

I'm afraid a simple 'Oops' does not suffice for John Kerry after inadvertently providing Syria with an escape clausule.
That never was part of the plan, yet it came out of his mouth quite spontaneously, as if a Higher Force was guiding his tongue.
'Just relinquish your chemical weapons within a week' was his comment, secure as he felt about Assad never agreeing to such a proposal.

But, Moscow heard it and went to Assad with the proposal to relinquish control over his chemical weapons.
Assad, certainly not a person of stunted intelligence, must have laughed in the backroom, because this provided him with the opportunity to either secure his position, or, in case the USA still decides to attack, expose to the world how Obama's objective never was the use of chemical weapons and thus take Obama down with him.
So, Assad saw his opportunity, and his answer was 'Yes, I am prepared relinquish control'.


Obama must be taking aspirins now that it has become clear his deputy Stan Laurel Kerry goofed up.
He has his heart set on becoming the emperor of the world, and thanks to his clumsy assistant his plans are in jeopardy.
Kerry makes him look like the Oliver Hardy of the NWO, and he does not like that, no Sir, not at all.
Kerry is a problem which needs to be neutralized and eliminated, and he will deal with that in his own way, when the time is right.

Obama knows that if he wants to follow through with his plans, he needs magic dust and the smoothest tongue to persuade his audience of the necessity to attack.
No longer is he sure now that Stan 'accidentally' blew a hole in his ship.

Obama knows that he needs more evidence, a sudden act of terrorism, more atrocities...and a follow-up to the 9/11-trauma would certainly come in handy now.
Maybe it is time to make that phone call?
After all, he has scheduled all these interviews, even taking out a day from golf just to address the entire nation to make it clear that Syria is the biggest threat to mankind the world has ever known, and its regime needs to be stopped at all cost.
So far he got away with Libya and Egypt, but Syria has become a bit like a thorn in his foot.
He thought the regime would have been toppled by now, but Assad is still in control, and more force is needed to get rid of that pest so that Islam can take the reins.

'Hmm...what should I do?
Maybe it's time to make that phone call?'.

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