
The Alien

When we read about the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil we may be inclined to think of knowledge in terms of intellectual effort, something we commit to our minds through study.
Yet this is not the kind of knowledge of Good and Evil the Bible speaks of.
The knowledge of Good means a knowing through intimacy with Good, and the knowledge of Evil means a knowing through intimacy with Evil.

Before the Fall, Adam had an intimacy with Good, a perfect knowledge of Good, and because of this he lacked the intimacy with Evil.
Since Evil is the manifestation of the absence of Good, Adam would have to give up his intimacy with Good if he also wanted to have the knowledge of Evil, so that by default the absence of the intimacy with Good would produce an intimacy with Evil.

Seduced by the Lie, Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of the knowledge of Good AND Evil.
The temptation to reach for the forbidden fruit reached their souls through their ears, the physical interface designed for interaction with the physical dimension, which meant that by giving in to the temptation the physical interface of the human body turned into a manifestation of the intimacy with Evil.

Yet they also retained the knowledge of Good.
Not in their body, but within their spirit, so that in their soul they now received the input of their body and its carnally oriented knowledge of (intimacy with) Evil, and the contrasting input of their spirit which retained the knowledge of Good.

The situation is different for the angels who sinned.
Seduction to Sin did not enter through a physical body for these angels, but they invited Sin in through the spirit.
Where Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil, these angels ate of the spiritual Tree of Evil, and they changed into the image of Evil, having no intimacy with Good left in them anymore.
Their choice to turn against YHWH changed them into manifestations of Evil in Creation, and they began to operate from an entirely different perspective, the perspective of an Evil instinct.

Their altered nature caused them to change into an entirely different alien species just as Adam's DNA changed as a result of His sin, and a new, fallen, degenerated human species came into existence, a species with an inclination to rebel against YHWH.
We most definitely are NOT man as YHWH created him.
The body we have is a mutation which came into being as the result of catering to Evil, and the memory of Adam's failure was passed on through his genetic code.
We are a mutated species having an intimacy with Evil through our body, and an intimacy with Good through the conscience which is activated by our spirit, and we experience these two opposite realities in our soul.

Likewise, the Fallen Angels no longer are angels the way YHWH created them, but they have  mutated into an alien species operating not from an intimacy with Good, but from an instinct of Evil.
Yahshua had a better understanding of the new nature of the Fallen Ones than anyone else.

All too often people read Yahshua's comment about how the Satan is the father of lies, and they fail to understand the depth of this statement.

It means that the Satan is INCAPABLE of operating from a dualistic perspective, one which is rooted in the intimacy with both Good and Evil, and that his nature has changed to the extent that he operates from the perspective of Evil instinct, which is completely devoid of Good.

He no longer is able to relate to YHWH's Goodness and appreciate and value that Goodness the way we can.
By his choice he has become the embodiment of Evil, and as such he tries to prove that his ways, Babel's ways, are superior and more effective than YHWH's way of Truth, and that he therefore should be given at least equal rights as the Creator YHWH.
Even more than that, he believes that HE should sit on YHWH's throne because of his intellectual prowess.

This is why he lies and he uses the Lie to shape our reality through manipulation.
We think of manipulation as something bad, an evil insincere way of pushing our own will, but to the Satan this view is evidence of our slavery to YHWH's concept of Good and Evil.
He merely sees a tool which allows him to prove his superiority, and if it costs the lives and souls of billions of people is irrelevant to him, because in his eyes any assessment in terms of Good and Evil testifies merely of a bias in favor of YHWH's will and standard.
The cost of billions of souls should not be evaluated in terms of YHWH's standard of Good vs. Evil, but in terms of the Satan's own standard.

Don't think you can be buddies with the Satan if you do his will.
That is a very stupid mistake, because he does not think like you.
He will not reward you for your loyalty and love you because you do his will.
He will support you as long as you are useful in his greater scheme of things, but when you have outlived your use, you are trash in his eyes because you belong to what the Satan considers to be an inferior species: mankind.
There is NO GOOD in him, nor is he able to reason from a perspective of moral values derived from the dualism of Good vs. Evil.

The only way for you to become like the Fallen Ones is to sin in the spirit.
That is when you are no longer left with any intimacy with Good and you can no longer be saved.
When you will die on Earth, your evil spirit will be released to join the Fallen Ones in their ultimate destiny: to be locked for all eternity into the realm of destruction, Gehenna.

For the Fallen Ones there is no Good and Evil.
Instead, there is YHWH's will, and their own will, and their intrinsic value is determined by the holder of the will.
The objective value of the different standards born from these different wills is determined by whatever shows itself to be superior in practice, and there is no moral tag attached of Good or Evil.
This is the lens through which they look at Creation.

Please be aware of that, because the Fallen Ones are a completely different, alien species.
They have transmogrified into a life form which is unable to relate to Good, and as such they are unable to view us through the lens of Good and Evil.

Trying to be friends with this species is like walking towards a rattlesnake because you want to pet the snake over the head, thinking it will appreciate your affection and show love and affection in return.
Yet the snake is moved by its instinct and does not know affection as you know it, and this can turn out to be a very deadly experience for the naive of heart.

Our inner dualistic frame of reference is the reason why Babel uses Truth as an enhancer for her Lie by mixing the two together.
She uses Truth as the bait on the hook of her Lie.
If that bait would have no appeal to us, we would not even think of biting.
So to provide the incentive for us to bite, Babel uses Truth as her bait to lure us into partaking of the leaven of the Lie which she has embedded within the Truth.

If Babel would try to promote pure undressed Evil in the form of religion it would never be successful because we are endowed with the knowledge of Good in the form of our conscience.
A religion based on Evil only would simply have too many elements going against the knowledge of Good, and we would never be able to identify with it.
So, Babel takes elements of Truth that we can relate to, and then she takes those elements and makes them refer to her lies.
Or, she takes elements of Truth and throws them into a cocktail spiced by sugar-coated false concepts and blatant lies, so that we end up becoming prisoners of her lies through our identification with her seductive religious mix.

There is no loyalty and self-sacrifice in Babel's world.
That which passes for loyalty is the chain forging the Fallen Ones together in a common cause to overthrow YHWH, and it is assessed in terms of usability in the greater frame of that cause.
Yahshua's self-sacrifice is completely alien to the character of the Evil One, and Babel sees it as a weakness, not a strength, in spite of the fact that through this 'weakness' Yahshua fulfilled YHWH's prophecies and came up victorious.

Although viewed as a chain of bondage to YHWH's will by Babel, our conscience is liberating because it allows two things: first it allows us to distinguish between Good and Evil, and secondly it allows us to identify and have intimacy with what is Good, so that when we see the same Goodness in the Savior Yahshua we are able to believe in Him and identify with the Light of YHWH's Goodness in Him.
After all, the extent to which we love and embrace the presence of what is Good within us, is the extent to which we embrace and love the presence of Good in others.

Our conscience, which is the result of our spirit still having an intimacy with Good in spite of the fact that it is trapped in the fallen Flesh and no longer connected to YHWH, enables us to latch on to YHWH's Light in Yahshua so that it becomes an enabler of being saved from the wrong choice into Sin and death.
So, it is like a custodian preventing us from falling all the way into the grip of Evil, and secondly it is a beacon which points towards the Savior who can reconnect our spirit to YHWH's Ruach.

Contrary to the Fallen Ones, we are endowed with a conscience which allows us to relate to YHWH's definition of Good, and appreciate it as well as identify with it.
Our conscience is that which makes it possible for us to relate to YHWH, and as such, -even though it is a precious liberating gift to us-, in Babel's eyes it is a weakness because it hinders us in looking at creation from Babel's perspective.
Babel considers our conscience to be a yoke of slavery which ties us to YHWH's concept of what is Good and Evil, even though YHWH allows us the freedom of choice to accept or to reject our conscience.

Because our conscience is able to express itself on a physical level in the form of guilt feelings, it urges us to repent from our ways and accept YHWH's way for our lives, and that is the aspect which Babel considers to be the physical expression of our 'spiritual and mental' weakness.

On the other hand, the guilt feelings our conscience produces are very useful to Babel, because she in turn is able to attach a suggestion to the presence of guilt which drives us straight in her arms.
Just as Babel overwrites YHWH's Truth with her own version of it in order to trap us in one of her lies and set us up against YHWH, she overwrites the presence of guilt with a suggestion to make up for the guilt feeling, thus turning us into prisoners of the guilt instead of letting YHWH resolve the guilt through repentance.

As long as there is a knowledge of Good within us, we are at odds with Babel's nature, and she considers the intimacy with Good in the spirit in the form of our conscience as evidence of a flawed, slavish nature in bondage to YHWH's will.

When we are tempted to do Evil, there is a part in us which warns us NOT to indulge in Sin, and in our soul we receive two conflicting impulses, one arising through our body into our mind, the other coming from our spirit which still has the knowledge of Good.
The Fallen Ones have a spirit which is Evil, and when they have an inclination to do what we know to be Evil, they lack a part within them which produces the impulse of Good to stand in contrast with it and thus create the awareness of the impulse as being Evil in nature.
Instead, they experience an impulse of Evil which they do not regard as Evil, and they act on it because they are in complete agreement with that impulse without any conflict.

The Fallen Ones have one more reason to hate us: when they sinned, they bought a one-way ticket into destruction, because they had changed their nature on the most elementary level.
Their identity had merged with the equivalent of Darkness, and you can never turn that Darkness into Light again.
Bringing Light into that Darkness destroys the Darkness as well as the identity which has merged with it.
In this case it means YHWH's Light could never find a place in the spirits and the identities of the Fallen Ones again.

Human beings on the other hand have fallen to Evil as well, but they fell in the physical realm so that as a result, -even though their physical body is destined for destruction because of its intimacy with Evil-, their spirit still retained the intimacy with Good.
Yes, the human spirit is cut off from YHWH because it has merged with a body of Flesh which has a fallen nature, but even though it separated from YHWH and trapped in this body for a short time, it still has retained the knowledge of Good in the spirit-mind, the part of our soul which is connected to our spirit.

This means that there always is a chance for human beings to relate to YHWH's Goodness as long as we do not sin in the spirit like the Fallen Ones.
And as long as we can identify with YHWH's Goodness we can be saved by YHWH.
So, when YHWH entered the physical dimension and the dimension of Sheol (the Pit, or Death), human beings who still had retained that knowledge of Good, whether they were on Earth or in Sheol, were able to latch on to His Light which allowed their spirits to be drawn back into Heaven.

Perhaps YHWH, knowing that the choice to sin separates angels from Him for all eternity, decided to create the physical realm to give us the chance of experiencing intimacy with Evil without being separated from Him forever, like a school teaching us a lesson which will make sure we will not choose to rebel against YHWH in the real spirit world of Heaven, and as a consequence be separated from YHWH forever.
On Earth we experience what it means to separate ourselves from YHWH, and get to know who YHWH is from the perspective of our inner dualism, thus learning to appreciate Him and His character from the perspective of experiencing what He is not.

The Fallen Ones have crossed over and they never will be able to experience YHWH again from the perspective of an inner dualism.
They changed into an alien species moved by a new instinct of Evil.

You have to bear in mind that when we consider it to be natural and good to do something simply for the sake of doing Good, this assessment of ours is alien to the character of Babel.
To Babel this is a clear indication of the extent to which we are still in the grip of YHWH, and it prevents us from experiencing the 'freedom from YHWH's tyranny' which Babel has, and which enables her to do her work as the mighty whore of Babylon, the Fallen One re-creating YHWH's original creation so that it becomes  a reflection of Babel's 'great intellect and creative powers'.

Babel does not relate to our world from the perspective of Good and Evil.
She does not think like us, and the deadliest mistake we can make is when we project our frame of Good and Evil on Babel, thinking that if we do her will that she will become our best friend.
No, you only are rewarded for supporting Babel's best interest for as long as you are useful to her, but when the expiration date of your use comes by, she will discard you like a piece of trash.
Babel thinks in terms of a goal-oriented strategy, and the means which serve this goal best are the means she will use.
Whether they are Good or Evil is irrelevant to her, because she does not make that distinction.

This is the mindset through which she looks at us, please bear that in mind.
The moment you are of no use to Babel, -even if you are still young, is the moment when her rewards and opportunities will no longer come your way.
No, you may even discover that Babel has sent a Shadow with a loaded gun to pay you a visit  in order to pave the way for a new recruit to take up your soon to be vacant position.
And if you have not repented and entered into YHWH's protective covering, you will be an easy target awaiting a one-way trip into the realm from which no rebellious soul can ever return.

Babel sees us as biological pawns which she can use for food and as an illustration of her superiority to YHWH, and whether or not she has to destroy a billion lives to make her point makes no difference to her, because she does not have that part within her anymore which makes her wonder whether what she did is right in the eyes of YHWH.

In the eyes of Babel we are flawed because of our conscience which makes us weigh moral issues in YHWH's balance of Good and Evil, and since she believes YHWH to be inferior to her intellectual skill she deems us as creatures relating to that imperfection as being inferior and not up to Babel's standards.
Babel can only look at Creation through the lens of her own ego-instinct, and consequently she has a warped view of reality and YHWH.

For as long as they exist in their Darkened, fallen state, Babel's Mighty Ones have sought ways to escape the consequences of their choice.
Their desire was to be restored to their former glory and place in the Heavens of Heavens.
The book of Enoch recounts how Fallen Watchers requested Enoch to hand over their petition to YHWH to be restored, thereby giving evidence of the fact that they had become Evil, since Evil reverses everything and so too the role of man and angel as YHWH created it, whereby angels petition YHWH on behalf of man, had been reversed so that the Fallen Ones used a man to petition for them.

YHWH pointed this out, making it clear that their choice had turned them into the opposite of what they were, and He did not grant their request because it did not come out of a sincere repentance for what they had done, but it rose out of their desire for restoration without repenting of the Evil they were guilty of.
YHWH knew they were incapable of repentance since their nature had changed into an Evil instinct.
They felt grieved because of what they lost, and they simply wanted to get back their former glory.
Yet their conscious, deliberate choice to sin had changed them into a different alien species.

So how did Evil come into existence?
Did YHWH create some angels with an inclination towards Evil which caused them to become devils?
To find the answer we have to go back to the very beginning of the Creation we are part of.

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