The Devil thinks in terms of strategies
which involve manipulation by means of lies.
manipulation aims to lure the manipulated subject in a trap and turn him/her
against itself, and/or turn it into an instrument for the benefit of the Satanic agenda.
is the keyword, just try to overtake the opponent's strength and use it against
himself, in favor of your objective.
If you
confront someone directly, the lines are drawn very clearly and they enable the
bystanders to make a clear choice when it comes to giving support to one or the
confrontation is a straightforward and honest way of opposing someone.
That is
exactly why the Adversary will very seldom use direct confrontation.
No, his
strategy is to infiltrate and conquer from within.
Take a
look at our nations today, like for instance the USA, and tell me what you see.
has been the biggest military force on the planet for decades, and to try to conquer the
USA for the sake of establishing the Satanic ideal of a one world government
ruling over the entire planet is a stillborn notion which can never happen.
So, what
does the Adversary do?
He sees
the military strength of the US and how it could be used to change and shape
events in the world, and he decides to take charge and control it.
So, he
infiltrates politics on both sides of the spectrum, chooses his candidates and
makes sure their hearts are aligned with his purpose, and then he presents them
to the people who can elect them into office.
It is a choice for either the left or the right hand of the Devil.
That is
what has happened for many years now, and the result can be witnessed on a global
has been conquered from within, and it has been used as an instrument to overthrow national
governments in the Middle East in order to establish an Islamic fundamentalist substitute
terror attack in 2001 was carefully planned so that it could be used as a
legitimate reason to invade the Middle East and start a war which has lasted to
this very day.
In the
wake of the USA's interference the face of the Middle East has changed
proclaimed they wanted to bring democracy to the poor oppressed people of the Middle
East, yet instead they installed Islamic dictatorial regimes to replace the old, and filled the
continent with piles of corpses of the victims the USA together with the
dictatorial partners of the EU created.
offspring of the Devil took hold of the military once they were in office and
used the USA for the Devil's purpose.
In doing
so the USA became a force for Evil on this planet, and today Obama is pushing
even further.
as the extension of the USA now is being used to provoke a war with Russia.
The Nobel Peace Prize winner Obama is the biggest war-mongering president the USA has ever known and revealed himself to be very extreme in his intent to destroy both the world and the USA from within.
He has no qualms about turning Europe in a graveyard, and he seems hell-bent on implementing the Nazi/Islamic concept of the final solution: blotting Israel off the map.
That is
why Obama first gave Iran the green light to produce missiles which can be
equipped with nuclear warheads if so desired (and the demonic Mullahs in Iran have made this
number one on their wish list), and now he tries to obstruct Israel when the
nation wants to have more and better anti missile shields.
The true
nature of that man in the White House simply is not understood by many: he is
Evil to the core, let there be no mistake about it.
You can
pray all you want for him, but you are wasting your breath, because his heart
is firmly in the grip of the Evil One.
It is
better to pray against him than for him.
Clinton is of the same ilk, a witch to the core.
the people of the USA vote for her untold destruction and suffering will become
a reality for the people on this planet.
Europe we have the same problem as the USA: our nations have been infiltrated
by wicked men and women with political power over the military as well as being able to make sure the nation remains a slave of Brussels.
Thus the nation becomes Brussels by proxy.
is a political welfare isle created for the benefit of politicians willing to
execute the nefarious agenda of the EU.
money and power of Brussels are the seductive tempters to national politicians
to stay in line with Brussels and executing the dictatorial decrees of the EU.
Adversary simply threw all the European nations in one bin of the EU, and
proceeded to control the nations by means of one supranational EU government,
very shrewd, efficient and effective.
The Netherlands is ruled by a prime minister who is a slave of Brussels, someone with
a dictatorial mindset who does not care for referenda and what the people of
his nation want, an arrogant liar who should be tried in court for putting the
national security at risk, a man whose Soul has been bought and paid for by the
Brussels travesty.
It is
even worse in Germany where Merkel has exhibited a very clear dictatorial
character which has more in common with Hitler than anything else.
She is
an agent whose mission is to destroy Germany from within, and thanks to the
feeble or even lacking backbone of German politicians she is able to continue
on her destructive mission and succeed.
as we have known it is history.
All of
our nations are ruled by traitors who not only seek to turn the nation's
resources against the people and in favor of a hidden dark agenda, they also
are working very hard to replace the native residents with migrants of the
Islamic faith.
It is a politically motivated and supported invasion, a very wicked Evil process which continues to this very day which depicts those
who protest as intolerant bigots in order to vilify them and proceed with the
replacement agenda.
I tell
you, all the people I know would help a man or woman in need, and they
definitely are not close-minded bigots.
But when
you see an Evil objective being carried out where a nation is invaded with the help of the political leaders then you cannot remain silent.
ALL of
our nations are under attack, ALL of them are being invaded, and in ALL of them
the native residents are treated like the scum of the Earth while the incoming
migrants receive money, housing, decoration, ALL funded by the moneybelonging to the native residents.
The Evil
politicians take money out of the wallet of native residents and use it to
finance their demise and subsidize the invading force with it.
We are
told it is only temporary, but the reality is different: migrants stay here,
and who could blame them?
If you
get all the things you want for free and you are treated like kings and queens,
why should you want to leave?
Yes, we
should help fugitives, but who created these fugitives?
Is the
USA together with its allied forces of the EU not directly responsible?
trained IS terrorists, who uses them as a buffer against Assad in Syria?
Obama, the son of the Devil.
he goes he makes sure the will of his father is carried out, and he has created
an extremely dangerous volatile situation where it is not unthinkable that the
entire world goes up in flames once the spark drops in the wrong vessel.
If there
is too much resistance against the agenda,
an attack suddenly happens in order to manipulate and shape the public
You want
to disarm the people of the USA?
make sure a barrage of incidents occur so that even the staunchest defender of
the rights to bear arms will think twice and reconsider.
It is a
sick combination of the metaphysical with the physical realm where certain
individuals are set up and used for the sake of carrying out an attack, and it
is so remarkably on cue!
Take the murder of Jo Cox, member of British parliament, which was
ascribed to an anti-European assassin, right before the time when the people of
Britain are to give their vote in a referendum concerning the British membership
of the EU.
Do you
really think it is just a coincidence?
But this
is how the Satan operates: through manipulation and lies, using psychology and
human weakness to further his agenda.
This is how he has conquered our nations from within, but it must be said, he could not
have succeeded if the people had remained pure and devoted to YHWH's Truth.
because the people loved the Lie more than Truth and gave themselves over to
temptation the Devil took hold of their hearts and put them to sleep.
A human Life and human suffering leave the Devil stone cold.
YHWH's protection, none of those who withstand and oppose the Adversary's
agenda would remain alive.
And when
I look at the hatred found among those who are in line with the Satan's agenda there is no chance for any good man or woman to rise to power and make a change
for the better, unless YHWH sends out His Angel Warriors who will constantly
have to fight and watch over YHWH's protected agents.
But then
again, those Angels Warriors are a force to be reckoned with, because YHWH's
power is in them and they are fiercer than any Demon or Fallen Angels can ever
hope to be.
This is
what will happen: the polarization between those who are children of the
Adversary and YHWH's own will increase as those whose hearts are inclined
towards Evil grow more Evil, and those whose hearts are yearning for YHWH will
grow in Goodness and stand in contrast with the other group more so than ever
murderous character of the Adversary will manifest in his children openly so
that they will turn against YHWH's own and seek to slay them, something which
already is manifesting.
It will be a matter of those
intolerant of Good turning against Yahshua's people.
As the
polarization grows YHWH's own will realize that no longer the option of
coexistence is open, and it will be either a matter of the Adversary slaying
Yahshua's own, or Yahshua slaying the Adversary.
In the
end Yahshua will make a full end of the children of Darkness and they only have
themselves to thank for it since they were intent on eradicating YHWH's own.
As they
sought to do, so will it be done unto them, as they praised themselves for
shedding the blood of YHWH's children, so they will be put to shame and their
blood will be shed.
cannot hurt to bring the words of the Adversary himself to mind when he
addressed Yahshua in a feeble attempt to seduce Him:
'And the devil took Him up and showed Him all
the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time, and said to Him, “To
you I will give all this authority and their glory, for it has been
delivered to me, and I give it to whom I will. If You, then, will worship
me, it will all be Yours.”'
Yes, the
authority and the glory of the nations on Earth belong to the Satan, and he
lets the ones share in that glory and authority who show the willingness to do
the Satan's will.
So, to
make it big in this world you have to be prepared to worship the Satan and
become one of his children, and that is the very thing which YHWH's own cannot
ever do.
Do not
feel sad or dismayed if you notice how
you have the talents yet lack the opportunity so that others far less talented
are praised and receive all the attention while you are treated as an inferior
unwanted piece of furniture.
It is
only to be expected in the domain where the Lie rules and Evil Demons
constantly are out to obstruct and hinder YHWH's own.
allow yourself to be depressed over what seems like the failures in your Life,
because if you belong to YHWH then your failures really are successes.
to fit in and make compromises on Earth means success in Heaven because you
did not give in to deception but held on to Truth, in spite of the consequences.
If this
realm were created as the ultimate and highest reality, the best our Creator
would come up with, then my reaction would be that He should not have bothered.
remain under the rule of the Adversary who constantly repeats the same old scam
at the hurt of YHWH's own is not a Life worthy of eternal connotations.
the Adversary is tedious and boring to the extreme.
Once you
get to know his box of tricks you simply cannot help but notice how he repeats
the same old tricks over and over again.
It's the
same old lie, the same obstruction, the same old seduction, the same players
throughout all ages.
As the
one purporting to bring enlightenment and being the epitome of creativity, the dumbed down confusion he brings and the utter lack of creativity form a stark contrast
between his claims and what he shows himself to be: a boring repetitious desk
clerk of the Gehenna office way down under.
such a darkened creature be able to compete with YHWH?
No, he
is no match at all.
because the Devil has the opportunity to play out his part in the end game does
not mean YHWH is going to roll out the red carpet for him and stay out of his
ruffles his feathers a bit, He shakes up a few pawns, lets unexpected players
rise up and thwarts certain plans.
Like the
Brexit which was not supposed to happen, or the rise of Donald Trump.
British people seized the opportunity handed to them and made the right choice,
and it is my hope that the Americans will do the same.
And I
pray for YHWH's divine and constant protection of people such as Trump because
the Adversary would love to see him dead and gone.
It is
when people make the right choice when the opportunity presents itself to them
that they can make a significant change for the better and delay the dreadful scenario of the
end times.
there be no mistake, it is a delay because of the hardness of heart of people,
yet this delay will provide those who are inclined towards Good to catch their
breath and have a Shabbat period for a while, a short renaissance.
however, the USA will vote the witch into office, this world will go down in
flames together with the USA.
if the people should be so stupid as to give their vote to that Bonny and Clyde
couple from Hell they deserve the destruction coming their way.
will face a backlash from the globalists.
But don't
fear the power-hungry globalists, keep your chin up and move forward.
I can
only hope The Netherlands will have the good sense to follow the British example,
because it is the only way those dictators in Brussels can be stopped before
they create their own army and their own police.
here on Earth is but a dream, really.
This is
not just vague prose to make you feel better, but here in this realm nothing
lasts and everything is transitory.
To make
it your goal to gather as much wealth as you possibly can is like trying to
accumulate money and possessions in a Monopoly game: when you game is over
you realize that all the Monopoly money you have is of no worth whatsoever in
real Life.
It never
was about getting the money, honor, status or anything else which belongs to
the domain of Monopoly, it was about HOW you go about being a participant in
the game and dealing with the set-back and obstructions.
This shows the inclination of your Soul, and the dynamics of the game are there to draw out the qualities of your Soul.
exactly what you take with you when the game is over, and it is the ONLY thing
of real value.
It is a
dream, and yet it affects us on the deepest level of our Spirit which is part
of the real Life outside the dream.
This is what makes it more than just a dream, because it is so interwoven with the greater reality of
Heaven, and right now the process has been set in motion which will integrate
the two.
who are not part of Heaven will not be able to venture there as those who
rejected the Lie because they loved YHWH's Truth will be transformed.
It is a cross
point, a separation of two distinct realities where one goes down towards
destruction and the other goes up into the eternal.
who love the Lie will manifest their Evil and grow more extreme through their
love for Darkness, while the others who love YHWH's Truth will manifest Good and
grow further away from Evil.
During this polarization process the former will become very violent towards the latter, and
without YHWH's protection and intervention the Satanists would most certain
succeed in killing off YHWH's children.
As long as you are part of this dream, realize that the Devil has been given authority over the dream domain.
strive for personal greatness in this realm is meaningless and futile.
The only
things which matter are the things you take with you when the game is over.
work hard and be diligent in developing your talents, because your talents are
given for your benefit.
But do
not feel disappointed or even depressed when in spite of your hard work the
world does not care for you one bit.
If you
belong to YHWH you are an alien in a domain where the natives would love to see
you dead and gone, so do not care about their opinion, do not seek their
approval, because they will use it as a means to vex you and toy with
world is occupied territory where the Adversary has dominion over nations and
the Messiah returns the status quo of this world as a Satanic hell disguised as
Disneyworld will remain as it was ever since the fall of Man, so I pray that
Yahshua will no longer wait and claim what truly is His.
moment the Satan brutally tortured and murdered Yahshua was the moment he took
a life which he had no right to take, and that entitles Yahshua to take back
what had been delivered to the Adversary.
has the right to claim it all, and so I hope and pray He will return soon and
put the claim in effect.
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