
The Ad

I recently noticed an advertisement for the latest prophecy conference, and although not intended the advertisement revealed more than it should have.
Want to hear the latest in prophecy and prepare yourself for the long awaited end times cataclysms?
Then go to the latest top prophet conference where major prophets will disclose the secrets of the end.
You can get a special prize if you order your tickets now, so hurry and reserve your seat while you can.

Yes, that sums it up pretty well.
If you feel the need to waste your time and your money by spending it on false profiteers, then go ahead and do what you must.
But I tell you, your time is much better spent by watching a good science fiction movie rather than having to listen to the latest religious fiction and speculation about the developments in the end times scenario 'as revealed by the Almighty', and your money is much better spent on buying something you can enjoy.
Even the purchase of a couple of six-packs would be better and preferable.

The advertisement spells it out very clearly: they serve the almighty dollar, for if their hearts truly were set on true prophecy they would never ever in all eternity dare to charge you money for a word from YHWH.
It they did, they would damn themselves, and I can assure you that YHWH will come down on such wannabe prophets very hard.
A true prophet is to deliver YHWH's word faithfully and without a price tag, he is to give it freely to those who hear him just as he has received it freely.

Today the word prophet is associated with some kind of spiritual rank of someone with a VIP status in Heaven and who is above the sleeping crowd.
I tell you that there is no difference between a prophet, a pastor, or an ordinary believer who is neither, because we all are here to play the role YHWH assigned to us, and it is He Who should be at the center of attention, honor and praise, and not us or anyone else.

Furthermore, being a true prophet is not exactly something to be desired.
You become the spectacle of this world and the Angels in Heaven, and Demons will target you more than anyone else.
The world would rather have nothing to do with you, and you will find that the words of Truth you speak or write are discarded by many while the soothing and/or exciting words from the mouths of the false prophets are imbibed like wine with great eagerness and praise.
People get drunk on hearing their words while the words of the true prophet are spat out like vinegar.
You become the unimportant village idiot while the false prophets go from profit to profit, from esteem to esteem with their religious merchandise.

You will find true prophets dressed in rags and living under abominable conditions, while the false prophets appear with shiny faces and perfect suits to deliver their massage for the ears itching for sensation and self-validation.
It is not without reason that a prophet like Jeremiah cursed the day on which he was born.
He even wanted to stop prophecying because of the adversity and hatred he encountered, yet YHWH's words became like a fire within that Jeremiah could not contain.
May YHWH bless Jeremiah's Soul for remaining faithful and true in spite of the hardship and harsh conditions he encountered as a result of speaking the uncomfortable Truth no one wanted to hear.
Even when YHWH punished the people of Judah with exile they STILL would not take Jeremiah's words to heart, and he STILL remained the unwanted excentric alien whose words never massaged the ears of the people but rather were regarded as an offense.

But I tell you, the real prophet, although suffering and rejected in this world, is infinitely better off than the false prophet.
The false prophets may profit now, but they shall suffer eternal shame because they had the impudence and callousness of heart to turn the Almighty Creator into a money making machine.
The true prophet will receive honor and glory for being faithful and serving his Creator with a loving heart, and that is why he is far better off in spite of the rejection and humiliation he often has to endure.

Yet this world as it is will never accept them, and many suffer and have difficulties in making ends meet because all they get for dinner is rejection and obstruction in everything they do.
As for the sons of Balaam, the nebulous morning mists who are hell-bent on using YHWH as their money maker, you desire to see the day of YHWH?
Blind as you are will you seek to show and lead the way in the end times scenario you have in mind?
Don't you know the strength of His sun will dissipate the morning mists so that their veil can no longer hide YHWH's landscape from the eyes of those who are willing to see?
The time of the end is at hand indeed, yet it will not be a day in your favor, but rather something you will dread and fear, a day without redemption because you have turned Him who made you into a trademark for your benefit.
That is what the Devil loves to do, and by your deeds you show yourselves to be sons of the Evil One.

As for you who love Truth, simply ask, and you will receive, no payment is required from you.
It is given freely, and as you have received without any charge, give it freely, and be blessed by it.
Because, if you heed these words and remain faithful and true to the One Who made you, your reward will be given by Him directly and it will surpass everything you have come to value.


The Strategy

The Devil thinks in terms of strategies which involve manipulation by means of lies.
The manipulation aims to lure the manipulated subject in a trap and turn him/her against itself, and/or turn it into an instrument for the benefit of the Satanic agenda.
Efficiency is the keyword, just try to overtake the opponent's strength and use it against himself, in favor of your objective.

If you confront someone directly, the lines are drawn very clearly and they enable the bystanders to make a clear choice when it comes to giving support to one or the other.
Direct confrontation is a straightforward and honest way of opposing someone.
That is exactly why the Adversary will very seldom use direct confrontation.
No, his strategy is to infiltrate and conquer from within.

Take a look at our nations today, like for instance the USA, and tell me what you see.
The USA has been the biggest military force on the planet for decades, and to try to conquer the USA for the sake of establishing the Satanic ideal of a one world government ruling over the entire planet is a stillborn notion which can never happen.
So, what does the Adversary do?
He sees the military strength of the US and how it could be used to change and shape events in the world, and he decides to take charge and control it.
So, he infiltrates politics on both sides of the spectrum, chooses his candidates and makes sure their hearts are aligned with his purpose, and then he presents them to the people who can elect them into office.
It is a choice for either the left or the right hand of the Devil.

That is what has happened for many years now, and the result can be witnessed on a global scale.
The USA has been conquered from within, and it has been used as an instrument to overthrow national governments in the Middle East in order to establish an Islamic fundamentalist substitute government.
The terror attack in 2001 was carefully planned so that it could be used as a legitimate reason to invade the Middle East and start a war which has lasted to this very day.
In the wake of the USA's interference the face of the Middle East has changed dramatically.
They proclaimed they wanted to bring democracy to the poor oppressed people of the Middle East, yet instead they installed Islamic dictatorial regimes to replace the old, and filled the continent with piles of corpses of the victims the USA together with the dictatorial partners of the EU created.
The offspring of the Devil took hold of the military once they were in office and used the USA for the Devil's purpose.
In doing so the USA became a force for Evil on this planet, and today Obama is pushing even further.
The NATO as the extension of the USA now is being used to provoke a war with Russia.

The Nobel Peace Prize winner Obama is the biggest war-mongering president the USA has ever known and revealed himself to be very extreme in his intent to destroy both the world and the USA from within.
He has no qualms about turning Europe in a graveyard, and he seems hell-bent on implementing the Nazi/Islamic concept of the final solution: blotting Israel off the map.
That is why Obama first gave Iran the green light to produce missiles which can be equipped with nuclear warheads if so desired (and the demonic Mullahs in Iran have made this number one on their wish list), and now he tries to obstruct Israel when the nation wants to have more and better anti missile shields.
The true nature of that man in the White House simply is not understood by many: he is Evil to the core, let there be no mistake about it.
You can pray all you want for him, but you are wasting your breath, because his heart is firmly in the grip of the Evil One.
It is better to pray against him than for him.

Hillary Clinton is of the same ilk, a witch to the core.
Should the people of the USA vote for her untold destruction and suffering will become a reality for the people on this planet.
In Europe we have the same problem as the USA: our nations have been infiltrated by wicked men and women with political power over the military as well as being able to make sure the nation remains a slave of Brussels.
Thus the nation becomes Brussels by proxy.
Brussels is a political welfare isle created for the benefit of politicians willing to execute the nefarious agenda of the EU.
The money and power of Brussels are the seductive tempters to national politicians to stay in line with Brussels and executing the dictatorial decrees of the EU.
The Adversary simply threw all the European nations in one bin of the EU, and proceeded to control the nations by means of one supranational EU government, very shrewd, efficient and effective.

The Netherlands is ruled by a prime minister who is a slave of Brussels, someone with a dictatorial mindset who does not care for referenda and what the people of his nation want, an arrogant liar who should be tried in court for putting the national security at risk, a man whose Soul has been bought and paid for by the Brussels travesty.
It is even worse in Germany where Merkel has exhibited a very clear dictatorial character which has more in common with Hitler than anything else.
She is an agent whose mission is to destroy Germany from within, and thanks to the feeble or even lacking backbone of German politicians she is able to continue on her destructive mission and succeed.

Germany as we have known it is history.
All of our nations are ruled by traitors who not only seek to turn the nation's resources against the people and in favor of a hidden dark agenda, they also are working very hard to replace the native residents with migrants of the Islamic faith.
It is a politically motivated and supported invasion, a very wicked Evil process which continues to this very day which depicts those who protest as intolerant bigots in order to vilify them and proceed with the replacement agenda.
I tell you, all the people I know would help a man or woman in need, and they definitely are not close-minded bigots.
But when you see an Evil objective being carried out where a nation is invaded with the help of the political leaders then you cannot remain silent.

ALL of our nations are under attack, ALL of them are being invaded, and in ALL of them the native residents are treated like the scum of the Earth while the incoming migrants receive money, housing, decoration, ALL funded by the moneybelonging to the native residents.
The Evil politicians take money out of the wallet of native residents and use it to finance their demise and subsidize the invading force with it.
We are told it is only temporary, but the reality is different: migrants stay here, and who could blame them?
If you get all the things you want for free and you are treated like kings and queens, why should you want to leave?

Yes, we should help fugitives, but who created these fugitives?
Is the USA together with its allied forces of the EU not directly responsible?
Who trained IS terrorists, who uses them as a buffer against Assad in Syria?
Yes, Obama, the son of the Devil.
Everywhere he goes he makes sure the will of his father is carried out, and he has created an extremely dangerous volatile situation where it is not unthinkable that the entire world goes up in flames once the spark drops in the wrong vessel.

If there is too much resistance against the agenda,  an attack suddenly happens in order to manipulate and shape the public opinion.
You want to disarm the people of the USA?
Just make sure a barrage of incidents occur so that even the staunchest defender of the rights to bear arms will think twice and reconsider.
It is a sick combination of the metaphysical with the physical realm where certain individuals are set up and used for the sake of carrying out an attack, and it is so remarkably on cue!
Take the murder of Jo Cox, member of British parliament, which was ascribed to an anti-European assassin, right before the time when the people of Britain are to give their vote in a referendum concerning the British membership of the EU.
Do you really think it is just a coincidence?

But this is how the Satan operates: through manipulation and lies, using psychology and human weakness to further his agenda.
This is how he has conquered our nations from within, but it must be said, he could not have succeeded if the people had remained pure and devoted to YHWH's Truth.
But because the people loved the Lie more than Truth and gave themselves over to temptation the Devil took hold of their hearts and put them to sleep.
A human Life and human suffering leave the Devil stone cold.

Without YHWH's protection, none of those who withstand and oppose the Adversary's agenda would remain alive.
And when I look at the hatred found among those who are in line with the Satan's agenda there is no chance for any good man or woman to rise to power and make a change for the better, unless YHWH sends out His Angel Warriors who will constantly have to fight and watch over YHWH's protected agents.
But then again, those Angels Warriors are a force to be reckoned with, because YHWH's power is in them and they are fiercer than any Demon or Fallen Angels can ever hope to be.

This is what will happen: the polarization between those who are children of the Adversary and YHWH's own will increase as those whose hearts are inclined towards Evil grow more Evil, and those whose hearts are yearning for YHWH will grow in Goodness and stand in contrast with the other group more so than ever before.
The murderous character of the Adversary will manifest in his children openly so that they will turn against YHWH's own and seek to slay them, something which already is manifesting.
It will be a matter of those intolerant of Good turning against Yahshua's people.
As the polarization grows YHWH's own will realize that no longer the option of coexistence is open, and it will be either a matter of the Adversary slaying Yahshua's own, or Yahshua slaying the Adversary.
In the end Yahshua will make a full end of the children of Darkness and they only have themselves to thank for it since they were intent on eradicating YHWH's own.
As they sought to do, so will it be done unto them, as they praised themselves for shedding the blood of YHWH's children, so they will be put to shame and their blood will be shed.

It cannot hurt to bring the words of the Adversary himself to mind when he addressed Yahshua in a feeble attempt to seduce Him:
'And the devil took Him up and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time, and said to Him, “To you I will give all this authority and their glory, for it has been delivered to me, and I give it to whom I will. If You, then, will worship me, it will all be Yours.”'

Yes, the authority and the glory of the nations on Earth belong to the Satan, and he lets the ones share in that glory and authority who show the willingness to do the Satan's will.
So, to make it big in this world you have to be prepared to worship the Satan and become one of his children, and that is the very thing which YHWH's own cannot ever do.
Do not feel sad or dismayed if you notice  how you have the talents yet lack the opportunity so that others far less talented are praised and receive all the attention while you are treated as an inferior unwanted piece of furniture.
It is only to be expected in the domain where the Lie rules and Evil Demons constantly are out to obstruct and hinder YHWH's own.
Don't allow yourself to be depressed over what seems like the failures in your Life, because if you belong to YHWH then your failures really are successes.
Failing to fit in and make compromises on Earth means success in Heaven because you did not give in to deception but held on to Truth, in spite of the consequences.

If this realm were created as the ultimate and highest reality, the best our Creator would come up with, then my reaction would be that He should not have bothered.
To remain under the rule of the Adversary who constantly repeats the same old scam at the hurt of YHWH's own is not a Life worthy of eternal connotations.
Honestly, the Adversary is tedious and boring to the extreme.
Once you get to know his box of tricks you simply cannot help but notice how he repeats the same old tricks over and over again.
It's the same old lie, the same obstruction, the same old seduction, the same players throughout all ages.
As the one purporting to bring enlightenment and being the epitome of creativity, the dumbed down confusion he brings and the utter lack of creativity form a stark contrast between his claims and what he shows himself to be: a boring repetitious desk clerk of the Gehenna office way down under.
Should such a darkened creature be able to compete with YHWH?
No, he is no match at all.

Just because the Devil has the opportunity to play out his part in the end game does not mean YHWH is going to roll out the red carpet for him and stay out of his way.
No, YHWH ruffles his feathers a bit, He shakes up a few pawns, lets unexpected players rise up and thwarts certain plans.
Like the Brexit which was not supposed to happen, or the rise of Donald Trump.
The British people seized the opportunity handed to them and made the right choice, and it is my hope that the Americans will do the same.
And I pray for YHWH's divine and constant protection of people such as Trump because the Adversary would love to see him dead and gone.
It is when people make the right choice when the opportunity presents itself to them that they can make a significant change for the better and delay the dreadful scenario of the end times.
Let there be no mistake, it is a delay because of the hardness of heart of people, yet this delay will provide those who are inclined towards Good to catch their breath and have a Shabbat period for a while, a short renaissance.

If, however, the USA will vote the witch into office, this world will go down in flames together with the USA.
Furthermore, if the people should be so stupid as to give their vote to that Bonny and Clyde couple from Hell they deserve the destruction coming their way.

Britain will face a backlash from the globalists.
But don't fear the power-hungry globalists, keep your chin up and move forward.
I can only hope The Netherlands will have the good sense to follow the British example, because it is the only way those dictators in Brussels can be stopped before they create their own army and their own police.

Life here on Earth is but a dream, really.
This is not just vague prose to make you feel better, but here in this realm nothing lasts and everything is transitory.
To make it your goal to gather as much wealth as you possibly can is like trying to accumulate money and possessions in a Monopoly game: when you game is over you realize that all the Monopoly money you have is of no worth whatsoever in real Life.
It never was about getting the money, honor, status or anything else which belongs to the domain of Monopoly, it was about HOW you go about being a participant in the game and dealing with the set-back and obstructions.
This shows the inclination of your Soul, and the dynamics of the game are there to draw out the qualities of your Soul.
THAT is exactly what you take with you when the game is over, and it is the ONLY thing of real value.

It is a dream, and yet it affects us on the deepest level of our Spirit which is part of the real Life outside the dream.
This is what makes it more than just a dream, because it is so interwoven with the greater reality of Heaven, and right now the process has been set in motion which will integrate the two.
Those who are not part of Heaven will not be able to venture there as those who rejected the Lie because they loved YHWH's Truth will be transformed.
It is a cross point, a separation of two distinct realities where one goes down towards destruction and the other goes up into the eternal.
Those who love the Lie will manifest their Evil and grow more extreme through their love for Darkness, while the others who love YHWH's Truth will manifest Good and grow further away from Evil.
During this polarization process the former will become very violent towards the latter, and without YHWH's protection and intervention the Satanists would most certain succeed in killing off YHWH's children.

As long as you are part of this dream, realize that the Devil has been given authority over the dream domain.
To strive for personal greatness in this realm is meaningless and futile.
The only things which matter are the things you take with you when the game is over.
Yes, work hard and be diligent in developing your talents, because your talents are given for your benefit.
But do not feel disappointed or even depressed when in spite of your hard work the world does not care for you one bit.
If you belong to YHWH you are an alien in a domain where the natives would love to see you dead and gone, so do not care about their opinion, do not seek their approval, because they will use it as a means to vex you and toy with you.
This world is occupied territory where the Adversary has dominion over nations and people.

Until the Messiah returns the status quo of this world as a Satanic hell disguised as Disneyworld will remain as it was ever since the fall of Man, so I pray that Yahshua will no longer wait and claim what truly is His.
The moment the Satan brutally tortured and murdered Yahshua was the moment he took a life which he had no right to take, and that entitles Yahshua to take back what had been delivered to the Adversary.
Yahshua has the right to claim it all, and so I hope and pray He will return soon and put the claim in effect.



My sincere congratulations to all the British people who have voted for autonomy and independence, and against the power hungry leeches of the EU.
I wish the people here in The Netherlands would follow your example.

But who knows, perhaps now that the British are first in showing common sense and they did not allow themselves to be intimidated or manipulated, the time has come for the Dutch people to do likewise and get out while we still can, and thereby give ourselves a chance to recover from the biggest political scam in European history.


The Wages

It is payday.
Before you cheer, wait.
Because the world will receive what it has earned, and as the world has sown lies and watered them abundantly, as the great societies of this world have made injustice their foundation and blood their elixir, the reward for this world will be paid in full accordingly.
If blood was sown, blood will flow, if injustice was the standard,  injustice will be reaped, as the Lie was worshipped, the destruction of the Lie will be on the world's head.

Money is the blood running through the veins of the Satanic empire on Earth.
The Satanist will do anything necessary to be part of the flow, the ones who belong to YHWH are repulsed by it.
They too would like to have some money, but the requirements to be in on the game and let the money flow their way are too high and contrary to their conscience, and they are not compatible with the rules of the game, the players, and their mentality and spiritual Darkness.

Now is the time when the Satanists want to make big strides forward and initiate the mass sacrifice for the sake of establishing their Utopia, so they believe.
Their plots and schemes are evidence of how the love of Evil can make a person insane, because they forget that the game they play can and will result in a world where large areas will be uninhabitable.
And what they have overlooked is how their ambition to ignite the spark for the much desired world war can and will cause havoc to such an extent that the future of Earth, at least, THIS Earth, could turn it into a sibling of Mars: a barren planet devoid of Life.

The Americans will do well to take that in consideration when the time for the elections will come around (that is, IF Obama has not ignited a world war before that time), because a vote given to that murderous Evil witch will inevitably be a vote for your own self-destruction.
And if the Brits have any sense left they will vote AGAINST Brussels in the upcoming referendum.
Or would you rather be a slave of the self-enriching political elite who could not care less about the 'man in the street'?

How convenient that the murder of a British member of parliament is ascribed to someone who is described in the media as an individual motivated by a bias against Brussels, how well it plays in the agenda of the Devil in the White House that the terror attack in Orlando can be used to push the agenda to disarm US citizens forward!
As if guns kill by themselves and not people.
You can use a car to kill your fellowman, but do you think anyone will call for a ban on cars if such a thing happens?
Of course not, cars are not the problem, people are.
So maybe we should ban people from the planet?
Well, I know someone who is working towards that goal...

This world is fading, and the feeling of complete alienation from what I see continues to grow with each new day.
I stand here as part of it, but what I see feels distant, it is not mine, I am elsewhere.
I see the sun rising and shining in the sky, and yet, even the weather feels like it is running out of steam, as if the motor which drove the weather engine has been unplugged and the motion I see is the result of everything coming to a standstill.

And yet the actors in this world seem oblivious to what has happened and what is happening, as if they believe their game will continue for all eternity.
It will not, the game is already over and the time remaining is the wrap up.
And the wrap up will be bloody, very bloody, violent and abusive if the Satanic actors have it their way.

They still forge schemes that aim to create their paradise over the corpses of the innocent, but YHWH will not have it, it is enough.
It is enough already.
You who love the Adversary will be given over into his complete destruction, and you will watch how YHWH moves His own home as you will be left on a barren desolate planet, the portal that will lead your Spirits into the outer Darkness where you will experience the work of your own hands.

Still you think you are smart and you can get away with murder, lies, slander, injustice and bloodshed, but you are dumb, stupid and blind, for as you do, so will it be done unto you.
There is a cosmic Mirror, it is represented in the saying 'an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth', and the time is at hand you will face the horror of what you are.
But YHWH's own will behold the beauty of what they are, because in that Mirror they will see Yahshua's purity and innocence reflecting back at them.

No one gets away with anything, be sure of that.
Every single word we spoke, every single thought in our minds, every decision we took is recorded and can be played back for everyone to see, so we are without defense when our own words testify against us, when our own deeds accuse us, when our own thoughts display the Truth of what was in our hearts and which we believed.
Yes, we may have wicked thoughts, but whereas one believes the Evil thoughts and acts on them, the other is vexed within and yearns to be set free from them, and that is where the heart shows the Truth of what it is made of.

The witch poised to finish the work of her lord and master is ready to take up her place in office and turn the world into the graveyard out of which her new paradise is scheduled to rise like the phoenix out of the ashes.
So she believes.
Little does she know that in the end she will be digging her own grave and burn in the flame she lit forever.
In the hands of corrupt slaves of the Adversary ruling over nations, the US has become a force of Evil in this world, hell-bent on setting the place on fire even if it means the death of billions.
They consider it to be the payment to their god in exchange for the paradise where they will rule as kings and queens in extravagant luxury surrounding themselves with slaves to accommodate every single depraved need they might have.
Their paradise has to be built on the graveyard they dug and filled with the bones of their sacrifices, the innocent victims they created to make their dreams come true.

This world is a curse to YHWH's own, even our very Body is a curse weighing down on our Soul.
Rejection, alienation, cast out and counted as worthless garbage, ridiculed, monitored, stalked, harassed and attacked continuously by Fallen Ones availing themselves of the many vessels and instruments at their disposal here in their domain seem to be part and parcel of what YHWH's children have inherited the moment they were born into this cursed domain.
No wonder many come to view their Life on Earth as an exile, a punishment, because the Adversary does his best to make the Life of YHWH's own a living Hell.
Yes, this world is a nightmare dressed up as a dream of beauty, and the ones who experience the truth of the dream, that it really is a slaughterhouse where men and women are raised to feed the appetite of Demons, are the ones who fail to conform and dream the big Lie.
Because they are not part of this nightmare, their home is elsewhere.

Yet for the Satanic Spirits this domain is their dream world, Disneyworld for the Damned, and how they love it!
Yet the tables are being turned, and I hope you Satanists really made sure you got the best deal from your dark god, because the good time you have here is all the goodness you will ever experience.
And it is short, much shorter than you imagined now that the time of the end is upon us.
For YHWH's own it is like passing nightmare which will produce a shock of immense untold relief the moment we wake up in our glorious Paradise which is NOT founded on the blood of innocent victims, but which was made possible by the voluntary sacrifice of the cosmic Heavenly King Yahshua.

Soon the time will come when it will be said, behold, I saw the Earth devoid of form and a wasteland, and the stars had departed from the Heavens so that Darkness rested upon the void.
This Earth is a temporary dream, a nightmare, and the real Earth is in another dimension where YHWH's own are taken, yet the ones left behind are the drowning Satanists who thought they could prolong their hunting games for yet another season.
But upon YHWH's command you shall drown in your Evil and drink the blood you took until you vomit and be repulsed by it.
And yet you shall be forced to drink more and more, since your appetite for Evil was insatiable and the suffering you caused eternal.
So your suffering shall be without end and your hunger shall never be satisfied.
You shall yearn but never have, you shall crave yet never attain, your days shall seem without end because no longer shall light be your comfort and all you know shall be never-ending darkness devoid of hope, and your thirst shall not be quenched.

But is not that what you wanted, to live forever, whatever it takes?
That is the one thing you WILL have, but you will wish that your existence did have an end as you will be stuck in an endless loop of unfulfilled longing in the Dark.
All alone, though you will be many.

So are you sure you still want to continue on the road to your Dark Master's paradise?
There always is a chance to turn around, if you are willing to acknowledge the sins cleaving to your Soul.
But that is the one thing you will never do, will you?
Admitting you were wrong is a weakness in your book, right?
Yet I tell you, until you make yourself weak and small before the King you shall not enter His rest nor will you ever abide in His glory.
Instead you will remain locked in the iron cold dark chains of your god and king the Adversary.

The time is short and the future is a stillborn child.
At least, in this domain.
For YHWH's own the future holds a promise of beauty, and YHWH is not an Elohim Who lies or makes false promises.


The Final Frontier

In the agenda of the Fallen Ones the final frontier in the evolution of Mankind is the modification of the human Body.
Change the Body, change reality.
When the human Body can be engineered so that the Soul can be taken over and thereby the Spirit, then it becomes possible to transfer the mechanism, by means of which we are tuned into the reality script YHWH feeds us, in service of a script generated by the Fallen Ones.
It means a reality script written and engineered by the Evil One can become an Earth reality for the modified human beings, only whereas previously YHWH wrote the script and thus created the projection of this reality, then the Fallen Ones will be the ones who project a reality which translates into the 3-D environment we all are familiar with.

The recent changes in Bible translations made me wonder: how is it possible that the reality scene has changed, and I am part of the changed reality?
Is it a mix of a particular reality script being fed into my consciousness on the one hand, and YHWH's reality script I am part of on the other hand, like two movies being projected unto one screen so that the differences between the elements I was familiar with and memorized, and the new altered elements stand out to me because they do not fit?
I know I live in a Body which by its fallen nature is hooked into the 'cloud of Evil', the information network of the Fallen Ones, and is that how they were able to project a different deviating reality?
There is a clash between what I know and what I see now, and the new image is one I classify as a manipulated reality, the result of 'magic'.

I recently watched the movie 'Cell' which illustrates what could happen if the Fallen Ones succeed in their plans: any script can then be fed into the Soul, yet it although it becomes the new reality for the recipient, from a spiritual perspective it will translate into a psychosis, a zombie state of existence.
In that movie there were two groups: one which was affected by the signal in their cellular phones and which was turned into a hive of zombies out of touch with reality, and the other unaffected group which had to fight for their lives because they were not part of the hypnotic psychosis which held the former group in its grip.

And this is the dilemma the Satanists face: to be able to create their version of reality they need to get rid of all of YHWH's own so that nowhere His presence can be found and manifest into a script of reality which obstructs and contradicts their own script.
Yet in getting rid of YHWH's own they are effectively committing suicide since the nature of what drives them will manifest itself: Evil, and they will end up destroying themselves.

The problem is, YHWH is perfect and the result of His works is a perfect fit within the greater scheme of His Creation, but the Fallen Ones lack the oversight as well as the intellectual abilities of YHWH and thereby create an anomaly they think of as their version of Paradise, their New Order, yet because of the elements they overlooked and missed it will turn into a living Hell.

The path to this process requires the modification of the human genome, altering the DNA so that it facilitates the hack the Fallen Ones have planned and prevents Spirits from Heaven being downloaded into the new Man.
If they succeed there will be two groups on this planet in the initial phase: one group which is fed the Earth reality script by the Fallen Ones, and one group which resides in YHWH's script and which notices the differences between the two.
That is, IF these two scripts can continue to project themselves into one plane of reality.
If not, then the result will be that there will be a point when one group simply will live in a different dimension than the other group, and no longer will interaction between the two be possible on the same level of reality.

If the two groups will share the same level of reality it means YHWH's own will be labeled as clinically insane and unfit for duty while in fact it is the group of modified creatures looking and appearing as Man yet being of a distinctly different nature is the group which is in the firm grip of a psychosis, the unfolding of a reality script which is nothing other than a hack, a fairy tale turning the new modified man into a vehicle for the agenda of Destruction, Evil.
And you probably can guess what this implies.

The entire process of the modification of our genetic structure is designed for the purpose of being able to take YHWH's design and alter it to such an extent that His reality no longer can manifest through the modified vessels, but the reality script of the Fallen Ones.
Man will be hacked and thereby reality will be hacked and completely overtaken by the Fallen Ones, as if someone hacked into your computer and you cannot operate it anymore because the hackers are in full control.
What can you do in such a case but pull the plug?
Your computer is no longer of use to you and you cannot use it constructively for your purpose because the hackers are abusing your computer and able to read your personal information as well as run amok.
You need to unplug it and overwrite the virus which enabled the hackers to overtake your computer by for instance re-installing the operating system or an image of your computer configuration you saved on a separate hard drive, and then check to see if other parts are infected.
If the hackers managed to overwrite even firmware, then you may have to replace hardware components of your computer.

What the Fallen Ones are attempting to do is to hack the hardware components, the physical components which allow our Soul and Spirit, which are tuned in to and energize YHWH's reality, to interact with our familiar Earth reality.
If they succeed in their purpose then the hardware component, the physical interface in the form of the human Body, no longer is the design of the Manufacturer.
Instead it has become a corrupted element which will end up projecting Destruction and Death into Creation.

In my previous post I wrote about how we are tuned in to a particular reality station which projects a scripted reality through our Spirit into our Soul into the 3-D screen we experience as our natural 3-D environment of Earth and the Cosmos wherein it resides.
The Soul being fueled by the Spirit is the energizer of the reality we know, and even our mere presence and whatever we give our attention to energizes a particular element which is part of the script carried by the frequency of the reality station we are tuned in to.

The design of the Fallen Ones reverses the flow within us.
YHWH's design is His Spirit passing Life into our Spirit, which in turn passes Life into our Soul, which in turn energizes YHWH's reality station He tuned us in to.
It is a flow from Heaven -> Spirit and Soul -> Body.

The design of the Fallen Ones seeks to hack into the design of the human Body, feed a reality script through the Body into the Soul, and then make the reality come alive through energizing it with the manipulated Soul.
It is a flow from Hell -> Body -> Spirit and Soul.

The weak and uncertain element in this design is the Soul: there are plenty of Fallen Spirits, but they lack the unique human Soul.
So the Fallen Ones need to capture and trap Souls for this purpose, because without the Soul, how could they energize the reality script?
It is the human Soul which binds the human Spirit to the human Body and makes it part of a specific Earth reality script.
Through the Spirit and the Soul YHWH will give us the signal of our transformation so that the interface of the Body is changed accordingly, but when the human Body is modified so that it no longer is able to respond the Spirit and Soul will be trapped forever.

And this is why the Evil One wants our Soul so badly: it is a crucial element which links Spirits to the Earth reality and which energizes the reality script.
Men and women born on this planet are given a Soul, and the Adversary seeks to trick us into giving up our Soul because he needs Souls for the sake of his New Order and making it manifest into a new Earth reality.
The only way the Evil One can have our Soul is if WE make the choice to GIVE it to him.

Our Souls are given to us by YHWH, and no one can take our Soul from us without our consent.
Yes, we are born in Sin, but we also are given a choice to believe Truth or the Lie, the King or the Queen, and that choice either saves our Soul or gives it into the hands of the Abuser.
So, the Adversary seeks to trick us into giving our consent, believing in His lies.
If you believe in Yahshua and you reject the Lies of the Adversary there is no way he can take your Soul from you, because it is in the hands of Yahshua and the Devil cannot ever take what the Son of the Almighty holds in His hands.

The Fallen Ones seek to hack and modify the design of the physical hardware interface of the human Body so that it becomes a powerful conduit receiving the code for the reality script of the Fallen Ones, and this can be fed into the Soul/Spirit so that the unfolding reality is determined by the script of the hackers, the Fallen Ones.
The second reason is to cut YHWH off from Mankind by creating a new version of Mankind which will allow Demon Spirits to have a human Body without having to share it with a host, and be part of an Evil Earth reality script which can be energized by means of the Souls the Evil One appropriated.

Ideally the Fallen Ones seek to modify the human Body to such an extent that it no longer is accessible to Spirits from Heaven, but instead becomes a vehicle for the Fallen Demons so that they are able to live as the new breed of Man in a reality dictated by the terms and conditions of the Fallen Ones.
These Fallen Angels in turn then will be gods of the New Order, something they imagine will last forever but which most assuredly will fall apart because of the flaws in their thinking and their design.
They are able to incorporate all the factors and elements of the metaphysical reality they are familiar with, but they forget that in YHWH's eyes even that reality is like a dream, and there are elements in that reality which have components on YHWH's level which the Fallen Ones cannot see so that by affecting the metaphysical side of the component only the side effects which only YHWH knows about are overlooked.
These side effects will manifest in tangible metaphysical and physical malfunctions and ultimately translate into Destruction.

YHWH is no fool, and somehow the arrogance of the Fallen Ones seems to have blinded them to YHWH's intellectual prowess.
There simply is no match for His intelligence and His insight.
Furthermore, they seem to forget that YHWH is the One who can create Souls, He also is the One who can destroy Souls.
I have written before how Life holds up a mirror in which we experience our true nature, and if we are Evil we will experience YHWH as Evil even though He is the same as He always has been, Good and devoid of Evil.
It's just that our experience of Him has changed.
So if we join the Fallen Ones we WILL experience YHWH as our destruction and the Destroyer of our Souls.
Because WE made it so.

Although the saying states that misery loves company, the Devil does not want human Souls to keep him company in Gehenna.
As if he would accept this fate without putting up one hell of a fight!
Imagine gathering Souls for thousands of years for the single purpose of having company in Hell, or torturing YHWH's own for the single purpose of getting back at YHWH, surely it is pointless and a drag after a while?
No, with the Adversary there's always another reason for what he does.
When he obstructs and brings affliction into the lives of YHWH's own he does it to render them harmless, to break them so that they cannot be a liability to his cause, and when he gathers Souls he does so for the sake of being able to realize his plans for an alternate reality where he is god and king.

Here on Earth the process of genetic modification is now really gaining momentum as it accelerates and Man becomes subject of an extremely dangerous experiment which will utterly wipe him out in the end.
I assure you the road to that destruction is paved by unmentionable diseases.
We will be wiped out if YHWH does not step in and prevents His Creation from being destroyed.
And He WILL step in and intervene on behalf of His own when He transforms us and makes us part of His new perfect reality script as the Satanic miscreants are left up to the consequences of their unbridled arrogance and the flawed creatures it will have spawned.

Monsanto is a name associated with dubious experiments with genetically modified food, but this is just the precursor of what is coming in the very near future.
The process towards a re-design of Man is set in full motion, and experiments formerly abhorred and associated with the wicked Nazi regime now are accepted as forms of scientific research for the benefit of Mankind.
Man will not benefit, but you can guess who will.

The Dream Within A Dream

"Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow —
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?  
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand —
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep — while I weep!
O God! Can I not grasp 
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?"

The words of Edgar Allen Poe have the ring of Truth in them.
In the poem he writes about the nature of our existence here on Earth, the dream nature of our existence and the things we think of as real, perhaps even as the ultimate reality.
What we experience and refer to as reality is like a dream, and many times have I alluded to our place here in this dimension as a dream within a dream.
And as is the case with dreams, the reality of our dream existence on Earth can change instantly, inexplicably, and we think of it as a miracle, or maybe witchcraft.

We are part of a scripted dream where we, by our consciousness, are tuned in to a particular reality. 
Out of the many possible waves which can translate themselves into a particular reality, or dimension if you like, our Soul is fine-tuned to receive the script for this particular Earth reality and it selects a particular wave and energizes it by the fact that the Soul gives its attention to it.
This phenomenon also is demonstrated by for instance the double slit experiment.
If you are unfamiliar with that experiment, just look it up on the internet.
It shows that our consciousness tunes in to a particular reality and affects it by the mere act of observation.

Another way of looking at it is that the current reality we know is a projection of energy and information emanating through our Soul, just as the concept of the 'dream' we are familiar with is a projection of our mind into the brain which constructs a dream-reality when we sleep where all known concepts are tied together in a particular frame in such a way that it is impossible from the perspective of the reality we know, yet it becomes possible in the dream world within us when we are asleep.

Likewise, the 'fixed reality' we live in is not fixed at all but rather the result of a projection of a particular reality setting.
YHWH tuned our consciousness into the station which broadcasts the elements of this reality so that our attention is drawn to and tuned in to the frequency of this station and the particular reality is received and energized by our Soul.

Remember, whatever we give our attention to is something we energize as part of our reality.
And that brings us to another aspect of why we are here.
We are here to grow so that qualities in our Soul can mature, but we also are here as representatives of YHWH's reality station.
Although we may share the 'Earth stage' with the ones who have surrendered themselves to Evil, the children of YHWH are part of a completely different dimension than the children of Darkness.
We are part of two distinctly different 'boats', yet we travel on the same canal.

It is very necessary for us to be here, because without YHWH's children the consciousness of the slaves of the Adversary would be tuned into the frequency of an Evil reality without restraint, and this would mean that instantly the reality would morph into an unprecedented Hell.
Satanists will do well to consider this whenever they feel like killing all of YHWH's children, because we are the reason they are able to live here and enjoy the good things in Life.
By killing all of us they end up killing themselves.
Without YHWH's own they would invariably reap the harvest of Destruction they have sown, because the only consciousness left would be the consciousness which is tuned into the frequency of Evil, the wave which manifests in a reality of Hell.

YHWH's own receive a particular setting of reality which is tailor-made for them to facilitate the growth in their Soul.
Aside from this personal reality setting we share elements of the script of this reality with others, including Satanists, so that communication through the shared reality settings can take place and we are able to affect one another, either positively or negatively.
And that is basically what Life on Earth comes down to.
It also is the problem we have, since YHWH's own are influenced and obstructed by the children of Darkness to the extent that Dark elements can enter their reality setting and make Life hard for them.
Furthermore, on Earth Evil has been given dominion over Mankind and thereby is able to use Man as a slave serving the needs of the Evil empire.
This always implies sacrifice and suffering, let there be no mistake about it.
Behind the scenes psychotic fallen zealots use us to fuel the motor of their ambitions without the slightest impediment of a conscience.
They carry the conscience of Evil where before they had one inspired by YHWH.

This brings me to the widely reported phenomenon of the changed Bible translations.
When words in the Bible change inexplicably and thereby indicate that what we know as the past has been altered, then it not only appears to us as a spectacular change we never consciously were aware of, it also points very clearly at the nature of our reality as a simulation run by a set of instruction codes.
The one who can control the code and/or access it (by means of a hack) has the power to change the reality of the past and the future.
Whether this is the first time we are made conscious of this happening (because 'our eyes have been opened') even though it has happened before, or whether this truly is the first time hacks have been made in Bible translations I do not know.
I cannot remember any other time that changes have been applied to Bible translations by means of a hack in our reality setting, but the fact that it has happened and that I am aware of it means that my consciousness receives the new reality setting of the hack, even though I am conscious of the fact that there is an incongruity with the reality I knew as well as certain elements in this new reality setting which were not altered by the hack.

I always read an English translation of the Bible, no Dutch versions, and as such the changes in the King James translation stood out like a sore thumb.
Not that the English translations are perfect, far from it.
If you really want to get the deeper meaning and correct interpretation of what a Bible verse tries to communicate, more often than not you have to make the effort of using a concordance.
I generally rely on an English Standard version of the Bible I have used for over thirty years now and which is held together by tape, as well as a version which leaves Hebrew keywords intact without translating them.
In the English Standard version translators have added other possible translations for words in the footnotes at the bottom of the page, including word plays in certain passages, and this is also true for the other Bible I use where Hebrew words are rendered literally, and that surely is something I appreciate very much.

The changes we have been conscious of thusfar are a clear indication that Dark powers have messed and are messing with us, and many have witnessed the suddenly shift and the incongruous elements of the past and the present.
As if we now live in a new version of the past which never happened.
Yet it did, only not in my consciousness.
And I assure you there are many more versions of the past.
I cannot help but wonder how far they think they can go.

By changing the past you can influence and shape the future, and that is exactly the name of the game: we are steered and maneuvered towards the entrance of the big Deceiver, and YHWH's own are here to influence and affect the Satanic con-game so that the story may have a dramatic climax but it is followed by a happy end.

That is the other element of the reason why we are here: to play our part in the story so that the script can follow the storyline YHWH has in mind.

Another well-known writer wrote:  
"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts"

You probably guessed it, Shakespeare is that writer, and he too was very aware of the nature of our world.
We come here to grow, and for that purpose a particular role has been designed for us in the play of Life, and as we act out that role and interact with the script we fulfill our place and position within the dream and affect the development of the dream, the script.
Yes, we are also put here by YHWH to act out His script and make sure that the Evil One cannot hold the consciousness of everyone captive to the point where he can manipulate the entire consciousness of Mankind to such a degree that we activate and energize an exclusively Evil reality.
Because, whatever we give our attention to is the very thing we energize, and it becomes part of the fabric of the Earth reality, the Earth dream.
The Aboriginals were aware of the dream nature of our existence LONG before us.

It is an interactive dream, like a computer simulation or a computer game.
Although in the light of the suffering and the dramatic impact it has on us the classification of a game hardly can be called appropriate.
Yet when you bring to mind certain stories in the Bible, such as the time when the people of Israel during their time in the desert were harassed by serpents and YHWH ordered Moses to make a fiery serpent of bronze so that whoever would look at it would not die, and this does carry resemblance to what you might find in a computer game.

But whereas in the case of a game or a simulation there still is a distinct separation between you and the simulation, our Earth simulation is of such an advanced nature that we actually BECOME the character and lose our conscious awareness of another greater reality we came from as we begin to interact and grow up after we have been born here.
Yet as we drift away from what we were, there also is a turning point for the Truth loving man and woman who yearn to find the Truth, and that is the turning point where a consciousness of our origin once again comes back into view.
You might say that after we are born we sink into a sleep which gets deeper and deeper until for some the point comes where we are emerging out of the sleep.
Others love the sleep so much that they slide deeper and deeper until it becomes a coma from whence they shall never be awakened.

In our Earth dream we become the part we play to such an extent it appears as if it is the only and the highest reality for us.
This setting of our reality environment is far greater and intense than a computer simulation or a game that we know because of the way it affects us and the way it integrates into the reality we knew.
We come out of this 'game' differently than when we entered it.
We affect reality by our presence and whatever we say, do or even think.
The dream literally BECOMES our reality and affects us in the greater reality of the Spirit.

True art has this one quality which sets it apart from pseudo art: it conveys Truth and the Spirit of Truth, and often it provides us with a particular perspective which enables us to increase in understanding.
True art carries the Spirit Who inspired it, just as pseudo art carries the Spirit of the Lie.
False prophets are like entertainers who give the audience what it wants to hear so that they feel good about themselves even though they are wrong, and real prophets are like true artists who convey Truth, even though the public may not want to hear it.
One is a massage for the ego serving Death, the other is a message from the Mirror of Truth serving Life.

Like art and literature, science has given us a new perspective which enables us to understand the nature of our Earth reality better.
Before the advent of the computer and computer games, who could have understood the concept of an artificial reality run by the execution of a program code and how changing minor elements in the code translate into seemingly huge changes in the way the software operates and manifests to the users of the software?
To understand a phenomenon you have to be able to relate it to concepts you are familiar with, and without these points of recognition a proper understanding is elusive.

And so the changes we see were regarded as magic in the past, or miracles, depending on the context, while in fact if we look at them from our perspective and our knowledge it is not too difficult to see how this magic really is a hack into the code of reality.
It is a hack, and hacking into Creation which is referred to as magic was strictly forbidden by YHWH because it required stolen energy to execute and implement the hack.
Moreover, YHWH is no fool and He knows exactly what He is doing when He creates, and to mess with the way He created everything is very destructive.
Furthermore, stolen energy means it creates victims.
In a dualistic reality it also means you automatically are drawn into the 'anti' reality of Evil, a reactionary force which uses the energy we give it to express its character of destruction and annihilation.

So although our understanding may have increased, YHWH's instructions still remain valid and we should not think little of reality changes because we understand more about their nature and how they could be implemented.
For the anti-evangelists of Creation (the Fallen Ones) to affect and steer our reality they need sacrifices of energy, Life-force, and although I could describe what they try to do in scientific terms, that description in no way negates the horrible Evil atrocities they make themselves guilty of by means of their zealous idealism for an alternative Evil reality.
They seek to build a stairway to Heaven and overtake it, and if they were able to succeed it would mean the destruction of all.

The only reality of Evil there ever was and will be is the reality where it expresses its character.
That means destruction, annihilation, disintegration, un-creation, represented by the number '9' as the complete opposite of the number '8'.
Because Evil is everything YHWH is not.

Edgar Allen Poe wrote of a dream within a dream, and he was exactly right.
Even the reality of Heaven is an environment created by YHWH.
It is of a higher nature than the reality of Earth and in Earthly terms it can be likened to the relationship between being asleep and dreaming vs. being awake.
Both are dreams, yet one dream is distinctly on a lower subconscious level than the other dream.
Likewise, our Earth reality is of a distinctly lower level than the 'dream level' of Heaven.

But although it is a dream, it is very real to us.
Our reality may be the result of our consciousness being programmed to receive the information of a 'reality-station', yet the resulting projection of reality is far more than just a screen or a simulation.
It is real to us and affects us accordingly so that it becomes impossible to dismiss it as 'just another dream'.
It has dramatic and sometimes a horrible impact on our Soul and Spirit and therefore far exceeds our involvement with a simulation or a computer game.
We can get caught up in the dynamics of a computer game, but we are made an integral part of the Earth reality, and that is a big difference.

And the ultimate reality?
What is reality?
Only YHWH is real and besides Him there is no reality.
That is why He referred to Himself as 'I AM'.
There is no 'outside YHWH' as if YHWH lives in a house and He is able to venture outside.
Who would have created that outside, who would have created that sense of space?
It would imply that there is a greater Creator than YHWH who made YHWH, and if that were so, what would be the nature of that greater Creator?

YHWH is the only and highest reality there is, the One Who fashions realities and the elements contained within them, and in Him we exist in different intertwined realities belonging to a hierarchy of dream-states, different dimensions, different realities with different consciousness for the participants in them.

So, what ultimately is Creation then, a thought in YHWH's mind?
Am I not projecting concepts I know unto YHWH and thus fail to properly understand Him because of my own limitations?
I think that is where we approach the limit of our understanding, because we cannot imagine YHWH's perspective simply because we lack the reference points in our knowledge which enable us to understand and relate YHWH's reality to what we know.
He is so much bigger than all of us, and yet, even in the smallest He is present and He acts and speaks through us.

We are part of a script, and the Evil One knows that the ending of the script is not in his favor and that his time is running out.
So it is no wonder he seeks to twist and manipulate developments in his favor more than ever before, and disintegrate our concept of Good and Evil in every conceivable way.
The results we can witness on a daily basis in the current ongoing war against what is Good and what does not comply with the Satanic agenda, aka the politically correct agenda.
It should give you an indication of the sort of people who rule over our nations if they exclusive lend themselves as whores for Satan's purpose.

YHWH's unveiling in these end times sheds light on the true nature of the ones who are in charge in every aspect of Life, and it creates a big divide between the ones who can see and who realize the scam, and the ones who are part of the scam.
This divide cannot and will not ever be bridged, because it is the divide between Good and Evil, and it is high time that the people who choose for Good will set aside their differences and let their voice be heard against the slave drivers of Evil who deceive and lie on a daily base.
Otherwise the world will be turned into a slaughterhouse, Satan's cherished butcher shop.
And something big is in the works which makes the current reality changes and the terror attacks seem small in comparison, something which we have never witnessed before.

I pray that YHWH will speed up developments even more so that it is over quickly, because the ongoing relentless idiocy and false motives of the Satan worshippers in this world have become tedious and stale, old, worn out, like old dried up wineskins incompatible with the new wine which is to be poured out from above.
They are fit only to be thrown away, and only the new wineskins which can contain and hold the new wine are fit to receive the new wine.
Yes, wineskins, not bottles as the King James now reads.