
The Transformative Power Of Faith

Try to think of Man as a dimmed Angel.
We are dimmed in our awareness and consciousness, as if we have been put in an enclosure with certain limiting parameters.
Angels have a much larger measure of freedom by comparison, although they too have to operate within the parameters our Creator determined for them.

We are dimmed in our awareness and our consciousness as well as our ability to believe because we have been assigned a physical Body which acts as a temporary prison.
We are locked into one particular reality, the 4-D reality, locked into one specific perspective of Creation.
The walls of this prison and its small window limits to a great extent what we are able to see from the total picture of reality.

Angels are not confined to a human Body and inherently not restricted by the walls of our prison.
They have a much broader view of reality and the parameters involved, and therefore a much greater awareness.
Furthermore they do not know the obstructing power of the human Body when it comes to Faith.

Why was Man limited in such a severe way?
This has to do with the unique gifts bestowed on the human Soul and the transformative power of true Faith.
Given the ability of Faith to transform reality, the combination of unrestricted Faith with Man's fallen condition could produce disastrous end results.

We are dimmed in our Faith.
The very act of giving our attention to something energizes the object of our attention as a part of our reality.
Faith is like the exponential equivalent.
When you truly believe, the object of your belief becomes real.
So when you believe in Evil, not meaning that you believe Evil exists but rather that you identify with Evil, you become Evil, and when you believe in Yahshua's saving words, you are saved from destruction because the words become a reality through your Faith.

Whereas the limitations of the Flesh obstruct an unhindered Faith, Angels do not suffer from this obstruction.
What they believe comes true, for Faith has been given by  our Creator as the method, the conduit which allows our Creator's creating force to flow through us, by means of which reality is transformed and created.

Without Faith nothing is possible.
Because Man's Body is a playground for Evil, Evil's anti-Faith (doubt) severely obstructs and limits Man's capability to believe as our Creator intended us to.
Belief is like extending the creative power of YHWH's Spirit into the object of our Belief so that it is created as a part of our reality.

Whereas the Fallen Angels' Faith is much stronger than ours, when an Angel falls to Evil he transforms into a different species which has certain limitations imposed on its Faith, but not like our limitations.
They do not doubt like us, but instead they are equipped with the power of a darkened Faith which is capable of manifesting a reality of Evil.
This kind of Evil Faith in Fallen Angels has reality-transformative powers too, only not as strong as Faith which is rooted in YHWH.

Faith transforms our identity.
When we give our attention to Yahshua, and we contemplate His words, our attention energizes our awareness of Yahshua and His words.
If we then proceed to believe those words and believe in the Man, our identity is changed by Faith in the image of what we believe in.
Since Yahshua has been given the authority to link us to our Creator like He is, Belief in Him changes our identity in the image of our Creator.
Yahshua is like the Image-restorer, restoring us back to the image we lost.
Our image used to be in the image of YHWH and our identity used to be of children of His Light.
We lost both that image and our identity when Man fell, but Yahshua can restore us back to that image AND our identity.
The mechanism which sets this in motion is Faith.

Likewise when Angels fell it happened because firstly they focused their attention on Evil, and THEN believed in the Lie of Evil.
Their identity was changed from Angels of YHWH into Angels of Evil, and as a result Good ceased to exist within them as a reality.
Their Faith transformed their reality AND their identity.

Faith is the mechanism our Creator invented which can give us the power to transform our identity and our reality, be it for Good or for Evil.
Skilled occult magicians know all too well that this transformative power is very real and they use it to their wicked advantage as a reality-sculpting tool.

Through Faith we change our experience of YHWH.
The Satan believed in Evil, and as a result he no longer knew Good from Evil.
The distinction between the two ceased to exist in him as he immersed into an Evil identity, one which he definitely would NOT characterize as such because in his eyes the distinction between Good and Evil exists as a result of YHWH's decree and a 'truly independent thinker' should create his own set of values and distinctions which work for him.

As the result of the Satan's belief in Evil, his identity changed into an identity of Evil and his reality became a reality of Evil.
His belief made him experience YHWH from the perspective of that belief, and in that sense Faith is like choosing a particular lens through which you see and experience YHWH.
The Adversary believed in the Lie of Evil, he became the living Lie of Evil, and in that particular reality which he created through Belief his God was an Evil God, a merciless God of destruction and fierce wrath and anger.
YHWH did not become that way, but He gave the Satan the ability to transform his identity in such a way that he would come experience YHWH through the setting of Evil, which is like a filter disfiguring reality in accordance with the rules or visual image of the lens.

Yahshua believes in our Heavenly Father, and chose Good over Evil.
His identity grew in the image of Good motivated by a Good Creator, and His experience of our Heavenly Father is one of construction, kindness, patience and Love.
This is the lens which Yahshua created through Faith, a clear lens, and it shows YHWH as He truly is, the truthful lens of the greater reality as opposed to the lying lens the Satan created for Himself.

So there are no two opposite identities of YHWH, but there are two opposite experiences of one and the same YHWH caused by our Faith in one of the two, and our Faith creates the identity which goes through the resulting experience.

The destruction of the man in the family entirely stands in service of the abuse of the Faith principle in the hands of the Fallen Ones.
The man is supposed to represent the image of our Heavenly Father, and by upholding a wrong image the children in the family are imprinted by this image.
Because they are exposed to this image on a daily basis, they constantly feed it with the attention it draws and the emotional reaction it produces in the children, and because they have an image which corresponds with the way their father behaves, their Faith invests their energy in this image as the image of what a father is, and it becomes their reality.
And the reality of this image then is projected unto YHWH so that they experience YHWH from the perspective of their manipulated Faith which constructed a wrong image in their minds, acting as an obstruction between YHWH and the children, thus serving the purpose of the Fallen Ones who used the failing father for their purposes.

YHWH created the principle of Faith as a reality-transformer, and it creates a reality fueled by the fact that whatever we give our attention to energizes the object of our attention as a part of our reality.
Powers of Evil are very aware of this principle, and they abuse its qualities.
By adding conditioning to the mix of focusing our attention and investing our Faith, they manipulate and steer our reality.

For instance, if you constantly punish a child for not getting the best grades in school the child is subjected to a conditioning based on fear of not being able to expectations and be perfect.
If this child grows up and makes mistakes, this conditioning can turn him into a fear-based perfectionist, or someone acting out the image of a complete failure because he believes that he is a failure.
Either way the individual is conditioned to consider each mistake he makes as a crime.

The perfectionist keeps obsessing over the mistake, thereby energizing the incident and the emotions involved so that it becomes a mental rod punishing him and driving him to be better, to be faultless the next time.
His Faith is directed to the image of the perfectionist so that it becomes his identity, but it really is the result of a pattern of fear-based conditioning which steered and directed his attention and emotions, which in turn manipulated his Faith, which in turn shaped his identity in the image of the manipulation.

The same holds true for the case of the 'failure'.
Only in this case the incident of making a mistake serves to confirm the identity of a failure, tormenting him and driving him in the opposite direction of the perfectionist: he sees himself as a failure because he failed to live up to the expectations, he failed to live up to the image of perfection he is supposed to be, so he believes.
In his case the fear-based pattern of conditioning directed his attention too, and it manipulated his Faith, thereby shaping his identity in the image of the conditioning, only in the opposite polarity.

One has the identity of the perfectionist seeking to be the best and faultless, the other has an identity of a failure vexed by his inability to live up to the image of perfection.
Every mistake the latter makes serves to confirm his identity as a failure.
Both identities are the result of the deadly cocktail of conditioning, and the principles of focus and Faith.

So by Faith we are saved from Evil and made Good, or by Faith we are saved from Good and made Evil.
The first is Faith as YHWH intended it to be, an instrument for Good, and latter is the perversion of Faith through the (emotionally conditioned) acceptance of the Lie.

Through Faith in YHWH the perfectionist learns it is OK to make mistakes and that mistakes are part of the process of growth.
He learns perfection can only be found in YHWH and instead of trying to BE perfect he lets himself be made perfect through Faith.

Through Faith in YHWH the 'failure' learns it is OK to make mistakes, because they are part of the process.
He learns that only YHWH is perfect and perfection is not required from him since we are not made perfect in ourselves in order that we might search and be made perfect in YHWH's perfection.
Instead of seeing himself as a failure because HE is not perfect, he learns to rely on and believe in YHWH's perfection.

Through Faith the perfectionist loses his phony and manipulated identity of someone seeking to BE perfect, just as the failure loses his identity of being a failure because he can't live up to an image of perfection.
The failure learns he is not a failure and a worthless asset, because he is an integral part of YHWH's network with a worthwhile place and a valued presence.
The perfectionist learns he does not have to make himself perfect to get YHWH's approval, because he too is an integral part of YHWH's people with a worthwhile place and a valued presence which do not depend on his ability to be perfect.

Both learn to let go and YHWH do His work, both learn to accept their mistakes without letting it fuel their old dying identities, because they gave their attention to their Creator and believed in Him, and their Belief created new identities they found in YHWH, identities shaped in the image of their Heavenly Father.
They paid attention, they believed, and through Faith they were transformed into new human beings.
Faith was the transformative tool which let the power of their Heavenly Father create new identities in His image, identities which were not the result of manipulation through conditioning, identities which were not burdened like their old identities were.
Through Faith their reality was transformed in the image of their Creator, and Faith made a new Heaven and a new Earth part of their reality.

Learn to live by Faith.
This is all the more important now that the drums of war are beating and approaching rapidly.
It will not be long before devastation will be poured out on the world, and the time bomb in our midst goes off.
The pope from hell seeks to unite the world under his umbrella, but he will find that the ones he seeks to appease and embrace will turn against him and reduce him to a fleeing idiot.
The man in the street is systematically being lied to by his leaders and the mainstream media slaves censoring information to the extent that a politically correct diet of lies we are fed on a daily basis, just for the sake of keeping a false image of reality alive.
Woe to the man or woman who dares to speak against these lies, for he or she is instantly labeled as a hater, a xenophobe, a retard, a populist.
If there is any justice left in the world they should suffer the consequences when the spark ignites, not the ones who protested.

If I would have told you in 2001, right after the USA was attacked, that in 2015 the USA would have helped Islamic fundamentalism rise to power, that an Islamic oriented president would reside in the White House because the Americans elected him twice(!), that this president would pressure Europe in opening their doors to Muslims and give them a special status in their midst, would you have believed me?
I would not have believed myself, yet this is exactly the situation right now in 2015.
The USA and Europe have fought for Islam and political power for Islam in the Middle East.
The very book and its author which inspired the horrifying attack on the USA is upheld as a book we should respect and a prophet we should honor, and we should respect the psychotic culture spawned, a culture of low self-esteem, victim-mentality, a brainwashing package producing a long line of plastic authority worshippers whose greatest virtue it seems to be to repeat the holy phrases and incantations of the head sheep, especially if that authority wears a holy robe and a Koran under its arm.

The fire is rising in the Middle East, and it will spread to include our nations since the fuel for the fire has been imported into our nations, and it only takes a spark to set the place ablaze.
And that spark will come...
But know this, when Israel suffers, WE will suffer.

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