.
It would come as no surprise to me if in the end the Dutch Pinocchio aka Rutte, whose nose stretches out to the other end of the galaxy, will be given a third term, and if the demon possessed witch Jezebel aka Hillary will trump Obama in bringing Evil upon this world.
It probably will not make any difference, but let me repeat the words I have written so often: when that happens because you decided to align yourself with Evil and give your vote to the Demons, you WILL see massive suffering and bloodshed, and any Divine protection currently preventing this from happening WILL be lifted.
In the name of Yahshua, do you REALLY want to turn your backyard into a wasteland?
Will you elect a murderous Jezebel in the White House, will you turn again to the dish of lies fed to the Dutch people by Rutte?

The only thing which might change the current course of events is a true, heartfelt repentance, not from just a few individuals, but from the entire nation.
A truly repented heart will never side with Evil and vote for the ones who are mere pawns of the Devil's agenda.
Unfortunately, too many simply do not care for their Creator, they just want to have a good time and live comfortably, and if the media proclaims that the economy is doing well and the future suddenly seems to brighten up, they will vote for the same old same old, even if that same old is a collective of Demons working in tandem with the agenda of Destruction in order to build the fascist Satanic Metropolis paradise.

We live in the day and age of the prideful who refuse to listen and reflect, because their heart has become a stony ground incapable of receiving any word of Truth.
Destruction has been decreed, and I see suffering, depression, even a barren desert devoid of Life where once people lived, ate, worked.
Let these words sink into your mind, because they are true and paint the image of our future.
Death, destruction, an utterly destabilized world, desert of ruins devoid of Life.
You think I am a depressed idiot who enjoys writing down every depressing thought that pops into his mind?
No, these thoughts do not come from me, they are a warning which I must deliver, and you better take them to heart.
Dismiss them, and the day will come you will curse your Life in this world, I guarantee you that.

Then again, didn't the Revelation given to John depict the end times as the final period when people will be subjected to one calamity after another without any true repentance, a period when love has grown cold and the hearts of men will be full of selfish pride, intent on slavishly following the impulses of their own lust?
Anyone who is a slave of lust cannot see how the lust for this world is a manipulation of the mind through the senses, and how there are very dark forces at work through the manipulation.
The lust is engineered, and those who cave in become slaves of deception, portals through which Evil gains foothold in this world.
And with Evil comes suffering, pain, and destruction in the end.
I am merely an anonymous voice warning you, speaking Truth in a world which cannot and does not want to accept Truth, a world which sees the Lie as Truth and Truth as a lie.

Science has ventured into an area which in the past has led to YHWH's direct intervention in the form of a flood which wiped out Life on Earth for the most part.
I am referring to the experimentation with the boundaries between species leading to the creation of hybrid life forms, yes, even a new human species, the Nephilim.

The Nephilim were engineered to be the physical vehicles for Evil Spirits, like true sons of the Satan devoid of human conscience, devoid of any Good.
Man as YHWH created him is given a human Spirit coming from YHWH, and He directs and governs that Spirit.
Mankind has a place in YHWH's order of Creation.
For Evil Spirits to come into this world they will have to share the interface of the Body with the host, the human Spirit, so that the physical interface will never truly belong to them alone.
At best they can possess the Body and keep the human Spirit in bondage and submission.

If the Satan wants to give Evil Spirits a chance to be part of this world in a Body which is theirs alone, he needs to produce a Body which is not part of the natural order which YHWH created.
The first generation of these Satanic engineering samples was the Nephilim who filled the world with violence and bloodshed.

The Adversary tried out all kinds of experiments on the various creatures as YHWH made them in order to determine their genetic structure and how it affected their particular properties and mental profile.
Descriptions of the Nephilim speak of a species which usually was a lot taller than a human being as YHWH created him, with six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot.
They could see into the supernatural and had godlike powers, and as can be expected, they were without a human conscience since they were Evil Spirits in an Evil Body which was not part of the natural order which YHWH created.
When they died their Spirits were trapped because of the fact they were not part of the order as YHWH created it, and they are awaiting their resurrection in the new Body which the Satan has prepared, Man V2.0, the improved second generation of the Nephilim.

This creation of genetic monstrosities was the reason YHWH destroyed the world with the flood in the days of Noah.
These hybrid life forms and the genetic modification of food and insects disrupted YHWH's order and thus destabilized this planet to the point where the disrupted order gave birth to a malfunctioning Frankenstein planet which reflected next to nothing of our Creator's character anymore.

In the days of Noah the experimentation with hybrid life forms and the resulting disruption of the natural order of this world led to the Flood, and only Noah and his family were saved together with the male and female gender of the natural species as YHWH created them.
Right now we are in the process of legalization of the kind of experiments which led to the destruction of the former world, so what do you think will happen to this current world if the experimentation continues to the point where it destabilizes the natural order and Demonic Spirits can inhabit bodies which have no place in YHWH's order?

They claim it is progress, and we should always opt for progress because it is to our benefit, but has it occurred to them that what they refer to as progress is really a euphemism for self-destruction?
Why should we continue on this path which was considered to be morally abject in the forties when Nazis conducted all manner of experiments with complete disregard to the sanctity of Life?
Nevertheless, today the gates are opened for widespread genetic experiments, and invariably it means YHWH will come and put an end to it, and He will manifest as the Destroyer of the destruction, the Mirror of Truth and Justice.

It is exactly what the Evil One wants in order to 'manipulate' YHWH into destroying us so that he can build his Metropolis and fill it with the Souls he captured.
The Adversary is so arrogant that he thinks he can use YHWH as his demolition expert.
The Souls the Satan captured will not be governed by Spirits from Heaven, but Demonic Spirits, and the Adversary's Metropolis will be a drab, dreary technological place, nothing like a true paradise, where the only happiness available to the slaves (among them will be the remaining human beings) will be the oblivion induced by the drugs which keep them docile.
That is, if the Satan's concept of paradise could ever come into existence.
It will not, YHWH will put an end to it before it can grow into an ugly monstrosity which reflects the megalomaniac psychotic faulty character of the Satan.

Before a new house can be built, the old one needs to be destroyed.
For YHWH's Kingdom to manifest in the physical plane, the Evil manifestations on that plane need to be removed.
The same is true for the Satanic queendom: for Satanica to appear, all manifestations of Good need to be erased.
However, the Adversary knows that the moment he disrupts the balance between Good and Evil will be the moment YHWH will come to set the balance straight again.
So he is aware that he has a fight on his hands, an all out war against Yahshua Himself.

We have already seen how in this world the political arena no longer is a matter of left vs right, but a matter of Good vs. Evil.
This is a preparation for the final battle where Good and Evil will fight a devastating war, because the Evil One wants to build a world devoid of Good, and Yahshua comes to bring us a world devoid of Evil.
The result will be a clash of realities, and Yahshua will prevail.

But you, Evil One, if you think you can twist YHWH's arm and manipulate Him into making decisions which work in favor of your agenda, be sure that the Master of All will turn it around, and twist your arm just as you sought to twist His Arm, and YOU will make decisions which work in favor of Yahshua's agenda.
You will be forced to drink all the blood you have taken, you shall be manipulated where you sought to manipulate, you will be victimized just as you have victimized YHWH's own, you shall fill your stomach with the rotting flesh of all the victims you have created, and your paradise shall be the miserable prison of your never ending nightmare.
Because in YHWH you will find the Mirror reflecting back at you all the things you have done, and the Truth of what you are will manifest as the reality prison you will find yourself in, together with your cronies the Fallen Angels who believed your lies and turned themselves into instruments of Evil.
There is no 'outside YHWH', and in YHWH you will come face to face with what you truly are.