
The Beginning of War

Everyone with so much as a milligram of intelligence could foresee that ISIS would use the large hordes of overwhelmingly predominant Islamic fugitives as the means to bring more of their troops into Western nations in order to destroy them from within.
After all, ISIS even ANNOUNCED this beforehand.

So, after such an announcement it is only reasonable that we should expect our governments to immediately close our borders and implement strict security checks.
If someone announces beforehand that he will enter your house in order to kill your wife and children then you are not going to leave your doors wide open, are you?
You close your doors and take the necessary measures to make sure that any intruder will not be able to enter your house easily.

Did our political leaders act with the same wisdom?
They laughed and shrugged their shoulders, they implied that politicians who warned for the possible consequences are really just xenophobes, idiots who see phantoms where there are none.

So, Paris came along and showed them wrong.
Did they admit they were wrong?
Paris revealed our political leaders to be incompetent lying scumbags who have put out national security at risk.
And yet, have they been put out of office as they should have been?
No, they deny accountability as they point their fingers at ISIS as the culprit and shout for war.
A war with 'terrorists', 'ISIS', and definitely NOT with Islam they insist, because in their deluded minds those two are not connected in any way.

How convenient for them is it that they now have their excuse to turn our nations into police states!
How convenient is it that they have a black sheep to divert attention away from the part they have played.
How convenient it is that they can use ISIS as a catalyst for the anger of the people so that this anger at being abused and lied to now is channeled to this barbaric black sheep and the political lying scumbags go scot-free.

They imported Islam into our nations, a process which began decades ago.
They gave Islam the status of a politically protected religion and kept their doors wide open to Muslims.
They viciously attacked anyone who dared to utter so much as one word of criticism.
And if any protester did not back down, then someone would make sure that this protester was removed from the scene, even killed in cold blood as happened to Pim Fortuyn some 13 years ago.

And now there are Muslims living in our midst who want to see us dead.
There are parts in large cities where you better not dare to walk on the street dressed as an orthodox Jew.
So we need to be protected.

And so the politicians now finally have a legitimate excuse to turn our nations into police states where militaries will be patrolling the streets in order to enforce the dictates of the state.
Now politicians have a valid reason to take away our freedom and force us into subjection: it is for our own good, for our own protection.
How convenient for them!
Yes, they have a lot to gain from the presence of the threat of terrorism, so it really is not in their best interest to completely destroy the threat of terrorism, for without it not only the catalyst of the black sheep would disappear, but the need for government intervention would also be diminished accordingly.
Without terrorists they lose power and they are exposed to the wrath of the public over their lies.

I do not know about you, but I really have had it with these habitual unscrupulous liars devoid of any form of conscience.
They should stand trial as traitors, because they have acted as such.
They kept their borders open KNOWING that ISIS was on its way, KNOWING that among the  influx of predominantly young male Muslims and fugitives showing a surprising ingratitude towards the ones who give them shelter there are ISIS militants in disguise.
They simply assured us that 'there were no indications of ISIS terrorist among the fugitives', a statement which testifies of such stupidity and incompetence that they ought to have been removed from office the moment they displayed such idiocy.
Even worse, reports of misbehavior of fugitives were kept quiet, they made sure that reports about the strong increase in rapes and other criminal behavior could not be linked to perpetrators of foreign origin.

We are supposed to open our nations to people who adhere the same religion as the ones who have brutally decapitated Christians in the Middle East and put their heads on spikes as a warning.
We are supposed to open our doors for people who adhere the religion which inspires and worse, sanctions terrorism.
We are supposed to open our homes to people who love to see Israel destroyed and the Temple Mount given over to the Muslim aggressors so that they can worship their demonic deity there.
Not only are they given shelter, they are given preference over the native population when it comes to housing and even employment.

Does all this make sense to you?
It does not.
If I were Muslim and I would see to what extent other Muslims killed non-Muslims in the name of the Muslim religion, I would renounce that label and have nothing to do with it.
If I were Catholic and the pope would sanction terrorism, I would renounce Catholicism.

So why do they insist on wearing the label Muslim, why are their protests against atrocities committed by other Muslims so weak and feeble?
Why do they all want to come here instead of the rich Islamic Saudi Arabia, or Africa?
Could it be we have a level of prosperity which they lack, even though we are the unbelievers in their eyes and they should be enjoying the blessings believers have coming to them as their religion teaches?
If they are so good because of their Muslim religion, why are they not blessed more than we are, why should they come here in order to partake in the blessings of unbelievers?
Europe is not an Islamic continent, so why should they want to mix with the unbelievers when they can go to nations which DO profess the Islamic religion?

Let me put if differently.
Suppose it is 1944.
If a member of the Nazi party comes to us as a refugee and clearly makes it known to us that he is a Nazi and that he believes in Nazism but he rejects the violence committed in the name of Nazism, should we continue to receive him with open arms because our lying political leaders tell us that we are at war with German barbarians, not with Nazism?
The problem is that you cannot separate Nazism from the atrocities committed in the name of the Nazi ideology anymore than you can separate Islam from the atrocities committed in the name of the Islamic ideology, because the incentive for the violence as well as the sanctioning of it is embedded within the ideology, within the holy book of the ideology, and within the culture spawned from the ideology.

The carnage in Paris is just the beginning.
This is the beginning of a war which will send a big shockwave throughout the Western world.
I have written before about corpses lying in the street, flames of destruction affecting the lives of everyone, and what happened in Paris is but a faint shadow of what is to come upon us.
Even the pope will not escape it as the sword of Islam will destroy his habitat.

What will it take for political leaders to admit that Islam is intrinsically tied to terrorism, what will it take for liars to admit the Truth they have been in denial of for all those years?
I tell you, they will NEVER admit their wrong and ALWAYS find different excuses.
We are ruled by lying, selfish corrupt psychopaths, and Western nations deserve them.

As I have written before, aside from my own personal feelings and the outrage at what is happening I also know why this is happening, and that YHWH allows this to happen for a very good reason.
The Western nations have turned themselves into enemies of YHWH and all that He stands for, and so He gives us over to the dark entities that the Western nations adore so much.
But even though you may have sympathy for the Devil, the Devil has no sympathy for you because he is a stranger to sympathy.
When he lies, he speaks according to his nature, when he kills and destroys he acts according to his nature.
Such is the Devil, and loving him is a one-way dead end street.

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