We all live in invisible cages, acting out our part in the play of Life, stumbling in the dark mazes of Babel's contraption.
Most of us can never see the ugly reality of how we are trapped in a big prison where invisible Shadows follow us around and manipulate our steps towards the purpose they have in mind for us.
Those who come from the world outside have a hard time as they stumble along in this theatrical Shadow existence, for the Shadow world makes itself know to their physical eyes and their costume, yet their spirit cannot find any solace in the delights of the Darkness.
Little do the outsiders know that they have become prisoners in Babel's palace.
Little do the outsiders know that they have become prisoners in Babel's palace.
The outsiders are strangers in this place and stand apart in their awkwardness as they try to find their way in the Darkness.
They see shimmers of Truth along the path, embedded in lying conventions, an impossible mosaic of fiction and Truth.
Yet somehow, some way these tainted shards of Truth hit home in their spirit and light a spark of recognition of their home.
For a season these children of the Light falter in the unknown Dark not knowing where they came from, or where they are going, or even why they part of this theater of the great absurdity.
Their lives are wrapped in blankets of obscurity taking away their vision of the Light, yet as they drift along in this alien maze, the sparks of Truth join to form a Light, and the Light gives them a vision of a path of forlorn hopes and expectations in their trail, somehow coming together in a single purpose for their lives here in this theater.
They play their parts, eat of the forbidden fruit, and convulse at its poison.
Until healing comes with the Light, and the play slowly reveals its plot.
The vision reveals them the invisible threads pulling on their costume, it shows them the many masks of Falsehood beckoning them at every corner.
None of them can move to the rhythm of the strings as they are pulled, and not one single mask fits them, for the masks are false, and the children are Truth.
None of them can move to the rhythm of the strings as they are pulled, and not one single mask fits them, for the masks are false, and the children are Truth.
They sense the Shadows sliding like serpents in the Dark, and their eyes begin to see the vague contours of a cage enveloping their entire life.
The hideous reality of a parasite existence announces itself on the doorsteps of their vision, the predators of Darkness hunting for the prey of the Light.
And as the smoke obscuring their vision fades with the emerging Light, the clarity renders the view of a sinister painted face belonging to the great harlot sitting on her throne in the midst of Darkness and confusion.
Babel is her name.
Babel is her name.
They realize they came unto a battlefield, having scars and many wounds to show for it, for Babel's Shadow Soldiers make the children of the Light their target of choice.
The children learn that the outsiders have been assigned the role of preferred suppliers of the food the Shadows love to eat, their very essence of Life.
Babel's maze is a land bringing endless suffering to the outsiders born into this dungeon, her overseers heaping burden after burden on the shoulders of the slaves to turn their entire life into one big burdensome experience.
The ones who conform to their slave existence lead lives in invisible cages where they become a spectacle of entertainment for the pleasure of Babel and her crew of Darkness.
They learn to put on blindfolds of distraction to remain asleep to the ugly reality, and their self-imposed blindness and willingness to conform is rewarded by Babel's minions.
Yet the strangers born in this slavery make acquaintance with the cruel face of Babel's wrath punishing them for their unwillingness to conform to their slave existence.
Once a child was born in abject slavery, narrowly escaping death at the hands of Pharaoh to become a rich prince of Egypt.
When the choice was given to him to build up a bright future in Babel's maze of Egypt where he would harvest riches, fame, and esteem, he chose to reject it to join the children of affliction, the slaves serving Pharaoh, because He loved their Elohim more than the tempting offers of Babel.
He rejected Babel's offers and instead joined the oppressed, just as the Messiah escaped death at the hands of Herod when He was a child, and grew up to reject the promises of power, wealth and esteem the Satan offered Him.
Instead, He chose to take up the cross of affliction, because Yahshua simply could not conform to the requirements of the Satan.
Instead, He chose to take up the cross of affliction, because Yahshua simply could not conform to the requirements of the Satan.
Like the Hebrew slaves serving in the land of Goshen, YHWH's children are born in the slavery of Babel's maze.
The devouring scourge of the Shadow Masters relentlessly lashes the backs of the strangers to punish them for their inability to belong and conform.
Babel's overseers love to shape their lives in the image of misery, and they have no choice but to learn to endure hardship and suffering, because they do not belong, they cannot grow into the image of Babel's vision for their lives.
And they feel helpless in the sight of this ubiquitous exploitation, for they are like David facing the giant Goliath.
Yet in their hearts they know that their Father will use them as His slingshot to bring down the giant blasphemous monstrosity of Babel, and His Son will cut off her head with His two-edged sword proceeding from His mouth.
And the children take comfort in their Father's strength and His protection, and learn to trust Him in spite of the harsh wind blowing in their faces, in spite of the relentless echoes of the whispering voices in their minds seeking to draw them into the dark molasses of doubt and unbelief.
We all live in nations which are set up in the image of Babel.
We all can see with our own eyes how corruption flourishes in politics, we all feel the burden of greedy governments betraying the needs of the people while safeguarding their own interest.
Their buddy-politics has grown into closed eco-system of the elite ruling through manipulation and exploitation of the suckers who gave them their votes.
When the stream of money dries up and yet the greed of mommy government keeps growing, what are ordinary people to do as their jobs vanish and the great provider mommy government can no longer guarantee them security?
They have been trained to live as slaves running on a treadmill in their cages, and now they are deprived of their food supply, what are they to do?
They have not had the chance to experience independence from Babel's contraption of exploitation, no, they have been trained to accept, conform and obey.
Will they run to momma shouting 'please give us your mark of protection that we may have food'?
On this stage we live in a false reality where evil is rewarded, and goodness is punished and regarded as an intolerable weakness.
Those who tell the biggest Lies and turn the Lie into their lifestyle reap the biggest rewards, and the puppets with mean, callous characters are the ones who seem to be succeeding in Life.
Where is the justice of YHWH's Torah, where is YHWH?
Why does He allow the iniquity to grow rampant while His own suffer and lead obstructed, broken lives?
Isn't He omnipotent, capable of shaping the reality of this false stage setting?
Even though the time that YHWH WILL interfere is very nigh, He lets us experience the consequences of surrendering ourselves to the false promises of evil Mighty Ones, that we may learn and face the results of man's choice for evil.
As much as we desire for YHWH to implement justice, we have to realize that we live on a stage where WE shape reality by means of the choices we make, exercising our free will.
That is why the stage has grown into a Dark, ominous dungeon of despair.
Many choose to accept the Lie evil holds up to their vision, and they conform to the Lie, going along with it in order to reap the illusionary rewards that come with acceptance of the Lie, the carrot at the end of the stick.
This also means that the outsiders who, after a season of blindness to sin, learned to renounce evil, are dragged along in a false reality of evil which punishes them for believing in YHWH and living their lives according to His rules, renouncing Falsehood and the tempting offers of Babel.
And that is the reason for the rampant injustice we see all around us, where those who make life hard for the outsiders are rewarded and prosper, while the outsiders suffer and experience obstruction.
Babel punishes them for rejecting her 'love'.
And Babel is a cruel, mean old woman.
On this stage we live in a false reality where evil is rewarded, and goodness is punished and regarded as an intolerable weakness.
Those who tell the biggest Lies and turn the Lie into their lifestyle reap the biggest rewards, and the puppets with mean, callous characters are the ones who seem to be succeeding in Life.
Where is the justice of YHWH's Torah, where is YHWH?
Why does He allow the iniquity to grow rampant while His own suffer and lead obstructed, broken lives?
Isn't He omnipotent, capable of shaping the reality of this false stage setting?
Even though the time that YHWH WILL interfere is very nigh, He lets us experience the consequences of surrendering ourselves to the false promises of evil Mighty Ones, that we may learn and face the results of man's choice for evil.
As much as we desire for YHWH to implement justice, we have to realize that we live on a stage where WE shape reality by means of the choices we make, exercising our free will.
That is why the stage has grown into a Dark, ominous dungeon of despair.
Many choose to accept the Lie evil holds up to their vision, and they conform to the Lie, going along with it in order to reap the illusionary rewards that come with acceptance of the Lie, the carrot at the end of the stick.
This also means that the outsiders who, after a season of blindness to sin, learned to renounce evil, are dragged along in a false reality of evil which punishes them for believing in YHWH and living their lives according to His rules, renouncing Falsehood and the tempting offers of Babel.
And that is the reason for the rampant injustice we see all around us, where those who make life hard for the outsiders are rewarded and prosper, while the outsiders suffer and experience obstruction.
Babel punishes them for rejecting her 'love'.
And Babel is a cruel, mean old woman.
The Truth about our life on this ugly stage is that we all live in invisible cages as COGS in a great variety of different wheels, all serving to keep the greater structure of the big wheel of Lies in motion, sacrificing our life-force for the sake of keeping an illusion of freedom alive as a dream to escape the harsh reality of our slave existence.
Living in a big house, having a constant salary each month, enjoying benefits, do these financial sacrificial altars in worship of Mammon collectively spell out the pillars which support your illusion of freedom?
Life is ugly in the cage, but we put on our blindfolds and think it to be paradise.
Some of us had their blindfolds removed, and we now know the Truth about this hideous play and our part in it.
This stage could be such a beautiful place if only all of us would have chosen for the Source of all Goodness, YHWH.
Yet Babel has blinded the eyes of many and turned their hearts against Him.
And so the props which could have manifested the colour of beauty on the stage are draped with thick rags and relegated to the sidelines as their former position on the stage is taken by the icy black stones of Babel's palace, blending in perfectly with the dull monochrome painting this stage has become.
Some of us had their blindfolds removed, and we now know the Truth about this hideous play and our part in it.
This stage could be such a beautiful place if only all of us would have chosen for the Source of all Goodness, YHWH.
Yet Babel has blinded the eyes of many and turned their hearts against Him.
And so the props which could have manifested the colour of beauty on the stage are draped with thick rags and relegated to the sidelines as their former position on the stage is taken by the icy black stones of Babel's palace, blending in perfectly with the dull monochrome painting this stage has become.
"The most effective form of slavery is the prison which has become invisible to the eyes of the prisoners.
They live in a dream illusion of freedom, and my entire domain is built on crooked mirrors reflecting false values and false realities, enforcing a false ideal of freedom through a reward and punishment system.
Tell me then, if man is Yah's crowning glory, how is it that they can be trapped?
And if I can keep them trapped in a false dream, making man serve my own ideals and interest, then do I not deserve to sit on the throne?", Babel asked herself.
She smiled.
"Of course she did!"
She loved the sound of her own voice more than anything else in Creation, for it brought reassurance and strengthened her resolve to rule over ALL of Creation, and not just Earth.
Earth was just a showcase for the prowess of her intellect, and if she could succeed in shaping man's destiny in her image and man was regarded to be YHWH's crowning glory, surely she had earned the celestial right to rule over angels as well?'
Yet like every word proceeding from the mouth of the harlot, so too the boasts of her successes are but empty lies hiding her failures.
For although she painted the lives of the outsiders in suffering shades of grief and misery, in the end the grief and pain were the tools that carved out perfect diamonds where a ruinous heap should remain.
Thus the legacy of the great queen of Darkness becomes a long trail of failures testifying to a blind, inflated ego trapped in a psychotic cage of Darkness, a mountain of air compressed into a balloon stretched beyond its capacity.
Her palace in the Dark Loft is but a cage of Darkness where she abides as a prisoner of Evil, creating new prisoners of her evil schemes to distract her from her own imprisonment.
When she looks into her mirror, her image reflects a Lie, and Babel believes the Lie to be the ultimate Truth.
Yet like every word proceeding from the mouth of the harlot, so too the boasts of her successes are but empty lies hiding her failures.
For although she painted the lives of the outsiders in suffering shades of grief and misery, in the end the grief and pain were the tools that carved out perfect diamonds where a ruinous heap should remain.
Thus the legacy of the great queen of Darkness becomes a long trail of failures testifying to a blind, inflated ego trapped in a psychotic cage of Darkness, a mountain of air compressed into a balloon stretched beyond its capacity.
Her palace in the Dark Loft is but a cage of Darkness where she abides as a prisoner of Evil, creating new prisoners of her evil schemes to distract her from her own imprisonment.
When she looks into her mirror, her image reflects a Lie, and Babel believes the Lie to be the ultimate Truth.
'She would build her contraption of wheels all the way into the Heavens of Heavens so that even the angels themselves would come to serve her, yes, her contraption would eventually encompass all of Creation, and all would come to serve the queen and satisfy her insatiable hunger.
"As a queen I sit, ready to take my rightful place upon the throne of Creation".
'Babel looked at the theater and saw that it was good, and she prepared herself to take up her rightful place in Creation as the queen of Heaven, one of her favorite roles.
She created a reality just as YHWH created a reality, and even though it was a reality derived from YHWH's Creation, it nevertheless was a reality in her own image.
One tiny detail bothered her, though: Israel.
She thought she had effectively eradicated the presence of that chamber from the stage, but now...
It was back, and so far she had a hard time getting rid of it!
Who had been sleeping on the job that this could occur?
She would find out and whoever was responsible would come to drink from the cup of Babel's fury!'
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