
The Perspective

I am sure that regular visitors of this blog with an interest in prophecy at one time or another have come across a timeline chart based on the book of Revelation.
These charts are based upon the basic premise that the sequential narrative in the book Revelation automatically translates into a chronological story, and the chronological order can be visualized in a timeline chart.

Suppose that this premise is incorrect?
This would mean that all the different charts you can find on the internet are based on a misunderstanding and therefore depict a fantasy of the author who created the timeline chart.
The charts have put the prophecy of Revelation in the box of the limited understanding of the one assuming the Revelation to be a chronological story, and by placing the prophecy in a box, the deeper understanding of what it is all about remains out of sight.

Mind you, I am not implying that the Revelation does not feature any chronology or sequential order of events which will unfold.
Nor do I look down my nose at the authors of timeline charts, not at all.
It is their depiction of a chronological interpretation of the Revelation, usually combined with Daniel's prophecy.
But to reduce the Revelation to a marker on a timeline chart is to miss the prophecy.

The key to understanding the deeper prophecy of Revelation lies in the keyword 'perspective'.
The book Revelation shows you different perspectives just like different cameras may show you different perspectives of one and the same event.
The combined perspectives show you the story from multiple angles, thereby creating a more complete picture of the story and how the different elements relate to each other.

Just bring to mind the symbolism of the great whore of Babylon.
Some think this whore is the Roman Catholic church, others say it is the USA, and both are wrong if they limit the image of the whore to one particular geographical, ideological and/or historical instance.

The image of the whore is a perspective which applies to different nations and institutes throughout history, not confining itself to either.

The perspective-based understanding is tied to the nature of the metaphysical realm and its connection to the physical realm in which we live, a realm which is based on recurring cycles.

When we mention the summer season it is the same type of season year after year, yet each season has a different place in the timeline and has a different setting and different manifestation of the characteristics of the summer season.
When we focus on the night we experience the night over and over again, yet each consecutive night has a different place in the timeline and features a different variation of the basic definition of what the night is.

Likewise, when the Bible-book Revelation mentions the great whore, it does not limit itself to the perspective of time and space, but instead it focuses on one particular phenomenon which can be found throughout the entire history of man, from the very first moment that Adam and Eve signed away their autonomy to the Evil One right up to the final end-times whore Babel.
The perspective is Babel, and she manifests throughout history in various incarnations.
This does not mean that the Revelation does not describe the great whore of the end-times, but she is just one manifestation of a greater picture of what the whore is.

When the prophet Nahum announces YHWH's view of Nineveh and His impending judgment, this prophecy is not confined to the perspective of one geo-political event in time and space, which is Nineveh during the time of Nahum, but it transcends the time/space realm and describes the fate of the great whore and what will happen to her.
Nahum's prophecy is directly related to Revelation 17.
Read for instance chapter 3, and you are reading the judgment which was announced to Nineveh yet which YHWH also announced to the great end times whore who fornicates with sorceries and occult magic, like the USA AND the Vatican, AND the nations of this world.
And the great whore is not limited to nations or religious institutes only.

When the book of Revelation mentions the anti-christ, and Daniel describes the characteristics of the anti-christ, they do not just relate to one historical event.
Both Yochanan and Daniel describe the anti-christ which the different cycles of history have brought forth, and as such both prophecies apply to Antiochus Epiphanes, Nero, Caligula, Hitler, and others.
Just read Daniel's detailed description of the anti-christ and you will see how Antiochus Epiphanes fits that description, even though Daniel's description goes further and will apply to the anti-christ of the latter days.
The prophecies concerning the anti-christ are not confined to one particular person ONLY, but they refer to the perspective of the anti-christ, and looking through that lens you can see different historical figures across time and space fitting the description.

And yet, both prophecies DO refer to one final anti-christ also, the one who will fit the description in the most perfect way.

Prophecy comes from YHWH, and YHWH does not experience a sequential unfolding of time and time-related events, but instead He already knows the entire timeline as one finished story.
In prophecy He has focused in on certain key points and describes them as part of the story, and in the unfolding of the story -the unfolding of the timeline-, you can see the key points occurring in different repeating cycles of time.

So it should not come as a surprise that the book Revelation jumps forward and backward in time, because the vision is not confined to the perspective of time nor is it based on it.
It really makes no difference whether the Revelation refers to something which happened 2000 years ago, or something which still lies in the future from our point in the timeline, because the vision in essence is NOT written with the focus on time.

The book of Revelation is a camera zooming in on different perspectives, and if you bear in mind that even the apostles spoke of their days as the latter days, you can see these perspectives occurring in cycle-based incarnations in the timeline, leading up to their final manifestation during the time preceding the return of Yahshua.

Imagine a timeline as a horizontal line stretching from left to right, like in the picture on the right.

Similar events on the timeline in the picture are depicted as three-dimensional cubes in a two-dimensional drawing.

If the two-dimensional drawing represents our world and the timeline of this world, then the third dimension of the cubes represents the spiritual element which is invisible on the two-dimensional plane, yet which is connected and related to the cube as the spiritual aspect of the event depicted by the cube, which manifests in the two-dimensional plane as a square.

All dimensions in creation are intertwined and connected, like length, width and depth are connected in a three-dimensional reality.
All dimensions together form one hugely complex and complete picture of one creation.

Physical time as we know it does not exist in the metaphysical realm.
However, the metaphysical realm knows its own manifestation of time.
Time in the metaphysical dimension is not cyclic like our concept of time, and it is not experienced in terms of going from point A to point B on the clock, but it is a sense of existing as you are being moved by YHWH's Spirit.
It is connected to physical time (and the space unfolding from it)  in a similar way as the third dimension is connected to the other two.
It is linked, but one hour in physical time is not one hour in metaphysical time, and from the perspective of metaphysical time physical time can be dilated or compressed.

The concept of a constant cyclic motion of time does not exist in the metaphysical component of time.
We, as part of the physical dimension, move through different cycles which are manifestations of one and the same phenomenon, like day and night.
The end of one cycle marks its beginning again, a concept which has given rise to the idea of reincarnation as it can be found in a religion like Buddhism.
This idea is not correct because we are Spirit, and the Spirit does not move in cycles since it belongs to the metaphysical dimension.

Cycles are repeating manifestations of one and the same phenomenon, and although each manifestation may differ in its setting or details from the other, the basic definition of the phenomenon is the same throughout the cycles.

Prophecy gives us a view of our Earthly situation through the eyes of Heaven, or, a metaphysical camera playing back the recording of the physical phenomena.
This is why the harlot in Revelation is really one phenomenon manifesting in different cycles throughout history: one metaphysical reality playing out in the physical realm in different manifestations and locations in the timeline.
The one image of the harlot is the focus of the camera of Heaven, and what it has recorded can be played back to show the harlot in many incarnations in the history of man on Earth.

You understand how it works?
The anti-christ is the focus of the camera of Heaven, the description you find in different prophecies, and its fulfillment is the recording of different manifestations of the anti-christ through the history of man on Earth.
And of course there will be one final manifestation of the anti-christ, who is with us already.

Let's go back to the drawing I showed you to illustrate you how this principle works by means of the drawing.

Imagine that instead of the two dimensions of the picture there really are three dimensions so that you can turn the horizontal timeline towards you.

Now turn the timeline 90 degrees towards you in the horizontal plane, so that the timeline stretching out from left to right becomes a dot, and all the years add up in a row behind the dot.

Now you will see only ONE cube, one square, and all the other cubes remain out of sight because they line up perfectly behind that one cube, since they have the same format.

Imagine the cube is the anti-christ, or the harlot, and you will have a good understanding of how prophecy uses one description to refer to multiple events which really are different manifestations of one and the same phenomenon occurring in repeating cycles.

When Revelation speaks of the beast, you can see it appearing in the cyclic timeline in different incarnations, including the beast that was, is not, and will ascend from the bottomless pit.
It wears different clothes at different points in the timeline, but the essence, the phenomenon of the beast, remains the same.

In the prophecy given to Daniel the perspective of the beast is like a prism, where incoming light from Heaven (the prophecy of the beast) is split into a rainbow of different Earthly colors of one and the same perspective, all manifesting the same concept in the different cycles in the timeline.

And yet, the beast as described in the book of Revelation also has certain details in the prophecy pertaining to the final beast, like the 42 months during which the beast is allowed to exercise authority.
Not only that, but the beast-category is not confined to worldly empires as incarnations of the beast, but it extends itself to include man.
There is a human end-times beast in the form of the anti-christ, and all those who will conform to him and bear his mark will become beasts destined for destruction.

Bear in mind that the 'beast' as it pertains to the anti-christ and his ilk, is NOT a human being, but a beast from the perspective of Heaven.
This means the beast-man will have no knowledge of Good and Evil, but he will be absorbed by Evil and have zero intimacy with Good in him, an Evil Spirit in an Evil Body.

As you will realize by now, a simple timeline chart based on the book of Revelation does the prophecy no justice, nor does it give an accurate view of the entire end times scenario.
It misses the mark.
I am sure that the unfolding of events during this time will surprise the authors of the charts, perhaps making them realize that their time-based lens through which they viewed the vision given to John shut them off from seeing the greater picture.
To understand the Revelation you have to learn to look through the camera of Heaven.

The opening of the seals, followed by the blowing of the shofars (trumpets) which includes the words of the seven thunders, which in turn is followed by the seven bowls, is a sequential description, but beware of interpreting it only as a chronological order.
I am not saying that there  is NOT a chronological order or that there IS.
But the moment you cling to a basic premise you limit yourself in your understanding, and the best way to read prophecy so that you are open to receiving understanding is by reading it like a child, without any preconceived notions.
Any preconception becomes a barrier to understanding.

The opening of the seals simply means that the requirements for the manifestation of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth are met, and the reality of this Kingdom is opened in the spiritual realm so that it can manifest on Earth.
These requirements do not just refer to the channel through which the Kingdom can manifest, Yahshua, they also mean the requirements for the judgment and destruction of Darkness in this world.
The unlocking of the seals is the release of the elements of the seals as they are to play out.

Remember, the seals are part of the day of YHWH, which is the judgment of Earth, and although the setting of the day of YHWH is focused on the 'last days', the perspective of the day of YHWH has known manifestations in different point in the timeline when He judged this Earth, the nations upon Earth, clans, families, right down to individuals.
The judgment is the Heavenly concept projected into different ages in the history of man, and yes, there will be a final judgment also.

The focus point of Revelation is the mother of all judgments, the final judgment, and the description of the physical manifestation of the seals we will experience in the final judgment, yet the judgment has manifested itself already many times before.
Elements as described in the seals you can find throughout history as part of YHWH's judgment.
Deuteronomy 28 describes the three increments of curses which combined constitute one judgment on Sin, one Heavenly perspective of the curse translating into many different manifestations on Earth.
It is the perspective which is embodied in and linked with the day of YHWH, Yom YHWH.

The sound of the shofars (trumpets) is both an alarm signal to prepare for battle as well as the sound that announces the destruction of the walls of the harlot's Jericho, the manifestation of the contraption of the wheels within the wheel Babel has placed on the stage.
The sound of the thunders, which are part of the shofars just as the anti-christ is part of the beast, shakes the Earth and makes it tremble, causing the walls of Babel's bastion to come crumbling down.
Yet preceding the thunders is the Lightning from Heaven cleaving the Darkness to bring about the destruction of Evil.

The Lightning is like the voice of the Director shouting, "Lights on, aannd...", right before He proceeds with "ACTION!".
For Earth to be changed into the likeness of Heaven, the reality of this change first has to be established in the spiritual realm from whence it projects itself into the lower realm of Earth.
The Light coming down from Heaven is like the spiritual reality establishing itself in the Spirit, reaching down to Earth, and the thunder following the Light is the physical manifestation of the spiritual reality now translating into a physical reality.
The words of the thunders are prophecy, a joy to receive, but difficult and burdensome to experience when they come to pass.

Like the lightning which struck St. Peter's Basilica on the day the pope announced his resignation.
The Lightning has come, the thunder will follow.

It was not a coincidence.
It was YHWH announcing the judgment on the Catholic mask of Babel, a prelude to the thunder which will bring down the walls of Rome, and the Lightning has lit the fire which will burn her to ashes.
Yes, there will be one last pope, and after that no more.
The thunder will shake the walls of the church, exposing her secret sexual offences and Satanic rituals before the final judgment will require all the blood of the innocent shed by the ones dressing up in holy robes to hide their dead man's bones beneath.

Yes, the voice of the thunders will bring down the walls which hide the secret sins of many, thus destroying the false veneer which Babel holds up to the world to remain in power.
YHWH will begin with Babel's religious mask, and many who claim to work in service of Yahshua or Jesus will find the walls of their religious empires come crumbling down as the Earth will swallow them.

I would take this very seriously if I were you, because YHWH keeps emphasizing this continuously.
It will literally cost people not only their lives, but also their souls in the time to come.
DO NOT seek to turn YHWH's word into merchandise, do NOT mix your calling with money,  do NOT mistake prophecy for profit-seek, do NOT create religious images people can identify with in order to establish your own private church, for you will be brought down, I guarantee you that with complete certainty.
Turn a deaf ear on this, and the voice of the thunder will cause the Earth to open up beneath your feet and swallow you up.

Finally, the image of the bowls in Revelation depict the baptism, the cleansing of this world as well as the judgment.
They are a judgment on iniquity, and all manifestations of Sin will be burnt up.
Like the flood drowned the corrupted on Earth, the bowls will drown the ones working in service of the Shadows in a sea of fire.

To YHWH's own the bowls are like vessels of fire poured out on the path to burn the weeds growing on it, so that the path is cleansed before the King returns.
They are like the fire which purifies, but to the wicked the bowls will manifest as a baptism of destruction, because they grew into a wicked weed overgrowing the path, obstructing the road of YHWH's own so that their walk in life is obstructed and difficult.

In the seals, the shofars, the thunders and the bowls you find perspectives depicted in different images, and you can see different manifestations of these perspectives at various points in the timeline.
The judgment of the world, has it not happened before during the great flood?
The destruction of Babel's bastion, has it not happened before on a micro scale when Israel marched around Jericho seven times, blowing the shofars and sounding the thunder of their voices?

One day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day to YHWH.
He does not view us from a time-based perspective, but from the perspective of a painter who has already finished the entire painting.
He exists even beyond the metaphysical dimension as the ultimate center of Stillness, and all movement in Creation, all aspects of motion through different manifestations of time are made relative to YHWH's Stillness.

YHWH does not see the painting in terms of the application of paint on the canvas from beginning to end.
Instead He sees one finished painting with different layers of paint,  and He focuses on certain themes, certain aspects.
These themes, or perspectives, are found in different places in the painting, but to the painter all these different places where they manifest are known and created already even before they come to pass for those who are part of a layer of the painting.
When He describes one theme He focuses on, He also describes the other manifestations of the theme, and His description transcends the isolated cages of time-periods.

YHWH speaks through giving us different lenses, different perspectives, different themes which occur in different yet similar manifestations in the timeline.
He even speaks through numbers, conveying certain concepts which occur over and over again in different cycles of the timeline.

The interwoven cycles of the timeline are like wheels within wheels, each wheel describing its own cycle relative to the other cycles of other wheels.
The cycles are like individual threads in one hugely complex tapistry.
In the Shadow-perversion these cycles become like traps designed to suck us in, so that we experience a pseudo-eternity based on the circle of the wheel where the end of the wheel morphs into the beginning, yet the wheel itself is no longer related to the greater reality of Heaven.
Instead it is stuck within a virtual dream-reality we keep experiencing over and over again.

Gehenna (or Hell as some might call it), is like being trapped in one single, ongoing, eternally repeating cycle of Evil, the isolation chamber of Creation.
There are no new cycles following the previous ones like we experience on Earth.
Here on Earth one day differs from the next, even though days are similar, yet in Gehenna there are no different days to be found anymore, and no longer will there be a motion through cycles.
Instead, there is just one single repeating cycle where nothing changes and everything is frozen in the fire of destruction, like a loop repeating itself eternally.
Yet there is no progression of time in Gehenna as we know it, just one single moment repeating itself seamlessly, and this turns Gehenna into a cage of absurdity, a meaningless existence isolated from YHWH's presence.

Heaven is the opposite, the release from the cyclic motion.
Where in Gehenna you are stuck in one single endlessly repeating cycle, Earth knows cycles which have similar elements, but the manifestation of these elements can change from one cycle to the next.
If all of mankind would today invest in doing Good, then tomorrow would produce a new cycle where the blessings of Goodness would manifest.
If all of mankind would today invest in doing Evil, then tomorrow would produce a new cycle where the curses of Evil would manifest.
In Gehenna there is no change of cycle, and Spirits are trapped in one cycle of Evil for all of eternity.
In Heaven there is no cycle anymore and Spirits are released from the cycle-based experience of time on Earth to experience existence, being in YHWH's presence.

Discussing the images of the seals, the shofars, the thunders and the bowls you may have noticed something peculiar in the numbers.
The thunders are part of the shofar-cycle, and they speak during the shofar cycle.
One of the reasons is that both have the same function: to bring down the walls of Babel's macro-Jericho, but there also is another reason.

At first sight we are confronted with three sections describing the images of the seals, the shofars, and the bowls, three different images representing the final days of judgment upon this world.
The thunders are joined to the shofars, and their message was sealed, like a fourth section belonging to the three ('3-4').
All the sections describe judgment.

You will find the '3-4' combination as a token of judgment also in the prophecy of Amos, 'for three transgressions of Damascus, and for four, I will not revoke the punishment'.
It is not just a coincidental literary metaphor, but it is based on Deuteronomy 28 where one part is devoted to describing the blessing which will come on those who love YHWH and obey His instructions, followed by three parts describing incremental stages of the curse which will come upon those who hate YHWH and rebel against Him.

The three (3) stages of the curse end with the destruction of the nation Israel and the exile of the Israelites to the four (4) corners of the Earth, so the '3-4' sequence is based on the description of the curse which brings judgment.
If the people Israel do not live in harmony with YHWH (1), and they split away from Him, thereby becoming divided as exemplified in the two houses of Israel (2), then the curses are implemented (3), which will result in the destruction of Israel (4).
So, the section of the vision given to Yochanan describe in their numerical code ('3-4') the final judgment upon this world.

'For three transgressions of Babel, and for four, I will not revoke the punishment'.

Some of you may believe that the time of judgment is not for you because Yahshua will come to take you up into the dimension of Heaven until all is past.
Please do not hold it against me when I tell you that you WILL have to go through this time of judgment on Earth, because it is the reason you were placed in this timeframe.

Jeremiah prophesied to Judah the exile and captivity of the people of Judah, and even though Jeremiah was scorned and persecuted for his prophecies, and he had NO part in the rebellion of Judah, he HAD to endure the difficult time when his prophecy came true, even though it was a judgment on the people of Judah and not on Jeremiah.
He was not taken up into Heaven, and even though he enjoyed the sweetness of the intimacy with YHWH which brought him the prophecy, he also had to endure the bitterness of going through the manifestation of his prophecy.

However, rest assured that YHWH WILL watch over the ones He has marked for His protection.
Just as YHWH made sure that Jeremiah was spared and found favor in the eyes of the captain of the guard of the Babylonian army which conquered Jerusalem.
Just as Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who were not raptured into Heaven when they faced a fiery oven, were translated.
YHWH's mark of protection translated them into a different version of reality so that in the combined merger of the two realities it looked as if the men walked through the fiery oven without being harmed.
Likewise, YHWH will protect His own in the times to come.

As you will realize by now, the vision as narrated in Revelation is much, much more than just a story featuring a chronological timeline.
There ARE sequential elements, but how they will unfold in terms of their exact historical details remains yet a mystery.
The exact details about how the End-Times scenario is going to play out remains hidden, and to find out I guess we simply will have to go through the times and learn.

One thing I AM sure of: the many timeline charts will have to be adjusted, since YHWH has a few surprises  and twists in the plot up His sleeve.
That is the one thing Babel fears the most: YHWH's surprise moves.

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