
The Dream Within A Dream

"Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow —
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?  
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand —
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep — while I weep!
O God! Can I not grasp 
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?"

The words of Edgar Allen Poe have the ring of Truth in them.
In the poem he writes about the nature of our existence here on Earth, the dream nature of our existence and the things we think of as real, perhaps even as the ultimate reality.
What we experience and refer to as reality is like a dream, and many times have I alluded to our place here in this dimension as a dream within a dream.
And as is the case with dreams, the reality of our dream existence on Earth can change instantly, inexplicably, and we think of it as a miracle, or maybe witchcraft.

We are part of a scripted dream where we, by our consciousness, are tuned in to a particular reality. 
Out of the many possible waves which can translate themselves into a particular reality, or dimension if you like, our Soul is fine-tuned to receive the script for this particular Earth reality and it selects a particular wave and energizes it by the fact that the Soul gives its attention to it.
This phenomenon also is demonstrated by for instance the double slit experiment.
If you are unfamiliar with that experiment, just look it up on the internet.
It shows that our consciousness tunes in to a particular reality and affects it by the mere act of observation.

Another way of looking at it is that the current reality we know is a projection of energy and information emanating through our Soul, just as the concept of the 'dream' we are familiar with is a projection of our mind into the brain which constructs a dream-reality when we sleep where all known concepts are tied together in a particular frame in such a way that it is impossible from the perspective of the reality we know, yet it becomes possible in the dream world within us when we are asleep.

Likewise, the 'fixed reality' we live in is not fixed at all but rather the result of a projection of a particular reality setting.
YHWH tuned our consciousness into the station which broadcasts the elements of this reality so that our attention is drawn to and tuned in to the frequency of this station and the particular reality is received and energized by our Soul.

Remember, whatever we give our attention to is something we energize as part of our reality.
And that brings us to another aspect of why we are here.
We are here to grow so that qualities in our Soul can mature, but we also are here as representatives of YHWH's reality station.
Although we may share the 'Earth stage' with the ones who have surrendered themselves to Evil, the children of YHWH are part of a completely different dimension than the children of Darkness.
We are part of two distinctly different 'boats', yet we travel on the same canal.

It is very necessary for us to be here, because without YHWH's children the consciousness of the slaves of the Adversary would be tuned into the frequency of an Evil reality without restraint, and this would mean that instantly the reality would morph into an unprecedented Hell.
Satanists will do well to consider this whenever they feel like killing all of YHWH's children, because we are the reason they are able to live here and enjoy the good things in Life.
By killing all of us they end up killing themselves.
Without YHWH's own they would invariably reap the harvest of Destruction they have sown, because the only consciousness left would be the consciousness which is tuned into the frequency of Evil, the wave which manifests in a reality of Hell.

YHWH's own receive a particular setting of reality which is tailor-made for them to facilitate the growth in their Soul.
Aside from this personal reality setting we share elements of the script of this reality with others, including Satanists, so that communication through the shared reality settings can take place and we are able to affect one another, either positively or negatively.
And that is basically what Life on Earth comes down to.
It also is the problem we have, since YHWH's own are influenced and obstructed by the children of Darkness to the extent that Dark elements can enter their reality setting and make Life hard for them.
Furthermore, on Earth Evil has been given dominion over Mankind and thereby is able to use Man as a slave serving the needs of the Evil empire.
This always implies sacrifice and suffering, let there be no mistake about it.
Behind the scenes psychotic fallen zealots use us to fuel the motor of their ambitions without the slightest impediment of a conscience.
They carry the conscience of Evil where before they had one inspired by YHWH.

This brings me to the widely reported phenomenon of the changed Bible translations.
When words in the Bible change inexplicably and thereby indicate that what we know as the past has been altered, then it not only appears to us as a spectacular change we never consciously were aware of, it also points very clearly at the nature of our reality as a simulation run by a set of instruction codes.
The one who can control the code and/or access it (by means of a hack) has the power to change the reality of the past and the future.
Whether this is the first time we are made conscious of this happening (because 'our eyes have been opened') even though it has happened before, or whether this truly is the first time hacks have been made in Bible translations I do not know.
I cannot remember any other time that changes have been applied to Bible translations by means of a hack in our reality setting, but the fact that it has happened and that I am aware of it means that my consciousness receives the new reality setting of the hack, even though I am conscious of the fact that there is an incongruity with the reality I knew as well as certain elements in this new reality setting which were not altered by the hack.

I always read an English translation of the Bible, no Dutch versions, and as such the changes in the King James translation stood out like a sore thumb.
Not that the English translations are perfect, far from it.
If you really want to get the deeper meaning and correct interpretation of what a Bible verse tries to communicate, more often than not you have to make the effort of using a concordance.
I generally rely on an English Standard version of the Bible I have used for over thirty years now and which is held together by tape, as well as a version which leaves Hebrew keywords intact without translating them.
In the English Standard version translators have added other possible translations for words in the footnotes at the bottom of the page, including word plays in certain passages, and this is also true for the other Bible I use where Hebrew words are rendered literally, and that surely is something I appreciate very much.

The changes we have been conscious of thusfar are a clear indication that Dark powers have messed and are messing with us, and many have witnessed the suddenly shift and the incongruous elements of the past and the present.
As if we now live in a new version of the past which never happened.
Yet it did, only not in my consciousness.
And I assure you there are many more versions of the past.
I cannot help but wonder how far they think they can go.

By changing the past you can influence and shape the future, and that is exactly the name of the game: we are steered and maneuvered towards the entrance of the big Deceiver, and YHWH's own are here to influence and affect the Satanic con-game so that the story may have a dramatic climax but it is followed by a happy end.

That is the other element of the reason why we are here: to play our part in the story so that the script can follow the storyline YHWH has in mind.

Another well-known writer wrote:  
"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts"

You probably guessed it, Shakespeare is that writer, and he too was very aware of the nature of our world.
We come here to grow, and for that purpose a particular role has been designed for us in the play of Life, and as we act out that role and interact with the script we fulfill our place and position within the dream and affect the development of the dream, the script.
Yes, we are also put here by YHWH to act out His script and make sure that the Evil One cannot hold the consciousness of everyone captive to the point where he can manipulate the entire consciousness of Mankind to such a degree that we activate and energize an exclusively Evil reality.
Because, whatever we give our attention to is the very thing we energize, and it becomes part of the fabric of the Earth reality, the Earth dream.
The Aboriginals were aware of the dream nature of our existence LONG before us.

It is an interactive dream, like a computer simulation or a computer game.
Although in the light of the suffering and the dramatic impact it has on us the classification of a game hardly can be called appropriate.
Yet when you bring to mind certain stories in the Bible, such as the time when the people of Israel during their time in the desert were harassed by serpents and YHWH ordered Moses to make a fiery serpent of bronze so that whoever would look at it would not die, and this does carry resemblance to what you might find in a computer game.

But whereas in the case of a game or a simulation there still is a distinct separation between you and the simulation, our Earth simulation is of such an advanced nature that we actually BECOME the character and lose our conscious awareness of another greater reality we came from as we begin to interact and grow up after we have been born here.
Yet as we drift away from what we were, there also is a turning point for the Truth loving man and woman who yearn to find the Truth, and that is the turning point where a consciousness of our origin once again comes back into view.
You might say that after we are born we sink into a sleep which gets deeper and deeper until for some the point comes where we are emerging out of the sleep.
Others love the sleep so much that they slide deeper and deeper until it becomes a coma from whence they shall never be awakened.

In our Earth dream we become the part we play to such an extent it appears as if it is the only and the highest reality for us.
This setting of our reality environment is far greater and intense than a computer simulation or a game that we know because of the way it affects us and the way it integrates into the reality we knew.
We come out of this 'game' differently than when we entered it.
We affect reality by our presence and whatever we say, do or even think.
The dream literally BECOMES our reality and affects us in the greater reality of the Spirit.

True art has this one quality which sets it apart from pseudo art: it conveys Truth and the Spirit of Truth, and often it provides us with a particular perspective which enables us to increase in understanding.
True art carries the Spirit Who inspired it, just as pseudo art carries the Spirit of the Lie.
False prophets are like entertainers who give the audience what it wants to hear so that they feel good about themselves even though they are wrong, and real prophets are like true artists who convey Truth, even though the public may not want to hear it.
One is a massage for the ego serving Death, the other is a message from the Mirror of Truth serving Life.

Like art and literature, science has given us a new perspective which enables us to understand the nature of our Earth reality better.
Before the advent of the computer and computer games, who could have understood the concept of an artificial reality run by the execution of a program code and how changing minor elements in the code translate into seemingly huge changes in the way the software operates and manifests to the users of the software?
To understand a phenomenon you have to be able to relate it to concepts you are familiar with, and without these points of recognition a proper understanding is elusive.

And so the changes we see were regarded as magic in the past, or miracles, depending on the context, while in fact if we look at them from our perspective and our knowledge it is not too difficult to see how this magic really is a hack into the code of reality.
It is a hack, and hacking into Creation which is referred to as magic was strictly forbidden by YHWH because it required stolen energy to execute and implement the hack.
Moreover, YHWH is no fool and He knows exactly what He is doing when He creates, and to mess with the way He created everything is very destructive.
Furthermore, stolen energy means it creates victims.
In a dualistic reality it also means you automatically are drawn into the 'anti' reality of Evil, a reactionary force which uses the energy we give it to express its character of destruction and annihilation.

So although our understanding may have increased, YHWH's instructions still remain valid and we should not think little of reality changes because we understand more about their nature and how they could be implemented.
For the anti-evangelists of Creation (the Fallen Ones) to affect and steer our reality they need sacrifices of energy, Life-force, and although I could describe what they try to do in scientific terms, that description in no way negates the horrible Evil atrocities they make themselves guilty of by means of their zealous idealism for an alternative Evil reality.
They seek to build a stairway to Heaven and overtake it, and if they were able to succeed it would mean the destruction of all.

The only reality of Evil there ever was and will be is the reality where it expresses its character.
That means destruction, annihilation, disintegration, un-creation, represented by the number '9' as the complete opposite of the number '8'.
Because Evil is everything YHWH is not.

Edgar Allen Poe wrote of a dream within a dream, and he was exactly right.
Even the reality of Heaven is an environment created by YHWH.
It is of a higher nature than the reality of Earth and in Earthly terms it can be likened to the relationship between being asleep and dreaming vs. being awake.
Both are dreams, yet one dream is distinctly on a lower subconscious level than the other dream.
Likewise, our Earth reality is of a distinctly lower level than the 'dream level' of Heaven.

But although it is a dream, it is very real to us.
Our reality may be the result of our consciousness being programmed to receive the information of a 'reality-station', yet the resulting projection of reality is far more than just a screen or a simulation.
It is real to us and affects us accordingly so that it becomes impossible to dismiss it as 'just another dream'.
It has dramatic and sometimes a horrible impact on our Soul and Spirit and therefore far exceeds our involvement with a simulation or a computer game.
We can get caught up in the dynamics of a computer game, but we are made an integral part of the Earth reality, and that is a big difference.

And the ultimate reality?
What is reality?
Only YHWH is real and besides Him there is no reality.
That is why He referred to Himself as 'I AM'.
There is no 'outside YHWH' as if YHWH lives in a house and He is able to venture outside.
Who would have created that outside, who would have created that sense of space?
It would imply that there is a greater Creator than YHWH who made YHWH, and if that were so, what would be the nature of that greater Creator?

YHWH is the only and highest reality there is, the One Who fashions realities and the elements contained within them, and in Him we exist in different intertwined realities belonging to a hierarchy of dream-states, different dimensions, different realities with different consciousness for the participants in them.

So, what ultimately is Creation then, a thought in YHWH's mind?
Am I not projecting concepts I know unto YHWH and thus fail to properly understand Him because of my own limitations?
I think that is where we approach the limit of our understanding, because we cannot imagine YHWH's perspective simply because we lack the reference points in our knowledge which enable us to understand and relate YHWH's reality to what we know.
He is so much bigger than all of us, and yet, even in the smallest He is present and He acts and speaks through us.

We are part of a script, and the Evil One knows that the ending of the script is not in his favor and that his time is running out.
So it is no wonder he seeks to twist and manipulate developments in his favor more than ever before, and disintegrate our concept of Good and Evil in every conceivable way.
The results we can witness on a daily basis in the current ongoing war against what is Good and what does not comply with the Satanic agenda, aka the politically correct agenda.
It should give you an indication of the sort of people who rule over our nations if they exclusive lend themselves as whores for Satan's purpose.

YHWH's unveiling in these end times sheds light on the true nature of the ones who are in charge in every aspect of Life, and it creates a big divide between the ones who can see and who realize the scam, and the ones who are part of the scam.
This divide cannot and will not ever be bridged, because it is the divide between Good and Evil, and it is high time that the people who choose for Good will set aside their differences and let their voice be heard against the slave drivers of Evil who deceive and lie on a daily base.
Otherwise the world will be turned into a slaughterhouse, Satan's cherished butcher shop.
And something big is in the works which makes the current reality changes and the terror attacks seem small in comparison, something which we have never witnessed before.

I pray that YHWH will speed up developments even more so that it is over quickly, because the ongoing relentless idiocy and false motives of the Satan worshippers in this world have become tedious and stale, old, worn out, like old dried up wineskins incompatible with the new wine which is to be poured out from above.
They are fit only to be thrown away, and only the new wineskins which can contain and hold the new wine are fit to receive the new wine.
Yes, wineskins, not bottles as the King James now reads.

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