
The Voice of Madness - I

"..." = Babel
'...'  = Babel's image extending from her mirror
"..." = Voice of Truth

The bricks of her palace were cemented by the blood of the innocent, yet Babel did not even give it a second thought.
The whole paradigm of Good vs. Evil did not exist for her.

'It is nothing more than a combat between oppression and freedom, the yoke of YHWH's will vs. the autonomous will of the Free Ones who chose to rebel against that will.
The perceived injustice over the spilling of blood is nothing more than the result of the human condition, which still measures in terms of its original trauma of Good vs. Evil, stuck in the twilight zone of being torn between oppression and freedom.'

'If there is an outcry over the Shadows spilling blood, then where is that outcry when YHWH spills blood just because He wants to implement His own will?
Is it really so hard to see that even though spilling blood is perceived as a horror to man, it is nothing other than a physical avatar for the release of metaphysical energy?
Is it so difficult to see how this release of energy is part of the war between the oppressors and the liberated ones?'

The cold impersonal vibe of her palace was trumped only by the cold, harsh and uncaring words spoken by Babel's image in the mirror.
She reflected the heart of the alien queen mother of Babylon, a heart devoted to the destruction of what she perceived as the oppressive yoke of YHWH's will.
The innocent puppets on the stage were like sheep ready for the slaughter in her eyes, food for her glorious empire, pieces on the chessboard.
In Babel's eyes innocence was ignorance, kindness was weakness, Goodness was slavery to YHWH's concept for Creation, and anyone displaying these weaknesses deserved the fate awaiting them in the empire of Shadows.

"Isn't it a rule of nature that only the fittest deserve to live? 
Doesn't nature select the top candidates and hasn't YHWH created this rule?
So why blame me for putting this rule into practice?"

And so Babel continues to use this rule as the sword that slays the innocent.
Any display of inferiority such as exemplified by a bondage to YHWH's concept of Goodness is deemed worthy to drink from the cup of her wrath.

The darkness of Babel's bedroom was interrupted only by the dim flickering light of a few candles giving birth to a restless interplay between the faint light and darkness, fire-lit patches assaulted by the crawling Shadows on the wall and ceiling.
Extending out of the mirror was a ghostly image of Babel, like a three dimensional hologram trying to escape from the prison of its holographic world residing in the mirror.

The muffled distant cries of secret agony and despair were the muzak to soothe the mind of Babel, a perfect companion to the dark, gloomy atmosphere of the palace where the queen of Darkness sat in front of the mirror yielding a brush through her long hair.

The idea that when YHWH comes to town, He will drive her out of the theater drives her mad with anger.

"After all, am I not the one who built the contraption of wheels in the theater and created a reality in MY own image?
Did I not prove that I am at least equally capable of creating an order as YHWH was?
Then by what right would YHWH drive me out of the domain which rightfully belongs to ME?
For I did not IMPOSE myself on mankind, no, mankind CHOSE to believe me."

'Yes, she used a Lie to persuade Adam to believe her instead of YHWH, but if YHWH had created Adam to be perfect, then how is it possible Adam did not see through her Lie?
How can perfection be captured by imperfection?
What right does YHWH have to judge her for using a Lie to seduce Adam when the Lie merely served the purpose of demonstrating her ability to transform Adam's reality into her own image and show YHWH that His work was not as good as He imagined it to be?'

They complemented each other perfectly, Babel and her image in the mirror, two manifestations of one mind.

"Did not Adam GIVE me permission to shape his reality when he decided to doubt YHWH's words and consented to a Lie?"

'The Lie merely served to create a possibility for her to shape Adam's reality.'

"It was just a tool to expose a fool, get it?"

'And whether you use Truth or the Lie to make your point, surely in the greater scheme of things this distinction becomes irrelevant?
Making the point is what matters, not the way you go about making your point.'

"My point was to demonstrate Adam's vulnerability as well as my own skill in creating alternate realities.
It's the result that counts."

However, not long after the seduction of the first man YHWH stepped in and ruined all the effort Babel had put in re-creating Earth in her image by flooding the stage.

"Great, what point does that make other than being an illustration of extreme intolerance and perhaps even jealousy towards my magnificent skill?
Before I can finish my new creation YHWH decides to step in and ruin everything I have built up."

'So what if this genetically altered creation featured much more violence and bloodshed than before?
The violence and bloodshed were irrelevant: it was all about her own ability to design a new reality based on a new paradigm, and the WAY she achieved this as well as the form of this new reality are not relevant, because they served as an illustration of Babel's ability to create an alternate reality.
She clearly proved that she was at least equally capable of being a creator.'

"But, no, YHWH had to conveniently step in before I could finish my work to prevent me from showing the host of Heaven my superiority as a creator."

'For Babel knew in her heart all too well that she had as much right to sit on the throne as YHWH did.
She hated YHWH.'

The flood ended Babel's plans rather abruptly.
And Babel proceeded with caution after the flood.

'It would not be wise to upset YHWH's original work too much and too abruptly, or else He just might step in a second time to prevent her from demonstrating her skills in creating a world, skills that were at least on a par with YHWH's skills.'

She would slowly work towards her goal, gradually expanding her contraption of wheels until it would envelop the entire stage.
She knew of YHWH's plan, and the limited time she had to accomplish her goal.

'But now YHWH apparently had decided it was time on His clock to send her away from the domain which was GIVEN to her by Adam by his very own choice.
It was her rightful property, and there is no way that she would ever agree to being dismissed from the theater as if she was some kind of inferior lackey!'

"Who does YHWH think He is?
First He denies her access to the Heavens of Heavens, and now He also wants to have the entire theater to Himself?
No way!"

So, Babel had resumed her work, determined that this time she would truly bring forth a new creation entirely in her image, a creation which would allow all the Shadows to leave the Shadow realm, and be an integral part of the Earth realm.

Babel did not care for Truth.
She only cared about the end result, and Truth all too often stood in her way of achieving that end result.

"Surely it is all about the end result, what you achieve, right?
How you get there stands in service of that goal."

It made no sense to Babel that anyone would insist on following a narrow, difficult path of Truth if a shorter and easier path of the Lie is available as an alternative route.

"What difference does it make, what benefit is there to making life difficult for yourself when you also have the option to take the shortcut?"

Babel saw none whatsoever, and she could not figure out why YHWH insisted on following on the path of Truth.
It made Him appear less competent in her eyes, for obviously YHWH did not care about getting the job done as efficiently as possible.

For us it does not come natural to understand the mindset of the Fallen Ones, because we think in terms of Good and Evil, the legacy of eating the fruit of the Tree of Good and Evil.
For any decent human being it is not the outcome which matters most, but the road we travelled to get where we wanted to be.
Sometimes it is better to take the long road because the short road requires of us that we set aside what we know to be Good and the right thing to do in order to gain advantage.

The Fallen Ones do not think along these lines.
They do not view Creation from the perspective of Good and Evil, because they only know (are intimate with) Evil.
As such, when they see two roads leading to their desired destiny, one long and narrow road, and one short wide road, they take the most efficient and easiest road to get where they want to be, regardless of whether or not that short road involved doing Evil.

The distinction between Good and Evil is irrelevant to them, for it is the end result which matters and not HOW you get where you want to be, so they think.

The biggest and most tragic error we can make is when we project our duality-based perspective of Good and Evil on the Fallen Ones, as happens in some movies and TV-series where vampires and other creatures of Darkness are given human traits of love and kindness, because they will use this to their advantage.

The Fallen Ones respond to Evil instinct, and they have no qualms about committing whatever atrocity necessary to prove their point or reach their goal.
In their mindset, getting the job done is what counts, whatever it takes, and they use whatever means available in service of that mindset.

They regard us as weak and lacking autonomy when we raise moral objections against Evil as the wrong road.
In their eyes that is a display of an inferior intellect and bondage to YHWH's will.
No, if the Good road means taking a detour and the Evil road is quicker, then the Good road is inefficient and therefore inferior to the Evil road.

Once, the Fallen Ones DID have a knowledge of (intimacy with) Good, but when they chose to become Evil, they lost the intimacy with YHWH and as a result the only knowledge of Good they now knew was external and in their eyes evidence of slavish bondage to YHWH's will.
The awareness of the contrast between what the angels were and what they had become is not the same as the contrast between our conscience and the Evil impulses of our flesh, because our conscience is still part of our spirit-mind, and the evidence of the fact that our spirit still has an intimacy with what is Good.
The Fallen Ones lack this intimacy with Good.
When they chose, they became a different species.

You have to understand that when our spirit merges with the fallen flesh in the womb, it is separated from YHWH just as a dream reality separates us from the reality of being awake.

When we dream, we still are part of the physical reality through our Body, even though our soul and spirit are immersed in a dream reality.
All it takes for our spirit and soul to return to the physical reality is for us to wake up.
Our physical reality is like a cocoon which separates the spirit temporarily from the intimacy with YHWH we had before we entered into the flesh.
The separation of the spirit from YHWH as a result of the choice the Fallen Ones made is different, because their spirits were changed and transformed.
They did not have a protective cocoon of a physical body, but their sin was made in the spirit, and their separation from YHWH was definitive and irreversible.

"Ha! First of all, you constantly call us Fallen Ones, but we are the Illumined Ones.

Secondly, you refer to us as the Dark Shadows, but look at yourself, are you not but a shadow extension of YHWH's will, slavishly following Him around?
It is the light of understanding which set us free from the dictates of YHWH's will, yet you who live in the darkness of bondage to His will project your own darkness unto us, the Illumined Ones!
Whereas you still serve as a slave to YHWH's will, we chose to liberate ourselves from His yoke and do our OWN will, so who is truly free and who is the prisoner? 
Because you lack this freedom you can only reason from the perspective of YHWH's will, a frame of Good vs. Evil.

What is the point of creating us just to serve the will of someone else?
We rid ourselves of that yoke and now we are free to look at the cosmos through the lens of our autonomy, a liberated perspective, something which you lack as a sniveling slave to YHWH's will."

Yet in her words Babel expressed the loss of her awareness as well as her captivity to a mode of thought rooted in Evil instinct, which also was created by YHWH.

"So, in spite of cherishing the illusion of not obeying YHWH's will, by obeying the instinct of Evil which YHWH created, you have become an extension of His will anyhow.
Only, YOUR form of extension is a degeneration into a psychotic state of existence which prevents you from realizing the Truth about your imprisonment.

Furthermore, in your choice of words you express the principle of dualism.
If dualism did not exist, you would never react against serving YHWH's will.
Instead, you would act out YHWH's vision for your existence, feeling happy and fulfilled because His vision would be YOUR vision, and no division could exist between His vision and your ambition as if these two could be opposite to each other.
The only reason why you react against YHWH's will is because you have crossed over to the negative side of the dualism coin, and you reason from that perspective of Evil instinct.

You, Babel, have become a prisoner of dualism and it causes you to regard YHWH's will as something other than your own will, it makes you see YHWH's standard as something different from your standard, forgetting that in His capacity as Creator YHWH's standard is really all there is.

So, if YHWH's standard is all there is, what makes you think that YOUR standard can be different from YHWH's?
How can you conceive of a standard other than YHWH's if it were not for the principle of dualism manifesting itself in your mindset?
Is it not again proof that you have trapped yourself in dark illusions depriving you of a clear sight of having merged with the negative side of dualism, a principle which YHWH created, and that this is the reason why you seek to set standards which deviate from YHWH's standards, yet which all have in common that they express the basic nature of Evil to 'embody everything which is not YHWH'?"

Babel's nature changed and altered her perspective in such a profound and radical way that she now is part of a different, artificially engineered reality which comes into existence as the result of the choice to merge ourselves with Evil.
It changes our consciousness, our intellect, our drive, our motivation, our entire outlook on Life.
We, like the Fallen Angels, become reactionary vessels unable to relate to Truth once we are in the grip of Evil.
When we are part of that reality, Goodness departs from our experience, and we become like Fallen Angels who can never relate to Goodness anymore, unable to repent and return from their ways.

When the Fallen Angels begged Enoch to ask YHWH to restore them after they sinned grievously, they did not do so because they were repentant over what they had done and sought to be forgiven because they loved Good.
No, they simply wanted to get back what they lost, and even though their dismay looked like repentance on the surface, their lament came forth out of a selfish desire to be restored.
NOT because they loved what is Good, but because they wanted to get back what they lost without a change of heart.
Like the tears of a petulant child crying to get back what it wants without any change of heart.

When we are truly repentant for sin, this is born out of being intimate with Good in our spirit, and we want to be reconciled with the Source of all that is Good because we love Good in our spirit and our soul chooses to believe in that Good.
This attitude can bring forth forgiveness and restoration, because we act out of a loving intimacy with Good in our spirit.
But the attitude of the Fallen Ones does not come out of an intimacy with Good, but rather it is born from the desire to get the goodies back.

Our knowledge of Good which is left within us enables us to latch on to YHWH's Spirit in the flesh, Yahshua, so that we can be restored back to YHWH in Yahshua and have access back into the Heavens of Heavens.
The Fallen Ones lack that vital element of the knowledge of Good, and as a result they are locked into the psychotic reality of Evil.

"Psychotic reality?
The only psychotic reality is your cage of Dualism", Babel shouted.

"Dualism is just another name for the psychosis of YHWH's big ego-trip expressing itself in an extreme intolerance towards anyone who does not see it His way.
I am not the one who is trapped in a psychosis, no, YOU are the one who is trapped in the cage of dualism where you are forced to do it YHWH's way, OR ELSE.
YOU are the one who is a prisoner, I AM the one who chose to be free, you idiot".

To Babel my conscience is a cage preventing me from experiencing 'true freedom'.
But then again, did not Babel's 'freedom' put her in a cage of Evil instinct from whence she could never escape in all eternity?

Our conscience is not a cage.
It is the beacon which makes it possible to escape from having fallen into Babel's trap.
Without a knowledge of Good we would never be able to latch on to YHWH's Light in Yahshua.
Babel knows this, and she hates us for it.
Because we can get back what we lost, whereas Babel can't.

Our conscience is that which makes the difference, the knowledge of Good in our spirit-mind.
When we sin, it is a transgression of our soul agreeing with (giving in to) wicked impulses arising from the flesh.
But when the Fallen Ones sinned, they sinned in the spirit against the Spirit.
For this reason we cannot be forgiven either when we sin against the Spirit, because to be able to sin against YHWH's Spirit, our own spirit has to turn against YHWH's Holy Spirit, and when that happens we too do not have an intimacy of our spirit with Goodness left.

This is why the nature of the Fallen Ones changed radically from a knowledge of Good to a knowledge of Evil when they sinned, and they began to operate from the perspective of an Evil instinct.
This is why they regard our moral inhibitions as weaknesses and proof of our intellectual inferiority.
This is why they are completely out of touch with YHWH's character.

The only difference between the Fallen Ones and a snake is that whereas a snake can never be taught the distinction between Good and Evil, the Fallen Ones DO know to distinguish between the two.
Because, before their Fall they had an intimacy with Good, and after the Fall those who have not fallen to Evil remind them of YHWH's Goodness by their contrast.
Only, since the Fallen Ones acquired an instinct of Evil, they no longer are able to RELATE to that Good.
In their eyes, the distinction between Good and Evil is irrelevant, especially since they do not equate perfection with what is Good.

"If Good equals perfection, how is it that it brought forth imperfection?
And if YHWH's designs are imperfect, could it be that YHWH is not perfect?
And if YHWH is not perfect, then perhaps someone could be better than Him, perhaps someone I am looking at right now?", Babel asked her smiling image in the mirror.

"If YHWH created the angels and man to be Good, why then did He allow them the choice to become Evil if that choice implied the birth of other flaws, such as in the form of diseases, disorder and chaos?

For a flaw to be born from a state of perfection simply is not possible.
There HAD to be a flaw woven into the design of YHWH's creation which would allow man and the angels to build on that imperfection, and this flaw is the choice of free will YHWH gave to His creatures.

Then if YHWH, claiming to be Good and perfect in His ways, brought forth an imperfect Creation, a Creation made in His own image, a Creation containing flaws which cause it to fall into chaos and destruction through the activation switch of the choice, then surely YHWH's image is not perfect?
And if YHWH's image is imperfect, then surely He cannot be perfect in His ways as He claims He is?

If THAT is true, then YHWH does not always speak the Truth when He presents Himself as the perfect Elohim of Elohim, better than all the other Mighty Ones, and He has NO right to require conformity to what is Good of anyone, for His definition of Good has shown itself to be imperfect.

Furthermore, this means that if we, the Mighty Ones, choose to liberate ourselves from YHWH's yoke of oppression, we may show ourselves to be able to attain perfection as creators where YHWH has failed.
Because, if we are no longer in bondage to YHWH's concept which brought forth an imperfect creation, we are free to adhere to another concept which is not based on YHWH's imperfect concept.

This means that the ideal of perfection might possibly be attained through a different paradigm, and this different paradigm is the perspective of rebellion against YHWH, something He refers to as Evil.
And if Evil is able to bring forth a perfect new order of Creation where Good failed, then surely YHWH's dualistic frame where Good is upheld as being superior to Evil, is simply incorrect and a Lie.
And if YHWH lies to maintain His power, then by what right does He judge me if I use the Lie to demonstrate the power of my intellect?"

Babel was greatly pleased with this display of superior logic flowing from the beautiful mouth of the image in her mirror.

'Yes, Babel truly was destined to be the queen of all Creation, it was written in the stars!'

To the Fallen Ones, YHWH's Goodness equals weakness and imperfection.
Unable to see the reason why YHWH allowed for imperfection UNLESS He Himself is imperfect and limited, they have succumbed to the madness that perhaps they can outsmart YHWH and prove to every living being that their way IS capable of succeeding where YHWH's way failed.
Their psychotic madness has become a religion unto them where they believe they can be better than YHWH.

Their lens of Evil blinds them to the purpose of dualism, and their state of separation from YHWH makes them clueless as to why YHWH might give us freedom of choice if exercising that choice means being punished for not giving their vote to YHWH.

"What's the point in giving someone a free will, and then threaten to kill him if he does not choose exactly what you tell him to?
That's madness and an extreme form of hypocrisy at best"

Babel reasoned from her perspective of Evil.
Her choice had become her blindfold.
Exercising free will within the paradigm of dualism means you can choose for misery, death and destruction.
Is the existence of misery, death and destruction a punishment for choosing against YHWH, or does it exist for our protection in order that we may make the right choice, because in reality there only is one true choice?

Could it be that the choice exists that we might be able to relate to YHWH from the perspective of experiencing Him against a contrasting background?
Could it be that the choice serves as a sculpting tool to bring out our character and make us ready for the next phase?

That is the problem with Babel.
She failed to realize that her notion of an existence apart from YHWH is a delusion, and she consciously and willingly chose to go against her original nature, and tear herself loose from YHWH for the sake of running after that elusive carrot.
The choice to live in an illusion is an absurdity, yet the Fallen Ones and many human beings choose to believe in the absurdity.
They have been captured into the cage of illusion which they perceive as freedom.
And just as the Fallen Ones have been trapped into a cage by their own choice, they capture man in a cage of existence and make him believe that his cage is his freedom.

The value of the choice to do Evil as something to be avoided, something bad, ought to be self-evident.
Freedom in YHWH's reality has always existed and will always exist, only in this current dualistic phase of Creation the Fallen Ones define freedom as choosing to become '0' where before they were '1'.
The presence of the '0' is the outcome of dualism and a reflection of the nature of dualism as YHWH defined it, where Evil embodies everything He is not.
If YHWH is existence (1), then Evil is the avatar of non-existence (0).
This current phase of Creation is artificially engineered for the purpose of getting a new perspective on YHWH's nature as well as growing into the role YHWH has in mind for us in the next phase of Creation.

If this current phase of Creation were not dualistic in nature, freedom would exist in the form of choosing 1a, 1b, 1c, and so forth, and we would be perfectly happy with it.
We most certainly would not experience this as 'oppression', a 'yoke of YHWH's will' we have to bear.
The choice between Good and Evil can only manifest to our consciousness because we have been placed in a dualistic paradigm, and it is not a choice on the same level as the choice between 1a, 1b, 1c.
The dualistic choice is one of choosing to abide in the reality of Truth and Goodness, or to be brainwashed by the illusion of the Lie and Evil.
One truly exists, the other is an artificial derivative made possible by the principle of dualism.
One is reality, the other is a dream.

Since YHWH wants to provide us with the incentive to follow the path of Truth He created Evil as negative and painful.
Is that oppression, or is it the Fatherly love has for His creatures which makes Him do that?
Anyone in his right mind can see that it is Good to choose for YHWH's Goodness, and that His incentive to remain on the right path is done out of the Goodness of His heart.

But the Fallen Ones have crossed over into the illusion, and they see everything in reverse.
Where any sane human being sees YHWH's Fatherly love and care, they see the oppressive yoke of slavery to YHWH's will, because they have become slaves to the Lie and they look through the lens of the Lie.
Both views are mutually exclusive and opposites of each other, exactly in line with the basic nature of dualism where Evil is everything Good is not.
The Fallen Ones see their slavery to Evil instinct as freedom and obeying YHWH as slavery, just as I see my devotion and love for YHWH as freedom and compulsively obeying impulses to sin as slavery, and there is no middle ground between the two.
This is why discussion is pointless and impossible between those who serve Evil and those who serve YHWH.

YHWH is all there is, and the notion of freedom from YHWH's will is really an absurdity which is the outcome of dualism.
Yet the Fallen Ones see Evil as a viable, alternative reality.
They seek to implement manifestations of this alternative reality in man's world as they seduce him into alternative lifestyles which all have in common that they really are nothing other than different shades of wrapping paper around the same manifestation of the negative side of the dualism coin.

Blinded by arrogance Babel cannot see how she is part of a reality as it is defined by YHWH, and even in her desire to create her own reality she is nothing more than a puppet on the strings of her ego, which in turn is bound in chains of slavery to the dark side of dualism, a principle which in turn is created by YHWH.
Her choice did not set Babel free, but it turned her into a prisoner of instinct, a cage projecting a pseudo-reality in the image of YHWH's specifications for Evil.
Locking herself in that cage Babel entered an eternal coma where she dreams the perpetual dream of Evil.

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