
Friends & Foes Alike

The UN has voted in favor of the recognition of one of Babel's lies, the Palestinian homeland, and by recognizing the state of Palestine the UN once again proves how she is just a tool in Babel's hands to shape the stage of this world in her image.

The Netherlands issued a blank vote, very characteristic of the blank, politically correct character this nation still has, and although the US voted against and thereby gave the impression of being a friend of Israel, in the light of the remarks Hillary Clinton made, this US vote may not be that positive for Israel, quite the contrary.

When contemplating the rise of the anti-christ, many look to the Middle East to see an indication of the 'rise of the Assyrian' so that they can put a face on the concept of the anti-christ.
However, 'I should not look to the east, but look to the west' is what I received in my heart.
In the west I see a man who rules through deception, who magically seems to be able to stay in power in spite of failures, a man who prospers through deceit and cunning, a man able to seduce the hearts of many.
The more I see him in action, the more the semblance I see between Daniel's description of the character of the anti-christ, and Obama's character.

Yet it does not necessarily mean that Obama is THE anti-christ.
I do not know at this moment what exactly is implied by 'looking to the west instead of the east'.
It may mean that Obama will pave the way for the one who will enter and subdue Israel for a season.

However, YHWH HAS given me an insight in how Babel thinks, plans and schemes, and in that light the words Hillary Clinton spoke are very alarming.
Although the USA still appears to be the friend of Israel, there is a hidden agenda which Obama wants to realize soon, and in that light of the hidden agenda the 'No' vote issued by the USA begets a sinister glow.

Clinton:We have been clear that only through direct negotiations between the parties can the Palestinians and Israelis achieve the peace they both deserve: two states for two people with a sovereign, viable independent Palestine living side by side in peace and security with a Jewish and democratic Israel’

The recognition of a Palestinian state without reaching an agreement with Israel first may antagonize the parties, thus creating a delay in Obama's ambitions for the Middle East.
Hence the irritation on the part of the USA.
Obama, acting in the capacity as a tool in Babel's hand, wants Israel to accept a two state solution as soon as possible, so that Babel can move ahead with her plans.
She does not have much time left to realize her plans, so she has to move quickly now.

Babel knows she will not be able to overcome Israel by force alone, because YHWH will get in her way protecting Israel, and since she has experienced defeat in the past before, where she lost against all odds, she has to make sure that YHWH will not come to the rescue of Israel this time.
She has to persuade Israel to turn against YHWH, and once this wedge is in place, Babel can send her destroyer to do his work.

How can Babel get Israel to rebel against YHWH?
By seducing Israel to reject YHWH's commandments, including YHWH's instruction that the land Israel cannot be divided and given away.
Babel's plan is nothing other than a variation on Balaam's trick to invoke a curse on Israel by seducing the Hebrews into the bondage of idolatry.

Hillary's words testify of a plan to maneuver Israel by means of political pressure and promised advantages into acceptance of a two-state solution.
Of course the prospect of entering the history books as the great engineer who made peace in the Middle East possible is very flattering and enticing for someone like Obama.

Once Israel CHOOSES to accept the division of the land, and gives the land which rightfully belongs to YHWH away to the children of an alien moongod named Allah, then Israel has cut herself off from YHWH, and she is an easy target for the forces of Darkness.

And THIS is the strategy Babel aims for to destroy Israel.
She knows that she FIRST has to turn Israel against YHWH, and THEN she can accomplish her goal.
Aside from this plan Babel has secured the support of the entire world in the form of the UN so that when push comes to shove, she can produce one giant fist if necessary.

Much has been written about the name of the current US president, and it remarkable that he carries the name Obama, because the word 'Bamah' means 'high place' in Hebrew, the place which Israelites all too often have used to sacrifice to idols.
Will he succeed in enticing Israel to sacrifice herself on the altar of his pride, the high place of the alien god?

The greatest pressure pushing on your shoulders is not so much the pressure of the threats of your enemies, but the pressure of friends when they join to push you into a decision which will ruin your life.
This is Israel today as she faces the angry roar of the nations surrounding her, while the friends of Israel push her into giving away part of her home to Allah's hungry predators.

Babel has Israel ensnared in her left and her right arm.
Yet the moment when the phony friends succeed in pushing Israel into giving away YHWH's land is the moment when YHWH will turn against Israel's 'great friends', and He will give them up to hungry predators just as Israel was pushed into surrendering His land to Allah's hungry predators.
When Babel goes down, neither left or right arm will be spared.

With friends and foes like these, Israel truly stands alone. 


The Butterfly, The Moth

I once had a friend who was the most beautiful butterfly on the planet.
I first saw her when I was walking on the mountain.

As I gazed into the distance across the landscape, trying to pierce through the grey blanket of clouds obscuring the panorama, suddenly my eyes were caught by the flapping wings of a butterfly.
She seemed to flutter into my vision out of nowhere, filling it with the most beautiful colors of the painting on her wings.
The landscape no longer interested me.
Instead, I followed this butterfly down the mountain slope.

At first we were traveling companions looking at each other from a mild distance, but as I followed her and sat where she rested, she sometimes would fly towards me and sit on my hand.
I marveled at the beauty of her wings.
Never before had I seen this wild array of colors mingled together in such an expression of spontaneous exuberance.

It reminded me of my first day at school when I filled a blank drawing of a fish with a diverse palette of different colors to create the most beautiful painting I could imagine.
When I showed the teacher the result of my efforts, she shamelessly tore it up.

Yet here she was, my living painting, out of reach of the wicked teacher.
She flew out of my life when I first entered school.
And now, many years later, the painting returned in full splendor, a breath-taking sight and a miracle to behold.

She escaped from the teacher's brutal assassination.
And now she had come back to me as I was climbing the mountain.
I thought I had lost her forever, since my eyes clearly saw how the teacher tore up my drawing.
Yet here she had returned to me in the form of a butterfly, showing the entire world from the mountain an abundance of exuberant colors.

The fish became the butterfly.

This butterfly had a special gift.
She could paint word poems having the same wild array of colors as the painting on her wings.
She could string words together in a way nobody else was able to, using them like paint on an empty canvas.

Like me she did not care about coloring exactly within the lines.
She just wanted to create beautiful and colorful word paintings.

As we left the mountain the butterfly and I traveled passed a garden full of weeds.
Since I hated the sight of weeds and their ability to hurt with their caresses, I did not enter the garden, and neither did the butterfly.

In the garden we could see a great company of grey moths flying around.
As we were watching them, they began to shout at the butterfly, inviting her to come into the garden of weeds where they had made their homes.

With some trepidation the butterfly whirled sideways and back, zigzagging herself closer to the garden where the moths smiled at her and invited her in.

I spoke to the butterfly and warned her that this garden was not a good place.
I told her that I knew a place of much greater beauty where nobody could be hurt, a colorful exotic garden on the mountain where the other butterflies love to dwell, a place abounding with many different flowers where no weeds could grow.
It was a garden where the rain would feed the plants at night and where the sun caressed the flowers during the day.

But the attention of the butterfly was captured by the mesmerizing sound of the sweet words the moths spoke in the garden of weeds.
I was forced to witness how they lured her in by the flattering candy of their words.
And there was nothing I could do or say that would make her change her mind.
They had placed a hook in her mind by their false friendship and seductive words.

I could see how the moths held up a mirror to the butterfly, and how this mirror would show her a reflection of a an insect with soot-black wings, like a bat.
I cried out to her that this image in the mirror was not real, that it was just a projection of the moths.
But the butterfly was so overcome with grief over the image she beheld in the mirror that she could not hear my words.
She only could stare at the mirror and feel flooded with sadness over the image the mirror showed her.

Then the moths began to comfort her.
They offered her a solution which would take away all her pain and grief.
They brought the costume of a grey moth to the butterfly, telling her that if she would put on the moth costume, she would look just like the moths.

So, tortured by the image she saw in the mirror the butterfly put on the costume, unaware of the strings which were attached to it.
When the other moths showed her their mirror, all she could see was someone who was transformed from an ugly bat into a beautiful moth like the others.
The mirror did not show her the strings.

No matter how hard I tried to convince her that her costume was not real, that her idea of being a bat was a lie fabricated by the moths to lure her into their prison, I was unable to reach her heart any longer.
Her moth costume had built a wall around her heart, and I found myself standing on the outside with no gate in sight that I might be able to enter her heart and persuade her to turn back to the mountain, away from the moths.
The moths had captured her in the garden of weeds and desired to change her into a surrogate moth.

As time passed I noticed how the butterfly began to talk, think and act like the other moths.
Slowly her butterfly identity was replaced by a false moth identity.
She became the moth, even though I could see how her heart was still the heart of a butterfly.

In the midst of the garden a huge flame flared up into the sky, and it seemed to grow bigger with each new day.
Like the other moths, she was mesmerized by the light of the flame in the garden.
When the light of the sun would leave the premises and surrender its place to the darkness of the night, the flame in the garden lit up against the dark scenery.

The flame was beautiful and a powerful sight to behold as it stood in contrast with the surrounding darkness.
The beauty of its light beguiled the moths and drew them closer and closer.
The light of the flame became their beauty if they would gaze into the flame long enough.
They wanted to carry that light within them so that the darkness of the moth's heart would be overtaken by the light of the flame and illuminate their entire being.
Their desire was for the fire, and its light blinded them to its destructive power.

And so they were drawn closer and closer to the light, to drink of its beauty, and become the beauty.
But as they sought to immerse themselves in the light of the flame, the heat of the light would cause them pain.
Especially for a butterfly in a moth costume the pain would be unbearable in the close vicinity of the flame.

Yet the magnetic pull of the flame was too strong for them to resist.
The flame held out a promise for beauty, happiness and light, and all of them desired to fill their hearts with this false promise.

So the moths learned to see the pain as part of their transformation in the image of the flame.
Since they were becoming the light, they became the pain, and they surrendered their soul to the pain.

The flame became their identity.
The strings on their identities were tied to the flame, and they would draw them closer and closer to the flame until they were one with the flame's destruction, trapped in the flame forever.

The butterfly still strung her words together as paint on an empty canvas, but now that the moth had taken over, her poems spoke of the pain of the moth existence only.
She glorified the pain, wallowed in the pain, and painted her world in the gloomy monochrome shades of the pain.
Pain was all she knew now that she was mesmerized by the light of the flame, and so she had to keep running from the pain towards the promise of happiness held up by the image of the burning flame.
Once she would be one with the flame, its light of beauty and happiness would drive away the dark clouds of pain and suffering.
Where her poems used to be necklaces stringing strands of different colors together, they now had transmogrified into strings of shades of dark grey like the noose awaiting the condemned.

Never once did she bother to turn her eyes upward.
No matter how much I cried out to her to look up, pointing at the strings over her head, it was of no avail.
Her attention was captured by the other moths, and her vision was trapped in the horizontal pane, a pane which brought her pain and which led her to the trap of the flame.

I saw how she began to fly like a moth, act like a moth, talk like a moth, and imitate the moth in their insincere ways.
Yet she was not born as a moth.
She was a butterfly captured in the mold of the moth.

This is how the Shadow demons trap butterflies in their garden of secret despair.

I kept shouting warnings at her right up to the moment she disappeared out of my sight.

Suddenly everything was quiet, no moth in sight.
Just the sound of the wind rushing through the trees.

The silence was like the icy breath of the grave into which my words of warning had fallen.
Even though I never stopped warning her, one thing I was not able to do: I could not turn back her heart.
The butterfly chose to look away from the mountain and fix her gaze on the fake reality of the garden of weeds, she chose to believe the lying moths.
Her choice turned her in a prisoner of the garden where the flame of destruction beckons the moths to partake of its grandeur, and there was nothing I could do.

And so, I waited, hoping.
Hoping that maybe one day the pain would drive her to look up, and she would begin to see the truth before the strings could lead her into the destruction of the flame, before the growing flame would consume the entire garden.
Once the moth enters the flame, it is over.

She never was a moth to begin with, that was a lie held up by the moths to lure her into the garden of weeds.
I was forced to watch how my painting now was fluttering towards the hands of the teacher again, waiting with eager longing to tear her up a second time.

The butterfly had turned deaf to my voice and lost sight of the mountain.
Instead, she filled her head with the chitter-chatter of the moths and filled her vision with the lure of the flame in the midst of the garden where the weeds grow.

The teacher became the flame, and ordered the moths to change her form that the rule of this world might be enforced:
'Learn to color within the lines'!

The problem is that the color of the butterfly did not fit within the lines of the moth drawing.
How could I destroy my butterfly by painting within the lines of what the butterfly is not?

I could never do that, not yesterday, not today, not tomorrow.

And so, as I now walk on the mountain again, gazing across the distance, I hope that some way some day the butterfly with the color-poem on her wings will suddenly flutter into my vision again, drawing my eyes away from the blanket of clouds covering the land.
The butterfly may have left my vision, yet the color of hope has remained.

Butterflies thrive in the garden on the mountain.
They fade away in the garden of weeds where the moths have made their home, where the flame draws them into its destructive appetite by its false promises of beauty and happiness.
The moths never know they fly into their own graves until it is too late.


The Chamber on the Riser - IV

Israel stood alone.
This is the destiny YHWH created for the chamber, a nation standing apart from Babel's structures of deception, a loner on the geo-political map of Earth.
The moment Israel began to conform to the image of Babel was the moment Israel set her own destruction in motion.

For the longest time the maps no longer showed her name, for she had become a memory, a story in the Bible.
Yet this was not enough for Babel, no, she had to make sure the individual cells of Israel were wiped out as well so that no contemporary reminder of YHWH's purpose for Israel would exist on her stage.
And this is how she ended up creating the impetus for the resurrection of the chamber.
It is back, and it is hated by all Babel's nations surrounding her.

How she unleashed her fury at this lone chamber, how she incited the multitude of nations against her.
And yet, in spite of the fury Babel unleashed, again she lost, for YHWH's hand was with Israel, protecting the chamber in His unique and utterly irresistible way.

But Babel cannot accept the image of defeat, no, she was intent on proving the host of Heaven she was better than YHWH.
And so she created a long term plan for the destruction of Israel by means of a big Lie, the Lie of the Palestinian people.
She would turn them into the underdogs living under the oppressive reign of mighty Israel, and the world would feel pity for the poor Palestinians when this mighty giant Israel would fire a bullet at them - after having received many thousands of Palestinians bullets first.

Babel would paint the 'poor Palestines' as 'victims of Israeli aggression', even though her Palestinian Shadow Servants were the ones guilty of the aggression, and Israel merely responded in self-defense.

'Public relations, that is what it is all about, creating an image and making people respond to the image as if it is real.'

Babel knew this all too well when she invented the image of a Palestinian people fighting for the freedom of their homeland.

'It was all a Lie, but who cares about the distinction between Lie or Truth?
Whatever gets the job done is the best tool.'

Israel was created to be the chamber remaining isolated from Babel's house of false mirrors.
It was to be the home of everyone seeking protection against Babel's false ways, everyone who loved YHWH.
Israel was the promise YHWH made to Abraham, and yet much more than that it was meant to be the sanctuary of Light in a world ruled by Babel's Darkness.
That is why Babel hates Israel.

The true sons of Israel were not the ones who inherited the land as descendants of Abraham in the flesh yet forsook the spiritual inheritance of Abraham, but the ones who loved YHWH and thereby showed themselves to be spiritual descendants of Abraham.
The physical offspring of Abraham who turned against YHWH became sons of Babel standing in the place where the holy should be.

YHWH never replaced Israel with one of Babel's structures, such as the established Christian church.
The replacement theology came out of Babel's box of many deceptions, a ploy designed to appropriate the name Israel for her image of the Roman Jesus in order to thwart YHWH's plan for the Earth stage, and in particular for Israel.

No, Israel was created as YHWH's manifestation on the stage of life, a home for Jacob's children and all those who called YHWH their Father.

Israel always has been the nation built out of the individual cells of people who were descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, as well as ALL those who joined Israel because they believed in YHWH.

You who love YHWH and keep His instructions, and believe in His Son, you too have become a single cell of Israel.

Israel was to remain undefiled by Babel's ways on the stage of Life, so that the principle of blessings for those who loved Truth could manifest freely within the structure of Israel without Babel's interference through obstruction and manipulation of the circumstances of those who love YHWH.
For Babel loves to bring hardship to those who love YHWH in order to seduce their hearts  against YHWH.
Israel was meant to manifest YHWH's reality on the Earth stage as a contrast to Babel's reality of false mirrors, a chamber standing apart and alone on the stage of Life.

When you love YHWH in your heart, and you keep His instructions, rejecting the temptations Babel brings your way, you too will come to stand alone.

You will not be reckoned among Babel's own, and as a result you WILL experience isolation, rejection, contempt, ridicule, pain, failure, sabotage, obstruction, and I am sure none of you wants that.

As the world continues to alienate itself more and more from YHWH's instructions by upholding lies as truth, YHWH's own will be isolated more than ever before, and they will be painted as psychotics caught up in 'dangerous fundamentalist ideological ideas'.

The image upheld by Christian denominations of a smiling individual who, once he believes in their Jesus, begins to travel downhill after a long tiresome journey up the hill, is far more appealing.

But it is a lie and it sets many up for great disappointment.

You are not going to become a carefree millionaire the moment you believe in Yahshua. 

And when you experience obstruction and failure after you chose to believe in Yahshua, inevitably you will begin to wonder, 'doesn't YHWH love me?', 'is it because of past sin which YHWH cannot forgive?', 'is it because YHWH hates me and I am worthless in His eyes?', 'is it because I am cursed?', 'is it because of the sins of my forefathers that I have to suffer?', 'is it because YHWH lies?'

Many of these questions Babel will whisper in your mind so that the false image which the Christian denominations held up to you becomes a tool in Babel's hands to seduce you into doubt and bitterness.

But rest assured that YHWH cannot lie, nor did His Son lie to us. 

His Son knew of Babel's power and ability to manipulate the circumstances of our lives, and He warned us to be prepared, for anyone who believes in Him will suffer persecution in this world for the sake of the name of Yahshua.

Be glad that the world hates you, because you belong to the King who gave His life for you so that you might live and partake in His joy, now, and even more so in the age to come.

There IS a great and lasting joy and peace to be found in Yahshua only, which you will never experience as long as you serve Babel, and once you are part of this peace and joy you will wonder how on earth you could ever consider yourself to be happy when you still lived under the spell of Babel's false promises.
Once you are given this joy and peace you NEVER want to return to Babel, no matter how much obstruction and misery she sends your way.

Ultimately it becomes a question of what you prefer: the everlasting pain and torment which will befall Babel, or the everlasting joy and peace which you can inherit in Yahshua after a life where you will be treated as a stranger in Babel's house of many pleasures, Babel's brothel.
'Babel's whorehouse', a very appropriate name for the stage of this world.

In the Land of Lies Babel has many ways of creating obstructions for those who belong to YHWH, for she owns the system of the big Lie.
YHWH's own are not helpless in this zombie land, but to help them YHWH has to send forth His power and His angels to pave ways for His servants in this murky swamp, and put up a hedge of protection around them.

Babel's only way of overcoming this hedge of protection is by seducing YHWH's own into sin.
Sin is the permission we give to evil to influence our lives, the button we push which opens up the door to our lives for the Shadow Masters.

This is the reason why, when Balaam was not allowed to curse Israel because YHWH's blessing was upon Israel and the curse can never impose itself on a blessing anymore than Darkness can blot out Light, Balaam used a different tactic to invoke a curse.
His tactic was to seduce Israel into idolatry, a ploy worthy of Babel.
The moment Israel fell for the temptation, the blessing turned into a curse, and history shows that the plague which ensued due to Israel's harlotry killed no less than 24,000 people.

Always keep this in your mind, first and foremost: evil tries to seduce you into sin in order to take control over your life and turn it into an image of misery, and YOU are the one who makes it possible through your choice to sin.

This does not automatically mean that when you experience hardship and suffering it is because you sinned, for we live in Babel's evil structure, and her minions love to manipulate your reality in order to make you believe in their manipulation instead of YHWH's reality for your life.

But, when you sin and you persist in sin instead of repenting from your ways, you have literally opened the door of your life to the Shadow Masters, and they can do as they please.

YHWH has begun the process of restoring Israel.
He has brought back the physical manifestation of the chamber standing on the riser on the stage of Life.
Now that the chamber is back, YHWH continues His restoration process to cleanse the chamber from Babel's defilement, so that in the end Israel will be what YHWH designed it to be: a sanctuary from whence His Light of Truth spreads across the entire stage.
When YHWH comes to expel Babel, Israel's riser will become a throne from whence YHWH's Light will fill the entire stage of the world, where no longer Babel shall be found.

Babel operates the structure controlling every aspect on the stage of life, and this is the reason why her destruction is given such a prominent place just before the end in the narrative of the vision given to John.
YHWH's kingdom is the diametrical opposite of the kingdom of Lies, Babylon, and the Revelation given to John is all about the destruction of the stronghold of deception before YHWH will establish His kingdom of Truth.

The collective guilt of evil throughout the history of mankind, whereby each evil added weight on the scale of evil, will reach the point where it brings about its own destruction which it set in motion the moment the first blood was drawn.

Babel is first and foremost the system of the big Lie, and it has manifested itself everywhere, including the Vatican, the coming Islamic empire, the USA, Europe, the schools, the corporations.

The Babylon whore in John's vision is the metaphorical big wheel as well the empire that thrived on fornication.

Babel is brought down by YHWH forcing the whore to look into His mirror and beholding the reflection of what she has become.

And she will be forced to drink the cup of YHWH's wrath to the bottom, because the whore and all those who have become one flesh with her have made themselves guilty of drinking the blood of YHWH's own, from Abel to the blood of the last martyr.

These are the days of revelation, and YHWH removes the veil hiding the true face of the whore the world fornicates with, a face hidden behind a veneer of deception. 

'He reveals your secret shame in the light of day, Babel, that the world may see and know what they are part of.
For you rule through Falsehood and the Lie, and you make men surrender their lives for the sake of perpetuating your Lies.
You built a system where surrender to the Lie is mandatory in order to receive the good things in Life, and you deny access to even Life itself to those who are not willing to conform to your demands.
You turned the world into a Shadow zone where man pines away as he turns into a Shadow of what he could have been.

I tell you, YHWH yearns to bring you down with an ardent longing, for He has not forgotten.
He did not forget the first drop of blood you shed, and He remembers like yesterday what you have done to His Son!
YHWH will avenge Him by utterly destroying you and your wicked empire of Darkness.
To think that you are not longer on speaking terms with YHWH is a rosy colored euphemism for the wrath He has in store for you.

You thought you could steal the legacy of YHWH's Son away from Him by turning Him into a Roman Jesus?
You thought you could destroy Israel by enticing the Israelites into rebellion, even thinking yourself to be capable of stealing the name of Israel for the sake of your replacement theology?
You thought you could destroy the lives of Yah's own?

Look very closely at your stage Babel, and tell me, what do you see?
Have you noticed the return of the chamber on the riser?
Have you noticed how your false image of the Roman Jesus is crumbling?
Have you seen how the legacy of the rightful King is rising like the sun, and all over the world people are waking up to the true message of Yahshua?
Have you noticed how many are returning to YHWH's instructions, and the wedge you created is crumbling along with the image of the Roman Jesus?
Have you noticed how Yah's own succeed in spite of your efforts to reduce them to failures, how they shine like His diamonds in spite of your efforts to cover their lives with your muck?

NOTHING can stop YHWH's Truth, and it shines against all odds as a messenger of your doom Babel.
Your days are numbered and have come to an end.

YHWH's Son rules through Truth, and He is about to return to take up His rightful possession and establish His kingdom.
You offered Yahshua world domination if only He would worship your false image, YHWH gives Him dominance over ALL of Creation for rejecting you, because in His rejection He showed His undefiled pure love for and devotion to His Father, and His Father will give Him much more than you could possibly offer Him.
He earned it when you took His life and thought nothing of it other than just a 'strategy'.
Only, your strategies will be the noose around your false neck, for you are a slave of your own evil instinct, and it blinds you.

Those of you who presume to work in YHWH's kingdom, you CANNOT be associated with Babel in any way!
Do not think that YHWH is not aware of your need for money, or that I dismiss your daily needs too easily.
It is not as if I live in a millionaire's bubble, out of touch with the reality of needing money to pay the bills and make ends meet.
Far from it!

But you CANNOT turn YHWH into your business venture, for if you do, you invariably end up serving Babel.

You cannot mix Babel's Shadow Servant Mammon with YHWH and claim to serve YHWH because whatever Mammon brings your way is what you 'invest into furthering the news of the gospel of YHWH's kingdom'.

No, what you are doing is that you turned YHWH's word into a business venture which provides you with financial means, and your dependency on this financial provision through your business venture, your exploitation of the holy, will be a chain around your ankle tying you to Mammon's circus, reducing you to a slave in Babel's empire of Darkness.

You cannot turn YHWH's word into a business endeavour anymore than you can mix the holy with the unholy.
It binds you to Babel, and you cannot have intimacy with YHWH AND fornicate with the whore.
You decide who you want to be one with, YHWH or Babel.

When it comes to religious organizations and individuals, ask yourself to what extent it is mixture of fund raising and YHWH's word, and see whether they are able to pass the test of Yahshua's words.
Too many of them are in love with your wallet.

Everywhere, literally at every corner, from charismatic evangelical wolves to messianic matadors, everywhere the table of the moneychangers is shoved right under our noses where worship ought to be at the center.

How can anyone abide in this filthy muck of Babel and call himself clean!? 
You who exploit YHWH's word have no idea of the gravity of what you are doing.
But perhaps Yahshua's deeds as recounted in John 2 may give you a clue.

YHWH keeps pressing it on my heart to warn themwarn themwarn them, with great urgency.
My knowledge is limited to what YHWH shows me, and I do not know the details of what He has planned, but I DO know that this warning should be taken VERY seriously, for this time may be the last chance to turn around.

If you don't, you will be caught in the act, and you will carry the full burden of your shame.

Don't be like the Pharisees who were lovers of money and scoffed at Yahshua when He told them that they could not serve YHWH and Mammon.

They preferred to walk on the broad road leading to Gehenna while pretending to be anointed vessels of YHWH. 
It is sad how after all this time nothing has changed; STILL their sons refuse to learn and stubbornly walk in the footsteps of their fathers.

And if you take a good look around you will see that truly they are many.
Babel has many infiltrants preaching the gospel of Mammon in the guise of bringing the good news of Yahshua's Salvation.

If you insist on exploiting YHWH's word for your financial security, know that when YHWH pours out His wrath on Babel's head, you too will drink of the cup given to her. 
Because you have adopted Babel's ways, you too have become a rebel.
Once you avail yourself of Babel's services to promote the gospel, you have become a worker of lawlessness in this world.

Wouldn't it devastate you if you found yourself knocking on Heaven's door only to hear Yahshua's voice telling you that He never knew you, even though you may have preached in the name of Yahshua, even though you urged people to observe the Shabbath?

I take that very seriously, and I hope you do too.

Because, once YHWH implements His judgment, it will be too late to repent, and quite frankly if Yahshua would speak those words to me, I'd be utterly blown apart, wishing I would never have been born.
But I love Him and always ask Him to keep me pure in this love and devotion that no lust for money, fame or fortune can drive a wedge between my King and me.

"Come out of her my people, lest you partake of her sins", remember this warning?
You will do well to take it to heart.' 

YHWH is about to send His plagues upon the stage as a prelude to the liberation of His own who are treated harshly by Babel's minions.
Just as Pharaoh was covered by the water of the sea as he tried to pursue YHWH's chosen in his attempt to force them back into slavery, YHWH will cover Babel in a blanket of fire when He leads His people out of the bondage of slavery to the promised land of Freedom, where Yahshua shall lead them.
And just as in the night of the Passover YHWH sent the destroyer to bring death to the firstborn of Egypt, Yahshua will come in the night of the world as a thief, ready to destroy the last vestige of Babel with the breath of His mouth.

When Babel comes to an end, she will have no grave, for she will be as if she never really existed.
She was part of a script, and we gave her life by donating our own life-force so that she could have an appearance of existence.
But she shall be as though she never was, and in Truth, she never really was.
And still she reckoned herself to be the queen worthy to sit on YHWH's throne.