In the agenda of the Fallen Ones the
final frontier in the evolution of Mankind is
the modification of the human Body.
Change the Body, change reality.
When the
human Body can be engineered so that the Soul can be taken over and thereby the
Spirit, then it becomes possible to transfer the mechanism, by means of which we
are tuned into the reality script YHWH feeds us, in service of a script generated by the
Fallen Ones.
It means
a reality script written and engineered by the Evil One can become an Earth
reality for the modified human beings, only whereas previously YHWH wrote the
script and thus created the projection of this reality, then the Fallen Ones
will be the ones who project a reality which translates into the 3-D
environment we all are familiar with.
The recent changes in Bible translations made me wonder: how is it possible that the reality scene has changed, and I am part of the changed reality?
Is it a mix of a particular reality script being fed into my consciousness on the one hand, and YHWH's reality script I am part of on the other hand, like two movies being projected unto one screen so that the differences between the elements I was familiar with and memorized, and the new altered elements stand out to me because they do not fit?
I know I live in a Body which by its fallen nature is hooked into the 'cloud of Evil', the information network of the Fallen Ones, and is that how they were able to project a different deviating reality?
There is a clash between what I know and what I see now, and the new image is one I classify as a manipulated reality, the result of 'magic'.
I recently watched the movie 'Cell' which illustrates what could happen if the Fallen Ones succeed in their plans: any script can then be fed into the Soul, yet it although it becomes the new reality for the recipient, from a spiritual perspective it will translate into a psychosis, a zombie state of existence.
In that movie there were two groups: one which was affected by the signal in their cellular phones and which was turned into a hive of zombies out of touch with reality, and the other unaffected group which had to fight for their lives because they were not part of the hypnotic psychosis which held the former group in its grip.
And this is the dilemma the Satanists face: to be able to create their version of reality they need to get rid of all of YHWH's own so that nowhere His presence can be found and manifest into a script of reality which obstructs and contradicts their own script.
Yet in getting rid of YHWH's own they are effectively committing suicide since the nature of what drives them will manifest itself: Evil, and they will end up destroying themselves.
problem is, YHWH is perfect and the result of His works is a perfect fit within
the greater scheme of His Creation, but the Fallen Ones lack the oversight as
well as the intellectual abilities of YHWH and thereby create an anomaly they
think of as their version of Paradise, their New Order, yet because of the
elements they overlooked and missed it will turn into a living Hell.
The path
to this process requires the modification of the human genome, altering the DNA
so that it facilitates the hack the Fallen Ones have planned and prevents Spirits from Heaven being downloaded into the new Man.
If they
succeed there will be two groups on this planet in the initial phase: one group which is fed the
Earth reality script by the Fallen Ones, and one group which resides in YHWH's
script and which notices the differences between the two.
That is,
IF these two scripts can continue to project themselves into one plane of reality.
If not,
then the result will be that there will be a point when one group simply will live in a different
dimension than the other group, and no longer will interaction between the two
be possible on the same level of reality.
If the
two groups will share the same level of reality it means YHWH's own will be labeled
as clinically insane and unfit for duty while in fact it is the group of modified creatures looking and appearing as Man yet being of a distinctly different nature is the group which is in the firm grip of a psychosis, the unfolding of a reality script which is nothing other than a hack, a fairy tale turning the new modified man into a vehicle for the agenda of Destruction, Evil.
And you
probably can guess what this implies.
entire process of the modification of our genetic structure is designed for the
purpose of being able to take YHWH's design and alter it to such an extent that
His reality no longer can manifest through the modified vessels, but the
reality script of the Fallen Ones.
Man will
be hacked and thereby reality will be hacked and completely overtaken by the
Fallen Ones, as if someone hacked into your computer and you cannot operate it
anymore because the hackers are in full control.
What can
you do in such a case but pull the plug?
computer is no longer of use to you and you cannot use it constructively for
your purpose because the hackers are abusing your computer and able to
read your personal information as well as run amok.
You need
to unplug it and overwrite the virus which enabled the hackers to overtake your
computer by for instance re-installing the operating system or an image of your
computer configuration you saved on a separate hard drive, and then check to
see if other parts are infected.
If the
hackers managed to overwrite even firmware, then you may have to replace
hardware components of your computer.
What the
Fallen Ones are attempting to do is to hack the hardware components, the
physical components which allow our Soul and Spirit, which are tuned in to and energize YHWH's reality, to interact with our familiar Earth
If they
succeed in their purpose then the hardware component, the physical interface in
the form of the human Body, no longer is the design of the Manufacturer.
Instead it has become a corrupted element which will end up projecting Destruction and Death into Creation.
In my
previous post I wrote about how we are tuned in to a particular reality station
which projects a scripted reality through our Spirit into our Soul into the 3-D
screen we experience as our natural 3-D environment of Earth and the Cosmos
wherein it resides.
The Soul being fueled by the Spirit is the energizer of the reality we know, and even our mere presence and
whatever we give our attention to energizes a particular element which is part
of the script carried by the frequency of the reality station we are tuned in
design of the Fallen Ones reverses the flow within us.
YHWH's design is His Spirit passing Life into our Spirit, which in turn passes Life into our Soul, which in turn energizes YHWH's reality station He tuned us in to.
It is a flow from Heaven -> Spirit and Soul -> Body.
The design of the Fallen Ones seeks to hack into the design of the human Body, feed a reality script through the Body into the Soul, and then make the reality come alive through energizing it with the manipulated Soul.
It is a flow from Hell -> Body -> Spirit and Soul.
The weak and uncertain element in this design is the Soul: there are plenty of Fallen Spirits, but they lack the unique human Soul.
So the Fallen Ones need to capture and trap Souls for this purpose, because without the Soul, how could they energize the reality script?
It is the human Soul which binds the human Spirit to the human Body and makes it part of a specific Earth reality script.
Through the Spirit and the Soul YHWH will give us the signal of our transformation so that the interface of the Body is changed accordingly, but when the human Body is modified so that it no longer is able to respond the Spirit and Soul will be trapped forever.
And this is why the Evil One wants our Soul so badly: it is a crucial element which links Spirits to the Earth reality and which energizes the reality script.
Men and women born on this planet are given a Soul, and the Adversary seeks to trick us into giving up our Soul because he needs Souls for the sake of his New Order and making it manifest into a new Earth reality.
The only way the Evil One can have our Soul is if WE make the choice to GIVE it to him.
Our Souls are given to us by YHWH, and no one can take our Soul from us without our consent.
Yes, we are born in Sin, but we also are given a choice to believe Truth or the Lie, the King or the Queen, and that choice either saves our Soul or gives it into the hands of the Abuser.
So, the Adversary seeks to trick us into giving our consent, believing in His lies.
If you believe in Yahshua and you reject the Lies of the Adversary there is no way he can take your Soul from you, because it is in the hands of Yahshua and the Devil cannot ever take what the Son of the Almighty holds in His hands.
Fallen Ones seek to hack and modify the design of the physical hardware
interface of the human Body so that it becomes a powerful conduit receiving the code for the reality script
of the Fallen Ones, and this can be fed into the Soul/Spirit so that the
unfolding reality is determined by the script of the hackers, the Fallen Ones.
The second reason is to cut YHWH off from Mankind by creating a new version of Mankind which will allow Demon Spirits to have a human Body without having to share it with a host, and be part of an Evil Earth reality script which can be energized by means of the Souls the Evil One appropriated.
the Fallen Ones seek to modify the human Body to such an extent that it no longer is
accessible to Spirits from Heaven, but instead becomes a vehicle for the Fallen
Demons so that they are able to live as the new breed of Man in a reality
dictated by the terms and conditions of the Fallen Ones.
Fallen Angels in turn then will be gods of the New Order, something they
imagine will last forever but which most assuredly will fall apart because of
the flaws in their thinking and their design.
They are
able to incorporate all the factors and elements of the metaphysical reality
they are familiar with, but they forget that in YHWH's eyes even that reality
is like a dream, and there are elements in that reality which have components
on YHWH's level which the Fallen Ones cannot see so that by
affecting the metaphysical side of the component only the side effects which only YHWH knows about are overlooked.
side effects will manifest in tangible metaphysical and physical malfunctions
and ultimately translate into Destruction.
no fool, and somehow the arrogance of the Fallen Ones seems to have blinded
them to YHWH's intellectual prowess.
simply is no match for His intelligence and His insight.
Furthermore, they seem to forget that YHWH is the One who can create Souls, He also is the One who can destroy Souls.
I have written before how Life holds up a mirror in which we experience our true nature, and if we are Evil we will experience YHWH as Evil even though He is the same as He always has been, Good and devoid of Evil.
It's just that our experience of Him has changed.
So if we join the Fallen Ones we WILL experience YHWH as our destruction and the Destroyer of our Souls.
Because WE made it so.
Although the saying states that misery loves company, the Devil does not want human Souls to keep him company in Gehenna.
As if he would accept this fate without putting up one hell of a fight!
Imagine gathering Souls for thousands of years for the single purpose of having company in Hell, or torturing YHWH's own for the single purpose of getting back at YHWH, surely it is pointless and a drag after a while?
No, with the Adversary there's always another reason for what he does.
When he obstructs and brings affliction into the lives of YHWH's own he does it to render them harmless, to break them so that they cannot be a liability to his cause, and when he gathers Souls he does so for the sake of being able to realize his plans for an alternate reality where he is god and king.
Here on
Earth the process of genetic modification is now really gaining momentum as it accelerates
and Man becomes subject of an extremely dangerous experiment which will utterly
wipe him out in the end.
I assure you the road to that destruction is paved by unmentionable diseases.
We will be wiped out if YHWH does not step in and prevents His Creation from being destroyed.
And He
WILL step in and intervene on behalf of His own when He transforms us and makes
us part of His new perfect reality script as the Satanic miscreants are left up
to the consequences of their unbridled arrogance and the flawed creatures it
will have spawned.
is a name associated with dubious experiments with genetically modified food, but this is just the
precursor of what is coming in the very near future.
process towards a re-design of Man is set in full motion, and experiments
formerly abhorred and associated with the wicked Nazi regime now are accepted as forms
of scientific research for the benefit of Mankind.
Man will
not benefit, but you can guess who will.
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