
The Womb

In the womb of our mother we grew from a tiny cell into a complex structure of cells.
This in itself is a miracle, how something so immensely complex as our human Body is able to develop from a single set of instructions.
The instructions take the basic material of a cell, and begin a process of cell division to build up a machinery the mystery of which we still have not unraveled, in spite of all the technological advances.

Our mother's womb was our world for nine months.
And yet, although the vehicle of our physical Body was built in this factory our Creator YHWH made, a 3-D printer (or I should I say '4-D' if we count the time experience of the physical realm as a fourth dimension) printing human bodies, we are more than this Body.
As a matter of fact, even though the human Body is a miraculously complex biological machine, this 'machine' is but a limited VEHICLE for whom we are.
More than that, the vehicle really is an environmental setting designed for a specific purpose, a specific experience for our Soul.
It is a cocoon which draws our consciousness into a dualistic world where we get to know both sides of the Dualism coin intimately, Good and Evil (which is the manifestation of the absence of Good).

In the 4-D printer of the womb a coat of Flesh is printed so that we can come out of the womb and have our dualistic Earth- experience.
We grow from babies into adults, and this process of growth consists of building upon a 'flaw' in our genetic code which exposes us to the negative side of Dualism, Evil.
Although it seems like a flaw, YHWH engineered us in such a way that this flaw actually is a deliberate part of the design and serves a special purpose.

The flaw causes us to gravitate towards the manifestation of the negative side of the Dualism coin when we grow up.
It makes us fall prey to Sin and build up memories in our physical brain which contain recordings of the moments we sinned and the particular areas where we have sinned.
These recordings are not static in nature.
They contain the cultural data of our particular Sins, our moments of weakness together with the chemistry settings of our Body which produce the feelings and emotions associated with those Sins, and as such this collection of data has a magnetic pull on our consciousness.

Whenever we go through circumstances which are similar to the circumstances which caused us to sin, the pull is energized and we experience this energized setting drawing us into the Evil side of Dualism as 'temptation to sin'.
The identity of Sin grows out of this collection of data as something which seems like an organic living expression of Evil, but in Truth it is created by the energy we transfer to it so that it appears to have a Life of its own while in fact it is only a programming coming alive through the energy we transfer to it through Sin.

The fallen Flesh our Soul and Spirit are part of is the vehicle for the manifestation of Evil.
It contains the collective recordings of every Evil we fell prey to, and this becomes a tool of conditioning to drive us further into the arms of Evil.
Furthermore, this Body is a vehicle which allows Fallen Beings to gain access to our Soul and produce additional temptation.
Fallen Angels have the ability to assault our Soul in a very direct way through suggestions they feed into our mind, images they project, all in combination with feelings of the Body they manipulate.
They are skillful masters in the art of manipulating the human psyche, and we should not underestimate their skill.
But, our Heavenly Father is infinitely stronger, and Yahshua carries this strength within Him, so always turn your heart and Soul over to Him so that the Forces of Evil face His strength within us.

All of YHWH's children have a conscience, a part of our identity which resides in the Spirit and which is still intimate with what is Good, the part which still has the knowledge of Good.
This conscience will produce an alarm signal whenever it detects an area where we have created an obstruction, areas where we have introduced 'a virus to our software'.
In that capacity the conscience is like a virus scanner on the computer.
Because we have fallen into an identity which has merged with the Evil side of the Dualism coin the moment we sinned, we experience this alarm signal of our conscience as a mental pain of guilt, fear and shame.
The alarm signal in itself is not guilt, fear or shame, but the guilt, fear and shame is how our fallen self (our fallen identity) experiences it, and the forces of Evil know all too well how they can use this guilt, fear and shame to drive us further into denial of the Spirit so that this drive becomes a motor producing compulsive habits resulting from Sin.

As we continue to build Sin upon Sin, the moment will arrive when the identity of Sin has matured to such an extent that the conflict between this identity and the identity of the Spirit becomes unbearable.
We then either kill the Spirit, meaning we shut our Soul off from the input of the knowledge of Good in the Spirit because we see it as Evil, or we surrender to this input of the Spirit.
Shutting our Soul off from the knowledge of Good and regarding it as Evil is like disconnecting ourselves from YHWH's Ruach, His Spirit, while surrendering ourselves to this input is like a cry to YHWH's Ruach to be restored and redeemed.

Our identity resides in our Soul, and the Soul is connected both to the input of the human Body, -which is fallen and therefore manifests the force of Evil-, and our Spirit which still carries the knowledge of Good.
Those who are children of the Evil One are Evil Spirits in a human Body, and because these Spirits do not have an intimacy with Good there is no element of Good within them which can stand in contrast with Evil and function as a conscience.
Likewise, those who are YHWH's children are Good Spirits in a fallen human Body, and they are incompatible with the identity of Evil pressuring on their Souls.

The moment when the Soul breaks because it can no longer tolerate the presence of the fallen identity is the moment we collapse and cry out to be delivered from the stress of Evil within us.
That is when our Creator steps in and begins to destroy us.

Destroy us?
Yes, He begins to destroy the virus in us which is killing us slowly, and since we have come to identify with this virus YHWH's work of restoration feels to this fallen identity as destruction, because it IS the destruction of that identity.
The process of the destruction of that fallen identity and the restoration of a new identity (which really is something which we always had but which we forgot and which we now see in the light of the internal Dualism of the Soul) is a process of pain and joy.
The pain is caused by our fallen self seeking to assert itself within us, the joy is because the renewed identity is restored to the Source of joy, YHWH.

The process of renewal is one where we shift away from the Flesh into the Spirit, from the fallen identity into a renewed and restored identity, a process of transformation just as we were in a process of transformation when we developed into human Bodies within the womb of our Earthly mothers.

And this is really what Life on Earth is all about.
Our mother's womb is just a printer printing Bodies capable of experiencing internal Dualism, containers for our Soul and Spirit.
Life on Earth is the second womb, an environment where our Soul and Spirit grow into a particular design of our Creator by means of the process of moving through the dualistic dynamics of Good vs. Evil.

Life on Earth is not about the pursuit of pleasure, careers or chasing after wealth or whatever.
Pursuit after these ideals is nothing but vanity, a striving after wind.
It is like seeking to bury yourself in the images of a dream which is bound to come to an end sooner or later.

If this Life were the best our Creator was able to produce I would be immensely saddened and disappointed.
A Life disfigured by pain, disappointment, grief, disease, injustice of the worst kind, that's the best our Creator can come up with?
No, He has something much better in mind.

This Life we lead on this planet is like a virtual environment where we experience that which is impossible: being dead and alive at the same time.
We become intimate with Evil (Death) through the flaw we inherited from our parents, and from this Dark belly of Death we come into contact with the Life-giving Light of our Creator again, and the movement from Death into Life is the process which carves out our true eternal identities.

Life on this planet is part of a virtual school.
I emphasize the word 'virtual', because in reality Evil and Death as we know them cannot exist.
Evil (and its child Death) in essence is non-existence, and non-existence can never exist.
Death as a cessation of Life is very unnatural and impossible in reality, because there is no such thing as the absence of Life.
'I AM' is all there is, so how could a non-'I AM' (non-existence) possibly ever be?
It would imply that there is a parallel existence of 'non-I AM' besides YHWH, and YHWH Himself said that there is no other god besides Him.
He defined Himself as the 'I AM', and the only way there ever could be a manifestation of the 'I AM NOT' is if YHWH would take His nature and create a virtual environment, a fantasy, where an avatar expressing the nature of everything which is  not-YHWH, the 'I AM NOT', is able to manifest.
So that is why Death and Evil can only exist as avatars within a special engineered environment, a dream or a holodeck, and they can never exist on YHWH's level because they are fantasy, artificially engineered phenomena created for a specific purpose.

Death on Earth is the transition from one existence into another, but because we are part of a dualistic Life-experience on Earth where the transition through Death leaves the remainder of the coat of Flesh, we come to see it as a permanent end, and birth as an absolute beginning.
Yet we are Spirit, and we did not come into existence through birth anymore than we end our existence through Death.
Birth is the final stage of the printing process of our interface with the physical world, the human Body, and Death is the final stage of the printing stage of our renewed interface with the dimension of Heaven.

Life on Earth is a dream, a holodeck experience, a process YHWH designed in order for Him to be able to carve out our characters.
It is an intermediate stage, like the womb of our mother.
Surely, when we compare our Life on Earth with the nine months we were in the womb of our mother, we see our Life in the womb of our mother as the preparation to the greater experience of a conscious Life on Earth, and not the other way round?
Likewise we will reflect on our Life on Earth in the same way when the moment arrives that we will live in YHWH's creation in transformed new Bodies, Bodies which are part of both Heaven and Earth.

We were born with a flaw, and the flaw was a deliberate part of YHWH's plan from the very beginning.
Adam and Eve were destined to fall, because YHWH wanted us as their children to go through the womb of Dualism so that we might grow into the new transformed Man.
Yes, Life has its pleasant sides as well as its downsides, and the pleasant aspects of Life on Earth may cause our Soul to cleave to the beauty of the experience.
But the beauty of the experience is just a reminder of the eternal Good nature of YHWH, and it should remind us of our purpose on Earth and the importance of not cleaving to this virtual environment but rather learn to relate to it as a virtual school environment, a womb which leads up to our birth in Heaven.

We all have our disappointments in the womb of Life on Earth.
They are part of the process of our growth, because in order for Faith to grow it needs to be challenged by that which contradicts it.
The Evil One will not let an opportunity pass him by to remind you that you have failed in certain areas of your Life.

ALWAYS remind yourself of the fact that the Satan has invented a bogus set of requirements which define his concept of success.
Moving up the social ladder, material wealth, esteem and praise, all these are part of the Satanic ladder of this world, and by denying you access to this ladder he will not let a chance slip through his fingers to remind YHWH's children they are failures for not being able to jump through his hoops and climbing up his ladder.
Any refusal to conform to the Lie causes YHWH's children to miss out on opportunities to 'get ahead in life', and the Adversary loves to rub your nose in these missed opportunities.

His ladder, which is an image of a ladder reaching into Heaven, is really a ladder descending into the pits of Hell.
By meeting all the requirements for climbing this ladder you end up on a road leading to the destruction of your human Soul.
The Satan turned it into a Lie where the promise of paradise is projected at the end of the ladder.
Yet climbing this ladder you end up creating your own prison where a Death sentence is awaiting you in the end.

Because Earth has been given over to the authority of the Evil One you will find in this domain the manifestation of a reality which is the opposite of the reality of Heaven.
So, the ladder down is portrayed as the ladder up, failure in YHWH's ways becomes success on Earth.

If the Evil One comes your way and seeks to put your Soul down by suggesting you have failed and you are a born loser, tell him to take a hike.
Success in the Satanic dictionary means you do NOT make the choice for YHWH, you do NOT repent of your Evil, and you persist in conformity of the Lie which the Evil holds up as Truth.
Within the Satanic system ruling this world the choice to love YHWH and choose HIs ways above everything else means you do not fall under the Satan's authority, and you become misfit in his system.
The Satanic definition of failure means you failed to jump through his hoops and meet his requirements, and as a result he decided to shut the doors of his empire so that on Earth you meet rejection, obstruction, animosity, ridicule, people looking down on you, devastated 'careers', etc.

If you have come to love YHWH in your Life, and you turn away from temptation, and you practice a Life devoted to showing your love for His Yahshua, then you have discovered what Life is all about and you passed the test.
This means you are a SUCCESS in the real world.
It's just that the Evil One hates you for that since you succeeded where he failed, and he will seek to make you feel miserable during your existence on Earth by denying you access to his premises and telling you that you are a failure because you can't go where even the most incapable among man is able to venture.

Those who remain indifferent and callous in their hearts towards YHWH and His ways are the ones who are failures.
They may receive all the rewards, they may be esteemed and praised and held up as role models in this world, they may receive Nobel prizes to praise them for their conformity to the Satan's terms for admission in his freak show, they may lead very comfortable lives in the most beautiful mansions, but in the end when the dream is over they will reveal themselves to be utter failures, and they will continue to exist in a realm which depicts the Truth of what they have become, the ultimate dream realm of Gehenna where the American dream has turned into a hellish nightmare.

So don't be dismayed by suggestions the Devil feeds into your mind.
If you seem to miss out on all the opportunities in this world yet you love YHWH, you are a huge success in the real world despite your 'failures' on Earth.
But if you are hugely successful and high up the ladder in the ranks of this deceptive dream world of Life on Earth because you conformed to the Satanic standards and thus showed your hatred of YHWH through your conformity to the Deceiver, you are a big failure in the real world, despite your success in the Earth dream.

ALWAYS keep this perspective in mind.
The Alien Colonist who hates Man rules this world and exploits Man to serve His lost cause, and because he can never be restored he hates those who CAN be restored and who serve YHWH.
In the capacity of the ruler of the nations on Earth and their corporations and institutions he has a lot of power to bring obstruction in the Life of YHWH's children.
NEVER put the blame on YHWH when in fact it was the Evil One who tried to set you up against YHWH by ruining your Life, punishing you for your rebellion against his lost cause.

Trust YHWH, believe in Him, because He is true and He will NEVER let you down.
Because He loves you, and He is the kind of Father who would give His life and die for you just to liberate you from the prison of Death.
You can't have a greater love for someone than when you sacrifice your own Life for the sake of the one you love.

So always bring the proper perspective to mind of what Life on Earth really is all about, especially when the Adversary slaps you in the face with the wind of adversity.
Life here is just a womb where the flaw in our design serves to help us grow.
And adversity is part of this process.

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