
The Plight vs. The Lining

The story 'The Dream-Cloud' is more than just an illustration of the nature of Life on Earth.
As indicated by the alarm clock, it also is a portrayal of the convergence of cycles in what we call 'the end times', the days when the Adversary will hunt and round up YHWH's people as never before, the days when some of those who belong to YHWH literally will lose their heads, the days which the Adversary has scheduled to become the moment when he will seek  to separate us from our Head, Yahshua, in order to establish himself as the head for the new version of mankind, the '111' bringing Satanic unity to his new version of man.

The character in my story made the mistake of focusing too much on his own plight and the ones who were the cause of his grief, the zombies.
The pain drew his attention to his misery like a magnet pulling on his Soul, and as a consequence he focused too much on that which does not exist in reality because it is an integral part of fiction.
Evil can only exist as part of a dream.

We energize our reality by the attention we give it and our reaction to the input of our senses registering the reality-setting.
Just think of how paying attention to a picture of a scarcely dressed woman gives power to seduction tugging on your Soul
Think of how reminiscing the injustice of an act of cruelty stirs up pain and anger over being victimized.
So too the insistent contemplation of everything which went wrong in your Life, every unfair obstruction you encountered, serves nothing but to give power to the perpetrators and the Force beyond them to affect your present reality by means of what they did in the past.
If your reactions in the present are the result of conditioning caused by past responses then the Forces of Darkness which manipulated your Life have succeeded in reducing you to a trained dog performing tricks in their circus.

Giving attention to Evil means transferring energy to it so that it becomes part of your reality as a stress of either seduction or pain.
Transferring your energy means you breathe Life into an object of fiction, because Evil can never exist in YHWH's reality since in its deepest essence it is non-existence.
The only reason it is able to manifest is because we have been placed in a dream environment, a simulation where Evil can be given existence as an avatar expressing all character traits which are anti-YHWH by means of an energy transfer from us to the avatar expressing itself in a multitude of people and phenomena.

We are given physical eyes to be able to see the setting of the Earth dream, yet these eyes are designed to perceive only the specific bandwidth pertaining to the physical realm.
The eyes are senses locked into the bandwidth of the Dream.
They cannot register the presence of the unseen Shadows from another dimension moving in our midst, pulling the strings on the costumes of people, yes, even the strings on our costume in order to reduce us to a willing puppet in their hands.
They turned our costume into a prison where we are forced into a direction where we do not want to go, and all too often we become our own worst enemy.

So aside from the predators hunting us down, we have a part in us which is driven by the same Force operating in the hunters, namely our physical Body.
Through our Sins we sold our physical Body in slavery to the unseen Force of Evil and the Evangelists of Evil, Shadows seeking to establish a Shadow realm upon Earth where YHWH's Light can no longer be found.
So we find ourselves cast in the role of fugitives seeking to outrun the pack of zombies in pursuit of us as well as having to do battle with our own Flesh, a double whammy upon our Soul.

There are millions of hungry zombies out there in pursuit of food.
They love the nectar of the river of Life flowing through our veins, they love the delicious taste of the nutritious bread of Heaven.
Because they lack both, they seek to replenish themselves at the cost of those who came from Heaven.
YHWH's people still have that river flowing in them, they still have that Bread beckoning to be devoured.

Many of those who appear to be zombies are merely Souls in a comatose state so that they are driven by Forces they are unable to detect.
Others have been zombies from the day they set foot on this planet.
They are Evil Spirits inhabiting a Body which gives them a coat of Flesh and Blood like Yah's own so that they are indistinguishable from one another.

People do not seem to realize that whenever they sin, they open up a portal for Evil Spirits to afflict them and take over their Souls.
The more a society promotes Sin, and the more people accept it and act accordingly, the greater the opportunity for the unseen Shadows to take control and reduce people to walking zombies.
They may have come into this world as normal human beings, but their identification with Sin reduced them to zombie puppets on the strings of the Evil Puppet Masters.

When I look around me and I notice the extent to which people act out the cultural conditioning of this day and age I hold my heart, especially when I look towards the future.
I am sorry to say that today's people are no damn good at all.
Yes, people have been in the grip of Evil throughout of all history, but these days they seem to be made ready for a mass invasion of Shadows far greater than ever before.

The zombies are here already, walking among us.
They do not move about in the usual awkward, wooden way with outstretched arms as depicted in zombie movies, no, they are just like you and me.
The only difference is that they are vessels for Evil.

Yes, Evil Spirits can incarnate too.
They have shut themselves off from YHWH's Ruach, YHWH's Spirit, so that there is no intimacy with YHWH in them when they are born.
And it is this intimacy with YHWH which makes the existence of a conscience possible.

This does not mean that they automatically become lunatic mass murderers, no, they can be bank managers, presidents, preachers, popes, teachers, psychopaths hiding their true face as they climb the ranks of society.
The big difference with you is that they not have the slightest pang of guilt when they do Evil, and if necessary they are able to kill another human being without the slightest remorse.
Unlike you they will not lie awake in bed because their conscience is bothering them.
The only thing which may keep them awake is a nagging feeling that someone is on to them, the feeling that they forgot to cover up their tracks sufficiently.
They cannot feel any remorse for Evil, because that which causes the conflict caused by the choice for Evil is a Spirit which identifies with YHWH, and since they have lost that identity and merged with Evil they are unable to experience any conflict of a conscience.
They are the ones who feed on the living, searching whom they shall devour.

Because the character in my story was so focused on the plight of being hunted and the objective of staying ahead of the pack, he forgot to stop and ponder on how it was possible that he had remained out of reach of the zombies for so many years, even though they outnumbered him by the largest margin imaginable.
As a result he forgot to notice the invisible Hand stretched out over his head, the Hand guiding him to safety, the Hand protecting him from harm, the Hand blessing him with the knowledge of the Spirit and the awareness of a reality contrasting with his dream environment.
He forgot to see that he would have died a thousand times over already were it not for the Hand guiding him through portals of reality where the pack could not follow.
Because of his obsessive focus on the ugly dream reality he forgot to thank the Owner of the protective Hand far too often, and he found himself complaining where he could have given thanks for the shelter and protection the Hand provided.

I know that this description fits me perfectly, and I am sure that many of you will recognize the reality of those words as well.
We are not left up to our own devices in this dream zone, but we are given a special status of protection so that all the moments we worried about the power of Evil were lost moments, because Evil never really had any power over us other than what the Hand will allow.
And if the Hand allowed it, you could be certain that it served to make you stronger.

So, why worry?
Why stop and ponder consistently on the hurt and the pain when we can think about the Good the Owner of the Hand brought us?

And still, there are times when the pain knocks down my front door and invades my home like an unwanted intruder.
At those times the Darkness becomes an insufferable weight pressing upon my Soul.
And what else can you do but endure to the best of your ability?
You should give thanks, but the feelings simply are not there, even though the Soul and the Spirit are willing.

Remember, if your Life is turned upside down, and your prayers seem to remain unanswered, YHWH has allowed it for a very important reason.
When what you see in the physical contradicts the Spiritual, why should you continue to trust YHWH Who is Spirit?
That is when the tension of the conflict between the physical, where the Lie manifests, and the Spirit, where the Truth manifests, indicates the extent to which your faith has grown.

If the physical circumstances contradict the Spiritual Word of YHWH, then the degree to which you have come to identify with YHWH, the extent to which you really know Him in your heart, determines whether you continue to trust and believe, or whether you reject Him because you believe the Lie manifesting in your Life in the physical realm.
The dissonance serves to solidify the bond between you and your Creator, so that your belief is strengthened and flies closer to Heaven.

To the extent your Spirit is bonding with YHWH your Flesh loses the bond with (the grip on) your Soul.
The result is that the identity which is rooted in the Source of Life grows to the extent that the identity which is rooted in the source of Death diminishes.
The Flesh and the Spirit are at war because they represent two different dimensions, two different and mutually exclusive Forces, and our Soul is held in suspension between the Dream and Reality.
This force field is the tension which allows our Soul to develop and grow.

Faith (belief) is never static, and it never remains on the same level.
You either grow in love to YHWH, or you grow out of love, you either fly closer to Heaven or you start falling towards Earth, but you never remain afloat on the same level like a fossil frozen in a moment of time.
Faith either grows or diminishes.

For most of us the walk in faith is a jigsaw road: you go up and down.
But as you spend your time searching for YHWH, the motion of your faith will reflect the investment of your time in the form of a strengthened bonding which turns the road of faith into more of an 'upward' experience than a 'downward' experience.

The road of faith is one where the 'ups' are multiplied while the 'downs' are grow less.
We come out of the wilderness of unbelief into the promised land of belief.
The reason is firstly that your heart grows so fond of YHWH as you spend time with Him and He reveals His nature to you, that it becomes unthinkable that YHWH should tell lies and not fulfill His promises.
Secondly, your walk with YHWH reveals with crystal clarity the extent to which our circumstances can be manipulated by unseen Evil Forces in order to make a lie manifest in our lives, the Lie which contradicts the Truth of YHWH's words.

As you grow closer to YHWH your faith begins to soar higher and higher.
Not that you walk around smiling all the time regardless of your circumstances, no, but even though you experience the pain in your Soul over the hurt unseen Evil Forces inflict on you, you do not let it affect your faith, your belief in YHWH.
You may complain, ask YHWH why He allows it to happen, ask Him how much longer He will force you to endure, but deeper than your complaint and the pain is the knowing in your heart that YHWH is Good, and that you can trust Him with all your heart in spite of the pain, because in your heart you know that YHWH is faithful and true.

So trust and believe in YHWH and His words, His promises.
This world will try to convince you that trust in the conman turns you into a dumb and willing dupe of his con-games.
'So therefore you should not trust anyone, including YHWH'.

But I am not writing about trusting a conman, quite the contrary, I am writing about trusting the Spirit of Truth.
Nobody in his right mind should trust the word of the lying Adversary and his minions.
But learn to ALWAYS trust the One Who cannot lie and Who remains true to Himself, YHWH.
Believe in Yahshua, and you believe in YHWH, trust in Him, let yourself be guided and renewed and rejuvenated by His Ruach.
Trust Him, because He is trustworthy.

The character in my story did not want to live in that dream.
He longed to escape from the nightmare, yet the longing could not be fulfilled until the 1:11 mark was established on his alarm clock.

Some are longing for that rapture back into reality, the flight out of this dark nightmare which seems to grow worse each day.
They want to escape even before the nightmare truly begins.
I understand that, but I urge you to place your hope NOT in the escape route, but in the Hand resting upon your head, the Hand of the Owner in whose eyes you are precious and loved.
The belief in the escape route won't get you anywhere, but the trust you invest in the Owner of the Hand will move His hand so that you WILL find your way home, out of the nightmare.

We were called out from the zombie system of the dream in order to be manifestations of YHWH's reality system within the dream.
We were placed here to represent YHWH in the dream, even if it turns into a nightmare, perhaps ESPECIALLY when it becomes a nightmare.
Our presence here is for the specific reason to be vessels manifesting YHWH's Kingdom in this world, and the idea that we will be raptured out of the dream before it even breaks loose in all its intensity is contrary to YHWH's plan.
We are placed here to bring YHWH's harmony into a dissonant world, and we are hunted because in the eyes of the world WE are the dissonance to Earth's 'harmony', which is the 'harmony' produced by the sound of the Evil One.

Remember that the phenomenon of a rapture is not the only way YHWH can protect His own.
When YHWH puts a mark on the forehead of His own, no one can harm them.
We are here to be part of the dream and fulfill our role in it, and we will NOT be taken away before we have fulfilled that role.
So buckle up and learn to walk in faith, putting your hope in the Owner of the Hand instead of an imaginary escape route.

At the end of the nightmare in my story the Adversary rips the head of the subject's shoulders, as if to separate our Head Yahshua from us.
But before this can ever happen Yahshua will destroy the reality the Adversary seeks to implement.
The head of the ripper will be ripped, not Yahshua.
The dream in my story ends with a 'rapture' out of the dream reality, the moment when the dream reality will be destroyed by Yahshua's return, and the soothing, reassuring reality of Heaven shatters the dissonant dream illusion of Evil.

The subject of my story focused on hurt, pain, injustice, the pursuit of nefarious creatures whose only ambition it is to steal the Life from others.
Our challenge lies in learning to completely ignore the Clouds of Evil and the Shadows they shelter, as if they do not exist, and they really DO NOT EXIST!
The ONLY reason these clouds are able to manifest is because YHWH created a special reality format for those clouds to appear as avatars representing the force which cannot exist, because it is in essence 'non-existence', Evil.

We must learn to focus on the Son of Righteousness shining in the Heavens, Yahshua, and our beloved Father Who gave Him as our Salvation, YHWH's strong Arm of Salvation.
That is when we begin to shine and thrive, and those who seek to devour our Lives will be bewildered when they realize we are out of their grip, and thrive amidst their chaos.
Seeking to starve YHWH's own to death, they will starve as Yah's own will live and thrive.

So hope in Him Who does not disappoint, trust in Him Who is trustworthy, believe in His words because they are true, and He cannot lie.

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