That is really the question we are facing today.
ongoing Islamic take-over of Europe is gradually intensifying, leaving a trail
of blood in its wake.
Yet it
is nothing compared to what is coming.
still, in spite of the tragedies, the ones who lie to us on a daily basis, the
shepherds who devour their own flock, keep the doors to our stable wide open
for the wolves so that they can join the dinner party at our expense.
Sweden is
as good as gone.
It would
take a miracle for that nation recover from its mental/spiritual illness.
Still, miracles happen even today if we turn our hearts to the miracle Maker.
is probably the most guilt-ridden nation dealing with its guilt in a wrong,
self-destructive way.
guilt has its origins in German history and the poisonous Evil which influenced
the shape of events such as the murder of millions of Jews in the second world
war, and it has spread to other topics relevant to today's world, such as the
plight of Third World nations, the 'refugees' from Islamic nations.
to compensate for the guilt in order to get rid of it Germans seem to be
willing and even eager to let themselves be robbed, raped and killed.
people, why don't you bring your guilt before
the only One who can forgive you and deal with it that way?
will never rid you of the guilt, but instead it will affect your deeds in such
a way that you end up increasing the guilt until the final remedy presents
itself: suicide.
criminals because you are driven by guilt only creates bigger criminals.
outcome of compensation for the guilt upon your national conscience is only the
result of manipulation by certain parties who use your guilt to install a
suggestions in your minds which fit in their agenda.
unresolved guilt turns you into a playball in the hands of the Fallen Ones.
your guilt before YHWH and ask Him for forgiveness, and show your repentance in
your deeds, not by supporting criminals and allowing them to stay in your midst,
not by overreacting with anger and hatred,
but by doing what is Good in the eyes of our Creator and turning away
from Evil.
about that?
leader today is the epitome of your guilt disease, and it turns her into a female
Hitler possessed by a debilitating Evil Spirit.
cannot allow her to determine your future because that will be like entrusting
yourself, your sons and daughters, to the care of an Evil debased Spirit.
You have
done this in the period which brought you the Nazi regime, do not repeat that
Wouldn't it be sad if in your zeal to compensate for
the guilt of the Nazi era, you end up facilitating Nazi-minded parties wearing
a different costume?
It is
your unrepentance which fuels the guilt motor driving you into the abyss.
turns you into a puppet whose strings are operated by the guilt manipulators.
is a nation where the socialist Spirit is busy replacing the French people with
murderous Islamic scumbags who are politically protected by the socialist
The nation
which can be truly grateful for the great talents it has spawned now has become
a nation well on its way on the road of self-destruction.
possesses you to align yourself with a false brand of tolerance, what makes you
give away a beautiful nation which has places reminiscent of Eden?
towards criminals enables the criminals and gives them free reign over your
that is not the way you wish to go, trusting in liars in public office, liars
in the official media, liars in education and liars in entertainment?
there's Italy, the nation where the ones in power force citizens to take up
migrants into their homes, even dispossessing home owners (temporarily?) of
their homes for the sake of giving their property to migrants.
What on
Earth happened to the Romans that they became such a weak willed namby-pamby nation
kissing the feet of the liars in
parliament and the media, isn't there any love for YHWH's Truth left in Italy?
And do
not think that I have forgotten the Dutch people, quite the contrary.
Dutch deserve a really good beating on their hypocritical rear ends.
themselves as the epitome of tolerance this nation has no tolerance for the
ones who dare to have an opinion deviating from the politically correct Lie
which has infiltrated every rotten aspect of this depraved society, a society
where Evil Spirits dwell and rule through their complacent servants.
Netherlands have become a cesspit, a piece of excrement ready to be flushed.
Dutch, always so eager to correct the world in moral affairs and quick to lift
up the stern finger of disapproval to nations disrespecting human rights and
individual freedom, now seem to be in the grip of the same great big Lie which also
holds the other European nations captive.
A nation
where the political incorrect are punished by law, and if it fails they are
killed by the bullet from the Left wing hypocrites.
former dies, the latter lives on to increase the guilt of the nation.
How long
before a majority of the Dutch will realize the extent of the Lie, how long
before they will stand up and be counted?
There is
a part of this nation which stands up and speaks up, the part which is awake
and stands in disagreement with the Evil power holding this nation in its grip,
and they are the only hope for this nation to avoid the destruction which is
about to be unleashed.
I hope
there will be enough people capable of distinguishing Truth from lies, but even
if this is the case here too there will be the issue of bloodguilt to deal
repentance for a nation is the same as for an individual: if you seek forgiveness
you have to abandon your iniquities, which means an end to the abominable
abortion practices for instance, and an end to supporting those who seek to do
the connection to the rest in YHWH is cut , through our Sin we come to experience
YHWH as the driving Force behind our UN-REST.
un-rest and the emotions boosting this feeling like a magnifying glass is the
guilt package driving us to seek a resolve for this inner turmoil.
guilt drives you to make up for the lost peace, either by repenting and seeking
forgiveness in YHWH, which is the good way ofdealing with guilt, or by
compensating in a wrong way which only increases the guilt so that it becomes a
stronger force pervading every aspect of your Life.
often we tend to compensate in the wrong way for his guilt, and our means of
compensation becomes our hideaway from the guilt so that instead of having it
resolved it now resides in our sub-conscious mind and influences us in ways we
no longer can detect.
We grow
into pillars of resistance against YHWH's Ruach, His Spirit, driven by the
unconscious force of the latent guilt.
This is
exactly what makes the guilt mechanism an ideal motor which keeps us firmly
locked into the grip of the Adversary and his manipulative games.
A guilty
individual is an individual who can easily be manipulated.
our guilt we become prisoners chained to the wall of the Satan.
The New
World Order architects and advocates seek to create guilt, because it is a very
powerful and effective tool to manipulate people and shape their destiny, it is
the fuel which empowers and drives a false implanted conscience.
renders an individual to a state of mind which is open for hypnotic suggestion,
an ideal way to manipulate and program the individual and thus create a
robotic, psychotic slave acting out the suggestion.
For the
New World Order gang guilt is part and parcel of their strategy, and they seek
to induce guilt through facilitating and promoting temptations to Sin.
Sin people break loose from the Source of Peace and Rest, YHWH, and the
resulting UN-rest and guilt can be used as the means to program people in the
image of a certain agenda.
This is
why the globalist Left wing is so supportive of everything which YHWH defines
as Sin.
travels through generations until it is resolved in a proper way.
This is
what the Bible tells us when we read that the Sins of the fathers are visited
upon the children:
leads us into situations which caused our fathers to sin in order that we might
go the opposite direction.
If we do
not follow into the footsteps of our fathers the guilt traveling through the
bloodlines is resolved, and instead of becoming another generation which hates
YHWH we become the generation which loves YHWH.
And as
we can read in the Bible, YHWH shows mercy to thousands of generations which
love Him, but by no means does He clear the guilt without it being addressed by
If we
repeat the Sins of our fathers and show no repentance, the guilt passes on from
father to son and on to the next generation, until it meets someone with a
heart which years for YHWH, a heart where the guilt is resolved.
Guilt is
the result of an obstacle in our path, Sin, the separation from YHWH's peace,
and the obstacle MUST be removed if we want to experience YHWH's peace again.
way to remove the obstacle of guilt is through repentance and choosing to do
what is Good and right in YHWH's eyes, and the only way our hearts can be
changed in the most profound way is by giving our heart to Yahshua.
so many people in Western nations refuse to repent and turn to YHWH that they
might be healed, they are driven by guilt.
nation where people are driven by guilt is a nation in bondage to the Evil One,
and they serve his interest as slaves in his empire.
As long
as people refuse to turn back they will remain slaves, prisoners in the dungeon
of the Fallen Ones, and there is NO freedom whatsoever.
The only
freedom they have is the illusion fed to them by the Seducer, which is nothing
other than a form of escapism, a way to avoid seeing the Truth of your
And now
the moment is coming when, because of the hardness of heart, YHWH allows this
guilt to drive the people into suicide, as is the case with Germany today.
hardship we face today are alarm signals, wake-up calls in order that the
people may experience a shock which will set them free from the hypnotic
bondage to Evil.
the German people (and the people of every other nation on Earth) learn to go to
YHWH and repent, allowing Him to resolve the guilt instead of overcompensating
for the guilt by supporting criminals, or they will increase the guilt, either
by repeating the Nazi era, or by allowing themselves to be slaughtered and
beaten into submission to Islam because of their compensation for this guilt.
Guilt is
the one issue which stands in the way of a true renaissance.
It is
true for the individual, it is true for the USA, it is true for all European
means you turn back, in other words, you do not continue on the same road
travelled, but you show your repentance in a changed mindset which makes you
turn away from the old Sin.
FIRST your mindset needs to be changed, and the ONLY way that the mindset can
be changed is if YHWH puts His Spirit in you so that the Light of the Ruach,
YHWH's Spirit, destroys the Darkness and the guilt of the Darkness in the
hearts of the people.
way to this renewal by YHWH's Ruach is found in Yahshua, there is no
cannot continue the way we always have by allowing Satanic practices to prosper
under the banner of individual freedom.
cannot EVER allow the murder of the unborn to remain legalized and regard this
Satanic sacrifice as an expression of individual freedom of the woman who is
with child.
cannot tolerate euthanasia either for the same reason.
return to YHWH's instructions if we want to be truly free and experience His
rest in our hearts and minds and be free from the curse of guilt shaping our
destiny in the image of the compensation for the guilt, either through
self-hatred and self-abasement, or through hatred projected unto a specific
population group.
sustained anger, makes you feel right when you are not, it blinds and robs us
of sound judgment.
It is
only through YHWH that we can prosper and build up a future.
His Salvation, His Yahshua, we are exploited by the Adversary who hates Mankind
and wants to destroy us, and believe me, this is not a fairy tale.
It is
only because we are very useful containers with an abundance of Life-force and
a Soul that he needs us on his farm so that we can serve as his food, but when
the moment comes, -and it is not far off anymore-, he will attempt to blot out
the image of Man and replace it with his own Evil invention, a humanoid robot,
a vessel for Evil Spirits devoid of everything we hold dear as human beings.
I hate
the works of the Evil One and everything he stands for, and I hope the majority
of people feel likewise and join me in the rebellion against the tyranny of the
Evil One.
don't you take the words spoken by Jeremiah to Judah and Jerusalem to heart?
'I will cleanse them from all the guilt of their Sin against Me, and I will forgive all the guilt of their Sin and rebellion against Me.
And this city shall be to Me a name of joy, a praise and a glory before all the nations of the Earth who shall hear of all the Good that I do for them.
They shall fear and tremble because of all the Good and all the prosperity I provide for it.'
Jeremiah 33.8-9
These words are true for every nation which gives its heart to YHWH.
The guilt of that nation will be forgiven, and because the guilt is removed, YHWH's peace will enter that nation and give it an equilibrium which allows that nation to make sensible, wise decisions, and keep it safe from manipulation by those who love Evil.
Today is the day we are given a new chance.
Either we seize it, or we will not only lose that unique chance but lose our future as well.
It is not enough to vote for a political candidate who is not in bondage to the prevailing agenda of Evil.
We need to work out our choice through a true repentance and a turning away from Evil, adjusting our laws so that they become a reflection of YHWH's instructions to the people of Israel.
If we refuse to repent, then we make this new opportunity meaningless, we bring it to naught.
Do not boast and make yourselves great, because I tell you, even if someone like Trump makes America strong again and increases its weaponry, it will be meaningless and America will suffer destruction through the love for Evil.
The window of relief given to the USA then becomes a prelude to utter destruction of the nation.
Work out your repentance and turn to Yahshua Who can change the hearts of men, THEN you will prosper and see an abundance of prosperity and security.
Take these words to heart and you will live and prosper, ignore them and you will suffer destruction at the hands of Evil.
Boast in YHWH's greatness and praise Him ONLY for that greatness, for all Good things and the power to do Good comes from Him, and you cannot get it anywhere else.
Do not waste the opportunity YHWH gives us!
Like the USA European nations will be given a new chance, a choice Europe has to make, and this choice will seal the fate of Europe either way.
'I will cleanse them from all the guilt of their Sin against Me, and I will forgive all the guilt of their Sin and rebellion against Me.
And this city shall be to Me a name of joy, a praise and a glory before all the nations of the Earth who shall hear of all the Good that I do for them.
They shall fear and tremble because of all the Good and all the prosperity I provide for it.'
Jeremiah 33.8-9
These words are true for every nation which gives its heart to YHWH.
The guilt of that nation will be forgiven, and because the guilt is removed, YHWH's peace will enter that nation and give it an equilibrium which allows that nation to make sensible, wise decisions, and keep it safe from manipulation by those who love Evil.
Today is the day we are given a new chance.
Either we seize it, or we will not only lose that unique chance but lose our future as well.
It is not enough to vote for a political candidate who is not in bondage to the prevailing agenda of Evil.
We need to work out our choice through a true repentance and a turning away from Evil, adjusting our laws so that they become a reflection of YHWH's instructions to the people of Israel.
If we refuse to repent, then we make this new opportunity meaningless, we bring it to naught.
Do not boast and make yourselves great, because I tell you, even if someone like Trump makes America strong again and increases its weaponry, it will be meaningless and America will suffer destruction through the love for Evil.
The window of relief given to the USA then becomes a prelude to utter destruction of the nation.
Work out your repentance and turn to Yahshua Who can change the hearts of men, THEN you will prosper and see an abundance of prosperity and security.
Take these words to heart and you will live and prosper, ignore them and you will suffer destruction at the hands of Evil.
Boast in YHWH's greatness and praise Him ONLY for that greatness, for all Good things and the power to do Good comes from Him, and you cannot get it anywhere else.
Do not waste the opportunity YHWH gives us!
Like the USA European nations will be given a new chance, a choice Europe has to make, and this choice will seal the fate of Europe either way.
The big
question is: will Europe choose for Life and fight against the liars in their
midst, or will she choose for Death and drown herself into a coma of total
It is
going to be the descent into Darkness, or the dawn of a new era, the curse or
the blessing, to bow before the sons of Ishmael or to join the sons of Jacob, slavery
or freedom.
It is in
Yahshua that we find mercy, forgiveness, reconciliation with our Heavenly
Father, and a true new beginning, in Him only we find true peace and rest.
He, and only
He, is the Door and the Way to our Heavenly Father.
better way to celebrate Yahshua's coming into this world than by turning to Him
and opening our hearts to Him?
That is
the only way we will ever have a future.
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