
The Origin of Evil

The entire stage of life, our entire physical universe is designed to manifest a binary nature.
Another name for this binary nature is dualism, and it means that everything is based on On/Off, In/Out, Light/Darkness, Existence/Non-existence.

One phenomenon, such as light, expresses something which truly exists, while its opposite, such as Darkness, manifests the absence of the phenomenon which exists.

If YHWH is the Source and manifestation of existence, Evil is the manifestation of non-existence.
However, you are right when you say that non-existence cannot exist because of what it is.
Yet YHWH has given the Shadow side of Good an appearance of existence by means of an energy transfer which allows it to manifest AS IF it exists.

This is why we see on our planet the manifestation of non-existence in the form of death.
Death is an avatar of non-existence, a depiction of the character of Evil and the dualistic nature of Creation, but in reality there is NO such thing as non-existence.
There is NO such thing as death.
The form of non-existence we are confronted with is the destruction of one form existence and the continued existence in another form.
It is like being pulled out of a dream.

So, you become non-existent on Earth, but you continue to exist elsewhere in Creation, and this destiny has been selected by you during your life on Earth, when you chose either to love YHWH and accept His Salvation, or you chose to rebel and thus merge yourself with the manifestation of non-existence, Evil.
If the latter is the case you will continue to exist in the realm which embodies the force of destruction and non-existence.
This means that your life, or your existence there, will be an experience of eternal destruction.

How do you experience eternal destruction?
You experience it when all hope and joy have left you (they have been destroyed from your experience) and you are trapped in the Shadow side, the absence of hope and joy, that which does not exist out of its own but which comes into existence due to the basic rule of dualism and its manifestation in Creation as YHWH designed it.
This is how you can be part of an eternal death experience, or, experience of what Evil is: the absence of YHWH and all charactertraits belonging to YHWH's being.

Eternal non-existence is the state where all elements which belong to the state of existence, which are to be found in YHWH and YHWH only, have been extracted so that the opposite Shadow components of these elements manifest and thus represent non-existence, eternal destruction.
Existence in the realm of Evil, Gehenna, is an artificially engineered existence in the Shadow zone where you experience everything which YHWH is not, and you will never experience again that which YHWH is: Goodness, joy, kindness, hope.

Non-existence is an illusion.
We have been given an avatar of non-existence in the form of death, which as I have explained, is a representation of the fact that we merge into the hollow Shadow zone, the zone which does not have substance or existence out of itself, but which has come into existence due to the energy we transferred to it by our Sins.

Moses illustrated the basic principle of dualism very clearly in the words he spoke to the people of Israel.

He presented to the people of Israel YHWH's standard (His Torah) and offered them the choice which reality they preferred to activate, the reality of Life, or the reality of Death.

Basically it is a choice between Truth or the Lie.
Truth manifests in YHWH's standard, the Lie is everything which is contrary to this standard.
Truth is reality, the Lie is fiction, Earth-reality leads to the greater reality of Heaven, the Earth-fiction leads to the fiction of the greater dream realm, the fantasy realm where Evil can manifest in all its ugly facets as if it is real.

YHWH gives all of us the choice which side of the dualism coin we want to be part of, the real zone which exists, or the Shadow zone which is like a dream within a dream within a dream, an area blocked from YHWH's presence so that it could manifest existence separate from YHWH.

In reality there is no existence apart from YHWH, because YHWH is all there is, the only Source of existence.
But YHWH created a manifestation of the Evil side of the dualism coin that it might embody what it is like to exist in a separated state from Him, and He did this in the form of an 'unreal dream reality', a dream within a dream within a dream, a zone where He blocked His Light so that the Darkness of Evil could manifest in its fullness, a dimension where those who merged themselves with Evil experience what they have become in YHWH's mirror of themselves.

Evil in its most basic form is a simple instruction out of which the Tree of Evil grows and manifests in Creation.
YHWH created this instruction in order to make a dualistic Creation possible where we have the option to experience YHWH from the perspective of dualism.
YHWH created dualism to give us the option of a choice, because He is not a tyrant seeking to submit us to His will.
The only way this option of the choice could be made available for us and all beings in other dimensions is by creating the rule which allows for the manifestation of everything YHWH is not.

This basic instruction, this spiritual DNA, comes down to this: to embody everything which is against, contrary to YHWH's standard, to manifest the absence of its opposite.

In the beginning it was just a basic instruction, having no life or form whatsoever, but it awaited a host so that it might be activated.
This activation came when the first celestial being chose to rebel against YHWH and thus transferred his energy to the instruction which made it come alive in him.
By his choice caused the instruction to take over his nature.

In his soul this angel experienced the input of his spirit which was rooted in YHWH, and the intellectual notion which his consciousness focused on.
The rise of this notion was made possible by YHWH when He created the instruction code of Evil, yet the surrender to this notion required of the angel to go against his own nature by transferring his faith from YHWH into this notion.

When his soul agreed with the notion, identified with it, thus causing his soul to merge with the seed of rebellion, the 'anti'-seed,  and acted on this notion, a breach of faith with YHWH was established.
This breach of faith in YHWH established a channel of reversed faith to the notion which grew out of the basic instruction of Evil.
This channel of reversed faith transferred energy from this being to the instruction of Evil so that the nature of Evil turned this angel into a manifestation of Evil.

This angel used to be of a good nature, living in intimacy with YHWH, but now that it had turned against YHWH and separated itself, the intimacy with Good disappeared so that the intimacy with Evil could come into existence as an Evil Shadow, caused by the block against YHWH's Light through the choice this angel made.

Just as Evil was contra, a reactionary mode of existence, this angel became 'against', the Adversary, or the Satan, and in this capacity he grew to be the embodiment of Evil.

Other celestial beings were seduced into following the example of this Adversary, enticed by his many gifts and intellectual reasoning skills.
His intellect was his crown, yet it also was his downfall.
The rebelling angels too transferred their life-force over to this basic DNA of Evil so that they also became embodiments of Evil.
Together they formed the manifestation of the empire of Evil in creation standing in opposition against YHWH.

This is how Evil came into existence.
YHWH did not create Evil angels from the beginning.
No, He endowed the angels with a free will and an awareness of the responsibility and consequences of using this free will.

This free will is like a box with a switch by means of which we activate one of two realities.
Some angels chose to disbelieve YHWH and cut themselves off from Him.
As a consequence they no longer had any relationship with Good within them left.
Instead, they became vessels acting out the basic instruction of Evil as manifestations of Evil in Creation.

YHWH DID create Evil: in the form of a programming code, like a DNA instruction, but He did NOT activate it.
Instead, He created it as a potential, and He endowed the angels with a free will which allowed them to choose whether or not they wanted to activate that potential so that it could manifest to them by means of the energy transfer which was initiated by their choice to sin.

Why did this first being decide to rebel where many others did not?
Did YHWH design him to assume this role?
If this were the case, then punishing this angel for his rebellion would be unfair.
Furthermore, giving him a free will would have been pointless.
YHWH might as well have created an Evil angel from the start.

No, the reason why this being rebelled and others did not is the same as the reason why some of us are saved from our rebellion and others not.
We are given full autonomy over the choice we exercise, just as the angels, and YHWH will NOT make that choice for us or else He might as well not have given us that choice to begin with.
WE choose, the ANGELS choose, and we all have to accept the consequences of our choice.

When the angels chose for Evil, they turned from Light into Darkness, and just as when '1' becomes '0' and from that new value of '0' can never become a '1' again, even if you multiply the '0' with '1000', they could never return to a state of Light in their fallen state of Darkness.
When they chose for Darkness, it was a one-way street into the Pit.

No conscience within them remained as is the case with human beings, so that they might be able to relate to this conscience, for their decision was made in the real world of the spirit, and NOT in the dream world of the flesh.

Our physical world is like a dream world compared to the metaphysical dimension.
Where we may consider that which we call the supernatural or spiritual world to be less real and substantial than our physical world, the Truth is actually the opposite.
Our physical world is less real than the reality of Heaven, because it is like a simulation which allows us to experience Good and Evil without eternal separation from YHWH due to the fact that in order to know Evil we have to set aside our intimacy with Good.
The Sin of the first man was that he set aside the intimacy with Good on the level of his carnal soul, yet he retained the knowledge of Good within the part of his soul connected to his spirit, and this Sin turned him into a schizophrenic creature with a split identity.

When we make choices in our physical realm, we make those choices on the level of this 'simulation', this dream world.
We entered this dream world as spirits into a physical vessel, and our soul is the element of our will connected to both worlds of the spirit and the physical.
When we sin as a result of temptation reaching into our soul through the body, we sin on the level of the simulation.
Although this has consequences for the spirit as well, due to the fact that we sinned in the soul as a result of temptation reaching into us through our physical body, our spirit still retains the knowledge of Good we had before we entered this physical world.

In other words, we are given over to Evil in our carnal soul (the part of our soul connected to our physical mind), yet at the same time we stand in contrast with it in our spirit-soul (the part of our soul connected to our spirit-mind).

This retained knowledge of Good in the spirit is what we refer to as our conscience.
After we sin, our spirit begins to speak to our soul and project its message into our body as a physical reality in the form of our emotions and feelings.

This is why we experience guilt after the sin: our carnal-soul chose to give in to the temptation to sin, yet our spirit-soul  having the knowledge of Good stands in contrast with it, since the sin came into being as a result of the body becoming an instrument of Evil against the spirit.
Our spirit projects the dissonant signal of guilt into our soul, and the soul projects it into the body where it turns into a physical reality by means of chemicals which are released into the body.

As long as we identify with the knowledge of Good in the spirit we can be saved.
The moment we reject this knowledge as Evil, we no longer can be saved.
When we do that, we are able to murder and commit atrocities without feeling any pangs of guilt, because we have rejected the knowledge of (intimacy with) Good.

When the angels sinned, they did not succumb to temptation rising through a physical body in the physical dream world.
Instead, they agreed with temptation in the 'real world' of the spirit, and because they sinned in the spirit, there was no redeeming element left within them which could contain the knowledge of Good.
Since there was no element representing Good in them left, they subsequently no longer could relate to Good because of what they had become in the spirit.
They did not have that which we call a conscience, a knowledge of Good which acts like an alarm signal whenever we sin and do evil.

This is why these Fallen Ones could not be saved: they no longer could connect to (have a common ground with) what is Good.
They were completely separated from YHWH's nature, and grew into manifestations of Evil instinct.
There cannot be any savior for the Fallen Ones, because for them to be able to be saved they would have to be able to identify with (merge their soul with) Good within them.
This identification with Good within them would make it possible to identify with the embodiment of Good in a Savior.
Since they lost that intimacy with Good, they can never identify with YHWH's presence in a Savior.
Their choice to turn against the Ruach turned them into a different species, one that is governed by an Evil instinct, the instinct of the serpent in the garden of Eden.

For this reason all Sins can be forgiven to man, except for the Sin against the Ruach HaKodesh, the Holy Spirit.
Because, the Ruach HaKodesh is Spirit, and when He visits us either directly, or when we are confronted with Him in another human being, we respond in our own spirit.
This is not a reaction arising through the physical body, but it is a reaction of our own spirit.
If we then hate the Ruach HaKodesh and we are convinced that He is unclean or evil, we have reacted in our own spirit, spirit against Spirit, and this is the same as when the Fallen Ones gave in to the temptation to sin in the spiritual realm.

No longer is there a knowledge of Good left within us when we sin in the spirit, because our spirit is the only element which can present that knowledge of Good to our soul.
Instead, our spirit has become Evil, and although on the outside we still appear to be human beings, we have changed ourselves into Evil spirits devoid of the knowledge of Good, unable to relate to what is Good.

The Sin against the Ruach HaKodesh is the reason why some of the religious leaders in Yahshua's days could call Him Evil and murder Him without feeling the slightest remorse about what they did: they had sinned against the Ruach HaKodesh, and consequently they had become like the Fallen Ones, unable to relate to YHWH's nature of Goodness, completely devoid of the knowledge of Good.
And mind you, with knowledge I mean 'intimacy with', the 'common ground', and not intellectual memorization, information stored in the brain cells.
Too often memorized religious dogma passes for Salvation while in fact it is dead knowledge, bits residing on an organic harddisk.

The Fallen Ones did not eat of the 'Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil', but they partook of the 'Tree of Evil' only.
The 'Tree of Evil' in this case is a metaphor for merging with the Darkness of Evil in the spirit because you have shut yourself off from intimacy with Good.
The only way to create the Darkness in the spirit is by putting up a block against the Light, and when the Light is switched off in the spirit, then there is no element of Light in the form of a conscience left in that spirit.

It would be unfair if angels were naturally inclined towards Sin as we are, because of the absence of any option for restoration.
To understand what it is like for an angel to sin against YHWH's Ruach you only have to contemplate your own attitude towards His Ruach.
Not in a million years would it come into my mind to consider YHWH's Ruach as Evil, it is absolutely alien to my being to even contemplate this.
YHWH's Ruach does not commune with me through the interface of my physical mind which has its load of conditioned reflexes rooted in the carnal identity of Sin within my body, but the Ruach communes directly with my own spirit and soul, and this always translates on a physical level as great joy.
I cannot even conceive of the notion that I could ever turn against YHWH's Ruach.

So, for angels to give themselves over to Evil requires of them to go contrary to their spirit nature, which takes effort of will.
Yet in spite of this, too many of them chose to separate themselves from YHWH, knowing all too well in advance that they would consciously have sinned against YHWH and His Truth.

It is the single element of doubt which is the wedge opening the minds of the Angels up to temptation, and before doubt can come into existence they have to focus their mind on the option of doubt first.
They willfully have to cross over in their minds to allow doubt into their being.
And doubt is the mother that weans pride, the notion that you can exist separate from YHWH as an autonomous god.
And out of the twin branches of doubt and pride grows the body of Evil in its many different apparitions, all having in common that they embody the basic instruction of standing in contrast with YHWH's character.
It is like a spell, a form of hypnosis which renders the hypnotized subject unconscious of the fact that he is acting out the spell of Evil (the instinct of Evil) and thereby is unable to reason sanely.

Doubt comes alive the moment attention is given to it.
When we give attention to a thought of doubt, it begins to grow and manifest itself in a more prominent way due to the fact that even the act of giving attention is a direction of energy towards the object of our attention.
We energize thoughts to become a reality to our soul by means of giving our attention to them.
Giving attention is like turning on the TV screen of our soul so that the focus of our soul is captured by the object of our attention manifesting on the TV screen.
It allows us to relive old traumas over and over again, and each time we relive that which used to be in the external world in our internal world on the screen of our soul, we feed it with more energy so that it consolidates and strengthens itself over and over again.

When our act of focusing on doubt has caused doubt to manifests itself in a more prominent way, a twin branch immediately grows out of it to build further on that thought and urges us to act on our doubt.
That twin branch is the branch of pride, the notion of our ego that it is able to exist separate from YHWH as a god unto itself.

This combined package of doubt and pride presents itself to the soul where we decide whether we want to accept it, or reject it.
Where WE have inherited already the acceptance of the package and we thus we are compelled to build on this choice our forefather made, the angels do NOT experience this compulsion, nor have they inherited the acceptance of the Lie from a forefather.
They know exactly that this package should be rejected because it is an enticement into Sin, and it goes against YHWH's Ruach within them.

That is where we are different from angels.
We have inherited something in our DNA which causes Evil already to be present within us as a fertilized seed, and not as a basic code awaiting fertilization.
We build on something we inherited from our first forefather whose DNA was changed as a result of making the choice to Sin.

This is why YHWH does not require of us that we work ourselves up to Salvation: since we inherit Sin through no fault of our own, we are allowed to inherit Salvation from Evil through no accomplishment of our own. 
Instead, all we have to do is to reverse the original doubt by doubting Evil, and simply believe in YHWH in Yahshua.
From that point on YHWH does all the work and restores us, and to us the choice is given to either believe in Evil, or to believe in Yahshua.

The moment we or the angels agree with the temptation of the package of doubt and pride, is the moment when our identity tears itself loose from YHWH and merges with the package.
We begin to feel that maybe YHWH was wrong, maybe He lied, and we might be able to separate ourselves from Him and determine our own rules for our lives and our place in Creation.
No longer can we see how 'our OWN rules' really means that we become slaves to the basic rule of the DNA of Evil, which is that we become 'contra', 'against' everything YHWH stands for, and that all of our thoughts, words, deeds and goals will be shaped by this new identity.

We will not become autonomous god-like creatures.
Instead we will be reduced to the rank of slaves in Babel's palace, which in Truth is her prison dressed up as a palace.
When our identity has shifted from YHWH to the manifestation of Evil in the package of doubt and pride, we begin to act on and work out our choice, and that is when the temptation has grown into a full-fledged Sin sealing our separation from YHWH.

The shift of our identity is the transfer of energy which fertilizes the basic programming code of Evil and causes it to grow into a mature body of Evil.
It begins to take over our minds and turn us into manifestations of Evil, and although the basic code is very simple, to 'stand in contrast with YHWH', its manifestation takes on a large variety of different expressions of this one basic code, all depending on the decisions of the one who has given himself over to Evil.

Even to YHWH some of the expressions of Evil are astounding, as evidenced by the words spoken through the prophet Jeremiah where YHWH lets us know that some forms of Evil did not even enter His mind or His heart because they are so incredibly wicked.

Yet these forms of Evil DID manifest thanks to the hearts of those who were committed to acting out their Evil nature, thus expressing the character of Evil which in its most basic form is simply this: to embody everything which is 'NOT YHWH', 'contrary to YHWH'. 

Since the Fallen Ones knew very well that the ultimate outcome of their choice for Evil would be the separation from all elements belonging to YHWH's character, such as goodness, joy, love, happiness, they began to seek for ways to get back what they lost without YHWH's approval.
They began to look for ways which would allow them to by-pass the consequences of having become an embodiment of Evil.

On the level of the physical dimension the Fallen Ones avail themselves of energy they harvest from souls to bring about their desired reality on the stage of Life through Dark Magic.
As you know by now, Dark Magic uses the principles and laws YHWH created, only instead of waiting for YHWH to authorize and energize these principles on His appointed times in the physical dimension, Dark Magic by-passes YHWH's authorization and operates on stolen (hacked) energy to bring about the desired goal.

The Fallen Ones know of the destiny for their species which YHWH created, a destiny they activated for themselves the moment they fell into rebellion: the ultimate dream realm of Gehenna where existence will be an absurdity, a never-ending nightmare.
In that realm they will experience existence without YHWH as they are trapped in the Evil side of the dualism coin.

This is why they have their hopes set on Babel's master plan.
For Babel has devised an escape route out of Gehenna, one that involves our own planet and our own species.

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