
The Sequencer

Prophecy is not time-based, but story-based.
That is usually THE element lacking from the many, many different interpretations of prophecy as found in the Bible.
While it is true that some prophecy clearly points at one specific location in space and time, because of its nature it also transcends that location in time and space and refers across that which we refer to as a timeline to other locations within time and space.

Because prophecy refers to topics within the story, and the topics within the story repeat themselves in different incarnations.
These different incarnations are the result of our cyclic realm where elements repeat themselves continuously in different forms, so that we are given different perspectives of one and the same phenomenon.
I have written about this subject matter before in the article series of the timeline.

YHWH's story for Man and Creation is based on certain topics and elements belonging to the storyline, and these topics and elements manifest themselves repeatedly in different incarnations in different cycles.
Everything on Earth moves in cycles from beginning to end, and YHWH's topics to which prophecy refers manifest in different cycles.
We experience the movement through the cycles as a timeline, and we place manifestations of YHWH's topics in a sequential order on this timeline.
Yet prophecy, although it may pinpoint a certain manifestation of a certain topic in a certain cycle, refers to the topics of YHWH's story, and by pinpointing one particular incarnation of a topic it also describes and refers to the other manifestations of the topic in our concept of the timeline.
The moment we isolate prophecy from its topical reference and make it a geographical time-based event we miss the true content of prophecy due to our lack of understanding.

It is this lack of understanding which abounds in the many prophecy explanations on the web and in book stores.
Many websites proclaim they have found the correct interpretation of a prophecy as they turn it into a geographical time-based event, and they all miss the mark due to the lack of understanding of the nature of prophecy and how it relates to our time-based confinement in a cyclic holographic environment.
Many prophecy teachers love to turn this lack of understanding into an apocalyptic book, movie or documentary, because that particular genre has a great appeal to the public and it is a great formula for generating bestsellers and prospering bank accounts.
They have no qualms about turning YHWH into merchandise, prostituting the Holy One.
After all, aren't they working as laborers in His Kingdom by publishing books which inform the public?
They forget that one day they too will have to stand before YHWH and answer His question when He asks them why they did not feed His own with His word, but turned that which is holy into merchandise?
You cannot serve Mammon and YHWH, you cannot serve holy wine in cups made by the Devil, and you most certainly cannot pimp YHWH for the sake of satisfying the hunger Mammon inspired in your Soul.
There's a price to be paid if you do, much more than you can afford.

Prophecy is story-based, and the way we experience the manifestation of prophecy and all other topics in YHWH's story for mankind is through their manifestation in the different sequential incarnations of topics in the story in different cycles.
We move through the cycles, and we experience this movement through the immensely complex tapestry of different cycles as 'time', a linear sequential order of the manifestations of the topics of YHWH's story.

We can find a beautiful illustration of this in the form of a music sequencer.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with this piece of software, a music sequencer is a piece of software which records musical information, such as audio, or MIDI data by means of which a software instrument is controlled.
Each track in a music sequencer can contain audio or MIDI data.
MIDI data is simply an instruction set such as 'hit that note for so long with such intensity', and any MIDI track containing this information is assigned to an instrument which receives and responds to this information correspondingly.
This instrument can be a real musical instrument having a MIDI connection, or a virtual instrument on the computer which is hosted by the sequencer.
MIDI does not generate sound, but it contains information which is sent to a piece of software or a real musical instrument which generates sound based on the MIDI information it receives.

The main window of a sequencer consists of a list of the different tracks created for a composition, and when you play these tracks you see a vertical line (A in the illustration) moving from beginning to the end, from left to right.

Our consciousness is the vertical line, and the composition from beginning to end is YHWH's story for mankind.
This story consists of different topics, and these different topics are represented by the colored tracks (1,2,3, and so forth, arranged in the window from top to bottom).
A manifestation of a certain topic in a cycle is represent by a colored rectangle in the track, and the empty space between rectangles in a track, such as in track 7 in the illustration, is the pause between different incarnations in their cyclic manifestation, as I have explained in my article series the cycle.

In a sequencer track 7 may be reserved for a synthesizer, and the different rectangles you see are a visual representation of the synthesizer playing certain notes with a certain duration.
All of the rectangles have in common that they manifest the synthesizer at certain points in a linear timeline, and if we translate this to a prophetic context you might say that track 7 is for instance the topic Babylon, and the different rectangles in track 7 are the different manifestations of Babylon in different cycles.

You can focus on a particular rectangle in a track and open an event list which shows you all 
the different events which are part of the rectangle the track arranged in a sequential order, a sequence which is time-based.
In a music sequencer such a list will show you that on a given track you played the note C on the first beat, used the controller data generated by an expression pedal which added vibrato, and you move to the note B on the third beat.
In a historical context such an event list will show you the sequential data by means of which the topic in YHWH's storybook manifested, and how it manifested.
An example of such an event list is found in the picture on the right.

A music sequencer illustrates the nature of time and how YHWH's storyline (the composition) relates to our time-based experience.
The timeline is nothing other than a sequential order of a list of events pertaining to different manifestations of different topics in YHWH's storybook.
We move through a predetermined order of the sequence, but prophecy is NOT based on this sequential order.

Prophecy is based the picture of the composition showing you the storyline in its entirety.
It refers to a certain track (topic), and in its details it may zoom in on one of the rectangles in a given track (a certain manifestation of the track playing), but in its reference to this rectangle it also refers to other rectangles within this track.
So if you take track 7 in the first illustration, any prophecy describing the first rectangle also refers to the second rectangle because the track is about one specific topic which manifests in different incarnations in that track.
And although the different manifestations and their settings are unique, they ALL manifest the synth sound of track 7, they ALL manifest the topic the prophecy is referring to.

This point is ESSENTIAL to understanding prophecy, and it is completely absent among the many 'prophecy experts'.
But I suppose a book detailing the impending demise of civilization and providing the public with a timeline of the future sells much better.
The masses love sensational horoscopes much more than they love YHWH's message.

All of the tracks in YHWH's composition, His storybook for mankind, run into the billions.
Not only that, YHWH has provided alternate takes, alternate recordings within tracks, and provided Man with a choice between the original recording or the alternate recording.

Our consciousness is locked in a specific interplay between all those tracks, and it is represented by the vertical line (A in the first illustration).
When we click on the 'Play' button (B in the first illustration) the line moves from beginning to end.
Although we are locked into this vertical line, YHWH has the power and authority to stop the playback and modify the tracks, and we will not be conscious of it ever happening because our consciousness is locked in that vertical line.
If it stops moving, our consciousness is frozen, like being asleep.

For us individually, the moment when we are born is the moment we became part of the vertical line and we experienced the consciousness of the 'Play' moment, which manifests in the sensation of being part of a motion along a timeline.

All the different tracks in the composition, the different topics in YHWH's storyline, are mixed together into a picture of our reality setting.

A music sequencer also features a mixer window where you can adjust volume and panning of the individual tracks.
Turning up the volume of one track makes it stand out very dominantly in a mix.

YHWH applies the same principle to His storyline for mankind: He causes certain tracks, certain manifestations of topics, to stand out in the mix, while toning them down in other instances when the track is playing.
Just as YHWH makes certain manifestations of topics stand out in the mix for Mankind, He also adjusts this mix on a personal level for each individual.
There is a personal reality which is part of the reality of the stage setting, and the way Life manifests to us is like a sub-mix within the great mix.
An engineer might call it a group, a selection of tracks which is mixed as a separate entity within the greater mix.

To give you an example: if you have the bass drum on track 2, the snare drum on track 3 and a cymbal on track 4 you can group these tracks together to create a certain balance of how loud you want them to be in relation to each other.
You can take then this sub-mix, and make it part of the greater mix.
If you turn up the slider of the greater mix, you make the entire sub-mix louder without affecting the volume of the individual instruments of this sub-mix in relation to each other.

Likewise our individual lives are like sub-mixes where YHWH mixes the topics of His storyline for our individual lives.
Yes, YHWH's storybook is not just about the overall historical structure of Mankind, it is a book featuring smaller books, like the Bible, and these smaller books have been written with a special scenario for our individual lives.
We are individual topics, components of YHWH's storybook, and He paid so much attention to each detail of our Life that our reality-setting is tailormade for us and serves to bring out the character YHWH created in us.

The Bible is a mix featuring sub-mixes of different books, just as we are sub-mixes of YHWH's greater mix which details the story of Man.

Our Life on this planet is an interactive composition written, performed, mixed and produced by YHWH.
The interactive element is the choice we make, but even this choice was foreseen by YHWH and as such planned in the totality of the mix, so that even the interactive element has been integrated in the mix, like a performance on cue.

So even the interactive element and the freedom of choice is turned into an integral part of YHWH's composition, and YHWH has provided a particular reality-setting, a specific mix, for the choices we make in our lives.
YHWH provided the element of choice, but the outcome of our choices does not present YHWH with any surprises because He knows already all the choices we make even before we can make them.
He has created the composition and the sub-mixes of the composition in such a way that our choices have been incorporated into the composition, so that the choice for an alternate recording of a track fits into the composition.
He has already created the mix of our lives in such a way that the elements of the mix in response to the choices serve to bring out the unique sound of our track, the character of who we were created to be.

YHWH is the One who orchestrates and mixes all the elements which are part of the composition of our Life.
And just as He is the producer of the compositions of our personal lives, He also is the One who turns the mixes of the compositions of our lives into sub-mixes integrated into the greater mix of the composition of the history of Mankind.
The Devil thinks he can change the scenario and rewrite the composition, but he is just an integral part of YHWH's mix for His duality composition.

YHWH plays us like a musician plays his instrument.
He records us and He processes our sound, creating a mix of our individual lives where He tones down certains faders and turns up other faders at certain points in our Life, so that the perfect mix of the composition of our Life plays out.
Then He takes this sub-mix and integrates it into His greater mix of Life on Earth, a sub-mix which is part of the greater mix, and which affects the production of the greater mix with its presence.

Remember this when the Evil One tries to convince you that your are worthless and that your existence on Earth is meaningless.
NO A SINGLE ONE of YHWH's children is put here as an expression of nihilism: ALL of us are here for a reason, and ALL of our lives are a meaningful and essential part of YHWH's composition.

Without YOU YHWH's composition would not be complete.

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