
The Lie Rules...

...but, sometimes the Lie is so obvious that it ends up destroying itself.

Is it Obama's unbridled blind arrogance which makes him believe he can get away with an excuse for invading Syria which makes no sense whatsoever?
I mean, who in his right mind would believe that Assad would be SO incredibly stupid that he attacks his own people with chemical weapons at the most opportune time for Obama?
Who would believe the 'evidence' for Assad's crime when there are SO many facts and observations contradicting these supposed facts?

Under Obama the US has grown into a terrorist attacking nations at will, simply because it fits in the agenda of the politicians who in turn are owned by substantial financial parties who in turn are owned by, well, you know who.
I am simply amazed that the political puppets believe they still can get away with the same game they have played for decades believing that since they were successful in the past the results for the future are guaranteed.
They really must believe that the people are so stupid that they are able to get away with anything.

The Lie is becoming so obvious that in order to persist in naivety you have to bury your head in the sand and make yourself unconscious to the many facts which contradict the lies the politicians are telling us.
Compared to Obama Assad looks like a genius.
All that Obama has going for him is his eloquence, yet in the face of many testimonies and facts contradicting Obama's eloquent yet ridiculous statements even the strength of his eloquence will not suffice.

But Obama is black.
And because he is black he should be supported, especially by other blacks.
After all, it's the color of the skin which makes you brothers, ain't that right?

Who could have thought that in 2013 you would find common sense and prudency coming from Russia, and a package of idiocy and lies from the USA?
I am amazed.
It takes only one decision to plunge the entire world into the mass sacrifice the Shadows have planned, and you can be sure that the world will never be the same afterwards.

Come to think of it, maybe that is a good thing...

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