
The Dream-Cloud

Gasping for breath you cannot go on any longer.
You simply cannot inhale enough air to keep up this pace and outrun the pack of zombies following closely on your heels.
You can hear their grunts and vicious snarls closing in to the point where they seem to overtake you, thousands of voracious creatures spurred on by an insatiable appetite for your blood and your flesh.

It is YOU they want, they have always wanted to devour you, and so you started running, never stopping for a moment's respite.

Has there ever been a time when you could simply kick back and relax, letting your guard down just to take it easy for a while without having to worry whether or not the pack of hounds following your trail would suddenly leap out of the bushes in your unguarded moment?

You hoped for an easy life out here, or at least a life where you would be granted the opportunity to enjoy yourself and pursue your dreams and ambitions, yet what did you get?
The opposite of what you hoped for.
Instead of pursuing your dreams your nightmares ended up pursuing you, instead of enjoying life it was turned into a vexation robbing you of the little joy you still had.
Your hoped for paradise only to find yourself stuck in hell's suburb.

A pack of bloodthirsty, mindless robotic creatures straight from hell tracks you down and follows you around wherever you set your foot, and they do not grant you so much as one single moment of rest, you don't even get a break just to catch your breath.

Even when you can't see them and it seems as if you finally have some time to relax and let your guard down, you still sense their ominous presence nearby, waiting for that one vulnerable moment allowing them to strike and catch you between their teeth.
When you lie down in bed, your sleep is as light as a feather, making you wonder if you ever truly sleep at all.
You always make sure to keep an eye open, just in case.

Even in those moments of quiet and rest you find yourself looking over your shoulder, trying to spot one of the miscreants standing nearby, waiting for you to let your guard down.
They have the instinct of a predator.
They know that if they want to catch yo,u they need to wear you down.
And so they hunt you relentlessly, waiting for that one unguarded moment when you lie down and close your eyes so that they can sneak up and strike you down. 
You never know when they suddenly will leap out of their hiding places.

And so you spend your time running as fast as you can, always making sure to be at least one step ahead of the pack, always vigilant, always keeping a sharp eye in search of any suspicious activity.

What kind of life is this where you have been cast into the role of a prey seeking to escape the predators?
What is the justice of sending someone into this dark suffocating jungle which has brought you nothing but a trail a shattered hopes and unfulfilled longing?
Why do all the breaks go to the others while you are given a dish of never-ending misery served on your table?
Why are you chained to an ongoing series of inane obstructions, always climbing the mountain with a harsh cold wind blowing in your face, watching the others gleefully slide down the mountain with the wind blowing in their backs?

You have grown tired of running without end, and you noticed how the pack of howls seems to be closing in on you as you are running out of breath.
The ominous howls relentlessly scratching your eardrums are no ordinary sounds, no, they are the sounds of misery pursuing you wherever you turn, and they seem to be closing in on you with each new day.

It's like running on a treadmill.
You spend all your energy on running away only to discover it does not get you anywhere.
Your efforts only reduce you to the rank of being the star in a circus show run by a heartless, greedy exploiter, and your whole existence is reduced to nothing but entertainment for the Shadow audience on the wall which loves to see you run and suffer.
But still, what alternative do you have with the hounds on your heels in this treadmill?

The robots pursuing you are no ordinary human beings, no, they are sadistic creatures straight from the pits of hell seeking to appease their appetite by people such as you, people who still have life flowing through their veins, the life the zombies have lost and seek to regain by devouring it from those who are still alive.

These zombies have put their entire remaining intellectual abilities in service of their unholy quest to satisfy their hunger at the expense of the living, spurred on by an insatiable appetite for flesh and blood to quench their thirst and satisfy their appetite for suffering.
The suffering of the living makes the dead feel satisfied.

Lost in the contemplation of your miserable fate you suddenly find yourself falling to the ground, and a sharp pain is rising in your right ankle.
Looking down you notice how your lack of vigilance caused you to step into one of the traps the vicious demons had set for you, and you walked right into it.

You try to get up, only to discover you cannot stand on your right foot without feeling the pungent pain of the wound demanding to be given the rest it needs to recover.

Suddenly you realize that they now have the advantage, because you have been reduced to a helpless prey caught in a trap, unable to outrun the pursuers any longer.
You have become a helpless victim thrown at the mercy of merciless predators now forming a circle around you, staring at you with blazing reptilian eyes, slowly closing in on you in gleeful anticipation as they realize they are about to harvest the reward for their diligent pursuit.
Their eyes seem to light up with a malignant glow now that they now have the power to make you suffer and offer up your life-force to them.

Suddenly one kicks you in the back, sending a sharp bout of pain up your spine which makes you scream out loud, another digs a sharp pointed stick in your left leg so that now you cannot even try to limp away from the hungry undead devouring you already with their evil eyes.

As you look around and behold the face of Evil staring back at you, one of the Shadows steps forward.
He must be their leader since all the others move aside in deep reverence as he makes his way towards you.
Getting closer, your eyes now can see the stature of a Shadow much larger than the others, and his darkness seems to exceed the intensity and depth found in all the others.
His eyes carry a malignant glaring yellow-reddish glow, and as he opens his mouth to speak the sharp fangs testify of his predatory character.

'You thought you could defy ME, out run ME, making a fool out of ME?' a deep, growling ominous voice thundered.
'Nobody defies me and gets away with it, and tonight you are MINE, forevermore'.

As he finished speaking those words he lifted up his left arm, bringing down his talons into your neck right before ripping your head off your shoulders.

With a shock and a loud scream you suddenly sit up straight in your bed, sweat running down your back and your forehead.
It took a while to get used to this new environment, but slowly you realize that you are back into the real world, and you just had a very bad nightmare. 
Your usually annoying alarm clock now has a very soothing and reassuring effect on your mind.

'Thank God it's just a nightmare'.

Yet even though you realize that it was just a nightmare, as long as your mind was part of the dream it all seemed very real to you, so real that your heart still is pounding in your chest as if it wants to leap out.

Still sweating profusely, your mind is slowly beginning to soak itself loose from the intense emotions caused by the dream as the reality of being awake in your bedroom at night begins to impress itself on your consciousness.
The dream-reality is fading as the reality of your own home is growing stronger.

Still, you cannot help but look intently in the dark of our bedroom if perhaps one of those horrible creatures of your nightmare has followed you.
Maybe some of them are hiding under you bed, or in the wardrobe. 
You snicker as you realize you sound exactly the same as when you were six years old and believed monsters could be hiding under your bed, the time you wondered what Santa Claus might be hiding in that big bag he was carrying around.

'Of course they can't hide under my bed or in the wardrobe' you whisper as you try to dismiss the thought, in spite of your feelings suggesting that they just MIGHT be there, lurking in the dark, waiting for that one moment you relax and fall back to sleep...

The thought makes you feel uncomfortable, in spite of your attempts to rationally dismiss it as a fantasy.

What a strange, awkward dream that was.
So real and yet so unreal now that you think about it.

In the dream you had been born into this alien, horrible fantasy world inhabited by creatures waiting for newcomers into their world so that they could hunt them and devour them.
It was a world where you had lived your entire life as a fugitive running from a relentless pack of demonic creatures who looked like human beings from a distance, yet who had the nature of a predator on a mission to hurt, torture, kill and devour.

All of your life in that nightmare they had been in pursuit of you, and all of your life you had spent running from them, seeking to escape even though in this world there was no escape.
The best you could do was to try to stay ahead of them for as long as you were part of that world. 
What a waste of time life had become in that horrible Shadow world.
It had been turned into a quest to stay out of the hands of the zombies for as long as possible.

These bloodthirsty zombies only had one particular target in mind.
In the others they had no specific interest, they were no fun.
No, they wanted a challenge before dinner.
And so they found people like yourself, people spending a lifetime avoiding traps and running from the relentless pursuers, people in whose veins the river of Life still flowed.

How could it be that an entire lifetime of pains, aches and disappointments had been packed in only a...
Well, how long had you been dreaming?
A couple of hours?
One hour?
A few minutes?
How could an entire life in that fantasy dream world be wrapped in only few minutes in the real world?

Quietly you sit in the dark contemplating your bad dream as the peace of your bedroom sooths your mind and reassures you that it was just a dream, a really, really bad dream...

But how real it was when you were part of the dream!
Or, how real it SEEMED to be.
None of the scenery of the dream really existed, none of the zombies tracking you down were real, neither was the pain, the obstruction, the suffering.

But as long as you were in the dream it seemed to extremely real to you, and the real world, where you were laying in bed having a bad dream, did not exist.
At least, you were not aware of it in your dream.

Ha, it's like being a radio tuned into one particular station of reality.
The one station you are tuned into is the one demanding your attention, while all the other stations seem to be non-existent.
Whatever may be the case, you certainly do not want to tune into the particular frequency of the dream you just had ever again.

Entering the dream made you completely forget your life in the real world.
Your mind was so absorbed by the fantasy-picture of the dream scenery that it no longer was aware of the reality of your peaceful bedroom.
Your involvement with the fantasy blocked out the soothing presence of the real world, so that you experienced the pain and disappointment of the fantasy as real, and you were unable to be so be comforted by the greater reality of your peaceful bedroom.

But in the end, the pain, the torture, the pursuit of demonic creatures, none of it really existed.
Yes, your emotions created the impression that it was real, and your experiences in the dream reality had a very real impact on these emotions and your feelings.
But that was just the projection of your mind's reaction into your real-life body enhancing the impression of the reality of the dream-world on your consciousness.

The moment you woke up and your senses registered the environment of your bedroom, you realized you had been dreaming, and that this dream seemed real to you because your mind was absorbed in it and projected your reactions into your feelings which enhanced the reality of the dream.

And so you find yourself back into the real life imbibing the rest of your comfortable room which had been there before you fell asleep, which was there all the time you were dreaming, and which now is welcoming you back into the real life.

The world of your nightmare never really existed.
And because the nightmare was nothing but a fairytale, your experience in it which brought you suffering, distress, pain, and failure was as real as the dream: unreal, and nothing but a projection of your involvement with the dream-scenery, like a mind-game, or a computer-game, unreal and fleeting.

Still, you could not shake the uncomfortable feeling that somehow a few of those zombie creatures had tracked you down in the real world, drawn towards you by the smell of your blood...


With this story I wanted to illustrate the point I try to make when I write that the obstruction in your life, the circumstances engineered by Dark Forces beyond your control, are like a cloud, and the cloud is just a passing illusion.
The cloud is part of a dualistic dream-world.
Our Soul and Spirit have been placed into this dream-world the moment YHWH plastered them into the dualistic interface with this dream-world, a human body which envelops us and keeps our consciousness locked into this dream-scenery.

When we enter this world, we are like people falling sleep and entering a dream.
You forget the reality of daily life as you become part of the dream.

This world is like a dream in relation to the real world of the Spirit.
When the Evil One projects  a lie into our lives which contradicts YHWH's Truth, a lie which makes it seem as if YHWH's words and His promises are untrue, that He does not hear us, that He is deaf to our cries, absent when we knock on His door, he is like a cloud blocking the sun.
Never focus on the cloud, but learn to see the silver lining as a reminder that the sun is always there, always shining in the real world.

It's just that in this dualistic dream clouds can drift along the sky and block the sun to produce the dissonance, the gravity-pull which allows our faith to learn to fly in defiance of the gravity.
Birds can fly thanks to the invisible presence of air, just as our faith can fly thanks to the invisible presence of YHWH's life-giving Ruach, His Spirit.
In the real life of Heaven the clouds in our dream do not exist and the sun is always shining, always visible to our eyes.

Imagine a computer game where you do not just play the game from a console, but you are actually downloaded as a hologram into the holographic setting of the game.
That is what existence on Earth is: a holographic setting which has a place within the greater setting and greater reality of the Spirit.

Right now we are trapped in an illusion, a dream-world, and our Soul and Spirit are challenged to overcome the illusion which projects a dissonance with YHWH's reality.
The road back to reality and our escape route out of this dream-world is faith, believing the words and promises of YHWH, believing in the living embodiment of YHWH's Word, Yahshua, believing in the reality of YHWH's presence even when the Evil One makes it seem as if He is out of sight and out of our lives.

We live in an interactive dream we share, a dualistic dream where the law of entropy rules the land dictating that everything which has a beginning must have an end, everything which is constructed must fall apart, everything which lives must die.

In the light of a cosmos where we can see the rule of entropy in action all around us I fail to understand the steadfast belief in Darwinian evolution and the denial of a Creator.
Those who hold fast to their belief in evolution actually contradict this law of entropy at work in our environment.
We even see the law of entropy staring back at us in the mirror as a reminder of the dualistic cursed nature of the dream we are part of.

How is it that in a world where the law of entropy rules the land people believe in the fairy tale of a law which completely contradicts this motion of entropy, the belief in a law which dictates that 'we are getting better all the time', 'selection of the fittest'?
How is it possible that in a realm where entropy is the law everything we see in nature has come into existence thanks to a process which is the exact opposite of this prevailing law?
How can anything even come into existence and develop into organized structures in this realm, UNLESS there is a Force providing the creative impetus for a Creation to unfold, and the law of entropy follows in its wake to disintegrate that which has been created by a Force, a Creator Who composes a Creation?

How can ANY order, ANY organized structure, spontaneously develop into a complex structure UNLESS there was a Force deliberately organizing elements according to a preconceived structured plan, a Composer writing His composition followed by the gradual process of 'decomposition' as the modus operandi of our realm?
Clearly the existence of organized structures displaying an intelligent design is the evidence of composition, and if we are facing this phenomenon in a realm where decomposition is the rule of thumb then by deduction we should be able to come to the conclusion that there must have been an act of interference in the beginning, an act from an Intelligence organizing basic elements of our cosmos into a structured composition.

Truly, it is the fool who says in his heart that there is no Elohim, no Creator.

We are part of a dream which was created by YHWH for a specific purpose He had in mind, and the fall to Sin (the fall into the curse of entropy) was an essential part of its design.
The choice to Sin activated the curse mechanism whereby the environment begins to disintegrate, and the created design is reduced to 'uncreated' chaos.
In the dualistic paradigm Sin instigates the process of decomposition.

We are placed in a cursed dream where the law of entropy rules the land, the law which dictates that everything must fall into chaos and destruction as a result of the curse.
Originally Adam was part of a realm not governed by the curse, and instead of entropy into chaos Adam lived in a paradise.
Yet the choice he made and the subsequent change in his DNA made him part of a different dream, the dream we inherited where we live under the curse of entropy.

The more we invest energy in the mechanism which brought forth the law of entropy, Sin, the more powerful the law manifests itself.
Yes, we were placed in a cursed realm to move through the process of experiencing the clash between the impulse of Life, YHWH, and the impulse of Death, Evil.

But unlike the dream in my story, we who have been plastered into the interface with our dream world are not left to the mercy of the pack of demons in pursuit of YHWH's own.
We have a mighty Father watching over us, making sure that the Evil One cannot act contrary to His wishes.

Understand and carve it into your hearts that we are not abandoned and left as prey for the Shadows.
They cannot do as they like with us, because we are guarded by the Almighty, and if He allows a measure of pain into our lives it is to bring out everlasting joy to an even greater abundance.
Just endure to the best of your ability, and trust and believe in Him Who is true, our Yahshua.

Faith in YHWH's Word is what brings us closer to the moment we find ourselves sitting up straight in bed realizing the extent to which we have been absorbed by a dualistic dream world which can never exist in reality.
In this dream world we are built into beings of faith by experiencing the tension between the dream-lie and the Spirit of Truth.

Always cling in full trust to YHWH's words and His promises, because they are elements of the real life which He placed into our dream world.
The reason why YHWH put His words and promises of reality into a conflicting dream setting is so that they might allow us to develop faith, trust and love by virtue of experiencing the clash between YHWH's Truth and this dream's Lie.

Developing faith, trust and love from the perspective of the dualistic dream-world is a process which shapes us, so that when we wake up out of this temporary dream we come back into reality differently than when we went in.
The dream was just a dream, but our involvement with the dream changed us and brought us a knowing we did not have before.
It shaped our Souls into the image YHWH had in mind for us.

This dream is the school YHWH created for our Souls.
We learn, and the learning process carves out our character by means of a dream-world which is capable of projecting a reality which conflicts with YHWH's words and His promises, His true reality.
The friction of the reality of the Spirit and the conflicting dream-reality is the womb which gives birth to beings of faith, love and trust.

Trust, believe and love Him Who is true.

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