
The Magical Transformation

I am looking at the changes in our reality from the perspective of the dream I had where one group I belonged to departed from our familiar environment in a boat on a long, straight canal, and YHWH was at the helm leading us.
Another group in a different boat travelled in the opposite direction, but the moment they spotted us as they turned around and pursued us in their own boat.
Because their boat was faster than ours they caught up with us, and the threat of their abuse loomed over our heads.
They did not take YHWH's presence into account and were confident and filled with malicious glee that they had us trapped, but that was the moment when YHWH stepped in and confused them so much that they were unable to pursue their plans for us as they were in a frozen state of fear, confusion and shock.
This allowed us to resume course and using the oars of our boat to get away from them.
But, the group which was after our blood saw us and wanted to go into pursuit mode again.
That is when YHWH pointed his arm at them and caused their boat to sink by His command, and they no longer could follow us.
Then miraculously our boat seemed to pick up speed, so much that it appeared to be like a speedboat and whereas we thought it was our oars moving the boat forward we realized that it was not the oars we used nor our strength, but it was YHWH who was moving our boat faster and faster, until suddenly we arrived at a place which felt incredibly good.

I have written about the changing reality in my previous post, and I know this is a very controversial subject due to the fact that the idea that somehow our past can be altered because we shifted into another reality, is something you may associate with science fiction, but certainly not with real life in a world where we are taught that everything we see, hear and touch comes from a fixed reality setting which has to follow the known laws of physics.
But let me ask you, the laws of physics, do we today know everything there is to know?
Could it be that science today still has a lot to discover about Creation and the way it works, not to mention the nature of Creation?
So, if you confess faith in science as it is today you may very well have confessed faith in a fairy tale due to the fact that science is incomplete and incorporates perhaps a few incorrect theorems. 

I have seen quite a few changes, especially when I learned about the topic of the Mandela effect and I read other accounts of changes people reported.
The label Mandela effect does not accurately cover what is happening, so I will leave it for what it is, and simply call it what it is: reality changes, dimensional shifts, alterations/modifications applied to the things we always have known and which we considered to be historical facts.

This phenomenon becomes a cause of concern when Bible translations have been changed in dubious ways.
For instance, take the passage of the 'lion laying down with the lamb'.
The lion now appears to be a wolf in Isaiah 11.6.
Surely there is a strong negative association with the word 'wolf',  like a 'wolf in sheep's clothing', a deceiver, and this association is not present when you mention a lion, or a leopard.
And that is very disconcerting to me.
Who let the wolf in Paradise, is this image a suggestion that Yahshua may be a deceiver, or does it mean Yahshua will be in Paradise with the Deceiver?
I think not.

Also, in the end YHWH will whistle for His Israel to gather them in (Zechariah 10.8), and you find this word 'whistle' in the English Standard Version among others.
The King James reads that YHWH will 'hiss' for them, and I ask you, which animal do you associate with 'hissing'?
Isn't it a serpent?
I don't remember if this has always been the translation or not, so I won't suggest it is the result of one particular shift in dimension.
What matters is the translation which associates YHWH with the image of a serpent, just as Yahshua now is tied to the image of a lamb and a wolf, and I find that very dubious.
The latter image IS altered and did not always used to be like this.

But if you repeat the changed and altered verses of the Bible a thousand times, and if people continue to pound on the fact that it always has been this way, there comes a point where the repetitions and the assurances of others will cause someone to believe that it is true and always was like that.
But I am here to tell you it was not always this way, and the current translation makes no sense when you apply the image to Yahshua.
So how did the wolf get in there and replace the lion?

The passage in Zechariah is interesting because it indicates a frequency change emanating from YHWH's lips to gather in His own, and I sense a deeper meaning in it.
When I look at the possibility of dimension shifts and passages in the Bible such as the 144,000 from the tribes of Israel learning a new song which no one else can learn, then Zechariah's prophecy may be more than just the image of a Shepherd whistling for His sheep.
It may be the shift in dimensions which YHWH will use to gather in His own.

Don't dismiss this as 'sounding like New Age', but keep an open mind and try to read your Bible not guided by the instruction of a pastor, yet seek your guidance from YHWH's Ruach, His Holy Spirit, and consider the possibility of changing dimensions.
After all, I cannot think of a bigger supernatural change than the 'raising of the dead and the transformation of the believers'.
And shortly after Yahshua went back to Heaven, haven't there been reports about being 'translated' into different dimensions and/or places on Earth?
So the concept of shifts in dimensions is something you find all throughout the Bible, from Enoch to Paul, and it should not be relegated to the realm of New Age travesty.

If you will, forget about shifting dimensions and their effect on reality which could be described as witchcraft, sorcery when the Adversary is behind it.
And I am sure the Adversary currently is behind the shifts.
Apparently it is controversial and leads to too many arguments.
Wouldn't you agree that the words 'wolf' and 'hissing' as used in the King James translation are at least a bit suspect due to the meaning associated with these words?
Wouldn't you agree that old bottles don't break if you pour new wine in them?

When I consider the dream I had there were two boats with two different kinds of people, one carrying the predatory Satanic group, the other the ones who belong to YHWH.
The two boats indicate two different environments the groups are part of.
The Satanic environment is where the lovers of Evil are part of, the Heavenly environment is where the lovers of YHWH's Goodness are part of.
Earth is the reality setting, the stage, where both groups meets, yet it is not the place our Spirits are part of.
Each group resides in a different reality, yet we both share the Earth stage as the place where we can interact on the physical level.

In my dream the boat with the Satanists caught up with the boat of YHWH's own, and the Satanists wanted to board YHWH's boat and overtake it.
The journey through the canal may stand for the journey through time and the alternating dimensions, and finally there will be a moment when the Satanists will inspire dread because of the threat of persecution they will bring to YHWH's own.
But before they can act out their plans YHWH will stop them with His unmoved countenance and turn the tables around: the fear will enter the hearts of the Satanists and they will be as if someone froze them, locked them into a particular reality setting as YHWH moves His own forward.

The boat with the lovers of Evil will remain locked where it was and go down as YHWH accelerates His shifts through dimensions immensely and takes us into His own resort, our home.
There, at home, the whole Satanic reality will be as if it never existed and the Satanists as if they never harmed us because there will be no harm or memory of harm in us left.
All we will know is the incredible joy of being part of the exciting vibrant atmosphere of the resort, our home, and we finally will be able to move and thrive unhindered, unlike before.

In one of his letters Paul spoke of the 'last trumpet [or shofar]' (the sound of which is a frequency to which those who can hear it can respond) and the 'dead will rise and the ones who will be alive will be transformed in the wink of an eye'.
Have you ever thought of how this will be and what it will be like?
I am sure many of you have, and traditionally some picture this as Yahshua being somewhere in the clouds where many of the previously deceased to go, and then we join them in the air.
But don't forget the Bible often speaks in images in order to allow people of different ages to understand the core nature of what will happen, and it need not be a literal factual description of what will happen.
Yahshua WILL return the same way as He went, but it will not be in the same dimension as the current one.
We will be transformed and shifted through different dimensions like the boat moving through the waters of the canal, and Yahshua's Kingdom is not one of the world we know.

Who of you can tell exactly the way everything will unfold?
I have not had such a complete revelation.
All I know are the snippets of information YHWH feeds into my mind, and as I learn more and experience for instance dimension shifts it becomes clearer to me what YHWH meant, and how the words He gave to me apply to our situation.

I have written several times before that the days are coming when all sense of certainty and security will be lost, and some will literally lose their minds because they are unable to cope with the shifting paradigm of reality since they fail to acknowledge it.
Imagine if someone believes the Bible to be the true infallible word of God without taking into account that translations simply fail to render the original language properly, or that the 'word of God' (which should be the 'word of YHWH') really refers to the inner revelation given by YHWH's Spirit which, when you recognize and accept it, you also find in the Bible.
Then this person who takes his/her guidance from external words only will be shifted along with the changes applied to the Bible when reality changes.
But those who first live by YHWH's Spirit and from that perspective relate to the Bible will notice something is not quite right.
And so, think of the old King James version everyone knows and which is promoted as the most accurate translation of the Bible.
If I were in the Devil's shoes and I could alter realities, I would apply changes in that translation in one reality, and shift the believers in King James to that reality.

If I were a Fallen Angel and I would have technology at my disposal which would allow me to change reality, you bet I would try to alter the Bible, among other things.
The Adversary always uses guile and deceitful tactics to get the upper hand.
When he lies, he takes the Truth and changes it ever so slightly at a crucial point so that the outcome is altered in his favor.
When he tries to destroy an institute, he infiltrates it and destroys is from within.
When he wants to undo Yahshua's work he becomes Jesus and disconnects Him from His roots and His mission, and embed Him in a false framework of pagan traditions and incorrect ideas.
And when he has the technology to change reality he will infiltrate concepts and ideas people have accepted as true, and change them slightly, and after the acceptance of the change as the new standard of normal, he will change it again even more.

This is how the Satan works, and because many had a different idea of how the end times would unfold they blind themselves to what is happening around them if it does not comply with their ideas.
Beware of him, because he takes a person's rigid acceptance of ideas and turns it into a prison from whence there is no escape simply because Truth is not recognized and acknowledged due to  stubbornly clinging to preconceptions while the 'facts' and circumstances are changing inexplicably.
He loves to confuse because it opens the mind to suggestion if the suggestion complies with what a person as accepted as true, such as 'the King James Bible is the infallible word of God and cannot ever be tampered with'.
Will that still hold true if someone went back in time and altered the translation?
Beware of the tricks of the one 'who will change times and seasons', for he has a large box of tricks!
He has implemented changes in preparation for the big change he has in mind.
But he is limited in what he is able to do and the changes he is able to implement, just as Pharaoh's sorcerers were limited and could not mimic YHWH's miracles.

The changes I have seen are relatively small to what is coming, and perhaps you are skeptic and may think I have an overactive imagination.
Do yourself a favor, make a conscious effort to commit to memory whatever comes your way, rehearse it so that you keep the memory alive, especially when it comes to the Bible, or maps.
That way when another change is implemented, perhaps it will be the very verse you have committed to memory, and you can verify for yourself to see if this phenomenon has truth in it or not.
These shifts I refer to, shifts in reality, shifts in dimensions, used to be called witchcraft, magic, because they contradict what we know to be possible.
Yet this witchcraft, this magic, is based on a science which incorporates metaphysical principles and illegal ways to tap into YHWH's transformative energy.
YHWH strictly forbade us to indulge in any kind of magic because it belongs to the realm of Evil, yet today we are seeing it applied on a very wide scale.
It always has been around, but the changes today are of an unprecedented magnitude, -as far as I know.

Yes, these days are strange days, even the weather is abnormal.
I don't know where you live and what kind of weather you have had over the past months, but here in The Netherlands it has been stormy weather for many months now, with only a few days when the storm was interrupted by a couple of quiet days.
Somehow I think it is connected to what is happening behind the scenes, the shifts in dimension, the changes in our reality setting.
And there is a LOT more coming our way.

1 comment:

  1. And by the way, in the last post I mentioned Yahshua's description of events at the end of time where 'one will be taken, the other will be left'.
    Now look it up in the King James translation, and you will discover that Luke 17.34 now reads 'there shall be two MEN in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left'.
    The word 'men' is not present in the original text. The word 'epi' means 'in, on, upon, unto, to', Strong's concordance nr. 1909, not 'two MEN'.
