
The Heart

It is not in your words.
Words are mere sounds generated by your intellect shaping the vocal cords and the tongue.
If your intellect stands in service of the Lie, your words will carry the Lie within them.
If your intellect stands in service of the Truth, your words will carry the Truth within them.
But where do you decide what your intellect will service, what make you choose the Lie over Truth, or Truth over the Lie?

There are some who hear Truth.
Truth enters their ears, and through their ears it enters their mind.
So they know Truth intellectually, and they ought to act accordingly.

Yet in the case of the hypocrite the words enter the ears, and through the ears they venture into their minds, yet they do not enter the heart.
And the heart is the most important element in this equation, because the heart aligns the Soul with the Truth or the Lie and makes the Soul love the choice of the heart.

The hypocrite hears, and his mind is conditioned in the image of what he hears.
Yet his heart has aligned itself with the Lie, and the love of the Lie makes him reproduce what he heard out of the intellect.
The external veneer of Truth is reflected in the face of the hypocrite, but only because the hypocrite loves the Lie and acts in accordance with the nature of the Lie.
So, the hypocrite LIES about what he is by reflecting that veneer of Truth, since he loves the Lie in his heart.
Thus he sends out two conflicting messages: the external image of Truth and Goodness which conflicts with the Evil Lying Spirit in the hypocrite.

When the Lie meets the living Truth in another person, the hypocrite's heart is turned against that Truth and experiences it as a threat just as Light is a threat to Darkness.
So the hypocrite's heart will hate that Light and the vessel in whom the Light resides because he hates the Light in his own heart, and he will seize every opportunity to extinguish that Light, either through confusion and intimidation, or by pure violence.

The religious hypocrite dresses in religion as if to provide himself with a costume of Light to mask the Darkness of his heart.
His religion is the religion which consist of the ear-mind connection only, and this connection is fueled by a wicked heart using it as a cloak, a false implanted identity.

Many (if not all) religious leaders love to parade around in the costumes they made for themselves.
Is it any wonder that, if a hypocrite loves to dress in a costume of Light to mask the Darkness within, he also extends this pattern in the religious garb he wears as a sign of his religious identity?
Many dress themselves in a garb which represents the code of the hypocritical order to which they belong, and this garb not only refers to the clothes but also to the choice of certain words and phrases, mannerisms which belong to the particular order of the Lie they chose.

And then they meet Yahshua.
And so they try to confuse Him, outwit Him so that He will appear as a dumb ignorant idiot in the eyes of the people and lose His credibility.
And they fail.
And so they decide that it would be good for this Man to be put to death, since He dared to insult them by (Truthfully) calling them hypocrites, liars, children of the Satan.
And they justify their murderous plans by telling themselves that it would be better for one Man to die than for the whole nation to perish, for if the masses choose that Man to be their King and Messiah and Rome gets to hear about it, surely troops will be sent to burn down Jerusalem and -God forbid!- the temple.
And so they kill the living Temple , telling themselves it is to preserve the lifeless temple building.
And no, they will not make their hands dirty, they force the Romans to do that for them.
And so a couple of decades later, after they deliberately and willfully with premeditation murdered Yahshua, the Romans came and destroyed Jerusalem anyway, making a full end to the nation Israel.
The lifeless temple building was destroyed, just as the religious murderers had destroyed the living Temple.

That was then, and today not a thing has changed.
The sons and daughters of the hypocrites keep massaging their egos with the same Lie.
They build their own staircases to Heaven and build their own predefined trapdoors into Hell for those who do not see it their way, those who are different.
They still dress up in their costumes, they still carry their titles as honorary badges which bestow an air of religious importance on them, they still hold their exclusive conferences which their religious slaves can attend by buying tickets from them in order to hear their latest prophecies and revelations, they still live in comfort and luxury while the true children of the Kingdom suffer as rejects and outcasts, aliens in a hostile world.
Some things never change, so it seems.

But change WILL come, and the time of change is very close.
That time of change which the hypocrites long for will not vindicate them, but it will judge them by revealing their hearts.
And when the Darkness of their hearts is exposed to the Light of Truth, they will perish as children of Darkness.
For Destruction does not exist for the children of the Light, after all, how can Light be the destruction of Light?
Light amplifies Light, but it destroys Darkness.
And if a heart has aligned itself with Darkness and immersed itself in that Darkness, it will suffer Destruction when the Light enters it.

The hypocrite hears, but what he hears does not find fertile soil in his heart since his heart belongs to Darkness.
And the Darkness compels his Soul to identify with the Lie.
The children of the Light hear, and the seed they hear is planted in their hearts and carries fruit in its season, since their heart belongs to the Light.
And the Light urges their Soul to accept and identity with the Light of Truth when they hear it.

One dresses up in Light to mask the Darkness, the other is the Light and Truthfully expresses that which is in his heart.
Both may look the same on the outside, but in the Spirit they belong to different realities, realities which are mutually exclusive and polarized against each other.
Both have in common that they act out what is in the heart: the hypocrite portrays the Lie when he pretends to be the opposite of what he is, while the children of Truth portray the Truth and embody that which they truly are in their hearts.

It's the heart that reveals the Spirit of the heart, the heart that pulls the Soul to Light or Darkness, and it is the Spirit which discerns the heart through the veneer.
The offering of the heart is what matters to our Father, because without it all is empty and meaningless.
Because Love can only flow from the heart.

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