
The Apostasy

The fault is not in the stars, it is within ourselves.
This Truth is often overlooked, and as a result people turn to philosophical and political systems and individuals to set them free from the injustice surrounding them.

Take Capitalism for instance.
Capitalism as a system is neither Good nor Evil.
It is an instrument, and in that capacity it is as Good or Evil as the ones participating in the Capitalist system.
Contrary to a system like Communism it allows itself to be used as an instrument expressing both Good and Evil.
Communism simply is a scam, like the EU, a redistribution of the wealth on Man's terms which ALWAYS ends up as a redistribution of the wealth in favor of the corrupt availing themselves of legal means to create private welfare Utopias.

At least you have an option of choice with Capitalism even though one rotten apple all too often succeeds in corrupting the others.
If the participants in the Capitalist system love their Creator and care for their fellow man, they put justice and fairness in all matters first, and profitability is made subservient to those ideals.
If the participants in the system love the god of money above all, profitability ranks first, and all other things come to stand in service of making sure you have the largest cut in the money pie.

The god of money is ruthless and merciless, he is never satisfied and thrives by the number of slaves he is able to create.
When Mammon rules Capitalism, the people suffer under its relentless whip.
Only a few privileged initiates who meticulously carry out the ruthless dictates of Mammon are granted wealth beyond their dreams, yet like their god-master they can never be satisfied, and they grow in the likeness of their master.
The constant hunger spawned by greed turns the Mammon worshippers into compulsive gluttons devouring all.

Once Mammon replaces YHWH, the 'man in the street' suffers.
He is forced to serve those who have conformed to the wicked abuse of Capitalism for the sake of expanding their wealth at his own expense, and once one company's holy grail become the maximization of profit at the expense of all other things and thus ends up competing at lower prices, then this usually becomes a mechanism which forces other companies to either follow that example, or risk going down the drain.
Add to this a suffering economy where consumers end up looking for the best bargain regardless of the cost of this bargain in terms of the exploitation of the working man, then Capitalism invariably turns into an instrument by means of which the wealthy elite is able to expand its wealth at the expense of those who are forced to sacrifice whatever they have left.

When Man immerses himself in Evil, Capitalism becomes an instrument for Evil.
And I can name here in The Netherlands a LOT of examples of companies using Capitalism as a means to profit from the hard labor of a slave class without taking social justice and what is fair into account.
The Netherlands is not what it used to be, and the working conditions in some companies as well as the way too many companies treat the people working for them are abominable.
Evil increases its presence on a daily basis as conscience is set aside for the sake of the glamour Mammon promises to those who abide by his Machiavellian law.
Money is all that counts, money is worshipped, and all is deemed acceptable as long as it stands in the service of Mammon and accumulating Mammon's blessing.

Well, Capitalism does NOT work WITHOUT YHWH.
Without YHWH it becomes a tool of destruction, in the end even destroying itself.
Without a superseding moral framework based on YHWH's instruction Capitalism inevitably becomes an instrument of Evil where the pursuit for the holy grail of the lowest price drives entrepreneurs to exploit and take unfair advantage of the ones working for them.
After all, in order to survive and even thrive in a global market you need to be able to give the 'biggest bang for the buck', and keeping the cost of labor down while lashing the whip over the back of the slaves to maximize production and efficiency is part and parcel of minimizing the cost.

That's really the problem, isn't it?
The moment you forfeit your obeisance to YHWH's rules you fall into dynamics of the hands of the Evil One.
If one company gets away by seducing consumers into choosing the products they offer by creating unfavorable conditions for the workers which produce the products, then other companies will follow the example of that one company in the worship of Mammon.
And before you know it you have created a situation where people are exploited and treated as an inferior slave class which has no other choice than to accept the situation in order to be able to pay the bills, especially when politicians also have converted to the Mammon religion and thus create welfare isles for themselves by making the people bleed.
Life for the slaves becomes a matter of survival and making the ends meet.
Life becomes a matter of being able to survive and accepting the daily dish of injustice they are served, the exploitation of a class of people just so that the few sell-outs at the top can allot themselves extravagant salaries.

Well, YHWH KNOWS, and He will not put up with it.
When His own suffers at the hands of sell-outs, He will actively interfere and bring destruction upon the heads of the guilty ones, be sure of that.

Once people fall away from YHWH's standards and no longer care for His instructions for justice and the well-being of their fellowman, invariably Evil takes over where YHWH has been abandoned, and proceeds to use a large box of deceptive tricks to establish its character in all facets of Life.
Companies and the ones in charge of them are joined by their likeminded ilk in politics, arts, journalism, music, entertainment.
They feed the abused masses sick entertainment as a drug to help them forget the daily pain of living, a drug which only compounds the problem and turns the people of a nation into a bunch of degenerates locked into a prison which they helped to create.

There is SO much wrong with our society that it has attracted its own destruction, unless we are willing to turn back and take a critical look not only at what we see in others which is wrong, but also where we ourselves went wrong.
We need to turn back, repent of our ways, and make radical changes in our society, turn back the clock on a few things which have not contributed to the Good.

Like for instance the 'political ideal' to create a politically and financial United StateS of Europe, ab-'USE'.
It has served as a means to create a nice welfare isle for politicians enabling them to create wealth for themselves and their buddies 'working' for Brussels, it served as a way to create a deep division within Europe contrary to the claim that it exists to unite Europe, it keeps a crisis alive which should AND COULD have ended long ago, it lends itself as an instrument to keep the people of European nations into a perpetual state of poverty and slavery to the dictates of Brussels, the bankers and large corporations, it opens up borders for terrorists so that you should not be surprised if one day you are awakened by a loud bang and a mushroom cloud on the horizon.
In their boundless greed Brussels and the bankers destroy the economies of entire nations as well as the middle class.

The ideal of a United Europe turned out to be a SCAM by means of which hardworking people have been exploited and lied to, and it is in our own interest that the autonomy of the individual European nations is restored.
The cost of Life increases on a daily basis, like the rise in health insurance costs (here in The Netherlands health insurance is mandatory and turned into a very lucrative way for insurance companies to create a nice income for themselves and increase their profitability by political means), the rise in local taxes by spendthrift 'civil servants', the buddy system in politics, as well as the ongoing unemployment, collectively they result in a society on a steep slope towards poverty.

Not only that, but freedom is rapidly relinquishing its presence to ever-increasing stringent government control.
Cash transactions give you a sense of freedom which electronic transactions lack, and therefore legislation is on its way (with France leading the pack of hounds) to make sure that in the future cash transactions will become illegal and the people will be trapped in the strict control matrix of electronic payments where every step you make is monitored.
Of course the international bankers will love it, because it transfer more power into their hands.
Yes, the Euro zone is rapidly transforming into a concentration camp where we end up as inmates serving the interest of a corrupt totalitarian bunch of self-enriching politicians, their banker buddies and large corporations serving the interesting of the Euro tyranny.

So the need for reform is probably more urgent than ever before.
But none of it will matter or result in an improvement for the people if the people themselves are not willing to return to YHWH's instructions and His concept of what is Good and Evil.
The biggest and most fundamental reform is a return to YHWH's superseding moral framework, a system whereby decent people are guided by their love for YHWH and their fellow man instead of being sucked into a downward spiraling system plunging into the abyss of Evil for the sake of profitability and the lowest price.

And THAT is really what it is all about: will the people return or not?
If not, then any means used to improve the standard of living will turn out to be a deceptive lover, and the people will suffer for it.
Ultimately the bill comes in the form of destruction, and that is exactly where we are headed, literal destruction, because the people are stubbornly rejecting YHWH's Truth in exchange for the comfort zone of the Satan's Lie by means of which he succeeds in ruling over us, exploiting us for his own benefit and reducing us to the rank of slave in his wicked empire.

And this is what I want to make clear to you: we are ALREADY heading towards our own destruction, and it will take a miracle of mercy on YHWH's side to lead us back to safety.
If you continue on the path of deception the way you always have, then the deeper you will sink into the molasses of lies the more you will be like clay in the hand of the arch-liar, the Satan.
YHWH is not your enemy for urging you to come back and repent of your ways, quite the contrary, He is the One Who seeks to heal you and restore you, give you back the freedom you think you have but which you have lost a long time ago when you traded in for the Lie.
It is because you believed in the Lie that you made yourself BLIND to the Truth, and you exist in this slave state to this day, steadily on your way towards destruction while thinking yourself to be in the paradise of your own free will and desires.

Guess what?
Your will is manipulated and it is not YOUR will, but the suggested and implanted will of the Evil One, and your desires are the result of his manipulation, serving as quicksand trapping you into your state of denial of Truth.

YHWH wants to rescue you, lift you up, out of the Satanic slimy pit.
If you, the people, continue to make yourselves deaf to His warnings and continue on your path of destruction the time will come when YHWH will be deaf to your pleas to rescue you when your destruction has come.
It is YOUR decision, YOUR investment in your future, and you will be forced to reap what you sowed.
Choose then, for the time is extremely short now.



Naivety can be a deadly thing.
If you reach out your hand to a venomous snake without being aware of its nature and its instinct you end up being bitten.

So what drives a man like Obama to proudly announce a 'historical deal with Iran' this week regarding the nation's ambitions to develop nuclear weapons?
It's either pure wickedness, or sheer stupidity.
Considering Obama's record as a president I am betting on a combination of the two, with the emphasis on the latter.
Wickedness tends to produce stupid offspring, and Obama's pride in the deal with Iran is mostly inspired by vanity-driven stupidity.

Compared to the smiling faces of the nations which agreed to the deal, Israel appears like a war mongerer, only it is not an aggressive ambition which prompts Netanyahu to warn the world for the consequences of the deal but rather a greater knowledge of the nature of the deceptively wicked leaders of Iran.
Israel is realistic whereas the world is taken in by the sand of deception which the deceiver threw into their eyes.
They are blinded and wicked, because in their hearts they KNOW the Iran's old game simply has bought more time with this new deal, and nothing will change for the better.

No, everything will change for the worse, because Iran will simply continue to work in secret, denying access to inspectors if they arrive at an inconvenient time and place, thus making the most of the deal they struck.
Until the time comes when it will be too late.

And Obama?
He united the world in this deal against Israel, and the Evil One must be content.
At least Obama did one thing right.
He smiles, because he does not give a damn about the Middle East, and in his heart he hates Israel.
He cares for his reputation only and they way he will be remembered in the history books.
Everything will be alright from now on, the liar proclaims.
It will not.

Consider then the EU and the way they have treated Greece.
The Greek prime minister simply shoved the 'NO' of his people aside in order to comply with the dictates of Brussels and the bankers.
It is an unbelievable example of the extreme arrogance of the petty Brussels dictators: the Greek said 'NO', Brussels dictated that it MUST be a 'YES', and the Greek prime minister showed his true colors as a slave of Brussels in his betrayal of his own people.
If anything the Greek should demand the resignation of Tsipras, immediately!

But then again, didn't the exact same thing happen to The Netherlands when the people voted a strong 'NO' against a European constitution only to observe how their vote was disregarded by Brussels and the constitution was altered very slightly, given a different label when it became a 'treaty' instead of a 'constitution', and signed by the political traitors in Den Haag?
It was a strong example of the dictatorial undemocratic nature of Brussels and the spineless treacherous character of the leaders of The Netherlands.
Yet the same breed of leaders STILL is in charge because the Dutch STILL gave their vote to them.
The people get the leaders they deserve, and if we love the Lie, then we should not be surprised that we are ruled by liars.

The deadly combination of bankers and the political slaves they bought subdues entire nations and sets aside democracy so that we, the people, have absolutely NO democracy left.
It's an elaborate scam designed to rob us of our assets, our freedom, our independence, even our very lives.

Our leaders LIE to us, like the Dutch prime minister Rutte who proudly said he 'let go' of his promise to send NO more money to Greece and thereby once again(!) emphasized what a liar and a traitor he truly is.
He BROKE a promise, he lied, like Obama, like Tsipras, like the dictators in Brussels who created their own welfare isle for their club of political friends at the expense of hard working people.
ALL of them are habitual liars who do not care for the people.
They divide nations and set them up against each other while pretending to bring unity, they rob the people and reduce them to beggars while pretending to bring prosperity, they bring destruction and chaos on the continent by giving Islamic stealth warriors the opportunity to enter Europe while pretending to create peace and stability on the continent, who in his right mind would EVER trust such a bunch of depraved liars and incompetent miscreants?
Everything will be alright they say, yet I ask you, has it become better or worse?
It will NOT be alright.

They promise us peace, yet lead us into war, they promise us prosperity yet bring us poverty, they promise us unity yet create division, they intend to build a new order but they succeed only in bringing destruction and chaos.
Yes, 'ordo ab chao', to usher in the new the old must be destroyed.
But the order they have in mind will never succeed because it is simply the ancient order the Fallen One has in mind, an order which seeks to eradicate Man as YHWH created him and replace him with an 'improved version', a creature which has no place in YHWH's order, a freak like the freak creatures the Fallen Ones created  many centuries ago which roamed the Earth and disrupted the system to such a degree that YHWH had to interfere with a reset.
Well, I am here to warn you: before you can complete your plans YHWH will come with his second reset.
The first one was by water, the second one will be by Light and Fire.

If only they could see into the Satan's mind, perhaps some of them would be horrified.
Perhaps most of them would be delighted, because they belong to his seed.
The Satan wants to eradicate YHWH's creation of Man and replace him with his own bio-units.
Not only that, the Satan wants to eradicate every living creature YHWH created and replace them with his own inventions.
Not only that, but the Satan wants to erase the ecological order and replace it with his own order, and order devoid of YHWH, an order which is ruled by his own cloud of information exchange by means of which the Satan and his minions operate, which is the cloud of Evil.
I have written about it and it is not a fabrication of my fantasy, it is a reality.

The Evil One is after our destruction, be sure of that, and he will stop at nothing, for he does not have the knowledge of Good within himself.
When he changed he became pure Evil, a creature guided by an Evil instinct which does not know any distinction between Good and Evil.

Recently scientists succeeded in linking brain cells of lab rats together in one hive-like mind, observing how the intelligence of rats was boosted by the link they created.
Imagine what it would mean if the technology was implemented which links human brains together in a network where they are absorbed into an information stream from the central mainframe.
It would mean that not only information is available to everyone everwhere, it would mean that individuality would be destroyed in favor of collectivity, and that virtual reality and the way certain parties manipulate this reality becomes the dominating reality for the minds which are integrated into this network.
It would be the most powerful tool to this date for manipulating and controlling the minds of people as they are absorbed into this cloud of deception, a shadow of the Cloud of Evil the Satan seeks to implement.

How the ruling liars of this world would love to have such technology at their disposal for all human beings!
It would mean they have unlimited control over the masses of slaves since they no longer have the ability to think for themselves and distinguish between right and wrong, Good and Evil, but rather their brains become organic processing extensions of the main computer pumping information into the human brain network.
When you agree to such an implant which links you to the brain network you can kiss your redemption goodbye: you will be damned for all eternity, lost in the maze of this Creation which is temporary.
The current Creation is nothing other than a womb which will give birth to an everlasting new Creation where no longer a duality between Good and Evil exists.

Agreeing to such an implant means that your Spirit no longer has access to the computing and cognitive functions of your brain, while it DOES need that channel to your brain in order to make it possible for you to link yourself to YHWH and let His flow of information move from your Spirit into your Soul into your physical mind and Body.
The part of your Soul which is connected to your Body will be unable to establish the connection with your Spirit as it is sucked into the brain network, and as a result your very Spirit will be drawn into the fake reality and the moral values pertaining to that reality fed into your brain.
In other words, your Soul ends up being destroyed for having merged with the Evil surrogate network, and your Spirit -which is integrated with your Soul-, will end up suffering the same destruction.
Mind you, this is not destruction in the sense of ending the existence of something, because nothing which is eternal ever really can end, but it is destruction in the sense of trapping yourself into a state of separation from the Father of Joy, YHWH.

Although the plans of the Evil One are forged in secret, although the minions of Evil cherish their hidden agenda, although injustice whether in secret or openly carrying the legalized stamp of approval as an attractive icing on the cake, YHWH knows and YHWH judges.
He knows the extent to which the LIE has taken over our lives and suppresses justice and Truth, and He will not sit by idly as the LIE spreads in the world like a cancerous tumor, growing to unprecedented proportions.
He will not sit by idly watching how the Evil One continues to create slaves and makes them offer blood sacrifices for his purposes.
He will not tolerate the suppression of the poor and the humiliation of the righteous, He will not forever turn away from the rampant immorality sweeping across this world as it becomes institutionalized as an alternative way of Life.

His will be done, and who can stand up against that will, who has the power to create and bring forth out of himself?
No one, not even the great deceiver, the Satan.
He too will abide by YHWH's will, whether he likes it or not, and face the consequences of his crimes.
Do not be naive to the Evil One's true intentions, do not be naive because you refuse to acknowledge the ugly Truth of your exploitation, for naivety is a deadly thing.
Earth is a mining colony of Souls in the eyes of the Evil One and an experimental lab allowing him to try out ideas for a new artificial order.
We are nothing but morsels of food to the Fallen Ones, useful assets in the mining colony.
Do not be naive and think that you can be loved by the Satan, for he is incapable of love.