
The Fault - II

Curiosity in itself is not Evil, quite the contrary, but it can become a vehicle for Evil as part of a package.
There SHOULD not be any curiosity to discover that which is forbidden, but the combination of the introduction of the concept of 'NO' (Evil) to our consciousness and  the contemplation of the possibilities of what might lie  in the forbidden territory is what drove Man and some of the Angels to cross-over into the Dark Zone.
It is this ambivalent curiosity which ended up killing the cat.

We know that after the choice to partake of the Dark side of the Dualism coin was made, Man's Body changed.
His DNA was modified so that his Body became an instrument of Evil, a way for the Dark side of Dualism to manifest in physical form.
Man's Body became a manifestation of 'NO', and Man's Spirit and Soul were trapped in prison of the 'NO'.

In the same way as he introduced the concept of Dualism to Man's consciousness, YHWH introduced the concept of Man's Salvation.

YHWH provided consciousness of and access to the concept of 'NO' ('Evil') when He forbade Man to eat from the Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil, and warned them for the consequences (the parasitic reality of 'NO', 'You shall surely die').
Thus the concept of Dualism, Good AND Evil, was given a place in the consciousness of Man, but it was not yet activated as an inner reality.
It became an inner reality after the choice to go against YHWH's warning, which acted like the activation switch transforming the Soul into a battery feeding the reality of Evil.
After making the choice to partake of the forbidden, Man found himself living in a Body which acted as a tool for the Dark side, standing in contrast with the conscience of his Spirit.

The choice to rebel against YHWH's commandment turned the human Body into a prison standing in contrast with the Spirit, and because our Soul is connected to both, it experiences this contrast of the conflict between the reality of 'YES' and the reality of 'NO'.
Yet even though we reside in a prison, YHWH made sure to provide us with a link to His Light, a beacon in the form of our conscience which in its pure state points towards the greater Light of YHWH.
However, even though we may obey our conscience, we still remain trapped as slaves in the dungeon of Evil, and for us to be restored to Freedom we need to be liberated by the One carrying the key to the door of the prison so that He may open it and lead us back home.

Yahshua is the One appointed in the role of Savior, the great Liberator from Evil.
He is the One Who makes it possible for us to be restored back in the Spirit to YHWH our Father.
In order for us to be saved we first need to be made conscious of the Salvation we can find in Yahshua, and secondly we need to make the choice to believe in Him, thereby activating the link to Salvation as an internal reality.
In other words, first YHWH needs to introduce the concept of His Salvation to our consciousness, so that we can choose for it, and thereby activate its reality in our lives.
The choice is ours.

So, in the beginning YHWH introduced the concept of 'NO' to the consciousness of Man by pointing at a Tree and forbidding Adam and Eve to eat from it.
Later YHWH pointed at the living Tree of Life, Yahshua, and said to Man: "If you believe in Him, you shall be saved from your wrong choice and never die again".
In doing so, YHWH introduced the concept of Man's Salvation to his consciousness.
He introduced His 'YES' to Man residing in the prison of 'NO'.

Curiosity drew Man's attention to the forbidden Tree so that in Man's consciousness the concept of the Tree grew in stature and importance.
Likewise curiosity can draw Man to investigate YHWH's concept of Salvation so that he ends up energizing the concept and thus causes it to grow in importance and stature in his mind.
By accepting it and believing it Man activates the inner reality of the concept of the living Tree of Life, so that just as Darkness became part of Man's reality by believing the Lie, Light is activated as part of his world by believing YHWH's Truth.
When YHWH pointed at Yahshua and defined Him as His Salvation to Man, He introduced to Man in his dualistic state the way to unity in Him, thus creating a link between the consciousness of Man and the concept of Salvation, the way out of his divided state of existence.

The first choice for Darkness we inherited from our forefathers, since we are born in a Body predisposed to act as an instrument of Evil, and we cannot help but fall to Sin.
Adam's choice resulted in the modification of his DNA, and his Body changed into a mortal instrument of Evil.
The second choice is given to us, by YHWH pointing at the existence of His concept of Salvation and telling us that if we believe in Him, we shall not die (meaning we shall no longer be part of the reality of 'NO', Evil).

Every word YHWH speaks manifests in a reality.
So when YHWH pointed at the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil forbidding Adam to eat from it, telling Adam that if he would disobey and eat from the Tree he would surely die, YHWH attached the reality of 'NO', or 'Evil', to his prohibition.
So not only was the prohibition installed in the consciousness of Adam, attached to the prohibition was the reality of Evil, the program code of Evil.
The prohibition was the door into the reality of Evil, while the decision to disobey YHWH was the key to that door.
The moment Adam ate, the reality which was spoken into existence by YHWH became Adam's new reality, and together with the knowledge of Good Adam now found himself residing in an internal paradigm of Dualism, the Good in his conscience vs. the Evil in his Body.

Likewise, YHWH spoke the word for our redemption when He told us that if we believe in His Yahshua, we shall no longer die (be part of the Death-reality, or the Evil reality).
This word became a reality attached to the concept of Salvation in Yahshua so that when we believe in Yahshua, the reality of His Salvation unto eternal Life becomes OUR reality.

Both realities of Good and Evil are accessed and activated by belief, the reality of Evil through reversed faith, the reality of YHWH's Goodness through restored faith.
Both realities are able to co-exist within us, yet our identity is rooted in either Good or Evil.
If we have accepted Yahshua's Salvation, we still experience Evil in our Soul due to the presence of Evil in our Body, yet this Evil becomes an alien intruder vexing our Spirit and our Soul.
If we have rejected Yahshua's Salvation, we still experience Good in our Soul due to the presence of our conscience, yet this conscience becomes a bothersome element sending out signals which we experience as pain and discomfort in our Soul, and we have to make ourselves unconscious from this pain through compensation.

By telling us that we will be saved through belief in Yahshua, YHWH's Salvation becomes a contrasting part of the range of options Man can choose from.
In our Earthly state of existence all options are like shades of monochrome grey, since we abide in a world and a Body which is subject to Evil.
By presenting the concept of His Salvation YHWH introduced a colorful element in the range, an element which stands out in contrast with the other elements so that it makes us curious, just as the forbidden Tree stood out in contrast in Adam and Eve's consciousness in their uncorrupted state and thereby drew their curiosity towards its concept.
Some will be led by their curiosity to pay attention to this contrasting element of YHWH's Salvation, others will be annoyed by its presence because it disrupts the uniformity of monochrome grey, and they will seek to eradicate this element from their consciousness in order to 'enjoy' the monochrome landscape.

The downfall of Man was sealed as a reality when Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the forbidden Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil.
The restoration of Man is sealed by eating the fruit of the Living Tree of Life, Yahshua, who symbolically broke the bread and passed the cup of wine instructing us to remember His sacrifice whenever we eat the bread and drink the wine of Passover, believing in Him.
The first fruit gave us the legacy of Spiritual Death, the latter offering restores us back to Spiritual Life.

We have the freedom to accept or reject YHWH's Salvation.
To reject it means we remained confined to a decaying, aging Body with a corrupted DNA, and we will never be part of the real Life of Heaven.
To accept it means that we will be given a Body with a restored and renewed DNA, the resurrected Body which will not die.

If both Adam and Yahshua were pure before the choice to sin offered itself to their consciousness, how is it that Adam accepted the seduction and Yahshua refused it?
I think an important part lies in the fact that Adam did not know the suffering which resulted from Sin, and all he had was the word of a Mighty One that he would become like a Mighty One himself.
Yahshua on the other hand was familiar with death, disease and suffering, as we all are, and He knew exactly what would become part of His reality if He would accept the seduction into Sin.
He rejected that reality, especially since there was no naivety on His part concerning the true nature of the Seducer.

Because Adam's Body was altered on the level of his DNA so that it produced the Body we are all too familiar with, an aging Body prone to diseases and which tends to obstruct our Soul and Spirit, YHWH had to interfere in order to give Yahshua a Body with uncorrupted DNA, a Body which did not lend itself as an instrument of Evil .

If YHWH had not given us the choice to accept His concept of Salvation, what justice would there be in punishing us for acting out the programming in our Body which is the result of a choice our ancestors made?
If the freedom of choice did not exist, then by what right would YHWH punish the Fallen Ones?
If YHWH had created certain Angels to become Devils, then it would not be fair for YHWH to punish them for acting out their nature given to them by YHWH.
Only, YHWH did not create Angels for the specific purpose of falling to Sin, neither did He create the Satan as a fallen being.

The Satan became the Satan because of a CHOICE he made.
YHWH gave him freedom, and he used that freedom to go against his nature to stand in opposition against YHWH, in spite of the warning YHWH issued concerning the consequences of choosing for the Dark side.
The reason YHWH knows exactly who His Angels and His people on Earth are is not because He created us so that we would be able to make the right choice, and He created others to make the wrong choice.
If He had, it would be unjust to punish those who made the wrong choice.
And by the way, 'to punish' means that YHWH gives the rebels the reality they chose for, a reality which is governed by the basic principles of the Dark side of Dualism.

YHWH is not subject to the motion through His storybook of Creation which we experience as 'time'.
He has written the book and finished it, and before the story manifested in a living Creation He had already seen who would make the right choice, and who would make the wrong choice.
This is how YHWH knows in advance already exactly who are His children and who not, because He has already explored every possible avenue to determine the kind of choices we will make, even before they could come into existence.
And you can be sure that if there is one particular avenue among a million others which leads to someone making the right choice, He will incorporate that avenue into the reality of someone's life.
Only, there are some who simply will never make the right choice, and the autonomy of choice is something which YHWH will NOT take away from us.

Einstein once said that our Creator does not play dice with the universe.
He is right, and he isn't.
YHWH cannot be caught by surprise in the form of unexpected results due to random chance.
Instead, He has integrated the dice into His plan for Creation so that every conceivable outcome of what we might regard as chance is covered for.
All outcomes lead to the desired end result.
In other words, the 'game is rigged', and so Einstein is right and wrong, in a 'quantum mechanics' kind of way.
The element of the dice, 'free will', is integrated in the plan, and not excluded.

Our free will is the element which can make us turn to the left or the right, the dice with an uncertain outcome.
That is, 'uncertain' from our perspective, since we live in a gradually unfolding Creation going through cycles which we experience as time passing.
For YHWH the entire motion through cycles is experienced as one complete finished phase.
For Him the choices we have made and will make are known even before we are born on Earth.
So, the dice were created in the form of our free will, but the outcome of our free will has been anticipated due to the fact that the time-based motion does not exist for YHWH.
Instead He sees that which we refer to as past and future history as one finished, multi-dimensional movie.

YHWH also granted a free will and the freedom of choice to Adam and Eve.
Their Body was not tampered with before they made the choice.
After they made the choice to disobey YHWH, their DNA was altered in a very dramatic way, and the reality of a curse on their environment was activated so that whereas before the Fall Earth would GIVE its fruit to Man, now Man was required to give his energy and Life-force to Earth by tilling the soil in order to be able to feed himself.
The order was reversed as a result of Sin.

Evil in its most basic form as a program code is nothing other than the instruction to manifest everything which is anti-YHWH.
It comes alive by our donation of our own Life-force, and as such it literally lives at our expense, like a parasitic cancer.
The particular forms Evil will manifest in depend on the choices we and the Angels make.
YHWH does not seduce us to commit child sacrifice or to rob our fellow man, these are choices WE make whenever we merge our identity with the basic code of Evil.
We create and therefore are responsible for the manifestation of the forms of Evil.

This is why YHWH said that the offering of children as a sacrifice 'did not come into His mind' when the Israelites made themselves guilty of this abomination.
YHWH created the basic instruction code of manifesting everything which is anti-YHWH, WE on the other hand choose to merge our identities with it, WE choose the forms of this manifestation, and ALL of them are an abomination to YHWH.
Yet He allows us to make these choices so that His children are led through a process which brings out the qualities He created in them.
Earth is the cocoon for YHWH's children.

YHWH introduced the concept of Evil (the 'NO') by means of forbidding something and warning for the consequences in case we or the Angels should go against His prohibition.
The act of focusing our attention on YHWH's prohibition caused the concept which gives birth to Dualism to come alive in the inner reality of our Soul.
The moment we or the Angels identify with it and act against YHWH's instruction is the moment our Souls latch on to the concept of 'NO', like batteries energizing a state of Destruction, the 'realm of NO'.
Once we have fallen, the basic instruction code of Evil begins to latch itself like a virus to our thoughts so that unhealthy sinful thoughts are formed, and the more we cave in to debasing thoughts, the more vile and depraved the thoughts can become.
Giving your attention to a thought energizes this thought so that it becomes more dominant in your reality, and the physical reality of feelings and emotions associated with that thought grow stronger because your Soul keeps feeding it with energy.

The introduction of Evil to our consciousness would have no effect whatsoever if we had not been given the autonomy of 'free choice'.
'Freedom of choice' enables a dualistic Creation to come into existence, and this freedom of choice was the REASON why YHWH created the concept of Dualism.
The freedom of autonomous choice is the element which I referred to at the end of part I of this topic, and it completes the package of requirements for imperfection to manifest in Creation.

It is the combined package of freedom and autonomy of choice, the fact what whatever we focus our attention on is something we supply with energy, belief (faith), AND the introduction of 'NO' to our consciousness by YHWH which establish the conditions for the dualistic Creation to come into existence where Evil seems to exist next to Good.

If you remove the basic element from this package, the introduction of the concept of 'NO' ('Evil') to our consciousness, then all the other elements could never lead to a dualistic Creation where Evil can manifest itself.
None of the Angels would have fallen, and the human race would never have known a fall from grace.
Yet even though this might seem like an idyllic situation, it could never lead us into the phase we do not know about yet, but which YHWH has prepared for us.
In order to be part of that phase YHWH needed to prepare us and carve out our characters, and that is why He created Evil, so that it might be the sculpting tool which makes us ready for the magnificent next phase of Creation.

Miraculously enough it is almost the same package which enables us to be saved: freedom and autonomy of choice, the fact what whatever we focus our attention on is something we give energy to, belief (faith),  AND the introduction of 'YES' (=Salvation) to our consciousness by YHWH.
It is the same package, only with the reversal of the basic element.
The autonomy of choice enabling us to love or reject YHWH, the fact that whatever we focus our attention on is the thing we energize and come to believe in, and the introduction of 'YES' to our consciousness (the Salvation we are offered in Yahshua),  establish the conditions for restoration to unity in Creation.

So, our free will, the autonomy of choice, played an essential role in our downfall, but it also plays an essential role in our Salvation.
It is like a package of elements which together are used to build the door into and out of the dualistic Creation.
If you take a few steps away from our plight as human beings, don't you agree with me that the way YHWH has designed everything is pure genius?
It accomplishes exactly that which YHWH wanted to, and I am awestruck every time I contemplate the ingenious design of every aspect of Creation.
It's amazing, and no wonder that the Satan does not have a prayer of a chance against this Master Designer, our precious Father YHWH.

Since we will be held accountable for all the choices we make, YHWH had to give us free, autonomous will, and He will not deprive anyone in Creation from the element of free will, because it is the switchbox by means of which we are given the option to turn on the Light or to turn it off, and bear the consequences of what we have chosen.
The switchbox allows us to wake up to the greater wonderful reality of real Life in Heaven, and it allows us to sink into the ugly reality of a coma from whence we will never awake.

Freedom of choice is an essential part of YHWH's Creation, one of the core values of Creation.
YHWH will NEVER take that away, because He created Dualism for the specific purpose of allowing us to make the choice which determines who we truly are, and which shapes us into whom we were created to be.

Going through the process of a dualistic Creation, which is like a phase of preparation or a school, is essential in order to make sure we are ready for the next phase, and it simply is not possible to skip this phase of preparation in order to move on to the phase where Dualism no longer exists.


No Hope Left

There no longer is hope for this world.
Sure, there IS hope for all those who love YHWH, but this world has reached the stage where it has passed beyond any hope for a massive return to YHWH, and it will be given over to the consequences of its ongoing rebellion.

Although the entertainers of religion may preach a massive revival, -which of course will be to the benefit of their wallet-, no mass revival, and no mass rapture will happen.

But how can this be with so many Christian churches in our nation, you may ask.
What do you call a church?
Do you realize what happens when the preachers asks the candidate 'do you agree with the teaching of this church', and the candidate has to answer with 'yes'?
This 'confession of faith' is the ritual initiation into Babel's wheel of deception so that you become a cog in one of her wheels.
You signed on the dotted line believing your salvation was sealed, yet in fact you ended up sealing yourself in the domain of the Evil One wearing the mask of an image of Jesus he created.

If you truly love YHWH you have to make a choice in your life what you want to have: status and approval of the church furniture, or a living relationship with YHWH.
Christian churches belong to Babel's circus of religious entertainment to keep the masses asleep in a false sense of salvation.
Today the churches are revealing their true identity at the core to a greater degree than ever before as they run after deception and culturally approved values which contradict YHWH's values.

We live in nations where marriage between a man and a woman is destroyed and under constant attack, while homosexuality is revered as the highest good.
And public acceptance of pedophilia is waiting in the wings as the next abomination to become  culturally accepted.
I have to give credit to Putin that he publicly warned the Western nations, how the destruction of 'traditional Christian moral values' in the Western world, which includes the institute of marriage, will eventually lead to its extinction.
But then again, the Western world has embraced Destruction as its Heaven, and will reap the harvest of what it has sown.
Putin's words served the purpose of warning the Western world for the consequences, just as when YHWH pointed at one Tree and told Adam and Eve that if they would eat from that Tree, they would surely die.
Adam and Eve could never claim ignorance, just as the Western world will never be able to claim ignorance.

We are fed a diet of disaster, an ongoing commercial for immorality, and bloodshed has become a common event.
The greedy keep feeding on their victims, and their insatiability drives them to devour the people to the point where they become homeless because they cannot afford the cost of living, especially since the jobs are gone and they are unable to find any work.

I know many of those who are my true family have experienced deprivation of the 'worldly blessings' for some time now, and maybe you are wondering why those who hate YHWH seem to receive all the goodies, while you are deprived of chances.
Realize that YHWH knows you, and He loves you, and He WILL deliver you by opening up a path where there is none.
He knows how, as a result of the increased Evil in this world, roads which used to be available for His own now are cut off.
Persist in Trust and Faith, because your adversity ends up strengthening you, and when the moment comes when the towers fall and this world goes up in flames, you will stand firm like a mountain and no harm will befall you, because YHWH will watch over you and give you shelter in the palm of His hand.

Evil in this world has dramatically increased over the past decades without knowing the slightest point of return.
The result is that we live in an abominable cage of society where technology is used to an ever increasing degree to track and regulate people as cattle on a big ranch.

You can see the relentless face of Evil on TV, which has become a hypnotic lubricant in the hands of Demons as they massage the spectators to Death, you see it in politics and business where participation in the Lie has become mandatory in order to get business deals, you see it in music and entertainment where only the Illuminati puppets are given exposure.
The dumbed-down pathetic conformers to the hidden order receive immense bonuses, while the ones abiding by good principles and who refuse to conform are relegated to live in anonymity under adverse circumstances.
The bright ones are punished and the dimwits are rewarded.

Instead of wasting time in front of the TV you may want to watch the series at YouTube about Satanism in the music industry. 
If you take all these artist behaving like an illuminati six-pack, conformed sausages in one and the same conformity-can, and you extrapolate the prevalence of this group identity to politics, religion, business, education, etc, you get an accurate picture of what this depraved world has become: Satanic to the core, where religion is just the Devil's right hand played out against his left hand.

What do you expect from our Creator?
That He sits back in a easy armchair and takes a nap while His own home is being destroyed and overtaken by malignant hoodlums making the life of His own children miserable?
He most definitely is not, I can guarantee you that.
He has taken notice, and He put the world on notice:  no hope left for this world.
Because Goodness has become scarce as Evil runs rampant.

Perhaps you had hoped for a different message, especially on this day of Sukkoth, but YHWH pressed it on my heart to write that this world has passed beyond hope.
The fate of the USA was sealed when the people still voted for Obama, knowing all too well the rebellion he advocated.
Yet in spite of this, YHWH in His kindness STILL restrained Obama, He held back the Syrian war, that is, for a while.
Did the people turn to their Creator and ask Him for forgiveness, did Western nations begin to question the values they uphold after they stared in the face of a possible nuclear holocaust?
No, it is exactly as prophesied by John in Revelation, where in spite of YHWH's judgment the people refused to repent, and stubbornly persisted in their Sins.
This stubbornness of the people, this callous, cold prideful resistance against YHWH will continue to persist until the very end.

And now Evil has grown to such proportions that this world has entered the point of no return.
It won't end tomorrow, or even next year, no.
But beyond the point of no return is an accelerating process where the snowball running down the slope cannot be stopped anymore, and all we can do is hope it does not devour any innocent bystanders as it plunges headlong into the brick wall.
Or, the abyss.

The snowball is the force of Evil seeking to devour this world in an ongoing process where a New prosperous Order is slated to replace YHWH's order.
To belong to that New Order you will have to pass an initiation rite which is similar to the rite you have to pass if you want to become a member of a church, at least, that is how Protestant churches operate.
You have to say 'YES', and then the paradise of the New Order will open up for you, a paradise which in fact is a slaughterhouse in disguise, but the ignorant conformists cannot see.

If then this world wants to embrace the Deceiver, then YHWH will give the world over to the Deceiver, and he can do as he likes.
This means he can implement his plans for establishing a New Order, and in this New Order Man will be replaced by a synthetic look-a-like.
But before the New Order can be built, the Old Order has to be destroyed, and the best and most efficient and quick way to do this is through the traumatic shock of a devastating war.

Those of you who love YHWH, rest assured the Angels are standing by.
YHWH will not give His own over to Destruction, because in today's world they already suffer at the hands of invisible forces turning their lives into an image of Destruction so that when they look at their circumstances they see a contradiction with that which they believe in.
Yet YHWH's own may suffer and feel the pain, our love for YHWH does not depend on our circumstances, it depends on our heart.
The Evil One may turn our circumstances against us in order to gain access to our heart, but the circumstances are disconnected from our love for our most beloved Father YHWH.
Circumstances have nothing to do with our love for YHWH, and although the Evil One may seek to obstruct us, our love for YHWH does not suffer.
He is our number One and He will remain our first and great love, and we are deemed precious in His eyes.

This morning I was reading Yahshua's words when He said that we are so valuable in our Father's eyes that every single hair on our head is numbered.
Every single hair?
You mean that YHWH loves us so much that He doesn't just pay attention to us, what we do, how we eat, but He even pays attention to the tiniest detail of our lives simply because He loves us THAT much?

I began to think, what have I done to deserve that kind of Love and attention?
It surely is not because I am such a great human being, or because I have done YHWH a great favor, not at all.
I have no stature of greatness in this world, I am little and unnoticed, even on this blog only a handful can relate to what I write.
I write because YHWH urges me to write, and I obey because I am so grateful for the treasures of insight He gives me that I want to share this wealth with you.
Even if nobody would read the articles, I still would publish them so that it will never be said that I kept YHWH's treasures to myself.
I give freely just as YHWH gave freely to me, and never have I mixed His word with worldly matters such as money, that I might remain pure in my devotion and thus show YHWH that His investment of Love in the smallest of Mankind is not in vain.

YHWH's greatness truly shines when He, being the Creator of billions upon billions of different creatures, pays so much attention to something as tiny and insignificant as myself that He even numbers the hairs on my  head.
YHWH's greatness truly shines in His care and love for the smallest of His creatures.

So, there IS hope, and there is NO hope.
There is hope for all of you who love YHWH, hope for a future and happiness the likes of which you have never experienced before.
But there no longer is any hope for this world.
It is gone, sliding further down the road into the abyss, and no one stops to wonder why.

Only in the most dire circumstances when the flames will paint the sky some will turn, but even then many will harden their hearts and persist on the road into the abyss.


The Fault - I

It all began with Adam and Eve.
But even before Man was created, it existed.

We are born in a Body which lends itself as an instrument of Evil, like a radio deliberately tuned and locked into the wrong station.
Anyone who has the privilege of experiencing YHWH's Salvation knows all too well that the Body does not bring forth anything Good.
The moment we are born into this world is the moment when we begin to invest our Life-force and energy in the construction of an identity which is rooted in a fault in our Body, the identity of Sin.
In a previous article, The Flaw, I have discussed this subject matter with you.

So, what happened to Adam and Eve that we, as their offspring, cannot help but grow into an identity of Evil?
Genesis relates to us that in their pure state Adam and Eve were perfect.
They did not have a Body which acted as a vessel for Evil, a Body with an expiration date set on it.
Their Bodies were a perfect extension of their Soul and Spirit, and as a result they had very clear communication with YHWH.
I venture to guess that they were able to enter different dimensions because although their Bodies were part of the physical dimension, they were not restricted to the bandwidth of physical Creation.

Yet something happened which changed all that, something which affected their DNA and locked them into the bandwidth of the physical Creation.
And Genesis makes it clear that this change occurred because Eve made the choice to go against YHWH's instructions and eat the fruit of the forbidden Tree, and Adam agreed with her.

Some may argue that this choice could not possibly have been made by Adam and Eve in their perfect state, because perfection cannot bring forth imperfection, so therefore they had to be made imperfect in order for them to display imperfection.
This latter statement is true, but it does not take into consideration how YHWH has defined the reality of this Creation or the elements which play a role in the manifestation of imperfection.

YHWH has designed His Creation with the deliberate possibility of displaying imperfection caused by the presence of the principle of Dualism.
The choices we make to rebel against YHWH would NEVER be possible if the paradigm of Dualism did not exist.
We make dualistic choices every day, and because of that, we have grown so accustomed to the presence of a possibility to rebel against YHWH that we have come to regard it as natural.

A reality where we can make choices, but not the choice to rebel, seems unnatural to us and a lack of freedom because of the fact that we are children of Dualism.
Yet, our very concept of freedom rests upon the way we view it through the lens of Dualism, and as such it is limited and distorted by this lens.

So, if Dualism as an internal reality could come into existence ONLY AFTER Adam and Eve made the choice to sin, then, and if Adam and Eve were created perfect in the image of YHWH, how could they have made the decision to sin?
How can perfection bring forth imperfection?
Had the Fallen Ones genetically modified their DNA so that their Body began to act as a vehicle for Evil?

The story in Genesis makes it clear that YHWH ties the downfall of Man and the corruption of his DNA to the one Tree which Adam was forbidden to eat from.

Was it a literal tree or a symbol for something else, like a 'genetic enhancement?

For all I know it may have been a literal tree, even though the story reads like an allegory.

If the DNA had been tampered with so that Adam and Eve became creatures of Sin, and if that altered DNA is a pre-requirement to cause Adam and Eve to become vehicles of Sin, then what is responsible for the rebellion of the Angels?
They did NOT have a Body like Adam and Eve, but no less than one third of them rebelled.
What caused them to make the choice to rebel, and thus operate the switch which turned them 'off' to YHWH, and 'on' to Evil?

First of all, to make it possible to rebel against YHWH, He needed to have created the provision which makes it possible to rebel against Him.
This provision is the principle of Dualism.

Dualism is like a software component for Creation, an instruction set created by an idea in YHWH's mind.
YHWH has created its definition, which is very simple: to manifest everything He is not.
YHWH did not activate this 'software component'.
Instead, He opened it up to be accessed by means of a choice to call upon this software component.
The activation of this principle so that it manifests as a living reality happens when we or the Angels transfer energy to the principle.

Now the question arises: how did YHWH open up this principle of Dualism to the Angels and to Man?
He did this by introducing it to our consciousness.
How did He implement this in the case of Adam and Eve?
He directed their attention to the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and He forbade them to partake of it.
That is how YHWH introduced the dualistic 'NO' as a part of their consciousness.

The Angels in their perfect state had access to this particular component the moment YHWH introduced it to their consciousness in the same way as He introduced it to Adam and Eve.
Like Adam and Eve, the Angels knew beforehand what the implications would be for them if they would decide to activate the code.

But then the second question arises: if perfection cannot bring forth imperfection, then how can a perfect Creator create a principle which manifests imperfection?
After all, perfection cannot bring forth imperfection.
I suspect that this dilemma is what causes the Fallen Ones to consider the possibility that YHWH is therefore not perfect, and if He is not perfect it means that they have a chance in succeeding with their plans.

However, bear in mind that YHWH defines reality and how we experience reality.
He is visible in Creation, yet He also exists BEYOND Creation.

Imagine I want to do the impossible: I want to fight with myself, and kill myself, and yet live on.
This is not possible on my level of existence, but it becomes possible in a virtual software environment.
I simply create ten copies of myself, program them to go to fight against each other so that one ends up killing the other, until finally one copy remains standing in this world.
With the tool of my creation I made the impossible possible.

That is how the imperfection brought about by Dualism should be seen: it exists on the level of Creation, but NOT beyond.
Dualism does NOT exist as a reality on YHWH's level of existence.
It is a tool which YHWH designed with a specific purpose He has in mind, and the presence of this tool makes it possible for angels and man to choose to rebel against YHWH.
It was born as an idea in YHWH's mind.
Just as we can have impossible creative thoughts, in the far greater mind of our Creator He is able to conceive of impossible ideas, and turn them into a possibility.

It may seem as if the imperfection of Evil has been born from perfection, as if Evil is born from Good, but it started out as an idea which cannot exist in YHWH's ultimate reality.
So, imperfection did not come forth out of perfection, Evil was not born from Good, but it was the outcome of a principle which was born from an idea.
The idea turned into a design of a principle in a specially crafted environment, and the design was activated by those within the dualistic environment who made the choice to activate it, and the activation of the principle caused a reality of Evil within our realm to come into existence.
And that is how imperfection came into existence.

How many people wonder about Evil and how it came into existence?
YHWH explained to me what Evil is, how it came into existence, and how He is able to use Evil without being Evil.
Here on this blog I do my best to share this understanding with you, hoping it will trigger understanding in you.

So, YHWH created the 'code' which allowed for the manifestation of Evil on the level of Creation, which is like a multi-layered dream or a multi-layered hologram compared to the reality where YHWH exists.
He created it as an option, and thereby introduced the concept of the dualistic choice we and the Angels have at our disposal.

If you want a computer program to make a random choice, you first have to define the range of options to choose from.
This range of options on the level of Creation includes the dualistic choice to rebel against YHWH.
For Man and Angel YHWH has created the range of options, which includes the option to go against His instructions.
If an Angel would want to choose the option of Sin, it would require that this Angel goes AGAINST YHWH's instruction code with full consciousness of the consequences.

Since there is no compulsive pull on any Angel to sin, and Angels live in a state of perfect connectivity to YHWH, the act of Satanic rebellion requires that Angels go against what is natural to them.
So, what then causes one Angel to sin and the other not?
If Adam and Eve had a Body designed by YHWH, a Body without any presence of Evil or inclination towards Evil within it, what could possibly have caused them to make the choice to sin?
For Sin to hold any kind of attraction for Man or Angel, there must be something within us experiencing a pull on our attention, and in our perfect state that would not be possible.
The mere presence of the concept of 'NO', the instruction of YHWH to NOT do something, does not suffice as an explanation.

I asked YHWH about this, and He lighted up one word in my mind: curiosity.
Curiosity is something we ALL are given by our Creator.
From the earliest moment in Life we are curious to learn and discover, and it is this urge which is responsible for the fact that some of the Angels were drawn to explore the side which YHWH had warned against because of the devastating consequences.

I began to wonder what role curiosity played in the choice to sin, because in a perfect state of being curiosity still will not drive us to make the choice to sin.
Later that evening YHWH began to explain to me how this works, and it goes like this:

In the garden of Eden YHWH had created one Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil.
This Tree is the symbol for Dualism, the 'software code' YHWH had created for the current phase of Creation which would be able to give birth to the existence of impossible polarities between 'what is', YHWH, next to 'what is not', Evil.
Then YHWH created the range of possibilities that Adam could choose from.
From ALL the trees in the garden Adam was allowed to eat, EXCEPT for the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil.
For if Adam would eat from that Tree he would surely die.

The moment YHWH pointed out this forbidden Tree to Adam was the moment Adam's focus of attention was fixed on that Tree.
Adam's attention was fixed on the forbidden.

You may remember how I have written previously in other articles that ANYTHING we give our attention to is something we energize by means of our focus, and this is how it becomes part of our reality.
The mere act of thinking about food or sex energizes the concept to the extent that your Body begins to respond and produce the urge to act out whatever you were thinking of.
The energy you gave to the creation of the thought extends itself in the Body and produces a physical reality of feelings in your Body which correspond to the thought.

When YHWH forbade Adam and Eve to eat from one particular Tree, the concept of this Tree became part of their consciousness and their reality, and thereby part of the palette of their activated options they could choose from.
This is how Dualism is linked to Man, and also the Angels: by YHWH issuing the commandment of 'NO', forbidding something and thus introducing the concept of the dualistic 'NO' (the linkto the 'I AM NOT') to our consciousness.

Because of this link between the existence of the concept of Dualism as an 'external' reality and their 'internal' mind, the concept became available for Adam and Eve.
Whereas they thusfar had known only options of the 'YES'-range, because YHWH entered the existence of the reality of 'NO' in their mind it now had become an option next to the 'YES'.
If YHWH had not forbidden anything, Adam and Eve could not have sinned, because Sin requires the awareness of the presence of 'NO', the presence of the option to go against YHWH's will.
The moment YHWH defined one particular Tree as off-limits, the awareness of Dualism entered Adam and Eve's mind, and that is where curiosity comes into play.

A former Angel whose curiosity got the upperhand of him decided to stir up the fire of curiosity in Man in order to obstruct YHWH and turn Man into a vehicle for his cause.
By using curiosity he could draw Adam's mind into Doubt, and Doubt was reversed Faith in the Dark side of Dualism forging a link between the Dark side and the doubter.
Thus the Fallen One would be able to pull Man out of YHWH's protection zone and turn him into a servant of his cause of creating the New Order of NO.

This former angel spoke about the Tree and the promises it held for Adam and Eve, and in doing so he directed Eve's full attention to this Tree, the concept of Dualism.
Because it received so much attention in Eve's mind, the Tree began to grow in eminence in the range of options she could choose from, since her act of giving attention to the existence of this Tree energized the awareness of the existence of this Tree.
Of course the Fallen One conveniently forgot to mention the fact that they would cut themselves off from YHWH and become his slaves.

Curiosity was the element which led her to wonder about the Forbidden, and the combination of curiosity and wondering about the object of the curiosity is a road leading up to the gateway into Doubt, the world of reversed Faith.
When they swayed and partook of the' forbidden fruit', Adam and Eve suddenly found themselves standing in the world of reversed Faith, the world of the 'I AM NOT', in spite of YHWH's warning.
From thereon their identity split in two as a result of their Spirit standing on one side, and their Bodies standing on the other side.
In the bridge between those two, -the Soul-, they experienced the turmoil caused by the concept of Dualism manifesting in a Spiritual identity vs. a Carnal identity.

Curiosity precedes Doubt.
Curiosity is what makes you turn your head towards the object of your attention, that which stands out in your field of consciousness.

What can cause something to stand out in your field of interest?
Is it not the thing which deviates, which is different?
Does not the patch of monochrome shades of grey stand out in a landscape of colors, drawing your attention to it and make you curious what exactly is causing it?

This is what happened when YHWH forbade Man to eat from the one Tree.
The thing which YHWH forbade stood out in contrast to all the other things which did not fit into the dualistic concept of being forbidden.
By issuing a command which forbade something, YHWH placed the dualistic concept into the field of consciousness of Man.
By placing this concept of the dualistic 'NO' in our consciousness, He installed a contrast into Man's consciousness, something which stood out from the rest, something which drew our attention and made us wonder.
And that curiosity was the first step on a dangerous path, a path which ended in no less than one third of the Angels giving themselves over to Evil as well as the entire human race being born in slavery, and it was this same curiosity which was part of the package that caused Adam and Eve to follow the example of the Fallen Ones.

So in a way we were set up to experience Dualism, but the choice to place our identity in Evil and the particular form Evil assumed in our experience was OUR responsibility and the responsibility of Angels.
Evil comes alive by means of our particular Sins which are related to choices we make, which in turn are related to our personality.
This is how Evil begets a certain shape and form: through the filter of our personality, and we are the ones energizing a particular form of Evil by means of the choices we make.

Considering the Sin of the Satan, YHWH's instruction may have been something like this:
'I am your Creator who made you and gave you great gifts that you might use them for the benefit of My Creation, but the moment you shall think in your heart, I am like YHWH and I can create an order in my own image, and you believe this and proceed to exalt yourself over and against Me in your heart, you shall surely cut yourself off from Me, and you shall become Evil, a living embodiment of everything 'I AM NOT', and because you will have become all that I am not, you will never be able to be part of Me again, because I AM.'

Of course I am paraphrasing this, but considering the Sin of the Satan YHWH must have given a warning along these lines.
In doing so He linked the mind of the Angels to the existence of the concept of Dualism, and thereby added the dualistic option for choice.
YHWH's stern warning of what would become of them if they would act against His instructions kept most of them from venturing into the forbidden zone.

Yet the first one to fall, and to whom had been given great beauty and many gifts, began to wonder.

He contemplated how he was able to bring forth designs of beauty which paralleled YHWH's beauty in Creation, and he began to wonder about the forbidden and the reason YHWH had issued the command.
And his curiosity led him to envision the possibility of creating an order after his own design, thus energizing the concept of 'NO' in his consciousness increasingly, until finally he made the choice to cross over.

But the choice to cross over into the forbidden zone was a choice which he only could have made if he went against everything which is natural to an Angel, and THAT in turn can only come about through constantly thinking about the concept of the forbidden and speculating about it.
I tried to illustrate this in the parable of the 'Box of NO'.

And this is how imperfection could be born from perfection: YHWH installed the element which allowed for the manifestation of imperfection in Creation, the principle of Dualism, into the field of consciousness of Man and Angel.

All He had to do to make the dualistic choice possible was to introduce the concept of 'NO' to the mind of Man and Angel.
He did so by forbidding something and warning for the consequences.

The prohibition issued by YHWH  created a link between man's consciousness and the possibility of 'NO', 'Anti-YHWH'.

Whatever proceeds from YHWH's mouth becomes a reality, so when He warns for the consequences of rebellion, that we will experience Death (being part of the 'I AM NOT', or Evil), then these consequences become a reality attached to the Sin of rebellion.
When we or the Angels sin, this reality of Evil (Death) becomes OUR reality.

Yes, YHWH is responsible for the presence of the code of Evil, but WE are responsible for the manifestation of Evil.
WE make it come alive, the ANGELS make it come alive, through the choices we make.
Evil serves the purpose of being a sculpting tool carving out who we are created to be, and our Life on Earth is the womb where our Souls can mature, like a cocoon from whence the butterfly will emerge.

Yet the package which accounts for the choice to sin is not yet complete.
In the next part I will explain this.