
Merry Christmas

Before I forget: a very merry Christmas to everyone.

Yes, I know it is not the right date of Yahshua's birthday, and there are pagan elements surrounding the Christmas celebration, but you know what?
For those who believe sincerely Christmas is about celebrating Yahshua's coming into this world as the saving Light of Mankind, and not about the sun god or any other deity, nor is it about the Saturnalia, but about Yahshua, that makes it worthwhile.

I hear reports about Muslims butchering Christians in the Middle East, I see the ongoing war of Evil Left wingers against Christianity and Christian celebrations such as Christmas, and because of this ongoing war against anything which points to Yahshua and which celebrates this King and Savior I have made the decision to defend Christmas as the traditional Christian day in honor of Yahshua.
The Judeo-Christian foundation of our society is under severe attack by ruthless globalists constantly seeking to muzzle the mouth of the opposition through censorship, and in their quest to rid the Western world of this foundation upon which our laws were built they leave no stone unturned to destroy all reminders of Christianity, even opening the doors of our nations to Islamic killers KNOWING that they will destroy the nations and the lives of the people living in them, they KNOW, Merkel KNOWS, and ruthless as they are STILL they refuse to repent, even though blood is dripping from their hands.
The foundation in Yahshua stands for freedom, individuality, Goodness, respect for Life, respect for the family, and it is the constant corrosion of this foundation which debilitates our nations and turns us into a playball in the hands of Evil Spirits and their marionettes.

Yes, I know people carry Christmas trees into their homes and give each other presents but so what?
Is this in itself an Evil thing to you?
Didn't the wise men from the East who visited Yahshua's parents in Bethlehem bring presents with them to honor the coming of the King?
Is it then wrong to celebrate this joyous occasion by giving presents to each other?
Judaism knows days which have their origin in human tradition, Christianity has days which have their origin in human tradition.
Because of this ongoing war against Yahshua and His own and Israel I decided to defend Christmas.
I do not want Evil Spirits have their way and rid the world of this marker which celebrates and honors Yahshua, a festivity where the joy over Yahshua's coming is celebrated by giving presents to each other.

As for myself, forgive me if I do not carry trees into my living quarters or spend hours upon hours staring at the faces of pretenders who in their hearts worship the Satan yet outwardly carry the banner of Christianity.
I love Truth and Sincerity, and I cannot abide in the shadow of false pretence.
Not that those who celebrate Christmas are hypocrites, I am just referring to my own experience with Christmas celebrations, in particular when it comes to the drudge and hypocrisy of family gatherings.
I suppose that my love for being alone with my Creator rather than having to attend social occasions does not help much either.
And if you add to this the fact that I could not care less for human traditions you probably understand why I personally prefer to be alone on Christmas and enjoy my Heavenly Father's presence over having to attend Christmas celebrations.
My way of honoring Yahshua is by doing it His way and dedicating my heart to Him each single day of my Life to the best of my ability.

But in the light of the attacks on Christmas I WILL defend that day, because the agenda behind these attacks is so obvious.
So to everyone who reads this: I wish you a very merry Christmas.
Just as Yahshua came into this world some 2000 years ago I pray that He will no longer wait and return again, because this world needs His Light more than ever and I long for the day I will see His Kingdom manifest on Earth as it is in the Heavens.
Let His Light shine again in this Darkness and in the heart of Man.

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