
The Way Of This World

Violence is the way of this world, and through violence authority is established and enforced.
Peace is the way of Heaven, and it shows that we live life in reverse in this world.
Through violence man acquires power on Earth, whether it is physical violence or intellectual violence.

Physical violence consists of harming the opponent physically, even killing him, and intellectual violence consists of trickery, using ploys, guile, intricate schemes and lies to manipulate others so that they end up doing exactly what you want them to.
Violence is the way of this world by means of which authority is established and enforced, and this principle is very clearly illustrated in the shady realm of organized crime where the most ruthless end on top.
The price they pay is that they sacrifice their conscience in the process, if they ever had one.
Yet he who lives by violence shall die by violence. 
This phenomenon is illustrated in (often bloody) movies where the Machiavellian principle is practiced without any conscientious objections.
Manipulation, cheating, lying, torture, murder, all is deemed acceptable and good in the quest for power, wealth and authority.

And that is where the world shows its character as the Satan's domain, because he does not live by YHWH's rule.
The Adversary's rule is the Machiavellian law which deems good whatever is profitable to the practitioner of that law, and bad is whatever ends up putting the practitioner at a disadvantage.

By violence kings, queens and emperors rule and establish their authority, from the first to this very day where presidents and prime ministers smile and shed a tear when the public expects them to in order to create an impression of kindness and goodness and manipulate them into giving them favor.
Yet let there be no mistake, they too will not hesitate to use violence whenever they deem it necessary.

The one King from Heaven Who came to Earth established His authority and rule by peace and the goodness of His heart, showing us the embodiment of the law of Heaven.
He did not abide by the rule of our world by adopting violence and torture as His means to gain power and authority.
No, Yahshua knew that if He would have done that He would have become a puppet of the domain of Evil which rules this world.
As a true rebel He defied the authority of the Fallen Ones, and they killed Him for not bowing down and worshipping them.

Although this may seem like a victory for the Forces of Darkness presiding over this world, just as the rule of Earth is the corrupt reverse of the rule of Heaven Yahshua's defeat actually was His victory in the domain of Heaven.
His rule overcame the rule of Darkness, His defeat was His victory.
Because, in abiding by the rule of Heaven and treating the rule of this world for what it really is, which is nothing just as Evil in reality is nothing, He became the first of the Untouchables.
Evil could no longer touch, obstruct or harm Him in any way, and through belief His own flock also become part of the Untouchables.
They still live in physical Bodies which gives the powers of Darkness the means to combat them and harm them, but their Spirits are part of a dimension which Evil cannot access.

As believers in Yahshua we should follow His example and refrain from adopting the ways of this world, which is to seek to assert our authority and get our revenge by means of violence and bloodshed.
We have to submit everything in prayer to our Father Who hears and Who will bring justice on His terms.

And this is where the dilemma presents itself to us: when is there so much harm and injustice inflicted by those in positions of authority that we have no other option but to rise against the corrupt powers of authority?
Is there such a moment that we have no other option but violence?
It means you have to be willing to take up arms and kill others that you do not know.
And I think that this is the reason why so many people refrain from using violence and begin a revolt against the corrupt leaders of their nations: they have a conscience and they would not want to stain that conscience.

In this world where violence is the way to establish authority and gain power YHWH equipped us with a conscience as a protection mechanism preventing us from destroying ourselves.
Without the conscience we would not be able to identify with the Light in Yahshua and be saved by Him, and without a conscience there would not be any inhibition against the use of violence to gain advantage.
Without a conscience we would be able to torture, kill and destroy, and be at perfect peace with it.
Can you imagine what a nightmare this world would have become if YHWH did not create Dualism within us by endowing most of us with a conscience?

The problem is that there are some who have a human appearance, but they lack a conscience.
They are predators seeking to gain personal advantage and they will stop at nothing.
In this world there are sons and daughters of the Light who love Good and want to do Good, and there are sons and daughters of Darkness who love Evil and want to do Evil.
They are at war with each other, but their place within a collective they both are part of as well as the golden rule of balance prevents the vessels of Darkness from destroying the vessels of Light in this domain where Evil rules.
The rule of this collective and the presence of the balance between Good and Evil are an inhibition for Darkness to act out its nature without restraint.

The psychotic sons and daughters of Darkness have no conscience.
If they begin to act out the desires of their heart, they become murderers, until the authority of the collective discovers it and puts an end to it.
If they manage to keep up appearances and discipline themselves, they become sociopaths, using lies, schemes, deceit, and secret violence to gain power and authority.
Whenever they murder, they make sure no one can see it, or they do it by proxy so that it seems as if they had no part in it.
But what if this latter category increases and begins to shape the rules of the collective (the laws) in the image of its own bloodlust?
That is when the collective turns into a Sodom and Gomorrah, and inevitably the nature that collective acquired will be reflected in the mirror YHWH holds up to that collective when He comes to judge it.
Which means, if the nature of the collective is Evil, destruction, YHWH gives them Evil, destruction.

This principle is like a twin sister to the indwelling conscience given to Man and serves to protect Man and keep him from destroying himself.
When Evil manifests itself too strongly and disturbs a particular balance YHWH has ordained, YHWH will hold up His mirror and Evil ends up destroying and harming itself.
That is why Evil is restrained and cannot fully express its nature in this world.
If it did, no son or daughter of the Most High would be alive, and ultimately Darkness would turn against itself as leave an empty wasteland as its legacy.

So, given the fact that Evil uses violence to assert itself in this world and enforce conformity to its rule, should YHWH's children become pacifist because they abide by the rule of Heaven?
That is where my opening paragraph needs an important addition.

Violence is the rule of our corrupt world by means of which Evil expresses its nature and implements its rule on Earth so that violence becomes an extension of Evil.
If no obstruction were given on the level of violent aggression, Evil would have swallowed up this planet, and this planet would have become the equivalent of Mars.
This is why YHWH ordered the use of violence for the people of Israel, so that the Evil of surrounding nations would not be able to destroy YHWH's nation of Israel by means of violent aggression.

But does not make that the people of Israel accomplices in the Evil ways of the world?
Sometimes it is required to fight fire with fire so that the Good is preserved, and on the level of this Earth this means that Good will use violence in the same way as YHWH uses violence.
If the way and destructive nature of Evil is expressed through violence, then if YHWH holds up a mirror this means that violence will experience its own reflection of violence in YHWH's mirror.
If YHWH then acts through His own people, such as the people of Israel, this means that violence is not an expression of the nature of Good, but it is a reflection of the violent nature of Evil in the mirror of Good.
In other words, violence then is the way by means of which Evil is restrained and pushed back, and as such it serves the same purpose as lighting a fire to combat fire.

This is something entirely different.
When YHWH uses violence and destruction it is not because His nature is violent and destructive, it is because He becomes the mirror, and the Evil forces of Darkness experience in His mirror the things they have done through violence and destruction.
You this principle of the mirror embodied in the rule for the Torah, 'an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth', and you can see it in YHWH's words to Abraham when He said, 'I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you'.
YHWH appointed Abraham and Israel as extensions of His mirror.

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