
The Satanic Credo

The people wanted change, so they gave their votes to the one who promised them change.
But of those who voted for him, did anyone ever wonder about the kind of change Obama would bring?
His change is the extension of the Satanic Credo which is fermented with lies masking as Truth.

Do you understand the implications of what I just wrote?
Those who gave their votes to Obama gave power to the Satanic plan for this world, a plan which will baptize the world in a fire leaving a massive trail of intense suffering.
Those people voted for change, and the change is Destruction so that upon its ashes the Satanic Credo might become a reality on Earth as it is in Hell.
The candidate for change was the candidate from Hell ushering the Satanic season, and the guilt of those who voted for him is great.

The masks are dropping, and the former doves of peace reveal themselves to be warlords of the New Order.
They want to change the face of this world in the image of a hidden agenda, and they have no regard for the value of human life whatsoever.
They follow the example of their father, polluting the air with the stench of their putrid lies, puppets on the strings of Shadows filling the sky with clouds that cast a spell of Darkness upon this planet.
Lies fly to and fro and wrap the Truth in a thick obtuse blanket, so that confusion reigns over the blind and makes them march to the rhythm of the Lie beating the drums of war.

Today Putin makes more sense than the US government, yet Putin also is not a saint.
He is faced with a regime of the USA supporting and training terrorists belonging to Al-Nusra (Al-Qaeda) lying in his face about obvious facts.
Do you think he is going to sit back and do nothing while the US seems hell-bent on waging a war with Russia by proxy?

Who could have thought that the USA would assume the role of a warrior for the cause of the Jihad?
Because that is what the USA's foreign policy comes down to.
That's a big change alright!

US labor day came and went, and the world is in immense danger of being plummeted into labor pains as the Muslim Trojan horse in the white house, the brother of the Brotherhood persecuting Christians, spurred on by his pride seeks to baptize the world in his devouring fire.
After all, he's THE man now, the leader of the greatest nation on the world, isn't he?
He has all this manpower at his disposal to do as he likes, and it is a rush to be the most powerful man in the world.
Surely the king of the world does not bow down to his servants if they do not agree with his decisions?
No, he humiliates them and forces them to repeat his lies, giving them over to the torturers as he goes out to play golf.
It's a scary thought that this man now has his finger on the red button.

These are the actors you voted into office, America, sons of Evil.
They avail themselves of the gullibility of Americans to destroy the nation from within and without, by changing the constitution and by availing themselves of the military resources to further their agenda and pave the way for the New Order to come into existence, an order built on the literal ashes of the old one.
The Adversary ALWAYS will take the most efficient and effective road towards his goals, and as such he selects key positions which allow him to set the chain of command in motion, like a finger pushing against the lined-up dominos, and right now he owns the USA and Europe COMPLETELY.
In the role of the policeman of the world the Adversary changed the uniform of the USA into a djellaba.

And Europe?
Europe is deemed disposable, a pawn in the hands of the man with the finger poised above the red button.

Our nations are ruled by small clubs of elitists who esteem themselves to be above the masses, called-out ones serving a higher deal of a New Order.
They surround themselves with like-minded cronies and reward them with important jobs and commissions for their loyalty so that their Evil remains in the driver's seat.
Small clubs making the lives of millions miserable if it serves their purpose, and they will not hesitate to be the ones responsible for instigating the mass slaughter of millions of people.
They lie without remorse, they lie to get your vote, they lie to harvest your approval.

Saturday evening marks the beginning of the seventh Biblical month based on the calendar of the observed new moon.
It is referred to as Yom Teruah, Day of Shouting, the kind of shouting which brought down the walls of Jericho.
The Adversary has his own plagiarism of this day planned in the form of the day filled with the shouts of terror of the war ushering in his New Order.
Yet YHWH's concept of shouting consists of the sound of the words of Truth, a dissonant noise in the world of lies, a noise which is building and which will bring down the stronghold of the Lie.
Whether or not the first day of the seventh Biblical month is the day marking the beginning of the catastrophe which will lead up to a world war, I do not know.
But I do know the war is part of the Adversary's roadmap leading to the fulfillment of his Credo.

The Satan's Credo is very simple.
He knows that the big difference between Him and YHWH is that YHWH is able to bring forth energy out of Himself and assign properties to that energy so that He can use these building blocks of energy to build His Creation.

'Aside from this basic difference I have creative powers which rival YHWH's creativity.
I may not be able to bring forth energy out of myself like YHWH, but apart from that I am able to build an entire new Creation out of the building blocks of the current Creation, a new Creation  where YHWH's laws do not apply.
I can create a completely new order within the existing order, an order which is superior to the old order in all aspects.'

'I seek to be free from YHWH's restrictions so that I can be whatever I want to be.
It is my desire to take a portion of the energy YHWH has created, and use it to build my own Creation where none of YHWH's rules apply, and I want to share this new Creation with all those who follow my ideal of equality and liberation.
No longer will they have to bow before the whims of a mighty god, but they can be gods unto themselves in the reality I am preparing for them'.

I'm sure that if you read this Credo it does not feel as if you are reading the ravings of a depraved mad man, I bet you can even understand him and his desire to be free and be himself.
This Credo makes the Adversary appear like a creative man feeling the urge to express his creativity in a new composition of reality.
But, do not forget to take a closer look at the Truth behind the words.

The Satan takes energy from YHWH any way he sees fit.
If it involves killing millions of people, he justifies the means by the goal he has in mind, even if the road to his goal is inundated with unspeakable suffering.
The distinction of Good vs. Evil is seen by him as the outcome of slavery to YHWH's concept of Good vs. Evil.
In the Satan's world there is no Good or Evil other than the things you deem to be good for you, or bad for you.
As such, any assessment in terms of Good or Evil is irrelevant, and thus the suffering of millions is whatever you deem it to be.

'Do as thou wilt is the whole of the law' is the basic Credo of the Satan, and within this paradigm there is no Good or Evil.
If you feel it is Good to torture a one-year old baby because it inspires you as a creative artist, feel free to do so.
Yet in the mind of any sane man or woman the horror of the Evil of such an atrocity stands out in a crystal clear way, and that should be an indication of how far the Satan is removed from what is Good.

Good is defined by YHWH, just as Evil is defined by Him.
To care for another human being, to have respect for each other, to protect a baby, to sacrifice your life for the sake of another human being, are these not Good and noble virtues?
Are we guilty of behaving as prisoners of YHWH's paradigm when we uphold these virtues and condemn their opposites?
Our national laws are based on the distinction between Good and Evil.

So, if the Satan's ideal of freedom involves the freedom to commit atrocities and hurt others, what does this tell you about the Satan's heart?
Is it not obvious that the heart of the Fallen One is so far out of touch with reality that he has lost himself in the zone of the Deep Intellect where he can no longer see that he has become the embodiment of the Dark side of the Dualism coin?

The problem with the Satan is that he believes he strives for freedom and autonomy, yet his intellectual zeal has made him blind to the fact that he in fact is in bondage of YHWH's paradigm, namely, the paradigm created by Dualism.
The Adversary's zeal has turned him into the embodiment of the negative side of Dualism, which dictates that he must be anti-YHWH, he must embody everything YHWH is not.

So, if YHWH is Goodness, then in the Satan we see the absence of that Goodness, the reaction against YHWH's Goodness.
If YHWH says 'YES', then by virtue of what the Satan has become his answer will be in the form of a thousand different variations of 'NO'.

The Satan overlooks one very important aspect: everything in Creation is governed by YHWH's definitions, and this includes Evil.
NOTHING in Creation can ever truly rebel, because everything is ruled by properties and definitions which YHWH invented and put into His Creation.
That is where the Adversary has turned blind, because he fails to see how he is an extension of a principle, and thereby an extension of YHWH's paradigm.
His criticism of those who distinguish between Good and Evil as being dumbed down by the indoctrination of YHWH's paradigm of Good vs. Evil is really a criticism which fires back at him, because he is the ultimate extension as the embodiment of slavery to Evil.

The Satan believes in an ideal which is a Lie and which is the result of an intellect driven mad by pride.
The Satan has lost himself in his intellect and came out on the other side as the embodiment of an absurdity in Creation, caused by a zealous faith in a paradigm which can never exist.
He accuses us of being slaves of YHWH's paradigm, but ask yourself, are you a slave?
Has the option to turn your back on YHWH been taken away from you?

Each single day I can choose to reject YHWH and become a disciple of Evil, each single day YHWH gives me the freedom to betray Him and slap Him in the face.
Each day I CHOOSE out of my own free will to follow YHWH wherever He leads me, because I trust Him and He never imposes anything on me.
I can choose to ignore His instructions, but I have discovered in my Life that whenever I turned a deaf ear to His instructions, the results where the opposite of what I wanted.
So I learned to trust in His directions, because He has a Good heart and wants nothing but the best for me.

That is not slavery, nor is it a trick to set someone up to accept YHWH.
Gradually through a hit and miss trial I have come to learn who YHWH truly is, and wanting His Goodness is not a submission in slavery to a dictator, quite the opposite.
YHWH courts us where He has the power the subdue us, He respects our decisions and never takes away the autonomy of choice, and that is the attitude of a humble and immense great heart of a loving Father, not a tyrant seeking to impose slavery to His paradigm.

Try to apply this to the Satan, and you will see that you end up with the reverse.
Ever tried to rebel against Evil?
Try, and you will find out you cannot escape its magnetic power, because Evil enslaves and robs you of autonomous choice.
Follow the instructions of the Evil One and you will find yourself on a miserable path where many have walked before you, some of whom were so burdened by the awareness of the horror they had embraced that they blew their brains out.

Have you ever bargained for the favor of the Satan?
One day it is there, but you never know what tomorrow will bring.
It may bring you another day of his favor, but then again, you may encounter a Shadow carrying a gun on your path.
For the Satan it does not matter, because doing you a favor is deemed good in his eyes, just as killing you the next day is deemed good by him, since both served the ideal he had in mind.
He knows no guilt, no remorse, no repentance, because in his own eyes he can never do wrong.
He is a god unto himself and makes up his own laws as he sees fit.

He sees this absence of guilt and repentance as his strength, the evidence of his inner freedom from YHWH.
He has the freedom to help and assist, and to hurt, kill and destroy, and both are deemed good in his eyes as he sees fit.

Is that the freedom you want?
The freedom to become a puppet on the strings of the dualistic coin where you are no longer moved by empathy when you see a fellow man in pain, where it does not matter if you stab a dagger in someone's back or rob a widow's bank account as long as it 'benefits' you?

Observe how the Satan lies about the freedom and equality he advertizes.
Consider how he tried to seduce Yahshua by asking him to bow down and worship him.
If the Satan's ideal of freedom and equality was for every man to become a law unto himself, then why does he seek to be worshipped as a god?
Apparently, beneath the veneer of freedom and autonomy hides a petty tyrant seeking to establish his own rules and impose them on his own servants who need to bow down and worship him.
This is not the equality and freedom the Evil One holds up as his ideal.

But then again, the fact that the Adversary lies should not come as a surprise to anyone.
And still, the other Mighty Ones have put their trust and confidence in the one Yahshua referred to as the Father of the Lie.
I wonder what makes them think that the Satan will not lie to them if lying is his primary nature?
Isn't their trust the ultimate form of stupidity?
Who in his right mind would trust a con-man?
Perhaps another con-man who thinks he is able to outsmart him?

The Lie is truly where the Adversary excels.
When it comes to schemes of intricate deceptions his skills are unmatched.
Perhaps his most profound and biggest deception is when he transformed himself into a Jesus operating in Babel's system of the great exploitation of man.
He turned himself into various images of Jesus to suit the different preferences of man, so that he might trap them in an illusion of salvation which in fact is nothing other than being absorbed into one of Babel's religious identity groups.
By  putting on the required mask their reward is acceptance and a sense of belonging, a comfortable place as a cog in Babel's contraption of wheels.

Babel's religious wheel features many different compartments with a great multitude of ticket-windows where man can buy a ticket into this false salvation.
Each ticket-window has a different photograph of the Evil One posing as Jesus holding out a form which requires you to sign it with your blood and declare that 'you believe'.
Once that initiation rite is over, you become an integral part of the compartment you have signed up for, and you are officially saved by the 'blood of the lamb'.

Of course, this lamb is the wolf hiding in sheep's clothing, the Adversary posing as Jesus telling everyone to come in and put their yoke on him so that they may find the Satan's rest by signing on the dotted line and wearing the mask which everybody else wears in that compartment.
It is conformity to a religious culture.
Suddenly you are blessed with a sense of belonging passing for salvation, and the world is smiling at you.
You adopt the cultural setting by repeating standard phrases, nodding your head in approval when it is required of you, and conforming your behavior to the cultural standard.

This is the great Church-salvation replacing the true Salvation of Yahshua.
It is the most deadly trick the Adversary pulled, because it has absorbed Yahshua and turned Him into a Jesus-puppet on the strings of the dogmatic stronghold passing for salvation.
It looks religious, yet it smells like a fresh grave where a rotting corpse has been dumped into.

In the capacity of the false savior the Adversary has taken different snapshots of himself posing as Yahshua, and turned them into different images of Jesus on the poster near the window-ticket in order to facilitate an easy identification process of potential customers looking for deeper meaning in their lives.

Within this great contraption of wheels serving to keep the big wheel of the great Lie in motion, there is this one wheel inundated with different ticket-windows selling concepts of a Protestant Jesus, a Catholic Jesus, a New Age Jesus, an Islamic Isa, and so forth.
The wheel sells an image of Jesus to the ones willing to pay the price.

Yet Yahshua can't be bought, He bought those who are directed to Him by the Father.
His Salvation is not something you can appropriate, but it is given freely to those yearning and asking for it.
Yahshua is the One standing outside the religious marketplace, the One who is not part of the contraption of wheels.
His Salvation means He cuts loose the chains which bind you to the contraption of the Lie.

By signing up for a ticket into a church in the contraption of wheels people actually bind themselves in to slavery instead of letting themselves be liberated from the yoke of slavery.
Yahshua's Salvation is organic and living, not a dead one-time deal of signing on the dotted line in order to belong and be accepted into the comforting arms of Babel.

The Adversary has painted a caricature of himself as the mad red guy with the horns and the tail who loves to poke his devilish fork into the fire, and it serves to distract people from realizing the Truth of who he really is.
This avatar is like the Satan's left hand, and in his right hand he holds up his solution in the form of the religious dogma in the role of savior, a straightjacket of conformity to a culture posing as salvation.
And those caught up in this wheel are trapped in the dynamics evolving from playing out the left and right hand against each other, where people hide in his right hand as they turn against his left hand.

In the religious wheel Babel juggles human Souls from her left to her right hand and back again as entertainment for the Shadow world, an act which catches the Souls in a perpetual circle of being tossed back and forth between her hands.

The Satan's Credo has a nice superficial ring to it, until you open the hood and begin to check what lies beneath the hood.
It is then that you see how the hood covers a big mess of lies, how the Adversary's freedom is not freedom at all, but slavery to the nature of Evil as governed by the dualistic principle, how the Adversary's self-confidence and his belief in his ability to build a new order is nothing but a fancy illusion which will produce a disruptive chaotic household of the Frankenstein family, and how his imagined new reality of Evil is a realm governed by the principle of Evil in the form of Destruction, animosity, strife, deception, calamity, fear, hatred, division, disintegration, in short, everything which is part and parcel of the character of Evil.
Because that is the definition YHWH bestowed on Evil, and to us the choice is given for either 'YES' or 'NO'.
The Satanic tenet of 'Do as thou wilt' simply comes down to acting out this definition of Evil in what seems to be a plurality of ways, yet all of which having in common that they are children of the seed of Evil and as such will bring forth the fruit of Evil.

The Satanic Credo is the evidence of a dumbed down mind incapable of relating to reality, because it is stuck in a fantasy bubble of Evil which it regards as freedom, failing to see how it is trapped inside and acts out the nature of the bubble.
Satanic freedom is slavery to Evil.

YHWH's freedom is evident in the presence of the option to choose.
Evil does not know choice, but compulsion masking as freedom: if you feel the urge to do X, then by token of the Satanic freedom, indulge in X (conveniently forgetting that your indulgence in X produces a stronger compulsion to indulge in X).
That is not freedom, it is slavery dressed up as freedom, and only the mind which is dumbed down and blinded can possibly accept such a state of existence as freedom.

The great weakness of the Satan lies in his puffed up intellect, a processor fueled by his pride.
I give him credit for being an absolute genius when it comes to human psychology and manipulation of man.
He is capable of maneuvering people in circumstances where they choose for the very thing he set them up for, as if it is out of their own free will that they make the choice.
His intellect in service of Evil truly has turned him into the master of the Lie.

YHWH gave him great talents, and yet the strength of one of these gifts, his intellect, became his greatest weakness as a stubborn obstacle to Truth when he decided to put his talents in service of his bloated ego.
His Credo is the evidence of an intellect gone haywire, and the greatest disappointment for the Fallen Ones will come when YHWH lets the air out of their champion's balloon.

The Satan may claim to believe in his New Order of creation, but this in itself is an absurdity built on quicksand.
He has become the embodiment of 'NO', the reactionary state of being which manifests everything which YHWH is not.
It is not another source of existence, but instead it comes alive by leeching energy from YHWH's creation into its source code, like a balloon may look big when it is puffed up, but in essence it is nothing but a small piece of lifeless elastic material containing a large content of air.
It looks big, it seems as if it is a living source of existence, but in fact it is a lifeless concept in which we and the Angels breathe air so that it has an appearance of existence.

The Satan built his Credo and his concept of a New Order on this balloon of Evil.
This means that if YHWH is order, harmony and unity, there is no inherent unity, harmony or order in anything which is founded on the concept of Evil.
That which binds YHWH's children in unity is not a uniform or a mode of thought resulting from being beaten into submission of acceptance of that mode of thought.
No, it is love which creates unity, just as it is the Satanic absence of love, hatred, which creates division in any empire based on Evil.

Love brings forth trust, and if an empire is based on perfect love, then everyone operates in trust and nobody will betray that trust.
This is a recipe for a truly united, strong empire where diversity does not lead to strife and division, but instead it is a diverse expression born from the unity found in a common love for YHWH.

Evil brings forth distrust, suspicion, because everybody acts in his own interest.
Remember the Satanic Credo, which means that whatever gets the job done is right (even if it is Evil in YHWH's dictionary), and whatever obstructs the job is wrong (even if it is the result of choosing what is Good in YHWH's dictionary).
This means that if you have to betray trust to get ahead, it is deemed right in the eyes of the one seeking advantage.
And if everyone betrays trust for selfish motives, then suspicion rules the world, and disharmony and disintegration exist on the level of the single cell in a society.

It is a world where the smartest and most unscrupulous, ruthless individuals rise to the top as evidence of a sick Darwinist filtering system.
Such an empire which is based on distrust and a Machiavellian philosophy is doomed to turn on itself, and that is why the Satan's New Order is doomed to destroy itself.
It is a balloon filled with the air of the Adversary's puffed up ego, an impossibility, an absurd notion at best, and it boggles my mind how anyone can seriously believe that such a sick world can have any hope of existence.
It will destroy itself and thereby act out the basic programming code of Evil, of which the Adversary has become a living extension.

Many people believe that the Satan is the head of a tight, perfectly operating organization, but nothing could be further from the Truth.
He is at the helm of a disjointed, dysfunctional bunch of degenerates with selfish interests.
The only reason they are united is because they have a common enemy, YHWH, and a common goal, which is to eradicate YHWH's order and replace it with an order of their own.
Yet this unity has many cracks in its foundation, the result being a less than perfect organization of Evil in this world.

Their common cause and enemy lines them up in what seems like a unified conglomerate, yet imagine what would happen YHWH would lock them into a realm of their own which is sealed off from His presence.
In the absence of YHWH and His people all they would be left with is their own ilk, everyone vying for the best position and operating by the principle that whatever gets the job done in the most efficient way is right, a realm where Spirits operate unhindered by any distinction between Good and Evil.
There are NO brothers in Evil, only competitors, adversaries, little Satans with conflicting wills and interests.

The Satanic Credo is nothing but air, a pretty cover hiding an ugly reality, and its creator is but a balloon stretched beyond its capacity.
It carries a whole lot of nothing inside, and the time is at hand for the bubble to burst.

That is when the great disappointment among the Fallen Ones will set it, and they will wonder how on Earth they could have been so stupid as to follow after a big balloon which turns out to be nothing but a shriveled remnant of an illusion.

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