
The Mimicry Principle

Everything YHWH created has been plagiarized by the Fallen Ones.
Why is it that every component emanating from YHWH's mind has a Shadow-component which is the equal and opposite reaction, embodying everything the component is not?

It is true that our realm is based upon the Dualistic paradigm, where everything consists of a phenomenon and a counter-phenomenon which is derived from the phenomenon as the embodiment of what the phenomenon is not.
You have light, and the manifestation of the absence of light in the form of darkness, you have heat, and the absence of heat in the experience of coldness.

As such it is only logical that the manifestations of Good have their opposites in manifestations of the absence of Good, Evil.
One is real, the other is but an artificially engineered counterpart to serve the purpose of standing in contrast.

What drives the Fallen Ones to behave like copy-cats when it comes to their mimicry of YHWH's plans?

YHWH creates man in His image, the image of Good.
Then man falls and carries the image of Good and Evil.
The Fallen Ones aim to take it one step further as they seek to genetically alter man so that he comes to reflect the image of Evil, thus plagiarizing YHWH initial creation of man in the image of Good.
They label this image of Evil as freedom from YHWH's definition of what is Good and Evil.

YHWH creates Salvation for man in Yahshua, Who entered our Physical realm to save man from Evil, and the Fallen Ones are preparing for the public appearance of their Christ, the one who aims to 'save man from bondage to YHWH', meaning, to 'save man from Good'.
The Shadows refer to their Christ as the Savior from bondage to YHWH's concept of Good vs. Evil.

Where Yahshua's messianic mission was based entirely on YHWH's concept of Good vs. Evil, the Shadow messianic mission is to erase the YHWH's definition of what is Good and what is Evil to establish a race which does not assess the morality of Life in terms of that definition.

There is however one big catch: to be able to 'liberate' man from the standards of the morality of Life as created by YHWH, the Shadows have to create an alternative reality, a new Creation, and they do not have that power since YHWH is all there is, and the Shadows too have their origin in YHWH.
They can operate only within YHWH's Creation since they are part of it, thus being subjected to YHWH's created concepts whether they like it or not.
Their salvation is a scam which leads people into an illusion where slavery to the Dark side of the Dualism coin is promoted as freedom from YHWH, a salvation which rips man out of YHWH's reality to become a fading Shadow in a dream fantasy.

YHWH's Salvation plan will provide His saved ones with new Spiritual bodies wherein no Evil dwells, while the Fallen Ones are working towards a genetically engineered man not bothered by the presence of a conscience which is based on YHWH's definition of what is Good, a man with supernatural inter-dimensional qualities so that he is a perfect bridge between different dimensions for the Fallen Ones and a shield against YHWH's Light.
This man will be a vessel for the Fallen Spirits only.
Thus they seek to escape from the prison of the dream reality of Evil, yet I cannot help but wonder if they truly believe they can succeed in finding an escape route within YHWH's Creation?

Yahshua's way was prepared by a voice crying in the wilderness, just as Babel mimicked Him in the many voices crying in the luxury of her palace 'prepare ye the way of the savior, make crooked in the sea of nations a highway for our god'.

Have you ever wondered why the Satan would constantly mimic YHWH if he truly desires to be original and establish an original order in his own image?
Why would his ambition drive him to be a mere echo of YHWH?
He behaves like a Shadow of YHWH, imitating Him in every conceivable way.

Yes, pride is a strong driving force behind the Satan's game.
If YHWH creates a component, and the Satan creates a Shadow of that component in the image of the Lie, then if the Fallen One succeeds in prevailing over YHWH's component of Truth with his component of the Lie he can claim to be every bit as capable and even superior to YHWH.
After all, if the Satan can prove to YHWH that the Lie is stronger, then by what right or intelligence could YHWH insist upon holding fast to His concept and definition of what is Good?

Yet there is another reason for the Satan's behavior.
This reason is rooted in what we would call 'magick'.
Reproducing a person's moves, behavior and speech is like becoming a Shadow, and a Shadow is linked to the manifestation of a person.

The link of magical empathy is a channel purposed to leech energy from the target.
A Shadow cannot exist separate from a person, but it is an integral part of the block a person creates against the Light.
By becoming the Shadow, energy and talents can be stolen through the connection the Shadow creates with a person.
It's a principle used in 'magick' which you often will encounter in life.

Actors employ the principle of empathy in a movie when they immerse themselves in the persona they have to portray.
Aleister Crowley referred to this method as the 'dramatic method', a way to open yourself up to demon possession.
But it is more than demon possession, because through placing yourself in the position of becoming a Shadow of a person you can use this Shadow principle to create a link for the transfer of Life-force and talents, and with the assistance of Evil Spirits you can succeed in this purpose.

Just mimicking a person is not enough for the transfer of talent and energy.
To make this transfer possible the Shadow offender has to operate in strong faith.

You will probably remember the story in the Bible where a woman suffering from hemorrhage believed that if she would touch the fringe of Yahshua's garment she would be healed.
Upon touching the fringe of His garment her flow of blood stopped.
Yahshua felt that energy had left Him and He inquired who was responsible for this.

It was only through faith that this miracle could have occurred.
And even though the proper way for this woman to be healed ought to have been by asking Yahshua to heal her, because she believed in Yahshua He did not hold her deed against her.
She acted in faith, and it was a good kind of faith since she did not seek to rob Yahshua of His force, but rather she acknowledged that Yahshua had been given the power to heal her, and she wanted to partake of the healing.

The Dark side operates through anti-faith.
It is not faith in YHWH in Yahshua, but a subverted faith which becomes an enabling instrument in leeching energy in service of Evil.
Through perverse, Dark faith magic becomes possible.
I tried to make this clear to you in my post 'The Shadow Plumbing'.
This Dark faith is the enabling instrument which allows an occult technique such as becoming someone's Shadow to be effective so that Life-force and talents can be stolen from a person.

In the Voodoo religion a variation of the Shadow-principle as an enabler of the Voodoo-magic is used in the form of an effigy of a person, such as a doll carrying something which belongs to a person.
The doll becomes the Shadow so that whatever is done to the doll, happens to the person.

There are several different aspects to becoming someone's Shadow, and mimicry is one of them.
The Shadows and the Shadow-people use mimicry to become YOUR Shadow.
Your reaction and the transfer of your identity through your reaction to the Shadow-game enables a transfer of Life-energy, and as the transfer takes place you grow into a Shadow yourself.

The Shadow eats you up so that nothing remains of you but an empty Shadow in search of the fuel of Life, a principle which also is visible in a movie like 'The invasion of the body snatchers' where a transfer of identity and Life-force takes place from a person to a pod which has grown into a facsimile of the person, and ultimately replaces the person.
To be able to sustain yourself in the Shadow domain, you need to retrieve the lost energy, and the way to achieve this is by becoming a Shadow unto others.
This phenomenon is part and parcel of the 'dog-eat-dog' system.

However, once you become a Shadow you will experience YHWH's Light as your destruction.
A Shadow can only create an appearance of existence by the grace of a block against the Light, but once the block is removed the Light will destroy any Shadow, since the Shadow is the result of the absence of Light.

To fade into a Shadow is to fade into a passive, reactionary semblance of existence, because the Shadow is nothing but a side-effect of a block against that which truly is, the Light.

It is not because  YHWH's character is Evil that He destroys you with His presence, because YHWH remains that which He always has been and will be: Light, Goodness.
But because you have immersed yourself in Darkness by becoming a Shadow you will experience the influx of His Light as Destruction.
You merely experience that which you chose yourself to be: destruction, non-existence, and YHWH simply reflects this Truth back at you in His mirror.
This is the outcome of the principle of Dualism upon which the current Creation is based, where a phenomenon is contrasted by its opposite which embodies the absence of the phenomenon.

Once you have become a Shadow your only option for survival is to flee into the domain of Darkness, Hell or Gehenna, which is the isolation chamber of Creation where the Shadows are able to exist in a Dream-state sheltered against YHWH's Light, an illusion they chose for, which is the illusion of an existence without YHWH.
It is the equivalent of a perpetual coma.

The principle of mimicry is almost omnipresent in this world where people are being turned into Shadows, who in turn seek to recoup their loss by becoming a Shadow unto someone else, the infamous, notorious 'dog-eat-dog' system, the 'cannibalism of the Grey'.
You come into this world as an individual who is pressured to grow into becoming an integral part of the Shadow-collective, the 'Grey'.
As you grow into a Shadow, you lose your unique individuality in exchange for the group identity of 'the Grey'.

The Greys mimic each other and play out roles within their collective.
You suddenly see people picking up the same words, certain habits and mannerisms spontaneously come in vogue, and all this is nothing but the result of the copy-cat nature of 'the Grey' establishing a collective code which affirms their identity and passes the mustard around.
These words and mannerisms all too often originate with authority figures, such as actors or rock stars, and by adopting these words and mannerisms they become a code for acceptance into the group identity of the Grey.

Yah's people are designed to derive their identity from their Creator Who created unique individuals with unique characteristics.
YHWH does not work by creating identities in the image of His collective, but He builds up unique identities which are unified by their common love for YHWH, a disparate yet unified colorful bunch, and the Shadow-collective as it also manifests in totalitarian systems on Earth is the opposite of that.
Since this world is turned upside down by the Shadows, Yah's own are subjected to the ordeal of having to experience many pressures to conform to a group identity when they are put through schools, churches, family cultures, office cultures, national cultures, etc.

Mimicry is not only a magical principle enabling the transfer of energy and talents, it also is a way of establishing the group identity of the Grey, identities which are created from the outside in instead of from the inside out in order to build up one great big Borg slave-collective.

Schools are designed to deliver good copy-cats to the Shadow-system, cogs who fit into the Grey collective, parrots pressured to perform the tricks the education system teaches them.
The workplace picks up where the schools left off by further imposing the group identity of the workplace culture, a perfect extension of the process which began the moment we were born into a family culture where pressure was put on our Souls to conform and assume the family identity.

Churches, which are supposed to cultivate the unique individuality of each person, are instead extensions of the Grey-collective where mimicry of the religious habits, words, dress-codes and dogmas impose a plastic identity after the mold of the collective, and the individual identity has to be sacrificed for the sake of fitting into the collective.
In that role churches are no different than people seeking to establish an identity by dressing up as their favorite rock stars.

Organized religions such as Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, are nothing but traps designed by the Fallen One to capture the individual and destroy his identity in order to replace it with the mimicry-based group identity.
Christianity as it comes to us in various Catholic and Protestant religious institutes and derivations thereof are nothing but the Satan's way of appropriating an image of Jesus to trap people into his collective structure and transform them into full-fledged Greys singing psalms and hymns accompanied by the church organ.
Thus the psalms and hymns become muzak for the damned thinking themselves to be saved, a very sly, vicious, Dark, insidious trap the Fallen One designed.

Does this mean that churches and synagogues are populated by Greys only?
No, not at all, YHWH has His own everywhere, and where the Satan seeks to seduce by means of an image of Jesus he holds up, Yah's own will find and see the Man beyond the image.
The Satan may seek to insult YHWH by appropriating what is His, but YHWH can do exactly the same and lead His children to Truth and Life by means of structures set up to seduce Souls into Death and the Lie.

During the entire course of being pressured to grow into a Grey we sacrifice our Life-force and our unique individuality as well as our talents up to the hidden Shadows of the Grey-collective, in exchange for acceptance and the benefits which come with the acceptance.
Yes, although mimicry seems innocent on the surface it has a very sinister countenance beneath the trivial mask it wears.

If you ever have experienced someone mimicking your moves constantly, you probably are familiar with the irritation it causes.
This irritation is the result of our spontaneous and subconscious defense against the possibility of being victimized.
However, because we live in a corrupt Body which acts as a conduit for Evil, our reaction of irritation becomes the extension of the Evil force which caused the irritation, like a doorway opening up to that Evil.
This irritation is the fuel of emotion which releases a greater amount of Life-force to the one who is imitating you and the Shadows operating through that person.

Emotions are like energy boosters.
Not in the sense that they increase energy, but they draw out more energy from your Soul, and a prolonged exposure to intense emotion can literally drain you, physically and mentally.
So, by becoming irritated and even angry at someone for imitating you, -and the irritation has its roots in the fact that on a subconscious level you can sense the purpose behind the principle of mimicry-, you are releasing a greater amount of energy to the one who is leeching you.

Some people have grown into leeches whose only way to survive and have pleasure in Life is by draining others from their energy and their joy.
They are psychic vampires, and being in their presence it will not take long before you will begin to feel tired, listless and sleepy, having no joy within you left anymore.
They are like large Shadows manifesting in a physical form, casting Darkness upon your Life so that you feel as if you constantly live under a gloomy, dark cloud blocking the sun.

Their Shadow-game does not consist of mimicry alone, although some may try to mimic you, but the Shadow-people can also use the tactic of going along with you in order to grow into your mental Shadow, or they can be a continuous stressor seeking to pressure you into releasing energy through your reactions.
The vampire game has different manifestations and different tactics, but they all have in common that they are tactics used in service of drawing energy from you as if you are a living gas station servicing the cars of the Devil.

They love to elicit emotional reactions in you and entice you into accepting their kind offers and support, because in going along with them, and by responding with emotion a greater amount of energy can be leeched from you.
The same is true for the ones who love to upset you: when they succeed in making you lose your equilibrium they gain self-confidence and feel good and energized, due to the fact that they made you lose self-confidence and energy.

The best protection is simply to stay away from them.
Regardless of how nice they may appear to be on the surface, they are creatures from hell, even though they may pretend to be Christians, for if they truly belonged to YHWH they would get their energy from Him and they would NEVER prey on other people the way vampires do.

One of the reasons why the Fallen One mimics YHWH is rooted in the use of mimicry as a magical principle: it is an attempt to drain energy.
By mimicking YHWH the Fallen One seeks to draw energy and Life-force from YHWH by illicit means for his own purpose, so that in the end he may become as powerful and talented as YHWH.
The Fallen Ones hope to trick and manipulate YHWH into interaction with their Shadow-game so that YHWH can be used as the horse pulling the cart of Evil.

Only, YHWH never reacts the way we do.
YHWH ACTS as He has always done, and He is not man that He could be manipulated by a Shadow.
He is the immovable Rock which is the foundation upon which His people can build their home, yet also the Rock which crushes the one upon whom it falls.

The Shadows mimic YHWH's Salvation plan for the Salvation of man from Evil through belief in Yahshua, by designing a Shadow-plan for the Salvation of man from YHWH through belief in their ultimate anti-christ candidate.
The purpose of the Shadow plan for the Shadow Salvation is not just to prove the superiority of the Satan's ideology, but it also is to drain YHWH's original plan of its power.
Thus, the Shadow plan replaces YHWH's plan.
Whereas YHWH's plan liberates man from Evil, the Shadow plan is designed to liberate man from YHWH.

You see, the principle at work here in the mimicry of YHWH's Salvation plan is the same as the principle of mimicry in service of the Shadow-game with people: the transfer of energy and talents makes the Shadow come alive while the victim to whom the energy and talents are given, -and who is not a Shadow-, is reduced to becoming a Shadow of what he was created to be through the loss of energy and talents.
The purpose behind the Shadow plan for their Evil pseudo-salvation is to rob YHWH's plan of its power, reducing it to a shadow while the Shadow-plan for pseudo-salvation is given the strength of YHWH's plan.

Of course the purpose behind the creation of a Shadow-component of YHWH's plan will never work.
YHWH allows the Shadows to exercise this principle for a season in order that Evil is able to manifest itself in Creation, but when the time for our education in this realm is over, YHWH will push the button which will terminate this current phase, and Evil will no longer be able to live at the expense of YHWH and His people.
No longer will the Shadows be able to attach themselves to people in order to drain them from their Life-force and their talents so that THEIR people become the ones with the talent and the Life-force.

This is the great injustice which we have to come to terms with during our time in the fallen Flesh.
We have to observe not only how we are obstructed in many ways, how are lives are under attack so that we are broken, we also have to watch how others thrive at our expense because they have stolen from us that which our Creator gave us.
Do not let this injustice cause you to suffer, because whatever the Shadows stole from us can be returned again, and more than that, in Yahshua we become very dangerous to the Shadow thieves because of our authority to bind up Evil and render it impotent.

Psychic vampires are true children of the Satanic vampires, the Fallen Ones.
YHWH lets them play their games, knowing that He has created one moment in time when He will separate His creation from the company of the Evil Ones.
The Evil Ones will become like fossils frozen in an indivisible moment in time.
No longer will they have access to Heaven, because Heaven is a completely different reality,  disconnected from the isolated Dream-realm where they will abide.

There is a hierarchy of different dimensions where the dimension we refer to as Heaven is the highest reality, Earth is like a dream reality compared to the higher reality of Heaven, the realm of the deceased (Sheol) is like a dream within the dream compared to Heaven, and the isolation chamber of Creation where the rebels will be able to exist in an artificially created state of complete separation from YHWH, Gehenna, is like a dream within a dream within a dream compared to Heaven.

To the ones who will be part of YHWH's perfect Creation, the Evil Ones trapped in the Dream will no longer be, as if they never existed since they are part of an artificial holographic world, a dream world which was artificially engineered like a holodeck to enable the appearance of existence of Evil.
Dreams are like movies, and movies are not real.
The characters which belong to the movie have an appearance of existence as long as the movie is running, but when the movie is over, even though the characters are trapped in the movie and will continue to exist forever as part of the movie, for the ones who were watching the movie and who are NOT part of it the fictional characters don't exist, and never have existed.

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