
The Chamber on the Riser - I

If only Adam could have seen the consequences of his choice before he agreed with the temptation to doubt YHWH and partake of the forbidden fruit, and thereby gave a license to the Shadow Masters to take over the entire stage...

When Adam yielded to doubt and chose to believe in the false promise that he could become a god, the minions of Babel took over and began to build her contraption of wheels, hell's clockwork for damnation manifesting on the stage of Life.
If Babel's tower of exploitation would be all there was to see on the stage, every soul entering the theater would be born into the earth equivalent of hell.
And even though all too often this stage indeed looks like Gehenna on earth, aside from evil obstruction and oppression we also experience the presence of YHWH's goodness on this stage.

As a matter of fact, even though Babel is everywhere and controls the structure on the stage, YHWH created a separate manifestation on this stage which was designed to embody His vision, a structure set apart from Babel's brothels.
The combined picture of Babel's tower and YHWH's structure is like the physical geo-political representation of the Tree of Good and Evil.

YHWH created Israel originally as a separate chamber on a riser on the stage of life, a platform isolated from Babel's big wheel of Lies.

It was made to stand apart from the big wheel of Lies as an isolated environment where YHWH's instructions were to rule every aspect of Israel instead of Babel's false ways.

Babel's contraption operates through a power structure where the masses are controlled by upper echelons of the privileged elite ruling over the masses.
This privileged elite has acquired an identity manifesting Darkness on the stage.

Babel assured herself of this elite's devotion through seduction and enslavement to her seduction, and should any single member of this elite desire to betray Babel, then blackmail and shame are her favorite means to whip that member back into place.
They get in, but they never get out in one piece, and this fear is another whip to keep the elitists in place once they are given the privilege to enter into the upper echelons.
In the back of their minds there's a silent dark voice warning them that they better remain loyal or else they may find a Shadow on their path carrying a gun to blow their brains out.

Since the marionettes are raised within this structure, they tend to think of this contraption as a normal phenomenon and integral part of Life in the theater, not realizing they are trapped in an artificial cage which has become invisible to their eyes because they regard it as normal.

We are born into Babel's structure, and  that is why we are born not just into the slavery of sin, but also as slaves serving the masters of exploitation of sin.
We are born into slavery in every conceivable way, and we are trained to see this slavery as freedom.
We are trapped in cages which we do not perceive as cages because our conditioning to this status quo has blinded our eyes to our imprisoned state of existence.

It is only after YHWH begins His salvation process within us and pulls us away from our enslavement to Babel's ways, leading us out of the slavery to mental and psychological concepts, that our eyes are opened to our servitude.
It is only then when our spiritual eyes are opened that we begin to get a clear view of the harlot operating the strings of our slavery.

Babel's heaven is a fascist paradise where she has total control, enforcing conformity to its ugly image.

From the first moment we set foot on this stage we are given over to a process of conditioning to a slave existence. 
Schools are not designed to draw out talents from individuals, but rather they serve as an industrial area delivering conformed souls as their end product.

In school we learn to do as we are told, we learn to come up with the expected answers. 
We do not learn to think, but we learn to conform to a mode of thought instead, a subtle yet very profound difference.

Thus we grow into a slave existence which we considered to be the normal status quo of life.
This is why truly original minds have such great difficulty in functioning within the school system, because YHWH created us to work from the inside out, and not from the outside in, the way schools operate.

School extends itself into the workplace, the office, where we are further initiated into a COG-existence within the contraption of the wheels.
We learn to crave the benefits of working within the wheel of Lies so that we climb up wall of Ranks and Rites in order to receive  MORE benefits, MORE power, GREATER wealth, yet as we climb up the ladder we grow more into physical manifestations of the slave system, until the Darkness in the Loft devours us completely.

Few ever wake up to realize the nature of their slave existence, that they serve unseen Masters of Darkness and surrender their life-force to them.
The reason why most never wake up is because they are fully absorbed into the artificial identity which was bestowed on them by the slave system.

They love their securities, their pleasures, their rewards, and the more they surrender to distractions of pleasure which are expressions of rebellion against YHWH's instructions, the deeper they are drawn into their artificial identity.
For with the forbidden pleasures comes the motor of guilt driving them into means to escape and forget the guilt, and those means are ideal tools of manipulation in the hands of the Shadow Masters.

The pleasures grow into a blindfold preventing us from seeing the ugly Truth about our miserable existence.
How the marionettes love it when the water of the pot into which they have been put becomes warmer and warmer, not realizing that they are caught in the trap of being boiled in the brewing pot of the witch!
How they love the kick they get out of their pleasures, not realizing it is the jolt of electricity sent through the dead frog's body so that it has an appearance of being alive while in fact it is dead!

The Shadow Masters serving Babel know all too well how this mixture of conditioning and creating a dependency on the securities and pleasures the big wheel offers produces a race of perfect slaves in Babel's palace, a race which is not even aware of their slave existence because they traded in their spiritual vision for having their physical eyes opened to Babel's seduction and accepting her carnal vision for their lives.

YHWH hates this system of exploitation because it is evil.
YHWH created Israel to stand in contrast with this perverse wicked industry of exploitation through Falsehood.

Israel was not designed in the image of Babel's power structure.
Instead it was intended to be quite literally one nation under YHWH, a place without a Great Wall of Ranks and Rites, an environment where exploitation by means of a power structure could not take root and bring forth fruit of corruption. 

Originally Israel did not even have a king, for YHWH was the king of Israel.
YHWH made Israel to be a bastion of freedom under YHWH, standing in contrast with the slave systems in all the other nations on the stage of Life.

Babel saw Israel, and she hated what Israel stood for.
Israel was an obstacle to Babel's power and exploitation, and without exploitation Babel's life would be meaningless since she thrived on it.
To remain in power meant stealing life from others, and how could she continue this wicked practice if there was not a structure of exploitation to supply her with fresh blood?

Babel was intent on destroying Israel.

She knew she could never succeed in destroying Israel by force as long as the nation carried the protective covering of YHWH.
So, she devised a strategy to destroy Israel from within, slowly, bit by bit.
First she would seduce the people of Israel into building a contraption of wheels just like all the other nations had done, and then she would proceed to seduce the people into rejecting their covenant with YHWH so that Israel in the end would become a destruction unto herself.

She would change the concept of freedom of the people of Israel so that as their eyes were blinded to the invisible cage they were placed in, they would come to regard enticements into slavery as freedom, and YHWH's freedom as oppression.

We are all too familiar with Babel's corruption of freedom.
Her brand of libertarianism is one of her favorite ways to corrupt man, for her concept is based on a Lie which does not take Dualism into account whereby one man's concept of freedom is another's slavery, and both cannot coexist on equal footing.
You cannot mix Good with Evil and expect a peaceful co-existence of two mutually exclusive states of being.
Dualism is the torpedo that sinks the boat of libertarianism, because the weeds grow at the expense of the wheat.
Darkness can only come into existence by blocking the Light, and by letting weeds have the freedom to grow and block the Light, inevitably a nation will walk in Darkness, and fall.
Babel's form of libertarianism invariably leads to corruption and totalitarianism.

Israel was designed to be an environment for people enjoying freedom under YHWH, and Babel created a perversion of this concept in the form of her libertarianism where people can enjoy a corrupt illusion of freedom under Babel.
This is why you will never find legalization of abortion in YHWH's concept of Israel, but you will find it in Babel's libertarian perversion as an acquired freedom.
Babel's freedom of choice is the choice between her left and her right hand.

Babel's libertarianism is not a concept invented on the eve just before the final judgment, no, it was the concept which the Serpentine Shadow used to seduce Adam into believing the Lie of freedom from YHWH's oppressive restrictions by acquiring the knowledge of Good and Evil, and be free as a god as a result.
Adam believed the Lie of the serpent, and his newly acquired freedom became his invisible cage of death.

'Babel laughed with mad glee over her smart plan, puffing herself up with great pride in her intellect.
The Lie has always worked, even from the very beginning, so if YHWH had created man in a perfect state, then how would it be possible for her Lie to enchant a perfect being with its magic spell, unless she somehow had outsmarted YHWH, and YHWH's idea of perfection was flawed?
Yes, her rightful place was on the throne which now was still occupied territory.
But, not for long, Babel mused.'

And so it came to be that the judge Samuel faced the elders of Israel, demanding from him that he would appoint a king over them, just like all the other nations.

These elders were blind to Babel's manipulation in this matter.

For she first had seduced Samuel's sons who had become judges after their father had grown old.

Babel corrupted their hearts so that they took bribes and perverted justice, thus becoming Babel's left hand slapping Israel in the face.
Then with her right hand she pointed at the corrupt judges and suggested to the Israelites that 'surely they would be better off having a king over them instead of corrupt judges?'

Yet YHWH knew Babel and her strategies only too well.

He told Samuel not to take it personally that the Israelites desired to have an earthly king instead of a judge, for by catering to Babel's suggestions they had rejected YHWH as their king.

YHWH instructed Samuel to give the people of Israel a detailed description of what the consequences would be for them if they decided to choose an earthly king and set up a power structure like all the nations surrounding Israel.

Just as YHWH made it very clear to Adam what the consequences of sinning would be before he sinned, He made it very clear to Israel that if they would choose to set up a power structure in the image of Babel, they would lose their freedom and become COGS in a slave system.

YHWH knew all too well that this new system would eventually be the downfall of Israel, for  it was part of a devious strategy of Babel to tear down the nation.

YHWH wanted to do good to Israel, yet Israel chose to experience evil.
The people rejected YHWH's way, and fell for Babel's seduction.
YHWH wanted Israel to be an autonomous free people under His guidance.
He made this crystal clear in the very first commandment: 'I am YHWH your Elohim who led you out of the house of bondage.'

Yet here Israel chose to return to the house of bondage and sell themselves in slavery to Babel's system of exploitation.

And so, Samuel warned Israel that if they desired to sell out their freedom to enjoy a slave existence in Babel's power structure, it would come at a great cost, and he clearly spelled out the exact details.

In spite of this, Israel replied by demanding from Samuel that he would give them a king. 

The elders heard YHWH's warning when Samuel spoke to them and warned them for the consequences of their choice.

This is the one thing YHWH never infringes upon: the right He gave us to choose.

And so Israel chose, 'we want to be like the nations and have a king over us'.
The nation chose to sell out its birthright as a son to become slaves of Babel.

Israel CHOSE to live in a cage, even though YHWH let them run free.
Israel CHOSE to adopt a system of exploitation lending itself for extreme corruption, in spite of having received a detailed warning from YHWH.
Israel CHOSE to sell its birthright for a plate of food, mommy government taking care of all their needs instead of YHWH.

'And when they did, Babel chuckled, "how predictable these mammals were!"
Puffing up with self-confidence over the success of step one, she now went to work on step two: the seduction into rebellion against YHWH's covenant in order to destroy the nation from within.

"The fools created their own cancer by their choice.
Surely, if they were THAT stupid, they DESERVE to be slaves serving the Shadow Masters?
We have EARNED the right to quench our thirst with the blood of these fools and eat the bread of their life-force", Babel mused as she sat in her palace in the Dark Loft.
She had sown her magic dream dust into the eyes of the children of Israel, the formerly free ones, and their drowsy state caused them to develop a myopia towards sin so that in the end the nation would fall asleep, and Babel could harvest the destruction she had sown.'

Babel was successful.
First she enticed Israel to surrender its autonomy and freedom, then she seduced the individual cells of Israel into rebellion against YHWH's covenant so that the curse module in the contract would be activated.
Israel fell from unity under YHWH into a split nation under Babel.

First the Northern Kingdom was destroyed, then the Southern Kingdom.
Israel was no more.
Babel won, through manipulation and Lies.
But, that is the way Babel works, because she sees her Lies as mere tools to demonstrate first man's inferiority, and ultimately YHWH's inferiority.
For she truly believes she is better than YHWH Himself.

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