Note: edited on March 16 to amend for some bad grammar and make a few additions.
No one perceives the world in the same way.
No one perceives the world in the same way.
That is
why we do not share the same reality, even though we may refer to the existence
of 'the reality of the external world'.
We all
look at the world through different lenses, and these glasses have built a
concept of reality which is unique to our Soul.
Yes, a
chair is a chair is a chair, and YHWH is YHWH, but how we experience the
setting of the chair or how we experience YHWH is unique and one of a kind.
From the
moment we are born we begin to build realities, and the bricks of this
structure of reality are made from our individual experiences.
single brick builds upon another so that in the end these bricks join together
into one structure we refer to as 'our reality'.
problem with us is that Babel feeds our Souls with a steady diet of lies in
this world, and our acceptance of her lies and suggestions has created a belief
system which brought forth the structure of our reality.
So, our
concept of reality is distorted by the presence of lies and our conditioned
reflexes which strengthen the lies.
Once we
accept one of Babel's suggestions, we record this in the brain cells of our
physical mind, and each time we react to a perceived reality which is derived
from this suggestion, we strengthen the connection of the recording in our brain
cells of this suggestion with the combined neural network of cells containing recorded memories in our brain.
collective neural network is the recording which projects to our Soul the image
of our reality, like a projector running a film projects the image of the film
unto the screen.
As I
have mentioned, our problem lies in our acceptance of LIES as bricks in the
structure of our reality.
These lies can be circumstances the Evil One manipulated in our lives in order to get us to accept these manipulated circumstances as the reality for our lives
Instead of clinging in faith to YHWH's reality for our lives, we end up rejecting it because we believe that our manipulated circumstances are the reality for our lives.
"Well, I have experienced so many set-backs that I have to accept that I am a failure and cannot do anything right in life", just one example of how the manipulation of our circumstances can lead us to accept the message embedded in those circumstances.
By accepting the message, we invest our faith in the Lie acting through the message, and by accepting the Lie we subject ourselves to Babel's authority.
Instead of clinging in faith to YHWH's reality for our lives, we end up rejecting it because we believe that our manipulated circumstances are the reality for our lives.
"Well, I have experienced so many set-backs that I have to accept that I am a failure and cannot do anything right in life", just one example of how the manipulation of our circumstances can lead us to accept the message embedded in those circumstances.
By accepting the message, we invest our faith in the Lie acting through the message, and by accepting the Lie we subject ourselves to Babel's authority.
Babel can create circumstances designed to cause us to react with great emotion, so that through the emotional traumatization the external manipulated reality enters our Soul and bends it in the direction of the Evil acting through the pressure which caused us to react.
Babel can create seductions into pleasures of Sin which tie our Soul to the force of Evil present within the Flesh, so that here too we are put in bondage to the Force behind seduction and thereby submit ourselves to a false, manipulated reality.
All these individual bricks of how we encountered each moment in our lives are part of the structure of our perception of reality, and the less manipulations of Evil we have catered to and accepted in our lives, the less falsehood is present within this structure of reality.
Our perception of reality is like a translator, and the more falsehood is present within the perception, the more our translator will reflect that falsehood.
We all
have a translator inside our mind which translates our circumstances, including the words and deeds of others.
translator is like an ongoing babble we have with ourselves where we categorize
what others do or say, and we assess the value of our situation through the
standard of this translator.
person X does something, our translator produces a conditioned response which
is an interpretation of what person X did.
We do
not react to reality, but we react to conditioned responses, interpretations of
interpretations strengthen the structure of reality as we experience it, as well
as confirming it.
example, 'if Johnny does not respond immediately when I ask him something, he
deliberately tries to irritate me, and he does that because he is a jerk and
not a genuine good person like I am'.
It may
be that Johnny really IS a jerk, and he really did not respond simply to
irritate you, but how will you ever be able to accurately assess reality if YOU respond
internally by judging Johnny and assessing his actions and words by means of
that judgment?
judgment, your response, is simply the result of the big translator you carry in your mind.
translator gradually came into existence as a result of how you have responded
to Life and the manipulations (including cruelties and Evils) you encountered in Life, some small
and subtle, some large and in your face.
presence of this translator is THE great stumbling block preventing you from
getting a clear and untainted picture of reality.
It fed
you suggestions born from your reaction against the pressures of Life, and you consolidated
those suggestions as an integral part of your reality by believing them.
belief transferred energy to those suggestions, which made them an integral part of your
personality, and all your combined beliefs, the permissions you gave to those
suggestions to become part of your personality, form your personal translator.
The output of this translator shapes your character so that ultimately, if the translator is corrupt, your character will reflect that corruption.
Your character can grow into a straightjacket if you never learn to observe the translator at work, and once that happens you grow into a warped personality in the image of the Evil which damaged it.
translator is not just a 'spiritual phemenon', no it exists on a physical level
in your brain also as an archive of recordings.
recordings are stored in your neurons (brain cells), and these neurons in turn are connected
to an emotional registry setting in your brain.
What I
mean by that is that your responses are linked to the emotions rising from your responses, and the experience of these emotions is the result of the release of
chemicals in your body.
emotions serve the purpose of transforming mental recordings into physical
experiences: emotions make your thoughts come alive as a physical reality.
So, the
neurons containing the recordings of reacting to pressure are linked in your
brain to a registry setting which produces the release of chemicals which your Soul
interprets and experiences as emotions.
elements of an event can serve as triggers to release chemicals which produce
the experience of the emotion linked to the entire event, so that you are held
hostage by certain memories, either on a conscious level, or on a sub-conscious
level because you have buried the original trauma beneath a layer (or layers) of
compensation, escape-routes to dull your awareness of the original trauma.
If you
were beaten up by a gang as a kid, and one of the guys wore an earring, you may
experience the same fear as you did when you were a child when you meet a guy with
an earring.
You may
not be aware of the connection of the earring to your bad childhood memory, but
you cannot help but experiencing the same emotional reaction many years later.
You may have developed a dislike of certain people in your life, and in your mind you have
made a list of certain dominant character traits people belonging to this category share.
Each time
you recognize one of these traits in other people, the babble of your
translator feeds you the same old lies of the past, and just as you have done
in the past you believe the lies and agree with them, forming a judgment about
someone based on the input of your translator.
are just a few examples I mentioned here.
Just as
Babel covers this world with a blanket of lies, she covers your Soul with a
blanket of many lies you have believed, and she shapes your reality by means of
this blanket resting on your Soul.
moment you agree with a lie your internal translator feeds to your soul is the
moment you give permission for that lie to become part of your view of reality.
That is
also the moment you give permission to Babel to shape your reality, and it also
is the moment you give permission to forces of Evil to interfere with your
Each Sin
is an authorization for the forces of Evil to interfere with our lives, I
cannot stress this enough to make you understand how you can actually end up
obstructing yourself through your own weaknesses.
Our Sins
cause to become externally motivated (and controlled) people rather than being
independent, internally motivated individuals.
produces the herd and the herd-mentality, the other brings forth individuals
joined together by their love for YHWH, one produces slavery presented as
liberty to the deceived, the other brings forth freedom which is depicted as
slavery by the Masters of the Lie in this world.
This is
why Yahshua emphasized 'judge not lest ye be judged', that is why He instructed
us NOT to respond in kind, but to 'love those who hate us'.
If you
respond in kind, you become reactionary.
motivation is derived from an external source instead of YHWH, and as a result you come to stand in contrast with YHWH.
You become into a reflection of the nature of Evil, which is entirely reactionary.
By following Yahshua's instructions you become a reflection of YHWH's character, 'actionary' instead of reactionary, motivated by YHWH from within instead of being motivated by Evil acting through an external temptation.
By following Yahshua's instructions you become a reflection of YHWH's character, 'actionary' instead of reactionary, motivated by YHWH from within instead of being motivated by Evil acting through an external temptation.
instructions should not be interpreted as weakness, as many who are rooted in
this world love to do by suggesting you become a doormat if you do not respond
in kind.
taught us the art of self-defense in the Spirit.
Not the
ones who strike you down and appear as a winners in the eyes of the world as
they victoriously gloat over you when you lie face-down in the street have won
the fight, but the ones who are able to hold fast to Good and do not allow their motivation to be taken over by an external source are the true winners.
world is completely, utterly, totally perverted.
created it to be an upside-down world, an inside-out, a painting in negatives.
To be a winner in this perverted world requires that you conform to becoming a reflection of this perversion, yet in doing so you will ultimately be exposed as a loser in the eyes of Heaven, while
the ones who lost in the eyes of this world because they refused to conform to corruption will turn out to be the big winners.
It may
have seemed as if the Satan succeeded when his puppets killed Yahshua, but in
reality Yahshua won the fight and defeated the Satan.
internal translator is our great stumbling block in winning the fight, because
it causes us to remain locked in preconditioned responses and interpretations
of that which we perceive as reality.
become winners we have to learn to be objective to our own mind so that we are
able to have enough distance between the chatter of the internal translator and what our Spirit is telling our Soul.
We have to learn to recognize the
chatter and identify it as alien instead of being a part of our own identity.
I often
end up telling this chatter in my mind to 'shut up', because I know it is an
inheritance of past conditioned reflexes and lies I accepted as truth, and as a
result I have to deal with this manifestation of the force of Evil within me, a
legacy reminding me of where I have failed.
Now that
Yahshua saved me from my old self, I have a new perspective which allows me to
see this carnal chattering mind as a trap fighting against my Spirit on a daily
basis, and in my Soul I identify with my Spirit, not with my carnal deception which
paints a reality in the image of Babel's Lie.
Once you
make it a routine to stand back from the chatter and identify it for what it
is, rejecting its lies, then your translator begins to break down so that
different perspectives of the Spirit can take the place where the translator
used to build an image of reality.
The more
you become part of that new reality unfolding from the new seed planted in you
by Yahshua, the easier the chatter can be identified, and the less power it has
to influence you.
Your old
self and its built-in translator begins to die, but it is a slow and often painful process.
You will
experience your dual nature in all its extremity, and sometimes your old carnal
nature paints such a gloomy, depressing picture of Life that you find yourself yearning for the day to end.
it is part of the birthing process.
Your old
identity of Sin took time to build itself up, and it is present within your DNA
as well as your physical brain and mental hooks into your Soul.
It also take time for this identity of Sin to be broken down.
The last frontier on a physical level is the transformation of our DNA in the image of YHWH's original design.
The last frontier on a physical level is the transformation of our DNA in the image of YHWH's original design.
As long
as memories of Sin are present in your brain, they can be yielded as a weapon against your Soul and Spirit, and the trigger may simply be a slight irritation, a wrong reaction on
your part, or an element in your environment which activates a recording in one of your
neurons, or it may be deliberate obstruction caused by the Fallen Ones in an attempt to create a stronghold within your Soul.
The physical memories can be used as hooks into your Soul, the means by which the pirates try to take over your ship.
Yes, the
Fallen Ones are capable of projecting images into your mind as well as
manipulating emotions, and you have to be very aware of that.
every thought and image entering your mind is yours.
It may
be an image which is completely alien to your mind, yet it is present because
there are forces at work which project this image in your mind.
Especially the moment when your defenses are down, like when you are asleep or slumbering, is a good
time for those forces to influence and shape you, beware of that.
We are Spirits living in a Body of Flesh, and because this Body is corrupted, we experience the inner Dualism of Good vs. Evil.
Evil uses the Flesh as a weapon to overcome and subdue the Spirit, and our existence on this planet is one of being at war with this Evil Force present within our Flesh.
It has built an identity within the Flesh which is the diametrical opposite of the identity of the Spirit, and in our Soul we have to choose which identity we immerse ourselves in, and we build upon the consequences of this choice.
Because we have inherited the inclination to Sin from our forefathers we initially cannot help but building upon an identity of Evil in the Flesh.
But in our lives we reach the moment when this carnal identity inflicts so much pain and stress on our Spirit that we have to make a choice: kill the Spirit to get rid of the pain, or kill the carnal identity of the Flesh so that our Soul can be restored to the Spirit-identity.
The choice to be restored is made possible by simply believing in Yahshua and living from that Faith.
'Flesh' is dumb, dark, repetitive, and un-creative, unable to bring forth
anything of true originality.
The only
originality the Flesh can bring forth is a different combination of that which
already exists so that it appears as something original, but in fact it is just
a rehash of old things.
Flesh obstructs the Spirit in everything it tries to accomplish.
Spirit is wise, understanding, filled with light, not repetitive, creative,
bringing forth the things which are truly new and original, because YHWH put
them in the Spirit.
In our
current world the problem on its deepest level is the constituency of our
physical Body.
We have
inherited Sin and together with it we inherited a compulsion to build on Sin.
we have built on Sin, we built a translator in our minds which causes us to
relate to a reality which is created by this translator.
acceptance of Babel's lies has created a reality in the image of Evil within
It keeps
us locked out of YHWH's reality and reduces us to a prisoner of Evil.
Salvation process means that Yahshua leads us out of this prison to become an
integral part of His reality, and on our way out we meet sentinels obstructing
us, trying to prevent us from escaping from their wicked empire.
We have
to learn to distinguish these sentinels within us and ignore them, because if
we indulge in fighting them we end up strengthening them by transferring our energy
to them through our reactions.
We cannot fight Evil, and the only way to overcome Evil is by clinging in Faith to Yahshua so that YHWH in Yahshua can fight for us and deliver us from Evil, because He and only He has the power to deliver our Soul.
We cannot fight Evil, and the only way to overcome Evil is by clinging in Faith to Yahshua so that YHWH in Yahshua can fight for us and deliver us from Evil, because He and only He has the power to deliver our Soul.
always that Evil in essence is a dream, an artificial phenomenon and not real.
The only
way we make it appear as real is when we transfer our Life-force to it.
Learn to
see the sentinels and ignore them, for in Truth they are nothing but Shadow
images with an appearance of reality caused by the energy transfer.
The energy transfer is what makes the Shadows strong and real to us.
The energy transfer is what makes the Shadows strong and real to us.
I know,
easily said, but not so easily done, because, as we are led to freedom by our
great Liberator Yahshua, we come face to face with our worst enemy: ourselves,
or rather, our false implanted selves.
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