

I wish you all a very good, happy, healthy and prosperous 2016, and all the reports indicate it is going to be a fantastic year.
I really hope they are right, but I am convinced they are wrong.
I advise you not to expect a change for the good.

If you think the answer to the problem lies in religion, forget it.
It lies in the attitude of your Heart and Soul.
It is the attitude of the Heart which determines if a personal relationship between you and your Creator can develop, and it is that personal relationship, the love which exists between you and your Heavenly Father, which is the answer.

Religion has become synonymous with a great variety of Satanic ways to promote a pseudo salvation.
Religion turns Jesus into merchandise, all too often funding the private luxurious empires of churches, false prophets and evangelists with the revenue derived from their particular Jesus trademark.
Isn't it ironic that the Jesus they sell is a perception shell created around Yahshua Who drove out the merchants from the temple because they mingled business with worship?
It is purely Satanic in nature, anti-propaganda designed to drive away sincere Truth seekers from Yahshua.
The Adversary gives Jesus into the hands of his parasites who proceed to puff up their egos as self-anointed gateways to Heaven receiving blessings from their proprietary Jesus trademark in the form of bulk-sized bank accounts which continue to inflate with each donation they manage to haul in.

But I assure you, Yahshua HATES it, He abhors it, and the merchants will give account for what they have done.
He hates how He is promoted within a Satanic context, He hates how worship of the Satan aka Mammon is cloaked in a holy robe, spilling blood as if it is water quenching the thirst by leeching the life in the blood.
You cannot buy Yahshua's Salvation, it is given freely to anyone with a sincere heart.

When a thief robs a person and steals a salary of one month, he effectively stole one month from that person's Life, since that person invested his time and energy into earning that money.
So, the thief killed his victim for one month.
What then to say about gurus, teachers, evangelists who not only steal the money they leech in the form of guilt inspired donations, but they additionally poison a person's mind so that he comes to need and crave their particular 'salvation-culture' for years, sometimes even an entire Life?
As true parasites they have killed a person and turned him into a living zombie advertisement for their own depraved empire.
This is a very cruel and Evil thing, and those kind of 'Jesus worshippers' who really are billboards for Mammon will give account for having acted in the capacity of murderers of the worst kind.
Don't send your money to any of them hoping you will be blessed for your act of kindness, it is just a ploy designed to trick you into becoming a nice source of their income.
Work out your own Salvation, no one else can do that for you.

What do I think 2016 will bring us?
I'm afraid not much Good will come our way, quite the contrary.
Although I know it is THE year, I don't understand exactly what that means.
Is it for me personally, for the entire world, for particular regions of the world, I can't tell.
I do know that this is the transition year, and we will not be able to go back to the way everything has been.
From here on it is a one way street, and the choices we make in this year have far reaching consequences, yes, consequences of Life or Death.
The world is going through a dramatic change, and although ultimately it will lead to the one big change we have been hoping for, the period of change will be extremely violent and traumatic.
So you will do well to prepare yourself mentally for what is coming.

By looking at the sky and observing dark clouds drift by you can tell what kind of weather it will be, whether it is going to rain or not.
If you have observed the sky of time as it has changed over the past years, do you honestly believe that the lies which we are fed on a daily basis that all will be well will come true?
You really think that the economy suddenly is going to pick up speed and push down the unemployment rates?

In my hometown there are empty shops right in the busiest part of town, one closing after the other, something which I have never seen in my entire life.
Towards the end of 2015 we've witnessed the demise of a number of large companies in the Netherlands, and I assure you this is only the beginning.
Yes, the changing shopping customs which create a bigger and more dominant role for online transactions play an important role in this development, but there is a lot more to it than this: people have less to spend.
I am willing to bet that by the end of a violence ridden 2016 the forecasters will have to admit that their predictions of economic recovery were 'too optimistic'.

2015 was the year in which our political leaders revealed their true colors.
It was the year of treason, the year when the EU pushed its Evil agenda to destroy the remaining Christian cultural values of Europe forward with great force, availing itself of the vilest methods ever.
They implement their destruction in the name of humanitarian aid and seal it by manipulating guilt like so many religious frauds are accustomed to, and that is what makes it so Evil.

The huge influx of 'refugees' simply was an appealing nametag for an organized and politically abetted invasion of Islamic troops and delinquents into European nations.
Politicians and their media slaves would dish up a few real fugitives among the hordes of invaders to create the impression that it was NOT a Trojan horse, seeking to maneuver feelings of guilt in order to create support for the stealth invasion.
But the video footage and reports from the men and women in the street spoke volumes and exposed the media lies for what they were.
They used the goodness and willingness to help others to usher in the troops of Islam as a new electorate, and 2016 will have some bloody tales to tell as a result.

But I suppose if you want to increase your power and you know the native population will never accept that, importing people from countries which historically are very obliging and comfortable with dictatorships will improve your chances of realizing the ambition to rule as a Socialist/Communist dictator.
Just keep importing them, increase your authority on all levels through the need for protection against unwanted criminal elements that you created, additionally give the imported migrants a vote, and you effectively have conquered a nation through force of wicked intellect.
It is sick and extremely dishonest, and eventually it will create the backlash of a John Wick implementing his own justice by sheer force and violence.

2015 was the year of betrayal and treason.
It was the year the EU showed its dictatorial ambitions more clearly than when it forced Greece to set aside democratic vote in favor of a 'Brussels' approved' government.
And our own political leaders were the collaborators, including Rutte and his cohorts.
They KNEW about the threat of ISIS to invade our nations, they KNEW and did NOT take pre-emptive measures to protect our nations.
They deliberately aided and abetted the destruction of our nations from within, and showed contempt for those who have lived here for many generations.
Any voice of protest was portrayed as the sound of xenophobia, the whining of intolerance and dumb bigotry.
They simply imported a new future electorate so that the 'old generation' effectively can be 'enhanced' by the Islamic import which is more compatible with the rule of a dictatorship.

In all my Life I have never seen such an outright vile, underhanded act of treason right under our very eyes, and they pretend it is the most decent, normal thing in the world.
It happened overtly and with extreme arrogance, and they got  away with it and STILL remain in office to this very day.
It's an outrage.
The world has to become one large factory without borders, and that is what his invasion is all about: the destruction of the national identity and sovereignty, the destruction of Christian values and morals, the destruction of a European continent so that it effectively can merge into a global UN dominated farm with a few privileged Satanists handing out the marching orders.
That is, AFTER the clash between civilizations has demanded its blood sacrifice in the form of a huge war, the outcome of many terrorist attacks culminating like woes into the moment of the bloody birth of global violence and destruction.

2015 was the year when Communism showed us that it was not dead at all.
No, when the walls of Berlin came crushing down the Communist Spirit simply jumped across and assumed a new identity in the form of the EU in Brussels.
Spirits don't die, they change their coat.
The measures Brussels has taken undermine and do not acknowledge national sovereignty, they do not acknowledge the democratic right of people to vote their own government and thus take charge of their nation, and by heaping demand upon demand while at the same time importing people who end up on welfare they continue to stress our economy to death.
They place burden upon burden so that many people end up living on and even below the poverty line.
Words fail me to describe the criminal nature of the EU mob, and words fail me to describe the sick, spineless collaborative nature of our own political leaders.

Yet at the same time I have to acknowledge that the people have only themselves to blame, for they chose their own Evil.
The people have lost themselves in the Darkness.
They have put themselves asleep and do not want to wake up from their lovely dreams of self-deception, thus missing what Life is all about.

You thought it was about establishing a name and reputation for yourself on Earth by working yourself to death for the sake of placing your mark on this globe? 
You thought it was about chasing after the pleasure of fulfilling all your desires?
No, all things come AND go on this planet, and as Solomon said, sacrificing all in your elusive quest for things which do not last is vanity and a striving after wind.
And making the fulfillment of your desires your highest ideal never gives you lasting satisfaction, but they leave you craving more and more, thus turning you into a slave of your desires, even worse, a slave in the hands of the unseen Puppet Master pulling the strings of your desires.

What will remain and what truly is worthwhile is not that which belongs to the temporal realm, but the things which are eternal.
And what is eternal?
It is the Spirit, and the qualities which you have fostered within the Soul such as kindness, Goodness, patience, endurance, unselfishness, Love.
These are worthwhile investments, and Life here is just an environment designed to draw forth those elements.
Which does not mean you should withdraw and sit on a mountain in deep meditation, because then you also miss what Life is about.
It is a matter of arranging your priorities, or as Yahshua said, 'seek first the Kingdom of Heaven and all other things will be added to this'.
That is exactly the very thing so many people have forgotten.
They have swapped their spirituality for Hedonism, and made themselves blind to the Lie they have accepted as truth.
They choose leaders who appeal to their love for deception, and this is why we have the kind of leaders who are selfish and betray us.
It takes two to tango, and they chose their own Evil only to harvest what they chose.

So will 2016 be a good year?
I don't think so, although I would only be too happy to be wrong.
'It's just a phase, and we will know better times' so we are told, as if our economic ups and downs are part of an eternal cyclic movement.
It is not eternal I assure you, and the scarce faint flickering of a recovering economy is just a twitch of a dying world.
My own impression is that society as we knew it is dead and gone, and it goes through the motions to keep up an appearance of being alive.

Maybe now that 2016 has begun we should give thanks to those wonderful leaders presiding over our nations.
Thank you Obama for being such an obedient puppet in the hands of your father the Adversary, sacrificing Europe and the Middle East for your own pleasure.
We know you have your heart set on Russia.
Thank you EU for being such an obedient servant of Obama and your father the Liar, obeying the command to destroy your own European continent and the pleasant diversity of national cultures, values, the sense of identity.
Thank you political slaves of the EU who rule our nations for selling your Soul to the highest bidder and abusing the trust the people gave you to further the will of the Darkened One.
Thank you holders of the sword of the word by proclaiming the message your political masters want to hear and silencing the untold Truth.
Thank you traitors for burdening the people relentlessly and unceasingly with your lies and schemes of deceit.
Thank you for making our lives miserable and robbing the poor to fund your own political welfare isle. 
Thank you for using our money, which we need so badly in these times, to import rape, assaults and robberies on a hitherto unprecedented scale.
And yes, we know that you want to provoke us into giving up the last remnants of our right to privacy and autonomy so that you can create your totalitarian police state allowing Brussels to do with us as Brussels pleases through the eager and willing hands of its minions, the trusted shepherds.
Isn't that part of the reason why you did what you did, or will you claim 'Wir haben es nicht gewust'?

Only the other day I read a report about a Jewish family here in the Netherlands being assaulted with fireworks while the offenders shouted 'free Palestine', 'Aufmachen', 'KankerJoden' as they broke down the door.
In Cologne (Köln) a group of at least one thousand men aged 15-35 of North-African and Arabian origin assaulted and sexually abused women on New Year's eve.
The police did not have enough manpower to deal with this large criminal gang.
The same thing happened in Hamburg.
Yes, thank you for setting the doors wide open for that kind of scum to enter our nations and destroy us from within, thank you Frau Merkel for destroying Germany.
'Wir haben es nicht gewust'...who will believe you?

Still, I can't help feeling that everyone would be much better off if you, our political con-men and con-women, simply would leave us alone and migrate to a secluded island where you have your own kind to keep you company.
You have your little paradise, and we'll have ours.
I bet that on that island blood would keep flowing until the Satanic fittest would prevail as the last winner and heir of the ruins he/she created.
Then we will come and take that last politician with us, and place him/her behind bars in a zoo with the other animals so that people can be entertained by his/her insane ravings from a safe distance.

I wish I could give everyone a better message, one filled with hope and optimism for the future, I wish I could be nicer to our politicians, but I have to be truthful even though it is offensive and abrasive.
The unprecedented increase in the presence of Evil casts a very Dark Shadow into the future, and it does not look good.
Thank you Obama, thank you Merkel, thank you Hollande, thank you Brussels.

Still I am hopeful when I look forward to what lies beyond, because all this is just a phase leading up to a better world with hope for the future.
But first everything which is wrong with our current world has to go before the new can come in.
The Adversary knows this, and he has his own version of the 'new', which is simply the 'old' in its vilest form ever, a world where man will be replaced by a bio-engineered robot, a participant in a closed, global Satanic enterprise where the members and recipients of the benefits will be forced to accept a unique identification mark.

So I hope you had a good and pleasant change of the year, because I think you will come to reflect on the 'good old times' quite a lot when you are going through the violent phase of the preparation of the Satanic order for this world.
However, the Satan is finished.
He may think differently and try to make one last attempt to get all of us on his side, but he will not succeed.
He will try to kill all YHWH's children, but he will fail to root out YHWH's presence from this world.
Then, ultimately, he will try to destroy this Earth.

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