
The Chamber on the Riser - II

Israel was no more.

The chamber was gone, and Babel hung its riser on a wall in her palace as a trophy, an hommage to her own ingenuity.
No longer was there a separate chamber on the stage of Life standing in contrast with Babel's huge contraption of wheels.
Now Babel owned it all.

Yet even though the chamber might be destroyed, YHWH preserved the individual cells of the chamber.
For He had a plan for the restoration of this chamber.

He allowed the destruction of this chamber of Israel because the people had chosen for destruction.
Babel's way of destroying the nation was by turning the individual cells into a deadly cancer by their own choice.
When the cells grow into a tumor spreading across the entire body of the nation, the whole body is destroyed.
Yet YHWH is the great healer, and He has a plan to restore the cells back to health, so that He can rebuild the chamber, and even more than that, He will use them to destroy Babel's contraption so that Babel will no longer be found on the stage of Life.

Babel's trail of success left her ill prepared for failure.
The first failure knocked on her door when she dealt with Yahshua the same way she always had dealt with human beings.
Oh, she was prepared for Yahshua's resistance towards her tempting offers, but no matter what tactic she tried on Yahshua, be it in the form of rewards or punishment, He managed to get the upper hand of her each and every time.

'She had to be careful how she dealt with Him, not in the least because He was protected.
It annoyed her to no end that wherever He went, He was able to exile Shadows from Babel's own stage.
How many of them cried out not to be sent to Gehenna before their time, how many pointed at Yahshua declaring Him to be the Son of YHWH!
Sometimes Babel did not know whom she ought to be angrier with, the unstoppable Yahshua, or those weaklings of Shadows shouting how Yahshua is the Holy One because they feared He would send them into the abyss!
Yes, even in spite of Babel's efforts her empire was not as tightly organized as people believe it to be.'

'Yahshua made Babel feel insecure, because, for the first time in the history of man Someone had come onto the scene who did not react in a predictable way, and it reminded her of YHWH's unpredictable character.
She saw that very same unpredictability in Yahshua's character, and it made her feel uneasy.

Yahshua had that twinkle in His eyes: just before He would come up with some masterful retort aimed at her, Light would flare up in His eyes and the outcome was always to Babel's disadvantage.
She felt nervous in His presence, which was odd, because she never felt this way about any human being.
No, the human monkeys were the ones who were nervous and afraid of her, not the other way round.'

'She knew this was not the right time for Him to establish a kingdom, and yet, He affected many people's hearts, even to the extent that they began to throw down their garments before Him when He entered Jerusalem, hailing Him as their king.
So, was He going to establish His kingdom now, or what?
Babel was confused.
What was she to do?'

'She decided to apply the ultimate pressure.
Babel owned the religious leaders of Yahshua's days just as she is their Shadow Queen today, and she commanded the Shadows to work their Dark Magic and inspire these leaders to kill Yahshua.
None of her attacks had worked previously, so she decided that in the light of facing torture and a painful agonizing death surely Yahshua would back down, perhaps flee to one of the surrounding nations.
After all, no sane human being would volunteer for torture!'

Babel ought to have listened to her feeling of unease and nervousness, because she ended up helping Yahshua to a complete victory over her evil empire.
Imagine that, the queen of deception deceived, the master of manipulation manipulated!
And to think that the deception was merely the veil of her own obfuscated ego-obsessed mind, and the manipulation was nothing other than her evil turned against itself!
She actually stabbed a knife in her own big inflated ego by killing Yahshua

'When it was all over Babel realized she had been tricked.
The human marionette was easy to figure out, and manipulating their lives was a piece of cake, but when it came to YHWH Babel always felt this great unease.
YHWH was hard to predict and very tricky.
Somehow He always managed to come up with a surprise which would turn that which initially looked like His defeat into His victory.'

Yahshua was not different.
Instead of conquering Him, Yahshua conquered her entire empire.
All those souls trapped in Sheol were liberated just because Yahshua died, and only a few days later He actually came back to life again.

It was a devastating blow to her ego, and filled with fury she set out to destroy those who claimed to believe in Yahshua in order to 'contain and isolate the Messiah-virus', as she referred to Yahshua's legacy.
It infuriated her even more when she realized that even her violent rampage was turned against her, because Yahshua's message of Salvation actually spread itself through the example of His own people.

'Oh my, she had turned them into victims, and of course the human marionettes always respond with sympathy to the victimized underdogs!'

When Babel realized her mistake, her fury gave way to a more rational approach.
She began to plot out a strategy which would prove to be more effective in rendering Yahshua's work harmless.
THAT would be her ultimate revenge: eliminating Yahshua's message and His legacy from the stage so that she might visit Him just to tell Him that ALL His suffering had been in vain, how He should have accepted her offer for world dominance when He had the chance!

Babel devised a plan where she would hijack Yahshua and alienate Him from His own tribe.
Yes, she would even turn Him into a stranger to His own Father by making Him reject His Torah.

With renewed enthusiasm she invented an image of a Roman Jesus-idol, an avatar for the collective of her Mighty Ones, a Jesus who became the uncle of Santa Claus and abrogated all of YHWH's instructions in favor of His own, a Jesus with political power, a Jesus who would become a wheel in her contraption of wheels so that this Jesus actually would end up drafting people in the service of Babel.

'Babel grinned at the thought of her plan, for it truly was a stroke of genius, her ultimate revenge on being humiliated by YHWH.
She would steal His own Son, set Him up against YHWH, and thus render all His suffering pointless and to no avail.'

'Only one last thorn remained, one last reminder of YHWH's mark on the stage of life: the Jews.
While it is true they could just as easily be manipulated as anyone else, they were stubborn.
For some reason Babel could not wipe out the connection between the tribe of Yahudah, and the Torah, as if it was engrained in their DNA.

Yes, Babel managed to manipulate and shape their irrational love for the Torah to such an extent that many of her own concepts had produced the wheel of Judaism as part of her contraption of wheels, but still, it bothered her to no end that this tribe was a visual reminder of YHWH's instructions, a visual reminder of the chamber Israel.

Yes, she drove a wedge between Yahudah and their Messiah thanks to those lovely religious Shadow leaders working in her service.
But it was not enough.
Babel did not want to run the risk that somehow their addiction to YHWH's Torah would merge with the acknowledgement of Yahshua as their Messiah.
That would be disastrous.

She had tried many different strategies, yet the only true solution which remained was to get rid of them, permanently.'

With that objective in mind Babel set out to inspire the Shadows to install hatred towards Jews in the hearts of the marionettes, so that this hatred might join the marionettes together in a common cause to rid the world of the 'evil Jew'.
Many times Babel had instructed the Shadows to persecute the Jews, and her favorite form of persecution came when she actually used the followers of their Messiah as an instrument to persecute the Jews.

'For Babel and her minions this persecution was pure entertainment.
The Shadows roared with laughter when they saw how Babel's plan to tear the Messiah loose from Israel and the Jews actually had reached a climax where Jesus was used to destroy the Jews!
They truly were convinced that Babel ought to take up her place on the throne of Heaven, for if she was capable of driving the wedge between Yahshua and Yahudah to such an extreme that Babel's Jesus ended up killing Jews, then she truly had to be a creator on equal footing with YHWH, perhaps even superior to Him!'

'Babel's success slowly made her forget her failure.
After all, don't we all have our bad days?
Look at Babel's track record, the successes she had!
In the sight of all this success one slip does not matter much, especially if Babel is able to turn this failure in yet another success!

Babel felt confident again, and she was determined to finish the job she set out to do regarding the complete destruction of Israel.
Never again was that chamber to return on her stage.

She decided a unique opportunity came her way when her eyes fell on a promising young man with an ardent, zealous hatred in his dark soul.
Adolf captured Babel's attention, and she set up a plan to implement the final solution for the Jew problem which bothered her for so long.

She would make him victorious, and together with the Islamic nations she would make sure that the Jewish liability would be eliminated.
After all, Allah was just one of Babel's many nicknames.
Every time she would hear the mantra 'Allahu akbar' she would laugh, because they were proclaiming her victory over YHWH and Yahshua.
Babel invented Allah as an insurance against any deluded Jew trying to build up Israel again. 
She would be able to use her religion exalting Allah as a binding agent for the brewing pot of the Middle East.

Babel knew better than anyone else that if you want to unify the puppets in a common cause such as the extermination of the Jew, what better way to achieve this goal then by uniting them in a common religious justification of their hatred where they feel they go to Heaven if they shed the blood of a Jew?
The puppets are too stupid to realize how they are being manipulated anyway.'

Yet the moment her self-confidence had soared right before the coming of Yahshua, and was shaken by Yahshua's presence on the stage, replicated itself centuries later when Babel's soaring confidence was shaken by Adolf when he proved himself to be incapable of delivering the full harvest of what he set out to do.
And just as Babel's ego received a devastating blow when she realized that by killing Yahshua she actually destroyed her OWN power, her shaky ego received another blow when she realized that her plan had actually created the strongest impetus imaginable for the physical resurrection of the chamber on the rise, Israel.

'1948, she will never forget that date.
The chamber was back!
Babel had dedicated her Shadows to the task of killing millions of Jews, and now those Jews had been YHWH's instrument in bringing back the chamber of Israel!'

Yes, history repeated itself, and Babel once again contributed to fulfilling YHWH's purpose as she had done before.
Just as she helped Yahshua to victory when she murdered Him, by seeking to destroy the Jews she actually created a strong impetus to restore the chamber on the riser, Israel, as a protective home for the Jews who escaped Babel's clutches.

And exactly as happened before, this blow to Babel's ego set her heart ablaze with an intense fury.
No sooner had she heard the news of Israel rising from the ashes, or she unleashed her fury in the hearts of all the nations surrounding Israel in order to destroy this early seed before it could bring forth fruit.

And yet again she had to face the trauma of defeat, for this little nation managed to come up victorious against all odds, a scenario which repeated itself in 1967.

"It's YHWH again, unpredictable as always, never playing by the rules", Babel shrieked in the Darkness of her palace.

But then again, Babel's rules were not YHWH's rules.

'When she realized she had fallen into the same error as when she persecuted Yahshua's people, she calmed down.
Mindless fury and wild panic are not good advisors.
No, to achieve her goal she had to deal with Israel with the same shrewdness as before.
She had to calm down and rely on her master intellect.
After all, did this intellect not cause the downfall of Israel in the past, had not this superior intellect brought her dominance on the world stage?
Look at this tiny sliver of land amidst an ocean of mighty nations, nations which were Babel's possession, nations where her Shadows went to and fro.'

And so Babel invented the lie of a nation named Palestine and its Palestinian people fighting for liberation of their homeland from the great, evil oppressor, Israel.

'She smirked at her cleverness.
The word was actually an insult given by one of her Roman emperors, and now she had turned this insult into an artificial identity designed for the sole purpose of destroying the chamber.

A Palestinian people never really existed, but who cares?
Who cares if she gave these Arab people a new identity as Palestinians?
If you repeat a lie over and over again, it begins to sound like truth, and it BECOMES truth.
It's like calling a region within the USA Idiomania because of the quantity of dumb people living there, and then seducing those people to accept the notion of a nation named Idiomania whereby those people are made over as Idiomanians fighting against the USA for the sake of the Idiomanian cause.

"And there are plenty of idiots on this planet begging to be deceived, so I just give them what they want, and what they DESERVE to get", Babel justified herself.'

Babel used Palestine as her left and right hand.
With her left hand she would bring violence, while offering peace treaties with her right hand.
Palestine was a trick to seduce Israel into dividing the nation in order to enjoy peace.

Babel knows that Israel will never get any peace by giving away the land, for giving away the land is a violation of YHWH's instructions.
If Israel is the one agreeing to the nation being cut up in exchange for peace, Babel's peace will have turned YHWH against Israel, and she will be able to destroy Israel for once and for all.
That is why she invented Palestine: as a strategy to destroy Israel and thus bring YHWH's plan to naught.

Hamas, Hezbollah, they are just part of Babel's left hand, variations on the theme of violence.
With her right hand Babel offers peaceful co-existence, impressing on the heart of Israel that she is a Western nation and therefore should adopt the ways of western nations, including the many perversities passing as alternative lifestyles.

Babel's left and right hand collectively dig Israel's grave by means of a good cop, bad cop routine.

'No, Babel's empire will come to rule the world, and no nation of Israel will stand in her way, she was determined to make sure of that.'

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