
No Hope Left

There no longer is hope for this world.
Sure, there IS hope for all those who love YHWH, but this world has reached the stage where it has passed beyond any hope for a massive return to YHWH, and it will be given over to the consequences of its ongoing rebellion.

Although the entertainers of religion may preach a massive revival, -which of course will be to the benefit of their wallet-, no mass revival, and no mass rapture will happen.

But how can this be with so many Christian churches in our nation, you may ask.
What do you call a church?
Do you realize what happens when the preachers asks the candidate 'do you agree with the teaching of this church', and the candidate has to answer with 'yes'?
This 'confession of faith' is the ritual initiation into Babel's wheel of deception so that you become a cog in one of her wheels.
You signed on the dotted line believing your salvation was sealed, yet in fact you ended up sealing yourself in the domain of the Evil One wearing the mask of an image of Jesus he created.

If you truly love YHWH you have to make a choice in your life what you want to have: status and approval of the church furniture, or a living relationship with YHWH.
Christian churches belong to Babel's circus of religious entertainment to keep the masses asleep in a false sense of salvation.
Today the churches are revealing their true identity at the core to a greater degree than ever before as they run after deception and culturally approved values which contradict YHWH's values.

We live in nations where marriage between a man and a woman is destroyed and under constant attack, while homosexuality is revered as the highest good.
And public acceptance of pedophilia is waiting in the wings as the next abomination to become  culturally accepted.
I have to give credit to Putin that he publicly warned the Western nations, how the destruction of 'traditional Christian moral values' in the Western world, which includes the institute of marriage, will eventually lead to its extinction.
But then again, the Western world has embraced Destruction as its Heaven, and will reap the harvest of what it has sown.
Putin's words served the purpose of warning the Western world for the consequences, just as when YHWH pointed at one Tree and told Adam and Eve that if they would eat from that Tree, they would surely die.
Adam and Eve could never claim ignorance, just as the Western world will never be able to claim ignorance.

We are fed a diet of disaster, an ongoing commercial for immorality, and bloodshed has become a common event.
The greedy keep feeding on their victims, and their insatiability drives them to devour the people to the point where they become homeless because they cannot afford the cost of living, especially since the jobs are gone and they are unable to find any work.

I know many of those who are my true family have experienced deprivation of the 'worldly blessings' for some time now, and maybe you are wondering why those who hate YHWH seem to receive all the goodies, while you are deprived of chances.
Realize that YHWH knows you, and He loves you, and He WILL deliver you by opening up a path where there is none.
He knows how, as a result of the increased Evil in this world, roads which used to be available for His own now are cut off.
Persist in Trust and Faith, because your adversity ends up strengthening you, and when the moment comes when the towers fall and this world goes up in flames, you will stand firm like a mountain and no harm will befall you, because YHWH will watch over you and give you shelter in the palm of His hand.

Evil in this world has dramatically increased over the past decades without knowing the slightest point of return.
The result is that we live in an abominable cage of society where technology is used to an ever increasing degree to track and regulate people as cattle on a big ranch.

You can see the relentless face of Evil on TV, which has become a hypnotic lubricant in the hands of Demons as they massage the spectators to Death, you see it in politics and business where participation in the Lie has become mandatory in order to get business deals, you see it in music and entertainment where only the Illuminati puppets are given exposure.
The dumbed-down pathetic conformers to the hidden order receive immense bonuses, while the ones abiding by good principles and who refuse to conform are relegated to live in anonymity under adverse circumstances.
The bright ones are punished and the dimwits are rewarded.

Instead of wasting time in front of the TV you may want to watch the series at YouTube about Satanism in the music industry. 
If you take all these artist behaving like an illuminati six-pack, conformed sausages in one and the same conformity-can, and you extrapolate the prevalence of this group identity to politics, religion, business, education, etc, you get an accurate picture of what this depraved world has become: Satanic to the core, where religion is just the Devil's right hand played out against his left hand.

What do you expect from our Creator?
That He sits back in a easy armchair and takes a nap while His own home is being destroyed and overtaken by malignant hoodlums making the life of His own children miserable?
He most definitely is not, I can guarantee you that.
He has taken notice, and He put the world on notice:  no hope left for this world.
Because Goodness has become scarce as Evil runs rampant.

Perhaps you had hoped for a different message, especially on this day of Sukkoth, but YHWH pressed it on my heart to write that this world has passed beyond hope.
The fate of the USA was sealed when the people still voted for Obama, knowing all too well the rebellion he advocated.
Yet in spite of this, YHWH in His kindness STILL restrained Obama, He held back the Syrian war, that is, for a while.
Did the people turn to their Creator and ask Him for forgiveness, did Western nations begin to question the values they uphold after they stared in the face of a possible nuclear holocaust?
No, it is exactly as prophesied by John in Revelation, where in spite of YHWH's judgment the people refused to repent, and stubbornly persisted in their Sins.
This stubbornness of the people, this callous, cold prideful resistance against YHWH will continue to persist until the very end.

And now Evil has grown to such proportions that this world has entered the point of no return.
It won't end tomorrow, or even next year, no.
But beyond the point of no return is an accelerating process where the snowball running down the slope cannot be stopped anymore, and all we can do is hope it does not devour any innocent bystanders as it plunges headlong into the brick wall.
Or, the abyss.

The snowball is the force of Evil seeking to devour this world in an ongoing process where a New prosperous Order is slated to replace YHWH's order.
To belong to that New Order you will have to pass an initiation rite which is similar to the rite you have to pass if you want to become a member of a church, at least, that is how Protestant churches operate.
You have to say 'YES', and then the paradise of the New Order will open up for you, a paradise which in fact is a slaughterhouse in disguise, but the ignorant conformists cannot see.

If then this world wants to embrace the Deceiver, then YHWH will give the world over to the Deceiver, and he can do as he likes.
This means he can implement his plans for establishing a New Order, and in this New Order Man will be replaced by a synthetic look-a-like.
But before the New Order can be built, the Old Order has to be destroyed, and the best and most efficient and quick way to do this is through the traumatic shock of a devastating war.

Those of you who love YHWH, rest assured the Angels are standing by.
YHWH will not give His own over to Destruction, because in today's world they already suffer at the hands of invisible forces turning their lives into an image of Destruction so that when they look at their circumstances they see a contradiction with that which they believe in.
Yet YHWH's own may suffer and feel the pain, our love for YHWH does not depend on our circumstances, it depends on our heart.
The Evil One may turn our circumstances against us in order to gain access to our heart, but the circumstances are disconnected from our love for our most beloved Father YHWH.
Circumstances have nothing to do with our love for YHWH, and although the Evil One may seek to obstruct us, our love for YHWH does not suffer.
He is our number One and He will remain our first and great love, and we are deemed precious in His eyes.

This morning I was reading Yahshua's words when He said that we are so valuable in our Father's eyes that every single hair on our head is numbered.
Every single hair?
You mean that YHWH loves us so much that He doesn't just pay attention to us, what we do, how we eat, but He even pays attention to the tiniest detail of our lives simply because He loves us THAT much?

I began to think, what have I done to deserve that kind of Love and attention?
It surely is not because I am such a great human being, or because I have done YHWH a great favor, not at all.
I have no stature of greatness in this world, I am little and unnoticed, even on this blog only a handful can relate to what I write.
I write because YHWH urges me to write, and I obey because I am so grateful for the treasures of insight He gives me that I want to share this wealth with you.
Even if nobody would read the articles, I still would publish them so that it will never be said that I kept YHWH's treasures to myself.
I give freely just as YHWH gave freely to me, and never have I mixed His word with worldly matters such as money, that I might remain pure in my devotion and thus show YHWH that His investment of Love in the smallest of Mankind is not in vain.

YHWH's greatness truly shines when He, being the Creator of billions upon billions of different creatures, pays so much attention to something as tiny and insignificant as myself that He even numbers the hairs on my  head.
YHWH's greatness truly shines in His care and love for the smallest of His creatures.

So, there IS hope, and there is NO hope.
There is hope for all of you who love YHWH, hope for a future and happiness the likes of which you have never experienced before.
But there no longer is any hope for this world.
It is gone, sliding further down the road into the abyss, and no one stops to wonder why.

Only in the most dire circumstances when the flames will paint the sky some will turn, but even then many will harden their hearts and persist on the road into the abyss.

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