
The Two Orders

Wars are fought on several levels.
One of those levels is the publicity war, where the opponent is vilified in order to reduce the support for the opponent.
By causing a decreased support for the opponent, the pillars supporting the villain are eroded and weakened, and the opponent becomes an easier target.

So too there is a publicity war between the two Orders of Heaven and Hell, Good and Evil, Truth and the Lie, Reality and Fiction.
The Order of Heaven rests upon the pillars of Truth while the Order of Hell is founded upon the pillars of the Lie.
Earth has been given over to the Adversary, the representative of Gehenna, the Evil Puppet Master who managed to gain control over mankind through the seduction of man to believe in and accept the Lie.

Because of his success we see the Lie manifest in a million different ways all around us.
These manifestations have in common that they serve the purpose of the Adversary, which is to defeat Heaven on the level of publicity by depicting YHWH as the great villain and himself as the one who fights for the cause of mankind.
Earth is the stage where the dream of the Lie envelopes man in order to seduce him into rejecting Heaven's Truth by embracing the Satan's Lie about Heaven and YHWH.

On Earth we are placed on the battleground where two competing Orders wage war against each other, one which can exist only at the expense of the other: the Order of reality as it is found in Heaven vs.  the image of the dream-reality.
The Lie can exist only where Truth has been eliminated, just as Darkness can only exist in absence of the Light.
So the Lie, Evil, exists at the expense of Truth, Goodness.
Wherever Truth reveals the nature of the Lie and its Evil origin, the Lie is destroyed by the very presence of Truth.

For the dream to establish itself as the ultimate Order it needs to destroy the higher Order of reality.
And so the Evil hunters in the dream seek to destroy and devour the representatives of the Order of higher reality.
It is only on the ashes of the old that the new can establish itself, and therefore they seek to reduce the ambassadors of the higher Order of reality to ashes, after they have fed themselves with their Life-force, the fuel which ushers in their New Order where the zombies serve the hunters as their slaves.

The dream is the environment where the Lie can manifest itself as Truth.

In our Earth dream the Adversary presents himself as the promoter of diversity and creativity, while in fact he seeks to establish uniformity and compliancy with his rules.
YHWH is depicted as the One who promotes uniformity and compliancy while in fact He creates and stimulates diversity and creativity in His creation.
YHWH is the Wild One and the Satan is the boring one, but on Earth the opposite is held up as Truth, entirely in line with the character of this realm where the Lie rules and Truth is abhorred.

You want to see YHWH's wild, untamed creative character in action and yield extremely diverse results?
Take a good look at nature and the wide array of often bizarre creatures which are part of the natural Order.
Take a close look at courtship in the animal kingdom: some of the rituals which are involved simply are hilarious.
It makes you realize we have a Creator with a very lively personality and a great sense of humor, a Creator Who can make the most outlandish things displaying a capricious mood expressing itself.
Not efficiency at the expense of personal expression, not conformity at the expense of individual character, not mass production of a conglomerate at the expense of unique individual expression of singularities.

You want to see the Satan's boring character in action?
Take a good look at pictures of Nazi architecture: a sterile, boring, totalitarian oriented display of megalomania, where every hint of capriciousness, every hint of individuality is stripped away in favor of a prevailing humorless mass-mode of thought.
Take a close look at a movie like Gattaca, where individuality is sacrificed for the common good and personal ambition is made to serve the structure of the hive, a society comprised of neatly organized robotic humanoids performing their duty with maximum efficiency.
It makes you realize that he is a callous, boring character who only thinks in terms of enforcing conformity and compliancy with the rules of his system.
His ideal of perfection is the accountant's utopia of perfectly balanced sheets where the individual numbers neatly fall into predetermined and perfectly organized symmetrical categories.
I see a character without any sense of humor, a boring megalomaniac whose idea of a functional Creation consists of an industrialized kind of conformity to fit into straight lines of a structure which is as impersonal and cold as its creator.
It is uncreative, and extremely boring.

Yet what do we find on Earth?
An image which depicts the exact opposite, entirely in line with the nature of this reality as one where the Lie of Evil rules.

On Earth the Adversary is depicted as the creative one who is in favor of diversity.
Give room for homosexuality and promote it, do not let old fashioned conventions based on religious straightjackets stifle 'personal freedom' and allow pedophilia as an equal form of love between two (or more) consenting parties, promote female singers if they are willing to pose nude and uphold them as an ideal for young girls to live up to, reward the ones with enough creativity to cheat, lie and deceive.

The Adversary's diversity is nothing but a tactic, a scam he uses to break down YHWH's Order.
Seduce the people into acceptance of a Lie of what and who they are.
Then promote the Lie by means of public acceptance instigated by the ideal of diversity, and thus break down the old Order. 
As the 'Old Order' is vanishing the true nature of the Adversary becomes visible in the intolerance he has for the diversity established by the presence of those who live in YHWH's Order.

The emergence of the New Order means that it takes off the mask of diversity to reveal its true ugly face of uniformity, and creativity as well as individuality are forced in the straightjacket of serving the 'common good', which usually amounts to serving the wallet of the privileged elite who have sold their Souls to the Evil One, or should I say the Boring One?

Yet on Earth YHWH is depicted as the boring One Who cannot tolerate diversity.
YHWH has all those rules and regulations which stifle personal expression and creativity.
The problem is that YHWH seeks to inspire understanding of who we truly are in a realm which is governed by the guardians of the Lie.
For this purpose He gives us instructions which help us steer clear of the Lie which destroys our individuality and creativity, and point the way for us to blossom into unique individuals displaying a wide array of creative gifts.
It is only if we abide by His instructions that we discover our true selves.

So where the Adversary avails himself of a false sense of diversity through embrace in the Lie, one which leads to uniformity, YHWH avails Himself of His instructions which are not designed to become uniforms, but rather act as directions enabling us to find freedom from the destructive influence of the Lie and blossom in diversity.
Two completely opposite roads once again testifying of the dualistic nature of this realm.

On Earth the Adversary is depicted as a freedom fighter and YHWH as the tyrant.
Yet the Truth is that YHWH is the One Who fights for us so that He can liberate us from the oppressive yoke of Evil, while the Adversary is the tyrant pretending to love freedom just so that he can lure us into his prison by means of seducing us into Sin.
Sin is the chain which ties us to the Adversary's prison.

The Adversary succeeds through creating false images which are part of the publicity war, and our acceptance of those false images as truth.

On Earth the Adversary is depicted as the one who cares for the poor and the needy through the Socialist ideal, while YHWH is vilified as the callous capitalist who does not care for the poor and the needy, 'or else He would have done something about the situation as it is on Earth right now'.

The Truth is that the Adversary regards the poor and needy as useful slaves in his New Order in the same way as the 'idealistic left' cares for the poor and the needy for the sake of buying support for their political cause.
Thus they create a class which becomes dependent on their hand-outs, reducing them to the rank of useful fools helping them to establish the Socialist utopia where they can function as slaves within the Socialist mind-destroying order.
The Evil One uses the idiocy of the left to establish a sedated lower class whose only purpose in life it is to serve the system he created.
Not that the Satan is left wing or right wing, because he flies like a bird with both wings.

YHWH on the other hand has given us many examples where He lifts up those who are trodden down and who are deemed unimportant in the ranks of this world, and made them flourish as unique individuals.
YHWH is the One who makes the last the first and lifts up the lowest above the highest in this world.
YHWH is the One who warned us to take our own responsibility towards the poor and needy serious, not to exploit their misery for our own benefit, but rather to act out of sincere care and love for our fellow man.
He explicitly gave instructions to us to care for the poor, the needy, the widows and the orphans, warning us that if we abuse this responsibility and oppress those who are in need, we will be held accountable by YHWH.

Here too the Adversary shows us an image of himself as the bleeding heart vs. YHWH the callous heart.
But the Adversary uses his false image to create slave classes which will benefit his own ambitions, while YHWH truly shows His love and care for man in the form of instructing us to help those who are in need unselfishly, so that the needy can climb out of their dire straits and become independent individuals helping others as they received help in their time of need.

The Adversary loves to depict YHWH as a despot seeking to train man as a circus monkey by forcing him to deny his own natural appetites.
And of course the Satan then proceeds to explain how he wants to give man the freedom to express 'natural urges'. 

The Truth is that the appetites of our Body are tampered with and thus can do serious damage to our Soul and Spirit.
Instead of letting the manipulated Body drag the Soul and Spirit into destruction YHWH teaches us how we can and should learn to discipline the Body so that it becomes an extension of the Soul and Spirit, and not the other way round.

But that is exactly where the problem lies: the Adversary lives in the 'other-way-round' realm, and he wants to expand the dominion of his realm.
So he manipulated the appetites of the Flesh and seduces man to identify with these appetites and consider them as 'natural' expressions of his carnality.
But once we cater to the 'appetites of the Flesh', the elusive goal of gratifying the appetites becomes the chain around our ankle, tying us to the force behind the manipulation of the Flesh, Evil, so that the Adversary becomes our Puppet Master, the Evil Despot.

YHWH's instructions however point the way to freedom, yet to find this freedom we must learn to deny the unhealthy appetites of the Body seeking to seduce our Soul.
You can rebel against YHWH any day of the week, but once you are seduced into slavery to Evil, rebellion against the force of Evil becomes impossible.
So, YHWH is depicted as the despot while in fact He is the liberator, and the Evil One is painted as the one who gives us freedom while in fact he is the despot.

The Adversary is described in the Bible as the head of this world, the One who was able to offer Yahshua all the kingdoms of this world because he owned all of them.
He is the king of this world, and so it should come as no surprise that the Lie rules planet Earth in all matters.

Yahshua's kingdom is NOT of this world.
We, as Yah's children, are placed in this realm of the Lie to represent Yah's Truth and thereby make the dissonant sound which establishes Dualism in this world.
Because Truth destroys the Lie, we are hated by the ruling elite, both on Earth and in the dimension beyond.
The lying elite will do everything in their power to make us shut up and relegate us to the ranks of anonymity where the damage we do to the Lie is minimized.
The only time the Dark Elite likes us is when they see our dead corpses lying before them, because then they know the sound of Truth is silenced.

These past few weeks I have emphasized the importance of learning to trust YHWH, to see beyond the circumstances caused by dark clouds and focus on the silver lining which is a sign of the sun in the firmament, Yahshua shining in His righteousness.
I do not consciously and deliberately pick the subjects I want to write about.
I write only that which YHWH gives to me in my heart, that which He urges me to pass on to you.

And do not think that I am writing empty words from a comfortable chair in a big mansion, no, not at all.
Before I can write the words urging you to believe, YHWH forces me to LIVE them, so that the words have substance and Life in them.
This means I have to witness how the Adversary turns my circumstances against me and challenges my belief and love for YHWH.
The end result is that in the midst of the adversity have learned to proclaim my love for YHWH and my belief and trust in Him, not because I have to or because I am expected to, but because the adversity revealed what is in my heart.

And my love for YHWH does not depend on my circumstances, it does not depend on the size of my bank account, but it depends solely on my heart, and as such I daily tell my dearest Abba how much I love Him and how my Soul and heart cleave to His being, how much I rejoice in the presence of His Spirit, and how grateful I am for the jewels of revelation and insight I am given.
And I pass these spiritual jewels of everlasting value on to you so that you too might be rich and lacking nothing.

There is a reason why YHWH wanted me to put so much emphasis on learning to disregard the circumstances and hold fast in faith to Him.
The Darkness has increased, and a thick, ominous blanket of clouds is nearby, ready to block out the remaining Light of the Sun so that Earth will be wrapped in a blanket of impenetrable Darkness.
Once you are under the blanket it will be of the utmost importance to live by faith so that the blanket does not suffocate your Soul, and you may live.
If you do not learn to practice the walk in faith today while the Light is shining, how will you learn it when the blanket has covered you head and Darkness will be your share?
How will you be able to run a race if you never invested time in improving your physical condition, training for the race which is to come?

Perhaps you have had the wind blowing in your face for some time now, and you wonder why your circumstances were turned against you.
Perhaps you have learned to hold on in faith to YHWH in spite of these circumstances.
If this is so, count your blessings, because you were being trained for the time which is to come upon this Earth very soon.

Where others who enjoyed an easy life will be trapped in the storm, you will walk right through, and not just that, you will be able to run, because you have been trained to be able to continue where others give up, to walk where others will fall, to run across the finish line where others perish before they will ever reach that finish line.

There is a reason why YHWH put it in my heart to emphasize the importance of learning to walk in faith, and although He has not given me the details, I DO know that He is preparing His own for the imminent Darkness which is about to come upon us.
Learn to see through the Lie manifesting in this world, and be disgusted by it.
Have no part in the Lie, but let your Soul be nourished by YHWH's Truth.

We live in the zone where two competing Orders are at war with each other, and one Order is the Order of the dream, a fictitious fantasy which will give birth to destruction.
Abide in YHWH's Order, the Order of Truth, for He does not and can NEVER lie.
YHWH NEVER lies, engrave that in your mind and on your heart when the Adversary once again pulls one of this age old tricks and seeks to make you feel miserable by turning your circumstances against you.

So when He tells you that He blesses those who trust in Him, that He will give shelter to those who hide in the fortress of His name, He speaks the TRUTH!
Don't let dark clouds entice your Soul in doubting it, because the clouds are manifestations of the Lie which seeks to devour your Soul through belief in the Lie.
Your belief in the Lie is the door you open so that Evil Shadows can come in and devour your Life substance.
Belief in the Lie is the 'come in' signal for the vampires awaiting the moment of your invitation.

So, TRUST YHWH, believe in His Word, Yahshua, love Him unconditionally with ALL your heart, Soul and mind, and KEEP His instructions.
Because His instructions are given for your benefit, and not to tie you in slavery to a despot's whims.
No, far from it!
For YHWH it makes no difference whether or not you keep His instructions, but for YOU it makes ALL the difference in the world.
His instructions are an act of kindness, because they point the way to our personal freedom.
It is a great prerogative to receive YHWH's advice and counsel, because you will benefit from them.

Surely, if you LOVE YHWH, and you TRUST Him, then you want to make sure you do not create obstacles which stand between you and Him, and you know that He gave you His instructions so that you might be well and be blessed?
LOVE Him then, and let this love inspire you to believe and trust the One Who loved you first.

David did not win from Goliath by fighting Goliath on his own terms, nor did he conquer him by relying on his skill in using the slingshot.
David won because he relied on YHWH, he conquered Goliath through faith.
Through faith, belief in YHWH and His Word Yahshua, we will conquer, without that faith we will always remain born losers.

Have faith, and abide in faith, let faith inspire you and shape you like leaven.
Abide in YHWH that you may receive His mark of Life.
Love Him, and you will find shelter from the coming storm, trust Him and you will find a shield protecting you against the arrows of Evil, believe in Him and you will find His Light showing you a safe way through the coming Darkness.
You will walk in the Light where others will stumble and fall in Darkness.

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